EPA Region 7 12/22/2005 City: Southern bluffs of the Kansas River Valley County: Johnson County Other Names: Doepke-Holliday Site DOEPKE DISPOSAL (HOLLIDAY) KANSAS EPA ID# KSD980632301 Between 1963 and 1970, the 80-acre Doepke Disposal (Holliday) site operated as a private industrial and commercial landfill and accepted unknown quantities of wastes such as paint sludges, solvents, pesticides, metal sludges, and fiberglass resins. Liquids seeping from the site flow through a culvert under Holliday Drive into the Kansas River. In the early 1960s, many wastes were burned and buried. Liquids were later stored in ponds on the site. In 1966, with County approval, 374 drums of various pesticides and solvents were placed with fire debris in a trench. When the State closed the site in 1970, it was covered. Approximately 150 people live within 1 mile of the site, and 2,500 live within 3 miles. Residents of Johnson County get drinking water from 21 wells in the Kansas River alluvial aquifer and from a river intake about 3/4 mile downstream of the site; 200,000 people are served by these systems. About 30 wells lie within 3 miles; the nearest is 1/2 mile away. Contaminants are not migrating off site in large enough concentrations to affect water quality in the Kansas River. Site Responsibility: This site is being addressed through Federal and potentially responsible parties' actions. NPL LISTING HISTORY Proposed Date: 12/30/82 Final Date: 09/08/83 Deleted Date: THREATS AND CONTAMINANTS ------- The groundwater, soil, and leachate are contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heavy metals from former waste disposal activities. Subsurface soils and wastes contain significant concentrations of contaminants and could threaten people working or trespassing on the site. On-site contaminated groundwater is not being used, so exposure to contaminants is unlikely. CLEANUP APPROACH Response Action Status Entire Site: The EPA selected a remedy for this site in 1989 featuring removal and off-site treatment of contaminated liquids currently ponded underground in the area of the former surface impoundments, if needed; construction of an impermeable multi-layer cap over the waste disposal area; collection and off-site treatment, if necessary, of significant groundwater seepage; extended groundwater monitoring of the effectiveness of the remedy; and deed and access restrictions. The potentially responsible parties completed the design of the remedy in 1993. Cleanup actions began in the spring of 1995 and construction was completed in October 1996. Site Facts: In 1987, Deffenbaugh Industries, Inc. entered into a Consent Agreement with the EPA that directed the company to study site contamination and to develop cleanup options. An Administrative Order on Consent was signed with the potentially responsible parties in 1990 to design the remedy for the site. On May 24, 1996, a Consent Decree was entered by the U.S. District Court which required the parties to implement the remedial actions. ------- ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS Construction activities at the site have been completed. Construction of an impermeable multi-layer cap over the waste disposal area and long-term operation and maintenance activities have reduced the potential for exposures to contaminated materials. Ground water and seep monitoring activities are ongoing. The second Five-year Review was completed on September 27, 2005. The assessment of this review is that the remedy continues to be protective, and is functioning as designed and in accordance with the Record of Decision. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 09/82 Factsheet announcing preliminary investigations 05/85 Factsheet 02/04/86 Community Involvement Plan 10/86, 09/86, 08/86, 07/86, 06/86, 05/86 Factsheets 02/88 Factsheet announcing the administrative record 09/26/88 Factsheet 12/29/88 Factsheet announcing current activities and enforcement action 02/27/89 Factsheet 04/04/89 Citizen Letter announcing EPA's intent to hold a public meeting on 8/16/89 to discuss Proposed Plan 08/89 Factsheet announcing EPA's remedial cleanup alternatives 03/94 Factsheet announcing cleanup activities 04/95 Factsheet announcing remedial action activities and when they were scheduled to begin 11/95 Factsheet announcing site update 04/19/05 Factsheet announcing Availability Session 03/21/95 Revised Community Relations Plan ------- SITE REPOSITORY m Johnson County Public Library, 8700 Superfund Records Center West 63rd Street, Merriam, KS 66201 901 N. 5th St. Kansas City, KS 66101 Mail Stop SUPR (913)551-4038 REGIONAL CONTACTS SITE MANAGER: E-MAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT COORDINATOR: PHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL ADDRESS: STATE CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: Shelley Brodie brodie.shelley@epa.gov (913)551-7706 DiannaWhi taker (913)551-7598 whitaker.dianna@epa.tov Leo Henning (785)296-1914 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION STATE: KS 0712 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: 03 EPA ORGANIZATION: SFD-MOKS/SUPR MODIFICATIONS Created by: Suping Created Date: 05/28/98 03:44 PM Chang/SUPR/R7/USEPA/U S Last Modified by: Hattie Last Modified Date: 12/22/2005 03:29 PM Thomas/OEP/R7/U SEP A/U S ------- |