* — \ *1 PROt^ DOCUMENTATION FOR AIRCRAFT, COMMERCIAL MARINE VESSEL, LOCOMOTIVE, AND OTHER NONROAD COMPONENTS OF THE NATIONAL EMISSIONS INVENTORY - Volume 1 Methodology ------- ------- EPA-454/B-20-023a September 2005 DOCUMENTATION FOR AIRCRAFT, COMMERCIAL MARINE VESSEL, LOCOMOTIVE, AND OTHER NONROAD COMPONENTS OF THE NATIONAL EMISSIONS INVENTORY - Volume 1 Methodology Prepared by: E.H. Pechan & Associates, Inc. 3622 Lyckan Parkway, Suite 2002 Durham, NC 27707 And Eastern Research Group, Inc. 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Suite 200 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Prepared for: Laurel Driver Emission Factor and Inventory Group (D205-01) Emissions, Monitoring and Analysis Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711 Contract No. 68-D-02-063 Work Order No. 3-01 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Air Quality Assessment Division Research Triangle Park, NC ------- DOCUMENTATION FOR AIRCRAFT, COMMERCIAL MARINE VESSEL, LOCOMOTIVE, AND OTHER NONROAD COMPONENTS OF THE NATIONAL EMISSIONS INVENTORY Volume I - Methodology Prepared by: Eastern Research Group, Inc. 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Suite 200 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Prepared for: E.H. Pechan & Associates, Inc. 3622 Lyckan Parkway Suite 2002 Durham, North Carolina 27707 For Submittal to: Laurel Driver Emission Factor and Inventory Group (D205-01) Emissions, Monitoring and Analysis Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711 ------- Page is intentionally left blank. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 111 ------- TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 What is the National Emission Inventory? 1-1 1.2 Why Did the EPA Create the NEI? 1-1 1.3 How is the EPA Going to Use This Version of the NEI? 1-2 1.4 Report Organization 1-3 2.0 DEVELOPMENT OF THE AIRCRAFT, COMMERCIAL MARINE VESSEL, LOCOMOTIVE, AND OTHER NONROAD COMPONENTS FOR THE NEI 2-1 2.1 Aircraft 2-10 2.1.1 What are Aircraft Sources? 2-10 2.1.2 What Pollutants are Included in that National Emission Estimates for Aircraft? 2-11 2.1.3 How Were Aircraft Emissions Estimated? 2-12 2.1.4 How Were National Emissions Allocated to Individual Counties? . . . 2-16 2.1.5 Data Provided by States 2-17 2.1.6 What are the Results? 2-22 2.1.7 Aircraft References 2-24 2.2 Commercial Marine Vessels 2-26 2.2.1 What are Commercial Marine Vessels? 2-26 2.2.2 What Pollutants are Included in the National Emission Estimates for CMVs? 2-26 2.2.3 How Were the CMV Emissions Estimated? 2-27 2.2.4 How Were National Emissions Allocated to Individual Counties? . . . 2-29 2.2.5 State Provided Data 2-30 2.2.6 What are the Results? 2-34 2.2.7 Commercial Marine Vessel References 2-36 2.3 Locomotives 2-39 2.3.1 What are Locomotive Sources? 2-39 2.3.2 What Pollutants are Included in the National Emission Estimates for Locomotives? 2-39 2.3.3 How Were Locomotive Emissions Estimated? 2-40 2.3.4 How Were National Emissions Allocated to Individual Counties? . . . 2-42 2.3.5 Data Provided Data 2-43 2.3.6 What are the Results? 2-43 2.3.7 Locomotive References 2-51 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd iv ------- TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section Page 2.4 Other Nonroad Mobile Sources 2-53 2.4.1 What are Other Nonroad Mobile Sources? 2-53 2.4.2 What Pollutants are Included? 2-53 2.4.3 How Were the Other Nonroad Vehicle and Equipment Emissions Estimates 2-54 2.4.4 How Were National Emissions Allocated to Individual Counties? . . . 2-58 2.4.5 State Provided Data 2-58 2.4.6 What are the Results? 2-59 2.4.7 Other Nonroad Mobile Source References 2-61 3.0 COMPILING THE INVENTORY DATA INTO THE NEI DATABASE 3-1 4.0 WHAT ARE THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS AIRCRAFT, COMMERCIAL MARINE VESSEL, LOCOMOTIVE, AND OTHER NONROAD INVENTORY? 4-1 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 5-1 5.1 Introduction 5-1 5.2 Quality Checks Performed on Nationally-Derived Emission Estimates 5-2 5.2.1 Evaluate Emission Estimating Procedures 5-2 5.2.2 Review Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles 5-3 5.2.3 Activity Data 5-3 5.2.4 Check Other Input Data 5-4 5.2.5 Check Output Data 5-4 5.2.6 Identify Outliers 5-4 5.2.7 Compare with Historical Data 5-5 5.3 Quality Checks Performed on S/L/T Submitted Emission Estimates 5-6 5.3.1 Evaluate Database Structures 5-6 5.3.2 Identify Inappropriate Codes 5-6 5.3.3 Removal of Non-Criteria Pollutants and HAPs 5-7 5.3.4 Compare Submitted Estimates for Consistency 5-7 5.3.5 Comparison with Nationally-Derived Emission Estimates 5-8 5.4 Quality Checks Performed on NEI Database 5-8 5.4.1 Identify Data Gaps 5-8 5.4.2 Insure Data Fields are Correctly Populated 5-9 5.5 Peer Review of Draft Emission Estimates 5-9 5.6 Development of Final Emission Estimates 5-9 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd v ------- TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section Page 5.7 Quality Checks Performed on S/L/T Output Data Files 5-10 5.7.1 Check Record Counts 5-10 5.7.2 Insure That All States are Included 5-10 6.0 INFORMATION QUALITY GUIDELINES 6-1 6.1 Overview 6-1 6.2 Purpose of the National Emission Inventory 6-2 6.3 Potential Uses 6-3 6.4 Pre-dissemination Checklist 6-3 6.4.1 EPA Information Quality Guidelines 6-4 6.4.2 Product Content - Inputs, Methodologies, and Outputs 6-4 6.4.3 Transparency of Data Development Process 6-5 6.4.4 Data Ranking of the Emission Estimates 6-7 6.4.5 Product Limitations and Caveats 6-8 6.4.6 Contact Information 6-11 6.4.7 EPA Disclaimer 6-12 Appendix A Aircraft Emission Estimation Methodology A-l Appendix B Commercial Marine Vessels Emission Estimation Methodology B-l Appendix C Locomotive Emission Estimation Methodology C-l Appendix D Other Nonroad Mobile Source Emission Estimating Methods and Data .... D-l Appendix E State Database Summary Sheets for Draft NEI E-l Appendix F NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants F-l jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd vi ------- LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table Page 2-1 Methods Used to Develop Annual Emission Estimates for Other Nonroad Mobile Sources 2-2 2-2 Summary of State Submitted Aircraft Data 2-19 2-3 Aircraft Criteria Emission Estimates 1978-2002 (TPY) 2-23 2-4 Aircraft HAP Emission Estimates 1990-2002 (TPY) 2-23 2-5 Summary of State Submitted CMV Data 2-31 2-6 Commercial Marine Vessel Criteria Emission Estimates 1978-2001 (TPY) 2-35 2-7 Commercial Marine Vessel HAP Emission Estimates 1990-1999 (TPY) 2-35 2-8 State Submitted Locomotive Data 2-44 2-9 Locomotive Criteria Estimates 1979-2001 (TPY) 2-49 2-10 Locomotive HAP Emission Estimates 1990-1999 (TPY) 2-49 2-11 Summary of State Submitted Other Nonroad Data 2-59 2-12 Other Nonroad HAP Emissions Estimates for 1990-1999 2-60 Figures Page 2-1 Procedures for Estimating Emissions from Commercial Air Carriers 2-13 2-2 Procedures for Estimating Emissions from Air Taxis and General Aviation 2-15 2-3 Procedures for Estimating Emissions for CMV 2-28 2-4 Overview of Approach Use to Estimate National Criteria Pollutant and HAP Emissions 2-41 2-5 Overview of Methods Used to Estimate County Level HAP Emission from Nonroad Mobile Sources 2-55 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd vii ------- 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is the National Emission Inventory? The National Emission Inventory (NEI) is a comprehensive inventory covering all criteria pollutants and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) for all areas of the United States. The NEI was created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Emission Factor and Inventory Group (EFIG) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. This report presents an overview of how emission estimates for the aircraft, commercial marine vessel (CMV), locomotive, and other nonroad engine components of the NEI were compiled. The other nonroad engines and equipment include a diverse list of portable equipment not included in any of the other mobile source categories, such as: lawn and garden equipment, construction equipment, engines used in recreational activities, portable industrial, commercial, and agricultural engines. Note, the equipment included in this category are equipment and engine types included in the NONROAD model. The NEI will be used to support air quality modeling and other activities. To this end, the EPA established a goal to compile comprehensive emissions data in the NEI for criteria and HAPs for mobile, point, and nonpoint sources. 1.2 Why Did the EPA Create the NEI? The Clean Air Act (CAA), as amended in 1990, includes mandates for the EPA related to criteria and hazardous air pollutants. The CAA defines criteria pollutants as being one of the following air pollutants: ~ Carbon monoxide (CO); ~ Sulfur oxides (SOx); jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 1-1 ------- ~ Nitrogen oxides (NOx); ~ Ozone; and ~ Particulate matter (PM). Ammonia (NH3) is an important precursor to PM fine formation. However, NH3 is not included in any sources covered in this documentation, though states may have provided estimates for this pollutant, these states submitted estimates have been incorporated into the NEI. Hazardous air pollutants are also delineated in the CAA, see http://www.epa. gov/ttn/atw/188polls.html for a complete list of regulated pollutants and their chemical abstract service [CAS] numbers. Note, estimates were not developed for mercury and arsenic, in light of uncertainty associated with the emission estimates methods used in previous NEI data sets. The CAA requires the EPA to identify emission sources of these pollutants, quantify emissions, develop regulations for the identified source categories, and assess the public health and environmental impacts after the regulations are put into effect. The NEI is a tool that EPA can use to meet the CAA mandates. In this report, criteria and HAP emission estimates are discussed for aircraft, CMV, locomotives and other nonroad mobile sources (HAP pollutants for 1990, 1996, and 1999 only). 1.3 How is the EPA Going to Use This Version of the NEI? It is anticipated that the emission inventory developed from this effort will have multiple end uses. The data have been formatted according to protocols established for the EPA's NEI submittals. The common data structure on which the NEI platform is based will allow the NEI emission data to be transferred to multiple end-users for a variety of purposes. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 1-2 ------- The criteria and HAP emission estimates developed for the NEI will be incorporated into the annual EPA publication entitled National Emissions Trends Report, which is used to evaluate air pollution trends over time. The NEI is also a critical component of the EPA's national Air Toxics Program (as described in EPA's July 19, 1999 Federal Register notice, 64 FR 38706). The initial objective is to make the data available for air quality modeling use in the National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA). 1.4 Report Organization Note this report updates the February 4, 2005 version to include the revised emission estimates provided by States for all source categories for 2002. Following this introduction, Section 2.0 provides information on how the national aircraft, CMV, locomotive, and other nonroad emission estimates were developed, and how state and local inventory data were incorporated. This inventory effort was coordinated by the EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) and EFIG. Section 3.0 provides information on how the inventory data were compiled into a common data structure. Section 4.0 discusses the limitations of the data. The appendix were created to provide technical details on how the national emissions were developed and how state and local inventory data (when provided) were incorporated into the national estimates. Appendix A provides details on how aircraft criteria and HAP emissions were estimated. Appendix B provides details on how criteria and HAP emissions were developed for CMVs. Appendix C includes the criteria and HAP estimating methodologies used for locomotives. Appendix D documents the methods used to estimate HAP emissions from other nonroad engine sources. Appendix E provides summaries of the submitted state and local data. Appendix F presents the complete NEI pollutant code dictionary of HAPs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 1-3 ------- 2.0 DEVELOPMENT OF THE AIRCRAFT, COMMERCIAL MARINE VESSEL, LOCOMOTIVE AND OTHER NONROAD COMPONENTS FOR THE NEI The NEI was developed to include all point, nonpoint (area), and mobile sources. The approaches used in the point and nonpoint source categories are documented in other reports. Table 2-1 summarizes the approaches used to estimate emissions from all nonroad sources included in the NEI program. Those source categories and years that are included in this report are noted in bold. The scope of this inventory component of the NEI was to compile criteria and HAP emissions data for aircraft, CMV, and locomotives and HAP emissions for other nonroad engines operating in the United States. In this effort, national emission estimates were often developed for each of the above source categories and allocated to counties based on available Geographic Information System (GIS) data. For some pollutants associated with the other nonroad source category, county-level (instead of national) data were used to estimate emissions. The methodologies used to estimate emissions and the procedures used to spatially allocate them to the county-level are discussed in greater detail in this section, with supplemental data provided in Appendices A, B, C, and D. In Volume 2 of this report, reference material used in this inventory effort that are unpublished or difficult to locate are provided. Concurrent with the development of the national emission estimates, state and local agencies developed and provided to the EPA, emissions inventory data for their areas based on local knowledge and activity information. These state and local agency data replaced the national emission estimates when the pollutant, source category, and emission type matched with the national estimates. Submitted state and local data that did not match the nationally-derived data were retained along with the national estimates. State and local data were used as provided and never adjusted to better match the national data. It should be noted that state data that were not provided in the appropriate NIF format could not be incorporated into the NEI. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-1 ------- Table 2-1. Methods Used to Develop Annual Emission Estimates for Nonroad Mobile Sources (categories included in this report are noted in bold print) Category Base Year Pollutantfs) Estimation Method* NONROAD Categories Nonroad Gasoline, Diesel, LPG, CNG 2002 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM25, NH3, & HAPs Emission estimates for NONROAD model engines were developed using EPA's National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM), which incorporates NONROAD2004. Where states provided alternate nonroad inputs, these data replaced EPA default inputs. State-supplied emissions data also replaced default EPA emission estimates. 1999 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Using emission estimates from two emission inventories including: 1) a 1996 county-level inventory, developed using EPA's October 2001 draft NONROAD model; and 2) an updated 1999 national inventory, based on EPA's draft Lockdown C NONROAD model (dated May 2002). Using the 1996 county-level emission estimates, seasonal and daily county-to-national ratios were then developed for application to updated national estimates per season estimated from the Lockdown C model. Replaced State- submitted data for California for all NONROAD model categories; Pennsylvania for recreational marine and aircraft ground support equipment, and Texas for select equipment categories. 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000 & 2001 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Using emission estimates from two emission inventories including: 1) a 1996 county-level inventory, developed using EPA's October 2001 draft NONROAD model; and 2) updated year-specific national and California inventories, based on EPA's draft Lockdown C NONROAD model (dated May 2002). Using the 1996 county-level emission estimates, seasonal and daily county-to-national ratios and California county-to-state ratios were then developed for application to updated national estimates per season estimated from the Lockdown C model. California results replace the diesel equipment emissions generated from prior application of county-to-national ratios. 1991-1995 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5, NH3 Using 1990 and 1996 county-level emissions inventories, estimated emissions using linear interpolation of national emissions between 1990 and 1996. From these emissions, calculated the average annual growth rate for each pollutant/SCC combination for each year, and then applied the growth factors to 1990 county-level emissions to estimate 1991-1995 emissions. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-2 ------- Table 2-1. Methods for Developing Annual Emission Estimates for Nonroad Mobile Sources (Continued) (categories included in this report are noted in bold print) Category Base Year Pollutantfs) Estimation Method* Nonroad Gasoline, Diesel, LPG, and CNG (Continued) 1990 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Using emission estimates from two emission inventories including: 1) a 1996 county-level inventory, developed using EPA's October 2001 draft NONROAD model; and 2) updated 1990 national inventory, based on EPA's draft Lockdown C NONROAD model (dated May 2002). Using the 1996 county-level emission estimates, seasonal and daily county-to-national ratios were then developed for application to updated national estimates per season estimated from the Lockdown C model. 1986, 1988, & 1989 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5, NH3 Using 1985 and 1990 county-level emissions inventories, estimated emissions using linear interpolation of national emissions between 1985 and 1990. From these emissions, calculated the average annual growth rate for each pollutant/SCC combination for each year, and then applied the growth factors to 1985 county-level emissions to estimate 1986-1989 emissions. 1987 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Using EPA's draft Lockdown C NONROAD model (dated May 2002), developed updated national emissions for 1987 by running 4 seasonal NONROAD model runs to estimate annual criteria pollutant emissions. Also performed national NONROAD model runs to estimate typical summer weekday emissions. 1985 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Using emission estimates from two emission inventories including: 1) a 1996 county-level inventory, developed using EPA's October 2001 draft NONROAD model; and 2) updated 1985 national inventory, based on EPA's draft Lockdown C NONROAD model (dated May 2002). Using the 1996 county-level emission estimates, seasonal and daily county-to-national ratios were then developed for application to updated national estimates per season estimated from the Lockdown C model. 1970, 1975, 1978, & 1980 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Using EPA's draft Lockdown C NONROAD model (dated May 2002), developed updated national emissions for all years by running 4 seasonal NONROAD model runs to estimate annual criteria pollutant emissions. Also performed national NONROAD model runs to estimate typical summer weekday emissions. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-3 ------- Table 2-1. Methods for Developing Annual Emission Estimates for Nonroad Mobile Sources (Continued) (categories included in this report are noted in bold print) Category Base Year Pollutantfs) Estimation Method* Nonroad Gasoline, Diesel, LPG, and CNG (Continued) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, & 2001 nh3 Obtaining national fuel consumption estimates from the Lockdown C NONROAD model, multiplying by NH3 emission factors, and distributing to counties using 1996 inventory, based on October 2001 draft NONROAD. NH3 emissions for California were also recalculated using updated diesel fuel consumption values generated for California-specific runs, and assuming the 1996 county-level distribution. 1985 & 1990 nh3 Obtaining national fuel consumption estimates from the Lockdown C NONROAD model, multiplying by NH3 emission factors, and distributing to counties using 1996 inventory, based on October 2001 draft NONROAD. 1987 nh3 Obtaining 1987 national fuel consumption estimates from Lockdown C NONROAD model and multiplying by NH3 emission factors. 1970, 1975, 1978, & 1980 nh3 Obtaining national fuel consumption estimates from the Lockdown C NONROAD model and multiplying by NH3 emission factors. 1990,1996, & 1999 HAPs Speciation profiles applied to county VOC and PM estimates. Metal HAPs were calculated using fuel and activity-based emission factors. Some state data were provided and replaced national estimates. (2003) Aircraft Commercial Aircraft 2002 Criteria and HAPs Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Emissions and Dispersion and Modeling System (EDMS) was run for criteria pollutants, VOC and PM emissions were speciated into HAP components. (2004) 1990,1996, 1999, 2000, 2001 VOC, NOx, SOx CO, Input landing and take-off (LTO) data into FAA EDMS. National emissions were assigned to airports based on airport specific LTO data and BTS GIS data. State data replaced national estimates. (2003) 1970-1998 VOC, NOx, CO, sox Estimated emissions for interim years using linear interpolation between available base years. (2003) 1990,1996, 1999 HAPs Speciation profiles were applied to VOC estimates to get national HAP estimates. State data replaced national estimates. (2003) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-4 ------- Table 2-1. Methods for Developing Annual Emission Estimates for Nonroad Mobile Sources (Continued) (categories included in this report are noted in bold print) Category Base Year Pollutantfs) Estimation Method* General Aviation, Air Taxis 1978,1987, 1990,1996, 1999, 2000, 2001,& 2002 VOC, NOx, CO, so2,pm10,pm25 Used FAA LTO data and EPA approved emission factors for criteria estimates. Speciation profiles were applied to VOC estimates to get national HAP estimates. State data replaced national estimates. (2004) 1970-1998 VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, PM2 5 Estimated emissions for interim years using linear interpolation between available base years. (2003) 1990,1996, 1999, & 2002 HAPs Used FAA LTO data and EPA approved emission factors for criteria estimates. Speciation profiles were applied to VOC estimates to develop national HAP estimates. (2004) 1990,1996, 1999, & 2002 Pb Used Department of Energy (DOE) aviation gasoline usage data with lead concentration of aviation gasoline. (2004) 1996 nh3 Applied NH3 emissions factors to 1996 national jet fuel and aviation gasoline consumption estimates. Military Aircraft 1978,1987, 1990,1996, 1999, 2000, 2001,& 2002 VOC, NOx, CO, so2,pm10,pm25 Used FAA LTO data and EPA approved emission factors for criteria estimates. Representative HAP profiles were not readily available, therefore HAP estimates were not developed. State data replaced national estimates. (2004) 1970-1998 VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, PM2 5 Estimated emissions for interim years using linear interpolation between available base years. (2003) Auxiliary Power Units 1985-2001 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Grew 1996 emissions to each year using LTO operations data from the FAA. Estimation methods prior to 1996 reported in EPA, 1998. Unpaved Airstrips1 1985-2001 PM10, PM2 5 Grew 1996 emissions to each year using SIC 45-Air Transportation growth factors, consistent with the current draft version of EGAS. Estimation methods prior to 1996 reported in EPA, 1998. Aircraft Refueling1 1985-2001 VOC Grew 1996 emissions to each year using SIC 45-Air Transportation growth factors, consistent with the current draft version of EGAS. Estimation methods prior to 1996 reported in EPA, 1998. Commercial Marine Vessel (CMV) All CMV Categories 2002 VOC, NOx, CO, so2,pm10,pm25 2001 Estimates carried over. Used state data when provided. (2004) HAPs 1999 Estimates carried over. Used state data when provided. (2004) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-5 ------- Table 2-1. Methods for Developing Annual Emission Estimates for Nonroad Mobile Sources (Continued) (categories included in this report are noted in bold print) Category Base Year Pollutantfs) Estimation Method* CMV Diesel 1978,1987, 1990,1996, 1999, 2000, & 2001 VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, & PM25, Used criteria emission estimates in the background document for marine diesel regulations for 2000. Adjusted 2000 criteria emission estimates for other used based on fuel usage. Emissions were disaggregated into port traffic and underway activities. Port emissions were assigned to specific ports based on amount of cargo handled. Underway emissions were allocated based on Army Corp of Engineering waterway data. State data replaced national estimates. (2003) 1970-1998 VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, PM2 5 Estimated emissions for interim years using linear interpolation between available base years. (2003) 1990,1996, 1999 HAPs VOC and PM emission estimates were speciated into HAP components. State data replaced national estimates. (2003) 1996 nh3 Applied NH3 emissions factors to 1996 distillate and residual fuel oil estimates (i.e., as reported inEIA, 1996). 1990-1995 nh3 Estimation methods reported in EPA, 1998. CMV Steam Powered 1978,1987, 1990,1996, 1999, 2000, & 2001 VOC, NOx, CO, SOx,PM10,&PM25 Calculated criteria emissions based on EPA SIP guidance. Emissions were disaggregated into port traffic and under way activities. Port emissions were assigned to specific ports based on amount of cargo handled. Underway emissions were allocated based on Army Corp of Engineering waterway data. State data replaced national estimates. (2003) 1970-1998 VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, PM2 5 Estimated emissions for interim years using linear interpolation between available base years. (2003) 1990, 1996, & 1999 HAPs VOC and PM emission estimates were speciated into HAP components. State data replaced national estimates. (2003) Military Marine 1997-2001 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Applied EGAS growth factors to 1996 emissions estimates for this category. CMV Coal,2 CMV, Steam powered, CMV Gasoline2 1997-1998 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Applied EGAS growth factors to 1996 emissions estimates for this category. CM Coal, CMV, Steam powered, CMV Gasoline, Military Marine 1991-1995 VOC, NOx, CO, S02, PM10, PM2 5 Estimation methods reported in EPA, 1998. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-6 ------- Table 2-1. Methods for Developing Annual Emission Estimates for Nonroad Mobile Sources (Continued) (categories included in this report are noted in bold print) Category Base Year Pollutantfs) Estimation Method* Locomotives Class I, Class II, Commuter, Passenger, and Yard Locomotives 1978,1987, 1990,1996, 1999, 2000, 2000,& 2002 VOC, NOx, CO, PMjq, PM25 Criteria pollutants were estimated by using locomotive fuel use data from DOE EIA and available emission factors. County-level estimates were obtained by scaling the national estimates with the rail GIS data from DOT. State data replaced national estimates. (2004) 1978,1987, 1990,1996, 1999, 2000, 2001,& 2002 so2 SOx emissions were calculated by using locomotive fuel use and fuel sulfur concentration data from EIA. County-level estimates were obtained by scaling the national estimates with the county level rail activity data from DOT. State data replaced national estimates. (2004) 1970-1998 VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, PM2 5 Estimated emissions for interim years using linear interpolation between available base years. (2003) 1990,1996, 1999, & 2002 HAPs HAP emissions were calculated by applying speciation profiles to VOC and PM estimates. County-level estimates were obtained by scaling the national estimates with the county level rail activity from DOT. State data replaced national estimates. (2004) 1997-1998 nh3 Grew 1996 base year emissions using EGAS growth indicators. 1996 nh3 Applied NH3 emissions factors to diesel consumption estimates for 1996. 1990-1995 NH, Estimation methods reported in EPA, 1998. Notes: * Dates included at the end of Estimation Method represent the year that the section was revised. 1 Emission estimates for unpaved airstrips and aircraft refueling are included in the area source NEI, since they represent non- engine emissions. 2 National Emission estimates for CMV Coal and CMV Gasoline were not developed though states and local agencies may have submitted estimates for these source categories. EPA, 1998. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Emission Factors and Inventory Group, National Air Pollutant Emission Trends, Procedures Document, 1900-1996, EPA-454/R-98-008. May 1998. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-7 ------- The target inventory area includes every state in the United States and every county within a state. There are no boundary limitations pertaining to traditional criteria pollutant nonattainment areas or to designated urban areas. The pollutants inventoried included all criteria pollutants (except for the other nonroad source category which addressed only HAPs in this report) and the 188 HAPs identified in Section 112(b) of the CAA. Some state or local agencies provided emissions information on more HAPs than those delineated in the CAA, only the federally regulated HAPs are included in the NEI. Some state and local inventories did not provide estimates for all of the pollutants included in the nationally-derived emission estimates; in these cases, the submitted state and local data were used and the national estimates were included only for the missing pollutants. It should be noted that if state or local agency's submitted VOC or PM estimates, these state and local estimates were not speciated into their HAP components. In cases where, state and local agency's provided estimates for pollutants not included in the nationally-derived inventory, these state and local estimates were retained as long as the additional pollutants were one of the listed 188 regulated HAPs. States and local agency's occasionally provided emissions for only one emission type (annual or ozone season daily). Where data overlapped with nationally-derived estimates, the national emission estimates were replaced with the state and local emission estimates. The submitted state and local data were not used to calculate other emission types. For example, if ozone season daily estimates were provided, annual emissions were not developed based on the ozone season daily estimates. State and local data were used as provided, such that, the emission estimates for a given state or county may be a mixture of nationally and locally-derived emission estimates. For the 2002 inventory, states submitted aircraft emission estimates in the airport facility point source file. These data were retained in the point source file, but the associated aircraft emission are summarized in this report. It should also be noted, where point source jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-8 ------- aircraft/airport data were provided, the EPA-developed aircraft emission estimates for the associated counties were replaced with the State submitted data. In addition to numerous specific chemical compounds, the list of 188 HAPs includes several compound groups [e.g., individual metals and their compounds, polycyclic organic matter (POM) and Dioxin/Furan Cogeners]; the NEI includes emission estimates for the individual compounds wherever possible. Many of the uses of the NEI depend upon data (e.g., toxicity) for individual compounds within these groups rather than aggregated data on each group as a whole. Appendix F lists all of the specific pollutants and compound groups included in the NEI along with their Chemical Abstract Services (CAS) numbers (for individual compounds). POM includes a large number of individual compounds, too numerous to include in this inventory effort. Emission test data are readily available for several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are a chemical subset of POM. The PAH compounds most commonly tested are listed below and referred to as the 16-PAHs. The 7-PAH compounds (marked with asterisks) are a subset of the 16-PAH and have been determined by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to be animal carcinogens. In this inventory, individual estimates were developed for each of the 16 PAH species except for CMV steam ships where POM estimates are provided as aggregate 7- and 16-PAH. Some states submitted estimates based on aggregated 7- and 16-PAH. Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Anthracene Benzo(a)anthracene* Benzo(a)pyrene* Benzo(b)fluoranthene* Benzo(ghi)perylene B enzo(k)fluoranthene * Chrysene* Dibenz(a,h)anthracene* Fluoranthene Fluorene Indeno( 1,2,3 -cd)pyrene* Naphthalene Phenanthrene Pyrene jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-9 ------- Data submitted by each state for the 1996, 1999, and 2002 inventory are discussed in each of the following emission methodology sections, along with comments on any difficulties encountered or assumptions that had to be made when incorporating the state data into the NEI. Appendix E contains summaries of the data that were provided for each state. Note, mercury and arsenic emission estimates submitted by state and local agencies were retained but not used in the inventory until a definitive methodology for estimating emissions from these pollutants can be developed. The intent in presenting the following emission inventory methodologies is to provide sufficient and transparent documentation such that states and local agencies can use these approaches, in conjunction with their specific local activity data to develop more accurate and comparable emission estimates in future submittals. 2.1 Aircraft 2.1.1 What are Aircraft Sources? The aircraft source category includes all aircraft types used for public, private, and military purposes. This includes four types of aircraft (EPA, 1992): ~ Commercial; ~ Air Taxis; ~ General Aviation; and ~ Military. Commercial aircraft include those used for transporting passengers, freight, or both. Commercial aircraft tend to be larger aircraft powered with jet engines and frequent large municipal airports. These aircraft are involved in domestic as well as international traffic. Air jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-10 ------- taxis carry passengers, freight, or both, but usually are smaller then commercial air carriers aircraft and typically only provide domestic travel. The national air taxi fleet includes both jet and propeller-driven aircraft. General aviation includes most other aircraft used for recreational flying and personal transportation. Aircraft that support business travel, usually on an unscheduled basis, are included in the category of general aviation. Most of the general aviation fleet is made up of propeller-driven aircraft, though smaller business jets can also be found in this category. Military aircraft cover a wide range of aircraft types such as training aircraft, fighter jets, helicopters, and jet- and propeller-driven cargo planes of varying sizes. It should also be noted that this inventory effort includes criteria emission estimates for aircraft support vehicles and engines typically found at airports, such as aircraft refueling vehicles, baggage handling vehicles, and equipment, aircraft towing vehicles, passenger buses, larger portable generators, and other airport vehicles as derived form the NONROAD model (see Section 2.4). 2.1.2 What Pollutants are Included in the National Emission Estimates for Aircraft? OTAQ identified the criteria pollutants and HAPs for which data were available to develop inventory estimates (Cook, 1997; Cook, 1998). Criteria pollutants include VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, and PM2 5. The HAPs that are included in the national aircraft inventory are listed below and are based on available test data and accepted emission estimation procedures: 1,3-Butadiene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane Acetaldehyde Acrolein Formaldehyde Lead Benzene Ethyl Benzene * Added to 2002 Inventory PAH Phenol* Propionaldehyde Styrene Toluene Xylene n-Hexane jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-11 ------- 2.1.3 How Were Aircraft Emissions Estimated? EPA has developed guidance for inventorying aircraft emissions associated with an aircraft's landing and takeoff (LTO) cycle. The cycle begins when the aircraft approaches the airport on its descent from its cruising altitude, lands, taxis to the gate, and idles during passenger deplaning. The LTO cycle continues as the aircraft idles during passenger boarding, taxis back out onto the runway for subsequent takeoff, and ascent (climbout) to cruising altitude. Thus, the five specific operating modes in an LTO cycle are (EPA, 1992): ~ Approach; ~ Taxi/idle-in; ~ Taxi/idle-out; ~ Takeoff; and ~ Climbout. The LTO cycle provides a basis for calculating aircraft emissions. During each mode of operation, an aircraft engine operates at a fairly standard power setting for a given aircraft model. Emissions for one complete cycle are calculated using emission factors for each operating mode for each specific aircraft engine combined with the typical period of time the aircraft is in the operating mode. Criteria emission estimates are presented here for four different aircraft types: commercial air carrier, air taxis, general aviation, and military. HAP emission estimates were developed for all aircraft types except military aircraft. Because of the diversity of military aircraft operations, representative HAP emission factors could not be identified or developed. Emissions of criteria pollutants from commercial air carriers were calculated differently than the other three aircraft categories (See Figure 2-1). Criteria pollutant emissions were jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-12 ------- Matched Aircraft Unmatched Aircraft Speciate VOC for HAPs Criteria Pollutant Emission Estimates (Matched Aircraft) Develop Average Criteria Emission Factors FAA EDMS Criteria Emission Estimates (Unmatched Aircraft) Combined Criteria Emission Estimates (Matched and Unmatched) FAA Domestic LTO Data and EPA Foreign Flagged Aircraft LTO Data Apportion Emissions Based on Airport Activity Data for Commercial Aircraft (2002 emissions were calculated for each airport individually) Figure 2-1. Procedures for Estimating Emissions from Commercial Air Carriers ------- estimated for commercial aircraft by applying aircraft specific activity data from FAA's Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Route Air Carriers to FAA's Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), Version 4.0 (DOT, 2001). For 2002 the FAA's T100 Segment data obtained from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) were used in conjunction with the EDMS model. The FAA's airport activity statistics for certified air carriers only documents activity of American flagged carriers. EPA/OTAQ provided national data for foreign flagged air carriers. For 2002, emissions were increased by 2 percent at each airport to account for the foreign flagged air carriers. It is recognized that this may under estimate activity at the larger airports that provide international services and over estimate activity at the small airports. EDMS generates estimates for hydrocarbons (HC), NOx, CO, and SOx. The HC estimates were converted to VOC (EPA, 1992). In this effort, all of the default time-in-mode (TIM) values incorporated in the EDMS were used. EDMS did not have a default TIM value for the period that an aircraft is taxiing and idling. In this effort, a TIM value of 26 minutes was used for taxing and idling; this value was obtained from EPA State Implementation Plan (SIP) guidance on estimating aircraft emissions (EPA, 1992). In previous years not all of the aircraft included in the FAA activity report could be matched to the aircraft in the EDMS. For those aircraft that could not be matched directly, their LTOs were applied to an average LTO emission factor developed from the aircraft data that could be matched directly. In 2002 all aircraft were matched. Criteria pollutant emission estimates for air taxis, general aviation, and military aircraft were calculated by combining aircraft operations data from FAA's Air Traffic and Activity Data System (ATADS) (DOT, 2001a) and EPA criteria emission factors (See Figure 2-2) (EPA, 1992). HAP emission estimates for all aircraft were estimated by applying speciation profiles to national level VOC or PM10 emissions estimates. Note, for the 2002 inventory, PM emission factors were developed for commercial air carriers and the HAP profiles were updated using the jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-14 ------- Apportion Emissions Based on TAF Airport Data for Air Taxis and General Aviation Split into: Jet-Propelled and Piston-Driven Aircraft Apply Criteria Pollutant Emission Factors from SIP Guidance FAA LTO Data for Air Taxis and General Aviation Speciate VOC/PM into HAP Emission Estimates Figure 2-2. Procedures for Estimating Emission from Air Taxis and General Aviation ------- latest test data. The speciation profiles used are noted in Appendix A. Lead emission estimates were handled differently. Lead emissions are primarily associated with leaded aviation fuel used in piston driven aircraft associated with general aviation. The lead estimates developed in this inventory were derived by combining DOE annual aviation gasoline usage data with the lead content of aircraft fuel (assumed to be 2.0 g/gal.), and applying a 75% retention value to reflect the lead that is retained in the engine or exhaust system, as was calculated in the Lead Locating and Estimating Document (EPA, 1998). It should be noted that this approach over estimates emission as it would include emissions associated in the fuel combusted during cruise mode. Appendix A contains detailed documentation of how emissions were estimated for all aircraft types. The documentation is not meant to provide an exhaustive analysis on the derivation of all the inputs. For example, an emission factor used for a national estimate may be given in the appendix, but the source test data that were evaluated to obtain this factor may not be presented or discussed. The goal of the documentation provided is to show in a brief and concise manner how a given estimate was derived. Volume 2 of this report contains copies of documents not readily available that may help the reader to better appreciate the data sources used to calculating emissions for this inventory effort. 2.1.4 How Were National Emissions Allocated to Individual Counties? For the 2002 inventory, emissions were individually estimated for each airport - therefore, there was no need to use a surrogate approach to spatially allocate emissions. For all other inventory years, national aircraft emission estimates were allocated to individual counties using airport activity data derived from the FAA Terminal Area Forecast System (TAF) database of over 2,000 airports in the United States (DOT, 2001c). A GIS database obtained from the BTS (DOT, 200Id) contained airport-level LTO data with latitude and longitude coordinates. These two data sources were matched to identify the county in which each airport is located. These county determinations were compared to a study implemented by the EPA identifying airports that appear in multiple counties, noting the county were the aircraft activity is most significant. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-16 ------- Where necessary county codes were changed to match the results from this study. These data are noted in the mobile source supplemental data set currently available at the EPA's NEI web site and 2001 inventories. For 1990, 1996, 1999, and 2000 NEI, the percentage of national activity was then calculated for each airport for each aircraft type (i.e., commercial, air taxis, general aviation, and military), as noted in the following equation. Airport i Percentage of National LTO by aircraft type = LTO at airport i by aircraft type National LTO by aircraft type National aircraft emissions for each aircraft type were allocated to specific airports by using the LTO percentages (see equations below): Airport i Emissions = Airport i Percentage by Aircraft Type* Pollutant by Aircraft Type Where there were multiple airports in a given county, these emissions were simply summed to provide a county level emissions estimate. In the future, individual airports may be included along with their latitude and longitude coordinates. For the 1978 and 1987 inventories, only annual national emission estimates were required, therefore, spatial allocations were not developed for these inventories. 2.1.5 Data Provided by States Where states provided their own emission estimates, their data were given priority over all other data. EPA did not adjust or revise any data submitted by state or local agencies - the data were used as submitted. For example if a state submitted only ozone season daily estimates these values were not multiplied by 365 to estimate annual emissions. Note, state emission jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-17 ------- estimates may differ significantly with EPA emission estimates. Table 2-2 summarizes the states that submitted 1996, 1999, and 2002 data for inclusion into this version of the NEI, and information about how the data were handled in order to be incorporated into the NEI. Puerto Rico did provide estimates for 1996. Note, emission estimates for San Juan International airport were developed in the same fashion as emission estimates for mainland airports. FAA aircraft activity data were available for 1999, 2001, 2002; therefore, nationally- derived estimates were used in NEI for these years for Puerto Rico. Appendix E contains individual summary sheets for each state that submitted aircraft data. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-18 ------- Table 2-2. Summary of State Submitted Aircraft Data State Criteria HAPs Comments 1996 Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data. South Carolina ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data. 1999 California ~ ~ Replaced national estimates for military, commercial aircraft, and general aviation with State submitted data. HAP data submitted for pollutants other than the 188 were not incorporated. Louisiana ~ Replaced national estimates for military, commercial, general aviation, and air taxis with State submitted data for VOC and NOx, for one county. Maryland ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data. Minnesota ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data for 28 HAPs. Nebraska ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data for VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM,n for one county. Pennsylvania ~ Replaced national ozone season daily estimates with state submitted data. South Carolina ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data for HC, NOx, CO and SOx. HC was converted to VOC. Tennessee ~ Replaced national estimates for military, commercial, general aviation, and air taxis with state submitted data for HC, NOx, CO, SOx, for one county. HC was converted to VOC. Texas ~ Replaced commercial aircraft and general aviation estimates with state submitted data. Utah ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data for VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM,n, and NH,. Wisconsin ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data for VOC, NOx and CO. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-19 ------- Table 2-2. Summary of State Submitted Aircraft Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments 2002 Alabama ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Arkansas ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and Lead (only HAP). Arizona (Maricopa County) ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. California ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 26 HAPs. Colorado ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Connecticut ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, and VOC. Delaware ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 24 HAPs. Florida (Pinellas County) ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, VOC, and 30 HAPs. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Georgia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Idaho ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Kentucky (Jefferson County) ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Massachusetts ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-20 ------- Table 2-2. Summary of State Submitted Aircraft Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments Maryland ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, and VOC Michigan ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, S02, and VOC. Mississippi ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. North Carolina ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. New Hampshire ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, S02, VOC, and 13 HAPs. New Jersey ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Nevada (Clark County) ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Oregon ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 27 HAPs. Rhode Island ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, and VOC. Tennessee ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Texas ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-FIL, PM10-PRI, PM25- PRI, S02, and VOC. Utah ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Virginia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, S02, and VOC. Wisconsin ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 24 HAPs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-21 ------- Table 2-2. Summary of State Submitted Aircraft Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments West Virginia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. 2.1.6 What are the Results? Table 2-3 summarizes the emission estimates for all aircraft types for criteria pollutants. Table 2-4 summarizes the aircraft emission estimates for individual HAPs compounds. Both tables include data for all states including Puerto Rico. The estimates provided in Tables 2-3 and 2-4 include the state-submitted data. As noted earlier, where states had data for pollutants included in the 188 HAP list, but not in the national emission estimates, these data were retained such that the list of HAPs for the NEI for this category include additional pollutants than those calculated at the national level. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-22 ------- Table 2-3. Aircraft Criteria Emission Estimates 1978-2002 (TPY) Pollutant Year 1978 1987 1990 1996 1999 2000 2001 2002 voc 61,487.38 25,507.44 30,508.02 31,104.31 44,289.46 26,536.32 21,153.19 50,323.22 NOx 59,864.68 71,797.47 69,759.96 74,082.25 95,389.26 88,100.43 80,911.78 92,275.84 CO 206,491.29 221,164.37 239,055.43 248,124.16 357,908.05 270,094.89 257,368.05 532,236.63 S02 6,446.32 7,354.03 7,350.69 7,502.83 8,071.90 8,507.25 7,595.32 7,909.64 PM10-PRI 2,325.73 3,024.05 3,206.68 3,219.87 6,419.75 3,517.45 3,470.38 24,558.77 pm25-pri 1,604.75 2,086.60 2,212.61 2,221.71 5,107.28 2,427.04 2,394.56 18,026.86 PM-PRI 74.21 nh3 0.36 Table 2-4. Aircraft HAP Emission Estimates 1990-2002 (TPY) Pollutant 1990 1996 1999 2002 1,3-butadiene 544.97 561.26 827.56 553.32 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.05 14.48 43.13 29.65 Acenaphthene 1.53 1.61 1.72 4.29 Acenaphthylene 8.65 9.11 9.66 23.99 Acetaldehyde 1,331.33 1,368.76 2,028.25 898.62 Acrolein 638.57 656.13 972.89 408.91 Anthracene 1.80 1.89 2.01 5.00 Benzene 711.37 736.81 1,107.84 958.57 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.59 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.59 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.71 Benzo(ghi)perylene 0.55 0.58 0.61 1.53 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.71 Cadmium 1.58 1.19 Chlorine 1.59 1.53 Chromium 16.71 12.62 Chrysene 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.59 Cobalt 0.01 0.01 Cumene 1.16 0.77 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.01 Ethyl Benzene 108.09 113.20 174.65 222.84 Fluoranthene 1.93 2.03 2.16 5.31 Fluorene 3.17 3.34 3.54 8.79 Formaldehyde 4,329.85 4,452.75 6,579.74 3,606.71 Hexane 28.76 30.58 52.34 88.35 Indeno( 1,2,3 -cd)pyrene 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.48 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-23 ------- Table 2-4. Aircraft HAP Emission Estimates 1990-2002 (TPY) (Continued) Pollutant 1990 1996 1999 2002 Lead and compounds 11.36 138.41 Manganese 0.01 0.01 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 1.02 0.68 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 3.78 2.51 Naphthalene 364.08 379.56 459.28 643.47 Nickel 1.59 1.20 o-Xylene 65.08 48.01 Phenanthrene 5.43 5.72 6.05 14.83 Phenol 43.99 51.42 POM 0.03 Propionaldehyde 269.56 277.06 410.16 270.27 Pyrene 2.63 2.77 2.92 7.23 Selenium 1.58 1.19 Styrene 124.72 128.64 192.37 124.43 Toluene 573.51 604.51 907.35 1,381.71 Xylene 375.59 394.49 472.48 785.42 2.1.7 Aircraft References: Cook, Rich. Memorandum entitled Guidance on Mobile Source Emission Estimates in the 1996 National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. June 9, 1998. Cook, Rich. Memorandum entitled Source Identification and Base Year 1990 Emission Inventory Guidance for Mobile Source HAPs on the OAQPS List of 40 Priority HAPs, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. June 11, 1997. Cook, Rich and Joe Somers. Memorandum entitled Revised Methodology and Emission Factors for Estimating Mobile Source PAH Emissions in the National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources (OMS). Ann Arbor, MI. June 8, 2001. Billings, Richard and Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc. Memorandum entitled Revised HAP Speciation Profiles for Commercial Aircraft, to Laurel Driver and Rich Cook, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. October 25, 2004. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-24 ------- Billings, Richard and Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc. Memorandum entitled Commercial Aircraft PM Emission Estimate, to Laurel Driver, Rich Cook and Bryan Manning, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. September 21, 2004. Federal Aviation Administration. T-100 Segment, 2002. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Downloaded from the following Internet site: http://www.bts.gov. U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Route Air Carriers, 12 Months Ending December 31, 1999. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information. Washington, DC. 2001. U. S. Department of Transportation. Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System, Version 4.0. Federal Aviation Administration. May, 2001a. U.S. Department of Transportation. Air Traffic Activity - Fiscal Year 1999. Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation Policy and Plans. Downloaded from the following Internet Site: http//www.apo.data.faa.gov/. July 16, 2001b. U. S. Department of Transportation. Terminal Area Forecast System. Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation Policy and Plans. Downloaded from the following Internet Site: http//www.apo.data.faa.gov/. 2001c. U.S. Department of Transportation. National Transportation Atlas Databases. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Downloaded from the following Internet Site: http//www.bts.gov/gis/ntatlas/index.html. 200Id. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Air Pollutant Emission Trends, 1900-1996. EPA-454/R-97-011. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. December 1997. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources. EPA-450/4-81-026d (Revised). Office of Air and Radiation. Research Triangle Park, NC, and Ann Arbor, MI. 1992. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Locating and Estimating Air Toxic Emissions from Sources of Lead. EPA Report No. 454/R-98-006. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. May 1998. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. SPECIATE 3.1. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. October 1999. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Domestic and Foreign Air Carrier Activity CY1999 from U.S. Airports. Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Assessment and Standards Division, Anne Arbor, MI, March 26, 2002. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-25 ------- 2.2 Commercial Marine Vessels 2.2.1 What are Commercial Marine Vessels? The commercial marine vessel (CMV) source category includes all boats and ships used either directly or indirectly in the conduct of commerce or military activity. These vessels range from 20-foot charter boats to large tankers and military vessels which can exceed 1,000 feet in length (EPA, 1989). In spite of the broad range of vessels represented by this category, a number of common characteristics allow for the use of simple emission estimation methods. The majority of vessels in this category are powered either by diesel engines or steam turbines. The predominant fuel used is oil, both distillate (diesel) and residual grades. In general, it can be assumed that CMVs powered by diesel engines predominantly use distillate fuel oil or higher grade residual oils, and those powered by steam turbines use residual fuel oil. The CMV source category does not include recreational marine vessels, which are vessels less than 100 feet in length, most being less than 30 feet, and powered by either inboard or outboard engines (EPA, 1989). Emissions from recreational marine vessels are included in the other nonroad source category. 2.2.2 What Pollutants are Included in the National Emission Estimates for CMVs? OTAQ identified the criteria pollutants and HAPs for which data were available to develop inventory estimates (Cook, 1997; Cook, 1998). Criteria pollutants include VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, and PM2 5. The HAPs, listed below, were identified based on available test data and accepted emission estimation procedures. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-26 ------- 2,2,4 Trimethylpentane Acetaldehyde Ethylbenzene Formaldehyde Lead Manganese n-Hexane Nickel PAH Propionaldehyde Selenium Acrolein Benzene Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Styrene Toluene Xylene 2.2.3 How Were the CMV Emissions Estimated? The CMV emission estimates provided here were developed using a "top-down" approach. This means that the estimates were developed at the national level and allocated to individual counties using appropriate surrogates. Figure 2-3 provides an overview of the approach used to estimate and spatially allocate CMV emissions. For marine diesel engines, the emission estimates for all criteria pollutants, except SOx, were obtained from background documents that support recent marine diesel emission regulations. Criteria pollutant emissions for steam powered vessels and SOx for marine diesel engines were calculated based on fuel usage data and available EPA emission factors (EPA, 1989). The fuel usage data were provided by the EPA, and were derived from documents that support recent marine diesel rules (40 CFR Part 943 - Federal Register Volume 67 No. 103, May 29, 2002). HAP speciation profiles were applied to the VOC and PM emission estimates. Unfortunately, there are very few data available to characterize HAP emissions from CMVs, therefore "alternative" speciation profiles were used in this inventory effort. For diesel-powered vessels, the speciation profiles were for heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDV) and were obtained from information in Evaluation of Factors That Affect Diesel Exhaust Toxicity (Truex and Norbeck, 1998). For steam-driven vessels, speciation profiles for stationary industrial and commercial boilers were considered to be appropriate surrogates. The boiler speciation data jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-27 ------- Steamship Fuel Consumption Criteria Emission Factors Criteria Estimates for Steamships HAP Speciation Profile County Level Port Criteria/HAP Emission Estimate County Level Underway Criteria/HAP Emission Estimates DOT GIS Shipping Lane Traffic Data Set Matched to Counties Cargo Handled at Top 150 Ports Matched to Counties Ports Criteria/ HAP Emissions Underway Criteria/ HAP Emissions County-Level Criteria/HAP Emission Estimates Criteria Estimate for Marine Diesel/Engines Criteria/HAP National Emission Estimates Figure 2-3. Procedures for Estimating Emissions for CMV jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-28 ------- were obtained from the EPA's Industrial Combustion Coordinated Rulemaking (ICCR) program (Porter, 1998; EPA, 1996). For PAH emissions for diesel marine engines, speciation profiles were developed by OTAQ (Cook, 2001) to individually estimate emissions for the 16-PAH compounds. For distillate oil-fueled CMVs, PAH/PM25 speciation profiles were obtained from Colorado's Northern Front Range Air Quality Study (NFRAQS) report, and are based on test data for heavy duty diesel vehicles. For steamships, speciated PAH data are not currently available, therefore aggregate 7-PAH and 16-PAH emission factors were used. National criteria pollutant and HAP emissions were disaggregated into port and underway emission estimates, based on assumptions used in the EPA's SIP guidance that 75% of distillate fuel and 25% of residual fuel is consumed within the port, the remaining fuel is consumed while underway (EPA, 1989). More detailed documentation on how the emission estimates were prepared is provided in Appendix B of this report. The documentation identifies the key input data and procedures that were used in the calculation of emissions for CMVs. The documentation is not meant to provide an exhaustive analysis on the derivation of all the inputs. For example, an emission factor used to calculate emissions may be given in the appendix, but the source tests that were evaluated to obtain this factor may not be presented or discussed. The goal of the documentation provided is to show in a brief and concise manner how an emission estimate was derived. Volume 2 of this report contains copies of several important and hard-to-locate references that may help the reader better appreciate the data sources used in developing the CMV estimates. 2.2.4 How Were National Emissions Allocated to Individual Counties? National port emissions were assigned to the 150 largest U.S. ports based on activity data obtained from the Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Part 5-Waterways and Harbors jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-29 ------- National Summaries (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2001) the data may also be obtained from the following website http://www.iwr.usace.armv.mil/ndc/wcsc/pdf/wcusnatl99.pdf. This reference included data for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The percentage of total traffic for each port was calculated by dividing the port-level traffic by the total traffic. This approach will slightly over estimate port emissions for the 150 ports included in this inventory as emissions are not allocated to smaller ports not included in this list. Underway emissions were allocated to counties by applying county-specific waterway activity factors expressed as thousand ton miles (BTS, 2000) to the national estimate. Using GIS software, county borders were overlaid with the U.S. waterway network to determine the waterway length in each county. Each county was then assigned a weighting factor by summing the product of the waterway length (miles) in the county and the waterway-cargo traffic (tons) for each segment of the waterway, and then dividing this sum by the national total. It is recognized that there are some inconsistencies with the BTS's GIS data for other inventory years, therefore the 1999 weight factors were used for all inventory years. To allocate emissions to ports with underway emissions, two methods were employed. Where shorelines intersected with counties, emissions were assigned based upon shoreline length. Where this was not possible, a weighted average of tonnage miles was divided equally among the counties that had a shipping lane. For example, underway emissions along the Mississippi River were split between counties located on the eastern and western shorelines based on the length of the shipping lane attributed to a given county. Underway emissions were then added to in-port emissions to get a total county-level CMV emission estimates. 2.2.5 State Provided Data Where states provided their own CMV emission estimates for this source category, their data were given priority over all other data. Table 2-5 summarizes the states that submitted 1996, 1999, and 2002 data for inclusion into the NEI. EPA did not adjust or revise any data jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-30 ------- Table 2-5. Summary of State Submitted CMV Data State Criteria HAPs Comments 1996 Alaska ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data.. Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data. 1999 Alabama ~ Replaced national estimates with State submitted data for VOC, NOY, and CO. California ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data for VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10, PM2 5 and HAPs. HAP data for pollutants other than the 188 were not incorporated. Maryland ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data. Minnesota ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data for 36 HAPs. Pennsylvania ~ Replaced Ozone Season Daily (OSD) estimates with state submitted estimates for VOC, NOx, CO. Only OSD emission estimates submitted by State. Texas ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data.. Wisconsin ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data for VOC, NOY and CO. 2002 Alabama ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Arkansas ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. California ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 32 HAPs. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Connecticut ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-31 ------- Table 2-5. Summary of State Submitted CMV Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments Delaware ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm25-pri, so2, VOC, and 31 HAPs. Florida (Pinellas County) ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 36 HAPs. Georgia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Indiana ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm25-pri, pm-pri, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Kentucky (Jefferson County) ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Massachusetts ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Maryland ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Maine ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 35 HAPs. Michigan ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm25-pri, pm-pri, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Mississippi ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. North Carolina ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-32 ------- Table 2-5. Summary of State Submitted CMV Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments New Jersey ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. New York ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Ohio ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm25-pri, pm-pri, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Oregon ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, VOC, and 11 HAPs. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Rhode Island ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Tennessee ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Texas ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 22 HAPs. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Virginia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Washington ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Wisconsin ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm25-pri, pm-pri, SO?, VOC, and 14 HAPs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-33 ------- Table 2-5. Summary of State Submitted CMV Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments West Virginia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. submitted by state or local agencies - the data were used as submitted. For example if a state submitted only ozone season daily estimates these values were not multiplied by 365 to estimate annual emissions. In some cases state or local agency's submitted estimates where PAH or metal HAPs were not disaggregated into individual species, as was done in the nationally-derived estimates. In such cases, both the state or local estimates and the national estimates were retained (e.g., nickel and nickel and nickel compounds; the nickel estimates are nationally- derived estimates while the nickel and nickel compounds are state derived estimates). It is recognized that a small amount of double counting may occur by taking this approach. Note, state emission estimates may differ significantly with EPA emission estimates. Appendix E contains individual summary sheets for each state that submitted CMV data. 2.2.6 What are the Results? Table 2-6 summarizes the emission estimates for CMVs for criteria pollutants. Table 2-7 summarizes the emission estimates for individual HAPs. Both tables provide data for all states, including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. CMV emission estimates for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands were developed using the same approach used to estimate emissions of the states. Note, the estimates provided in these tables include the state-submitted data. Note, criteria estimates for 2002 were carried over from the preliminary estimates for 2001. Similarly, HAP emission estimates for 2002 were carried over from 1999, excluding state submitted data. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-34 ------- Table 2-6. Commercial Marine Vessel Criteria Emission Estimates 1978-2002 (TPY) Pollutant Year 1978 1987 1990 1996 1999 2000 2001 2002 voc 28,579.58 33,760.66 31,354.27 33,062.10 29,999.38 31,513.07 31,617.63 35,970.84 NOx 914,284.54 1,080,037.82 1,003,048.79 1,057,651.39 855,992.23 1,008,175.24 1,011,475.90 1,065,685.97 CO 120,415.50 142,243.77 132,106.16 139,308.82 116,114.01 132,768.04 133,215.40 140,923.39 S02 148,496.62 180,319.59 167,212.91 159,076.50 175,503.97 162,910.19 160,361.62 227,274.69 PM10-PRI 39,342.85 46,490.27 43,162.49 45,436.17 44,391.13 43,472.84 43,529.54 49,912.76 pm25-pri 36,195.43 42,771.05 39,709.49 41,801.28 40,882.33 39,995.01 40,047.18 46,113.25 PM-PRI 2,288.96 nh3 142.81 Table 2-7. Commercial Marine Vessel HAP Emission Estimates 1990-2002 (TPY) Pollutant 1990 1996 1999 2002 1,3-butadiene 5.69 7.93 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 12.52 13.20 21.06 26.21 Acenaphthene 1.06 1.11 1.06 1.05 Acenaphthylene 4.98 5.08 4.98 4.91 Acetaldehyde 2,325.49 2,452.48 2,378.35 2,545.45 Acrolein 109.54 115.52 98.85 114.91 Anthracene 2.05 2.13 2.05 2.02 Antimony 0.36 0.51 Benzene 636.71 671.48 648.31 705.61 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.37 1.45 1.37 1.35 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.42 0.45 0.42 0.42 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.40 0.42 0.40 0.39 Benzo(ghi)perylene 0.31 0.32 0.31 0.30 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.38 0.41 0.38 0.38 Beryllium 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Cadmium & Compounds 0.12 0.12 0.31 0.39 Chlorine 0.71 1.04 Chlorobenzene 0.07 0.07 Chromium & Compounds 0.05 0.07 Chromium III 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Chromium VI 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 Chrysene 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.32 Cobalt 0.16 0.02 Cumene 0.60 0.77 Ethyl Benzene 62.59 66.01 63.08 69.48 Fluoranthene 1.36 1.41 1.36 1.34 Fluorene 2.87 2.98 2.87 2.83 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-35 ------- Table 2-7. Commercial Marine Vessel HAP Emission Estimates 1990-2002 (TPY) (Continued) Pollutant 1990 1996 1999 2002 Formaldehyde 4,683.40 4,939.06 4,744.43 5,130.12 Indeno( 1,2,3 -cd)pyrene 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.05 Lead & Compounds 1.83 1.89 1.88 2.00 Manganese & Compounds 1.00 0.99 1.12 1.24 Methanol 0.90 2.28 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 44.32 50.59 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 3.33 m-Xylene 18.98 29.52 Naphthalene 65.74 68.76 65.61 68.21 n-Hexane 172.13 181.53 154.94 165.24 Nickel & Compounds 26.92 26.31 28.46 31.22 o-Xylene 10.66 14.87 Phenanthrene 7.11 7.25 7.11 7.00 Phosphorus 0.32 0.45 POM as 16-PAH 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 POM as 7-PAH 4.8E-04 4.7E-04 4.8E-04 8.82E-04 Propionaldehyde 190.91 201.34 194.58 205.10 p-Xylene 2.99 3.41 Pyrene 2.20 2.28 2.20 2.17 Selenium & Compounds 0.22 0.21 0.24 0.26 Styrene 65.72 69.31 58.78 61.31 Toluene 100.15 105.62 133.31 155.49 Xylene 150.22 158.43 135.57 134.68 2.2.7 Commercial Marine Vessel References: Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc. Commercial Marine Vessel Contribution to Emission Inventories. U.S. EPA. OMS, Mobile Source Emission Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI. October 1991. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2000. National Transportation Atlas Databases - National Waterway Network. Washington, DC, Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics Cook, Rich and Joe Somers. Memorandum entitled Revised Methodology and Emission Factors for Estimating Mobile Source PAH Emissions in the National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources (OMS). Ann Arbor, MI. June 8, 2001. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-36 ------- Cook, Rich. Memorandum entitled Guidance on Mobile Source Emission Estimates in the 1996 National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. June 9, 1997. Cook, Rich. Memorandum entitled Source Identification and Base Year 1990 Emission Inventory Guidance for Mobile Source HAPs on the OAQPS List of 40 Priority HAPs, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. June 11, 1997. Porter, Fred. Note entitled Comments on Commercial/Institutional Heating Information in the "Baseline Emission Inventory of HAP Emissions from MACT Sources - Interim Final Report, " September 18, 1998, to Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Emission Factor and Inventory Group. U.S. EPA Emission Standards Division. Research Triangle Park, NC. November 13, 1998. Truex, Dr. Timothy J. and Dr. Joseph M. Norbeck. Evaluation of Factors That Affect Diesel Exhaust Toxicity. University of California-Riverside, Center for Environmental Research and Technology. Riverside, CA. 1998. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Calendar Year 1999, Part 5 - Waterways and Harbors National Summaries. Water Resources Support Center, Fort Belvoir, VA. Downloaded from the following Internet site: http://www.wrsc.usace.armv.mil/ndc/wcusnatl99.pdf. January 22, 2001. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales, 1999. DOE/EIA — 0535 (99), Distribution Category UC-950. Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, Washington, DC. Available at the following Internet site: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oil_gas/petroleum/info_glance/petroleum.html 2001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis: Control of Emissions from Compression Ignition Marine Engines. EPA-420-R-98-017. Office of Mobile Sources, Engine Programs and Compliance Division. Ann Arbor, MI 1998. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Fifth Edition, AP-42. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1996. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Emission Factors for Compression Ignition Nonroad Engines Operated on No. 2 Highway and Nonroad Diesel Fuel. EPA 420-R-98-001. Office of Transportation and Air Quality. Ann Arbor, MI. March 1998. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA Proposed Fuel Control of Emissions of Air Pollution from New Marine Compression - Ignition Engines at or Above 30 Liters/Cycliner. 40 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-37 ------- CFR Part 94 Federal Register. May 29, 2002 (Volume 67, No. 103, Proposed Rules, Page 37547-37608). Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Ann Arbor, MI. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources. EPA-450/4-81-026d (Revised). Office of Air and Radiation. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1992. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1989. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-38 ------- 2.3 Locomotives 2.3.1 What are Locomotive Sources? The locomotive source category includes railroad locomotives powered by diesel-electric engines. A diesel-electric locomotive uses 2-stroke or 4-stroke diesel engines and an alternator or a generator to produce the electricity required to power its traction motors. The locomotive source category does not include locomotives powered by electricity or steam. Emissions associated with the operation of electric locomotives would be included in the point source utility emission estimate. It is believed that the number of wood or coal driven steam locomotives is currently very small; therefore, these types of locomotives are not included in this inventory. The locomotive source category is further divided up into five categories: line haul class I, class I yard, line haul class II/III, passenger, and commuter. The national rail estimates were divided up between the subcategories based on ratios calculated from fuel data obtained from the American Association of Railroads for each subcategory. California locomotive emission estimates were handled separately from the rest of the United States because of their use of low sulfur locomotive diesel fuels. 2.3.2 What Pollutants are Included in the National Emission Estimates for Locomotives? All of the criteria pollutants, VOC, CO, NOx, SOx, PM, and PM2 5, are included in the locomotive component of the NEI. OTAQ identified the HAPs for which data were available to develop inventory estimates (Scarbro, 2001). The HAPs, listed below, were identified based on available test data and accepted emission estimation procedures. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-39 ------- 1,3-Butadiene 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane Acetaldehyde Chromium (Hexavalent) Chromium (Trivalent) Ethyl Benzene Formaldehyde Lead Manganese Napthalene n-Hexane Nickel PAH Propionaldehyde Acrolein Benzene Beryllium Cadmium Styrene Toluene Xylenes 2.3.3 How Were Locomotive Emissions Estimated? Figure 2-4 provides an overview of the approaches used to estimate criteria and HAP emissions from locomotives. This section of the report describes the emission estimating methods used in general terms while Appendix C provides more details on how emissions were developed and includes critical data used in calculating these estimates. Criteria pollutant emissions were estimated by applying emission factors to the total amount of distillate fuel oil used by locomotives. Emission factors for the criteria pollutants were obtained from Emission Factors for Locomotives (U.S. EPA, 1997). The locomotive fuel oil usage data were obtained from DOE, EIA for all inventory years except 2001. Data for 2001 was not available at the time the inventory was being developed, therefore, fuel data for the previous six years (i.e., 1995-2000) were averaged to approximate fuel usage for 2001. Fuel data for 2002 were provided by OTAQ and was derived from DOE data. SOx emissions were estimated by multiplying the percent sulfur in fuel by the amount of fuel used in railroad operations (Scarbro, 2001). It should be noted that since California uses low sulfur diesel fuel and emission factors specific for California railroad fuels were available, calculations of the state's emissions were done separately from the other states. HAP emissions were estimated in two ways. First, HAP emission factors were combined with the amount of distillate fuel oil used by locomotives. The HAP emission factors were obtained from Diesel Fuel Effects on Locomotive Exhaust Emissions (Fritz, 2000) and from jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-40 ------- National HAP Emission Estimates DOE Locomotive Fuel Data Criteria Emission Factors HAP Emission Factors HAP Speciation Profiles National Criteria Emission Estimates Figure 2-4. Overview of Approach Used to Estimate National Criteria Pollutant and HAP Emissions 2-41 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd ------- Baseline Emission Inventory of HAP Emissions from MACT Sources - Interim final Report, 1998 (Porter, 1998). Where emission factors are not available, HAP emissions were estimated by applying speciation profiles to the VOC or PM estimates. The speciation profiles were derived from Evaluation of Factors that Affect Diesel Exhaust Toxicity Steve,(Truex and Norbeck, 1998), and data provided by OTAQ (Scarbro, 2001 and 2002). More detailed documentation on the emission factors and speciation profiles used are provided in Appendix C. The documentation is not meant to provide an exhaustive analysis on the derivation of all the inputs. For example, an emission factor used may be given in the appendix, but the source tests that were evaluated to obtain this factor may not be presented or discussed. The goal of the documentation provided is to show in a brief and concise manner how an emission estimate was derived. Included in Volume 2 of this report are copies of hard-to- locate references that may help the reader better appreciate the data sources used in developing their local emission estimates. 2.3.4 How Were National Emissions Allocated to Individual Counties? The locomotive criteria pollutant and HAP emissions were allocated to the county level by using 1999 county-specific railroad traffic data (ton miles) obtained from the Department of Transportation (BTS, 2000). Using GIS software, county borders were overlaid with the US railroad network in order to determine the rail activity in each county for the specific SCCs. Each county was then assigned a weighted emissions factor by summing the product of the rail activity and the track-specific loading factor for each track, and then dividing this sum by the national total. GIS activity data for each county were available for each of the railroad category used in this inventory except yard locomotives. It is recognized that there was some inconsistencies with the BTS GIS data for other inventory years, therefore, the 1999 weight factors were used in all inventory years. Inventories of yard locomotive activities have not been jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-42 ------- developed recently, therefore emissions for this category were spatially allocated to urban counties which had Class I railroad activity based on the level of railroad activity occurring in the county. 2.3.5 State Provided Data In this version of NEI, state and local agencies provided locomotive data that replaced the estimates based on national fuel consumption. Table 2-8 lists the states that made submittals and includes comments about how their data were handled. EPA did not adjust or revise any data submitted by state or local agencies - the data were used as submitted. For example if a state submitted only ozone season daily estimates these values were not multiplied by 365 to estimate annual emissions. Note, state emission estimates may differ significantly with EPA emission estimates. Appendix E contains individual summary sheets for each state that submitted locomotive data. Estimates were not provided by Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Locomotive estimates were not developed for these territories, as fuel and track activity data are not readily available. 2.3.6 What are the Results? Tables 2-9 and 2-10 summarize the locomotive mobile source emission estimates. Note, the estimates provided in these tables include state-submitted data. Note, Puerto Rico has a very small amount of rail lines in operation, primarily for hauling sugar cane. Unfortunately, sufficient data are not available to quantify emissions. The Virgin Islands have no rail lines. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-43 ------- Table 2-8. State Submitted Locomotive Data State Criteria HAPs Comments 1996 Alabama ~ Removed railroad emissions for specified counties that do not have active rail lines. Alaska ~ California-Lake County ~ Utah ~ 1999 Alabama ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, and VOC. California ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM2 5, PM10, SOx, VOC, and available HAPs. Louisiana ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for NOx and VOC. Maryland ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for provided HAPs (no POM data was included). Minnesota ~ Replaced national estimates with state submitted data for 38 HAPs. Nebraska ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10, SOx, and VOC. Pennsylvania ~ Replaced national daily estimates with state data for CO, NOx, and VOC. Tennessee ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, and VOC. Texas ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for provided HAPs (no POM data were included) and CO, NOx, VOC - nonattainment counties. Utah ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10, SOx, and VOC. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-44 ------- Table 2-8. State Submitted Locomotive Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments Wisconsin ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, and VOC. 2002 Alabama ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Arkansas ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Arizona (Maricopa County) ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. California ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 30 HAPs. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Colorado ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Connecticut ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. District of Columbia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Delaware ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm25-pri, so2, VOC, and 40 HAPs Florida (Pinellas County) ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, VOC, and 34 HAPs. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-45 ------- Table 2-8. State Submitted Locomotive Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments Georgia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Idaho ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Indiana ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Illinois ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Kentucky (Jefferson County) ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Massachusetts ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Maryland ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Mississippi ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Fort Peck Tribe ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 1 HAP. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. North Carolina ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. New Hampshire ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 20 HAPs. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-46 ------- Table 2-8. State Submitted Locomotive Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments New Jersey ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Nevada (Clark County) ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM-PRI, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Ohio ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Oregon ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 33 HAPs. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Rhode Island ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Tennessee ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Texas ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 2 HAPs. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Utah ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. Pollutants were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. Virginia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, and VOC. SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Washington ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC, and 36 HAPs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-47 ------- Table 2-8. State Submitted Locomotive Data (Continued) State Criteria HAPs Comments Wisconsin ~ ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm25-pri, pm-pri, SO?, VOC, and 27 HAPs. West Virginia ~ Replaced national estimates with state data for CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-48 ------- Table 2-9. Locomotive Criteria Estimates 1978-2002 (TPY) Pollutant Year 1978 1987 1990 1996 1999 2000 2001 2002 voc 49,736.10 33,791.29 36,874.81 40,881.63 39,366.93 39,008.82 36,036.24 42,331.72 NOx 1,275,333.57 866,716.25 944,653.08 1,048,317.96 940,581.56 1,000,596.82 924,348.50 1,024,235.99 CO 126,367.26 85,876.16 93,612.66 103,872.89 99,651.37 99,140.65 91,585.85 109,183.27 S02 78,579.71 53,409.84 55,714.00 59,649.31 58,486.88 55,919.34 51,548.31 60,700.75 PM10-PRI 31,711.60 21,550.93 23,490.11 26,066.75 23,468.84 24,879.81 22,983.90 26,170.89 pm25-pri 28,540.44 19,395.83 21,141.10 23,460.07 21,284.01 22,391.83 20,685.51 23,583.67 PM-PRI 2,965.48 nh3 103.04 Table 2-10. Locomotive HAP Emission Estimates 1990-2002 (TPY) Pollutant 1990 1996 1999 2002 1,3-butadiene 109.94 122.06 111.43 105.23 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 82.69 91.68 87.23 82.05 Acenaphthene 0.68 0.76 0.70 0.66 Acenaphthylene 9.68 10.74 10.04 9.47 Acetaldehyde 646.87 718.22 815.15 795.67 Acrolein 108.79 120.80 128.25 110.02 Anthracene 2.29 2.54 2.37 2.23 Antimony 0.16 0.17 Benzene 87.88 97.57 139.10 138.74 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.37 0.41 0.39 0.35 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.06 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.14 Benzo(ghi)perylene 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.12 Beryllium & Compounds 0.65 0.72 0.68 0.63 Cadmium & Compounds 0.65 0.72 0.76 0.72 Chlorine 0.32 0.34 Chromium & Compounds 0.02 0.03 Chromium III 0.05 0.06 0.10 0.05 Chromium VI 0.10 0.11 0.05 0.09 Chrysene 0.27 0.30 0.29 0.26 Cobalt 0.01 0.01 Cumene 0.55 0.59 Ethyl Benzene 73.75 81.76 86.00 77.14 Fluoranthene 1.73 1.92 1.80 1.68 Fluorene 3.17 3.52 3.28 3.08 Formaldehyde 1,480.35 1,643.56 1,817.85 1,779.14 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-49 ------- Table 2-10. Locomotive HAP Emission Estimates 1990-2002 (TPY) (Continued) Pollutant 1990 1996 1999 2002 Indeno( 1,2,3 -cd)pyrene 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.06 Lead & Compounds 1.96 2.17 2.08 1.98 Manganese & Compounds 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.10 Methanol 0.82 0.89 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 40.31 43.95 m-Xylene 16.61 18.12 Naphthalene 59.26 65.75 60.29 58.30 n-Hexane 202.81 224.85 217.63 191.32 Nickel & Compounds 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.17 o-Xylene 9.26 10.10 Phenanthrene 12.83 14.24 13.30 12.56 Phosphorus 0.14 0.15 POM 0.03 Propionaldehyde 224.94 249.38 224.72 235.72 p-Xylene 2.72 2.97 Pyrene 2.43 2.69 2.52 2.36 Selenium 0.01 0.01 Styrene 77.44 85.85 83.06 73.01 Toluene 118 130.82 164.12 152.33 Xylene 177 196.23 201.20 172.19 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-50 ------- 2.3.7 Locomotive References: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2000. National Transportation Atlas Databases - National Rail Network 1:2,000,000. Washington, DC, Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Energy Information Administration Form EIA-821, "Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report'" for 1999. Table 23: Adjusted Sales for Transportation Use: Distillate Fuel Oil Residual Fuel Oil, 1999, U.S. Fritz, Steve, Diesel Fuel Effects on Locomotive Exhaust Emissions, California Air Resource Board. SwRI 08.02062, October 2000. Porter, Fred L., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, emission Standards Division. Note to Anne Pope, U.S. EPA/Emissions, Monitoring and Analysis Division. Comments on combustion source information in the Baseline Emission Inventory of HAP Emissions from MACT Sources - Interim final Report (September, 18, 1998 . November 13, 1998) Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled A Few Questions on the Rail Emissions - Reply, to Richard Billings, and Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. July 19, 2001 Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled Chromium in Loco's - Reply, to Richard Billings, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. June 1, 2001 Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled Better Railroad Numbers This Will Disaggregate Class I Work, to Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. May 8, 2001 Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled CMVSOx corrections - Reply, to Richard Billings, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. May 28, 2002 Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled 2, 2, 4-trimethylpentane, to Richard Billings, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. June 1, 2001 Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled 2, 2, 4-trimethylpentane, to Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. March 26, 2002 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-51 ------- Truex, Timothy J. and Joseph M. Norbeck. Evaluation of Factors that Affect Diesel Exhaust Toxicity. University of California-Riverside, Center for Environmental Research and Technology. Riverside, CA. March 16, 1998. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Form APR420-F-97-051, Emission Factors for Locomotives, for 1996 Table 9: Fleet Average Emission Factors for All Locomotives (Projected 1999), December 1997 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Locomotive Emission Standards Regulatory Support Document, page 109 April 1998. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources. 1992. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1989. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-52 ------- 2.4 Other Nonroad Mobile Sources 2.4.1 What are Other Nonroad Mobile Sources? The other nonroad mobile source category includes vehicles and equipment that normally are not operated on public roads nor provide transportation and are not considered aircraft, CMVs, or locomotives. Note, the individual source categories included in this group parallel the source categories included in the NONROAD model. This includes categories such as lawn and garden equipment, agricultural equipment, logging equipment, construction equipment, airport service vehicles, locomotive maintenance vehicles, and recreational equipment (including recreational vehicles and marine equipment). The other nonroad vehicles and equipment include both diesel-powered and gasoline- powered engines. Gasoline-powered engines can further be characterized into two engine categories, specifically 2- and 4-stroke engines. 2.4.2 What Pollutants are Included? OTAQ identified the HAPs for which data were available to develop inventory estimates (Scarbro, 2001; Cook, 1998a; Cook, 1997). These HAPs, listed below, were identified based on available test data and accepted emission estimating procedures. 1,3-Butadiene 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane Acetaldehyde Acrolein Benzene Chromium (Hexivalent) Chromium (Trivalent) Dioxins/Furans Ethylbenzene Formaldehyde Lead Manganese Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether n-Hexane Nickel PAH Propionaldehyde Styrene Toluene Xylenes jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-53 ------- 2.4.3 How Were the Other Nonroad Vehicle and Equipment Emissions Estimated? The other nonroad emission estimates provided in this inventory were derived using a mixture of "top down" and "buttom up" approaches. Figure 2-5 provides an overview of the approaches used to estimate emissions from this source category. Submitted state data replaced the nationally-developed estimates. The emission estimates for metal HAPs, excluding lead, were developed by applying emission factors to vehicle activity or fuel consumption data. For these metal HAP estimates, it was necessary to combine the 2- and 4-stroke engine-type categories into one category, called gasoline engines. Thus, metal HAP emissions for all gasoline engines, regardless of type, were based on the same metal emission factor. A national estimate of other nonroad lead emissions was obtained by multiplying the average lead content of mobile fuel with the amount of fuel used nationally and the fraction of the fuel used by other nonroad sources. Note, the lead content of fuel is very small and represents trace compounds in the extracted crude oil. The emission estimates for organic HAPs were developed by applying HAP/VOC speciation profiles to county-level VOC estimates. A number of different fuels are used in onroad vehicles. It was assumed that these same fuels were used in other nonroad applications, these fuels included: ~ Baseline gasoline, conventional lead-free fuel; ~ Winter oxygenated gasoline with methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) or tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME); jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-54 ------- County Level VOC/PM Estimate from Nonroad Model County Fuel Program is Identified National Activity/Fuel Usage Emissions Allocated to County Based on County/National PM Ratios Nonroad Metal HAP Emission Factors HAP/PM Speciation Profiles are Applied to County Level PM Estimates County Level HAP HAP/VOC Speciation Profiles for Specific Fuels Used in County are Applied to VOC Estimate Figure 2-5. Overview of Methods Used to Estimate County Level HAP Emission from Nonroad Mobile Sources 2-55 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd ------- ~ Winter oxygenated gasoline with ethanol; ~ Reformulated fuels with MTBE or TAME; ~ Reformulated fuels with ethanol; and ~ Diesel. Note, there are some nonroad fuels that are developed specifically for special nonroad applications such as agricultural operations and recreational marine. In this inventory, attempts were made to account for the use of these different fuels. Information was obtained from OTAQ that indicated the percentage of the year each gasoline fuel type was used in each county. These data were based on individual county participation in the Federal Reformulated Gasoline Program and State Oxygenated Fuel Programs. A listing of these counties, as well as the percentage of the year each gasoline fuel type was used, can be found in Volume 2. The fuel usage data were considered in assigning appropriate speciation profiles to each county. These profiles matched engine type, fuel type, and emission type, and were applied to the other nonroad criteria estimates for each county to calculate the county-specific HAP emissions. As mentioned earlier, there are three possible engine types (diesel, 2-stroke gasoline, 4-stroke gasoline) and six possible fuel types. Additionally, the emissions can be either exhaustive or evaporative for gasoline engines. It was assumed that diesel fuels have negligible evaporative emissions. In some cases it was possible to obtain engine-specific HAP/VOC speciation profiles for certain pollutants. The speciation profiles used can be found in Appendix D. When specific HAP/VOC speciation profiles could not be obtained, average speciation profiles for each nonroad engine type (i.e., 2-stoke, 4-stroke, and diesel) were developed and used. These profiles were based on recent test studies published in peer-reviewed journals, as well as profiles compiled in the EPA's SPECIATE database (EPA, 1995). jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-56 ------- It should be noted that different HAP/VOC speciation profiles for acetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldephyde, propionaldehyde, and 2, 2, 4-trimethylpentane were used to estimate other nonroad diesel emissions in California to account for the reformulated diesel fuel used in that state (Scarbro 2002). County-level VOC estimates were derived from 1999 NONROAD model runs (Thesing, 2002) using the "lockdown C (May 2002)" version. The other nonroad county-level VOC estimates were provided as exhaust and evaporative exhaust emissions. These county level VOC estimates were applied to the fuel specific speciation profiles matched to each county to estimate the organic HAP emissions. Diesel PAH speciation profiles were derived differently from the gasoline PAH profiles. In the case of diesel PAH profiles, additional data on highway diesel fuel usage in nonroad diesel fuel operations were available. Therefore, the nonroad diesel PAH speciation profiles were derived by applying the ratio of the percent of highway fuel usage and onroad diesel PAH data profiles to nonroad fuel consumption and nonroad diesel PAH data. The documentation included in Appendix D provides details on how emissions were estimated and identifies the key input data that were used in the calculation of speciation profiles. The documentation is not meant to provide an exhaustive analysis on the derivation of all the inputs. For example, a speciation profile used for a national estimate may be given in the appendix, but the source tests that were evaluated to obtain this factor may not be presented or discussed. The goal of the documentation provided is to show in a brief and concise manner how a given estimate was derived. Included in Volume 2 of this report are copies of hard-to-locate references that may help the reader better appreciate the data sources used in developing their local emission estimates. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-57 ------- 2.4.4 How Were National Emissions Allocated to Individual Counties? National estimates of metal HAP emissions from other nonroad vehicles and equipment were distributed to individual counties using the county proportion of other nonroad PM10 emissions, provided from the NONROAD model, versus total national PM10 emissions. All other nonroad vehicle and equipment HAP estimates were calculated at the county level by multiplying the appropriate speciation profile by their county level VOC estimates or PM estimates as obtained from the NONROAD model. 2.4.5 State Provided Data Where states provided their own nonroad HAP emission estimates, their data were given priority over all other data. In this version of NEI, two states, California and Texas provided nonroad HAP data (see Table 2-2). The state data submitted replaced the estimated emissions developed from national data. EPA did not adjust or revise any data submitted by state or local agency's - the data were used as submitted. For example if a state submitted only ozone season daily estimates these values were not multiplied by 365 to estimate annual emissions. Note, that in some cases state or local agency's submitted estimates where PAH or metal HAPs were not disaggregated into individual species, as was done in the nationally-derived estimates. In such cases, both the state or local estimates and the national estimates were retained (e.g., Nickel and Nickel and Nickel compounds; the nickel estimates are nationally-derived estimates while the nickel and nickel compounds are state derived estimates). It is recognized that a small amount of double counting may occur by taking this approach. Note, state emission estimates may differ significantly with EPA emission estimates. Appendix E contains individual summary sheets for each State that submitted nonroad data. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands did provide estimates for 1996, but not any other year. New runs of the nonroad model have recently been completed for criteria pollutants for 1999, such jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-58 ------- that the 1996 HAP estimates may not necessarily be consistent with the 1999 criteria estimates. At the time this report was being developed, the NONROAD model did not generate emissions for these two U.S. territories and the 1996 estimates were used for NEI HAP purposes. Table 2-11. Summary of State Submitted Other Nonroad Data State Criteria HAPs Comments 1996 Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands ~ Replaced national data with state submitted estimates. Tennessee - Davidson County ~ Replaced national data with state submitted estimates. 1999 California ~ Replaced national data with state total data for available pollutants. Removed pollutants not included on the list of regulated HAPs. Texas ~ Replaced national data with state data for available pollutants. Quarterly data was combined to get annual estimates. 2.4.6 What Are the Results? Table 2-12 summarizes the other nonroad vehicle and equipment emission estimates developed for each HAP. Table 2-13 summarizes the other nonroad vehicle and equipment emission estimates developed for POM. Note, the estimates in these tables include state provided estimates. Emission estimates for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands were provided for 1996 by using populations to scale the other nonroad emission estimates from Hawaii. These estimates were applied to 1999. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-59 ------- Table 2-12. Other Nonroad HAP Emissions Estimates for 1990-1999 Pollutant 1990 1996 1999 1,3-Butadiene 9,415.32 10,493.58 8,979.06 2,2,4-T rimethylpentane 91,327.56 105,118.19 94,394.79 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQ 1.5E-04 1.8E-04 1.97E-04 Acetaldehyde 15,360.93 17,705.88 18,877.04 Acrolein 1,525.24 1,764.54 1,983.32 Antimony 1.96 Benzene 70,805.26 77,578.86 65,747.14 Cadmium 0.95 Chlorine 285.81 Chromium 2.16 Chromium & Compounds 0.361 1.53 Chromium (VI) 0.27 0.29 0.29 Chromium III 0.53 0.57 0.57 Cobalt 2.10 Cumene 68.36 Ethyl Benzene 45,569.98 50,279.27 43,813.03 Formaldehyde 36,453.02 41,735.44 44,377.97 Hexane 31,918.61 35,493.61 29,637.76 Lead 0.42 Lead & Compounds 1.34 1.25 1.19 m-Xylene 5,757.99 Manganese 2.34 Manganese & Compounds 0.48 0.95 2.29 Methanol 887.33 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 487.81 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 19,757.35 47,428.94 24,333.75 Nickel 2.24 Nickel & Compounds 0.90 1.20 1.80 o-Xylene 2,041.31 p-Xylene 27.87 Phosphorus 1.74 Propionaldehyde 3,861.36 4,309.96 4,004.03 Selenium 0.07 Styrene 2,406.59 2,741.71 3,985.23 Toluene 209,919.50 237,002.35 209,889.93 Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) 184,726.35 208,889.90 189,985.11 16-PAH 0.877 2.73 7-PAH 0.445 1.38 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-60 ------- Table 2-12. Other Nonroad HAP Emissions Estimates for 1990-1999 (Continued) Pollutant 1990 1996 1999 Acenaphthene 25.47 25.24 22.59 Acenaphthylene 49.49 50.75 41.36 Anthracene 9.50 10.41 8.77 Benz [a] Anthracene 2.60 3.00 2.86 Benzo[a]Pyrene 2.27 2.62 2.46 Benzo [b] Fluoranthene 1.76 1.97 1.74 Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene 7.86 9.23 8.92 Benzo [k] Fluoranthene 1.63 1.81 1.59 Chrysene 2.17 2.42 2.24 Dibenzo [a,h] Anthracene 0.05 0.06 0.66 Fluoranthene 23.57 26.71 25.16 Fluorene 42.79 45.40 41.62 Indeno [ 1,2,3 -c,d] Pyrene 2.39 2.80 2.70 Naphthalene 727.30 741.44 672.20 Phenanthrene 80.22 82.06 74.28 Pvrene 25.70 29.53 27.55 2.4.7 Other nonroad Mobile Source References: Billings, Richard. E-mail entitled Lead Emissions (Aircraft) - Reply, to Rick Baker and William Gerber, Eastern Research Group, Inc., Eastern Research Group, Inc. Morrisville, NC. June 21, 2001. Cook, Rich and Joe Somers. Memorandum entitled Revised Methodology and Emission Factors for Estimating Mobile Source PAH Emissions in the National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality. Ann Arbor, MI. June 11, 2001 Cook, Rich. Memorandum entitled Guidance on Mobile Source Emission Estimates in the 1996 National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. June 9, 1998a. Cook, Rich. E-mail entitled Nonroad Vehicles and Equipment Emission Changes - Reply, to Richard Billings and Teresa Kraus, Eastern Research Group, Inc., U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. October 14, 1998b. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-61 ------- Cook, Rich. Memorandum entitled Source Identification and Base Year 1990 Emission Inventory Guidance for Mobile Source HAPs on the OAQPS List of 40 Priority HAPs, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. 1997. June 11, 1997. Office of Highway Policy Information (OHPI), U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Motor Fuel Section - Highway Statistics 1999, Tables MF-21 and MF-24 http://wwwcf.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/hs99/mfpage.htm Accessed 10/1/01 Scarbro, Carl. E-mail entitled Revised Emission Factors for Nonroad CI Engines, to Richard Billings, Eastern Research Group, Inc. U.S. EPA Office of Transport and Air Quality, Ann Arbor, MI. April 23, 2002 Scarbro, Carl. Memorandum entitled Volatile Organic Compounds from Four and Two Cycle Engine Recreational Equipment for the National Toxic Inventory, to Laurel Driver, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. U.S. EPA Office of Transport and Air Quality, Ann Arbor, MI. June 7, 2001 Thesing , Kirsten B. Computer File, NR1999_ERG.zip, with county level VOC and PM activity E.H. Pechan and Associates, Inc., The Pechan-Avanti Group. Durham, NC. June 25, 2001. U.S. Department of Commerce. Estimates of the Population of Counties: Annual Time Series, July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1997 (includes revised April 1, 1990 consensus population counts). CO-97-4. Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Bureau of the Census. Washington, DC. Available at the following Internet site: http://www.census.gov. March 17, 1998. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Emission Trends Viewer, Version 2.0 (CD-ROM). U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Emission Factor and Inventory Group. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1998. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. TOC/PMSpeciation Data System, Version 2.03. U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1995. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 2-62 ------- 3.0 COMPILING THE INVENTORY DATA INTO THE NEI DATABASE One of the goals of compiling the NEI was to process all the national and state supplied inventory data into a common structure with consistently defined data fields. A common data structure will help end users define standardized approaches to reviewing and using the data. The NEI Input Format (NIF) version 3.0 as designed by EPA allows for a variety of data transfer mechanisms to be used and is flexible enough to be supported by many different database programs. More detailed information about the NIF can be found at http//www.epa. gov/ttn/chief/nif/index,html. Several processing and screening steps were initially performed on the state databases as they were received. These steps included: ~ Converting any files submitted in NIF version 1.2 and version 2.0 to version 3.0; ~ Manually setting primary keys on each table; ~ Performing quality control (QC) checks on the files, including running EFIG's NIF QA software on each file; ~ Removing duplicate records; ~ Removing records that had null and zero emissions; ~ Screening for records that contain pollutants on the list of the 188 CAA HAPs; ~ Adding state abbreviation based on FIPS code; ~ Correcting referential integrity violations; ~ Checking/correcting miscellaneous data codes such as emission release point type, emission type, and emission unit numerator; and ~ For state submitted data, the data source flag will be noted as S and where EPA data are retained, the flag will be E. The flags can be found in the data source field. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 3-1 ------- 4.0 WHAT ARE THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS AIRCRAFT, COMMERCIAL MARINE VESSEL, LOCOMOTIVE, AND OTHER NONROAD INVENTORY? As with the development of any emissions inventory, the accuracy of the final estimates varies considerably. Given the methods used to calculate the estimates, the most important factor influencing the quality of the estimate is the validity of the emission factors and speciation profiles used, both in terms of absolute accuracy, as well as representativeness for each source type. For criteria pollutants, this is less of an issue as the emission factors are derived from extensive study and testing. For example, the criteria estimates for CMV and rail sources are derived from studies that support recent regulatory efforts. Criteria pollutant estimates for aircraft are also based on extensive emission testing incorporated into the FAA's EDMS model. The situation for HAPs is very different, as few HAP emission factors or speciation profiles have been developed for these sources. The majority of available HAP emission factors and speciation profiles data were either old and/or very limited in terms of coverage. This lack of data may be because the HAPs have not always been viewed as significant; therefore, little testing has been performed. This means that a very limited number of data points were available to characterize an entire engine type, without the benefit of knowing what the variability may be. In this version of the NEI, a number of significant revisions have been made to incorporate recent data and improve the accuracy of the inventory. Where there were no test data for a specific engine type, surrogate data from a related source had to be used to estimate emissions. While not optimal, this approach was necessary in order to provide as complete an inventory of emission sources as possible. The activity data can also affect the quality of emissions estimates, but activity data are usually easier to obtain and often have more credibility. When interpreting the emission estimates in this study at the local or state level, it is important to appreciate that the estimates use a "top-down" approach, such that national emissions jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 4-1 ------- are allocated to individual counties using appropriate surrogates. This approach may underestimate emissions in some counties and may overestimate emissions in other counties depending upon the specific types of fuel or equipment used. The county-level estimates are considered only a rough approximation of actual emissions. State or local data are considered to be more accurate for the counties they represent than the disaggregated national estimates. Unfortunately, few states and local agencies have developed aircraft, CMV, locomotive and other nonroad emission inventories. The EPA strongly recommends that states and local agencies under take data collection to provide more accurate emission estimates. As with most inventory efforts, improvements in methods and data can often be made in order to enhance the accuracy of the emission estimates or enhance the usefulness of the data. The following areas of improvement have been identified and EPA staff will be working on these improvements as resources permit. Aircraft • Develop better methodologies that rely on available activity data for the diverse aircraft included in the military aircraft category. • States and local agencies should be encouraged to develop airport specific emission estimates using the new FAA EDMS emission estimating tool in conjunction with local aircraft specific activity data. (This is particularly important for smaller municipal airports and private landing strips) • In the current version of the aircraft component of NEI, some states provided aircraft emission estimates in their point source file. These data were retained in the point source data set and the nationally derived aircraft emissions for the associated counties were removed. In the future it is recommended that the adjustment for double counting be done at the airport level, not the county-level. This will be highly dependent upon the states' submittal schedule, as sufficient time is needed to match individual airports in the nationally developed data set with those provided by the state. • States are requested to review the supplemental data to insure that the latitude and longitude coordinates associated with the airports included in this inventory are correct. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 4-2 ------- • States are requested to review the supplemental data to insure that the latitude and longitude coordinates associated with the airports included in this inventory are correct. • As new and more representative HAP profiles become available, these data should be incorporated into NEI, specifically, methodologies should be developed to estimate mercury and arsenic emissions from aircrafts. Commercial Marine Vessels • States should be encouraged to develop emission estimates for their ports based on the latest emission factors used in regulatory rulemaking. • It is recognized that there are some inconsistencies with the BTS GIS data for other inventory years, therefore, the 1999 weight factors were used in all other inventory years until BTS has revised their GIS data files. • Port emissions were assign to the top 150 ports based on cargo handling, a more complete list of ports along with appropriate traffic data would improve the quality of the port-level emission estimates. • OTAQ has developed port specific inventory estimates that can be incorporated directly into the NEI. Methods need to be developed that adjust these port data for the different inventory years used in NEI • As new and more representative HAP profiles become available, these data should be incorporated into NEI, specifically, methodologies should be developed to estimate mercury and arsenic emissions from CMVs. Locomotive • State and local agencies can play an important role in developing inventories of railroad activity that occurs in their geographic areas, especially with regard to the smaller Class II/III and commuter railroad operations. In developing these railroad inventories it is recommended that emission factors developed in support of recent rulemaking activities be used in these local locomotives emission inventories. • Inventories of yard locomotives have not been updated in many years. It is recommended that states inventory these locomotives and provide criteria and HAP emission estimates based on emission factors developed in recent locomotive rulemaking. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 4-3 ------- • It is recognized that there are some inconsistencies with the BTS GIS data for other inventory years, therefore, the 1999 weight factors were used in all other inventory years until BTS has revised their GIS data files. • As new and more representative HAP profiles become available, these data should be incorporated into NEI, specifically, methodologies should be developed to estimate mercury and arsenic emissions from locomotives. It is important that states and local agencies provide accurate and complete data. The EPA intends to use the aircraft, CMV, locomotive and other nonroad data as submitted. The submitted data will not be manipulated to fill data gaps; therefore, states and local agencies need to provide complete data sets, with correct pollutant identification codes (e.g., HC, TOG, ROG emission estimates can be provided but only VOC data will be used). It is also important that states use the most recent SIC listing. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd ------- 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 5.1 Introduction The aircraft, CMV, locomotive, and other nonroad components of the NEI comprise the largest data set currently incorporated in the NEI. At this time, this nonroad data set contains over 14 million records, stored in more than 2 gigabytes of memory. This large and complex data set matches emission factors for approximately 40 HAPs associated with 10 different fuels to approximately 230 individual source categories for each of the 3,141 counties included in this inventory, based on the type of fuel used. Given the inherent complexity of this emission inventory, it is critical that quality checks be performed throughout the inventory process. This chapter discusses the quality checks that are performed, not only to provide documentation of the quality assurance procedures used in the NEI, but also to provide state, local and tribal (S/L/T) agencies with insights that may lead to improved local data submittals. The quality assurance procedures for the nonroad NEI are dis-aggregated into the following checks: • Quality checks performed on nationally-derived emission estimates; • Quality checks performed on S/L/T submitted emission estimates; • Quality checks performed on the NEI database structure; • Peer review of draft emission estimates; • Development of final emission estimates; and • Quality checks performed on S/L/T output HAP data files. In implementing these multiple quality checks and data comparisons, considerable insight is developed concerning the consistency and reasonableness of the emission estimates provided in this jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-1 ------- inventory. In many ways, the process of quality checking the data helps the emission inventory staff validate the data used and validate the calculated emission estimates. The specific objectives and procedures implemented for each of the above quality assurance activities are discussed in greater detail in this chapter. 5.2 Quality Checks Performed on Nationally-Derived Emission Estimates In developing the national emission estimates for the nonroad mobile source categories, quality checks are performed to insure that the emission estimating procedures used are appropriate and correctly implemented. The procedures discussed in detail in the appendix have been developed and reviewed by staff from EPA's EFIG and the OTAQ. Data sets of emission factors and speciation profiles are maintained for each of the nonroad source categories included in this report. These data sets are reviewed to determine if they have been compiled correctly. Similarly, the activity data and spatial allocation files used in this inventory effort are also reviewed to insure that the values are reasonable and complete. Other data sets, such as the county fuel parameter data set and GIS spatial allocation files, used to match nonroad source category emission factors and geographic information with individual counties, are checked for errors. These and other checks performed on the national emission estimates are discussed in greater detail below. 5.2.1 Evaluate Emission Estimating Procedures The calculation procedures used to estimate emissions are checked to make sure that the units cancel out, correctly providing emissions in terms of tons of a specified HAP emitted per year. The emission calculations are also reviewed to insure that no mathematical errors have occurred. Where spreadsheets are used, the equations are evaluated to make sure that the correct cells are included in the spreadsheet formula, and that the formula has been applied correctly in the spreadsheet. Where databases are used, the update queries are reviewed to make sure that the steps implemented match the procedures included in the documentation and the data files are properly linked and include the correct equations. Lastly, all units are checked to insure that erroneously jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-2 ------- reported (e.g., pounds or milligrams are not reported as tons). All of these checks on the emission estimating procedures are performed by senior staff members who are familiar with the source category and procedures, but were not directly involved in the calculations. This allows for an independent evaluation of the emission estimating procedure. 5.2.2 Review Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles Emission factors and speciation profiles used in this report are compiled from a large number of references recommended by OTAQ staff. Prior to actually using these factors and profiles in the calculations, they are entered into separate data sets for each of the source categories included in this report. Most of the factors and profiles are obtained from hard copy reports and entered manually into database tables and spreadsheets. These data are independently reviewed to insure that the correct values have been entered. Special attention has been paid to the units (e.g., mg/VMT, lbs/gal, VOC fraction) associated with the emission factors to insure that the units reported in the documentation match the units in the original report. If errors are encountered, the project supervisor is notified and the factors or profiles are corrected. 5.2.3 Activity Data As with the emission factors and speciation profiles, activity data are obtained from a variety of sources in a variety of formats. Prior to using the activity data in the emission estimating procedures, the data are incorporated into database tables or spreadsheets and quality checked. In some cases, the data may be provided as a hard copy or in an electronic format. The hard copy data are independently evaluated to insure that the correct data have been incorporated into the inventory database table or spreadsheet. If the data are obtained in an electronic format, the file size of the original data set and inventory data set are compared as are the number of records transferred to indicate whether the data transfer was complete. Individual values may be compared to identify any differences between the two data sets. If differences have been identified, the inventory data set is revised to include the correct activity data. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-3 ------- 5.2.4 Check Other Input Data Other input data files such as the county fuel usage data files and data files used to spatially allocate emissions to individual counties are reviewed in the same manner as the emission factor and activity data. These data tend to be provided as electronic files, such that the main concern is correctly transferring the data from the original electronic format to an appropriate database table or spreadsheet. The database tables and spreadsheets are compared and incorrect data are revised prior to use in the emission estimating procedures. 5.2.5 Check Output Data After the emissions have been calculated and draft inventory data files developed, these data files are reviewed to insure that the correct number of sources categories, counties, and pollutants are included. If counties, source categories, or pollutants appear to be missing, the output data set is evaluated to determine whether there are errors in the emission equations, emission factors, speciation profiles, activity data, or spacial allocation factors. In some cases, the source category for which the emissions are estimated may not necessarily be in all counties. For example, not all counties have active railroad operations or navigable waterways, and therefore not all counties should have locomotive or CMV emission estimates. Because different onroad and nonroad fuels are used in the individual counties, the emission profile for a given county may legitimately exclude or include pollutants found in an adjacent county. For these reasons, it is important to evaluate missing output data elements carefully. If errors are encountered, the original inventory data table (e.g., emission factor/speciation profile, activity, spatial allocation) should be modified and update queries or calculations rerun. It is important not to correct the output data file itself. 5.2.6 Identify Outliers Once the output data file have been quality checked, the emissions data can be evaluated to identify outliers in the emission estimates. This includes identification of emission estimates that jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-4 ------- are unexpectedly high or low. It is helpful to perform these comparisons using GIS tools to evaluate spatial aspects of emissions by source category. For example, CMV emissions should be limited to waterways and locomotive emissions should be closely associated with maps of railway lines. Another helpful quality assurance tool is ranking emissions for each HAP for each source category. Comparing emission rankings within a source category can highlight possible errors in activity data and emission factors, especially for pollutants that may be orders of magnitude larger or smaller than anticipated. If the emission factors and activity data are correct, it is important to highlight these differences during the peer review process. 5.2.7 Compare with Historical Data After emission estimates have been developed and allocated to individual counties, the data are summarized and checked with historical emission estimates to insure that the estimates are reasonably consistent from year to year. This comparison is performed using national emission estimates that do not include S/L/T data, allowing for comparison of emission estimates that have been developed with similar methodologies. If historical estimates vary by more than 10 percent from year to year, these values are flagged and investigated further. This investigation includes review of the emission factors and activity data used between the two years. Where the emission factors or activity data used in the inventory are incorrect, the estimates are revised and new spatially allocated estimates are developed. In some cases, emissions can vary from year to year for legitimate reasons. For example, the introduction or discontinuation of reformulated fuels tend to be associated with significant changes in annual emission trends. Similarly, the phase out of leaded-fuels is linked with a significant decline in historical onroad and nonroad lead emissions. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-5 ------- 5.3 Quality Checks Performed on S/L/T Submitted Emission Estimates Once a S/L/T agency submits their data, a number of quality checks are performed to insure that the data are in the correct format, use appropriate NIF codes, and contain reasonable emission estimates. S/L/T data are not incorporated into the NEI until all quality checks have been implemented and any errors addressed. The checks performed on the submitted data are discussed in greater detail below. 5.3.1 Evaluate Database Structure After verifying that the S/L/T submitted database can be opened, it is necessary to determine whether the data are in an appropriate format. The preferred format is an Access® relational database as these databases tend to provide relatively compact data files that are easy to use. However, flat ASCII files can also be submitted. These ASCII files must be converted into appropriate database tables using the latest version of NEI File format (i.e., 3.0) prior to initiating the following quality checks. During the process of evaluating the S/L/T submitted database structure, records with duplicate primary keys are identified, such situations indicate the possibility of double counting of emission sources. These issues of duplicate records tend to occur where local inventory staff have not defined primary keys in their relational database or when working with ASCII data files. If the data file can not be opened or the data are provided in an inappropriate format or duplicate values are identified, the S/L/T contact is notified and a revised file is requested. 5.3.2 Identify Inappropriate Codes To insure that the S/L/T data files can be incorporated into the NEI, the codes used in the submitted data file are checked to insure that they correspond to current NEI codes. It is particularly jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-6 ------- important that S/L/Ts use the correct pollutant codes and SCC codes. In some cases, S/L/Ts may have aggregated SCC codes that the nationally-derived emission estimates have dis-aggregated; where this has occurred, these S/L/T data files are flagged and quality checks are performed individually to account for the unique aggregation of source categories. Some S/L/Ts provided emission estimates for unusual time periods such as "average summer weekday." The use of these unusual reporting periods, suggest that an incorrect emission type code may have been unintentionally used. If questionable or inappropriate codes have been submitted, S/L/T agencies are contacted and a corrected data file is requested. 5.3.3 Removal of Non-Criteria Pollutants and HAPs NEI only addresses Federally regulated criteria pollutants and HAPs. Some S/L/Ts provided estimates for HAPs of local concern that are not included on the 188 HAP list. These additional HAPs are identified and removed from the S/L/T data files prior to inclusion into NEI. 5.3.4 Compare Submitted Estimates for Consistency The reasonableness of the S/L/T submitted data is evaluated prior to including the data into the NEI. For example, if a S/L/T agency has provided PM10 and PM2 5 emission estimates, these values are compared to insure that the PM2 5 estimates are always less than the PM10 values. Organic HAP emission estimates are totaled and compared with VOC estimates to insure that the VOC values are always larger than the total organic HAP values. If the submitted emission estimates do not pass these data consistency tests, then the S/L/T agency is contacted and a correct data file requested. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-7 ------- 5.3.5 Comparison with Nationally-Derived Emission Estimates Lastly, the S/L/T submitted data are compared with the nationally-derived emission estimates to flag emission values that vary more than an order of magnitude. Where such differences have been identified, S/L/T agencies are contracted and the findings discussed. Because S/L/T agencies are able to utilize more accurate local activity data, their emission estimates tend to be of better quality than the nationally derived estimates that have been spatially allocated to counties using surrogate data. The point of this quality check is to allow S/L/Ts an opportunity to review their data submittal prior to inclusion into the NEI. If the S/L/T agency is confident in their estimates, then their data will be incorporated into the NEI. If the S/L/T agency agrees that an error has been made then they can resubmit their data. If time allows, it may be incorporated into NEI after all quality checks have again been implemented. 5.4 Quality Checks Performed on NEI Database Once the S/L/T data have been incorporated into the national emission estimates, it is necessary to evaluate the aggregated NEI data set to insure that the data set is complete and correctly populated. The database is also evaluated to insure that all required data elements needed for generating output in the latest NIF file format have been included. 5.4.1 Identify Data Gaps In some case, S/L/T agencies provide emission estimates for a limited number of HAPs, for specific source categories, or specific counties. Where the nationally derived emission estimates have been developed for additional pollutants, source categories, or counties, these values are used to fill data gaps in the S/L/T submittals. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-8 ------- 5.4.2 Insure Data Fields are Correctly Populated As noted above, S/L/T agencies may develop emission estimates for source categories that have been dis-aggregated in the nationally derived emission estimates. Where this occurs, the nationally derived emission estimates are fully reviewed and appropriate data removed from NEI to avoid double counting of emission estimates. 5.5 Peer Review of Draft Final Emission Estimates All components of the aircraft, CMV, locomotive, and other nonroad inventory undergo independent peer review by senior staff at the EFIG and the OTAQ. Peer reviewers are provided summaries of the national emission estimates (with and without S/L/T data), the compiled emissions data set, and associated NEI documentation. This peer review is implemented to insure that the correct procedures were followed and input data were used correctly. EFIG and OTAQ staff members review the emission totals to make sure that they are consistent and make sense. Because OTAQ staff are familiar or involved with newly developed regulations, part of this check is to insure that the emission estimates presented in the NEI agree with emission estimates in the regulatory background documents or properly account for introduction of new control technologies or fuels to comply with mobile source regulations. 5.6 Development of Final Emission Estimates Once the national emission estimates have been checked, the submitted S/L/T data have been incorporated, and external peer reviewers have completed their assessment of the data, necessary corrections or changes are made to the final data set. In some instances, peer reviewers may request additional review once the changes have been made. This sometimes leads to additional changes. The inventory documentation is reviewed once all of the peer reviewer jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-9 ------- comments have been address to insure that all changes made to the data are reflected in the documentation. 5.7 Quality Checks Performed on S/L/T Output Data Files One of the last steps in developing the aircraft, CMV, locomotive, and other nonroad inventory is to dis-aggregate the NEI HAP data set into individual data sets for each of the S/L/Ts. These individual HAP data sets need to be checked to insure that they are complete and no data were unintentionally dropped during the process. Some of the checks that are implemented are discussed below. 5.7.1 Check Record Counts A S/L/T data set usually consists of a mixture of S/L/T submitted data and nationally derived emission estimates, these records are flagged separately in the compiled NEI data files and compared to the individual state files. If the number of records in NEI associated with a state do not match the number of records in the individual state file, then a revised state file is created and the record numbers are again checked to insure that all of the data have been correctly transferred. 5.7.2 Insure That All States are Included Once all of the state files have been created, then the states are checked to insure that there is a state file for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. If a state file is missing, a new state file must be obtained from the NEI. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 5-10 ------- 6.0 INFORMATION QUALITY GUIDELINES 6.1 Overview The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed its Information Quality Guidelines (IQG) in response to guidelines issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under Section 515(a) of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (P.L. 106-554; H.R. 5658). The Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated by the Environmental Protection Agency (the Guidelines) embody the following performance goals: • Disseminated information should adhere to a basic standard of quality, including objectivity, utility, and integrity; • Principles of information quality should be integrated into each step of EPA's development of information, including creation, collection, maintenance, and dissemination; • Administrative mechanisms for correction should be flexible, appropriate to the nature of and timeliness of the disseminated information and incorporated into EPA's processes. These guidelines apply to "information" that EPA "disseminates" to the public. Such information includes any communication or representation of knowledge such as facts or data, in any medium or form, including web sites, FTP sites, brochures, data flat files, scientific studies etc. However, the guidelines DO NOT apply to all products distributed by EPA. EPA must sponsor or initiate the distribution of the information and EPA must adopt or endorse this information as defined below: • "EPA initiates a distribution of information if EPA prepares the information and distributes it to support or represent EPA's viewpoint, or to formulate or support a regulation, guidance or the agency decision or position." jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-1 ------- • "EPA initiates a distribution of information or EPA distributes information prepared or submitted by an outside party in a manner that reasonably suggests that EPA endorses or agrees with it; if EPA indicates in its distribution that the information supports or represents EPA's viewpoint; or if EPA in its distribution proposes to use or uses the information to formulate or support a regulation, guidance, policy, or other Agency decision or position." • "Agency-sponsored distribution includes instances when EPA reviews and comments on information distributed by an outside party in a manner that indicates EPA is endorsing it, directs the outside party to disseminate it on EPA's behalf, or otherwise adopts or endorses it." Information that is not meant for public distribution is not subject to the guidelines. This includes responses to FOIA requests and information intended for government contractors. Products considered "ephemeral" in nature (e.g., press releases, press conferences etc.) are also not subject to the guidelines. See Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated by the Environmental Protection Agency for more details. (http://www.epa.gOv/oei/qualitvguidelines/y 6.2 Purpose of the National Emission Inventory The Clean Air Act (CAA), as amended in 1990, includes mandates for the EPA related to criteria and hazardous air pollutants. The CAA requires the EPA to identify emission sources of these pollutants, quantify emissions, develop regulations for the identified source categories, and assess the public health and environmental impacts after the regulations are put into effect. The NEI is a comprehensive inventory covering all criteria pollutants and HAPs for all areas of the United States and as such it is a tool that EPA can use to meet the CAA mandates. It is envisioned that the NEI will be used to support air quality modeling and other activities. To this end, the EPA established a goal to compile comprehensive emissions data in the NEI for criteria and HAPs for mobile, point, and nonpoint sources. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-2 ------- 6.3 Potential Uses It is anticipated that the emission inventory developed from this effort will have multiple end uses. The data have been formatted according to protocols established for the EPA's NEI submittals. The common data structure on which the NEI platform is based will allow the NEI emission data to be transferred to multiple end-users for a variety of purposes. The criteria and HAP emission estimates developed for the NEI will be incorporated into the annual EPA publication entitled National Emissions Trends Report, which is used to evaluate air pollution trends over time. The NEI is also a critical component of the EPA's national Air Toxics Program (as described in EPA's July 19, 1999 Federal Register notice, 64 FR 38706). The initial objective is to make the data available for air quality modeling use in the National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA). The historical emissions data can also be used in support of the Government Performance Results Act (GRPA) assessments to quantify changes in emissions associated with implementation of government regulations and policies. S/L/T agencies can also use the NEI data as a starting point to develop or enhance local HAP emission inventories for use in risk assessments. Based on the intended purpose and potential applications of the inventory data, it is necessary for the NEI to comply with the requirements of the IQG. 6.4 Pre-dissemination Checklist The Pre-dissemination checklist summarizes the important aspects of the IQG and provides a list of specific actions essential to satisfying the requirements of the guidelines. This section presents each action in turn and discusses how it relates to the NEI. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-3 ------- 6.4.1 EPA Information Quality Guidelines The IQG generally reinforces existing EPA quality procedures. Specifically, it asks these questions of the information generator: • Is the product subject to EPA peer review policy? This policy covers "major" products as defined in the Science Policy Council Peer Review Handbook. • Does this product use environmental data? If so, the information product must have a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP). • Did this product conduct an assessment of existing data when used to support agency decisions or other secondary purposes? Is this data of sufficient quality and quantity to meet the objectives of the product? • Does this product fall under the guidelines of the EPA Risk Characterization Policy Handbook? Only two of the items listed above apply to the NEI - the NEI must have a QAP and must determine whether the data assessed is of sufficient quality to meet NEI's objectives. These items are addressed below. 6.4.2 Product Content - Inputs, Methodologies, and Outputs The mobile source emissions estimates discussed in this document are developed in two ways: 1) emissions are estimated at the national level and allocated to counties based on appropriate surrogates, or 2) the nationally-derived data can be replaced with data submitted by S/L/T agencies. Before incorporating either data into the NEI, a rigorous process of data review and standardization is implemented (see chapter 5). The procedures used to estimate emissions from aircraft, CMVs, locomotives, and other non-road engines and equipment are described in detail in chapter 2 of this document and appendices A to D. The data used for the national mobile source emission estimates have been jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-4 ------- checked as described in the quality assurance procedures chapter. In the process of developing the national mobile emission estimates for NEI, the EPA routinely assesses data gaps and completeness. Intra-year comparison of the national data are performed to insure that emission estimates are historically consistent. OTAQ staff are involved in the final review of the national emissions data to insure that the procedures developed and used represent state-of-the-art knowledge and are consistent with emission estimates developed for associated regulatory programs. All new S/L/T data sets are logged, checked for database integrity, assessed whether valid codes are used, and checked to identify duplicate. These data sets must conform to current NIF format. Each new data set is compared to the data in the national inventory to evaluate the reasonableness of the S/L/T submitted data and identify outlier or aberrant data. If gaps are detected, the S/L/T submittal is treated as a partial replacement set and the nationally-derived emission estimates are used to fill the data gaps. If there are concerns with the data provided or the format, then the S/L/T representative is contacted. If there are issues concerning the data provided, these are noted in the comment field of the State Database Summary Report tracking forms. The associated resolution is are also documented. These forms are included in Appendix E. 6.4.3 Transparency of Data Development Process The IQG specifies that if a product is deemed influential, the author must demonstrate that the product is capable of being reproduced by a qualified third party according to commonly accepted scientific and technical standards. The IQG uses the following definition of influential: • Information disseminated in support of top agency actions (i.e., rules, substantive notices, policy documents, studies and guidance). • Information distributed in support of economically significant actions (>$100 million impact annual or will adversely affect the economy in a material way). jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-5 ------- "Major" work products undergoing peer review according to EPA's Peer Review Policy (see Science Policy Peer Review Handbook). Case-by-case. The agency may determine that a product is influential if it deems that the product may have a clear and substantial impact on important policies or private sector decisions. The NEI will be subject to peer review and as such will meet the definition of an "influential" product. The 1999 NEI will not be peer reviewed. However, it has gone through extensive rounds of public and agency review, comment, and revision. The nonroad mobile source component of NEI has been developed to be transparent to and reproducible by a qualified third party user: • Documentation that summarizes the procedures used, including all emission factors, speciation profiles, and other input data necessary to implement the recommended procedures are provided; • Intermediate work products are provided that are essential to estimate or spatially allocate mobile source emissions, such as GIS data sets used to spatially allocate emissions and input file for MOBILE6.2; • Logging and archiving of all original data submittals by S/L/T agencies with indication as to date of submittal, type of revision, and source; • Incorporation of data elements in the output files that allow the user to determine the source of the record (EPA, or S/L/T agency) and the nature of a revised record (i.e., addition since last version, revision to last version, or original record) as well as the origin of defaulted data. S/L/T agencies are encouraged to submit nonroad mobile source emission estimates based on local knowledge of sources and activity. To insure that each S/L/T agency's estimates are comparable, this document has been developed to be sufficiently transparent to allow S/L/T agencies to apply the methods used here in their own inventories. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-6 ------- In order to reproduce the emission estimates, detailed background data are required including input files, emission factors, speciation profiles, activity data and spatial allocation factors. All e-mails and or summaries of phone conversations relevant to this work effort are archived in individual working files. Much of this information is not required to estimate emissions, therefore these files are reviewed once the inventory has been finalized and relevant, but hard-to-locate data and project notes are identified and provided in Volume 2 of this report as scanned documents in their original format. Intermediate work products that are necessary to reproduce the emission calculation or spatial allocation approach are also provided at the EPA's air toxic website. 6.4.4 Data Ranking of the Emission Estimates To provide users of the inventory with a measure of the overall quality of the emission estimate, a simplified rating scheme has been proposed for mobile sources that can be assigned to each estimate (on a scale of 1-6). This enhances the transparency of the data and also satisfies the requirement that EPA do an assessment of the data. This rating scheme will not be in-depth as other systems such as DARS (Data Attribute Rating System), but will consider the following factors in assigning a score: Score Description 6 The emission estimates have been developed using local data in conjunction with the NEI emission estimating procedures. 5 Local emission estimates have been developed using emission estimating procedures not included in the NEI. 4 National emission estimates have been developed based on equipment specific emission factors or speciation profiles and spatially allocated to individual counties using an appropriate surrogate. 3 National emission estimates have been developed based on aggregated emission factors for a given engine type or configuration (e.g., 2-stroke, 4-stroke, diesel, jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-7 ------- marine diesel, steamship) and spatially allocated to individual counties using an appropriate surrogate. 2 National emission estimates have been developed based on aggregated emission factors for a source category without taking into consideration fuel type or engine configuration. 1 Emission estimates for an early inventory year were used. Such a scoring system will help when comparing S/L/T submitted data with nationally derived emission estimates and will also help evaluate which source categories need improvement. Currently, the proposed rating scheme is being discussed and has not been implemented in this version of the inventory. 6.4.5 Product Limitations and Caveats As with the development of any emissions inventory, the accuracy of the final estimates varies considerably. Given the methods used to calculate the estimates, the most important factor influencing the quality of the estimate is the validity of the emission factors and speciation profiles used, both in terms of absolute accuracy, as well as representativeness for each source type. For criteria pollutants, this is less of an issue as the emission factors are derived from extensive study and testing. For example, the criteria estimates for CMV and rail sources are derived from extensive studies that support recent regulatory efforts. Criteria pollutant estimates for aircraft are also based on extensive emission testing incorporated into the FAA's EDMS model. The situation for HAPs is very different because few HAP emission factors or speciation profiles have been developed for these sources. The majority of available HAP emission factors and speciation data were either old and/or very limited in terms of coverage. This lack of data may be because HAPs from these sources have not always been viewed as significant. Therefore, little testing has been performed, such that a very limited number of data points were available to characterize an entire engine type, without the benefit of knowing what the actual variability may jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-8 ------- be. In this version of the NEI, a number of significant revisions have been made to incorporate recent data and improve the accuracy of the inventory. Where there were no test data for a specific engine type, surrogate data from a related source had to be used to estimate emissions. While not optimal, this approach was necessary in order to provide as complete an inventory of emission sources as possible. The activity data can also affect the quality of emissions estimates, but activity data are usually easier to obtain and often have more credibility. Local activity data is often more accurate than nationally-derived activity, which is why S/L/T agencies are encouraged to develop their own criteria and HAP inventories for these sources. When interpreting the emission estimates in this study at the local or state level, it is important to appreciate that the estimates use a "top-down" approach, such that national emissions are allocated to individual counties using appropriate surrogates. This approach may underestimate emissions in some counties and may overestimate emissions in other counties depending upon the specific types of equipment used. The county-level estimates are considered only a rough approximation of actual emissions. S/L/T data are considered to be more accurate for the counties they represent than the dis-aggregated national estimates. Unfortunately, few S/L/T agencies have developed aircraft, CMV, locomotive and other nonroad emission inventories. The EPA strongly recommends that S/L/T agencies undertake data collection to provide more accurate emission estimates. As with most inventory efforts, improvements in methods and data can often be made in order to improve the accuracy of the emission estimates or enhance the usefulness of the data. For this version of NEI, the following areas of improvement have been identified and EPA staff will be working on these improvements as resources permit. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-9 ------- Aircraft • Encourage S/L/T agencies to develop airport specific emission estimates using the new FAA EDMS emission estimating tool in conjunction with local aircraft specific activity data. • Develop better methodologies that rely on available activity data for the diverse aircraft included in the military aircraft category. • As new and more representative HAP profiles become available, these data should be incorporated into NEI, specifically, methodologies should be developed to estimate mercury and arsenic emissions from aircrafts. Commercial Marine Vessels • Encourage S/L/Ts to develop emission estimates for their ports based on the latest emission factors used in regulatory rule making. • It is recognized that there are some inconsistencies with the BTS GIS data for other inventory years, therefore, the 1999 weight factors were used in all other inventory years until BTS has revised their GIS data files. • Port emissions were assigned to the top 150 ports based on cargo handling. A more complete list of ports along with appropriate traffic data would improve the quality of the port-level emission estimates. • As new and more representative HAP profiles become available, these data should be incorporated into NEI, specifically, methodologies should be developed to estimate mercury and arsenic emissions from CMVs. Locomotive Inventories of yard locomotives have not been updated in many years. S/L/Ts should inventory these locomotives and provide criteria and HAP emission estimates based on emission factors developed in recent locomotive rulemaking. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-10 ------- • It is recognized that there are some inconsistencies with the BTS GIS data for other inventory years, therefore, the 1999 weight factors were used in all other inventory years until BTS has revised their GIS data files. • S/L/T agencies can play an important role in developing inventories of railroad activity that occurs in their geographic areas, especially with regard to the smaller Class n/m and commuter railroad operations. In developing these railroad inventories it is recommended that emission factors developed in support of recent rulemaking activities be used in these local locomotives emission inventories. • As new and more representative HAP profiles become available, these data should be incorporated into NEI, specifically, methodologies should be developed to estimate mercury and arsenic emissions from locomotives. Nonroad • National level emissions in NONROAD are allocated to the county level using surrogates, such as construction costs (to allocate emissions of construction equipment) and the number of employees in relevant manufacturing sectors (to allocate industrial equipment). Use of more specific local data on equipment populations and usage will result in more accurate inventory estimates. EPA strongly recommends that S/L/Ts undertake data collection to provide local data as is routinely done for highway motor vehicle activity and population. • New emission factors need to be developed to characterize mercury and arsenic emissions. • Naphthalene from evaporative sources should be dis-aggregated from the exhaust naphthalene. It is important that S/L/T agencies provide accurate and complete data, the EPA intends to use the mobile data as submitted. The submitted data will not be manipulated to fill data gaps. 6.4.6 Contact Information In order for NEI users to obtain more information about the nonroad mobile source component of the inventory and obtain answers for their questions, they should contact: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-11 ------- Laurel Driver Emission Factor and Inventory Group (D205-01) Emissions, Monitoring and Analysis Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 6.4.7 EPA Disclaimer When EPA posts or distributes third party documents or data, but is not endorsing that information nor using it to represent EPA's viewpoint, then a disclaimer must be posted along with the primary documents or data. Because NEI includes S/L/T data not developed by the EPA, the following disclaimer is required: "EPA is posting S/L/T data on the FTP site for the purpose of making them more readily accessible to the public. These submissions are posted verbatim without editing them in any way. The public should be aware that the information contained in these submissions was not developed by EPA and EPA cannot attest to their accuracy or sufficiency. Therefore, posting of a submission on this website does not mean that it expresses EPA 's viewpoint or that EPA endorses the submission or information contained in it. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd 6-12 ------- Appendix A Aircraft Emission Estimation Methodology ------- Aircraft Emission Estimating Methods This appendix documents the methods used to estimate aircraft emissions for commercial aircraft, air taxis, general aviation (GA) and military aircraft. Criteria emission estimates for commercial aircraft were developed using the FAA's Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), while air taxis, GA, and military aircraft criteria emissions were estimating using generic factors from EPA's SIP Guidance. These criteria emission estimates were speciated into HAP components using speciation profiles developed from the latest aircraft test data or obtain from the SPECIATE database and other published sources. The HAP speciation profiles for commercial air carriers noted in this section of the documentation was updated based on new aircraft speciation profiles and were used in the 2002 Inventory. The speciation profiles used in all other inventory years are included in Volume II - Aircraft - 2001 Aircraft References. For the 2002 Inventory EDMS was run for each airport individual with these emission estimates begin attributed to the airports latitude and longitude coordinates. For all other inventory years, criteria and HAP emissions were allocated to individual airports based on airport-specific LTO data provided by the FAA in the Terminal Area Forecast System (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2001c). The allocations were made by aircraft type (i.e., commercial air carriers, air taxis, general aviation and military aircraft), such that emissions from large air carriers were assigned to airports with air carrier traffic and emissions from GA were allocated to airports that had documented GA activity. Commercial Aircraft To estimate emissions for commercial aircraft for all inventories not including the 2002 inventory, LTO data from Table 7 of Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Route Air Carriers (DOT, 2001) was obtained from the FAA. This report is no longer published, so data were received electronically based on a formal request to the FAA. For the 2002 Inventory, activity data were downloaded directly from the FAA's website. These LTO data only include domestic air carriers. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-l ------- The EPA provided LTO data for foreign flagged air carriers. These LTO data were combined and entered into the FAA Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), Version 4.0 (DOT, 2001a), which was designed to calculate aircraft-specific emissions. All time in mode (TIM) default values in EDMS were used in this inventory effort. EDMS did not have default TIM values for the period of time that aircraft are taxiing or idling. In this inventory a TIM value of 26 minutes was used for taxiing and idling; this value was the default recommended in other EPA guidance (EPA, 1992). EDMS generated emissions for HC, NOx, CO and SOx for aircraft included in the EDMS software. The national level criteria pollutant emission estimates generated from EDMS are shown below: Table A-l. 1999 Criteria Pollutant: Matched Commercial Aircraft Pollutant Emissions (tons/yr) Average Emission Factor (tons/LTO) HC 20,015.34 0.002680 NOx 75,945.09 0.009288 CO 91,513.39 0.011192 SOv 7,285.96 0.000891 PM estimates for commercial aircraft for 2002 were developed using the emission factors summarized in Table A-2. These emission factors are per engine, in order to adjust these factors for the number of engines on a specific aircraft. The aircraft characterize data were extracted from the EDMS model. Note that all commercial aircraft included in the 2002 FAA airport activity data could be matched to aircraft included in EDMS. On the other hand, emissions for 96 % of total LTOs for commercial air carriers could be matched in the 1999 Inventory. To compensate for the aircraft not included in the EDMS for the 1999, 1996, 1990, 1987, and 1978, average emission factors for a single LTO were developed (see Table A-l) and applied to unmatched LTOs. The equation below shows how these emissions were calculated. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-2 ------- Average Emission Factors (tons/LTO) x unmatched LTOs = Emissions from unmatched aircraft Example: 0.00268 tons of HC/LTO * 312,427 (Unmatched LTOs) = Unmatched HC emissions Matched LTOs The emission estimates for matched and unmatched aircraft were combined to estimate total commercial aircraft emissions. Note, for 2002 there was no need to gap fill for unmatched aircraft and therefore the above procedure was not needed for the 2002 estimates. PM emissions were calculated differently that the other criteria pollutants. PM 10 emissions were based off of emission factors in lbs per hour for each of the four modes of operations. Based on the recommendation by OTAQ, the emission factors per mode of operations were obtained by averaging together the old AP-42 emission factors. Then by multiplying the emission factors by the average time aircraft are in each mode of operation and then summing the emission factors by LTO per engine were created (Table A-2). According to CARB, PM2.5 = 97.6% of PM10, which allowed for the creation of PM2.5 emission factors. Table A-2. Commercial Aircraft PM Emission Factors EF EF EF Time Mode for PM10 for PM2.5 Units (min) Idle 6.140E-01 5.993E-01 lbs/hour 26 Takeoff 4.958E+00 4.839E+00 lbs/hour 0.7 Climb 3.548E+00 3.463E+00 lbs/hour 2.2 Approach 1.268E+00 1.238E+00 lbs/hour 4 Total 2.693E-04 2.628E-04 ton/LTO/engine — The HC estimate was speciated for individual HAPs using speciation profiles developed from recent test data (See Table A-3 ) (Billings, 2004) in the following equation. Note some of the jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-3 ------- recent test data is disaggregated by jet engine type (i.e., turbo fan and turbo props), engine type data for individual engines were obtained from the International Civil Aviation Organization Engine Emission Data Bank. HCcommercml * Speciation Profile= HAP Emissionscommercmll Where: HCcommercial = Commercial aircraft HC estimate (tpy) for individual aircraft i = Pollutant Speciation Profile; = HC speciation fraction for pollutant i (Table A-2) Emissionscommercial; = Emission estimate for pollutant i (tpy) Example: 1,478 tons of HC * 0.00203 styrene fraction for turbo fan = 3.00E-3 Tons of Styrene Table A-3. Previous HAP/VOC Speciation Profiles for Commercial Aircraft Pollutant VOC Speciation profile 2,2,4 -T rimethy lpentane 0.0005 Acetaldehyde 0.0519 Acrolein 0.0253 Naphthalene (gas-phase) 0.0057 Styrene 0.0044 Table A-4. 2002 Commercial Aircraft HAP Speciation Profile for THC Pollutant Turbo Fan Turbo Prop Combined 1,3-Butadiene 1.44E-02 1.43E-02 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 5.47E-04 Acetaldehyde 4.77E-03 2.33E-03 Acrolein 2.65E-03 4.01E-05 Anthracene 4.43E-07 B enz [a] Anthracene 4.84E-07 4.91E-07 Benzene 1.64E-02 1.86E-03 Benzo[a]Pyrene 3.59E-07 3.65E-07 Benzo [b]Fluoranthene 7.06E-07 7.05E-07 Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene 6.44E-09 Benzo [k]Fluoranthene 7.06E-07 7.05E-07 Chrysene 4.90E-07 4.93E-07 Dibenzo [a,h] anthracene 9.52E-07 9.50E-07 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-4 ------- Pollutant Turbo Fan Turbo Prop Combined Ethyl Benzene 1.36E-03 3.04E-04 Fluoranthene 9.30E-07 Formaldehyde 9.61E-02 1.48E-02 Indeno [ 1,2,3 -c,d]Pyrene 7.65E-07 7.64E-07 Naphthalene (Gas) 2.27E-03 4.27E-04 Naphthalene 4.70E-04 Phenanthrene 4.15E-06 Phenol 2.03E-03 2.04E-04 Propionaldehyde 1.16E-02 Pyrene 1.13E-06 Styrene 2.03E-03 3.69E-04 Toluene 6.73E-03 1.02E-03 Xylenes (Mixture of o. m. & d Isomers') 3.85E-03 7.18E-04 Air Taxis For air taxis, activity data were taken from the FAA Air Traffic and Activity Data System (DOT, 2001b). In this reference, each activity (i.e., a landing or take-off) is counted. For every LTO, there are two activities ("landing" and "take-off); therefore, the FAA activity data were divided by two to estimate LTOs. Example: 10,650,000 FAA aircraft operations/2 = 5,325,000 LTOs For all years, the aircraft-specific data used for commercial air carriers were reviewed to identify any smaller aircraft that would be considered air taxis. Emission estimates for these aircraft were retained in the commercial air carriers calculations, but their LTOs were subtracted from the FAA's air taxi LTO estimates to ensure that these aircraft activities were not double counted. The adjusted LTO data were applied to the SIP emission factors (see Table A-5) using the following equations. Adjusted air taxi LTOs * criteria emission factor = Air taxi criteria emission estimate jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-5 ------- Example: 5,325,000 LTOs * 1.234 pounds HC/LTO * 1 ton/2,000 pounds = 3,285.53 tons of HC The criteria emission factors for HC, NOx, CO, and SOx for air taxis were obtained from the EPA's Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources (EPA, 1992). PM emission factors for air taxis were obtained from EPA's National Air Pollution Emission Trends, Procedures Document for 1900-1996 (EPA, 1997). PM25 emissions were derived by assuming 69% of PM10 is PM2 5, as noted in the 1998 NET (National Air Pollution Emission Trends Procedures document for 1900-1998 (EPA, 2000)). Table A-5. Criteria Pollutant Emission Factors for Air Taxis for All Years Pollutant Emission Factor (lbs/LTO) HC 1.234 X O £ 0.158 CO 28.13 sox 0.015 PM10 0.60333 For the 2002 Emission Inventory HAP emissions were estimated using the speciation profiles noted in Table A-6. A conversion factor from Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources (EPA, 1992) was applied to the air taxi HC emission estimate to obtain a VOC estimate. Air taxi HC emissions * VOC/HC conversion factor = air taxi VOC estimate Example: 3,285.53 tons of HC * 0.9914 VOC/HC = 3,257.27 tons of VOC jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-6 ------- Table A-6. Air Taxi Speciation Profiles Pollutant Turbine Piston Speciation Type 1,3-Butadiene 0.019192387 0.01198001 HC 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.00043788 0.00043788 HC Acenaphthene 0 0.00073 PM10 Acenaphthylene 0 0.00412 PM10 Acetaldehyde 0.05280984 0.00757919 HC Acrolein 0.02518247 0.00073347 HC Anthracene 4.41164E-07 0.00085 PM10 Benz[a]Anthracene 6.67767E-08 0.0001 PM10 Benzene 0.021881855 0.049509225 HC Benzo[a]Pyrene 3.6563E-08 0.0001 PM10 Benzo [b] Fluoranthene 0 0.00012 PM10 Benzo [g,h,i,] Perylene 6.06464E-09 0.00026 PM10 Benzo [k] Fluoranthene 0 0.00012 PM10 Chrysene 6.2179E-08 0.0001 PM10 Ethyl Benzene 0.001833675 0.017970015 HC Fluoranthene 9.22832E-07 0.00091 PM10 Fluorene 0 0.00151 PM10 Formaldehyde 0.17285443 0.032883905 HC Hexane 0 0.00855715 HC Indeno [ 1,2,3 -c,d]Pyrene 0 0.00008 PM10 Naphthalene 0.000470721 0.0907 PM10 Naphthalene (Gas) 0.00558297 0.00558297 HC Phenanthrene 4.10513E-06 0.00254 PM10 Propionaldehyde 0.01100205 0.00073347 HC Pyrene 1.12754E-06 0.00124 PM10 Styrene 0.004523065 0.00415633 HC Toluene 0.005990005 0.1271348 HC Xylenes (Mixture of o. m. & d Isomers) 0.00537878 0.07163557 HC For previous years, to estimate 1,3-butadiene, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, formaldehyde, ethylbenzene, n-hexane, propionaldehyde, styrene, toluene, and xylene for air taxis, it was necessary to convert VOC to TOG as the speciation profiles are provided in terms of TOG. For all years, OTAQ provided separate conversion factors for air taxis powered by piston and turbine engines (Cook, 1997). Therefore, the VOC estimate needed to be disaggregated into turbine and piston powered air taxis as noted in the following equations based on the assumption that 73 percent of air taxi fleet are powered by piston engines and 27 percent of the fleet are powered by turbine engines (Cook, 1997). jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-7 ------- VOC estimate for Turbine Engine Air Taxis: Air taxi VOC estimate * turbine poweredfleet fraction = turbine powered VOC estimate Example: 3,257.27 tons of VOC * 0.27 = 879,4629 tons VOC VOC estimate for Piston Engine Air Taxis: Air taxi VOC estimate * piston engine fleet fraction = Piston powered VOC estimate Example: 3,257.27 tons of VOC * 0.73 = 2,377.81 tons VOC VOC estimates were converted into TOG estimates using the following equations. TOG estimate for Turbine Engine Air Taxis: Turbine VOC estimate * TOG/VOC conversion factor = TOG emission estimate Example: 879,4629 tons of VOC * 1.1347 TOG/VOC = 997.93 tons TOG TOG estimate for Piston Engine Air Taxis: Piston VOC estimate * TOG/VOC conversion factor = TOG emission estimate Example: 2,377.81 tons of VOC * 1.0738 TOG/VOC = 2,553.29 tons TOG For previous years, these TOG values were applied to the speciation profiles included in Table A-7 and A-8. The 1,3-butadiene, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, formaldehyde, and styrene fractions of TOG for turbine and piston air taxis were provided by OTAQ (Cook, 1997). The jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-8 ------- TOC/PMSpeciation Data System (EPA, 1995) was used to provide toxic fractions for ethylbenzene, naphthalene (gas-phase), propionaldehyde, styrene, toluene, and xylene. Profiles 1099 and 1313 were used for air taxis with turbine engines and air taxis with piston engines, respectively. These toxics fractions were applied to the above TOG values using the following equation. TOG x * Speciation Profilexi = HAP Emission Estimatexi Where: Speciation Profilex Emission Estimate, x = Engine type (Turbine/Piston) i = Pollutant = TOG speciation fraction for engine type x and pollutant i (Tables A-7 and A-8) = Emission estimate for engine type x and pollutant i Example: 997.93 tons of TOG * 0.0157 1,3-butadiene fraction = 15,6674 tons of 1,3-butadiene Table A-7. Previous HAP/TOG Speciation Profiles for Air Taxis with Turbine Engines Pollutant TOG Speciation profile 1,3-Butadiene 0.0157 Acetaldehyde 0.0432 Acrolein 0.0206 Benzene 0.0179 Ethylbenzene 0.0015 Formaldehyde 0.1414 Propionaldehyde 0.0090 Styrene 0.0037 Toluene 0.0049 Xvlene 0.0044 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-9 ------- Table A-8. Previous HAP/TOG Speciation Profiles for Air Taxis with Piston Engines Pollutant TOG Speciation profile 1,3-Butadiene 0.0098 Acetaldehyde 0.0062 Acrolein 0.0006 Benzene 0.0405 Ethylbenzene 0.0147 Formaldehyde 0.0269 n-hexane 0.0070 Propionaldehyde 0.0006 Styrene 0.0034 Toluene 0.1040 Xvlene 0.0586 The previous emission estimates for PAH compounds were developed for individual species (Cook, 2001). For PAHs, the VOC estimate was speciated for turbine engines, while the PM10 estimate was speciated for piston engines (Cook, 2001). The PAH emissions were estimated for turbine powered aircraft based on the following equations, note that the derivation from the VOC estimate for turbine powered air taxis is shown below. Table A-9 has the PAH speciation profiles. PAH equation for Turbine Powered Aircraft: VOCTurbine* Speciation ProfileTurbme, = HAP Emission EstimateTurbine Where: 1 VOCT -'Turbine Speciation ProfileXurbinei Emission EstimateT "Turbine i = PAH species = VOC estimate for turbine powered aircraft (TPY) = VOC speciation profile for species i (Table A-9) = Turbine emission estimate for PAH species i (TPY) Example: Pyrene estimate for Turbine Aircraft Pyrene emissions = 879,4629 tons of VOC * 1.03 E-06 pyrene fraction = 9.06E-04 tons of pyrene jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-10 ------- Table A-9. Previous PAH/VOC Speciation Profiles for Air Taxis with Turbine Engines Pollutant VOC Speciation profile Benzo(a)anthracene 6.10 E-08 Benzo(a)pyrene 3.34 E-08 Chrysene 5.68 E-08 Anthracene 4.03 E-07 Benzo(ghi)perylene 5.54E-09 Fluoranthene 8.43E-07 Naphthalene (solid-phase) 4.30E-04 Phenanthrene 3.75E-06 Pyrene 1.03E-06 PAH Equation for Piston Powered Aircraft: For all years, the PM10 emission estimate for piston engine air taxis was calculated using the following equation which is based on the assumption that 73 percent of the air taxi fleet is powered by piston engine aircraft. Air taxi PM10 estimate * piston engine fleet fraction = PM10 emission from piston air taxis Example: 1,606.37 tons of PM10 * 0.73 = 1,172.65 tons PM10 The PAH emissions were estimated for piston powered air taxis based on the following equations. PMio Plston * speciation profilePlstoni = emission estimate Plstoni Where: i = PAH species PM10Piston = PM10 estimate for piston powered aircraft (TPY) Speciation profileHstoni = PM10 speciation profile for species i (Table A-10) Emission estimateHstoni = Piston emission estimate of PAH species i (TPY) Example: Pyrene estimate for Piston Aircraft Pyrene emissions = 1,172.6 tons of PM10Piston * 1.24 E-3 Pyrene Fraction = 1.45 Tons of Pyrene jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroadvol-I-rv3.wpd A~1 1 ------- Table A-10. Previous PAH/PM Speciation Profile for Air Taxis with Piston Engines Pollutant PM Speciation profile Benzo(a)anthracene 1.00E-04 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.00E-04 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.20E-04 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.20E-04 Chrysene 1.00E-04 Indeno( 1,2,3 -cd)pyrene 8.00E-05 Acenaphthene 7.30E-04 Acenaphthylene 4.12E-03 Anthracene 8.50E-04 Benzo(ghi)perylene 2.60E-04 Fluoranthene 9.10E-04 Fluorene 1.51E-03 Naphthalene (solid phase) 9.07E-02 Phenanthrene 2.54E-03 Pvrene 1.24E-03 Since there were no speciation profiles for turbine engines for benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h,)anthracene, indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene, acenaphthene, acenaphthylene and fluorene, speciation profiles were developed only for piston engines for these pollutants. General Aviation For GA, activity data were taken from the FAA Air Traffic and Activity Data System (DOT, 2001b). In this reference, each activity unit (i.e., a landing or take-off) is counted. For every LTO there are two activities ("landing" and "take-off); therefore, the FAA activity data were divided by two to estimate LTOs. Example: 21,065,511 FAA aircraft operations / 2 = 10,532,755.5 LTOs To estimate GA emissions, these LTO data were applied to generic critiera GA emission factors (see Table A-l 1) using the following equations. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-12 ------- Example: GA LTOs * criteria emission factor = criteria emission estimate Example: 10,532,755 LTOs * 0.394 pounds HC/LTO * 1 ton/2,000 pounds = 2,074.95 tons of HC The criteria emission factors for HC, NOx, CO, and SOx for GA were obtained from the EPA's Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources (EPA, 1992). PM emission factors for GA were obtained from EPA's National Air Pollution Emission Trends, Procedures Document for 1900-1996 (EPA, 1997). PM25 emissions were derived by assuming 69% of PM10 is PM2 5, as noted in the 1998 NET. Table A-ll. Pollutant Specific Emission Factors for General Aviation for All Years Pollutant Emission Factor (lbs/LTO) HC 0.394 NOx 0.065 CO 12.014 SOx 0.01 PM10 0.2367 For the 2002 Emission Inventory HAP emissions were estimated using the speciation profiles noted in Table A-12. A VOC/HC conversion factor from Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources (EPA, 1992) was applied to the GA HC emission estimate to obtain a VOC estimate. GA HC emissions * VOC/HC conversion factor = GA VOC estimate Example: 2,074.95 tons of HC * 0.9708 VOC/HC = 2,014.36 tons of VOC jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-13 ------- Table A-12. 2002 General Aviation Speciation Profiles Pollutant Turbine Piston Speciation Type 1,3-Butadiene 0.019291483 0.01198001 HC 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.00043788 0.00043788 HC Acenaphthene 0 0.00073 PM10 Acenaphthylene 0 0.00412 PM10 Acetaldehyde 0.05280984 0.00757919 HC Acrolein 0.02518247 0.00073347 HC Anthracene 4.41164E-07 0.00085 PM10 Benz[a]Anthracene 6.67767E-08 0.0001 PM10 Benzene 0.021881855 0.049509225 HC Benzo[a]Pyrene 3.6563E-08 0.0001 PM10 Benzo [b] Fluoranthene 0 0.00012 PM10 Benzo [g,h,i,] Perylene 6.06464E-09 0.00026 PM10 Benzo [k] Fluoranthene 0 0.00012 PM10 Chrysene 6.2179E-08 0.0001 PM10 Ethyl Benzene 0.001833675 0.017970015 HC Fluoranthene 9.22832E-07 0.00091 PM10 Fluorene 0 0.00151 PM10 Formaldehyde 0.17285443 0.032883905 HC Hexane 0 0.00855715 HC Indeno [ 1,2,3 -c,d]Pyrene 0 0.00008 PM10 Naphthalene 0.000470721 0.0907 PM10 Naphthalene (Gas) 0.00558297 0.00558297 HC Phenanthrene 4.10513E-06 0.00254 PM10 Propionaldehyde 0.01100205 0.00073347 HC Pyrene 1.12754E-06 0.00124 PM10 Styrene 0.004523065 0.00415633 HC Toluene 0.005990005 0.1271348 HC Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, & p Isomers) 0.00537878 0.07163557 HC For previous years, to estimate 1,3-butadiene, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, formaldehyde, ethylbenzene, n-hexane, propionaldehyde, styrene, toluene, and xylene for GA, it was necessary to convert VOC to TOG as the speciation profiles were provided in terms of TOG. For all years, OTAQ provided separate correction factors for GA powered by piston and turbine engines (Cook, 1997). Therefore, the VOC estimates needed to be disaggregated into turbine and piston powered aircraft as noted in the following equations based on the assumption that 94 percent jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-14 ------- of the GA fleet are powered by piston engines and 6 percent of the fleet are powered by turbine engines (Cook, 1997). VOC estimate for GA Turbine Engine: GA VOC estimate * turbine fleet fraction = turbine powered VOC estimate Example: 2,014.36 tons of VOC * 0.06 = 120.86 tons VOC VOC estimate for GA Piston Engine: GA VOC estimate * piston engine fleet fraction = piston powered VOC estimate Example: 2,014.36 tons of VOC * 0.94 = 1,893.50 tons VOC VOC estimates were converted into TOG estimates using the following equations. TOG estimate for GA Turbine Engine: Turbine VOC estimate * TOG/VOC conversion factor = TOG emission estimate Example: 120.86 tons of VOC * 1.1347 TOG/VOC = 137.14 tons TOG TOG estimate for GA Piston Engine: Piston VOC estimate * TOG/VOC conversion factor = TOG emission estimate Example: 1,893.50 tons of VOC * 1.0738 TOG/VOC = 2,033.24 tons TOG jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroadvol-I-rv3.wpd A~15 ------- For previous years, these TOG values were applied to the speciation profiles included in Tables A-13 and A-14. The 1,3-butadiene, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, formaldehyde, and styrene fractions of TOG for turbine and piston GA were provided by OTAQ (Cook, 1997). The TOC/PMSpeciation Data System (EPA, 1995) was used to provide toxics fractions for ethylbenzene, propionaldehyde, styrene, toluene and xylene. Profiles 1099, Aircraft Landing and Takeoff (LTO)-GA, and profile 1313, Average Exhaust from a Light Duty Gasoline Vehicle Operating on Industry Average Gasoline, were used for turbine engine GA and piston engine GA, respectively. These toxic fractions were applied to the above TOG values using the following equation. TOG x * speciation profilexi = HAP emission estimatexi Where: x Speciation profilex Emission estimate. = Engine type (Turbine/Piston) = Pollutant = Speciation fraction for engine type x and pollutant i (Table A-l 1 and Table 12) = Emission estimate for engine type x and pollutant i Example: 293.31 tons of TOG * 0.0157 1,3-butadiene fraction = 4.6 tons of 1,3 butadiene Table A-13. Previous HAP/TOG Speciation Profiles for General Aviation with Turbine Engines Pollutant TOG Speciation profile 1,3-butadiene 0.0157 Acetaldehyde 0.0432 Acrolein 0.0206 Benzene 0.0179 Ethylbenzene 0.0015 Formaldehyde 0.1414 Propionaldehyde 0.0090 Styrene 0.0037 Toluene 0.0049 Xvlene 00044 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-16 ------- Table A-14. Previous HAP/TOG Speciation Profiles for General Aviation with Piston Engines Pollutant TOG Speciation profile 1,3-butadiene 0.0098 Acetaldehyde 0.0062 Acrolein 0.0006 Benzene 0.0405 Ethylbenzene 0.0147 Formaldehyde 0.0269 N-hexane 0.0070 Propionaldehyde 0.0006 Styrene 0.0034 Toluene 0.1040 Xylene 0.0586 The previous emission estimates for PAH compounds from GA were developed for individual species (Cook, 2001). For PAHs, the VOC estimate was speciated for turbine engines, while the PM10 estimate was speciated for piston engines (Cook, 2001). The PAH emissions were estimated for turbine powered aircraft based on the following equations, note that the derivation of the VOC estimate for turbine powered GA is noted above. PAH Equation for Turbine Powered Aircraft: VOCTurbme * speciation profile Turbme t = HAP emission estimate Turbine, Where: i = PAH species VOCXurbine = VOC estimate for turbine powered aircraft (TPY) speciation profileXurbinei = VOC speciation profile for species i (Table A-15) emission estimateXurbine; = Turbine emission estimate for PAH species i (TPY) Example: Pyrene emissions from Turbine Powered GA Pyrene emissions = 258.49 Tons of VOC * 1.03 E-6 pyrene fraction = 2.662 E-4 tons of pyrene jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-17 ------- Table A-15. Previous PAH/VOC Speciation Profile for General Aviation with Turbine Engines Pollutant VOC Speciation profile Benzo(a)anthracene 6.10 E-08 Benzo(a)pyrene 3.34 E-08 Chrysene 5.68 E-08 Anthracene 4.03 E-07 Benzo(ghi)perylene 5.54E-09 Fluoranthene 8.43E-07 Naphthalene 4.30E-04 Phenanthrene 3.75E-06 Pyrene 1.03E-06 PAH Equation for Piston Powered Aircraft: For the previous inventory, the PM10 emission estimate for piston engine GA was calculated using the following equation which is based on the assumption that 94 percent of the GA fleet is powered by piston engine aircraft. GA PMI0 estimate * piston fleet fraction = PMI0 emission from piston GA Example: 1,246.55 tons of PM10 * 0.94 = 1,171.76 tons PM10 The PAH emissions were estimated for piston powered GA based on the following equations. PMI0 Piston * speciation profilePistoni = HAP emission estimate; Where: i P-^-10 Piston speciation profilepistoni emission estimatepistoni Example: 1,171.76 tons of PM10Piston = PAH Species = PM10Estimate for Piston Powered Aircraft (TPY) = PM10 speciation profile for Species i (Table A-16) = Piston Emission Estimate of PAH Species i (TPY) * 1.24 E-3 pyrene fraction = 1.45 tons of pyrene jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-18 ------- Table A-16. Previous PAH/PM Speciation Profile for General Aviation with Piston Engines Pollutant PM Speciation profile Benzo(a)anthracene 1.00E-04 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.00E-04 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.20E-04 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.20E-04 Chrysene 1.00E-04 Indeno( 1,2,3 -cd)pyrene 8.00E-05 Acenaphthene 7.30E-04 Acenaphthylene 4.12E-03 Anthracene 8.50E-04 Benzo(ghi)perylene 2.60E-04 Fluoranthene 9.10E-04 Fluorene 1.51E-03 Naphthalene 9.07E-02 Phenanthrene 2.54E-03 Pyrene 1.24E-03 Since there were no speciation profiles for turbine engines for the compounds benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h,)anthracene, indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene, acenaphthene, acenaphthylene and fluorene, speciation profiles were used only for piston engines for these pollutants. Military Aircraft For military aircraft, activity data were taken from the FAA Air Traffic and Activity Data System (DOT, 2001b). In this reference, each activity (i.e., a landing or take-off) is counted. For every LTO there are two activities ("landing" and "take-off); therefore, the FAA activity data were divided by two to estimate LTOs. Example: 3,525,606 FAA aircraft operations / 2 = 1,762,803 LTOs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-19 ------- Currently, there are no generic SIP criteria emission factors developed specificially for military aircraft, therefore the military LTO data were applied to generic SIPcriteria emission factors for air taxi using the following equations: Military LTO s * emission factor = emission estimate Example: 1,762,803 LTOs* 1.234 pounds HC/LTO*l ton/2,000 pounds=l,087.65 tons of HC The criteria emission factors for HC, NOx, CO, and SOx for air taxis were obtained from the EPA's Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources (EPA, 1992)(see Table A-17). PM emission factors for air taxis were obtained from EPA's National Air Pollution Emission Trends, Procedures Document for 1900-1996 (EPA, 1997). PM25 emissions were estimated by applying the same national percentage of PM2 5 to PM10 that existed in the 1998 NET. A VOC/HC conversion factor from Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources (EPA, 1992) was applied to the military HC emission estimate to obtain a VOC estimate. Military HC emissions * VOC/HC conversion factor = Military VOC estimate Example: 1,087.65 tons of HC * 1.1046 VOC/HC = 1,201.42 tons of VOC Table A-17. Pollutant Specific Emission Factors for Military Aircraft for All Years Pollutant Emission Factor (lbs/LTO) HC 1.234 NOx 0.158 CO 28.13 SOx 0.015 PM10 0.60333 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-20 ------- Estimates for HAPs for military aircraft were not possible due to the lack of information concerning the make up of the military aircraft fleet and lack of available HAP emission factors and profiles. References: Billings, Richard and Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc. Memorandum entitled Commercial Aircraft PM Emission Estimate, to Laurel Driver, Rich Cook and Bryan Manning, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. September 21, 2004. Billings, Richard and Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc. Memorandum entitled Revised HAP Speciation Profiles for Commercial Aircraft, to Laurel Driver and Rich Cook, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. October 25, 2004. Cook, Rich. Memorandum entitled Source Identification and Base Year 1990 Emission Inventory Guidance for Mobile Source HAPs on the OAQPS List of 40 Priority HAPs, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. June 11, 1997. Cook, Rich and Joe Somers. Memorandum entitled Revised Methodology and Emission Factors for Estimating Mobile Source PAH Emissions in the National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources (OMS). Ann Arbor, MI. June 8, 2001. Federal Aviation Administration. T-100 Segment, 2002. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Downloaded from the following Internet site: http://www.bts.gov. Petche, Ken. Email received containing data on Foreign Flag Carriers, to Rich Cook, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources (OMS). July 12,2001. U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Route Air Carriers, 12 Months Ending December 31, 1999. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information. Washington, DC. 2001. U. S. Department of Transportation. Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System, Version 4.0. Federal Aviation Administration. May, 2001a. U.S. Department of Transportation. Air Traffic Activity - Fiscal Year 1999. Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation Policy and Plans. Downloaded from the following Internet Site: http//www.apo.data.faa.gov/. July 16, 2001b. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-21 ------- U. S. Department of Transportation. Terminal Area Forecast System. Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation Policy and Plans. Downloaded from the following Internet Site: http//www.apo.data.faa.gov/. 2001c. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA/ National Air Pollutant Emission Trends, 1900- 1996. EPA-454/R-97-011. U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. December 1997. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. TOC/PMSpeciation Data System, Version 2.03. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1995. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources. EPA-450/4-81-026d (Revised). Office of Air and Radiation. Research Triangle Park, NC, and Ann Arbor, MI. 1992. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd A-22 ------- Appendix B Commercial Marine Vessels Emission Estimation Methodology ------- Commercial Marine Vessels Emission Estimating Methods Criteria Pollutant Emission Estimates The criteria pollutant emission estimates for marine vessels were handled differently for diesel and steam-powered vessels. For diesel-powered vessels emission estimates used in the recent marine diesel regulatory background documentation were used in this inventory effort (Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis Control of Emissions from Compression Ignition Marine Engines, EPA 1998). The regulatory inventory was developed for the year 2000. The 2000 estimates where used directly in the NEI. To approximate emissions for 1999, the 2000 estimates were adjusted based on the growth factor (i.e., 0.5%) used in the diesel marine vessels regulatory background documents (See Table B-l). Fuel data for CMVs were obtained from DOE's Distillate Fuel Oil Vessel Bunkering Adjusted Sales data from the 1999 Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report published by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the Department of Energy (DOE). These data were converted from thousand gallons to tons. EPA provided fuel usage data in tons per year for diesel vessels that combusted residual fuel and steamships that operated on only residual fuel. From these data, percentages were calculated to determine the portion of vessel bunkered fuels each represented. These proportions were used to allocate bunkered fuel to vessel/fuel types for the other inventory years included in this effort. Table B-l. Criteria Emission Estimates for Marine Diesel Engines (thousand short tons/year) Base Year Pollutant VOC NOx PM CO 2000 31.45 1,005.70 42.30 132.60 1999 31.29 1,000.67 42.09 131.94 For steam-powered vessels, also referred to as residual fueled vessels, fuel data were derived by OTAQ using data obtained form the diesel marine regulatory impact analysis. These fuel data jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd B-l ------- were combined with available EPA emission factors recommend in Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources (US EPA, 1989) (See Table B-2) using the following equation. Fuel consumption (1,000 gal/yr) x criteria emission factor (lb/1,000 gal) = criteria emission estimate Ib/yr Example: 82,808,405.51 gal of residual fuel/yr x 25.8 lbs PM10 /1,000 gal = 1,068 tons PM10/yr Table B-2. Emission Factors (lb/1,000 gal of fuel) Base Year Pollutant VOC NOx PMin CO Steamship 1.27 54.45 25.8 3.7 A similar approach was also used for diesel S02 emission estimates, where national diesel fuel usage was combined with sulfur concentration of marine diesel fuel and the EPA emission factors included in Volume IV. For the purpose of this study, fuel sulfur concentrations were assumed to be 0.25% for diesel fuel and 2.7% for residual fuel. Note that PM2 5 emissions were estimated by using the assumption made in TRENDS calculations that 92% of PM10 is PM2 5. HAP Emission Estimates Marine diesel engines are able to use distillate, residual or a mixture of distillate and residual fuels. In developing the national criteria estimate for marine diesel engines, the EPA took this into consideration. Since the portions of residual fuel used in marine diesel engines needed to be handled separately in calculating HAP emissions, the EPA provided fuel usage estimates for three categories of CMV's - marine diesel engines that use distillate fuel, marine diesel engines that use residual fuel, and steamships that use residual fuel. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd B-2 ------- For diesel marine vessels using diesel fuel, speciation profiles developed for heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDV) were used to estimate emissions of 2, 2, 4-trimethylpentane, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, n-hexane, propionaldehyde, styrene, toluene, chromium, manganese, and nickel. The HDDV speciation profiles were obtained from information provided in Evaluation of Factors That Affect Diesel Exhaust Toxicity (Truex and Norbeck, 1998). The values given in this reference are in milligrams per brake horsepower-hours (mg/Bhp-hr). Speciation profiles were derived from these factors by using the following equation. HAP hp-hr emission factor/VOC hp-hr emission factor = HAP/VOC speciation profile Example: 2.14 acrolein weighted total (mg/Bhp-hr) / 604.91 (mg/Bhp-hr) VOC weighted total = 0.0035 tons acrolein/ton VOC Note, chromium emissions were split into hexavalent and trivalent chromium based on an assumption that 34% of total chromium was hexavalent and the remaining 66% was trivalent. The speciation profiles were applied to the VOC and PM10 emission estimates to calculate the associated HAP emissions using the following equation. This approach was also used for diesel marine engines using residual fuel to estimate organic HAP emissions. Table B-3 below lists the speciation profiles used to calculate the diesel HAP emissions. VOC/PMI0/2 5 * speciation profilei = HAP emission estimate: Where: HAP emission estimate voc/pm10/25 speciation profile; = HAP Emission estimate (tons/year) for pollutant: = VOC or PM emission estimate (tons/year) = VOC or PM speciation fraction for pollutant i (Tables B-3, B-4) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd B-3 ------- Table B-3. Diesel-powered Vessel Speciation Profiles Pollutant VOC Speciation profile Acetaldehyde 0.074298 Acrolein 0.0035 Benzene 0.020344 Ethylbenzene 0.0020 Formaldehyde 0.1496 n-Hexane 0.0055 Propionaldehyde 0.0061 Styrene 0.0021 Toluene 0.0032 Xylene 0.0048 2, 2, 4-Trimethylpentane 0.0004 Pollutant PM,n Speciation profile Chromium 3.27E-06 Manganese 2.04E-06 Nickel 6.55E-06 Speciation profiles were developed for diesel marine engines using diesel fuel for the individual compounds that make up 16-PAH (Cook, 2001). Total PM2 5 emissions were speciated for each of these compounds. PM2 5 national level emissions were obtained by multiplying PM10 emissions by 92 percent. This approach was also used for diesel engines using residual fuel. Table B-4 lists the diesel speciation profiles for the PAH compounds. Table B-4. Diesel-powered Vessel Speciation Profiles for 16-PAH Compounds Pollutant PM15 Speciation profile Benzo(a)anthracene 0.00004 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.000013 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.000011 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.000011 Chrysene 0.000007 Indeno( 1,2,3 -cd)pyrene 0.000001 Acenaphthene 0.000024 Acenaphthylene 0.000037 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd B-4 ------- Table B-4. Diesel-powered Vessel Speciation Profiles for 16-PAH Compounds (Continued) Pollutant PM15 Speciation profile Anthracene 0.000037 Benzo(ghi)perylene 0.000009 Fluoranthene 0.000022 Fluorene 0.000049 Naphthalene 0.001401 Phenanthrene 0.000056 Pyrene 0.000039 Lead emissions from diesel marine engines fueled with diesel fuel were calculated using the following fuel-based emission factor included in the following equations. Lead emissions = Fuel usage * Emission factor Example: lead emissions from diesel CMV 1.3E-06 lbs/gal * 2,064,590,000 gal/year = 2,683.97 lb lead/year Given that HAP speciation profiles or emission factors have yet to be developed for steamships that use residual fuel, the emission factors that were used in this effort were derived from stationary industrial and commercial boilers. These boiler emission factors were obtained from the US EPA ICCR program (Porter, 1998; US EPA, 1996) and converted from lb/MMBtu to lb/gallon using a conversion factor of 140,0000 Btu/gallon. To estimate the steam-powered vessel emissions, the pollutant specific emission factors listed in Table B-5 were multiplied by the national steamship fuel data provided by the EPA as noted in the equation below. This approach was also used to estimate metal and PAH emissions from diesel powered vessels using residual fuel. EF(HAP) * National Residual Oil Sales = National Emissions for HAP jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd B-5 ------- Example: 1.05E-7 tons of benzene/1000 gal x 82,808.4 1,000 gal of residual fuel = 0.01 tons ofbenzene Total chromium emissions were speciated into trivalent and hexavalent chromium based on the assumption that 66% of the total chromium was trivalent chromium and 34% of the total chromium was hexavalent chromium. Table B-5. Steam-powered Vessel HAP Emission Factors Pollutant Emission factor (tons/1000 gallons) Acetaldehyde 2.45E-06 Benzene 1.05E-07 Formaldehyde 1.68E-05 POM as 7-PAH 5.81E-09 POM as 16-PAH 5.88E-07 Beryllium 1.40E-08 Cadmium 1.96E-07 Chromium 4.20E-07 Lead 7.70E-07 Manganese 1.47E-06 Nickel 4.20E-05 Selenium 3.43E-07 The national emission estimates were disaggregated into port and underway emissions using the assumptions in Volume IV., that 75% of distillate fuel and 25% of residual fuel are consumed within the port area and the remaining emissions occur while the ship is underway. The national port emissions were assigned to the largest 150 ports based on the amount of freight handled as documented in Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Part 5 - Waterways and Harbors National Summaries (COE, 2001). The data may also be obtained from the following website http://www.iwr.usace.armv.mil/ndc/wcsc/pdf/wcusnatl99.pdf. The traffic from the 150 ports listed was summed and applied to the individual port traffic totals to calculate the percentage of national traffic attributed to each port. These percentages were then applied to the national estimates to determine the port-level emissions. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd B-6 ------- Underway emissions were calculated by using a GIS dataset from the Department of Transportation which identified shipping lanes and estimated shipping activity in terms of ton miles. The shipping lanes with legitimate codes that could be matched to a county border were calculated. 91.6 percent of the tonnage miles for shipping lanes could be matched to a county in the United States. The county level tonnage miles were divided by the total shipping lanes in the United States, and then multiplied by the percentage of matching shipping lanes (91.6 percent) and the national level estimates for each pollutant to get a county level distribution as noted in the equation below. County X emissions = (0.916 *(£ County level of shipping tons length / £ US shipping lanes with legitimate waterway codes and intersect county borders, including boundaries)) * Pollutant specific national level emissions estimate For those shipping lanes that could not be matched to a county border (8.4 percent), the state level shipping lanes in tonnage miles was divided by the total number of shipping lanes in tonnage miles and multiplied by the remaining 8.4 percent of emissions for each pollutant to get a county level allocation of non-matching emissions. It is recognized that there are some inconsistencies with the BTS GIS data for other inventory years, therefore the 1999 weight factors are used in all inventory years until BTS had revised their GIS data files. County X emissions = (0.084 * (£ State level shipping lanes in tons length) / £ Total shipping lanes in tons length) * Remaining emissions for each pollutant) Emissions for matched and unmatched shipping lanes were combined to estimate a county's total underway CMV emissions. County total CMV emissions combine the underway and port emission estimates. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd B-7 ------- References: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2000. National Transportation Atlas Databases - National Waterway Network. Washington, DC, Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics Cook, Rich and Joe Somers. Memorandum entitled Revised Methodology and Emission Factors for Estimating Mobile Source PAH Emissions in the National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources (OMS). Ann Arbor, MI. June 8, 2001. Cook, Rich. Memorandum entitled Guidance on Mobile Source Emission Estimates in the 1996 National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. June 9, 1997. Cook, Rich. Memorandum entitled Source Identification and Base Year 1990 Emission Inventory Guidance for Mobile Source HAPs on the OAQPS List of 40 Priority HAPs, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). U.S. EPA Office of Mobile Sources. Ann Arbor, MI. June 11, 1997. Porter, Fred. Note entitled Comments on Commercial/Institutional Heating Information in the "Baseline Emission Inventory of HAP Emissions from MACT Sources - Interim Final Report, " September 18, 1998, to Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Emission Factor and Inventory Group. U.S. EPA Emission Standards Division. Research Triangle Park, NC. November 13, 1998. Truex, Dr. Timothy J. and Dr. Joseph M. Norbeck. Evaluation of Factors That Affect Diesel Exhaust Toxicity. University of California-Riverside, Center for Environmental Research and Technology. Riverside, CA. 1998. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Part 5 - Waterways and Harbors National Summaries. Water Resources Support Center, Fort Belvoir, VA. Downloaded from the following Internet site: http://www.wrsc.usace.armv.mil/ndc/wcusnatl99.pdf. January 22, 2001. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales, 1999. DOE/EIA — 0535 (99), Distribution Category UC-950. Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, Washington, DC. Available at the following Internet site: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oil_gas/petroleum/info_glance/petroleum.html 2001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. SPECIATE: VOC/PMSpeciation Database Management System. Version 3.1. Research Triangle Park, NC 2000. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd B-8 ------- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis: Control of Emissions from Compression Ignition Marine Engines. EPA-420-R-98-017. Office of Mobile Sources, Engine Programs and Compliance Division. Ann Arbor, MI 1998. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Fifth Edition, AP-42. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1996. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources. EPA-450/4-81-026d (Revised). Office of Air and Radiation. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1992. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1989. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd B-9 ------- Appendix C Locomotive Emission Estimation Methodology ------- Locomotive Emissions Estimating Methods For the criteria pollutants, US distillate fuel oil sales (in gallons) for railroads was obtained from the Department of Energy (EIA, 2000) and EPA/OTAQ (EPA, 2003) and disaggregated into different railroad categories (e.g., Class I, Class II/III, commuter, and passenger), by dividing the EIA's national rail fuel data with SCC ratios calculated from data obtained by the U.S. EPA/OTAQ (Scarboro, 2002). Fuel data for 2001 was not available at the time the inventory was being developed, therefore, fuel data for the previous six years (i.e., 1995-2000) were averaged to approximate fuel usage for 2001. Fuel usage for 2002 was provided by EPA/OTAQ and is derived from DOE data. Fuel use associated with work trains were excluded in these fuel estimates to avoid double counting with railroad maintenance estimates included in the other nonroad source category. Note, California uses a low sulfur fuel which is different than typical railroad fuel; therefore, the California state emission estimates, though similar to the national emission estimates are calculated separately. SCC Ratio = Railroad Category Fuel Use/Total National Fuel Use Example: Line-haul Class I Ratio for US Class I ratio = 3,468,220,900 gallons / 4,101,778,200 gallons = 0.8455 CO, NOx, and PM emissions were calculated by multiplying fuel-based emission factors (see Table C-l) with the national railroad fuel sales data by SCC. Emission estimate = fuel data (gal/yr) * emission factor (g/gal) Example: National (excluding CA) Line Haul Class I CO estimate (tons/yr) = 2,508,718,766 gal/yr * 266 g CO/gal = 73,558.59 tons jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd C-l ------- VOC emissions were calculated by multiplying the emission factor for hydrocarbons with the fuel sales data and then converting the hydrocarbons into VOC using a conversion factor (U.S. EPA, 1992) as shown in the following equation. VOC = fuel(gal/yr) * emission factor (g HC/gal) *VOC/HC conversion factor Example: National Line Haul Class I (excluding CA) VOC = 2,508,718,766 gal/yr * 10 g HC/gal * 1.005 VOC/HC = 27,791.87 tons VOC/yr Table C-l. Criteria Pollutant Emission Factors Pollutant see Emission Factor Reference VOC 2285002006 10 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) VOC 2285002007 10 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) VOC 2285002010 21 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) VOC 2285002009 10 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) VOC 2285002008 10 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) VOC/HC All 1.005 VOC/HC (U.S. EPA 1992) CO 2285002006 26.6 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) CO 2285002007 26.6 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) CO 2285002010 38.1 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) CO 2285002009 26.6 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) CO 2285002008 26.6 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) NOx 2285002006 270 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) NOx 2285002007 270 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) NOx 2285002010 362 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) NOx 2285002009 270 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) NOx 2285002008 270 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) PM10 2285002006 6.7 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) PM10 2285002007 6.7 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) PM10 2285002010 9.2 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) PM10 2285002009 6.7 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) PM10 2285002008 6.7 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) pm2, 2285002006 6.03 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) pm2, 2285002007 6.03 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) pM- 2285002010 8.28 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd C-2 ------- Table C-l. Criteria Pollutant Emission Factors (Continued) Pollutant see Emission Factor Reference pm2, 2285002009 6.03 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) pm2, 2285002008 6.03 gram/gallon (U.S. EPA 1997) SOx (U.S. excluding CA) All 16.88 gram/gallon (Scarbro, 2002) SOv (California) All 0.75 gram/gallon (Scarbro, 2002) The S02 emission factor was developed by multiplying the percent sulfur content in fuel, 0.27% for the U.S. except CA, and 0.012% for CA (Scarboro, 2002), by the molecular weight of S02, and by the density of the diesel fuel, which is 7.05 lbs/gallon (U.S. EPA, 1995), and by a conversion factor, 0.97753, (Scarboro, 2002) as noted in the equations below. SO 2 emission factor =fuel sulfur concentration^ eight %)*fuel density (lbs/gal)* molecular weight of SO 2 * conversion factor Example: National (excluding CA) SOx emission factor = 0.0027 * 7.05 lbs/gal * 2 * 0.97753 = 16.88 g SOx/gal These emission factors are included in Table C-l for California and all states excluding California. These emission factors were applied to railroad fuel sales data in the same fashion as the other criteria estimates. To calculate locomotive emission estimates for many metal HAPs, emission factors (Table C-2) were multiplied by the fuel oil data as noted in the following equation. HAP emissions = rail fuel usage (gal/yr) * emission factor (lb ofHAP/gal) Example: Line Haul Class I Cadmium emission = 2,508,718,766 gal/yr * (4.2E-7) lb Cadmium/gal = 0.5268 tons Cadmium / year jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd C-3 ------- Table C-2. Additional HAP Emission Factors Pollutant Emission Factor (lbs/gallon) Reference Beryllium 4.2E-07 (Porter, 1998) Cadmium 4.2E-07 (Porter, 1998) Lead 1.3E-06 (Porter. 1998") A number of HAP locomotive emission factors were available by locomotive engine type: 2- stroke and 4-stroke (Table C-3). To use these emission factors in this inventory, the factors were combined into a composite emission factor based on the percent of 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines in operation in the United States (68.4% 2-stroke and 31.6% 4-stroke (U.S. EPA, 1998)). These composite factors were applied to the railroad fuels sales data as noted in the equation below. HAP emission =fuel (gal/yr) * (2-stroke emission factor (HAP g/gal) * percent 2-stroke + 4-stroke emission factor (HAP g/gal) * percent 4-stroke) Example: Railroad Acrolein emissions for all states except California (Line Haul Class I) Acrolein emission estimate = 2,508,718,766 gal/yr * (0.684*0.0374 +0.316*0.0179) Acrolein g/gal = 86.392 tons Acrolein/yr Table C-3. HAP Emission Factors for 2-stroke and 4-stroke Components Pollutant 2-stroke Emission Factor (U.S. except CA) 4-stroke Emission Factor (U.S. except CA) 2-stroke Emission Factor (CA) 4-stroke Emission Factor (CA) Reference grams/gallon 1,3 Butadiene 0.02836 0.0413511 0.0246138 0.0349507 (Fritz, 2000) Acetaldehyde 0.206756 0.1469518 0.2106938 0.1886544 (Fritz, 2000) Acrolein 0.037413 0.0178725 0.0374129 0.0417025 (Fritz, 2000) Benzene 0.018903 0.0409082 0.0147683 0.0422983 (Fritz, 2000) Chromium 3.36E-05 5.864E-05 7.871E-05 4.387E-05 (Fritz, 2000) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd C-4 ------- Table C-3. HAP Emission Factors for 2-stroke and 4-stroke Components (Continued) Pollutant 2-stroke Emission Factor (U.S. except CA) 4-stroke Emission Factor (U.S. except CA) 2-stroke Emission Factor (CA) 4-stroke Emission Factor (CA) Reference grams/gallon Formaldehyde 0.454862 0.3852521 0.4194185 0.4487989 (Fritz, 2000) Vfote: Chromium was later speciated into Chromium III and Chromium VI using the ratios 0.66 and 0.34 respectively. California HAP emission estimates were calculated separately because a different railroad fuel has been used in California since 1995. There are different HAP emission factors associated with California's railroad fuel. For other HAPs, speciation profiles (Table C-4 and C-5) were applied toVOC or PM10 emission estimates as noted below. HAP/VOC Speciation HAP = VOC estimate (tons/year) * speciation profile (tons HAP/tons VOC) Example: Line Haul Class I styrene emissions 27,791.87 tons/yr VOC *0.0021 tons Styrene/VOC = 58.363 tons Styrene/yr HAP = PM10 estimate (tons/yr) * speciation profile (tons HAP/tons PM10) HAP/PM Speciation Example: Line Haul Class I Chrysene emissions for all U.S. states except California 18,527.92 tons PM10/yr * 0.0000119 tons Chrysene/ ton PM10 = 0.220 tons Chrysene /yr jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd C-5 ------- Table C-4. HAP Speciation Profiles Pollutant Speciation Profile Reference 2,2, 4 Trimethylpentane 0.00224 tons/VOC Censullo, 1991, Newkirk and Bass 1995 Ethylbenzene 0.002 tons/VOC (Truex, 1998) n-Hexane 0.0055 tons/VOC (Truex, 1998) Propionaldehyde 0.0061 tons/VOC (Truex, 1998) Styrene 0.0021 tons/VOC (Truex, 1998) Toluene 0.0032 tons/VOC (Truex, 1998) Xylene 0.0048 tons/VOC (Truex, 1998) Manganese 2.04E-06 tons/PM10 (Truex, 1998) Nickel 6.55E-06 tons/PM,n (Truex, 1998) Table C-5. Separate Hazardous Air Pollutant Speciation Profiles for U.S and CA Speciation Profile Speciation Profile Pollutant (U.S. except CA) (CA) Reference (ton/PM10) (ton/PM10) B enzo(a)anthracene 0.0000160 0.0000121 (Scarbro, 2001) Benzo(a)pyrene 0.0000027 0.0000044 (Scarbro, 2001) Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.0000064 0.0000044 (Scarbro, 2001) B enzo(k)fluoranthene 0.0000052 0.0000044 (Scarbro, 2001) Chrysene 0.0000119 0.0000092 (Scarbro, 2001) Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.0000000 0.0000000 (Scarbro, 2001) Indeno(l ,2,3 -cd)pyrene 0.0000027 0.0000033 (Scarbro, 2001) Acenaphthene 0.0000306 0.0000080 (Scarbro, 2001) Acenaphthalene 0.0004275 0.0002182 (Scarbro, 2001) Anthracene 0.0001009 0.0000535 (Scarbro, 2001) Benzo(ghi)perylene 0.0000031 0.0000044 (Scarbro, 2001) Fluoranthene 0.0000746 0.0000601 (Scarbro, 2001) Fluorene 0.0001407 0.0000619 (Scarbro, 2001) Napthalene 0.0025756 0.0018505 (Scarbro, 2001) Phenanthrene 0.0005671 0.0002822 (Scarbro, 2001) Pvrene 0.0001054 0.0000771 (Scarbro. 2001") Where speciation profiles were available that characterized California railroad fuels these profiles were used to estimate emissions for California only. If California-specific speciation jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd C-6 ------- profiles were not available for a specific pollutant, then the speciation profiles included in Table C- 4 were used to estimate California's emissions. Emissions were spatially allocated to individual counties based on the railroad traffic data provided by the Department of Transportation. Because California uses a different locomotive fuel, its emission estimates were allocated separately. The activity data for each county was then divided by the total activity by railroad type, to develop the county ratio, as noted in the following equation. County ratio by SCC = county SCC activity level / total SCC activity Example: FIP State OX County 00Y for Class I railroad Class I county length density for 0X-00Y = 2125.925 US Class I total length density = 5155468 County activity level / national activity level 2125.925 length-density / 5155468 Class I length-density = 0.000412 These county ratios were applied to the national locomotive estimates to apportion the emissions to the county level as noted in the equation below. County pollutant emission by SCC = National - CA pollutant emission * SCC ratio * county ratio by SCC Example: State 01 County 001 Acrolein Class I line-haul emissions Acrolein estimates for class I rail in county 01-001 = (113.799 ton/yr - 11.625 ton/yr) *0.8455 * 0.000412= 0.0356 ton/year jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd C-7 ------- Total chromium emissions were speciated into trivalent and hexavalent chromium based on the assumption that 66% of the total chromium was trivalent chromium and 34% of the total chromium was hexavalent chromium. The national level emissions were then allocated to the county-level based on GIS rail activity data provided by the U. S. Department of Transportation (Bureau of Transportation). It is recognized that there are some inconsistencies with the BTS GIS data for other inventory years, therefore, the 1999 weight factors were used for all inventory years until BTS had revised their GIS data files. References: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2000. National Transportation Atlas Databases - National Rail Network 1:2,000,000. Washington, DC, Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Energy Information Administration Form DOE/EIA-0535(99), Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales 1999 Table 11. Sales of Transportation Use Distillate Fuel Oil and Residual Fuel Oil, 1999, September 2000. Fritz, Steve, Diesel Fuel Effects on Locomotive Exhaust Emissions, California Air Resource Board. SwRI 08.02062, October 2000. Porter, Fred L., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, emission Standards Division. Note to Anne Pope, U.S. EPA/Emissions, Monitoring and Analysis Division. Comments on combustion source information in the Baseline Emission Inventory of HAP Emissions from MACT Sources - Interim final Report (September, 18, 1998 . November 13, 1998). Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled Chromium in Loco's - Reply, to Richard Billings, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. June 1, 2001. Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled 2, 2, 4-trimethylpentane, to Richard Billings, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. June 1, 2001. Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled A Few Questions on the Rail Emissions - Reply, to Richard Billings, and Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. July 19, 2001. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd C-8 ------- Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled 2, 2, 4-trimethylpentane, to Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. March 26, 2002. Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled Better Railroad Numbers This Will Disaggregate Class I Work, to Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. May 8, 2002. Scarbro, Carl, E-mail entitled CMVSOx corrections - Reply, to Richard Billings, Eastern Research Group, Inc., United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transport and Air Quality. May 28, 2002. Truex, Timothy J. and Joseph M. Norbeck. Evaluation of Factors that Affect Diesel Exhaust Toxicity. University of California-Riverside, Center for Environmental Research and Technology. Riverside, CA. March 16, 1998. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Form APR420-F-97-051, Emission Factors for Locomotives, for 1996 Table 9: Fleet Average Emission Factors for All Locomotives (Projected 1999), December 1997. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Locomotive Emission Standards Regulatory Support Document, page 109, April 1998. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume IV: Mobile Sources. 1992. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, AP-42 Section 1.3, April 1993. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, AP-42 Appendix A, January 1995. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd C-9 ------- Appendix D Other Nonroad Mobile Sources Emission Estimating Methods and Data ------- Other Nonroad Mobile Source Emission Estimates Methods In this inventory effort, VOC and PM emission estimates obtain from the NONROAD ("Lockdown (May 2002)" version) model run, were speciated into the HAP components. In speciating the NONROAD output it is necessary to take into consideration the fact that counties use different fuels which have different HAP speciation profiles for each of the different nonroad equipment. In order to develop the most accurate other nonroad emission estimates, it was critical to create an appropriate set of speciation profiles for each county that reflects the different fuels used. The use of different gasoline fuels mostly effects organic HAP emission estimates. This appendix documents how the organic HAP speciation profiles were developed and applied to individual equipment types for each gasoline fuel. The approach used to developed organic HAP speciation profiles for diesel powered nonroad equipment is similar to the approach used to develop speciation profiles for gasoline powered nonroad equipment, except for aldehydes and PAHs. Data for PAHs were provided to account for use of onroad fuels in nonroad applications. This information was used to weight the nonroad speciation profiles to include onroad diesel. This appendix documents how these gasoline and diesel speciation profiles were developed. Once the organic HAP speciation profiles were developed and assigned to appropriate other nonroad equipment, these profiles are applied to the county level VOC and PM estimates, taking into account the different fuels used in each county. This apprendices documents how this was accomplished. Because the NONROAD model provides county level VOC and PM estimates, spatial allocation of organic HAPs was not required. Estimating emissions of metal HAPs and dioxin/furan cogeners is somewhat different as these pollutants are less effected by use of different reformulated and oxygenated fuels. For the jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-l ------- most part, metal nonroad HAP emissions are derived by applying emission factors to activity or fuel usage data. Lead estimates were derived by applying the lead concentration of fuels to the total nonroad fuel usage. Metal HAP emissions were spatially allocated to the county-level based on ratio of county PM10 emissions to the national PM10 emissions. Because of the size of some of the other nonroad tables, they are included at the end of the text section of this appendix. Organic HAPs Development of speciation profiles for gasoline powered equipment To estimate organic HAP emissions for other nonroad sources, fuel usage data were considered in assigning appropriate speciation profiles to each county. Volume 2 contains lists for each year of the types of fuels used and the percentage of the year that these fuels were in use for each county. HAP/VOC speciation profiles for each nonroad engine type were matched to individual counties based on the fuels used in the county. In some cases it was possible to obtain engine- specific speciation profiles for individual HAPs and specific fuels. These speciation profiles can be found in Table D-l for organic HAPs excluding PAH's (Scarbro, 2001 and 2002; Hare and Carroll 1993; Carroll, 1991; Censullo 1991; Hare and White 1991) and Table D-2 for PAHs (Cook and Somers, 2001; Scarboro, 2002). When specific speciation profiles could not be obtained, average emission factors were developed and used for the three engine types (i.e, 2-stroke, 4-stroke, and diesel). These average speciation profiles were derived by weighting the number of tests associated with each profile as noted in the following equation: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-2 ------- Average HAP Speciation Profile = £ speciation profile* number of test/ total number of tests Example: Average Acrolein Speciation Profile Acrolein Speciation Profile = (0.00158 mg Acrolein / mg VOC * 6/7) + (0.01173 mg Acrolein/mg VOC * 1/7) = 0.00303 mgAcrolein / mg VOC All profiles used in this inventory are based on recent test studies published in peer-reviewed journals, as well as profiles compiled in the EPA's SPECIATE database (EPA, 1995). Development of speciation profiles for diesel powered equipment For diesel powered other nonroad equipment, speciation profiles were developed in the same fashion as the gasoline powered equipment, except for aetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldehyde, propionaldehyde and PAHs. The approaches used to develop speciation profiles for these pollutants are discussed in this section. Diesel speciation profiles for acetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldehyde, and propionaldehyde were developed from HAP and total hydrocarbon (THC) emission factors, as noted in the equations below. HAP Speciation Profile = HAP Emission Factor / THC Emission Factor * THC/VOC conversion factor Example: Acrolein Speciation Profile derived from emission factors Acrolein Speciation Profile = 0.4 mg Acrolein/hp-hrc / 260 mg THC/ hp-hr * 1.0197 THC/VOC = 0.00158 mg Acrolein/mgVOC jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-3 ------- PAH speciation profiles for other nonroad diesel equipment were developed taking into consideration highway fuel used in nonroad diesel applications. In this inventory onroad and nonroad speciation profiles were developed based on PAH and PM10 emission factors as noted in the equations below. Onroad PAH Speciation Profile = Onroad Diesel PAH emission factor/Onroad Diesel PM10 emission factor Example: Onroad Diesel Anthracene Speciation Profile Onroad Anthracene Profile= 3.0 E-7 g/hp-hr / 0.473 g PM/ hp-hr = 6.4 E-7 g/ g PM10 Nonroad PAH Speciation Profile = Nonroad Diesel PAH emission factor / Nonroad PM10 emission factor Example: Nonroad Diesel Anthracene Speciation Profile Nonroad Anthracene Profile =1.9 E-7 g/hp-hr / 0.555 g PM/ hp-hr =3.4 E-7 g/ g PM10 These PAH speciation profiles were weighted based on the percentage of fuel used nationally in onroad and nonroad diesel applications as noted in the following equation. Weighted Diesel PAH Speciation Profile = (% highway usage * onroad profile) + ((1-% highway usage) * nonroad profile) Example: Weighted PAH Diesel Speciation Profile Anthracene Speciation Profile = (0.29855* 6.4 E-7 g/ g PM10) + ((1- 0.29855) * 3.4E-7 g/g PM10) = 4.3 E-7 g/ g PM10 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-4 ------- It should also be noted that the assumption was made that diesel fuels have negligible evaporative emissions, therefore diesel evaporative speciation profiles were not developed for this inventory. Calculation of county-level organic HAP emissions To calculate county-specific HAP emissions, these matched HAP/VOC profiles were applied to county nonroad VOC estimates derived from the NONROAD model run for each county using the following equation. HAP Emissions (ton/yr) = (fuel percent by type * speciation profile for fuel (ton HAP/tonVOC) * VOC estimate (ton/yr)) Note: It is necessary to sum up all six types of fuel and all engine types for total emissions for each pollutant and county. Also fuel percents for each county must add up to 100%. Example: Ethylbenzene from baseline fuel for a specific county Ethylbenzene = (54.167% baseline fuel) * (0.0077 ton ethylbenzene/ton evaporative VOC) * (0.011872369 evaporative VOC) = 4.95 E-5 tons ethylbenzene As organic HAP emission estimates were calculated at the county-level, there was no need to spatially allocate these emission estimates further. Metal and Dioxin/Furan HAPs Emission estimates for metal and dioxin/furan HAPs is less complicated than for organic HAPs as emissions are not as dependent upon fuels. Most metal and dioxin/furan HAPs emissions were estimated by using national activity data where available or fuel usage. Metal emission factors jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-5 ------- are listed in Table D-3 and dioxin emission factors are listed in Table D-2. These national emission estimates were developed by using the following equation. National Metal HAP Emissions = Activity or fuel usage * Emission factor Example: National 2-stroke nonroad nickel emission estimate Nickel estimate = 2,22935,221 gallons* 0.000077486 g of nickel/gal* 0.002205 lbs/g * 0.0005 tons/lb = 0.0190 tons nickel It should be noted that a national lead estimate was obtained by multiplying the average lead content of mobile fuel with the amount of fuel used nationally and the percentage of fuel used by other nonroad sources. The percentage of fuel used by other nonroad sources was obtained by dividing the difference of the non-highway fuel used and aviation fuel used by the total motor fuel used (OHPI, 2001). Nonroad percent = (non-highway - aviation) / (highway + non-highway - aviation) * 100% Where: Nonroad percent = Percent of total motor fuel use attributed to nonroad sources Non-highway = Fuel used by non-highway vehicles including aviation (gallons/yr) Aviation = Gasoline fuel used by piston engine aircraft (gallons/yr) Highway = Fuel used by highway vehicles (gallons/yr) Example: Percentage of national mobile fuel usage which is used in nonroad applications Nonroad percent = (2.942.419.000 gallon/vr - 322.285.000 gallon/vr)*100% (128,743,412,000 gallon/yr +2,942,419,000 gallon/yr - 322,285,000 gallon/yr) = 1.9946 % of mobile fuel is used in nonroad applications jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-6 ------- To calculate the national lead emissions, the total mobile fuel usage was applied to the lead concentration found in mobile fuels. This national mobile lead value was adjusted to estimate other nonroad usage by using the nonroad fuel usage percentage developed noted above. Nonroad lead estimate = National mobile fuel usage (weight) *% nonroad * fuel lead concentration Example: National nonroad lead emission estimate Lead estimate= 397,660,476 tons of fuel * 1.9946% * 0.0003 lbs lead/ton of fuel * 0.0005 tons/lb = 59.65 tons of lead Total chromium emissions were speciated into trivalent and hexavalent chromium based on the assumption that 66% of the total chromium was trivalent chromium and 34% of the total chromium was hexavalent chromium. National metal HAP and dioxin and furan emissions were spatially allocated to counties relative to the county proportion PM10 emissions compared to the national PM10 emissions as noted in the following equation. The county and national level PM emission estimates were obtained from the NONROAD model run. County-level metal HAP emissions = National metal HAP emission * county PMI(f national PM10 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-7 ------- Table D-l. Speciation Profile for Specific Engines HAP 1,3-Butadiene Reference Moped 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.001 Hare and White (1991) Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0012 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00732 White and Carrol (1998) Lawnmower 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.002 Carroll (1991) Chainsaw 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.002 Hare and Carroll (1993) Trimmer 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.001 Carroll (1991) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0014 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00875 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0021456 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0095212 ERG (1999) Diesel Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0018616 ERG (1999) HAP Formaldehyde Reference Moped 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.002 Hare and White (1991) Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00527 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00859 White and Carrol (1998) Lawnmower 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.002 Carroll (1991) Chainsaw 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.007 Hare and Carroll (1993) Trimmer 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.003 Carroll (1991) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00087 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00375 Gabele and Pyle Default jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-8 ------- Table D-l. Speciation Profile for Specific Engines (Continued) HAP Formaldehyde Reference 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0025380 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0034009 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0036801 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0034517 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.01715 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.015698 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.016987 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.015933 ERG (1999) Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.11815 Scrabro (2002a,b) CA Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.12667 Scrabro (2002a,b) HAP Benzene Reference Moped 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.015 Hare and White (1991) Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00714 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00732 White and Carrol (1998) Lawnmower 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0014 Carroll (1991) Chainsaw 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.008 Hare and Carroll (1993) Trimmer 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.011 Carroll (1991) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.01239 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.03313 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.025158 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.020126 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.017862 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.022642 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.022 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.015840 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.012540 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.052466 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.041972 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 4-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.037251 ERG (1999) 0.047219 ERG (1999) 0.022 ERG (1999) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-9 ------- Table D-l. Speciation Profile for Specific Engines (Continued) HAP Benzene Reference 4-stroke Evaporative RFGAVO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.015840 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFGAVO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.012540 ERG (1999) Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.020344 ERG (1999) HAP Acetaldehvde Reference Moped 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0006 Hare and White (1991) Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00074 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00469 White and Carrol (1998) Lawnmower 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.004 Carroll (1991) Chainsaw 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0013 Hare and Carroll (1993) Trimmer 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0006 Carroll (1991) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00022 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00063 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0016641 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0015809 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0016641 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0033282 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0041006 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0038956 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0041006 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0082012 ERG (1999) Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.05308 Scrabro (2002a,b) CA Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.07461 Scrabro (2002a,b) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-10 ------- Table D-l. Speciation Profile for Specific Engines (Continued) HAP Ethvlbenzene Reference Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00403 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00403 White and Carrol (1998) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0009 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.03017 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.023958 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.019885 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.018687 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.021802 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0077000 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0063140 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0044660 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.019824 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.016454 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.015463 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.018040 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0084022 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0068898 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0048733 ERG (1999) Diesel Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0031001 ERG (1999) HAP Stvrene Reference Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00115 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00408 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0012952 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0010750 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0010103 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0011787 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00075849 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00062955 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00059162 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00069023 ERG (1999) Diesel Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00059448 ERG (1999) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-l 1 ------- Table D-l. Speciation Profile for Specific Engines (Continued) HAP Acrolein Reference Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00037 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00056 White and Carrol (1998) Lawnmower 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0003 Carroll (1991) Chainsaw 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0004 Hare and Carroll (1993) Trimmer 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0003 Carroll (1991) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00002 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00006 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0003 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00030900 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00031500 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00029700 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0007 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00072100 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00073500 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00069300 ERG (1999) Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00303 Scrabro (2002a,b) CA Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00710 Scrabro (2002a,b) HAP Toluene Reference Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.21244 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.19281 White and Carrol (1998) Chainsaw 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0598 Hare and Carroll (1993) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.06322 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.10672 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.097797 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.081171 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.076282 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.088995 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.041300 ERG (1999) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-12 ------- Table D-l. Speciation Profile for Specific Engines (Continued) HAP Toluene Reference 2-stroke Evaporative RFGAVO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 2-stroke Evaporative RFGAVO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.027671 ERG (1999) 0.019411 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.071842 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.059629 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.056037 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.065376 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.045067 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.030195 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.021181 ERG (1999) Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.014967 ERG (1999) HAP Hexane Reference Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00468 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00468 White and Carrol (1998) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00952 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00946 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.014152 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.014576 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.014859 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.014010 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.023400 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0086580 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0095940 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0099219 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.010220 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.010418 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0098227 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.025534 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0094476 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.010469 ERG (1999) Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0015913 ERG (1999) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-13 ------- Table D-l. Speciation Profile for Specific Engines (Continued) HAP ProDionaldehvde Reference Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00046 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00069 White and Carrol (1998) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00007 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00018 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00024680 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00025420 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00025914 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00024433 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0018808 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0019372 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0019749 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0018620 ERG (1999) Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.011815 Scrabro (2002a,b) CA Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.01120 Scrabro (2002a,b) HAP 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane Reference Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.068516283 Gabele & Pyle Inboard 4-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.064410866 Gabele & Pyle Outboard 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.068516283 Gabele & Pyle Lawn and Garden 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.037227275 Hare et. al. 1993 4-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.014722579 Hare et. al. 1993 Construction and Agriculture 4-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.019253927 Newkirk & Bass 1995 Default 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.037227275 Hare et. al. 1993 2-stroke Evaporative HAP/VOC Fraction 0.014115385 Speciate 3.1 July 2000 Small 4-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.014722579 Hare et. al. 1993 Large 4-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.019253927 Newkirk & Bass 1995 4-stroke Evaporative HAP/VOC Fraction 0.014115385 Speciate 3.1 July 2000 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-14 ------- Table D-l. Speciation Profile for Specific Engines (Continued) HAP 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane Reference Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.000719235 Newkirk & Bass 1995 and Truex et. al. 1998 CA Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.00059392 Truex et. al. 1998 HAP ri7 S-Trnn tfo Reference Default 2-Stroke Dioxin/Furan/Fuel Fraction 1.37385E-17 tons TEQ/gal ERG (1999) 4-Stroke Dioxin/Furan/Fuel Fraction 1.37385E-17 tons TEQ/gal ERG (1999) Diesel Dioxin/Furan/Fuel Fraction 1 90705F.- I4 Ions TF.O/wil ERG (1999^1 HAP Xylenes Reference Snowmobile 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.01485 White and Carrol (1998) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.01776 White and Carrol (1998) Chainsaw 2-stroke Exhaust HAP/VOC Fraction 0.0931 Hare and Carroll (1993) Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.08069 Gabele and Pyle 4-stroke Exhaust RFG HAP/VOC Fraction 0.09417 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.10749 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.089214 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.083840 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.097813 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.022300 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.018732 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.01819 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.067799 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.056273 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.052883 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.061697 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative Baseline HAP/VOC Fraction 0.024334 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.020440 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFG/WO Ethanol HAP/VOC Fraction 0.012897 ERG (1999) Diesel HAP/VOC Fraction 0.010582 ERG (1999) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-15 ------- Table D-l. Speciation Profile for Specific Engines (Continued) HAP Methvl tert-butvl ether Reference Outboard/Pleasure Craft 2-stroke Exhaust RFG-MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.08157 Gabele and Pyle Default 2-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.1241 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.1693 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.1397 ERG (1999) 2-stroke Evaporative WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.1397 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.1354 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Exhaust WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.1847 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative RFG MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.1524 ERG (1999) 4-stroke Evaporative WO MTBE HAP/VOC Fraction 0.1524 ERG (1999) Table D-2. PAH Speciation Profile for Other nonroad Equipment PAH 2-stroke 4-stroke Diesel* Fraction of PM10 Fraction of PM10 Fraction of PM10 B enz [a] Anthracene 0.000034 0.00010 0.0000071 Bcnzo|a| P\rc nc 0.000029 0.00010 0.00000035 Benzo [b]Fluoranthene 0.000016 0.00012 0.00000049 Benzo [k]Fluoranthene 0.000014 0.00012 0.00000035 Chrysene 0.000021 0.00010 0.0000019 Dibenzo [a,h] Anthracene 0.000001 0.00000 0.0000000029 I ndc no 11.2.3 -c. d | P v rc nc 0.000035 0.00008 0.000000079 Acenaphthene 0.000002 0.00073 0.0001 Acenaphthylene 0.000075 0.00412 0.000084 Anthracene 0.000067 0.00085 0.00000043 Benzo|g,h,i,lPerylene 0.000116 0.00026 0.00000019 Fluoranthene 0.000267 0.00091 0.000017 Fluorene 0.000239 0.00151 0.0001 Naphthalene 0.000004 0.09073 0.00046 Phenanthrene 0.000208 0.00254 0.00026 Pyrene 0.000318 0.00124 0.0000029 * Takes into consideration spill over effect. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd ------- Table D-3. Specific Metal Speciation Profile for Other Nonroad Equipment Metal Chromium Reference Default 2-Stroke Metal/Fuel Fraction* 0.00010638 g/gal Ball (1997) 4-Stroke Metal/Fuel Fraction* 0.00010638 g/gal Ball (1997) Diesel Metal/Activity Fraction** 0.03 ug/Bhp-hr Truex (1998) Note: Chromium was later speciated into Chromium HI and Chromium VI using the ratios, 0.66 and 0.34 respectively. Metal Manganese Reference Default 2-Stroke Metal/Fuel Fraction3 0.000035604 g/gal Ball (1997) 4-Stroke Metal/Fuel Fraction3 0.000035604 g/gal Ball (1997) Diesel Metal/Activity Fractionb 1.37 ug/Bhp-hr Truex (1998) Metal Nickel Reference Default 2-Stroke Metal/Fuel Fraction3 0.000077486 g/gal Ball (1997) 4-Stroke Metal/Fuel Fraction3 0.000077486 g/gal Ball (1997) Diesel Metal/Activity Fractionb 2.035 ug/Bhp-hr Truex (1998) a Combined average represents a weighted average of the US06 and UDDS emission factors for each vehicle (the weighting being 28% for the US06 factor, and 72% for the UDDS factor) and a subsequent straight average between the two weighted averages for each. ¦"Conversion factor of 21.5 miles/gal used (E-mail from Rich Cook "Metal Emission and PAH -reply" 3/7/02) *Sample Calculation: EF by fuel = Average of ((US06 EF * 0.28)+ (UDDS EF * 0.72)) Conversion factor Chromium EF by fuel = (((0.9 ug/mile * 0.28)^(8.5 ug/mile * 0.72))f((4.1 ug/mile * 0.28)+(3.3 ug/mile * 0.72))) /2 * (21.5 miles/gal / 1000000 ug/g) = 0.000106382 g/gal b Emission Factor is the average of cold start and hot start emission factors c Emission Factors based on detection limits and conversion factor of 21.5 miles/gal (E-mail from Rich Cook "Metal Emission and PAH -reply" 3/7/02) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-17 ------- References: Carroll, J.N. Emission Tests of In-use Small Utility Engines: Task in Report, Non-road Source Emission Factors Improvement. Prepared for U.S. EPA by Southwest Research Institute. Report SwRI 3426-0006, 1991. Censullo, Albert C., Ph. D. Development of Species for Selected Organic Emission Sources. California Polytechnic State University. San Luis Obispo, CA. April 30, 1991. Cook, Rich and Joe Somers. Memorandum entitled Revised Methodology and Emission Factors for Estimating Mobile Source PAH Emissions in the National Toxics Inventory, to Laurel Driver and Anne Pope, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality. Ann Arbor, MI. June 11, 2001. Gabele, Peter and Steven M. Pyle, Emissions from Tow Outboard Engines Operating on Reformulated Fuel Containing MTBE, U.S. EPA. Hare, C.T. and J.J. White. 1991. Toward the Environmentally Friendly Small Engine: Fuel, Lubricant, and Emission Measurement Issues. SAE Paper No. 9 11222. Hare, C.T. and J.N. Carroll. 1993. Speciation of Organic Emissions to Study Fuel Dependence of Small Engine Exhaust Photochemical Reactivity. Report for Advisory Committee for Research, Southwest Research Institute, July 1993. Scarbro, Carl. E-mail entitled Revised Emission Factors for Nonroad CI Engines to Richard Billings, Eastern Research Group, Inc., U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality. April 23, 2002. Scarbro, Carl. E-mail entitled Activity as National andSCC-Reply to Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc., U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality. April 25, 2002b. Scarbro, Carl. E-mail entitled Non-trimethylpentane Estimate-Reply to Richard Billings and Roger Chang, Eastern Research Group, Inc., U.S. EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality. June 12, 2002c. White, Jeff J. and James N. Carroll. Emissions from Snowmobile Engines Using Bio-based Fuels and Lubricants. State of Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Helena, MO. October 1998. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd D-18 ------- Appendix E State Database Summary Sheets for Draft NEI ------- Aircraft jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-1 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Alabama State/Local Agency Name: Alabama Department of Environmental Management Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: LisaB. Cole lbcolea@adem. state, al.us (334) 270-5615 Counties Included/Number in State: 66 out of 67 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-2 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Arizona, Maricopa County State/Local Agency Name: MARICOPA Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Bob Downing bdowning@mail.maricopa.gov (602) 506-6790 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 15 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-3 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Arkansas State/Local Agency Name: Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Ron Hoofman hoofman@adeq.state.ar.us (501)682-0537 Counties Included/Number in State: 74 out of 75 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC, and Lead # of HAPs in File: 1 General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-4 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: California State/Local Agency Name: California Air Resources Board Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Andy Alexis aalexi s@arb. ca. gov (916)323-1085 Counties Included/Number in State:55 (Criteria) and 53 (HAPS) out of 58 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Arsenic, Benzene, Cadmium, Chlorine, Chromium, Cobalt, Cumene, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Lead, Manganese, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether, Naphthalene, Nickel, o-Xylene, Phenol, Propionaldehyde, Selenium, Styrene, Toluene # of HAPs in File: 26 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCC's were updated to reflect current SCC's using EPA crosswalk table. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-5 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: California State/Local Agency Name: California Air Resources Board Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Andy Alexis aalexi s@arb. ca. gov (916)323-1085 Counties Included/Number in State: 55 out of 58 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics: Both • of HAPs in file: 40 HAPs Resolution: • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for HAP and criteria emissions. • Did not use state submitted estimates for HAPs that are not on the list of 188. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-6 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Colorado State/Local Agency Name: Colorado APCD Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Dale M. Wells dale.wells@state.co.us (303) 692-3237 Counties Included/Number in State: 45 out of 64 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-7 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Connecticut State/Local Agency Name: CT DEP Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Steven Potter Steven. potter@po. state, ct.us (860) 424-3384 Counties Included/Number in State: 8 out of 8 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-8 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Delaware State/Local Agency Name: Delaware Air Quality Management, DNREC Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: David Fees david.fees@state.de.us (302) 739-4791 Counties Included/Number in State: 3 out of 3 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a] Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 24 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-9 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Florida (Pinellas County) State/Local Agency Name: Pinellas County Department of Environmental Management Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Bob Soptei bsoptei@co.pinellas.fi.us (727) 464-4422 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 68 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Chrysene, Dibenzo[a,h]Anthracene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Lead & Compounds, Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Phenol, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes # of HAPs in File: 30 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-10 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Georgia State/Local Agency Name: Georgia Environmental Protection Division Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Scott South wick scott_southwick@dnr. state, ga.us (404) 362-4569 Counties Included/Number in State: 131 out of 159 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-ll ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Idaho State/Local Agency Name: DEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Gary Reinbold greinbol@deq. state, id.us (208)373-0253 Counties Included/Number in State: 41 out of 44 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-12 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Kentucky (Jefferson County) State/Local Agency Name: Louisville Metro APCD Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Gary Flispart Garv.Flispart@loukvmetro.org (502) 574-6000 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 120 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-13 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Louisiana State/Local Agency Name: Department of Environmental Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Elizabeth McDearman elizabethm@deq. state, la.us (225) 765-0303 (225) 765-0617 (fax) Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 64 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics: Criteria • of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: Only submitted data for one county in state for aircraft. Resolution: • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for VOC and NOx emissions. • Did not append zero emission records into file. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-14 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Maryland State/Local Agency Name: Maryland Department of Environment Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Roger Thunell rthunell@mde. state.md.us (410) 537-3273 Counties Included/Number in State: 24 out of 24 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria # of HAPs in file: No HAPs Comments: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-15 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Maryland State/Local Agency Name: Maryland Department of Environment Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Leif Hockstad lhockstad@mde. state, md.us (410) 631-3277 (410) 631-3202 (fax) Counties Included/Number in State: 24 out of 24 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria # of HAPs in file: No HAPs Comments: • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for HAP emissions. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-16 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Massachusetts State/Local Agency Name: Massachusetts DEP Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Kenneth Santlal kenneth.santlal@state.ma.us (617) 292-5776 Counties Included/Number in State: 14 out of 14 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-17 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Michigan State/Local Agency Name: Michigan Dept of Environmental Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Allan Ostrander ostranda@state.mi.us (517) 335-2717 Counties Included/Number in State: 83 out of 83 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-18 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Minnesota State/Local Agency Name: Minnesota Air Pollution Control Agency Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Chun Yi Wu Minnesota Air Pollution Control Agency chun.vi.wu@pca. state.mn.us (651)282-5855 Counties Included/Number in State: 65 out of 87 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Toxics 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Lead, Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 28 General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-19 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Mississippi State/Local Agency Name: Mississippi DEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Keith Head keith_head@deq. state.ms.us (601)961-5577 Counties Included/Number in State: 36 out of 82 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-20 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Nebraska State/Local Agency Name: Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Dept. Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Charles Riley crilev@ci.lincoln.ne.us (402) 441-6202 (402) 441-8323 (fax) Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 93 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria • of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: Only submitted data for one county in state for aircraft. Resolution: • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10-PRI emissions. • Did not append zero emission records into file. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-21 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: New Hampshire State/Local Agency Name: New Hampshire Dept. of Environmental Services Air Resources Division Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: David Healy dhealv@des. state, nh. us (603)271-0871 Counties Included/Number in State: 10 out of 10 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, S02, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Benzene, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Naphthalene, Polycyclic Organic Matter, Propionaldehyde, Styrene, Toluene, and Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 13 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-22 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: New Jersey State/Local Agency Name: NJ Department of Environmental Protection Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: John Gorgol i ohn. gorgol@dep. state.ni .us (609) 292-1413 Counties Included/Number in State: 21 out of 21 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-23 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Nevada (Clark County) State/Local Agency Name: DAQM Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Ebrahim Juma iuma@co.clark.nv.us (702)455-1621 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 17 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-24 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: North Carolina State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: 48 out of 100 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-25 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Oregon State/Local Agency Name: ODEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Jeffrey Stocum stocum.ieffrev@deq.state.or.us (503) 229-5506 Counties Included/Number in State: 35 out of 36 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC 1,3-Butadiene, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a] Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Phenol, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 27 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-26 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Pennsylvania State/Local Agency Name: PA DEP BAQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Robert Altenburg raltenburg@state.pa.us (717) 787-9495 Counties Included/Number in State: 8 out of 67 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria # of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: State submitted only OSD estimates Resolution: Replaced EPA based OSD emission estimates with State submitted emission estimates jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-27 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands State/Local Agency Name: Region II Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Raymond Forde EPA Region II NY, NY Forde.ravmond@epamail.epa.gov Counties Included/Number in State: Inventory Year: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: HAPs # of HAPs in File: 13 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-28 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Rhode Island State/Local Agency Name: RIDEM Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Karen Slattery karen. si atterv@ dem. ri. gov (401)222-2808 Counties Included/Number in State: 5 out of 5 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-29 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: South Carolina State/Local Agency Name: South Carolina DHEC Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Bob Betterton SC DHEC Columbia, SC betterri @columb31 .dhec. state, sc.us Counties Included/Number in State: Inventory Year: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: HAPs # of HAPs in File: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-30 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: South Carolina State/Local Agency Name: South Carolina DHEC Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Lynn Allen (803) 898-4069 (803) 898-4117 (fax) Counties Included/Number in State: 43 out of 46 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria • of HAPs in File: None General Comments on File, if any: • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for HC, NOx, CO, SOx emissions. Converted HC emissions to VOC emissions. • Did not append zero emission records into file. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-31 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Tennessee State/Local Agency Name: TDEC APC Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: James R. Redus Ron.Redus@state.tn.us (615)532-0577 Counties Included/Number in State: 49 out of 95 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-32 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Tennessee (Nashville/Davidson County) State/Local Agency Name: Metro Public Health Department Nashville/Davidson Cty Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Laura Artates laura.artates@nashville. gov (615)340-5653 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 95 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-33 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Tennessee State/Local Agency Name: CHCAPCB Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Heather Sandner sandner_h@mail. chattanooga. gov (423) 867-4321 (423) 867-4348 (fax) Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 95 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria • of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: Only submitted data for one county in state for aircraft. • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for HC, NOx, CO, SOx emissions. Converted HC emissions to VOC emissions. • Did not append zero emission records into file. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-34 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Texas State/Local Agency Name: TCEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Melinda Torres Metorres@tceq. state.tx.us (512) 239-0058 Counties Included/Number in State: 167 out of 254 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PMI0-FIL, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-35 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Texas State/Local Agency Name: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Committee Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Charlie Rubrick crubick@tnrcc. state, tx. us 512-239-1478 Counties Included/Number in State: 15 out of 254 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria # of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: Resolution: • Replaced EPA based emission estimates with State submitted emission estimates jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-36 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Utah State/Local Agency Name: Utah Division of Air Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Carol A. Nielsen cani el sen@utah. gov (801)536-4073 (801) 536-0085 (fax) Counties Included/Number in State: 29 out of 29 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria # of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: • Corrected invalid pollutant codes jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-37 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Utah State/Local Agency Name: Utah Division of Air Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Carol A. Nielsen cani el sen@utah. gov (801)536-4073 (801) 536-0085 (fax) Counties Included/Number in State: 29 out of 29 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria • of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: • Utah incorrectly coded emissions as daily instead of annual. Corrected file to reflect correct annual emissions. Resolution: • Corrected emission type code. • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for VOC, NOx, CO, SOx, PM10-PRI, and NH3 emissions. • Did not append zero emission records into file. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-38 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Virginia State/Local Agency Name: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Thomas C. Foster tcfoster@deq. state, va.us (804) 698-4411 Counties Included/Number in State: 136 out of 136 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-39 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Wisconsin State/Local Agency Name: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Grant Hetherington ww.dnr.state.wi.us (608) 267-7539 Counties Included/Number in State: 72 out of 72 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acenaphthene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a] Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Chrysene, Dibenzo[a,h] Anthracene, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Naphthalene, Phenol, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers), and o-Xylene. # of HAPs in File: 24 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-40 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: West Virginia State/Local Agency Name: WVDEP Division of Air Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: David Porter dporter@wvdep. org (304) 926-3647 Counties Included/Number in State: 17 out of 55 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-41 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Aircraft State: Wisconsin State/Local Agency Name: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Grant D. Hetherington hetheg@dnr. state, wi.us (608) 267-7539 (608) 267-0560 Counties Included/Number in State: 13 out of 72 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria • of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: • State submitted both annual and daily emission estimates. Resolution: • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for VOC, NOx, CO emissions. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-42 ------- Commercial Marine Vessels jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E_43 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Alabama State/Local Agency Name: Alabama Department of Environmental Management Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: LisaB. Cole lbcolea@adem. state, al.us (334) 270-5615 Counties Included/Number in State: 32 out of 67 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-44 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Alabama State/Local Agency Name: Emission Factor Inventory Group Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Doug Solomon, US EPA solomon.douglas@epa.gov (919)541-4132 Counties Included/Number in State: 45 out of 67 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria • of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: • State submitted emission estimates for commercial marine vessels Resolution: • Replaced EPA emission estimates with State submitted emission estimates jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-45 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Alaska State/Local Agency Name: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Alice Edwards /Joan Kassel Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 410 Willoughby Ave. Suite 105 Juneau,. AK 99801 aedwards@envircon. state, ak.us ikassel@envircon. state, ak.us Alice (907) 465-5109 Joan (907) 465-5129 Counties Included/Number in State: added 23 port Inventory Y ear: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: HAPs # of HAPs in File: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-46 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Arkansas State/Local Agency Name: Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Ron Hoofman hoofman@adeq.state.ar.us (501)682-0537 Counties Included/Number in State: 27 out of 75 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm2 5-pri, so2, voc # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-47 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: California State/Local Agency Name: California Air Resources Board Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Andy Alexis aalexi s@arb. ca. gov (916)323-1085 Counties Included/Number in State: 21 out of 58 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Antimony, Arsenic, Benzene, Cadmium, Chlorine, Chlorobenzene, Chromium, Cobalt, Cumene, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Methanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether, m- Xylene, Naphthalene, Nickel, o-Xylene, Phosphorus, Propionaldehyde, p-Xylene, Selenium, Styrene, Toluene # of HAPs in File: 32 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: Submitted pollutant code 1151. Not on EPA list of pollutants for HAPs. SCC's were updated to reflect current SCC's using EPA crosswalk table. Pollutant codes were updated to reflect current pollutant code. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-48 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: California State/Local Agency Name: California Air Resources Board Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Andy Alexis aalexi s@arb. ca. gov (916)323-1085 Counties Included/Number in State: 21 out of 58 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Both • of HAPs in file: 50 HAPs General Comments on File, if Any: • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for HAP and criteria emissions. • Did not use state submitted estimates for HAPs that were not on the list of 188. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-49 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Connecticut State/Local Agency Name: CT DEP Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Steven Potter Steven. potter@po. state, ct.us (860) 424-3384 Counties Included/Number in State: 8 out of 8 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-50 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Delaware State/Local Agency Name: Delaware Air Quality Management, DNREC Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: David Fees david.fees@state.de.us (302) 739-4791 Counties Included/Number in State: 3 out of 3 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm2 5-pri, so2, voc, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin,, 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran, 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran,, 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran,, 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran, 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, 1,3-Butadiene, 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran, 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium IV, Chrysene, Dibenzo[a,h]Anthracene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Lead, Manganese, Naphthalene, Nickel, Octachlorodibenzofuran, Octachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, Phenanthrene, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 48 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-51 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Georgia State/Local Agency Name: Georgia Environmental Protection Division Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Scott South wick scott_southwick@dnr. state, ga.us (404) 362-4569 Counties Included/Number in State: 22 out of 159 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-52 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Indiana State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: 3 out of 92 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCC's were updated to reflect current SCC's using EPA crosswalk table. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-53 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Kentucky State/Local Agency Name: Louisville Metro APCD Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Gary Flispart Garv.Flispart@loukvmetro.org (502) 574-6000 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 120 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-54 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Maine State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: 7 out of 16 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC 16-PAH, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, 7-PAH, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium (VI), Chromium HI, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Lead, Manganese, Naphthalene, Nickel, Phenanthrene, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Selenium, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 35 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-55 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Maryland State/Local Agency Name: Maryland Department of the Environment Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Roger Thunell rthunell@mde. state.md.us (410) 537-3273 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 24 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-56 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Maryland State/Local Agency Name: Maryland Department of Environment Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Leif Hockstad lhockstad@mde. state, md.us (410) 631-3277 (410) 631-3202 (fax) Counties Included/Number in State: 24 out of 24 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Toxics # of HAPs in file: 17HAPs General Comments on File, if Any: • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for HAP emissions. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-57 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Massachusetts State/Local Agency Name: Massachusetts DEP Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Kenneth Santlal kenneth.santlal@state.ma.us (617) 292-5776 Counties Included/Number in State: 14 out of 14 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-58 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Michigan State/Local Agency Name: Michigan DEQ Air Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Allan Ostrander ostranda@mi chi gan. gov (517) 335-2717 Counties Included/Number in State: 83 out of 83 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-59 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Minnesota State/Local Agency Name: Minnesota Air Pollution Control Agency Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Chun Yi Wu Minnesota Air Pollution Control Agency chun.vi.wu@pca. state.mn.us (651)282-5855 Counties Included/Number in State: 3 out of 87 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Toxics 16-PAH, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, 7-PAH, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Arsenic, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium (VI), Chromium HI, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Indeno[l,2,3- c,d]Pyrene, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Naphthalene, Nickel, Phenanthrene, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Selenium, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 38 General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-60 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Mississippi State/Local Agency Name: Template Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Keith Head keith_head@deq. state.ms.us (601)961-5577 Counties Included/Number in State: 27 out of 82 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-61 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: New Jersey State/Local Agency Name: NJ Department of Environmental Protection Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: John Gorgol i ohn. gorgol@dep. state.ni .us (609) 292-1413 Counties Included/Number in State: 21 out of 21 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-62 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: New York State/Local Agency Name: NYSDEC DIVISION OF AIR RESOURCES BAQP/MSS Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Kevin P. Mcgarry kpmcgarr@gw.dec. state.nv.us (518) 402-8396 Counties Included/Number in State: 30 out of 62 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: Pollutant codes were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-63 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: North Carolina State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: 30 out of 100 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-64 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Ohio State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: 8 out of 88 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCC's were updated to reflect current SCC's using EPA crosswalk table. Pollutant codes were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-65 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Oregon State/Local Agency Name: ODEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Jeffrey Stocum stocum.ieffrev@deq.state.or.us (503) 229-5506 Counties Included/Number in State: 10 out of 36 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, and VOC Acrolein, Arsenic, Chromium, Ethyl Benzene, Hexane, Manganese, Nickel, Propionaldehyde, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 11 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Pollutant codes were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-66 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Pennsylvania State/Local Agency Name: PA DEP BAQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Robert Altenburg raltenburg@state.pa.us 717-787-9495 Counties Included/Number in State: 11 out of 67 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria # of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: State submitted only OSD estimates Resolution: • Replaced EPA based OSD emission estimates with State submitted emission estimates jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-67 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands State/Local Agency Name: Region II Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Raymond Forde EPA Region II NY, NY Forde.ravmond@epamail.epa.gov Counties Included/Number in State: Inventory Year: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: HAPs # of HAPs in File: 20 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-68 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Rhode Island State/Local Agency Name: RIDEM Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Karen Slattery karen. si atterv@ dem. ri. gov (401)222-2808 Counties Included/Number in State: 5 out of 5 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-69 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Tennessee State/Local Agency Name: TDEC APC Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: James R. Redus ron.redus@state.tn.us (615)532-0577 Counties Included/Number in State: 31 out of 95 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-70 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Tennessee (Nashville/Davidson County) State/Local Agency Name: Metro Public Health Department Nashville/Davidson Cty Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Laura Artates laura.artates@nashville. gov (615)340-5653 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 95 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-71 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Texas State/Local Agency Name: TCEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Melinda Torres Metorres@tceq. state.tx.us (512) 239-0058 Counties Included/Number in State: 19 out of 254 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC 16-PAH, 7-PAH, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Arsenic & compounds, Benzene, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Chromium & Compounds, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Lead, Manganese & Compounds, Nickel, Nickel& Compounds, Propionaldehyde, Selenium, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 22 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-72 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Texas State/Local Agency Name: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Committee Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Charlie Rubrick crubick@tnrcc. state, tx. us (512) 239-1478 Counties Included/Number in State: 6 out of 254 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria # of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: Resolution: • Replaced EPA based emission estimates with State submitted emission estimates jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-73 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Virginia State/Local Agency Name: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Thomas C. Foster tcfoster@deq. state, va.us (804) 698-4411 Counties Included/Number in State: 136 out of 136 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-74 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Washington State/Local Agency Name: WA Department of Ecology Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Sally Otterson sott461 @ecv. wa. gov (360) 407-6806 Counties Included/Number in State: 30 out of 39 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm2 5-pri, so2, voc # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-75 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: West Virginia State/Local Agency Name: WVDEP Division of Air Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: David Porter dporter@wvdep. org (304) 926-3647 Counties Included/Number in State: 20 out of 55 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-76 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Wisconsin State/Local Agency Name: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Grant Hetherington hetheg@dnr. state, wi.us (608) 267-7539 Counties Included/Number in State: 20 out of 72 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm2 5-pri, pm-pri, so2, voc # of HAPs in File: 14 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Benzene, Chromium, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Manganese, Nickel, Propionaldehyde, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-77 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Commercial Marine Vessels State: Wisconsin State/Local Agency Name: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Grant D. Hetherington hetheg@dnr. state, wi.us (608) 267-7539 (608) 267-0560 Counties Included/Number in State: 3 out of 72 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type-Criteria, Toxics, both: Criteria • of HAPs in file: None General Comments on File, if Any: • State submitted both annual and daily emission estimates. Resolution: • Replaced estimates with state submitted data for VOC, NOx, CO emissions. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-78 ------- Locomotives jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E_79 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Alabama State/Local Agency Name: Alabama Department of Environmental Management Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: LisaB. Cole lbcolea@adem. state, al.us (334) 270-5615 Counties Included/Number in State: 32 out of 67 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-80 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Alabama State/Local Agency Name: Alabama Department of Environmental Management Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Ken Barrett Alabama Department of Environmental Management Air Division P.O. Box 301463 Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1463 kab@adem. state, al .us (334) 271-7861 Counties Included/Number in State: noted counties with out railroads Inventory Year: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: # of HAPs in File: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Alabama State/Local Agency Name: Alabama Department of Environmental Management Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Cala Obenauf ci o@adem. state, al .us (334) 270-5683 Counties Included/Number in State: 67 out of 67 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, VOC # of HAPs in File: 0 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-82 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Alaska State/Local Agency Name: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Melanie Lambardo melanie_lambardo@dec. state, ak.us (907)465-5116 Counties Included/Number in State: 6 out of 27 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, HC, NOx, PM10 # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: HC emissions not used-incorrect format submitted jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-83 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Alaska State/Local Agency Name: Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Alice Edwards /Joan Kassel Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 410 Willoughby Ave. Suite 105 Juneau,. AK 99801 aedwards@envircon. state, ak.us ikassel@envircon. state, ak.us Alice (907) 465-5109 Joan (907) 465-5129 Counties Included/Number in State: deleted 19 counties that do not have railroads Inventory Year: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: HAPs # of HAPs in File: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-84 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Arizona, Maricopa County State/Local Agency Name: MARICOPA Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Bob Downing bdowning@mail.maricopa.gov (602) 506-6790 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 15 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-85 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Arkansas State/Local Agency Name: Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Ron Hoofman hoofman@adeq.state.ar.us (501)682-0537 Counties Included/Number in State: 66 out of 75 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm2 5-pri, so2, voc # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-86 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: California State/Local Agency Name: California Air Resources Board Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Andy Alexis aalexi s@arb. ca. gov (916)323-1085 Counties Included/Number in State: 44 out of 58 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-FIL, PM2 5-FIL, PM-FIL, S02, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Antimony, Arsenic, Benzene, Cadmium, Chlorine, Chromium, Cobalt, Cumene, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Methanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, m-Xylene, Naphthalene, Nickel, o-Xylene, Phosphorus, Propionaldehyde, p-Xylene, Selenium, Styrene, Toluene # of HAPs in File: 30HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-87 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: California - Lake County State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: deleted rail emission as there are no railroads in this county Inventory Year: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: HAPs # of HAPs in File: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-88 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: California State/Local Agency Name: California Air Resources Board Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Andy Alexis aalexi s@arb. ca. gov (916)323-1085 Counties Included/Number in State: 44 out of 58 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, SOx, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acetaldehyde, Antimony, Arsenic, Benzene, Cadmium, Chlorine, Chromium, Cobalt, Cumene, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Lead, m-Xylene, Manganese, Mercury, Methanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Naphthalene, Nickel, o-Xylene, p-Xylene, Phosphorus, Propionaldehyde, Selenium, Styrene, Toluene (Other pollutants not on the 188 HAP list were also included but not used) # of HAPs in File: 47 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-89 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Colorado State/Local Agency Name: Colorado APCD Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Dale M. Wells dale.wells@state.co.us (303) 692-3237 Counties Included/Number in State: 5 out of 64 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-90 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Connecticut State/Local Agency Name: CT DEP Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Steven Potter Steven. potter@po. state, ct.us (860) 424-3384 Counties Included/Number in State: 8 out of 8 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-91 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Delaware State/Local Agency Name: Delaware Air Quality Management Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: David Fees david.fees@state.de.us (302) 739-4791 Counties Included/Number in State: 3 out of 3 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm2 5-PRI, so2, VOC, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin,, 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran, 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran,, 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran,, 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran, 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran, 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Beryllium, Beryllium & Compounds, Cadmium, Cadmium & Compounds, Chromium IE, Chromium IV, Chrysene, Dibenzo[a,h]Anthracene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Lead, Manganese, Manganese & Compounds, Naphthalene, Nickel, Nickel & Compounds, Octachlorodibenzofuran, Octachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, Phenanthrene, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 57 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-92 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: District of Columbia State/Local Agency Name: DC Department of Health Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Deirdre Elvis deirdre.elvis@dc.gov (202)535-2256 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 1 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: Pollutant codes were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-93 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Florida (Pinellas county) State/Local Agency Name: Pinellas County Department of Environmental Management Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Bob Soptei bsoptei@co.pinellas.fi.us (727) 464-4422 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 67 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Beryllium & Compounds, Cadmium & Compounds, Chromium (VI), Chromium m, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Lead & Compounds, Manganese & Compounds, Naphthalene, Nickel & Compounds, Phenanthrene, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, and Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 34 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-94 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Georgia State/Local Agency Name: Georgia Environmental Protection Division Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Scott South wick scott_southwick@dnr. state, ga.us (404) 362-4569 Counties Included/Number in State: 114 out of 159 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-95 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Idaho State/Local Agency Name: DEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Gary Reinbold greinbol@deq. state.id.us (208)373-0253 Counties Included/Number in State: 39 out of 44 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-96 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Illinois State/Local Agency Name: Illinois EPA Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: David 'Buzz' Asselmeier buzz, asselmeier@epa.state.il. us (217) 524-4343 Counties Included/Number in State: 102 out of 102 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-97 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Indiana State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: 92 out of 92 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NH3, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-98 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Kentucky (Jefferson County) State/Local Agency Name: Louisville Metro APCD Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Gary Flispart Garv.Flispart@loukvmetro.org (502) 574-6000 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 120 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-99 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Louisiana State/Local Agency Name: Department of Environmental Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Elizabeth McDearman elizabethm@deq. state, la.us (225) 765-0303 Counties Included/Number in State: 5 out of 64 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria NOx, VOC # of HAPs in File: 0 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-100 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Maryland State/Local Agency Name: Maryland Department of the Environment Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Roger Thunell rthunell@mde. state.md.us (410) 537-3273 Counties Included/Number in State: 24 out of 24 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM25-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-101 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Maryland State/Local Agency Name: Maryland Department of Environment Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Leif Hockstad lhockstad@mde. state, md.us (410) 631-3277 Counties Included/Number in State: 24 out of 24 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxic, both: Toxics Acrolein, Ethylbenzene, Hexane, Propionaldehyde, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 7 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-102 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Massachusetts State/Local Agency Name: Massachusetts DEP Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Kenneth Santlal kenneth.santlal@state.ma.us (617) 292-5776 Counties Included/Number in State: 14 out of 14 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-103 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Minnesota State/Local Agency Name: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Chun Yi Wu chun.vi.wu@pca. state.mn.us (651)282-5855 Counties Included/Number in State: 69 (criteria) and 81 (HAP) out of 87 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium (VI), Chromium HI, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Indeno[l,2,3- c,d]Pyrene, Lead, Manganese, Naphthalene, Nickel, Phenanthrene, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene , Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 34 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-104 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotive State: Minnesota State/Local Agency Name: Minnesota Air Pollution Control Agency Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Chun Yi Wu Minnesota Air Pollution Control Agency chun.vi.wu@pca. state.mn.us (651)282-5855 Counties Included/Number in State: 83 out of 87 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Toxics 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Arsenic & Compounds (Inorganic Including Arsine), Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Beryllium & Compounds, Cadmium & Compounds, Chromium (VI), Chromium IE, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Lead & Compounds, Manganese & Compounds, Mercury & Compounds, Naphthalene, Nickel & Compounds, Phenanthrene, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 36 General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-105 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Mississippi State/Local Agency Name: Mississippi DEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Keith Head keith_head@deq. state, ms.us (601)961-5577 Counties Included/Number in State: 63 out of 82 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-106 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Montana (Fort Peck) State/Local Agency Name: ITEP Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Sarah Kelly Sarah.Kellv@nau.edu (928)523-6377 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 57 Inventory Year: 2000 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM-PRI, S02, VOC Formaldehyde # of HAPs in File: 1 HAP General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-107 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Nebraska State/Local Agency Name: Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Charles Riley No address given crilev@ci.lincoln.ne.us (402) 441-6202 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, C02, NOx, PM10-PRI, SOx, VOC # of HAPs in File: 0 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-108 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: New Hampshire State/Local Agency Name: New Hampshire Dept of Environmental Services Air Resources Division Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: David Healy dhealv@des. state, nh. us (603)271-0871 Counties Included/Number in State: 10 out of 10 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Benzene, Beryllium & Compounds, Cadmium & Compounds, Chromium & Compounds, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Lead & Compounds, Manganese & Compounds, Mercury & Compounds, Naphthalene, Nickel & Compounds, Polycyclic Organic Matter, Propionaldehyde, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 20 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-109 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: New Jersey State/Local Agency Name: NJ Department of Environmental Protection Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: John Gorgol i ohn. gorgol@dep. state.ni .us (609) 292-1413 Counties Included/Number in State: 21 out of 21 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-110 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Nevada (Clark County) State/Local Agency Name: DAQM Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Ebrahim Juma iuma@co.clark.nv.us (702)455-1621 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 17 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM-PRI, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. Pollutant codes were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-lll ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: North Carolina State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: 72 out of 100 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-112 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Ohio State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: 88 out of 88 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm2 5-pri, pm-pri, # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: Pollutant codes were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-113 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Oregon State/Local Agency Name: ODEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Jeffrey Stocum stocum.ieffrev@deq.state.or.us (503) 229-5506 Counties Included/Number in State: 32 out of 36 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC 1,3-Butadiene, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Arsenic Benz[a] Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Beryllium, Cadium, Chromium, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Naphthalene, Nickel, Phenanthrene, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 33 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-114 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Pennsylvania State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: 57 out of 67 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria, daily CO, C02, NOx, PM10-PRI, SOx, VOC # of HAPs in File: 0 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-115 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Rhode Island State/Local Agency Name: RIDEM Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Karen Slattery karen. si atterv@ dem. ri. gov (401)222-2808 Counties Included/Number in State: 5 out of 5 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-116 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Tennessee State/Local Agency Name: TDEC APC Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: James R. Redus ron.redus@state.tn.us (615)532-0577 Counties Included/Number in State: 57 out of 95 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-117 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Tennessee (Nashville/Davidson County) State/Local Agency Name: Metro Public Health Department Nashville/Davidson Cty Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Laura Artates laura.artates@nashville. gov (615)340-5653 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 out of 95 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-118 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Tennessee State/Local Agency Name: Chattanooga- Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Heather Sandner sandner_h@mail. chattanoonga. gov (423) 867-4321 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both:Criteria CO, HC, NOx, SOx # of HAPs in File: 0 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-119 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Texas State/Local Agency Name: TCEQ Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Melinda Torres Metorres@tceq. state.tx.us (512) 239-0058 Counties Included/Number in State: 254 out of 254 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC Acrolein and Chromium & Compounds. # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-120 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Texas State/Local Agency Name: Texas Natural Resources Conservation Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Peter Ogbeide pogbeide@tnrcc. state, tx. us (512) 239-1937 Counties Included/Number in State: 254 out of 254 Inventory Y ear: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Toxics 1,3-butadiene, 16-PAH, 7-PAH, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Arsenic & Compounds (Inorganic Including Arsine), Benzene, Beryllium & Compounds, Cadmium & Compounds, Chromium & Compounds, Ethylbenzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Lead & Compounds, Manganese & Compounds, Mercury & Compounds, Methyl tert-butyl ether, Nickel & Compounds, Propionaldehyde, Selenium & Compounds, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p isomers) # of HAPs in File: 23 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-121 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Utah State/Local Agency Name: UT Division of Air Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Carol A. Nielsen C ani el sen@utah. gov (801)536-4073 Counties Included/Number in State: 29 out of 29 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: Pollutant codes were updated to reflect current EPA pollutant codes. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-122 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Utah State/Local Agency Name: Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Counties Included/Number in State: Data acquired from railroads that operate in Utah were used to adjust EPA estimated emissions from railroads. The distribution was made using information on where train tracks are located in the state and the amount of traffic on those tracks. Inventory Year: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: HAPs # of HAPs in File: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E—123 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Utah State/Local Agency Name: Utah Division of Air Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Carol Neilsen cneilsen@deq.state.ut.us (801)536-4073 Counties Included/Number in State: 29 out of 29 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, sox, voc # of HAPs in File: 0 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-124 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Virginia State/Local Agency Name: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Thomas C. Foster tcfoster@deq. state, va.us (804) 698-4411 Counties Included/Number in State: 136 out of 136 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, and VOC # of HAPs in File: No HAPs General Comments on File, if any: SCCs were updated to reflect current EPA SCCs. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-125 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Washington State/Local Agency Name: WA Dept. of Ecology Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Sally Otterson sott461 @ecv. wa. gov (360) 407-6806 Counties Included/Number in State: 34 out of 39 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Anthracene, Arsenic, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Chrysene, Dibenzo[a,h]Anthracene, Ethyl Benzene, Flouranthene, Fluorene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Indeno[a]pyrene, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Naphthalene, Nickel, Phenanthrene, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 36 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-126 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Wisconsin State/Local Agency Name: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Grant Hetherington ww.dnr.state.wi.us (608) 267-7539 Counties Included/Number in State: 72 out of 72 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Both CO, nh3, nox, pm10-pri, pm2 5-pri, pm-pri, so2, VOC Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Anthracene, Arsenic, Benz[a]Anthracene, Benzo[b]Fluoranthene, Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene, Benzo[k]Fluoranthene, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chrysene, Ethyl Benzene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Hexane, Indeno[l,2,3-c,d]Pyrene, Lead, Manganese, Naphthalene, Nickel, Phenanthrene, Propionaldehyde, Pyrene, Styrene, Toluene , Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 21 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-127 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: West Virginia State/Local Agency Name: WVDEP Division of Air Quality Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: David Porter dporter@wvdep. org (304) 926-3647 Counties Included/Number in State: 44 out of 55 Inventory Year: 2002 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, PM10-PRI, PM2 5-PRI, S02, VOC # of HAPs in File: NoHAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-128 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Locomotives State: Wisconsin State/Local Agency Name: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Grant D. Hetherington hetheg@dnr. state, wi.us 608-267-7539 Counties Included/Number in State: 72 out of N/A Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Criteria CO, NOx, VOC # of HAPs in File: 0 HAPs jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-129 ------- Other Nonroad jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Other Nonroad State: California State/Local Agency Name: California Air Resources Board Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Andy Alexis aalexi s@arb. ca. gov (916)323-1085 Counties Included/Number in State: 58 out of 58 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics both: Toxics 1,3-Butadiene, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Antimony, Arsenic, Benzene, Cadmium, Chlorine, Chromium, Cobalt, Cumene, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Lead, m- Xylene, Manganese, Mercury, Methanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether, Naphthalene, Nickel, o-Xylene, p-Xylene, Phosphorus, Propionaldehyde, Selenium, Styrene, Toluene (Other pollutants not on the 188 HAP list were also included but not used) # of HAPs in File: 52 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: • The file had to be split up because they put area, mobile, and point together. jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-131 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Other Nonroad State: Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands State/Local Agency Name: Region II Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Raymond Forde EPA Region II NY, NY Forde.ravmond@epamail.epa.gov Counties Included/Number in State: Inventory Year: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: HAPs # of HAPs in File: 19 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-132 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Other Nonroad State: Tennessee - Davidson County State/Local Agency Name: Tennessee Division of Air Pollution Control Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Eric Hutton Tennessee Division of Air Pollution Control 9th floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville, TN 97243 ehutton@mail. state, tn.us (615)532-0542 Counties Included/Number in State: 1 Inventory Year: 1996 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: HAPs # of HAPs in File: 6 jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-133 ------- STATE DATABASE SUMMARY REPORT Source Category: Other Nonroad State: Texas State/Local Agency Name: Texas Natural Resources Conservation Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email: Peter Ogbeide No address given pogbeide@tnrcc. state, tx. us (512) 239-1937 Counties Included/Number in State: 254 out of 254 Inventory Year: 1999 Inventory Type - Criteria, toxics, both: Toxics 1,3-Butadiene, 16-PAH, 7-PAH, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Arsenic & Compounds (Inorganic Including Arsine), Benzene, Chromium & Compounds, Ethyl Benzene, Formaldehyde, Hexane, Manganese & Compounds, Mercury & Compounds, Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether, Nickel & Compounds, Propionaldehyde, Styrene, Toluene, Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) # of HAPs in File: 19 HAPs General Comments on File, if any: jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd E-134 ------- Appendix F NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 100027 4-Nitrophenol 4-Nitrophenol 10025873 Phosphorus Oxychloride Phosphorus Compounds 10025919 Antimony Trichloride Antimony Compounds 1002671 Diethylene Glycol Ethyl Methyl Ether Glycol Ethers 10031137 Lead Arsenite Lead Compounds 10034829 Sodium Chromate(VI) Chromium Compounds 100414 Ethyl Benzene Ethylbenzene 100425 Styrene Styrene 100447 Benzyl Chloride Benzyl Chloride 10060125 Chromium Chloride Chromium Compounds 10099748 Lead Nitrate Lead Compounds 10101505 Permanganic acid Manganese Compounds 10101538 Chromic Sulfate Chromium Compounds 10101970 Nickel (II) Sulfate Hexahydrate Nickel Compounds 101020 Triphenyl Phosphite Phosphorus Compounds 10108642 Cadmium Chloride Cadmium Compounds 101144 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-Chloraniline) 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-Chloroaniline) 10124364 Cadmium Sulfate Cadmium Compounds 10124433 Cobalt Sulfate Cobalt Compounds 10137969 Ethyleneglycol Mono-2-Methylpentyl Ether Glycol Ethers 10137981 Ethy lenegly colmono -2,6,8 -T rimethy 1-4 - Nonyl Ether Glycol Ethers 10143530 Diethylene Glycol Ethylvinyl Ether Glycol Ethers 10143541 Diethylene Glycol Mono-2-Cyanoethyl Ether Glycol Ethers 10143563 Diethyleneglycol-Mono-2-Methyl-Pentyl Ether Glycol Ethers 101688 4,4'-Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate 4,4'-Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) 101779 4,4'-Methylenedianiline 4,4 '-Methy lenedianiline 102 Benzo [b+k]Fluoranthene Poly cyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 10215335 3 -Butoxy-1 -Propanol Glycol Ethers 10294403 Barium Chromate Chromium Compounds 10294561 Phosphorous Acid Phosphorus Compounds 103 Benz(a)Anthracene/Chrysene Polycylie Organic Matter as 7-PAH 10325947 Cadmium Nitrate Cadmium Compounds 10377669 Manganese Nitrate Manganese Compounds 10588019 Sodium Dichromate Chromium Compounds 106423 p-Xylene Xylenes (Mixed Isomers) 106445 p-Cresol Cresol/Cresylic Acid (Mixed Isomers) 106467 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106503 p-Phenylenediamine p-Phenylenediamine 106514 Quinone Quinone (p-Benzoquinone) 106887 1,2-Epoxybutane 1,2-Epoxybutane jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-l ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 106898 1 -Chloro-2,3 -Epoxypropane Epichlorohydrin (1 -Chloro-2,3 -Epoxypropane) 106934 Ethylene Dibromide Ethylene Dibromide (Dibromoethane) 106990 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Butadiene 107028 Acrolein Acrolein 107051 Allyl Chloride Allyl Chloride 107062 Ethylene Dichloride Ethylene Dichloride (1,2-Dichloroethane) 107131 Acrylonitrile Acrylonitrile 107211 Ethylene Glycol Ethylene Glycol 107302 Chloromethyl Methyl Ether Chloromethyl Methyl Ether 108054 Vinyl Acetate Vinyl Acetate 108101 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (Hexone) 108316 Maleic Anhydride Maleic Anhydride 108383 m-Xylene Xylenes (Mixed Isomers) 108394 m-Cresol Cresol/Cresylic Acid (Mixed Isomers) 108883 Toluene Toluene 108907 Chlorobenzene Chlorobenzene 108952 Phenol Phenol 109 Beryllium & Compounds Beryllium Compounds 109864 Ethylene Glycol Methyl Ether Glycol Ethers 110496 Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate Glycol Ethers 110543 Hexane Hexane 110714 1,2-Dimethoxyethane Glycol Ethers 110805 Cellosolve Solvent Glycol Ethers 11103869 Zinc Potassium Chromate Chromium Compounds 111104 Methoxyethyl Oleate Glycol Ethers 11115745 Chromic Acid Chromium Compounds 111159 Cellosolve Acetate Glycol Ethers 111422 Diethanolamine Diethanolamine 111444 Dichloroethyl Ether Dichloroethyl Ether (Bis[2-Chloroethyl]Ether) 111762 Butyl Cellosolve Glycol Ethers 111773 Diethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Glycol Ethers 111900 Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Glycol Ethers 111966 Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether Glycol Ethers 1120714 1,3 -Propanesultone 1,3-Propane Sultone 112072 2-Butoxyethyl Acetate Glycol Ethers 112152 Carbitol Acetate Glycol Ethers 112254 2-(Hexyloxy)Ethanol Glycol Ethers 112276 Triethylene glycol Glycol Ethers 112345 Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Glycol Ethers 112356 Methoxytriglycol Glycol Ethers 112367 Diethylene glycol diethyl ether Glycol Ethers 112492 Triethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether Glycol Ethers 112505 Ethoxytriglycol Glycol Ethers jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-2 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 112594 N-Hexyl Carbitol Glycol Ethers 114261 Propoxur Propoxur (Baygon) 115866 Triphenyl Phosphate Phosphorus Compounds 117817 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate (Dehp) 118741 Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobenzene 119904 3,3 '-Dimethoxybenzidine 3,3 '-Dimethoxybenzidine 119937 3,3 '-Dimethylbenzidine 3,3 '-Dimethylbenzidine 120127 Anthracene Poly cyclic Organic Matter as 15-PAH 12018018 Chromium Dioxide Chromium Compounds 12018198 Chromium Zinc Oxide Chromium Compounds 12035722 Nickel Subsulfide Nickel Compounds 12054487 Nickel Hydroxide Nickel Compounds 120558 Diethylene Glycol Dibenzoate Glycol Ethers 12060003 Lead Titanate Lead Compounds 120809 Catechol Catechol 120821 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 121142 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 12136913 Phosphorous Nitride Phosphorus Compounds 121448 Triethylamine Triethylamine 121697 N,N-Dimethylaniline N,N-Dimethylaniline 122667 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122996 Phenyl Cellosolve Glycol Ethers 123319 Hydroquinone Hydroquinone 123386 Propionaldehyde Propionaldehyde 123911 p-Dioxane p-Dioxane 124174 Butyl Carbitol Acetate Glycol Ethers 125 Cadmium & Compounds Cadmium Compounds 12626812 Lead Titanate Zircon Lead Compounds 12640890 Selenium Oxide Selenium Compounds 126998 Chloroprene Chloroprene 12710360 Nickel Carbide Nickel Compounds 1271289 Nickelocene Nickel Compounds 127184 T etrachloroethylene Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) 129000 Pyrene Poly cyclic Organic Matter as 15-PAH 13011546 Phosphorous Salt Phosphorus Compounds 1303282 Arsenic Pentoxide Arsenic Compounds(Inorganic Including Arsine) 1304569 Beryllium Oxide Beryllium Compounds 1306190 Cadmium Oxide Cadmium Compounds 1306236 Cadmium Sulfide Cadmium Compounds 1307966 Cobalt Oxide Cobalt Compounds 1308061 Cobalt Oxide (II,III) Cobalt Compounds 1308130 Zinc Chromate Chromium Compounds 1308141 Chromium Hydroxide Chromium Compounds jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-3 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 1308389 Chromic Oxide Chromium Compounds 1309600 Lead Dioxide Lead Compounds 1309644 Antimony Trioxide Antimony Compounds 131113 Dimethyl Phthalate Dimethyl Phthalate 1313139 Manganese Dioxide Manganese Compounds 13138459 Nickel Nitrate Nickel Compounds 1313991 Nickel Oxide Nickel Compounds 1314063 Nickel Peroxide Nickel Compounds 1314245 Phosphorus Trioxide Phosphorus Compounds 1314416 Lead (II, IV) Oxide Lead Compounds 1314563 Phosphorus Pentoxide Phosphorus Compounds 1314803 Phosphorus Pentasulfide Phosphorus Compounds 1317346 Manganese Trioxide Manganese Compounds 1317357 Manganese Tetroxide Manganese Compounds 1317368 Lead (II) Oxide Lead Compounds 1317426 Cobalt Sulfide Cobalt Compounds 1319773 Cresol Cresol/Cresylic Acid (Mixed Isomers) 132649 Dibenzofuran Dibenzofuran 1327339 Antimony Oxide Antimony Compounds 1327522 Arsenic Acid Arsenic Compounds(Inorganic Including Arsine) 1327533 Arsenic Trioxide Arsenic Compounds(Inorganic Including Arsine) 1330207 Xylenes (Mixture of o, m, and p Isomers) Xylenes (Mixed Isomers) 133062 Captan Captan 1332214 Asbestos Asbestos 1333820 Chromium Trioxide Chromium Compounds 1335257 Lead Oxide Lead Compounds 1335326 Lead Subacetate Lead Compounds 1336363 Polychlorinated Biphenyls Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Aroclors) 1336932 Manganese Napthenate Manganese Compounds 133904 Chloramben Chloramben 1345046 Antimony Trisulfide Antimony Compounds 1345160 Cobalt Aluminate Cobalt Compounds 13462889 Nickel Bromide Nickel Compounds 13463393 Nickel Carbonyl Nickel Compounds 13510491 Beryllium Sulfate Beryllium Compounds 13530659 Zinc Chromate Chromium Compounds 13530682 Chromic Sulfuric Acid Chromium Compounds 136 Chromium & Compounds Chromium Compounds 136527 Cobalt 2-ethylhexanoate Cobalt Compounds 13765190 Calcium Chromate Chromium Compounds 13770893 Nickel Sulfamate Nickel Compounds 13814965 Lead Fluoroborate Lead Compounds 139 Cobalt & Compounds Cobalt Compounds jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-4 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 13943583 Potassium Ferrocyani Cyanide Compounds 13967505 Gold (I) Potassium Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 140 Coke Oven Emissions Coke Oven Emissions 140056 Methyl Cellosolve Acetylricinoleate Glycol Ethers 140294 Benzyl Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 140885 Ethyl Acrylate Ethyl Acrylate 141 Benzene Soluble Organics (BSO) Coke Oven Emissions 142 Methylene Chloride Soluble Organics (MCSO) Coke Oven Emissions 14220178 Potass Nickel Cyanid Cyanide Compounds 14307358 Lithium Chromate Chromium Compounds 143226 Triglycol Monobutyl Ether Glycol Ethers 143339 Sodium Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 144 Cyanide & Compounds Cyanide Compounds 14977618 Chromyl Chloride Chromium Compounds 151508 Potassium Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 151564 Ethyleneimine Ethyleneimine (Aziridine) 155 Dioxins Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 156627 Calcium Cyanamide Calcium Cyanamide 1582098 Trifliiralin Trifluralin 1589497 3 -Methoxy-1 -Propanol Glycol Ethers 16065831 Chromium III Chromium Compounds 1634044 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 16672392 Di(Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether) Phthalate Glycol Ethers 16842038 Cobalt Carbonate Cobalt Compounds 16925250 Sodium hexafluoroantimenate Antimony Compounds 171 Glycol Ethers Glycol Ethers 1746016 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 18454121 Lead Chromate Oxide Lead Compounds 18540299 Chromium (VI) Chromium Compounds 18912806 Diethylene Glycol Monoisobutyl Ether Glycol Ethers 189559 Dibenzo [a,i]Pyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 189640 Dibenzo [a,h]Pyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 191242 Benzo[g,h,i,]Perylene Polycyclic Organic Matter as 15-PAH 191300 Dibenzo [a,l]Pyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 192654 Dibenzo [a,e]Pyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 192972 Benzo[e]Pyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 193395 Indeno [ 1,2,3 -c,d]Pyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 19408743 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 195 Lead & Compounds Lead Compounds 195197 Benzo(c)phenanthrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 198 Manganese & Compounds Manganese Compounds jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-5 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 198550 Perylene Polycyclic Organic Matter 199 Mercury & Compounds Mercury Compounds 200 Elemental Gaseous Mercury Mercury Compounds 201 Gaseous Divalent Mercury Mercury Compounds 202 Particulate Divalent Mercury Mercury Compounds 203123 Benzo(g,h,i)Fluoranthene Polycyclic Organic Matter 203338 Benzo(a)fluoranthene Polycyclic Organic Matter 205823 B[j]Fluoranthen Polycyclic Organic Matter 205992 Benzo [b]Fluoranthene Polycyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 206440 Fluoranthene Polycyclic Organic Matter as 15-PAH 20706256 2-Propoxyethyl Acetate Glycol Ethers 207089 Benzo [k]Fluoranthene Polycyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 208968 Acenaphthylene Polycyclic Organic Matter as 15-PAH 218019 Chrysene Polycyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 224420 Dibenzo [aj ] Acridine Polycyclic Organic Matter 226 Nickel & Compounds Nickel Compounds 22967926 Mercury (Organic) Mercury Compounds 234 PAH, Total Polycyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 23436193 1 -Isobutoxy-2-Propanol Glycol Ethers 23495127 Ethyleneglycol Monophenyl Ether Propionate Glycol Ethers 2381217 1-Methylpyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 2422799 12-Methylbenz(a)Anthracene Polycylic Organic Matter 24267569 Iodine-131 Radionuclides (Including Radon) 246 Polycyclic Organic Matter Polycyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 247 Methylbenzopyrenes Polycyclic Organic Matter 248 Methylchrysene Polycyclic Organic Matter 253 Selenium & Compounds Selenium Compounds 262124 Dibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 26914181 Methylanthracene Polycyclic Organic Matter 27253287 Lead Neodecanoate Lead Compounds 27310210 2-(2,4-Hexadienyloxy)Ethanol Glycol Ethers 2807309 Propyl Cellosolve Glycol Ethers 284 Extractable Organic Matter (EOM) Polycyclic Organic Matter 2921882 Phosphorothioic Acid Phosphorus Compounds 301042 Lead Acetate Lead Compounds 302012 Hydrazine Hydrazine 30402143 Total Tetrachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 30402154 Total Pentachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 3121617 Methyl Cellosolve Acrylate Glycol Ethers 3141126 Arsenous Acid Arsenic Compounds(Inorganic Including Arsine) 3268879 Octachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 331 Cresols (Includes o, m, & p)/Cresylic Acids Cresol/Cresylic Acid (Mixed Isomers) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-6 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 3333393 Nickel Carbonate Nickel Compounds 334883 Diazomethane Diazomethane 34465468 Hexachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 35822469 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 36088229 Total Pentachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 3697243 5 -Methylchry sene Polycyclic Organic Matter 37187647 Gold Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 373024 Nickel Acetate Nickel Compounds 3775857 Ethylene Glycol Bis(2,3-Epoxy-2- Methylpropyl) Ether Glycol Ethers 37871004 Total Heptachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 383 Fine Mineral Fibers Fine Mineral Fibers 38998753 Total Heptachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 39001020 Octachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 39227286 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 398 Phosphorus & Compounds Phosphorus Compounds 40 16-PAH Polycyclic Organic Matter as 16-PAH 400 Radionuclides (Including Radon) Radionuclides (Including Radon) 40321764 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 41903575 Total Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 4206615 Diethylene Glycol Diglycidyl Ether Glycol Ethers 42397648 1,6-Dinitropyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 42397659 1,8-Dinitropyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 4439241 Isobutyl Cellosolve Glycol Ethers 463581 Carbonyl Sulfide Carbonyl Sulfide 50000 Formaldehyde Formaldehyde 50328 Benzo[a]Pyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 506649 Silver Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 50922297 Zinc Chromite Chromium Compounds 510156 Chlorobenzilate Chlorobenzilate 51207319 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 51285 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51796 Ethyl Carbamate Chloride Ethyl Carbamate (Urethane) Chloride (Chloroethane) 532274 2-Chloroacetophenone 2-Chloroacetophenone 534521 4,6-Dinitro-o-Cresol 4,6-Dinitro-o-Cresol (Including Salts) 53703 Dibenzo [a,h] Anthracene Polycyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 53963 2-Acetylaminofluorene 2-Acetylaminofluorene 540841 2,2,4 -T rimethy lpentane 2,2,4 -T rimethy lpentane 542756 1,3 -Dichloropropene 1,3 -Dichloropropene 542881 Bis(Chloromethyl)Ether Bis(Chloromethyl) Ether 544923 Copper Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 5522430 1-Nitropyrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 554074 Gold Potassium Cyanide Cyanide Compounds jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-7 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 55673897 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 55684941 Total Hexachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 557211 Zinc Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 56235 Carbon Tetrachloride Carbon Tetrachloride 56382 Parathion Parathion 56495 3 -Methylcholanthrene Polycyclic Organic Matter 56553 Benz [a] Anthracene Poly cyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 56832736 Benzofluoranthenes Polycyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 57117314 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 57117416 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 57117449 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 57125 Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 57147 1,1 -Dimethyl Hydrazine 1,1 -Dimethylhydrazine 57578 Beta-Propiolactone Beta-Propiolactone 57653857 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 57749 Chlordane Chlordane 57976 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a] Anthracene Polycyclic Organic Matter 584849 2,4-Toluene Diisocyanate 2,4-Toluene Diisocyanate 58899 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclyhexane 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclyhexane (All Stereo Isomers, Including Lindane) 593602 Vinyl Bromide Vinyl Bromide 593748 Methyl Mercury Mercury Compounds 598630 Lead Carbonate Lead Compounds 59892 N-Nitrosomorpholine N-Nitrosomorpholine 600 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQ Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 60117 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 6018899 Nickel Diacetate TET Nickel Compounds 602 Lead Compounds (Inorganic) Lead Compounds 603 Lead Compounds (Other Than Inorganic) Lead Compounds 60344 Methylhydrazine Methylhydrazine 60355 Acetamide Acetamide 604 Nickel Refinery Dust Nickel Compounds 605 Radionuclides Radionuclides (Including Radon) 606 Radon And Its Decay Products Radionuclides (Including Radon) 607578 2-Nitrofluorene Polycyclic Organic Matter 608 Ceramic Fibers (Man-Made) Fine Mineral Fibers 60851345 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 609 Dibenzofurans (Chlorinated) {PCDFs} Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 610 Dioxins, Total, w/o Individ. Isomers Reported {PCDDs} Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 613 Glasswool (Man-Made Fibers) Fine Mineral Fibers 616 Slagwool (Man-Made Fibers) Fine Mineral Fibers 617 Rockwool (Man-Made Fibers) Fine Mineral Fibers jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-8 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 61789513 Cobalt Naphtha Cobalt Compounds 61790145 Lead Naphthenate Lead Compounds 618 Cobalt Hydrocarbonyl Cobalt Compounds 620 Lead Dioxide, Unknown CAS # Lead Compounds 622 Hexachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxins, Total Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 623 Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins, Total Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 62384 Mercury Acetato Phen Mercury Compounds 624 Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans, Total Dioxins/Furans (total, non TEQ) 624839 Methyl Isocyanate Methyl Isocyanate 625 Naphthenes (Cyclo) Polycyclic Organic Matter 62533 Aniline Aniline 62737 Dichlorvos Dichlorvos 62759 N-Nitrosodimethylamine N-Nitrosodimethylamine 629141 Ethylene Glycol Diethyl Ether Glycol Ethers 63252 Carbaryl Carbaryl 64675 Diethyl Sulfate Diethyl Sulfate 662082 Ethylene Glycol Monobenzyl Ether Glycol Ethers 67425 (Ethylenebis(Oxyethylenenitrilo)) Glycol Ethers Tetraacetic Acid 67561 Methanol Methanol 67562394 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 67663 Chloroform Chloroform 67721 Hexachloroethane Hexachloroethane 680319 Hexamethylphosphoramide Hexamethylphosphoramide 68122 N,N-Dimethylformamide N,N-Dimethylformamide 684935 N-Nitroso-N-Methylurea N -Nitroso -N -Me thy lurea 693210 Diethylene Glycol Dinitrate Glycol Ethers 70648269 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 71432 Benzene Benzene (Including Benzene From Gasoline) 71556 Methyl Chloroform Methyl Chloroform (1,1,1-Trichloroethane) 72435 Methoxychlor Methoxychlor 72559 Dde (1,1 -Dichloro-2,2-Bis(p-Chlorophenyl) Dde (l,l-Dichloro-2,2-Bis(p- Chlorophenyl) Ethylene) Ethylene) 72918219 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran Dioxins/Furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs 7428480 Lead Stearate Lead Compounds 7439921 Lead Lead Compounds 7439965 Manganese Manganese Compounds 7439976 Mercury Mercury Compounds 7440020 Nickel Nickel Compounds 7440360 Antimony Antimony Compounds 7440382 Arsenic Arsenic Compounds(Inorganic Including Arsine) 7440417 Beryllium Beryllium Compounds 7440439 Cadmium Cadmium Compounds jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-9 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 7440473 Chromium Chromium Compounds 7440484 Cobalt Cobalt Compounds 7440611 Uranium Radionuclides (Including Radon) 7446084 Selenium Dioxide Selenium Compounds 7446142 Lead Sulfate Lead Compounds 7446277 Lead Phosphate Lead Compounds 7446346 Selenium Monosulfide Selenium Compounds 74839 Methyl Bromide Methyl Bromide (Bromomethane) 74873 Methyl Chloride Methyl Chloride (Chloromethane) 7487947 Mercuric Chloride Mercury Compounds 74884 Methyl Iodide Methyl Iodide (Iodomethane) 7488564 Selenium Disulfide Selenium Compounds 74908 Hydrogen Cyanide Cyanide Compounds 7496028 6-Nitrochrysene Polycyclic Organic Matter 75 7-PAH Poly cyclic Organic Matter as 7-PAH 75003 Ethyl Chloride Ethyl Chloride 75014 Vinyl Chloride Vinyl Chloride 75058 Acetonitrile Acetonitrile 75070 Acetaldehyde Acetaldehyde 75092 Methylene Chloride Methylene Chloride (Dichloromethane) 75150 Carbon Disulfide Carbon Disulfide 75218 Ethylene Oxide Ethylene Oxide 75252 Bromoform Bromoform 7529273 Ethylene Glycol Diallyl Ether Glycol Ethers 75343 Ethylidene Dichloride Ethylidene Dichloride (1,1-Dichloroethane) 75354 Vinylidene Chloride Vinylidene Chloride (1,1-Dichloroethylene) 75445 Phosgene Phosgene 7550450 Titanium Tetrachloride Titanium Tetrachloride 75558 1,2-Propylenimine 1,2-Propylenimine (2-Methylaziridine) 75569 Propylene Oxide Propylene Oxide 76448 Heptachlor Heptachlor 764487 Ethylene Glycol Monovinyl Ether Glycol Ethers 7647010 Hydrochloric Acid Hydrochloric Acid (Hydrogen Chloride [Gas Only]) 764998 Diethylene Glycol Divinyl Ether Glycol Ethers 7664382 Phosphoric Acid Phosphorus Compounds 7664393 Hydrogen Fluoride Hydrogen Fluoride (Hydrofluoric Acid) 7718549 Nickel Chloride Nickel Compounds 7719122 Phosphorus Trichloride Phosphorus Compounds 7722647 Potassium permanganate Manganese Compounds 7723140 Phosphorus Phosphorus Compounds 7738945 Chromic Acid (VI) Chromium Compounds 77474 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 7758976 Lead Chromate Lead Compounds jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-10 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 7775113 Sodium Chromate Chromium Compounds 77781 Dimethyl Sulfate Dimethyl Sulfate 7778509 Potassium Dichromate Chromium Compounds 7779900 Zinc Phosphate Phosphorus Compounds 7782492 Selenium Selenium Compounds 7782505 Chlorine Chlorine 7783008 Selenous Acid Selenium Compounds 7783166 Manganesehypophosphi Manganese Compounds 7783702 Antimony Pentafluoride Antimony Compounds 7783791 Selenium Hexafluoride Selenium Compounds 7784409 Lead Arsenate Lead Compounds 7784421 Arsine Arsenic Compounds(Inorganic Including Arsine) 7785877 Manganese Sulfate Manganese Compounds 7786814 Nickel Sulfate Nickel Compounds 7787497 Beryllium Fluoride Beryllium Compounds 7788967 Chromyl Fluoride Chromium Compounds 7789006 Potassium Chromate Chromium Compounds 7789062 Strontium Chromate Chromium Compounds 7789095 Ammonium Dichromate Chromium Compounds 779022 9-Methylbenz(a)Anthracene Polycylic Organic Matter 7790809 Cadmium Iodide Cadmium Compounds 7795917 Ethylene Glycol Mono-Sec-Butyl Ether Glycol Ethers 78002 Tetraethyl Lead Lead Compounds 7803512 Phosphine Phosphine 78308 Triorthocresyl Phosphate Phosphorus Compounds 78591 Isophorone Isophorone 78820 2-Methyl-Propanenitrile Cyanide Compounds 78875 Propylene Dichloride Propylene Dichloride (1,2-Dichloropropane) 78933 Methyl Ethyl Ketone Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 79005 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79016 T richloroethylene T richloroethylene 79061 Acrylamide Acrylamide 79107 Acrylic Acid Acrylic Acid 79118 Chloroacetic Acid Chloroacetic Acid 79345 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79447 Dimethylcarbamoyl Chloride Dimethylcarbamoyl Chloride 79469 2-Nitropropane 2-Nitropropane 8001352 Toxaphene Toxaphene (Chlorinated Camphene) 8007452 Coal Tar Coke Oven Emissions 8030704 Manganese Tallate Manganese Compounds 80626 Methyl Methacrylate Methyl Methacrylate 822060 Hexamethylene Diisocyanate Hexamethylene Diisocyanate 82688 Pentachloronitrobenzene Pentachloronitrobenzene (Ouintobenzene) jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-l 1 ------- Table F-l. NEI Pollutant Codes for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Continued) Pollutant Code Pollutant Name HAP Group 832699 1 -Methylphenanthrene Polycylic Organic Matter 83329 Acenaphthene Poly cyclic Organic Matter as 15-PAH 84742 Dibutyl Phthalate Dibutyl Phthalate 85018 Phenanthrene Poly cyclic Organic Matter as 15-PAH 85449 Phthalic Anhydride Phthalic Anhydride 86737 Fluorene Poly cyclic Organic Matter as 15-PAH 87683 Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorobutadiene 87865 Pentachlorophenol Pentachlorophenol 88 Alkylated Lead Lead Compounds 88062 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 90040 o-Anisidine o-Anisidine 90120 1 -Methylnaphthalene Polycyclic Organic Matter 91203 Naphthalene Naphthalene 91225 Quinoline Quinoline 91576 2-Methylnaphthalene Polycyclic Organic Matter 91587 2-Chloronaphthalene Polycyclic Organic Matter 91941 3,3 '-Dichlorobenzidene 3,3 '-Dichlorobenzidene 92 Antimony & Compounds Antimony Compounds 92203026 Phosphoric Acid,Rx P Phosphorus Compounds 92524 Biphenyl Biphenyl 92671 4-Aminobiphenyl 4-Aminobiphenyl 92875 Benzidine Benzidine 92933 4-Nitrobiphenyl 4-Nitrobiphenyl 929373 Diethylene Glycol Monovinyl Ether Glycol Ethers 93 Arsenic & Compounds (Inorganic Including Arsine) Arsenic Compounds(Inorganic Including Arsine) 94757 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid)(Including Salts And Esters) 95476 o-Xylene Xylenes (Mixed Isomers) 95487 o-Cresol Cresol/Cresylic Acid (Mixed Isomers) 95534 o-Toluidine o-Toluidine 95807 Toluene-2,4-Diamine Toluene-2,4-Diamine 95954 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 96093 Styrene Oxide Styrene Oxide 96128 1,2-Dibromo-3 -Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromo-3 -Chloropropane 96457 Ethylene Thiourea Ethylene Thiourea 98077 Benzotrichloride Benzotrichloride 98828 Cumene Cumene 98862 Acetophenone Acetophenone 98953 Nitrobenzene Nitrobenzene NY059280 Nickel (NI 059) Nickel Compounds jt\0179.02.001.001\nonroad vol-I-rv3.wpd F-12 ------- United States Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Publication No. EPA-454/B-20-023a Environmental Protection Air Quality Assessment Division September 2005 Agency Research Triangle Park, NC ------- |