Design for Resilience in Brattleboro's Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor
United States
Environmental Protection
January 2017

US Environmental Protection Agency
Rosemary Monahan
EPA New England
Boston, MA
Stephanie Bertaina
Office of Sustainable Communities
Washington, DC
Clark Wilson
Office of Sustainable Communities
Washington, DC
Town of Brattleboro, Vermont
Rod Francis
Planning Director
Brattleboro, VT
Sue Fillion
Brattleboro, VT
Consultant Team
Dennis Carmichael, FASLA LEED AP - Principal
(Project lead)
Parker Rodriguez, Inc.
Alexandria, VA
Mila Antova, PLA
Parker Rodriguez, Inc.
Alexandria, VA
Jeff Hodgson, FASLA - Partner
Wagner Hodgson Landscape Architecture
Burlington, VT
Keith Wagner, FASLA - Principal
Wagner Hodgson Landscape Architecture
Burlington, VT
Hannah Loope, ASLA
Wagner Hodgson Landscape Architecture
Burlington, VT
Andres Torizzo, Principal
Watershed Consulting Associates, LLC
Burlington, VT
Kerrie Garvey, GIS Specialist
Watershed Consulting Associates,
Burlington, VT
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .

Executive Summary
Whetstone Brook is a tributary of the Connecticut
River and its confluence with that river led to the
settlement of Brattleboro, Vermont. As the town
grew over the past 263 years, the core of the
downtown commercial, industrial, and residential
uses clustered around the brook, taking
advantage of the opportunities for water power
and waste disposal. Throughout its history, the
downtown has been subject to flooding from the
Whetstone. Most recently, Tropical Storm Irene in
201 1 caused a major flood that inundated parts
of the Whetstone corridor.
Since that flood, the town of Brattleboro has
embarked on a series of initiatives to reduce the
impacts of flooding and to create plans, policies,
and projects that will result in a more resilient
downtown. In 2016, the town received technical
assistance from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) under its "Making a Visible
Difference (MVD) in Communities" initiative. The
goals of this assistance were to identify design
solutions for the lower Whetstone Brook that
would reduce flood damage, manage stormwater
runoff, envision infill development, and reconnect
the brook to the surrounding neighborhoods as a
recreational amenity.
In April 2016, EPA and its consultant team met
with Brattleboro officials and visited the Whetstone
corridor, noting areas that were channelized and
exacerbating flood damage; areas adjacent to
the brook that were underutilized or paved over;
and areas that were well suited for restoration
and flood storage. Then, through a public
design charrette held in June 2016, the team
identified a series of designs and strategies to
reduce stormwater runoff, increase flood storage,
provide infill development opportunities, and
create visual and physical access to the brook.
The design options created at the charrette and
modified in response to public input and agency
comments demonstrate how and where these
resilience strategies could be applied in the study
area. The design options include:
•	Conversion of the Preston parking lot into
a park
•	Provision of pedestrian and bicycle paths
along both sides of the brook
•	Removal of some vertical channel walls
along the brook and replacement with
terracing elements to increase flood
•	Creation of a mixed use neighborhood
on existing underutilized industrial land
•	Creation of a major flood storage and
stormwater management facility on a 1 2
acre site upstream from the downtown
•	Widespread use of green infrastructure
to control stormwater and improve water
quality in the brook
These design options are woven together with a
comprehensive network of paths and recreational
areas to create new access to the brook and
transform it into a robust public amenity for the
town. In addition to the designs, the project report
includes a stormwater mitigation toolkit, a flood
mitigation toolkit, case studies, implementation
strategies, and potential local, state, and federal
sources of funding.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgments	i
Executive Summary	ii
Preface	1
Introduction to this Project	2
Overview of Study Area	4
Site Analysis	5
Site Analysis - Stream Typologies	1 6
Conceptual Plans	19
Stormwater Mitigation Toolkit	44
Flood Mitigation Toolkit	48
Appendix A: EPA Technical Assistance	53
Appendix B: Case Studies	54
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .

The Whetstone Brook watershed drains nearly
1 8,000 acres, of which over69 percent (or 1 2,420
acres) lie in Brattleboro, Vermont. The study area
for this report is the lower Whetstone Brook, which
is a short distance from the confluence of the
brook and the Connecticut River, and is the most
intensively developed area of the watershed. Like
much of New England, Brattleboro's downtown is
located in a flood hazard area due to the historic
settlement pattern which exploited waterways for
power, transportation, and waste conveyance.
The flood plain in the downtown covers 43.6
acres, of which all but 10 acres are developed.
This dense, historic built form is now appreciated
for its potential for redevelopment into compact,
walkable neighborhoods. The purpose of this
report is to guide the refashioning of this historic
mixed use settlement pattern into a resilient 21st
century community.
To achieve this more resilient future, Brattleboro
must overcome demographic, socioeconomic,
and climate change challenges. This report
responds by envisioning redevelopment in
three distinct zones to reconnect the community
with the brook; enhance and expand walkable
neighborhoods adjacent to downtown; foster
mixed use development; and implement trail
developments that complement new public open
spaces. These new open spaces would incorporate
ecological services such as stormwater treatment
and flood hazard management strategies.
Brattleboro is a member of the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Rating
System (CRS), and since the mid 1980s has
regulateddevelopmentintheSpecial Flood Hazard
Area (SFHA), also known as the 100 year flood
plain. The planning process documented in this
report is the latest example of Brattleboro's efforts
to employ a science informed, multidisciplinary
planning approach to flood resilience. These
efforts intensified after Tropical Storm Irene but
the priorities have remained the same. The most
important work has been to remove residential
units from the floodway through relocation,
FEMA buyouts, or implementation of the Special
Flood Hazard regulations. The majority of these
structures are found in West Brattleboro, where
the Whetstone Brook descends from steep slopes
into a relatively wide flood plain. The dominant
land use in this area is low density residential and
highway commercial development dating from
the 1960s that was built with little regard for flood
threat or ecological function. Here the strategy
has been to allow the brook to regain access to
the flood plain, remove encroachments (including
homes) and let the stream reestablish equilibrium
through channel migration by reducing conflicts
with structures, including public infrastructure.
Future work may entail excavation of filled
material in the flood plain, which would increase
flood storage and reduce flooding downstream.
The town has partnered with major stakeholders
including local affordable housing organizations,
the Vermont Department of Environmental
Conservation (DEC), the Vermont Department of
Housing and Community Development (DHCD),
and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). The experience of Tropical Storm Irene
underscored the need for a complete rethinking
of the land use regulations the town used to
guide development. The preparation of the new
land use regulations benefited directly from the
stream geomorphic assessment study of the
Whetstone Brook undertaken by DEC in 2008
and the EPA Sustainable Communities Building
Blocks workshop that helped the town explore
best practices for conservation subdivisions. In
the more rural, low density sections of town to
the west (which drain into the Whetstone) new
development now must respond to specific criteria
to minimize the impact on watershed function and
flood hazard, including controls for steep slope
development, riparian buffers and inventorying
natural assets.
Subsequent, more focused work included
participating in the 2014 DHCD funded
Vermont Downtown Action Team (VDAT) analysis
of Brattleboro's downtown, funded through
the Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Disaster Recovery program of the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
This VDAT report provided market analysis
and implementation strategies for improved
management of key public assets to spur private
reinvestment. This work helped the town to
consider how to transition to a more resilient
In 2015, Brattleboro partnered again with
DHCD on the Vermont Economic Resiliency
Initiative (VERI) funded through the Economic
Development Administration (EDA) of the U.S.
Department of Commerce. This work examined
the economic and social impact of flooding on
Brattleboro and made recommendations to
minimize this hazard. This work updated the data
from the 2008 stream geomorphic study and
again directed the town's attention to a segment
of the Whetstone Brook where access to the flood
plain could be reestablished on a large open site
at the western end of the study area (see Natural
Zone description, below). The VERI report also
recommended lowering the elevation of this area
to further increase flood storage and restore
natural infrastructure.
The work contained in this report is a continuation
of Brattleboro's commitment to fostering an
appreciation for the waterway that defines the
town. The emphasis on design responses reflects
the predominantly urban stream characteristics of
the study area. The intent is to bring the community
into closer, more frequent (but respectful) contact
with the brook, which will be treated as an amenity,
not a vestige of an early industrial landscape,
currently neglected. The town will continue to
work with its state and federal partners to make
Brattleboro vibrant, safe, and resilient.	
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .

Introduction to this Project
In 2015, the town of Brattleboro, Vermont
applied for technical assistance from the U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under
its "Making a Visible Difference (MVD) in
Communities" initiative. The town was eager to
pursue design solutions that respond to climate
change by creating resilient redevelopment and
recreational opportunities within flood prone
areas of the town while protecting water quality
and connecting people with the Whetstone Brook.
The town's specific goals for the project included:
•	Reduce the potential for damage from
future flooding.
•	Protect water quality with green
infrastructure to capture and filter
•	Identify opportunities for infill development
and redevelopment.
•	Connect residents and visitors to the
Whetstone Brook through a series of
open spaces that provide recreational
Based upon those goals, EPA formed a planning
team of urban designers, landscape architects,
and watershed consultants to facilitate a public
process to develop a vision forthe lower Whetstone
Brook corridor. During a design charrette hosted
by the town of Brattleboro between June 6 and 8,
201 6, the team engaged residents, stakeholders,
elected officials, and representatives from local,
regional, state, and federal agencies in discussing
and developing design options that could address
the town's goals.
During the first day the team metwith local officials
and other stakeholders, including focus group
meetings with community groups, neighbors, and
business owners.
In the evening of the first day of the charrette, the
design team presented conceptual strategies and
design solutions for responding to climate change
in Brattleboro's lower Whetstone Brook corridor
at an open house held at the Latchis Theater in
the heart of downtown Brattleboro.
On the following day, part of the design team
participated in a focus group discussion with local,
state, regional, and federal partners to discuss
project phasing, potential funding opportunities,
partnerships, and policy or regulatory approaches
to achieve the goals for the Whetstone Brook
corridor set by the town of Brattleboro. The rest
of the planning team modified the proposed
design solutions based on community input,
comments, and feedback heard throughout the
first day. The design team then incorporated
changes based on comments and feedback from
the agencies in order to create cohesive design
solutions that correspond to local and state codes
and regulations. At the end of the second day the
design team provided a progress update that was
open to the public.
In the morning of the third day, the design team
finalized modifications and revisions to the
existing design while also creating new graphics
to better communicate the proposed concepts
and to address interests and concerns heard
throughout the first part of the charrette. The team
held an open house at noon that day to share
how the designs evolved and to discuss revisions
and modifications from the original plans.
The following plans, graphics, and views illustrate
the options Brattleboro can consider for the lower
Whetstone Brook corridor.
The design concepts demonstrate solutions
for flood resilient landscapes created in
environmentally and culturally sensitive ways that
address Brattleboro's vision and concerns.
This vision for the corridor can be implemented
incrementally over time and could result in
improvements in the health and wellbeing of its
residents and visitors, as well as in water quality
of the Whetstone Brook.
We note that the designs contained in this
document are conceptual in nature and are
likely to change over time in response to market
conditions, site constraints, and regulatory
requirements. Many, if not most, of the designs
would need to receive permits from the Town and
the State of Vermont, through normal regulatory
processes such as Act 250, the River Corridor
Rule, and FEMA requirements for development in
Special Flood Hazard Areas.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .

Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

Overview of Study Area

FIGURE I. Overall site aeria
The study area encompasses the portion of the
lower Whetstone Brook corridor that stretches
one mile east from the West Street Bridge to Main
Street and is within walking distance of downtown.
The study area extends on both sides of the brook
to the upland edge of the parcel boundary or to
the boundary of the Special Flood Hazard Area.
Many of the properties in the lower Whetstone
Brook corridor are located in the National Flood
Insurance Program's (NFIP) Special Flood Hazard
Area (SFHA). The low-lying structures and public
infrastructure have been flooded in the past, most
recently during Tropical Storm Irene in 201 1.
Water quality in the Whetstone Brook is impaired
with bacteria, and local and regional partners are
taking action to control high levels of bacteria in
the brook.
The current regulatory framework for minimizing
flood hazards (through the National Flood
Insurance Program) has been mapped onto a
pre-existing, historic built form. High proportions
of impervious surfaces in addition to adjacent
steep slopes minimize rainwater infiltration near
the brook and contribute to potential flood risk.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

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Site Analysis 5


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2. Topography showing contours
feet intervals
Steep slopes (> 1 5%)
Steep slopes are characteristic along the banks
of the Whetstone Brook and have influenced
vegetation and development patterns. Low lying
areas within the flood plain provide access to the
brook and shaped historic development patterns.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

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Site Analysis 6

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FIGURE 3. Hydrology
1 00-year flood plain
500-year flood plain
River corridor
Many of the residential, light industrial, and
commercial properties along this stretch of the
Whetstone Brook lie within the 100 year flood
plain. In 500-year flood events, the adjacent
residential areas would also be impacted.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

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Site Analysis 7


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FIGURE 4. Vegetation
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Forest and tree cover
Permeable surface
Long and contiguous areas of the riparian
corridor are characterized by mature deciduous
trees. The tree cover largely corresponds to
locations of public land and slopes too steep
for development. This vegetation helps to slow
runoff and minimize erosion. No wetlands exist
within the project area.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

/X A

Site Analysis s

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FIGURE 5. Soils
Quonset & Warwick soil (25-70% slope)
Podunk fine sandy loam (shallow slope)
Native soils underlying the study area are well
suited for infiltration. Opportunities exist to
increase infiltration by incorporating stormwater
control strategies into public lands, along
roadways, and in new development to improve
water quality in the brook.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

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Site Analysis 9

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FIGURE 6. Land use
Undeveloped land
Land use within the study area quickly transitions
from a filled flood plain to neighborhoods, mixed
use, and urban development.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

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Site Analysis io

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FIGURE 7. Land ownership
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Public land - green space
Public land - public parking
Private land
Parcels of public land within the brook's corridor
are disconnected from each other. A large parcel
of public green space near the Elm Street bridge
is not accessible by pedestrians or bicyclists.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

/X A

Site Analysis n


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FIGURE 8. Roadways system
Town roadways
Whetstone pathway
(pedestrian and bicycles only)
Pedestrians and bicyclists use the town roadway
network, along with vehicles.
The existing Whetstone Pathway, the only path
designated for pedestrians and bikes, connects
the Preston parking lot on Flat Street with the
Brattleboro Food Co-op, and crosses the
Whetstone Brook to the Main Street bridge.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

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Site Analysis 12


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FIGURE 9. Figure ground study
Building footprints
Moving downstream along Whetstone Brook,
there is a change from a natural riparian corridor
to residential neighborhoods that transition
quickly into larger light industrial and commercial
scale buildings near downtown.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

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Site Analysis 13

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FIGURE 10. Impervious surface
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Impervious surfaces
There is a significant increase in impervious
surfaces (e.g., rooftops, driveways, and roads)
from the west to the east toward the outlet of
Whetstone Brook into the Connecticut River.
Because stormwater can't sink into the ground,
these impervious surfaces exacerbate the flooding
potential in downtown Brattleboro during storm
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

/X r'

Site Analysis 14

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FIGURE 11. Storm sewer and sanitary system
Storm sewer
Sanitary sewer
Most of the pipes and other infrastructure that
convey either stormwater or sewage within
the study area are located in the area that is
inundated in a 100 year storm event, and some
are vulnerable to damage during storms. In
addition, many stormwater outfalls discharge
directly to the Whetstone Brook.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

ฆ n

Site Analysis

FIGURE 12. Topography and hydrology
The vast majority of the study area is within the
Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), especially
approaching the brook's lower reaches near
downtown. The SFHA, also known as the 100
year flood plain, is defined as the area with a
1% chance of flooding in any given year. High
proportions of impervious surfaces, such as
pavement and rooftops, in addition to adjacent
steep slopes minimize rainwater infiltration near
the brook and contribute to its flood potential.
Parcels controlled by Vermont Act 250 land use
permits are additionally reviewed under Vermont
Department of Environmental Conservation
(VT DEC) River Corridor rules. The "no adverse
impact" standard applies to (re)development of
subject parcels and is in addition to locally enforced
Special Flood Hazard Area requirements.
River corridors represent the area around a river
most likely susceptible to fluvial erosion, channel
evolution, and down-valley meander migration.
VT DEC implements the river corridor concept
to manage Vermont's rivers towards equilibrium
The steep slope designation is based on local
land use regulation.
Special flood hazard area/
1 00-year flood plain
500-year flood plain
Steep slopes (> 1 5%)
River corridor
ini^ki n
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Site Analysis - Stream Typologies
Parking Lot
Parking Lot
Whetstone Brook
Key Plan
FIGURE 13. I he channelized portion of Whetstone Brook
between the Brattleboro Co-op and the Preston parking lot
FiGURE 14. Existing section enlargement of channelizec
Flat Street
Preston Parking Lot
W heist on

Brattleboro Co-op Parking Lot
Apartment Building
FIGURE 15. Existing cross-section
This area is defined by the Flat Street to the north, This portion of the site is located in Brattleboro's
the Brattleboro Co-op and wooded hillsides to downtown urban core where the natural brook
the south, Main Street to the east, and the Elm has been altered and contained by concrete walls.
Street bridge to the west.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor


Site Analysis - Stream Typologies
Whetstone Brook
FIGURE 16. Armored steep embankment of Whetstone FiGURE 17. Existing section enlargement
Frost Street
Whetstone Brool
FIGURE 18. Existing cross-section
This area is defined by Frost Street to the north,
the Elm Street bridge to the east, Frost Place to
the south, and Elliot Street bridge to the west.
This portion of the brook is characterized by rip
rap armoring in combination with concrete walls
to hold the steep embankments and prevent
erosion, especially on the south side of the brook.
The brook makes an unusually sharp bend in this
portion of the study area as it moves downstream,
towards the urban core.
The site is dominated by the extensive impervious
surface of the existing Kiln Dry site, immediately
adjacent to the brook.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It


Site Analysis - Stream Typologies
FIGURE 19. Flat, undeveloped flood plain at Birge Street parcel
Street Parcel
FIGURE 20. Existing cross-section
This area, called the Birge Street parcel, is defined
by Williams Street to the north and west, and steep
wooded hillsides to the east and south.
The Whetstone Brook formed a new channel
when an upstream berm was breached during
Tropical Storm Irene and the Birge Street parcel
was flooded.
This portion of the study area is characterized
by flat, undeveloped flood plain that presents
an opportunity for additional flood water and
sediment storage thus dissipating the erosive
energy from the brook during high water flows,
and minimizing downstream flooding.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Conceptual Plans
GCK P Xf U L? (
flat open floodplain at the foothill
of a steeply wooded hillside
steep embankment on one side, with
intermittent rip-rap and vegetation
predominantly channelized brook
with concrete retaining walls, rip-rap
embankments, and historic foundations
FIGURE 21. Proposed plan
The plan is divided in to three zones based on the
existing stream typology for each area.
This plan for the lower Whetstone Brook corridor
identifies opportunities to protect existing
infrastructure downtown and along the brook,
reduces the potential for damage from future
flooding events, and protects water quality by
integrating green infrastructure into the public
right-of-way and proposed development near the
brook. Concurrently, this plan shows opportunities
for infill development that creates a more
cohesive, walkable community, and promotes
neighborhood connections and recreational
opportunities between neighborhoods and
downtown along the brook.
inwm n
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Conceptual Plans - Project Narrative
The narrative below follows the plan from east
to west, moving upstream from downtown
Brattleboro to neighborhoods and natural areas.
Urban Zone
The transformation of the Preston municipal
parking lot into a public park would create a
central green space that anchors downtown
Brattleboro. It is directly across the Whetstone
Path pedestrian bridge from the Brattleboro Food
Co-op and opposite the Transportation Center. It
would become the heart of existing and proposed
recreational connections, promote access to
the brook, and provide treatment and storage
for stormwater and flood waters. An extended
Whetstone Path running through the new Preston
Park and west along the brook would connect
downtown to the New England Youth Theater
(NEYT) and adjacent neighborhoods upstream.
A second pedestrian bridge could connect the
western edge of the Co-op parking area directly
to the NEYT. The Whetstone Path could extend
west along both sides of the brook, connecting to
the existing pedestrian bridge near the Co-op to
create a neighborhood path network.
Existing rip rap embankments, retaining walls,
and historic foundations that constrict flow could
be softened by widening areas of the existing
riverbank. Both at the proposed Preston Park
and east of the NEYT, a series of proposed stone
terraces designed to withstand flooding pull back
the brook's banks, which would help to protect
the existing floodway from erosion and scour
while creating outdoor performance and flexible
public space. Intermittent planted areas between
the terraces would increase infiltration and
buffer the brook's storm event velocity and flood
water volume. Beneath the new Preston Park,
subsurface cisterns could capture stormwater and
flood water for temporary storage and treatment.
Removal or transformation of rundown existing
structures near the brook would reduce
encroachment in the flood plain and provide
minor improvement to flood storage. Such
sensitive redevelopment will improve pathway
connections, and create opportunities for retail
or restaurant space to face the brook along the
northern streambank.
Neighborhood Zone
The designs for this zone are intended to better
connect residential neighborhoods with the
downtown and with the brook. They are intended
to allow forflood-resilient residential development
that complies with local and state regulations.
Replacing the existing public parking lot at the
corner of Frost and Elm Streets with mixed use
development would provide first floor retail and
upper level residential units. Across Elm Street
from the NEYT, the mixed use development could
provide a retail anchor to this busy intersection
and create a transition from downtown to adjacent
neighborhoods in both use and scale. Townhomes
adjacent to the mixed use building, developed
on the large (currently active) parcel would wrap
around a central shared parking area to create
desirable units that front public green space orthe
street. To the west, groups of 2-3 unit townhome
buildings could be oriented perpendicular to the
brook, promoting neighborhood pedestrian and
bicycle access to the extended Whetstone Path. A
seamless link between downtown and the existing,
adjacent, pre-war residential neighborhoods
could be created by transitioning from townhomes
into single family homes.
The extended Whetstone Path could pass underthe
Elm Street bridge and along the brook's winding
stone rip rap and vegetated slopes, creating a
walkable connection to downtown from proposed
infill and existing neighborhoods. Park-like
pedestrian corridors through the townhome area
and a green boulevard with a play area between
new single family homes would create numerous
access points to the brook, improve stormwater
infiltration, and provide increased flood water
storage area during heavy rain events. A vegetated
swale would provide an expanded fluvial channel
for increased flood storage capacity, and create
recreational green space and habitat for riparian
species. Pedestrian bridges could cross to the
south side of the brook, linking to the Frost Place
neighborhood and back east along the brook to
the Co-op. These pedestrian bridges could be
constructed with a 'break away' feature. Tethered
on one end, this break away feature would allow
the bridge to swing harmlessly out of the way
during flood events, so that it does not obstruct
flood waters or debris, and can be reattached after
the flood is over. The Frost Place neighborhood
would include additional single family housing,
a stormwater treatment area, and pedestrian
connections up to Birge and Canal Streets.
Natural Zone
Farthest upstream within the study area, the
Whetstone Brook enters a broad open flood plain
just east of the Williams Street bridge, surrounded
by steeply wooded hillsides, before meandering
through residential areas toward downtown. At
the edge of the undeveloped open flood plain,
a gravel wetland could be constructed to treat
stormwater from existing uphill development,
and the open area designed with a network of
recreational trails and planted meadows that
would help to slow and store water from storm
events. A pedestrian bridge crossing the brook,
connecting this recreational area to Williams
Street and upstream, could be built upon existing
former rail bridge footings, and be designed with
a break away feature, as described above.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .


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Conceptual Plans - Urban Zone 21

The Whetstone Brook is largely channelized in
the urban zone, its boundary defined either by
tall retaining walls, actual building foundations
or stone rip rap embankments. In addition, the
cross section of the brook gets narrower as it
approaches Main Street. This portion of the brook
constricts flow and changes fluvial dynamics
during heavy rain due to these characteristics.
Buildings and paved parking areas occupy
the majority of the brook's edges, but strategic
softening and widening of the edges can help to
buffer velocity and volume of storm events and
provide recreational opportunities accessible
from adjacent neighborhoods and public spaces.
FIGURE 22. Proposed plan enlargement
A Brattleboro Co-op
B New England Youth Theater
P Municipal Transportation Center
:p TOO' 20D'
1	Preston Park
2	Extended Whetstone Pathway
3	Future pedestrian bridge
4	Terraced outdoor seating
5	NEYT outdoor amphitheater

Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Conceptual Plans - Urban Zone
Key Plan
The existing conditions show the channelized
portion of the Whetstone Brook. The impervious
surface of the Preston parking lot contributes
runoff to the brook during storm events.
The proposed design concepts suggest converting
the parking lot into a park, and accommodating
the displaced parking in the adjacent municipal
parking garage and elsewhere. This design would
not only eliminate large amounts of impervious
surface, but would also allow for more water
volume storage during large storm events
through terraced flood walls. The flood walls
would provide recreational opportunities for the
community during dry weather.
"pedestrian bridge
500-year flood plain elation
Town owned parking
Brattleboro Co-op Parking —.
Flat Street

I 00-year flood plain elevat
Whetstone Brook
FIGURE 23. Existing conditions
Existing pedestrian bridge
j-500-year flood plain elevation
Brattleboro Co-op Parking
Flat Street
round cistern
1 00-year flood plain elevatio
Whetstone Brook
FIGURE 24. Proposed conditions
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It


Conceptual Plans - Urban Zone
Key Plan
Currently, the Preston parking lot extends to the
edge of the brook, which leads to untreated
stormwater entering the brook. The current
land use also limits the outdoor recreational
opportunities and community public use.
The proposed terraced seating allows for an
amenity area with flexible outdoor space. The
terraced area could be used for outdoor movies,
and the open lawn could become the area for
neighborhood games, picnicking, community
gatherings, and fairs within the heart of
Brattleboro, while providing access to the brook
(see the Guadalupe River Park case study in
Appendix B). This design responds to community
interests expressed during the charrette, especially
the need for space for special events.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor
Whetstone Brook
FIGURE 25. existing Conditions
Existing surface
parking lot
Channelized brook
FIGURE 26. Normal Brook Elevation
Urban park w/
underground cistern
lerraced floodwalls
Brattieboro Co-op Parking
Existing wall w/ guardrail

Conceptual Plans - Urban Zone
This stretch of the brook is channelized, thus
limiting the water volume capacity during storm
The stormwater runoff from Preston parking lot
contributes to the increased water volume during
storm events.
The terraced embankment would allow for
additional flood volume storage during storm
events. The planting within the floodwa 11 terraces
would be suited to withstand inundation and
would improve the water quality of the brook by
providing some level of infiltration.
Whetstone Brook
	Channelized brook
Existing surface
parking lot
500-year flood plain elevation
1 00-year flood plain elevation
FIGURE 27. existing con
Whetstone Brook
FIGURE 28. Proposed conditions flood plain elevation
500-year flood plain elevation
1 00-year flood plain elevation
Terraced floodwa I Is
Approximate location of
existing Whetstone Brook
n wall
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Conceptual Plans - Urban Zone
The impervious surface of the Preston parking lot
contributes to additional water volumes during
storm events.
The parking lot could be transformed into an
urban park in the heart of downtown Brattleboro
and allow for community events and gatherings.
FIGURE 29. Existing view
FIGURE 30. Proposed view
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It


Conceptual Plans - Urban Zone
The existing section shows the steep embankments
of the brook in this segment of the study area,
and the banks reinforced with rip rap. There is
no public access to the Whetstone Brook, which
remains hidden within the thick veqetation.				 c . ..
3	FIGURE 31. existing conditions
The proposed design suggests complete
transformation of the space by introducing
outdoor, terraced seating overlooking the brook
and taking advantage of this incredible amenity.
The proposed design also creates pathways
on both sides of the brook that connect the
neighborhoods, create recreational opportunities
for walking and biking, and allow for direct
interaction with the Whetstone Brook.
FIGURE 32. Proposed conditions
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor
Existing Commercial
Whetstone Brook
500-year flood plain elevation
J .QS-Jfsi ilo.ฐ.4 fk
J Whetstone Brook
Restaurant with
outdoor seating

Conceptual Plans - Urban Zone
Key Plan
The Whetstone Brook remains hidden within
the overgrown surrounding vegetation, with no
formal public access.
The proposed design takes advantage of the
Whetstone Brook. The design concept introduces
public access to the brook for pedestrians and
cyclists. The design further improves connectivity
by adding a pedestrian bridge from the south to
the north embankment at the New England Youth
Theater (NEYT) to improve connections between
the two sides of the brook and to allow for easy
movement within the downtown and surrounding

FIGURE 33. Existing view


FIGURE 34. Proposed view
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Conceptual Plans - Neighborhood Zone
Key Plan
This winding section of the Whetstone Brook
is bound by stone rip rap and on one side by
steep vegetated slopes, and it flows between
traditional pre-war residential neighborhoods
and a large industrial use parcel. The proposed
housing density transitions gradually between the
downtown area and adjacent neighborhoods.
Proposed mixed use, townhome, and single family
homes on the industrial parcel face the brook, and
common green spaces provide pedestrian access
to, along, and across the brook. A vegetated
swale would provide an expanded fluvial channel
for increased flood storage capacity, and would
create recreational green space and habitat for
riparian species. Pedestrian bridges could cross
to the south side of the brook, linking to the Frost
Place neighborhood and back east along the
brook to the Co-op. These pedestrian bridges
could be constructed with a 'break away' feature
that would allow them to be reattached after
the flood is over. The Frost Place neighborhood
would include additional single family housing,
a stormwater treatment area, and pedestrian
connections up to Birge and Canal Streets.

FIGURE 35. Proposed plan enlargement
1.	Mixed use development
2.	Neighborhood pedestrian corridor
3.	Duplex/triplex
4.	Single family
5.	Extended Whetstone Pathway
6.	Pedestrian bridge connections
0 100' 200' NORTH
7.	Vegetated swale
8.	Low-water crossing
9.	Stormwater pond
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

1 /^XJV ft

Conceptual Plans - Neighborhood Zone

Key Plan
The Kiln Dry industrial operation occupies a large
portion of the Whetstone Brook study area. Its
extensive industrial buildings and vast amounts of
asphalt dominate the north embankment of the
site in this area. The property bisects the single
family neighborhood from the downtown urban
The proposed section demonstrates the
transformation of the site and the introduction
of a multifamily apartment building with ground
floor retail and structured parking below. The
residential portion above will be flood resilient
with livable space above the 500 yearflood plain.
The below grade parking garage would be dry
floodproofed. Dry flood proofing is a combination
of measures that result in a structure, including the
attendant utilities and equipment, being watertight
with all elements substantially impermeable and
with structural components having the capacity to
resist flood loads. It will also be important for a
developer to check in advance with the National
Flood Insurance Program to ensure that their
design will enable the property owner to qualify
for Hood insurance credits for dry flood proofing.
Elm Street Bridge
500-year flpnrj plain elevatioi
Frost Street
1 00-year flood plain elevatioj
/Whetstone Brook \itill
FIGURE 36. Existing conditions
Multi-family apartment building with ground floor retail on Elm Street and structured parking within
Elm Street Bridge
500-year flooc^plain elevatioi
Frost Street''
• M • •• • •••••••••ซฆ•••••••••ฆ!
. 1 00-year flood plain elevatioi
fjj/iWhetstone Brook ป
o	20'	40'
FIGURE 37. Proposed conditions
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Conceptual Plans - Neighborhood Zone
Key Plan
The proposed design explores a smoother the 500 year flood plain, and the designs meet
transition from urban to residential by introducing local and state regulatory requirements,
mixed use, townhome, and single family homes
on the industrial parcel, facing the brook and
taking advantage of views of the water.
Furthermore, the design suggests how residential
development could be accommodated within the
flood plain so long as the living space is above
West Neighborhood
East Neighborhood
FIGURE 38. Transect through neighborhood
Median w/
Duplex/ Iriplex
with mews
FIGURE 39. West neighborhood
Alley Duplex/Triplex
Multi-family apartment building with ground floor
retail on Elm Street and structured parking within
500-vear flood plain elevc
FIGURE 40. East neighborhood
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Key Plan
Conceptual Plans - Neighborhood Zone
The extensive amount of impervious surface
exacerbates flooding downstream and pollution
of the brook as it brings large volumes of runoff
during storm events.
The proposed section shows the single family
neighborhood zone with a recreational area
adjacent to the brook, and pedestrian paths and
bridges that allow access to the brook and connect
the downtown urban core with the neighborhood.
The recreational area bounded by the brook and
the vegetated swale could become an ideal site
for environmental education and permaculture
(perennial agriculture). It would be created by
carving a swale that would be dry during low flow
periods, but would allow additional water storage
when flows in the brook are high.
Furthermore, bioretention cells within the
neighborhood streets will slow down the release
of rain water to the brook.
Whetstone Brook,
Frost \
500-year flood plain elevation
1 00-year flood plain elevation
Existing Industrial building
Frost Street
FIGURE 41. Existing conditions through industrial facilities
500-year flood plain elevation ฆ
1 00-year flood plain elevation -
Single-family neighborhood
Vegetated swale with
low-water crossing
Recreational area
with permaculture
and educational
Whetstone Brook
bridqe crossjnq
Frost Stree
FIGURE 42. Proposed neighborhood with recreational area
30' 60
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor


J \(Tv^yYy
Conceptual Plans - Neighborhood Zone 32

This photograph shows the existing conditions at
the corner of Elm and Frost Streets with surface
parking and large industrial buildings. This is the
edge of the urban area where the downtown area
transitions into the surrounding neighborhood.
The proposed design concept introduces a
multifamily residential apartment building with
retail underneath to activate the corner, create
a smoother transition from the downtown area
into the neighborhood zone, and to allow for
residential units above the flood plain. In this
way, this portion of Whetstone Brook will become
publicly accessible and the neighborhood would
be able to take advantage of this recreational
asset on daily basis. Retail will animate the space
along the street while residential units will be
elevated above the 500 year flood plain.
FIGURE 43. Existing view
FIGURE 44. Proposeaview
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

1 /^xjv „

Conceptual Plans - Neighborhood Zone

Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It
The existing Kiln Dry site is dominated by large
industrial buildings and an extensive amount of
impervious pavement.
The proposed design introduces housing, with
parking underneath and living space above the
500 year flood plain. The areas in between the
homes and the edges of the central lawn could
incorporate green infrastructure strategies to
prevent stormwater runoff from entering the brook
during periods of peak water discharge.
FIGURE 46. Proposed view
FIGURE 45. Existing view


Conceptual Plans - Neighborhood Zone

The compacted soil at the existing contractor's
yard on Frost Place reduces infiltration rates and
thus increases stormwater runoff.
The proposed Frost Place neighborhood includes
single family housing, a stormwater treatment
area, and pedestrian connections up to Birge and
Canal Streets. The stormwater treatment area
would catch the stormwater runoff from the steep
surrounding neighborhoods, which would slow
down the release and cleanse the water before it
enters the brook.
FIGURE 47. Lxisting view
FIGURE 48. Proposed view
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

1 /^XJV ft

Conceptual Plans - Neighborhood Zone

The proposed design reflects the New England
vernacular while allowing for limited residential
use within the flood plain, with all living space
elevated above the 500 year flood plain.
The entire structure would be above grade
and two masonry walls on each side of the
unit would support the home with parking and
storage underneath. These masonry walls would
be parallel to the flow of the brook and would
allow the free flow of water during flood events.
The homes nearest to Frost Street would need
to have a deeper excavation underneath them
to accommodate parking space headroom, as
their finished floor elevation may only be 4 feet
above grade. The units closer to the brook,
while with the same finished floor elevation,
would require less excavation for the parking
headroom because the grade beneath is falling
away. This excavation will increase flood storage
in the flood plain. A Hydrologic & Hydraulic
(H&H) study along the mid and lower Whetstone
Brook would determine whether such a design,
along with potential upstream improvements in
flood storage, would meet the state's No Adverse
Impact Standard (NAI) in the Flood Hazard Area
and River Corridor Protection Procedures and
Act 250 Criterion 1 (D). The H&H study would
provide an assessment of flood water depth and
velocity for different development and flood plain
restoration scenarios.
Lattice work
and planting
(sAasonrV 5
Street access
FIGURE 49. Proposed resilient housing configuration
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It



• v / r
V/ y

Currently, the extensive impervious surface area
of the Kiln Dry site conveys significant runoff to
the brook during storm events.
The proposed design significantly reduces
the impervious surface by introducing smaller
building footprints, increasing the pervious
surfaces, and incorporating bioretention areas.
These strategies would slow the water flow and
minimize the volume of stormwater discharge at
peak flow, thus reducing the impact on the brook.
Given the history of high flood depths and
velocities in this segment of the Whetstone Brook
and the imperative to protect public safety, the
state will evaluate whether new residences in the
Neighborhood Zone would cause or contribute
to a flood or fluvial erosion hazard as a part
of the No Adverse Impact evaluation. Projects
that increase flood storage and demonstrate
a substantial reduction in flood heights and
velocities should help to support a finding of No
Adverse Impact.
The flood storage diagram demonstrates how
the proposed redevelopment could provide
additional water storage in this area.
The parking areas under the proposed structures
could be excavated to different depths, depending
on existing grades, to accommodate additional
water storage. These parking areas will have two
openings on each side, parallel to the water flow
of the brook. In addition, the vegetated swale
could release the pressure in the main channel
by accepting some water during the brook's
high flow periods, and the recreational area
between the brook and the swale could be slightly
depressed and serve as additional water storage
during flood events.
Kiln Dry: Potential Flood Water Storage
>•••• 500-year flood plain
ป•••• Special flood hazard a rea/1 00-year flood plain
_ _ River corridor
I Building footprint
~ Impervious surface
I Pervious surface
I Building footprint
~J Impervious surface
~ Pervious surface
(including bioretention)
Flood storage
— depth varies

Underground Cister
(below pavement)
8' depth flood storage
~	4-5' depth flood storage
~	2' depth flood storage
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor
FIGURE 50. Existing conditions

FIGURE 51. Proposed concept
FIGURE 52. Proposed conditions - flood storage diagrarr

Conceptual Plans - Natural Area
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It
This zone is primarily comprised of open space,
with residential and forested sections on the
edges. Outside of the study area, the zone is
bounded on the south, west, and east sides by
steep and heavily wooded slopes. This largely
undeveloped area offers the best opportunity in the
study area for a significant flood plain restoration
project that would provide flood storage, reduce
flood energy, and allow for settling of sediments
and other pollutants. Additionally, runoff that
is currently entering the brook from a large
untreated stormwater outfall could be rerouted
and the stormwater treated in a constructed gravel
wetland on the edge of the flood plain.
These two improvements (excavation of fill
materials and construction of a gravel wetland)
would make significant progress in increasing the
ecological health of the Whetstone Brook, and, in
addition to these benefits, this zone could present
recreational opportunities including walking,
running, bicycling and cross country skiing.
FIGURE 53. Proposed plan enlargement	o: \oo: 2Q.Q'
1	Meadow planting
2	Pedestrian path
3	Potential pedestrian bridge
4	Constructed gravel wetland
giftsi laafil!

Potential Strategies for Implementation
The design options shown in this report present
a holistic approach for addressing Brattleboro's
goals for the lower Whetstone Brook corridor.
The table on the following pages shows how
the Town could potentially divide the overall
plan into smaller projects to achieve their goals
incrementally, as funding, public support, and
other considerations allow. In this way, small
portions of the proposed design could target
different funding sources at the same time.
The near term strategies (2016-2018) include
projects that the Town of Brattleboro has direct
control over, some of which they have already
started working on, such as partnering with
the Vermont River Conservancy as they work to
acquire the Birge Street parcel.
As work progresses on the near term strategies,
the Town could begin the negotiation process for
the mid-term strategies (2018-2020) that would
require much longer time to gain authority and
ability to execute, as well as more funding to
The long term strategies (2020-2025) include
the most complex projects that would require
the longest coordination, initial preparation, and
negotiation, such as redevelopment of the Kiln
Dry site.
NEAR TERM (2016-2018)
Complete Birge Street parcel
flood plain restoration project
Continue working with the Vermont River
Conservancy to acquire the property and restore
flood plain. Given past industrial use of the property,
historical contamination should be characterized.
Engineering design and feasibility study of flood plain
restoration project will provide adequate information
to raise funds for implementation.
•	FEMA Pre-Disaster Funds
•	Vermont Clean Water Fund
•	Vermont Watershed Grants
•	Vermont Housing & Conservation Board (VHCB)
•	Windham Regional Commission (WRC) Brownfields Revolving
Loan Fund Program
•	High Meadows Fund
•	Lintilhac Foundation
Complete Birge Street parcel
stormwater mitigation project
Reroute untreated stormwater from the Birge Street
neighborhood away from an existing outfall to the
brook to a gravel wetland adjacent to the flood plain
on the Birge Street parcel.
•	FEMA Pre-Disaster Funds
•	Vermont Clean Water Fund
•	Vermont Watershed Grants
•	High Meadows Fund
•	Lintilhac Foundation
Create a downtown trails plan
Study potential trail alignments and connections
throughout the downtown. Conduct public outreach
including private landowners from whom the town
would seek use easements for trails.
•	HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Program Funds
•	National Park Service Federal Rivers, Trails & Assistance Program
•	Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) Recreational Trails Grant Program
•	Vermont Municipal Planning Grant program (MPG)
•	VTrans Transportation Alternatives (TA) program
•	Vermont Trails & Greenways Council
•	Town of Brattleboro
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .


Potential Strategies for Implementation

NEAR TERM (2016-2018)
Parking needs assessment for
downtown/ Preston Park
Secure funding for a downtown parking assessment and
conceptual plans for Preston Park, replacing surface
parking with public open space that can serve as flood
water storage and improved access to brook as asset.
•	USDA Rural Development
•	Vermont MPG
Infill development opportunities
Initiate discussions with the owners of the Kiln Dry
and 1 03 Frost Place sites on the viability of a public/
private partnership.

Feasibility study:
Temporary flood protection
Study the cost and feasibility for the application of
temporary measures of flood protection, including
such elements as stop logs and inflatable dams.
Analyze which public and private properties could
benefit from protection. Educate private property
owners about their own mitigation options.
•	USDA Rural Development
•	Vermont MPG
Complete Hydrologic & Hydraulic
(H&H) modeling for the study area
Model stream conditions to identify downstream
benefits of creating significant flood storage capacity
at the Birge Street parcel and Kiln Dry sites. Versions
of the model can then be used as a redevelopment
tool to evaluate proposals to ensure regulatory
compliance with Act 250, the VT Flood Hazard Area
and River Corridor Protection Procedure, and local
and federal permitting requirements. Public funding for
this scientific analysis will make redevelopment more
cost competitive and less uncertain. A continuous H&H
model of the Whetstone Brook from West Brattleboro
to the confluence with the Connecticut River will
create a useful tool that can guide redevelopment
designs and underpin regulatory amendments (extent
of the Special Flood Hazard Area) effected through a
Letter of Map Revision submitted to FEMA. Extensive
modeling of an upstream segment has already been
•	EPA Brownfields Assessment
•	Vermont Ecosystem Restoration Program
•	FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Funds
•	Town of Brattleboro
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .


Potential Strategies for Implementation

MID TERM (2018-2020)
Implement Preston Park
Secure funding for final design, engineering, and
•	Town of Brattleboro Capital Improvement Funds
•	Town of Brattleboro Public Parking Funds
•	Local philanthropy
Extend the Whetstone Path
Design and construct extensions to the Whetstone
Path. Secure easements for public access.
•	HUD CDBG Program Funds
•	National Parks Service Federal Rivers, Trails & Assistance Program
•	FHWA Recreational Trails Grant Program
•	VTrans TA program
•	Downtown Transportation Fund
•	Vermont Trails & Greenways Council
•	Town of Brattleboro
Implement green infrastructure
strategies for stormwater
Identify potential green infrastructure projects in the
Urban Zone. Implement these practices as funding or
opportunities allow.
•	USDA Rural Development
•	Vermont Clean Water Fund
•	Vermont Watershed Grants
Infill development public/private
The public sector can assume the role of developer
for infrastructure, making land available for new
residential and retail uses. The objective would
be to bring to market sites affordable enough for
individuals to build homes and a developer to build
the multifamily/retail building.

Create architectural guidelines
for resilient buildings
Develop a set of guidelines for building design
within the flood plain that reflect legal and insurable
thresholds of construction practice and practices in
architectural design within the context of the historic
fabric of the town.
• Resilient Vermont
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .


Potential Strategies for Implementation

LONG TERM (2020-2025)
Redevelop the Kiln Dry site into
flood resilient residential and
retail development
If the owner of the Kiln Dry property decides to sell,
the town facilitates site cleanup through regional
and/or Vermont brownfield program resources,
and develops a master plan for the site (including
subdivision, creation of new frontage with additional
streets and utility infrastructure).
•	HUD CDBG Program Funds
•	Resilient Vermont
•	WRC/ brownfield revolving loan program
•	Private development
•	Town of Brattleboro's Capital Improvements Plan
(roads and utilities)
Redevelop 1 03 Frost Place
(contractors' yard)
If the owner of the property at 1 03 Frost Place decides
to sell, the town could help facilitate new residential
infill development. Six single family home sites
could be developed along the northern edge of the
property. The remainder could be used for stormwater
management ponds and flood storage.
•	HUD CDBG Program Funds
•	Resilient Vermont
•	WRC/ brownfields revolving loan program
•	Private development
•	Town of Brattleboro's Capital Improvements Plan
(roads and utilities)
Reconnect neighborhoods to
Whetstone Brook by providing
multi-functional open space and
public access to the brook
Infill development within the Neighborhood Zone
could provide many opportunities for publicly
accessible open space and recreational areas. One
central area could be the southern quarter of the Kiln
Dry site, an area that lies within the floodway and
thus cannot be developed. The concept illustrates the
potential to carve a flood spillway along the line of the
floodway. The land south of the spillway can become
a natural area, connected to the north by a low water
crossing, but able to absorb flood water during a
storm event.
•	HUD CDBG Program Funds
•	National Parks Service Federal Rivers, Trails & Assistance Program
•	Vermont Watershed grants
•	Lintilhac Foundation
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .

Potential Strategies for Implementation
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development Funding supports urban housing
and community development. There are multiple
funding opportunities including the Community
Development Block Grant Program Funds, which
must benefit low- to moderate-income residents,
(http:// = /
The National Parks Service Federal Rivers, Trails
& Assistance Program provides funding to expand
public access to water resources including
pedestrian walkways, enhance connections to the
iocal community, and other projects that focus on
recreation and conservation.
The FEMA Hazard Mitigation Fund provides
funds to reduce or eliminate long term risk to
people and property from natural disasters. Part
of this program, FEMA Pre-Disaster Funding, is
designed to reduce risk from future events and
prevent future disasters through preventative
mitigation-g rant-prog ram)
The Department of Transportation's Federal
Highway Administration Recreational Trails Grant
Program provides funding for the construction,
design, maintenance, or restoration of
recreational trails.
USDA Rural Development provides funding for
community facilities, business development,
infrastructure, and other activities.
The US Environmental Protection Agency provides
funding for a variety of activities, including
assessment and cleanup of brownfields sites,
(https ://www.epa .gov/brownfields/types-
brownfields-g rant-funding)
The Vermont Clean Water Fund provides state
funds to help municipalities implement projects
that will reduce pollution to Vermont's surface
The Vermont Housing & Conservation Board funds
projects that provide recreational opportunities,
preserve public access to natural resources,
conserve wildlife habitat, protect water quality,
and enhance flood resiliency.
The Vermont Municipal Planning Grant program
provides grants to assist with planning-related
research, mapping, capacity studies, outreach,
or can be used to pay consultants or other fees
associated with a project. Funding can also be
used to purchase easements or titles of properties
for housing and conservation purposes or to
acquire needed materials.
The VTrans Transportation Alternatives (TA)
program provides funding for the planning,
design, and construction of transportation
infrastructure for non-motorized transportation.
Vermont Watershed Grants offers grants to restore
or protect water quality, reduce phosphorus
and sediment pollution in waterways, enhance
recreational use of water resources, provide
watershed education, or a number of projects
that protect and enhance water quality.
(http://dec.vermont.g0v/watershed/cwi/g rants/
The Downtown Transportation Fund supports
public capital projects such as improvements to
the pedestrian network and streetscape.
( communities/
Vermont Trails and Greenways Council seeks
to ensure that people will always have access
to adequate land and water-based trails and
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .

Potential Strategies for Implementation
Windham Regional Commission brownfield
revolving loan program provides loans and grants
to facilitate the cleanup of brownfields properties.
With guidance from the town, private development
could help to move several projects forward. This
relationship would be particularly important in the
Neighborhood Zone.
Local non-profit organizations may have available
funding to assist with certain projects depending
on the focus of the non-profit organization.
The town of Brattleboro could explore partnerships
with local individuals orgroups forthe construction
or maintenance of green stormwater infrastructure
or other small scale projects.
A Capital Improvement Plan, which is a planning
tool to identify and plan for expenses associated
with improvement projects in the short term (4-
10 years), could be utilized to plan for future
Local philanthropy could play an important role
in funding projects that would otherwise not be
High Meadows Fund supports projects that seek
to help Vermont adapt to the changing climate.
Their initiatives include promoting "land use that
supports resilient communities, healthy soil, and
clean water".
The Lintilhac Foundation funds projects focused
on water quality, specifically stream corridor
management and water quality monitoring.
Public parking funds could be used for
improvements to public parking in the downtown

Stormwater Mitigation Toolkit
FIGURE 54. Bioretention eel
FIGURE 55. Green gutter
FIGURE 56. Underground storage
FIGURE 58. Gravel wetland
ฆ2 o)
ฃ Q

~o o
a) w
<2 CO
ฃ Q
Bioretention cell
Bioretention practices use shallow, depressed, vegetated areas that collect and treat runoff
from impervious surfaces using native vegetation. Examples include rain gardens and
stormwater planters. These features can be designed to either detain, slowly release (via an
underdrain), or infiltrate stormwater runoff and use a variety of native plants. Bioretention
practices can range in size based on the particular drainage area and available space.
Green gutter
Green gutters collect and treat stormwater from roadways via filtration and infiltration.
Runoff reaches these narrow, landscaped strips through curb cuts and is slowed down by
the plants. Check dams can be installed in between plantings along the gutter to further
slow stormwater. This feature is aesthetically pleasing and is a good practice to integrate in
constricted urban areas where open space is limited.
Underground storage
Underground storage in constrained areas where it is necessary to keep existing impervious
surfaces. These systems redirect stormwater runoff from the ground surface to underground
storage pipes or chambers. Stored water is then slowly released into waterways to reduce
peak flows during storms or infiltrated. Underground storage that does not provide infiltration
does not treat stormwater but there are optional pre-treatment techniques that can improve
water quality at the system's inlet.
Filter strip
Filter strips are vegetated areas that can be planted along waterbodies where there is no
riparian buffer. Permanent, native vegetation in these filter strips helps to slow stormwater
runoff and filters out pollutants while increasing bank stability and preventing erosion.
These features should be moderately wide (>100') in order to effectively promote healthy
Gravel wetland
Gravel wetlands are constructed treatment systems that utilize native plants to filter and slow
stormwater. The wetland includes a series of horizontal flow-through treatment cells. Their
gravel substrate creates a microbe rich environment that has very high nutrient removal
rates. Gravel wetlands also increase wildlife habitat and aesthetics onsite.
Pervious paving
Pervious paving decreases runoff by allowing stormwater to pass through the pore space
in the paving material. A stone bed under the pavers filters the stormwater, which can then
be infiltrated or slowly released via an underdrain. Pervious paving can be used in place of
traditional impervious materials and allows for the treatment of stormwater without utilizing
additional space.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Stormwater Mitigation Toolkit
0(2 FIGURE 60. Bioretention cell
US FIGURE 61. Underground storage
Downtown Brattleboro is largely covered with
impervious surfaces, including buildings, roads,
and parking lots. Breaking up this impervious cover
with a diverse group of stormwater management
elements could greatly improve water quality in
the Whetstone Brook, slow stormwater discharge
into the brook, and create opportunities for public
education about stormwater.
FIGURE 62. Potential stormwater mitigation locations
Underground storage beneath what is now
the Preston parking lot, and is envisioned as a
future park, could quickly contain runoff and
maximize stormwater storage and infiltration
while maintaining an active public space above.
Filter strips along the brook could capture and
filter roof water from buildings immediately
adjacent to the brook.
Bioretention cells along the edge of the
Transportation Center would help to slow water
from steep slopes above from entering the
garage, and could create an opportunity for an
educational display about stormwater at the busy
corner of Flat and Elm Streets. Bioretention cells
along Flat Street and within large parking areas
maximize the opportunity for infiltration while
allowing for traffic and winter maintenance.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

Stormwater Mitigation Toolkit

PR FIGURE 63. Pervi
rvious paving
gQ FIGURE 64. Bioretention ce
GG FIGURE 65. Green gutter
00' 200
FIGURE 68. Potential stormwater mitigation locations
US FIGURE 66. Underground storage
In the neighborhood zone, permeable pavers can Green gutters along quieter, non-curbed streets
be used in driveways to allow for infiltration.	also allow for infiltration.

FS FIGURE 67. Filter strip
Bioretention cells across the neighborhood zone
capture and filter stormwater from larger paved
areas. Along Frost Street and town home units
they maximize the opportunity for infiltration in
paved, constricted areas.
Underground storage beneath the mixed use
central parking area could quickly contain runoff
and maximizes stormwater storage and infiltration.
The recreational island could serve as filter strip
to slow stormwater runoff and filter out pollutants.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

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Stormwater Mitigation Toolkit
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Flood Mitigation Toolkit

FIGURE 73. TerracecTfloodwal
FIGURE 74. Stop logs
FIGURE 75. Smart vent
FIGURE 76. Flood gates
FIGURE 77. Inflatable dams
Terraced floodwall
A terraced floodwall is a partially hardened and partially vegetated slope adjacent to a
waterbody. The terraces are constructed of stone or other hard materials and they resist
erosion during floods. The vegetated areas within the terraces improve water quality as each
step slows stormwater runoff from upland sources and allows tor filtering and infiltration.
A terraced floodwall also provides some flood storage during storms, and a recreational
amenity for the public during dry weather.
Stop logs
Stop logs are removable flood barriers that stack on top of each other to form impervious
wall structures that prevent floodwater from entering buildings or reaching other vulnerable
areas. They are simple to install, are completely removable, and be used on most surfaces
including slopes of up to 20ฐ.
Smart vents
Smart vents offer a unique method of flood protection by allowing flood waters to pass
through enclosed spaces such as basements that are below the base flood elevation. The
vent stays closed until it comes in contact with floodwater. Rotating open, the vent allows
water to pass through the space which alleviates pressure on the building's foundation.
Flood Gates
Flood gates are removable flood barriers that can be used on residential or commercial
buildings. Tracks are installed on each side of the doorframe and then in advance of a storm,
aluminum sheets slide into the tracks to form a watertight seal, and are easily removed once
floodwaters recede. These structures were used successfully to prevent flooding of the New
England Youth Theatre during Irene, as shown on figure 76.
Inflatable dams
Inflatable dams can be used as a method of flood control by diverting flood waters, creating
temporary reservoirs, and augmenting embankment shapes. Easily set up and removed,
these dams are designed for flexibility, durability, and strength, and can work on a variety of
surfaces and slopes. In the case that the dam is breached or overtopped, it will no longer
serve as an effective method of flood control, however.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

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Flood Mitigation Toolkit

FIGURE 78. Gabions
Gabions are stone filled, wire mesh baskets utilized for erosion control and stabilization
purposes in areas like stream banks. Gabions are most effective in areas where previous
stabilization attempts have failed and where erosive forces are such that vegetated solutions
will likely fail. They have high permeability, which allows water to drain easily when waters
Armored banks
Reinforcing river banks with rip rap (a layer of large, angular stones) mitigates erosion by
increasing the structural stability of the slope and holding the soil in place. This method is
particularly effective in areas where erosive forces prohibit the establishment of vegetation.
Bioengineered embankments
Bioengineered embankments incorporate the use of vegetation and construction materials
for erosion control and soil stabilization of river banks. A variety of plants are used throughout
these areas with grasses in the lowest "splash" zone, smaller shrubs and woody plants in the
middle "bank" zone, and larger shrubs and trees in the upper "terrace" zone. Plant species
include those native to the local stream environments and provide habitat forfish and wildlife.
FIGURE 81. Stream spillway
Stream spillway
Spillways are channels for diverting flood waters and serve as a method of flood protection
and control. Redirecting water from the main river system lessens the impact of flooding
on the river as well as effectively reducing the flood stage. These channels, also known as
floodways or flood bypass channels, consist of low lying vegetated areas that can be utilized
for recreation and wildlife habitat when not submerged.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It
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Flood Mitigation Toolkit

FIGURE 87. Potential flood mitigation loc
To reduce the potential for flood damage in
Brattleboro's urban core, a diverse group of
temporary and permanent flood mitigation
elements could help greatly during heavy
precipitation events, lessen the rate of flood water
discharge into the Whetstone Brook, and help to
protect downtown's historic buildings, roads, and
A series of terraced floodwalls in Preston Park
could help to anchor the cutbank while widening
the channel and providing flood storage.
ions	0' ioo' 200'
A series of stop logs along Flat Street could
prevent flooding of the street, thereby allowing
vehicular access between Main Street and the
Transportation Center.
Inflatable darns filled with watercould be mobilized
to protect buildings or critical circulation routes.
Gabions installed along the brook's banks could
help to protect the brook corridor from scouring
and erosion during flood and high water events.

FIGURE 84. Flood gates
|Q FIGURE 85. Inflatable dams
FIGURE 86. Gabions
"fp FIGURE 82. Terraced floodwalls
FIGURE 83. Stop logs
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It


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Flood Mitigation Toolkit 51

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BE FIGURE 88. Bioengineered embankment

FIGURE 89. Stream spillway
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. FIGURE 90. Armored banks
GB figure 91. Gabions

Sv FIGURE 92. Smart vents
FIGURE 93. Potential flood mitigation locations
In the neighborhood zone, densely planted
bioengineered embankments placed along the
depositional side of the brook could protect the
banks from erosion and help to slow high energy
flow during flood events.
A stream spillway upstream of the brook's bend,
could divert flood waters into a secondary storage
corridor with armored banks, providing flood
volume storage and stabilized slopes to help
dissipate the flood water's energy.
Gabions could help to protect the brook's slopes
that are susceptible to erosion and scour.
Smart vents could be incorporated as appropriate
in existing development within the flood plain.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor

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Flood Mitigation Toolkit 52
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FiGURE94. Bioengineered embankment
,A 0 FIGURE 95. Armored banks

FIGURE 96. Potential flood mitigation location
In the natural zone, densely planted bioengineered Armored banks on the cutbank side anchor the
embankments placed along the depositional side brook's edges that are susceptible to erosion and
of the brook and along the slopes of the gravel scour during high energy flooding events,
wetland could protect the banks from erosion and
help to slow high energy flow during flood events.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

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Appendix A: EPA Technical Assistance
Communities around the country are looking
to get the most from new development and
to maximize their investments. Frustrated by
development that gives residents no choice but to
drive long distances between jobs and housing,
many communities are bringing workplaces,
homes, and services closertogether. Communities
are examining and changing zoning codes that
make it impossible to build neighborhoods with a
variety of housing types. They are questioning the
fiscal wisdom of neglecting existing infrastructure
while expanding new sewers, roads, and services
into the fringe. Many places that have been
successful in ensuring that development improves
their community, economy, and environment
have used smart growth principles to do so
(see box). Smart growth describes development
patterns that create attractive, distinctive, and
walkable communities that give people of varying
age, wealth, and physical ability a range of safe,
convenient choices in where they live and how
they get around. Growing smart also means
that we use our existing resources efficiently and
preserve the lands, buildings, and environmental
features that shape our neighborhoods, towns,
and cities.
This work in Brattleboro was conducted under
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's
(EPA) "Making a Visible Difference (MVD)
in Communities" initiative. This initiative
coordinates technical assistance and other
resources across EPA programs with states,
tribes, local governments, and other federal
agencies to support communities as they pursue
environmental improvements that enhance
economic opportunity and quality of life.
For more information about EPA's "Making a
Visible Difference in Communities," visit
difference-communities< http://www.epa.
g ov/smartgrowt h/ma king-visible-diff ere nce-
Smart Growth Principles
Based on the experience of communities around
the nation, the Smart Growth Network developed
a set of 1 0 basic principles:
•	Mix land uses.
•	Take advantage of compact building
•	Create a range of housing opportunities
and choices.
•	Create walkable neighborhoods.
•	Foster distinctive, attractive communities
with a strong sense of place.
•	Preserve open space, farmland, natural
beauty, and critical environmental areas.
•	Strengthen and direct development
towards existing communities.
•	Provide a variety of transportation choices.
•	Make development decisions predictable,
fair, and cost effective.
•	Encourage community and stakeholder
collaboration in development decisions.
Source: Smart Growth Network. "Why Smart
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor , 	. , .

Appendix B: Case Studies
Guadalupe River Park is a three-mile ribbon
of park land that runs along the banks of the
Guadalupe River through the heart of downtown
San Jose.
In the early 1990s, the City of San Jose formed
a team of landscape architects, engineers,
hydrologists and city officials to develop an
alternative flood control protection solution
that met requirements of the US Army Corps of
Engineers while keeping the river accessible to
the public. The design peeled back the banks of
the river to accommodate seasonal flooding while
providing river access points at the major bridges
through downtown. The river walk follows the
top of the riverbank except at vehicular bridge
locations where it dips below the bridges to avoid
pedestrian and vehicular conflicts. Riparian
habitat was restored through much of the river
and three major parks were designed within
the River Park to accommodate the city's large
FIGURE 98. Gabions (rock-filled
cages) anchor the meandering
river and provide informal seating.
FIGURE 97. Stone stadium seating provides streambank stabilization, and
interspersed riparian planting slows and filters storm water while providing a shacly
urban respite in the heart of downtown.
Lower Whetstone Brook Corridor	It

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