A THE DRINKING WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND Protecting America's Public Health for Over 20 Years HOW IT WORKS EPA funds state DWSRFs each year and states provide a 20% match + m Loan Terms: up to 30 years (for disadvantaged communities: 40 years or design life of project, whichever is less). Repayments begin up to 18 months after project completion I I For every $1 from federal government, $2 has gone to help communities ¦ ¦¦¦¦ mm © WHO HAS DWSRFs? All 50 States + Puerto Rico $44.7 BILLION states leveraged EPA's $22.3 billion into projects since 1997 &EPA O WHO OS ELIGIBLE? mfl mri iffe. Publicly or privately-owned HtttJ ~Hen community water systems Non-profit non-community water systems 16,300 loans made to repair, replace and build infrastructure since 1997 epa.gov/dwsrf © WHATTYPES OF PROJECTS? ¦ Drinking Water Treatment ¦ Pipe Installation/Replacement ¦ Source Water Protection ¦ Well Construction/Rehabilitation ¦ Storage & MORE... 1.3% average DWSRF loan interest rate in 2020 % December 2020 ------- |