€ A L I F O R N I A Sutter County (part) (Sutter Buttes) X Chico Nevada County (Western part) NEV ADA , Sacramento San Francisco Bay Area . Amador and Calaveras Cos. "0[Central Mountain Counties) ^^Mariposa and Tuolumne Cos. (Southern Mountain Counties) DESIGNATIONS FOR THE 1997 8-Hour Ozone (03) NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS I 1 Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Extreme I 1 Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Severe-17 I I Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Severe-15 I I Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Serious I I Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Moderate I I Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Marginal I I Nonattainment/Subpart 1 Unclassifiable/Attainment &EPA Sources: Title 40 CFR Part 81, §303, 305, 312, 329, 352, 353, 354 (2011), ESRI (2006), TANA (2006). American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands (not shown on map) are designated "Unclassifiable/Attainment." REGION 9-AIR AIR 1100018_7 22 February 2011 ¦ Las Vegas Kern County (Eastern Kern) 0 25 50 100 Miles 1 I I I I I I I I o VenturaiCounty\ ARIZONA HAWAII * csc> Los AngelesiJgp South CoastTAiflBasirl Los Angeles-San Bernardino Cos. (W Mojave^Desert) -Morongo Resection (Severe-17) Riverside Co. r'Phoenix-Mesa4 (Coachella Valley) GUAM Pechanga, Reservation' (Severe-17) I San Imperial i Diego County ------- |