C AM- I F O Rl N I A 1 bounty (part), > utter Buttes) \ \ IF San Francisco^ Bay Area, CA Nevada County /(Western Part), CA J { snto \ *** Amador and Calaveras Cos., CA '(Central Mountain Counties) ^ 1 \ NEVADA Mariposa and Tuolumne Cos., CA '(Southern Mountain Counties) San Joaquin illey, CA*** DESIGNATIONS FOR 8-Hour Ozone NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Extreme Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Severe-17 I M Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Severe-15 I I Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Serious I I Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Moderate I I Nonattainment/Subpart 2/Marginal I I Nonattainment/Subpart 1 I I Deferred** Attainment/Unclassifiable *Reflects state's reclassification request **Designations for these areas are deferred while EPA considers additional information. ***Reflects reclassification effective June 4, 2010. American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands (notshown) are designated "Attainment/Unclassifiable." I Sources: Title 40 CFR Part 81, §303, 305, 312, 329, I 352, 353, 354 (2010), 75 FR 24409 (June 4, 2010), REGION 9 - AIR ESRI (2006), TANA (2006). AIR1000005_2 5 May 2010 vvEPA 0 25 50 100 Miles 1 I I I I I I I I o -Las Vegas, NV Kern County (Eastern Kern), CA ARIZONA SVentura junty, CAn Los Angeles-San -Bernardino Cos. (W Mojave Desert), CA* Lo^^ngeles-South] Air Basin, CA*** Riversidi Co. ^ Phoenix- JCoachejla Valley), CA*J* Mesa, AZ 5an Diego, Imperial CA ' County, CA J GUAM ------- |