DIRECTORY OF DRINKING WATER TRAINING MATERIALS U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water December 1994 Submitted by LABAT-ANDERSON Incorporated Arlington, Virginia ------- DIRECTORY OF DRINKING WATER TRAINING MATERIALS INTRODUCTION This Directory includes abstracts and ordering information for drinking water training documents produced since July 1992 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water. The Directory is patterned after The Drinking Water Training Resources Directory: A National Training Coalition Directory of Current Training Materials, First Edition, which contains many Office of Water training materials published prior to July 1392. DIRECTORY FORMAT AND CONTENT Entries are arranged alphabetically by title and contain the following components: - Title - Author - Producer - Publication Date - Material type and description Publications are identified either as Training Materials (TM) - publications developed specifically for training activity, or Training Reference Materials (TRM) - publications useful in supporting training activities. - Keywords This directory uses the keywords that appear in the Drinking Water Training Resources^Directory: A National Training Coalition Directory of Current Training Materials, First Edition. - Abstract - Availability and cost Each entry lists at least one source for the material and its cost. Materials may be ordered from the following: 2 ------- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Office of Water Resource Center, RC-4100 401 M St., SW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 260-7786 {voice mail request line) (202) 260-0386 (fax) (internet address) Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) 1929 Kenny- Columbus, Ohio 43210-1015 1-800-276-0462 (614) 292-0263 (fax) National Technical Information Service (NTIS) U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 1-800-553-6847 (703) 487-4839 (TDD for the hearing impaired) (703) 921-8647 (fax) AVAILABILITY Single copies of this Directory are available at no cost from the EPA Office of Water Resource Center (202-260-7786) . Copies of the Drinking Water Training Resources Directory: A National Training Coalition Directory of Current Training Materials (July 1992) are available from the Educational Resources Information Center (614) 292-6717. Ask for publication #655G ($16.25) . 3 ------- KEYWORD INDEX Analysis/Analytical Methods Analysis of Potential Trade-Offs in Regulation of Disinfection By-Products DBP/ICR Analytical Methods Guidance Manual: Public Comment Draft A Guide for Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Analysis of State and jjocal Ground Water Protection Programs Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water: Criteria and Procedures. Quality Assurance; Third Edition; Change 2 - September Simulation of Compliance Choices for the Disinfection By- products Regulatory Impact Analysis Simulation of Raw Water and Treatment Parameters in Support of the Disinfection By Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Status Report on Analytical Methods to Support the Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule .Annual Report EPA's Ground Water and Drinking Water Program: Making a Difference Aquifers A Review of Methods lor Assessing Aquifer Sensitivity and Ground Water Vulnerability to Pesticide Contamination Wellhead Protection in Confined, Semi-Confined, Fractured, and Karst Aquifer Settings Asbestos Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems; Phases II arid V Assessments Ground Water Resource Assessment Occurrence Assessment for Disinfectants and Disinfection by- Products (a) in Public Drinking Water Report to the United States Congress on Radionuclides in Drinking Water: Multimedia Risk and Cost Assessment of Radon in Drinking Water (Draft) Report to the United States Congress on Radon, in Drinking Water: Multimedia Risk and Cost Assessment of Radon A Review of Methods for Assessing Aquifer Sensitivity and Ground Water Vulnerability to Pesticide Contamination Simulation of Microbial Occurrence, Exposure and Health Risks After Drinking Water Treatment Processes Simulation of: Raw Water and Treatment Parameters in Support of the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis 4 ------- Use of Microbial Risk Assessment in Setting U.S. Drinking Water Standards Bibliography- Drinking Water Training Resources Directory: A National Training Coalition Directory of Current Training Materials Federal Register Citations for the Safe Drinking Water Act: A Compilation of References Lead in Drinking Water: An Annotated List of Publications Coliform Rule Total Coliform Rule: Implementation Manual (Including Appendix D) Community Water Systems Innovative Options for Financing Nongovernmental Public Water Supplies' Needs Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and V Compliance A Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water For America The National Public Water System Supervision Program FY 1993 Compliance Report Helping Small Systems Comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act: The Role of Restructuring Lead and Copper Rule: Definitions and Federal Reporting for Milestones, Violations and SNCs Lead in Drinking Water: Guidance for Conducting a Community-Based Public Education Program on Lead in Drinking Water The National Public Water System Supervision Program FY 1993 Compliance Report Simulation of Compliance Choices for the Disinfection By Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Status Report on Analytical Methods .to Support the Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule Contaminants Guide for Conducting Contaminant Source Inventories for Public Drinking Water Supplies Copper Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving <100 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 5 ------- 101 to S00 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Mater Systems Serving 501 to 3,3 00 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 3,301 to 10,000 Persons Lead and Copper Rule; Definitions and Federal Reporting for Milestones, Violations and SNCs Lead and Copper Rule Guidance Manual. Volume II: Corrosion Control Treatment Lead in Drinking Water: Guidance for Conducting a Community-Based Public Education Program on Lead in Drinking Water Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 10,001 to 50,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 50,001 to 100,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving >100,000 Persons Corrosivity/Corrosion Control Lead and Copper Rule Guidance Manual, Volume II: Corrosion Control Treatment Costs/Cost Estimating Technologies and Costs for Control of Disinfection By-Products: Executive Summary Data Management Definitions for the Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality Final National Guidance for Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Programs Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality - Brochure WATERS: Well Activities Tracking, Evaluation and Reporting System, Version 2,0 Disinfection/Disinfection By-Products Analysis of Potential Trade-Offs in Regulation of Disinfection By-Products DBP/ICR Analytical Methods Guidance Manual: Public Comment Draft Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water Framework for Decision Making: An EPA Perspective Occurrence Assessment for Disinfectants and Disinfection By- products (6a) in Public Drinking Water Possible Monitoring Requirements for the Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products (D/DBP) Regulations Private Wells - Guidance for What to Do After the Flood Simulation of Compliance Choices for the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis 6 ------- Simulation of Microbial Occurrence, Exposure and Health Risks After Drinking Water Treatment Processes Simulation of Raw Water and Treatment Parameters in Support of the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Status of DBP Regulatory Negotiation Status Report on Analytical Methods to Support the Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule Status Report on Development of Regulations for Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products Status Report on the Development of Draft MCLGs for Disinfectants and By-Products Technologies and Costs for Control of Disinfection By-Products: Execut ive Summary Use of Microbial Risk Assessment in Setting U.S. Drinking Water Standards Water Treatment Plant Model, Version 1.55 Water Treatment Plant Simulation Program, Version 155- Installation Guide Drinking Water Regulations Analysis of Potential Trade-offs in Regulation of Disinfection By-Products Consolidated Rule Summary for the Chemical Phases Consolidated Regulations for the Chemical Phases (DRAFT) Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories Drinking Water Training Resources Directory: A National Training Coalition Directory of Current Training Materials Framework for Decision Making: An EPA Perspective Institutional Solutions to Drinking Water Problems: Maine Case Studies Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving <100 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 101 to 500 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 501 to 3,300 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 3,3 01 to 10,000 Persons Lead and Copper Rule: Definitions and Federal Reporting for Milestones, Violations and SNCs Lead in Drinking Water: Guidance for Conducting a Community-Based Public Education Program on Lead in Drinking Water A Learning Guide for State/Local Drinking Water Agreements Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 10,001 to 50,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules,- Water Systems Serving 50,001 to 100,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving >100,000 Persons National Primary Drinking Water Standards Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water 7 ------- Safe Drinking Water Hotline Factsheet Secondary Drinking Water Regulations: Guidance for Nuisance Chemicals Simulation of Compliance Choices for the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Simulation of Raw Water and Treatment Parameters in Support of the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Status of DBP Regulatory Negotiation Status Report on Analytical Methods to Support the Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule Status Report on Development of Regulations for Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products Technical and Economic Capacity of States and Public Water Systems to Implement Drinking Water Regulations: Report to Congress Technologies and Costs for Control of Disinfection By-Products: Executive Summary Use of Microbial Risk Assessment in Setting U.S. Drinking Water Standards Education Drinking Water Handbook for Public Officials Drinking Water Training Resources Directory: A National Training ^ Coalition Directory of Current Training Materials.. Lead in Drinking Water: Guidance for Conducting a Community-Based Public Education Program on Lead in Drinking Water Lead in Your Drinking Water: Actions You Can Take to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water Emergency Planning Guide to Ground Water Contingency Planning for Local and State Governments Emergency Response Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water Private Wells - Guidance for What to Do After the Flood Enforcement Guidance on Enforcement of the Requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water EPA's Ground Water and Drinking Water Program: Making a Difference 8 ------- Financial Characteristics/Financing Innovative Options for Financing Nongovernmental Public Water Supplies' Needs Institutional Solutions to Drinking Water Problems: Maine Case Studies Local Financing for Wellhead Protection An Overview of Existing State Alternative Financing Programs: Financing Drinking Water System Capital Needs in the 1990s Fluoride Fluoride in Drinking Water (Fact Sheet) Ground Water Case Studies in Wellhead Protection: Ten Examples of Innovative Wellhead Protection Programs Definitions for the Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality Federal Agency Ground Water Technical Assistance Directory Final National Guidance for Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Programs Ground Water Resource Assessment A Guide for Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Analysis of State and Local Ground Water Protection Programs Guide to Ground Water Contingency Planning for Local and State Government s Local Financing for Wellhead Protection Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality - Brochure A Review of Methods for Assessing Aquifer Sensitivity and Ground Water Vulnerability to Pesticide Contamination Ground Water Disinfection/Ground Water Disinfection Rule Information Collection Rule Fact Sheet Use of Microbial Risk Assessment in Setting U.S. Drinking Water Standards Health/Health Effects Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories National Primary Drinking Water Standards Simulation of Microbial Occurrence, Exposure and Health Risks After Drinking Water Treatment Simulation of Raw Water and Treatment Parameters in Support of the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Status Report on Analytical Methods to Support the Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule Status Report on the Development of Draft MCLGs for Disinfectants and By-Products 9 ------- Implementation Technical and Economic Capacity of States and Public Water Systems to Implement Drinking Water Regulations: Report to Congress Indian Tribes Indian Primary Procedures Handbook for the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program and the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Information Collection Rule See: Ground Water Disinfection/Ground Water Disinfection Rule Inorganic Chemicals/Contaminants Consolidated Regulations for the Chemical Phases (DRAFT) Consolidated Rule Summary for the Chemical Phases Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories National Primary Drinking Water Standards Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and ¥ Laboratory/Laboratory Certification Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Wal:er: Criteria and Procedures, Quality Assurance; Third Edition; Change 2 - September Large Water Systems Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 50,001 to 100,000 Persons Monitoring Reqxri rements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving >100,000 Persons Lead Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving <100 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 101 to 500 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 501 to 3,3 00 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 3,301 to 10,000 Persons Lead and Copper Rule: Definitions and Federal Reporting for Milestones, Violations and SNCs Lead and Copper Rule Guidance Manual. Volume II: Corrosion Control Treatment Lead in Drinking Water: Annotated List of Publications 10 ------- Lead in Drinking Water: Guidance for Conducting a Community-Based Public Education Program on Lead in Drinking Water Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Non-Residential Buildings Lead in Your Drinking Water: Actions You Can Take to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water Lead Leaching from Submersible Well Pumps Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 10,001 to 50,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 50,001 to 100,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving >100,000 Persons Lead Contamination Control Act Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Non-Residential Buildings Lead/Copper Rule Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving <100 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 101 to 500 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 501 to 3,300 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 3,301 to 10,000 Persons Lead and Copper Rule: Definitions and Federal Reporting for Milestones, Violations and SNCs Lead in Drinking Water: Guidance for Conducting a Community-Based Public Education Program on Lead in Drinking Water Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 10,001 to 50,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 50,001 to 100,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving >100,000 Persons Management and Administration Indian Primary Procedures Handbook for the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program and the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Maximum Contaminant Levels/Maximum Contaminant Level Goals Consolidated Regulations for the Chemical Phases (DRAFT) Consolidated Rule Summary for the Chemical Phases Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories Framework for Decision Making: An EPA Perspective National Primary Drinking Water Standards Occurrence Assessment for Disinfectants and Disinfection By- 11 ------- Products (6a) in Public Drinking Water Status Report on the Development of Draft MCLGs for Disinfectants and By-products Medium Water Systems Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 3,301 to 10,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 10,001 to 50,000 Persons Microbiological Contaminants Simulation of Microbial Occurrence, Exposure and Health Risks After Drinking Water Treatment Processes Use of Microbial Risk Assessment in Setting U.S. Drinking Water Standards Models Analysis of Potential Trade-Offs in Regulation of Disinfection By-Products Simulation of Microbial Occurrence, Exposure and Health Risks After Drinking Water Treatment Processes Simulation of Raw Water and Treatment Parameters in Support of the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Status Report on Analytical Methods to Support the Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule Technologies and Costs for Control of Disinfection By-Products: Executive Summary Water Treatment Plant Model, Version 1.55 Water Treatment Plant Simulation Program, Version 1.55 - Installation Guide Monitoring Consolidated Regulations for the Chemical Phases (DRAFT) Consolidated Rule Summary for the Chemical Phases Fact Sheet on State Reporting Guidance for Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving <100 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 101 to 500 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 501 to 3,300 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 3,301 to 10,000 Persons Lead and Copper Rule: Definitions and Federal Reporting for Milestones, Violations and SNCs Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 10,001 to 50,000 Persons 12 ------- Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving 50,001 to 100,000 Persons Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules; Water Systems Serving >100,000 Persons Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and V Possible Monitoring Requirements for the Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products (D/DBP) Regulations The Safe Drinking Water Act: A Pocket Guide to the Requirements for the Operators of Small Water Systems Status Report on Analytical Methods to Support the Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule Volunteer Monitoring Nitrate/Nitrite Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and V Non-Public Water Systems Institutional Solutions to Drinking Water Problems: Maine Case Studies Operation & Maintenance Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and V Public Notification for Public Water Systems: Operator Manual and Public Notification Requirements Chart (DRAFT) The Safe Drinking Water Act: A Pocket Guide to the Requirements for the Operators of Small Water Systems Organic Chemicals/Contaminants Consolidated Regulations for the Chemical Phases (DRAFT) Pesticides A Review of Methods for Assessing Aquifer Sensitivity and Ground Water Vulnerability to Pesticide Contamination Plumbing/Plumbing Code Lead and Copper Rule Guidance Manual. Volume II: Corrosion Control Treatment Primacy Indian Primary Procedures Handbook for the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program and the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program 13 ------- Public Education/Notification Consolidated Regulations for the Chemical Phases (DRAFT) Public Notification for Public Water Systems: Operator Manual and Public Notification Requirements Chart (DRAFT) Public Water System Supervision Program Indian Primary Procedures Handbook for the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program and the Underground Injection Control (U1C) Program The National Public Water System Supervision Program FY 1993 Compliance Report Public Water Supply Supervision Program Priority Guidance Public Water Systems Drinking Water Handbook for Public Officials A Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water For America Fact Sheet: 1995 SRF Needs Survey for Drinking Water Guide for Conducting Contaminant Source Inventories for Public Drinking Water Supplies Guide to Ground Water Contingency Planning for Local and State Governments Innovative Options for Financing Nongovernmental Public Water Supplies' Needs Institutional Solutions to Drinking Water Problems: Maine Case Studies Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Non-Residential Buildings Lead in Your Drinking Water: Actions You Can Take to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water A Learning Guide for State/Local Drinking Water Agreements Occurrence Assessment for Disinfectants and Disinfection By- products (Phase 6a} in Public Drinking Water An Overview of Existing State Alternative Financing Programs: Financing Drinking Water System Capital Needs in the 1990s Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and V Public Notification for Public Water Systems: Operator Manual and Public Notification Requirements Chart (DRAFT) Small Systems Technology Initiative: Evaluation of Demonstration Technologies - Freestone, California Water System Technical and Economic Capacity of States and Public Water Systems to Implement Drinking Water Regulations: Report to Congress Publications Federal Register Citations for the Safe Drinking Water Act: A Compilation of References Lead in Drinking Water: An Annotated List of Publications ------- Pumps/Pumping Equipment Lead Leaching from Submersible Weil Pumps Radionuclides Report to the United States Congress on Radionuclides in Drinking Water: Multimedia Risk and Cost Assessment of Radon in Drinking Water Reporting Fact Sheet on State Reporting Guidance for Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring The Safe Drinking Water Act: A Pocket Guide to the Requirements for the Operators of Small Water Systems Surface Water Treatment Rule: Implementation Manual (Including Appendix D) Total Coliform Rule: Implementation Manual (Including Appendix D) Restructuring Helping Small Systems Comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act: The Role of Restructuring Institutional Solutions to Drinking Water Problems; Maine Case Studies Restructuring Manual Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)/SDWA Amendments Administration Recommendations for Safe Drinking Water Act Re a u L ho r i 2 a t i on Federal Register Citations for the Safe Drinking Water Act: A Compilation of References Helping Small Systems Comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act: The Role of Restructuring A Learning Guide for State/Local Drinking Water Agreements Restructuring Manual Technical and Economic Capacity of States and Public Water Systems to Implement Drinking Water Regulations: Report to Congress Safety Lead Leaching from Submersible Well Pumps Sampling Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and V The Safe Drinking Water Act: A Pocket Guide to the Requirements fox the Operators of Small Water Systems 15 ------- Schools Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Hon-Resident.i al Buildings Secondary Contaminants Secondary Drinking Water Regulations: Guidance for Nuisance Chemicals Small Water Systems Case Studies Assessing Low-Cost, In-Place Technologies at Small Water Systems Evaluation of Demonstration Technologies: Quail Creek Water Supply System Helping Small Systems Comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act: The Role of Restructuring Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving <100 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 101 to 500 Persons Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 501 to 3,3 00 Persons A Learning Guide for State/Local Drinking Water Agreements Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and V Possible Monitoring Requirements for the Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products (D/DBP) Regulations Res true turing Manual The Safe Drinking Water Act: A Pocket Guide to the Requirements for the Operators of Small Water Systems Small Systems Technology Initiative: Evaluation of Demonstration Technologies - Freestone, California Water System State Programs/Regulations A Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water- For America Fact Sheet: 1995 SRF Needs Survey for Drinking Water Fact Sheet on State Report±ng Guidance for Unregulated Con I. a m inan t Mon i t o r i ng Guide to Ground Water Contingency Planning for Local and State Governments A Learning Guide for State/Local Drinking Water Agreements Local Financing for Wellhead Protection An Overview of Kxisting State Alternative Financing Programs: Financing Drinking Water System Capital Needs in the 1990s Public Water Supply Supervision Program Priority Guidance Surface Water Treatment Rule: Implementation Manual (Including Appendix D) Total Coliform Rule: Implementation Manual (Including Appendix D> 16 ------- Surface Water Treatment Rule Guidance on Enforcement of the Requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule Surface Water Treatment Rule: Implementation Manual (Including Appendix D) Use of Microbial Risk Assessment in Setting U.S. Drinking Water Standards Surveys Fact Sheet 1995 SRF Needs Survey for Drinking Water Synthetic Organic Chemicals/Compounds Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and V Technical Assistance Federal Agency Ground Water Technical Assistance Directory A Guide for Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Analysis of State and Local Ground Water Protection Programs Safe Drinking Water Hotline Factsheet Treatment Techniques/Technologies Case Studies Assessing Low-Cost, In-Place Technologies at Small Water Systems Consolidated Regulations for the Chemical Phases (DRAFT) Drinking Water Handbook for Public Officials Evaluation of Demonstration Technologies: Quail Creek Water Supply System Lead and Copper Rule Guidance Manual. Volume II: Corrosion Control Treatment Simulation of Raw Water and Treatment Parameters in Support of the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Small Systems Technology Initiative: Evaluation of Demonstration Technologies - Freestone, California Water System Status Report on Analytical Methods to Support the Disinfectant./Disinfection By-Products Rule Technologies and Costs for Control of Disinfection By-Products: Executive Summary Water Treatment Plant Model, Version 1.55 Water Treatment Plant Simulation Program, Version 1.55 - Installation Guide Trihalomethanes Possible Monitoring Requirements for the Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products (D/DBP) Regulations 1" ------- Underground Injection Control Indian Primary Procedures Handbook for the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program and the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program WATERS: Well Activities Tracking, Evaluation and Reporting System, Version 2.0 Unregulated Contaminants Fact Sheet on .State Reporting Guidance for Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Violations Lead and Copper Rule: Definitions and Federal Reporting for Milestones, Violations and SNCs Volatile Organic Chemicals/Compounds Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems; Phases II and V Water Quality Drinking Water Handbook for Public Officials Guide for Conducting Contaminant Source Inventories for Public Drinking Water Supplies Manua] for the Certification of Laboratories Analysing Drinking Water: Criteria and Procedures, Quality Assurance; Third Edition; Change 2 - September Small Systems Technology Initiative: Evaluation of Demonstration Technologies - Freestone, California Water System Volunteer Monitoring Water Quality Protection Definitions for the Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality Final National Guidance for Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Programs Guide for Conducting Contaminant Source Inventories for Public Drinking Water Supplies Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality - Brochure Volunteer Monitoring Water Treatment Simulation of Microbial Occurrence, Exposure and Health Risks After Drinking Water Treatment Processes ------- Well Water Production Lead Leaching from Submersible Well Pumps Wellhead Protection Case Studies in Wellhead Protection: Ten Examples of Innovative Wellhead Protection Programs Guide for Conducting Contaminant Source Inventories for Public Drinking Water Supplies Local Financing for Wellhead Protection Wellhead Protection in Confined, Semi™Confined, Fractured, and Karst Aquifer Settings Wells Lead Leaching from Submersible Well Pumps Private Wells - Guidance for What to Do After the Flood WATERS; Well Activities Tracking, Evaluation and Reporting System, Version 2,0 19 ------- DIRECTORY OF DRINKING WATER TRAINING MATERIAL Administration Recommendations for Safe Drinking Water Act Reauthorization U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water September 1993 TRM, Report, 9 pages Keywords: Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)/SDWA Amendments This outlines EPA Administrator Carol Browner's ten recommendations for Safe Drinking Water Act Reauthorization. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 810/F-93-004 Analysis of Potential Trade-Offs in Regulation of Disinfection By-Products Cromwell JII, J.; zhiing, X.; Letkiewicz, F.; Regli, S.; Macler, B . U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Nov ember 1992 TRM, Manual, 196 pages Keywords: analysis, disinfection/disinfection by-products, drinking water regulations, models Executive order 12291 requires the preparation of a Regulatory Impact. Analysis (RIA) on all new major federal regulations. The goal of an RIA is to develop and organi-e information on benefits, costs, and economic impacts so as to clarify trade-offs among alternative regulatory options. This paper outlines explicit methodology for assessing the technical potential for risk - risk trade-offs. The strategies used to cope with complexities and uncertainties in developing the Disinfection By- products Regulatory Analysis Model are explained. Results are presented and discussed in light of uncertainties, and in light of the analytical requirements for regulatory impact analysis. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.00 Order No.: 811/R-92-008 20 ------- Case Studies Assessing Low-Cost, In-Place Technologies at Small Water Systems The Gree1ey-Po1hemus Group, Inc. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water January 1994 TRM, Report, 86 pages Keywords: small water systems, treatment techniques/technologies These case studies are part of an effort to investigate and document the use of treatment technologies and to identify effective, economical and efficient methods of solving small water system problems. The results of the investigation are intended to assist state regulators in the evaluation and approval of these technologies in their states. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center CO'St i $0.0 Order No.: 810/R-94-001 Case Studies in Wellhead Protection: Ten Examples of Innovative Wellhead Protection Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water December 1392 TRM, Manual, 3 5 pages Keywords: ground water, wellhead protection This technical assistance document assists state, local, and tribal water managers in developing, refining, and implementing wellhead protection programs by providing examples of programs already in place. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No. : 813/R -92-002 Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $5.50 Order No.: 468G ------- Consolidated Regulations for the Chemical Phases (DRAFT) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water April 1934 'I'M, Guidance Manual, 50 pages Keywords; drinking water regulations, inorganic chemicals/contaminants, maximum contaminant levels/maximum contaminant level goals, monitoring, organic chemicals/contaminants, public education/notification, treatment techniques/technologies This manual discusses the drinking water regulations, and outlines maximum contaminant levels and goals; monitoring and analytical requirements; reporting, public notification and recordkeeping; special regulations, including monitoring regulations and prohibition on lead use; use of non-centralized treatment devices,- and treatment techniques. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.; 812/D-94-001 Consolidated Rule Summary for the Chemical Phases U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water April 1994 TM, Guidance Manual, 44 pages Keywords: drinking water regulations, inorganic chemicals/contaminants, maximum contaminant levels/maximum contaminant level goals, monitoring This summarizes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for chemical contaminants regulated under Phases I, II, IIB and V. The standardized monitoring framework was originally promulgated under the Phase IT Ru.l e and revised under Phases I IB and V. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0,0 Order No. : 812/S • 94 - 001 A ------- Controlling Microbial Contaminants and Disinfectants-Disinfection By-products: Benefits and Costs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water June 19 94 TRM, Factsheet, 2 pages Keywords: costs/cost estimating, disinfection/disinfection by- products, microbiological contaminants, treatment techniques/technologies This factsheet summarizes the feasibility of treatment for disinfection by-product (DBP) control and estimates the costs of compliance. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $.35 Order No.: 7 07G Customer Incentives for Water Conservation: A Guide U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water February 1994 TM, Guidance Manual, 148 pages. Keywords: conservation/conservation plans, management & administration This document discusses types of incentives to offer water consumers and how to manage and optimize incentive programs. This document is intended to help water agencies design and evaluate programs on a rational, thoughtful basis. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $16.25 Order No.: 4 8 0W ------- DBP/ICR Analytical Methods Guidance Manual: Public Comment Draft U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water January 1994 TM, Guidance Manual, 121 pages Keywords: analysis/analytical methods, disinfection/disinfection by-products This guidance manual lists the analytical methods to be used Tor the Disinfectant By-Products/Information Collection Rule, This manual is available for public comment. Such comments will assist EPA in revising the manual t:o ensure it meets the goal of providing practical criteria for establishing and maintaining a group of laboratories capable of providing accurate and precise data for the Rule. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $27.00 paper/ $12.50 microfiche Order No.: PB94-154077 Definitions for the Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water TKM» Guidance Manual, Keywords: data elements, ground water, water quality protection This document identifies and defines a minimum set of 21 data elements for ground water quality. It presents the definitions for a minimum set of key ground water data elements that are needed to share data efficiently within the ground water community at all levels of government. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost; $ Order No.: PB93-157600 ------- Drinking Water Glossary: A Dictionary of Technical and Legal Terms Related to Drinking Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water June 1994 TRM, Bibliography, 34 pages Keywords: bibliography, drinking water regulations This booklet defines the technical and legal terms used in relation to drinking water. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 810/B-94-006 Drinking Water Handbook for Public Officials U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water December 1992 TM, Handbook, 62 pages Keywords: education, public water systems, treatment techniques/technologies, water quality, water quality protection This handbook was created especially for public officials to assist them in understanding water system operations. Explanations are provided from the standpoint of a decisionmaker, and discuss how public water systems work and why they must be properly constructed, maintained, and operated. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $ 0.0 Order No.: 810/B-92-016 25 ------- Drinking Water Publication List: An Annotated Bibliography of EPA and non-EPA Technical, Managerial, Educational and General Information Materials U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Drinking Water October 1993 TRM, Bibliography, 31 pages Keywords t bibliography, drinking water regulations, publications This annotated bibliography lists, by subject, publications related to the safety, provision and management of drinking water. Availability: Oilice of Water Resource Center Cost; $0.00 Order No.: EPA 810/B-93-003 Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water November 199'! TRM, Tables, 15 pages Keywordsi contaminants, drinking water regulations, health/health effects, inorganic chemicals, maximum contaminant levels/maximum contaminant level goals These tables list drinking water contaminants, the status of their regulation, MCLs, MCLGs, and health advisory information. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 822/R-94-003 26 ------- A Drinking Water State Revolving Fund U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water 1993 TM, Factsheet, 6 pages Keywords: compliance, public water systems, state programs/regula t ions This outlines President Clinton's proposal for a new Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to help public water systems comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act, Availability: Office of Cost; $ 0 Order No. Water Resource Center . 0 : Order by title Drinking Water Training Resources Directory: A National Training Coalition Directory of Current Training Materials National Training Coalition 1992 TRM, Bibliography, 148 pages Keywords: bibliography, education This is a bibliography of drinking water training materials produced by the American Water Works Association, the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, the National Rural Water Association, the Rural Community Assistance Program, the National Environmental Training Association, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Ordering information is included for the items listed. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $16.25 Order No. : 6 5 5G National Technical Information Service Cost: $27.00 Order No.: PB93-202802 27 ------- Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water July 1993 TM, Factsheet, 3 pages Keywords; disinfection/disinfection by-products, emergency response This fact sheet outlines boiling and chemical treatment as emergency methods to disinfect water. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.; 810/F-93-Q02 EPA's Ground Water and Drinking Water Program* Making a Difference U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water October 1992 TRM, Annual Report, 40 pages Keywords: annual report, EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking water This is the first annual report highlighting the successes of EPA's newly formed Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water and its counterparts in the EPA regional offices. The report chronicles a year of change and progress and describes plans for meeting the many important challenges facing the program. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Price: $0.0 Order No.: 810/R-92-001 '8 ------- Evaluation of Demonstration Technologies: Quail Creek Water Supply System U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water February 19 93 TRM, Report, 40 pages Keywords: small water systems, treatment techniques/technologies In order to facilitate the development and use of simple, inexpensive drinking water treatment technologies for use by small water systems (<3,300 persons), the U.S. EPA established the Small System Technology and Training Support Initiative. Demonstration sites for the water treatment equipment are based upon specific contaminant problems and geographic location. This document discusses the ongoing demonstration of central and household treatment units at the Quail Creek system near Spicewood, Texas. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $4.00 Order No.: 4 0 6G Fact Sheet: 199 5 SRF Needs Survey for Drinking Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water September 1394 TRM, Factsheet, 2 pages Keywords: public water systems, state programs/regulations, surveys This summarizes the EPA's plan to launch its first nationwide survey of drinking water systems' infrastructure investment needs. EPA wants to know how much money drinking water systems nationwide will have to invest in order to comply with current and future federal regulations, replace aging infrastructure, and consolidate with or acquire neighboring systems. The results will be made public in a report to Congress slated for release in February 1996. Survey results will be used to allocate State Revolving Fund monies to the states. The states will lend the funds to drinking water systems that are making improvements to thei r infrast ructure. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: Order by Title 29 ------- Fact Sheet on State Reporting Guidance for Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water August 1994 TM, Factsheet, 2 pages Keywords: monitoring, reporting, state programs/regulations, unregulated contaminants This summarizes the State Reporting Guidance for Unregulated Contaminant. Monitoring, a guidance document intended for use by states and regions in reporting unregulated contaminant data to SPA Headquarters. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.; Order by Title Federal Agency Ground Water Technical Assistance Directory U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water TRM, Directory, 176 pages Keywords: ground water, technical assistance This directory identifies sources of federal hydrogeologic assistance available to state agencies in developing their Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Programs. This assistance may help states characterize their ground water resources, identify impacts on the resource and obtain data useful in prioritizing ground water resource demands. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost; $0.0 Order No.; 813/B-93-003 30 ------- Federal Register Citations for the Safe Drinking Water Act: A Compilation of References U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water TRM, Bibliography, 3 6 pages Keywords; bibliography, publications. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)/SDWA Amendments This lists the dates and titles of the most important. Federa 1 Register notices dealing with drinking water. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 810/B-94-004 Final National Guidance for Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water January 1993 TRM, Guidance Manuals Keywords: data management, ground water, state programs/regulations, water quality protection, This national guidance includes the fo]lowing four documents: 1. Definitions for the Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality (also listed separately in this directory) 2. Final Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Program Guidance 3. Policy Order 7500.1A <1 . Memo on Final National Guidance for Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Programs The guidance assists states in their efforts to comprehensively protect the nation's ground water resources, and provides a framework for a strong state-federal alliance. Its comprehensive approach is intended to empower states with the primary role in coordinating all ground water related programs and therefore, will require changes in a number of key Federal programs. Availability; Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $30.50 Order No.: G-34'7 33 ------- Fluoride in Drinking Water (Fact Sheet) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water TM, Fact Sheet, 1 page Keywords: f luoricie This sheet outlines the drinking water standards for fluoride and discusses the findings and conclusions of studies examining the effect of fluoride in drinking water. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 822/P-93-010 Framework for Decision Making: An EPA Perspective Regli, S.; Cromwell, J.; Zhang, X.; Gelderloos, A.; Grubbs, W. ; Letkiewicz, F.; Macler, B. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office oL Dr/inking Water August 1992 TRM, Report, 78 pages Keywords: disinfection/disinfection by-products, drinking water regulations, maximum contaminant levels/maximum contaminant level goals The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing national regulations to control for disinfectants and disinfection by-products (D/DBPs) in public drinking water supplies. A fundamental goal in setting any new regulation is to be able to conclude with confidence that the resultant changes in treatment would lead to a significant overall decrease in risk to public health. This paper describes the analysis that the EPA is undertaking in pursuit of meeting this goal. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $8.25 Order No.: 198D National Technical Information Service Cost: $19.00 Order No.: PB93-134 3 69 ------- Ground Water Resource Assessment U.S. EnvironmentaI Protec t ion Agency Office of Waher October 1993 TM, Manual, 242 pages Keywords: assessments, ground water This document Is intended to provide guidance to state resource managers who are conducting a ground water resource assessment. For the purposes of this document, EPA defines a resource assessment as the collection, analysis, and presentation of existing and new data on a) geology and hydrogeology, b) ground water vulnerability, c} current and potential land use, d} current and potential aquifer use,- a resource assessment also uses these data in making ground water protection decisions . Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 813/R-93-003 Guidance on Enforcement of the Requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water June 1992 TM, Guidance Manual, 24 pages Keywords: enforcement, Surface Water Treatment Rule The Surface Water Treatment Rule will reduce public exposure to waterborne microbiological contaminants by requiring filtration of certain systems by June 29, 1993. Consequently, because of the public health risk and the impending deadline, enforcement of the rule is given a very high priority. This memo provides guidance on the rule as applied to unfiltered systems remaining unfiltered and unfiltered systems which must filter. The guidance encourages (1) State and federal enforcement; (2) bringing judicial enforcement actions before June 29, 1993; (3) combining actions against small systems,- (4) prioritizing judicial actions on size, risk, and resources; and (5) addressing small systems with judicial, rather than administrative, proceedings. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $17 . !;> 0 Order No.: PB93-186633 ------- Guide for Conducting Contaminant Source Inventories for Public Drinking Water Supplies U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water December 1991 TM, Guidance Manual, 116 pages Keywords: contaminants, public water systems, water quality, water quality protection, wellhead protection This technical assistance document assists state and local water managers in developing and refining methods and procedures for inventorying existing and potential sources of contamination within wellhead protection areas. This document discusses the design, structure, and function of contaminant source inventories. There are detailed discussions of contaminant sources of concern and methodologies for identifying these sources. There are also suggestions on how to manage the information collected on these sources and how to use this information to protect public drinking water supplies. This document also contains case studies of contaminant source inventories, which are excellent examples of wellhead protection in action. Availability; Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $12.00 Order No.; 651G A Guide for Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Analysis of State and Local Ground Water Protection Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water April 1993 TliM, Manual, 118 pages Keywords: analysis/analytical methods, ground water, technical assistance This guide familiarizes state and local ground water program managers with the tools of economic analysis. It shows how these tools can be used to evaluate ground water programs through cost- effectiveness or cost-benefit analyses. Case studies show the practical application of cost analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and cost-benefit analysis. A bibliography is included. Availabilitys Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No, - 813/R-93 -001 ------- Guide to Ground Water Supply Contingency Planning for Local and State Governments Simon, R.A. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA Ground Water Protection Division May 1990 TM, Guidance Manual, 14 8 pages Keywords: emergency planning, ground water, public water systems, state programs/regulations This document is intended to assist states and communities in designing and implementing plans for the replacement and maintenance of public drinking water supplies that come from ground water sources, particularly in the event of supply and service interruptions caused by chemical or biological contamination or physical disruptions. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $16.00 Order No.; 647G National Technical Information Service Cost: $26.00 Order No.: PB91-145755 Helping Small Systems Comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act: The Role of Restructuring Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency September 1992 TRM, Brochure, 8 pages Keywords: compliance, restructuring, Safe Drinking Water Act, small water systems This brochure answers some of the most commonly asked questions about restructuring and provides sources of additional information. It is often distributed with the Restructuring Manual, also included in this directory. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $ 0.00 Order No.: 812/K-92-001 35 ------- Indian Primacy Procedures Handbook for the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program and the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water March 1993 TM, Manua1, 19 6 p . Keywords: Indian tribes, management and administration, primacy, Public Water System Supervision Program, underground injection control This handbook defines primacy, the responsibilities of primacy, primacy's advantages and limitations, and how to seek primacy. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $20.00 Order No.: 635G National Technical Information Service Cost; $27.00 Order No.: PB93-185585 Information Collection Rule Fact Sheet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water TM, Fact Sheet, 2 pages Keywords: ground water disinfection/Ground Water Disinfection Rule This fact sheet gives a brief synopsis of the requirements of the proposed Information Collection Rule, including microbial monitoring, disinfection byproduct monitoring, and bench-and pilot-scale testing. Availability; Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 814/F-94-001 36 ------- Innovative Options for Financing Nongovernmental Public Water Supplies' Needs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water September 1993 TM, Report, 2 9 pages Keywords: community water systems, financial characteristics/financing, public water systems This document describes a range of alternative funding mechanisms available to assist small, non-public drinking water systems in financing infrastructure improvements needed to stay in compliance with state and federal regulations. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $ 17.50 Order No.: PB94-1Q9600 Institutional Solutions to Drinking Water Problems: Maine Case Studies U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water March 19 93 TM, Case Studies, 26 p. Keywords: drinking water regulations, financial characteristics/financing, non-public water systems, public water systems, restructuring, wells This paper recounts how four Maine communities sought and found institutional solutions to drinking water problems. Each^ scenario describes the system, outlines the problems, reviews the chronology of events, points out the lessons learned and gives the system's current status. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $2.75 Order No.: 631G National Technical Information Service Cost: $17.50 Order No.: PB93-180834 37 ------- Is Your Drinking Water Safe? Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 1994 TRM, Booklet, 19 pages. Keywords: contaminants, drinking water regulations, health/health effects, maximum contaminant levels/maximum contaminant level goals This pamphlet updates previous booklets of the same title. It discusses the Safe Drinking Water Program, the national approach arid the states' role. It also discusses the requirements for public notification and the primary and secondary drink:irig water standards. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 810/F-94-002 Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving <100 Persons Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 1992 TM, Guidance Manual, 4 0 pages Keywords: copper, drinking water regulations, lead, Lead/Copper Rule, monitoring, small water systems The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promulgated National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for lead and copper on June 7, 1991. This manual provides guidance for lead and copper monitoring for water systems serving <100 people. It outlines how to conduct a materials evaluation to identify lead and copper sampling sites, how and when to collect lead and copper tap water samples, how and when to collect water quality parameter samples, and how and when to collect lead and copper source water samples. It also gives schedules and sample forms and worksheets. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $4.00 Order No.: 4 0 0D National Technical Information Service Cost: $17.50 Order Wo.: PH93-Ib9002 ------- Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 101 to 500 Persons Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 1392 TM, Guidance Manual, 40 pages Keywords: copper, drinking water regulations, lead, Lead/Copper Rule, monitoring, small water systems The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promulgated National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for lead and copper on June 7, 1991. This manual gives lead and copper monitoring guidance for water systems serving 101 to 500 persons. It tells how to conduct a materials evaluation to identify lead and copper sampling sites, how and when to collect lead and copper tap water samples, how and when to collect water quality parameter samples, and how and when to collect lead and copper source water samples. It also gives schedules and sample forms and worksheets. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Costi $4.00 Order No.: 4 0ID Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 501 to 3,300 Persons Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 19 92 TM, Guidance Manual, 40 pages Keywords: copper, drinking water regulations, lead, Lead/Copper Rule, monitoring, small water systems The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promulgated National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for lead and copper on June ?, 1991. This manual gives guidance to water systems serving 501 to 3,300 persons on monitoring levels of lead and copper. It tells how to conduct a materials evaluation to identify lead an copper sampling sites, discusses how and when to collect lead and copper tap water samples, how and when to collect water quality parameter samples, and how and when to collect lead and copper source water samples. It also gives schedules and sample forms and worksheets. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost; $4.00 Order No.; 4 02B 39 ------- Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 3,301 to 10,000 Persons Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 1992 TM, Guidance Manual, 40 pages Keywords: copper, drinking water regulations, lead, Lead/Copper Rule, medium water systems, monitoring The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promulgated National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for lead and copper on June 7, 1991. This manual gives monitoring guidance for water systems serving 3,301 to 10,000 persons. It outlines how to conduct a materials evaluation to identify lead and copper sampling sites, how and when to collect lead and copper tap water samples, how and when to collect water quality parameter samples, and how and when to collect lead and copper source water samples. It also offers schedules and sample work forms. Availability; Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $4.00 Order No: 4 03D National Technical Information Service Cost: $17.50 Order No.: PB93-17454B Lead and Copper Rule: Definitions and Federal Reporting for Milestones, Violations and SNCs Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 1992 TM, Guidance Manual, 76 pages Keywords: compliance, copper, drinking water regulations, lead, Lead/Copper Rule, monitoring, violations This document contains the requirements for State reporting to EPA and the definitions for violations and significant noncompliers under the Lead and Copper Rule. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $ 7.50 Order No.: 405D National Technical Information Service Cofit: $19.SO Order No.; PB93-1SS131 40 ------- Lead and Copper Rule Guidance Manual. Volume lit Corrosion Control Treatment U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Office of Water September 1992 TM, Guidance Manual, 224 pages Keywords: copper, corrosivity/corrosion control, lead, plumbing/ plumbing code, treatment techniques/technologies This volume focuses on the evaluation of corrosion control treatment options and optimization of the full-scale treatment. The manual discusses the procedures that can be used by water systems to determine the appropriate corrosion control tx~eatment. It also discusses the available testing protocols for conducting the demonstration studies that many large systems will be required to perform prior to making their treatment recommendation to the State. For smaller systems, the manual contains a summary of case studies separated by the raw water quality to assist these systems in making their treatment recommendation to the State. The manual also provides a guidance to assist State regulatory agencies in reviewing data from corrosion control studies and in specifying optimal water quality parameters. An additional chapter provides guidance on the lead service line replacement. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $36.50 Order No.: PB93-101533 Lead in Drinking Water: An Annotated List of Publications U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water October 1993 TRM, Bibliography, 12 pages Keywords: bibliography, lead, publications EPA and other organizations dealing with water quality have published a number of documents targeted for a variety of audiences potentially affected by the Lead and Copper Rule. This list is a compilation of selected publications for these organizations. The list provides overview information on the scope, content and availability of publications focusing on the Rule. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 812/K-93-001 41 ------- Lead in Drinking Water: Guidance for Conducting a Community-Based Public Education Program on Lead in Drinking Water Cohen, J, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water July 1992 TM, Guidance Manual, 82 pages Keywordsj compliance, copper, drinking water regulations, education, lead, lead/copper rule This document provides information to water suppliers on how to conduct a community-based public education program on lead in drinking water to ensure compliance with EPA's final Lead and Copper Rule. Information includes the following: organizing a community task force, developing an action plan, preparing public education materials, developing a water-testing program, and implementing the program. Sample public education materials are included as exhibits. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $19.50 Order No.: PB93-101079 Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Non-Residential Buildings U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water April 1994 TM, Guidance Manual, 98 pages Keywords: lead, Lead Contamination Control Act, public water syslems, schools This manual demonstrates how drinking water in schools and non- residential buildings can be tested for lead and how contamination problems can be corrected. The manual is intended for use by officials responsible for the maintenance and/or safety of these facilities. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center cost: $0.0 Order No.: 812/B-94-002 ------- Lead in Your Drinking Water: Actions You Can Take to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Office of Water TM, Brochure, 4 pages Keywords: education, lead, public water systems This brochure outlines what consumers can do to reduce lead in their drinking water. It also gives information about water testing and about the health effects of lead. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Price: $0.0 Order No.: 810/F-93-001 Lead Leaching from Submersible Well Pumps U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water TRM, Fact Sheet, 12 pages Keywords: lead, pumps/pumping equipment safety, well water production, wells This fact sheet is concerned with drinking water submersible well pumps. Some submersible well pumps are made of stainless steel and plastic components but the majority are constructed with brass fittings contained in a cast brass housing. While the plastic and stainless pumps do not pose a problem with lead leaching, EPA is concerned for residents of homes and other buildings with submersible well pumps made with brass fittings, because the brass alloys used in such pumps contain lead. These pumps have the potential to leach high levels of lead into drinking water, especially if the water is soft and corrosive. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No. : 747/F-94-001 4 J ------- A Learning Guide for State/Local Drinking Water Agreements The National Environmental Health Association U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water ¦>1992 TM, Manual, 137 pages keywords: drinking water regulations, public water systems, Safe Drinking Water Act, small water systems, state programs/regulations The 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act mandated sweeping changes in the scope and costs of State Drinking Water Programs. Some states are maximizing available resources by relying on local governments to carry out some of their drinking water responsibilities. This guidebook was developed to provide states and local governments with practical advice and suggestions about formal agreements related to Safe Drinking Water Act responsibilities. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $15.00 Order No.: 473G Local Financing for Wellhead Protection U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA Ground Water Protection Division June 1992 TRM, Manual, 57 pages Keywords: financial characteristics/financing, ground water, state programs/regulations, wellhead protection The 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) established a new Wellhead Protection (WHP) Program to protect ground waters that supply well and well fields that contribute drinking water to public water supply systems. This document provides information to State and local managers of water quality and water supply about financing approaches to support wellhead protection initiatives. This information may help managers match funding options to protection activities during development and financial planning of their own WHP Program. This document discusses WHP initiatives, sources of funds, institutional options, and includes case studies of five WHP Programs. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $8.25 Order No.: 646G 44 ------- Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water: Criteria and Procedures, Quality Assurance; Third Edition; Change 2 - September Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati, Ohio September 1992 TM, Guidance Manual, 40 pages Keywords: Analysis/Analytical Methods, Laboratory/Laboratory Certification, Water Quality This is the second change to the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water of October 1982. This is a collection of pages that supersede pages in the original manual. Availability; Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.00 Order No.: EPA 814/B-92-002 Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality - Brochure U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water 1993 TRM, Brochure, 11 pages Keywords: data management, ground water, water quality protection This brochure discusses the establishment of the minimum set of data elements for ground water quality (MSDE). The MSDE is the minimum number of elements necessary to use ground water quality data across related programs. It is a set of 21 ground water quality-related data elements that contain geographic, well and sample descriptors. These data elements form a standard data set that EPA and states can use to support better environmental decision-making and promote the integration of related environmental programs. This brochure lists and defines the elements that comprise the MSDE. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 813/B-93-001 45 ------- Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules: Water Systems Serving 10,001 to 50,000 Persons Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- March 1992 TM, Guidance Manual, 68 pages Keywords: copper, drinking water regulations, lead, Lead/Copper Rule, medium water systems, monitoring The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promulgated National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for lead and copper on June 7, 1991. Three monitoring protocols are included in the final rule: (1) tap water monitoring for lead and copper; (2) water quality parameter monitoring; and (3} source water monitoring for lead and copper. This guidance document outlines the monitoring practices and procedures required of water systems serving 10,001 to 50,000 persons. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $6.75 Order No.: 404D Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules: Water Systems Serving 50,001 to 100,000 Persons Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency December 1991 TM, Guidance Manual, 68 pages Keywords: copper, drinking water regulations, large water systems, lead, Lead/Copper Rule, monitoring The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promulgated National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for lead and copper on June 7, 1991. This manual outlines how to conduct a materials evaluation to identify lead and copper sampling sites, how and when to collect lead and copper tap water samples, how and when to collect water quality parameter samples, and how and when to collect lead and copper source water samples. It also gives schedules and sample forms and worksheets. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $6.50 Order No.: 422D 46 ------- Monitoring Requirements for Lead and Copper Rules: Water Systems Serving >100,000 Persons Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency December 19 91 TM, Guidance Manual, 68 pages Keywords: copper, drinking water regulations, large water systems, lead, Lead/Copper Rule, monitoring The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promulgated National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for lead and copper on June 7, 1991. This manual outlines the lead and copper monitoring requirements for water systems serving >100,000 persons. It discusses how to conduct a materials evaluation to identify lead and copper sampling sites, how and when to collect lead and copper tap water samples, how and when to collect water quality parameter samples, and how and when to collect lead and copper source water samples. It also gives schedules and sample forms and worksheets. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $ 6.75 Order No.: 423D National Technical Information Service Cost: $19.50 Order No.: PB93-174563 National Primary Drinking Water Standards (Fact Sheet) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water February 1994 TM, Fact Sheet, 2 pages or 4 pages Keywords: drinking water regulations, health/health effects, maximum contaminant levels/maximum contaminant level goals, inorganic chemicals/contaminants This fact sheet lists the regulated drinking water contaminants, their MCLs, MCLGs, the potential health effects from ingestion of water, and sources of the contaminants in drinking water. This is available as a 2-page fact sheet or in larger type as a 4-page fact sheet. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 810/F-94-001 {2 pages) or 810/F-94-001A (4 pages) 47 ------- The National Public Water System Supervision Program; FY 1993 Compliance Report U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- March 19 94 TRM, Report, 77 pages Keywords: compliance, Public Water System Supervision Program EPA established the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program under the authority of the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Under the SDWA and the 1986 Amendments, EPA sets national limits on contaminant levels in drinking water to ensure that the water is safe for human consumption. The Agency regulates how often water systems monitor their water for contaminants and report the monitoring results to the States or EPA. In addition, EPA requires PWSs to monitor for unregulated contaminants to provide data on occurrences for future regulatory development and requires PWSs to notify the public when they have violated any of the regulations. EPA stores data about public water systems' inventory statistics, the incidence of violations, and the enforcement actions taken against violators in an automated database called the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS}. This compliance report is based largely on data retrieved from FRDS. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $ 9.2 5 Order No.: 7Q4G Occurrence Assessment for Disinfectants and Disinfection By- products (Phase 6a) in Public Drinking Water Wade Miller Associates, Inc. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water August 1992 TRM, Report, 60 pages Keywords: assessments, disinfection/disinfection by-pzxjducts, maximum contaminant levels/maximum contaminant level goals, public water systems The EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water is currently developing national primary drinking water regulations for disinfectant and disinfection by-product contaminants. Thirteen contaminants are being considered for regulation under Phase 6. These contaminants, referred to as Phase 6a, are. the subjects of this report. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $6.00 Order No.: 192D 48 ------- Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water September 1993 TRM, Factsheet, 4 pages Keywords: drinking water regulations This fact sheet outlines the EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water's mission and programs. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 800/F-93-005 Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Publications U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water January 1994 TRM, Bibliography, 64 pages. Keywords: bibliography, drinking water regulations, ground wafer publications. This catalog lists the EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water publications. It also includes directions for ordering the publications. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $ 0.0 Order No.: 800/B-94-001 49 ------- An Overview of Existing State Alternative Financing Programs: Financing Drinking Water System Capital Needs in the 1990s U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water May 1992 TRM, Report, 92 pages Keywords? financial characteristics/financing, public water systems, state programs/regulations This report provides an overview of alternative financing programs in twelve states. These programs were designed to provide financial assistance to local entities for the construction, enhancement, and rehabilitation of drinking water- treatment facilities as well as other state infrastructure needs. Each state outline includes information on the development of the program, their specific objective, criteria for funding projects, and a description on how each program has been implemented. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0,00 Order No.: 812-R-92-001 Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases II and V U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water July 1991 TM, Guidance Manual, 114 Pages Keywords: asbestos, community water systems, inorganic chemicals/contaminants, monitoring, nitrate/nitrite, operation & maintenance, public water systems, sampling, small water systems, volatile organic chemicals/compounds, synthetic organic chemicals/compounds This guide is intended to help operators of small water systems understand and comply with the monitoring requirements of the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act. The guide covers the monitoring and sampling requirements for the new regulations promulgated under the Phase 11 Rule (for 38 volatile organic chemicals, pesticides, and inorganic chemicals) and Phase V Rule (for 23 additional contaminants). Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 81 A /B-9<1 - 001 50 ------- Possible Monitoring Requirements for the Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products (D/DBP) Regulations U.S. Environmental Protection Agency January 1993 TRM, Report, 22 pages Keywords: disinfection/disinfection by-products, monitoring, small water systems, trihalomethanes The U.S. EPA is engaged in a negotiated rulemaking proceeding on the D/DEP rule. This document provides a model set of monitoring requirements upon which the negotiations may build- The model is based upon a combination of the trihalomethane monitoring requirements and the 1991 Standardized Monitoring Framework. In particular, the suggestions in this document address smaller systems and systems less vulnerable to DBP exposure. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $17.50 Order No.: PB93-157576 Private Wells - Guidance for What to Do After the Flood U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water 1993 TRM, Factsheet, 4 pages Keywords: disinfection/disinfection by-products, emergency response, wells This is a fact sheet describing how to disinfect and test well water after a flood. Availability: Office of Cost: $ 0 Order No. Water Resource Center .0 : Use title 51 ------- Public Notification for Public Water Systems: Operator Manual (DRAFT) and Public Notification Requirements Chart (DRAFT) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Office of Water September 1993 TM, Manual, 70 pages plus 1 page chart Keywords: community water systems, non-community water system, public education/notification, operation & maintenance, public water systems, This handbook and the accompanying wall chart listing public notification requirements is for owners, operators and managers of community and non-community public water systems. It was developed to help owners/operators/managers understand the federal requirements of the public notification regulations, and to comply with these regulations when a drinking water-related problem occurs. The regulations described in the handbook and charts are the federal regulations mandated under the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986, Availability: Oft ice of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No,: 812/P-93-001 and 812/P-93 -002 (Chart) Public Water Supply Supervision Program - Priority Guidance U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water June. 19 92 TRM, Guidance Manual ±d pages Keywords: Public Water Supply Supervision Program, state programs/rcgulations This priority setting guidance attempts to focus EPA and state resources on the highest priorities first and allow states time to build resources in order to fully implement the Public Water Supply Supervision (PWSS) Program. This guidance presents three categories of activities: 1) base minimum state functions, implementation of which EPA considers critical to a state's ability to maintain primacy; 2) highest priorities of the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water and its regional counterparts in administering the PWSS Program? 3) EPA and state oversight priorities by rule. Availabilityi Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 812/X-92-001 52 ------- Report to the U.S. Congress on Radionuclides in Drinking Water: Multimedia Risk and Cost Assessment of Radon in Drinking Water (Draft) July 1993 TRM, Report, 146 pages Keywords: assessments radionuclides EPA prepared this report in response to the Congressional mandate in Public Law 102-389. This mandate directs the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to report to Congress on EPA's findings regarding the risks of human exposure to radon, the costs for controlling or mitigating that exposure, and the risks posed by treating water to remove radon. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $27.00 Order No.: PB93-209427 Report to the United States Congress on Radon in Drinking Water: Multimedia Risk and Cost Assessment of Radon (Final) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water March 19 94 TRM, Report, 256 pages Keywords: assessments, costs/cost estimating, radionuclides In 1992, Congress directed EPA to report on the risks from exposure to radon, the costs to control this exposure and the risks from treating to remove radon. This report presents the findings in response to that Congressional directive. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 811/R-94-001 S3 ------- Restructuring Manual Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency December 1331 'I'M, Manual, 55 pages Keywords: restructuring, Safe Drinking Water Acl:, small water systems This manual discusses different types of restructuring options and some of the most commonly encountered problems that can slow or stop a restructuring effort. Availability: Water Resource Center Cost: $ 0.00 Order No.: 570/9-91-035 A Review of Methods for Assessing Aquifer Sensitivity and Ground Water Vulnerability to Pesticide Contamination U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water September 1993 TM, Guidance Manual, 204 pages Keywords: aquifers, assessments, ground water, pesticides This is intended to help state hydrogeologist and resource managers choose from among the many methods that have been devised for assessing the susceptibility of ground water to pesticide contamination. It describes the general categories of assessment methods, gives examples of each, and discusses their characteristics and limitations, including their suitability for different purposes and different hydrogeologic zones. Availability; Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 813/R-93 - 002 54 ------- The Safe Drinking Water Act: A Pocket Guide to the Requirements for the Operators of Small Water Systems U.S. Environmental Protection Agency June 19 93 TM, Guidance Manual, 88 pages Keywords: monitoring, operation and maintenance, reporting, sampling, small water systems This guide is designed specifically for the owners and operators of small water systems. Its purpose is to make the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act and the Drinking Water Regulations clearer and more understandable. The guide describes the Act and its requirements, the types of drinking water standards, contaminant groups, sampling frequencies, sampling procedures, reporting requirements, record keeping requirements, and public notification requirements. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 810/K-93-001 Safe Drinking Water Act Reauthorization Overview U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water February 1994 TRM, Booklet, 30 page Keywords: drinking water regulations, legislation, Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)/SDWA Amendments This booklet presents main drinking water issues addressed by the Environmental Protection Agency in the package submitted to the U.S. Congress. It outlines the ten recommendations presented to the Congress in September 1993 for Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) reauthorization. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 810/S-94-001 55 ------- Safe Drinking Water Act Source Book U.S. Environmental Protection Agency- Office of Water July 1994 TRM, Book, Keywords: drinking water regulations, legislation, Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)/SDWA Amendments This compilation of material offers important background information on a number of issues that are central to the Safe Drinking Water Act Reauthorization. It provides State-by-State analysis of the EPA Administrator's proposed state revolving funds. It also gives details about the many challenges facing communities in providing healthy drinking water. The book includes a side-by-side comparison of drinking water legislation pending in the House of Representatives. Availability! Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: Order by Title Safe Drinking Water Hotline Factsheet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water February 1993 TRM, Factsheet, "1 page Keywords: drinking water regulations, technical assistance This sheet describes the purpose and function of the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 812/F-93-001 56 ------- Sampling for Lead in Drinking Water in Nursery Schools and Day Care Facilities U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water April 1994 TM, Guidance Manual, 21 pages Keywords: lead, Lead Contamination Control Act, sampling, schools, testing This booklet outlines the recommended steps to be taken by nursery schools and other day care facilities to evaluate the lead contamination problems at these facilities. It provides simple, step-by-step instructions for sampling drinking water for lead and for selecting remedies when contamination problems are found. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 812/B-94-003 Secondary Drinking Water Regulations: Guidance for Nuisance Chemicals U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water July 1992 TM, Brochure, 1 page Keywords: drinking water regulations, secondary maximum contaminant levels This brochure outlines the problems caused by secondary contaminants and how these problems can be corrected. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center COSt: $0.0 Order No.: 810/K-92-001 57 ------- Simulation of Compliance Choices for the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Gelderloos, A,; Harrington, G.; Owen, D.; Regli, S.; Schaefer, K.; Cromwell III, J,,- Zhang, x. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water 1992 TRM, Report, 32 pages Keywords: analysis/analytical methods, compliance, disinfection/disinfection by-products, drinking water regulations The U.S. EPA is 111 the process of developing regulations designed to limit the concentrations of disinfectants and their by- products in drinking water systems. The objective of regulatory analysis is to determine the potential impacts of implementing different regulatory options. This paper describes one aspect of this analysis, Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $3.?.b Order No.: 194D Simulation of Microbial Occurrence, Exposure and Health Risks After Drinking- Water Treatment Processes Grubbs, W.; Macler, B.; Regli, S. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water August 1992 TRM, Report, 98 pages Keywords: assessments, disinfection/disinfection by-products, health/health effects, microbiological contaminants, models, water treatment For the development of the Disinfectant/Disinfection By - Product rule, EPA wishes to compare human health risks from microbial infection with those from chemical disinfectants and their by- products . EPA is using computer models that simulate occurrence levels of pathogenic organisms in raw water and then simulate disinfection and production of disinfection by-products. This paper presents the methodology used for these simulations and estimations and discusses the assumptions and uncertainties inherent to this modeling process. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $10.00 Order No.: 203D 5H ------- Simulation of Raw Water and Treatment Parameters in Support of the Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Impact Analysis Letkiewicz, F.; Grubbs, W.; Lustik, M.; Cromwell, J.; Mosher, J.; Zhang, X.; Regli, S. U.S. Environmental Agency Office of Water June 1992 TR1VI, Report, 48 pages Keywords: analysis/analytical methods, assessments, disinfection/disinfection by-products, drinking water regulations, health/health effects, models, treatment techniques/technologies The U.S. EPA has undertaken an effort to model how the water supply industry may respond to possible rules and how those responses may affect human health risk. This model is referred to as DBPRAM - the Disinfection By-Product Regulatory Analysis Model. This paper is concerned primarily with presenting and discussing the methods, underlying data, assumptions, limitations, and results for the first part of the DBPRAM. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $4.75 Order Wo.: 193D Small Systems Technology Initiative: Evaluation of Demonstration Techniques; Freestone, California Water System U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water June 1994 TRM, Report, 76 pages Keywords: public water systems, small water systems, treatment techniques/technologies, water quality The U.S. EPA recognizes the technical and financial challenges confronting small water systems and has sought to address these problems through its Small Water System Technology Initiative. The Initiative sought to promote water treatment packaged systems through the evaluation of a series of one-year technology demonstration studies involving central and household treatment units at various sites around the country. Only small water systems serving fewer than 500 persons were considered as possible demonstration sites. This report provides a review of the technology demonstration project conducted in Freestone, California.. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 812/R-94-002 59 ------- Status of DBP Regulatory Negotiation U.S. Environmenta1 Protection Agency Office of Water August 1993 TRM, FactshecL, 2 pages Keywords; disinfection/disinfection by-products, drinking water regulations This fact sheet gives the status of three new rules and their tentative implementation schedule, Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0,0 Order No.: 811/F-93-001 Status Report on Analytical Methods to Support the Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water August 1992. TRM, Report, "16 pages Keywords: analysis/analytical methods, compliance, disinfection/disdnfection by-products, drinking water regulations, monitoring The U.S. EPA is developing national regulations to control disinfectants and disinfection by-products in public drinking water supplies. Twelve disinfectants and disinfection by-products have been identified for possible regulation under this rule. This document summarizes the analytical methods that EPA intends to propose as compliance monitoring methods. A discussion of surrogate measurements that are being considered for inclusion in the regulation is also provided. Availability: educational Resources Information Center Cost: $1.75 Order So.: 20ID National Technical Information Service Cost: $17.00 Order No.: PB93-134898 SO ------- Status Report on Development of Regulations for Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water June 1991 TRM, Report, 46 pages Keywords: disinfection/disinfection by-products, drinking water regulations, This document indicates the status of regulation development for the disinfectants and disinfection by-products and solicits feedback from the public. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $5.00 Order No.:200D National Technical Information Service Cost: $17.00 Order No.: PB93-134914 Status Report on the Development of Draft MCLGs for Disinfectants and By-Products U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water October 1992 TRM, Report, 82 pages Keywords: disinfection/disinfection by-products, health/health effects, maximum contaminant levels/maximum contaminant level goals Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGs) are set at concentration levels at which no known or anticipated adverse health effects occur, allowing for an adequate margin of safety. Establishment of an MCLG for each specific contaminant depends on the evidence of carcinogenicity from drinking water exposure or the Agency's oral reference dose based on noncarcinogenic data. This report discusses the status of the development of draft MCLGs for disinfectants and disinfection by-products. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $8.25 Order No.: 19 9D National Technical Information Service Cost: $19.00 Order No.: PB93-134906 61 ------- Surface Water Treatment Rule: Implementation Manual (Including Appendix D) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water TRM, Guidance Manual, 130 pages March 1990 Keywords: reporting, state programs/regulations, Surface Water Treatment Rule This document provides guidance to EPA regions and States on violation determination, FRDS reporting, and State Primacy Revision Applications for the Surface Water Treatment rule. The body of the document contains a timeline with important dates, violation and reporting rules, and State Special Primacy Requirements. The Appendices include information required for Primacy Revision Applications, wellhead protection, .implementation, and FRDS data entry. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $27.00 Order No. PB93-186641 Technical and Economic Capacity of States and Public Water Systems to Implement Drinking Water Regulations: Report to Congress U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water September 1993 TRM, Report, 178 pages Keywords; drinking water regulations, implementation, public water systems, Safe Drinking Water Act The first two sections of this report provide background on the status of drinking water regulations, including the EPA* s contaminant selection and regulatory processes, health effects, health benefits, and costs of current regulation. Timetables for implementation are also included. The remaining five sections focus on the capabilities of systems and states to implement drinking water regulations, including monitoring, installation and operation of treatment systems, reporting, enforcement, and data management. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost; $ 0.0 Order No.: 810/R-93-001 62 ------- Technologies and Costs for Control of Disinfection By-Products (DRAFT) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. December 1992 TRM, Report, 483 pages. Keywords: costs/cost estimating, disinfection/disinfection by- products , drinking water regulations, models, treatment techniques/technologies This document characterizes the feasibility of treatment for disinfection by-product (DBP) control and estimates the costs for treatment alternatives. Treatment criteria were developed through the use of a water treatment plant simulation model for parameters critical to disinfection and disinfection by-product control. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $52.00 Order No.: PB93-162998 Technologies and Costs for Control of Disinfection By-Products Addendum 1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water June 1994 TM, Report, 14 pages. Keywords: costs/cost estimating, disinfection/disinfection by- products , treatment techniques/technologies The purpose of this addendum is to identify design criteria and costs of technologies employed in the treatment of disinfection by-products (DBP) in drinking water. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $ 17.50 Order No.: PB94-184827 63 ------- Technologies and Costs for Control of Disinfection By-Products: Executive Summary U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water November 1992 TRM, Report, 38 pages Keywords: costs/cost estimating, disinfection/disinfection by- products, drinking water regulations, models, treatment techniques/technologies This document characterizes the feasibility of treatment for disinfection by-product (DBP) control and estimates the costs for treatment alternatives that can then be used by utilities to meet national regulations. Treatment criteria were developed through the use of a Water Treatment Plant simulation model for parameters critical to disinfection and DBP control. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $2.00 Order No.: 204D National Technical Information Service Cost: $17.00 Order No.: PB93-134922 Total Coliform Rule: Implementation Manual (Including Appendix D) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water March 1990 TRM, Guidance Manual, 196 pages Keywords: Coliform Rule, reporting, state programs/regulations This document provides guidance to EPA regions and States on violation determination, FRDS reporting, and State Primacy Revision Applications. The body of the document contains deadlines for submission of Primacy Revision applications, violation and reporting rules, and State Special Primacy Requirements. The Appendices include information required for Primacy Revision Applications, wellhead protection, implementation, and FRDS data entry. Availability: National Technical Information Service Cost: $19.50 Order No.: PB93-186658 64 ------- Use of Microbial Risk Assessment in Setting U S Drinking Water Standards Macler, B.; Regli, S. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water October 1992 TRM, Report, 20 pages Keywords: assessments, disinfection/disinfection by-products, drinking water regulations, ground water disinfection/Ground Water Disinfection Rule, microbiological contaminants, Surface Water Treatment Rule This paper outlines the U.S. EPA's general strategy for using microbial risk assessment to support the development of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. It discusses specifically the use of such risk assessment in the development of upcoming regulations for disinfection of groundwater and for control of disinfectants and their chemical by-products, and possible amendments to the current Surface Water Treatment Rule. Availability: Educational Resources Information Center Cost: $1.75 Order No.: 195D National Technical Information Service Cost: $17.00 Order No.: PB93-134930 Volunteer Monitoring U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water September 1993 TRM, Brochure, 6 pages Keywords: monitoring, water quality Volunteer water monitoring is defined in this brochure. Groups across the U.S. who do volunteer water monitoring are also described. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: 800/F-93-008 65 ------- Water Treatment Plant Model for MS Windows 3.1, Version. 1.55 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water 1994 TRM, computer disk Keywords: disinfection/disinfection by-products, models, treatment techniques/technologies The Water Treatment Plant Simulation Model was developed in support of the Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Products Rule. The primary purpose of the program is to simulate the removal of natural organic matter, and the formation of disinfection by- products and disinfection levels in water treatment plants and distribution systems, based upon specified inputs. These inputs include raw water quality, treatment process characteristics ana chemical dosages. See the following entry for information about program installation. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center- Cost : $0.0 Order No.; Order by Title Water Treatment Plant Model for MS Windows 3 1 Version 1.55 - Installation Instructions U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water 1994 TRM, Manual, 10 pages Keywords:! disinfection/disinfection by-products, models, treatment techniques/technologies The user manual for version 1.55 is in preparation. This 10-page document contains information about how to install and use the Water Treatment Plant model. Availability: Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No. -. Order by Title ------- WATERS: Well Activities Tracking, Evaluation and Reporting System, Version 2.0 User Guide WATERS Program Diskette GIS Data Diskettes for 10 EPA Regions U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water October 1993 TM, computer tracking system, manual 162 pages, 11 diskettes. Keywords: data management, underground injection control, wells The Well Activities Tracking, Evaluation, and Reporting System (WATERS) is a user-friendly PC-based system designed by EPA7 s Underground Injection Control Branch. EPA developed WATERS to assist States and Regional Offices in operating and managing their underground injection control programs. The basic WATERS installation package contains: 1) one WATERS program diskette, 2) one geographic information system data diskette (there is one diskette for each of 10 EPA regions), and 3) the User Guide. If you wish to use the optional WATERS Mapping System, you must also obtain a Maplnfo runtime module. The runtime module includes several diskettes, installation instructions, and user documentation. Runtime modules may be purchased through any authorized developer. Availability; Office of Water Resource Center Cost: $0.0 Order No.: See listing below WATERS program diskette 813/C-93-001 WATERS User Guide 813/B-93-002 GIS Data Diskettes (1 per requestor) - EPA Region States Included Order No I CT,ME,MA,NH,RI,VT 813/C-93-002 II NJ,NY,PR,VI 813/C-93-003 III DE,DC,MD,PA,VA,WV 813/C-93-004 IV AL,FL,GA,KY,MS,NC,SC,TN 813/C-93-005 V IL,IN,MI,MN,OH,WI 813/C-93-006 VI AR,LA,NM,OK,TX 813/C-93-007 VII IA,KS,MO,NE 813/C-93-0 08 VIII CO,MT,ND,SD,UT,WY 813/C-93-009 IX AZ,CA,HI,NV,AS,GU 813/C-93-010 X AK,ID,OR,WA 813/C-93-011 67 ------- |