Watson Johnson Landfill
Richland Township, Pa.	
Site Description
The Watson Johnson Landfill site is a former landfill on East Pumping Station Road in Richland
Township, Bucks County, Pa. EPA added the site to the National Priorities List in 2001. The property
is 56 acres, of which 32 acres were used as a landfill. The landfill portion accepted wastes from
many different sources from the late 1950s until the early 1970s. Both industrial and municipal
wastes were disposed there. Various types of hazardous liquid wastes soaked into the soil and
groundwater, and migrated off the landfill property into adjacent areas.
Current Site Status and Cleanup Actions to Date
•	In 2006, EPA released the remedial investigation/feasibility study.
•	In 2009, EPA released a cleanup plan for the site and initiated remedial design activities in
that same year.
•	The cleanup plan includes construction of a landfill cap and groundwater in situ treatment.
•	EPA has determined that all unacceptable human exposure pathways have been eliminated,
and therefore, under current conditions, human exposure is under control site wide.
Unfunded Action
Fiscal Year 2013 work that was not funded involved construction of the landfill cap and in situ
chemical oxidation followed by enhanced bioremediation of groundwater.
Current Funding Status
To date, EPA has spent approximately $1.2 million on construction work at the site.
For more information on this site, please read the Watson Johnson Landfill site information on
the Region 3 Superfund web site.
