What You Can Do
Report suspected fraud, waste, or abuse
of EPA funds to the OIG Hotline:
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: 888.546.8740
Fax: 202.566.1610
E-Mail: OIG_Hotline@epa.gov
Visit us on the Web at
United States
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Deterring Fraud, Waste
& Abuse of EPA Funds
EPA Office of Inspector General
Office of Audit
Forensic Audit Division


fice of Audit • Forensic Audit Di\
Who We Are
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an
independent office within EPA that helps the
Agency protect the environment in a more
efficient and cost effective manner. The Forensic
Audit Division within the OIG Office of Audit
was created in June 2008 and conducts financial
audits of EPA grants and contracts to:
•	identify potentially fraudulent actions;
•	determine the acceptability of costs
claimed; and
•	determine whether agreed-upon work
was completed.
We are composed mostly of Certified Public
Accountants and Certified Fraud Examiners
and are located nationwide.
What We Do
Continuously monitor all grantee and
contractor activities for indications of
fraud, waste, or abuse through the use of
computer applications, search engines
and databases, and other forensic tools
Conduct on-site audits of grantees and
contractors to determine whether Federal
funds were spent for their intended use
Address citizen concerns about potential
fraud, waste, or abuse of EPA funds
submitted through the OIG Hotline
How We Make an Impact
•	Refer potential cases for criminal or
civil investigation and prosecution
•	Refer auditees for suspension and
•	Identify unallowable costs for recovery
•	Recommend that questionable EPA
contracts and grants be terminated
What We Look For
Misuse of Federal funds
False claims
Federal funds not being used for their
intended purpose
Improper procurement of contracts
False certifications
Improper support of costs claimed
Inadequate financial systems and
administrative procedures
Satisfactory completion of work
Achievement of intended results
How to Prepare for an Audit
•	Collect all related grant or contract records
and documentation such as invoices,
financial statements, accounting and
timekeeping records, project records, and
work plans and specifications
•	Allocate work space and time for the audit
•	Contact us with any questions you may
have about the audit or audit process
When an Auditor Arrives
•	Provide all prepared and requested records
and documentation
•	Present a list of key personnel for
Auditors will work according to your business
hours, keep you informed, and answer any
questions. Results will be reported by the OIG.
