Data supplement to EPA 840-B-21008 Development and Evaluation of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method (SDAM) for the Western Mountains (WM) May 2022 Report EPA 840-R-22002 ------- Development and Evaluation of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Western Mountains Data supplement Prepared by Raphael D. Mazor. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 In collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Streamflow Duration Assessment Method Project Delivery Team: Ken Fritz Office of Research and Development Cincinnati, OH 45268 Tracie-Lynn Nadeau Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds Portland, OR 97205 Brain Topping Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds Washington, DC 20004 Julie Kelso, ORISE Fellow Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds Washington, DC 20004 This document has been reviewed in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency policy and approved for publication. Any mention of trade names, manufacturers or products does not imply an endorsement by the United States Government or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA and its employees do not endorse any commercial products, services, or enterprises. Funding was provided under contract EP-C-17-001 for data management and analysis and EP-C-16-006 for data collection. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Suggested citation: Mazor, R.D., Fritz, K.M., Topping, B., Nadeau, T.-L., and Kelso, J. 2022. Development and Evaluation of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Western Mountains. Document No. EPA 840-R-22002. 2 ------- Introduction Streamflow duration assessment methods (SDAMs) are rapid, field-based methods to determine flow duration class at the reach scale. The conceptual framework and process steps presented by Fritz and others (2020) were followed to integrate the three key components of an SDAM development study (hydrological data, indicators, and study reaches) and develop a beta SDAM for the Western Mountains (WM; Mazoretal. 2021c). This supplemental document describes the data collection, data analysis, and evaluation steps that resulted in the beta SDAM WM. The SDAM Project Delivery Team is making this document available to inform public review and comment on the beta method. For a complete description of the beta SDAM WM protocol, please see the User Manual (Mazor et al. 2021c). For more information on the collaborative effort between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to develop regional SDAMs for nationwide coverage, please see here. Streamflow duration classes Streamflow duration governs important ecosystem functions (such as support for aquatic life, sediment transport, and biogeochemical processing rates) and streamflow duration classes are often used to guide watershed management decisions, including assessing the applicability of water quality standards. Our definitions of streamflow duration classes followed those used by Nadeau (2015): Ephemeral reaches flow only in direct response to precipitation. Water typically flows only during and/or shortly after large precipitation events, the streambed is always above the water table, and stormwater runoff is the primary water source. Intermittent reaches contain sustained flowing water for only part of the year, typically during the wet season, where the streambed may be below the water table or where the snowmelt from surrounding uplands provides sustained flow. The flow may vary greatly with stormwater runoff. Perennial reaches contain flowing water continuously during a year of normal rainfall, often with the streambed located below the water table for most of the year. Groundwater typically supplies the baseflow for perennial reaches, but the baseflow may also be supplemented by stormwater runoff or snowmelt. For these definitions, a reach is a section of stream or river along which similar hydrologic conditions exist (e.g., discharge, depth, velocity, or sediment transport dynamics) and consistent drivers of hydrology are evident (e.g., slope, substrate, geomorphology, or confinement). A channel is an area that is confined by banks and a bed and contains flowing water (continuously or not). 3 ------- Overview of the beta method for the Western Mountains The beta SDAM for the WM uses a small number of indicators to predict the streamflow duration class of stream reaches in the WM. Some indicators are measured through desktop analysis, while others are quantified during a single field visit. The beta SDAM WM results in one of four possible classifications: ephemeral, intermittent, perennial, and at least intermittent. The at least intermittent category occurs when an intermittent or perennial classification cannot be made with high confidence, but an ephemeral classification can be ruled out. The tool uses a machine learning model known as random forest. Random forest models are increasingly common in the environmental sciences because of their superior performance in handling complex relationships among indicators used to predict classifications. We previously used this approach to develop regional SDAMs for the Arid West (AW; Mazor et al. 2021a, 2021b) and Pacific Northwest (PNW; Nadeau et al. 2015, Nadeau 2015). Because the beta method for the WM includes continuous indicators, the random forest model was not able to be simplified into a decision tree or table, as was done with the beta SDAM AW (Mazor et al. 2021b) and SDAM PNW (Nadeau et al. 2015). Consequently, the random forest model for the beta SDAM WM requires specialized software to run, so we developed an online open-access, user-friendly web application to facilitate efficient and consistent use of the beta SDAM WM protocol for those that do not have access to specialized software. The degree of snow influence at an assessment reach was used to stratify the WM region (snow-influenced and non-snow influenced areas) because persistent snow can be an important water source affecting flow duration in streams. Snow influence is measured as the mean snow persistence within a 10-km radius of the assessment reach (Hammond et al. 2017). Snow persistence is the fraction of time that snow is present on the ground between January 1 and July 3; for the beta SDAM WM, snow persistence is calculated as the average of the years between 2000 and 2020. Assessment reaches where the mean snow persistence is greater than 25% are classified as snow-influenced, as this threshold differentiates areas where snow is minimal from areas where snow is intermittent, transitional, or persistent (Hammond et al. 2018). Although climate change and annual variation may change the degree of snow influence affecting a reach in any given year, the stratification for this beta method is based on a fixed 21-year time period that should be robust to short-term changes in climate. Snow- influenced areas are prevalent in the Rocky Mountains, as well as at higher elevations in Arizona and the Sierra Nevada of California. Non-snow influenced areas are prevalent in the coastal mountains and valleys of northern California, the Sierra Nevada Foothills, and the mountains of southern New Mexico, but they are also found throughout other regions of the WM (Figure 1). 4 ------- Snow persistence <25 (minimal snow) 25-50 (intermittent snow) - * 50-75 (transitional snow) >75 (persistent snow) Figure 1. Average snow persistence in the western United States. Data accessed from Hammond et al. (2017). Snow-influenced areas are defined as those with mean snow persistence greater than 25 (i.e., on average, snow is on the ground more than 25% of the time between January 1 and July 3). Portions of the west outside the WM region are presented with a gray overlay. Methods and Results Study area The WM encompasses nearly 1 million km2 in the western United States, covering portions of twelve western states. The region is defined by a combination of variables related to climatic, landcover, vegetation, and soil conditions; for purposes of the current study, portions of the WM region that overlap with the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho were excluded (Figure 2; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2010). The WM includes low-elevation temperate rainforests along the coast that rarely freeze, although much of the region is characterized by high-elevation snow-dominated mountain ranges, including the Sierra Nevada, Rocky Mountains, and Cascades. Typical vegetation is coniferous forests, although higher elevations are characterized by grassland and tundra. Total annual rainfall typically exceeds 20 inches. Ephemeral and intermittent reaches may be found at any position within a watershed but are more common in smaller headwaters, where flow accumulation is insufficient to sustain longer- duration flows. 5 ------- Although few large cities are found within the WM, several growing metropolitan areas are found in bordering portions of the AW and Great Plains, such as Denver, Reno, and Salt Lake City. Thus, the need for an SDAM in permitting and management programs is high in this region. Within the WM, at least two SDAMs are currently in use but are applicable to only specific geographic areas: the Pacific Northwest (PNW) method (Nadeau 2015), and the New Mexico (NM) method (New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) 2011). However, prior to the current study, the rest of the region lacked any tool to classify streamflow duration. Our effort focused on the portion of the WM outside the PNW (Figure 2). i-region California and Nevada Northern Rockies Central Rockies Southern Rockies Figure 2. Sub-regions of the WM. This method applies to WM region of the United States as defined in the National Wetland Plant list (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2010, Lichvar et al. 2016), excluding the WM region that overlaps with the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. For reaches near regional borders or for reaches in atypical (e.g., arid) conditions within the WM, consult the Western Mountains regional supplement (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2010) to determine whether this method is appropriate. Development of the Beta SDAM WM To develop this method, the steps described in Fritz et al. (2020) were followed, as detailed below. Preparation At the outset of the project, we assembled a regional steering committee (RSC) consisting of technical staff at Corps Districts and EPA Regional Offices in the WM region that manage programs where streamflow duration information is often needed (e.g., Clean Water Act programs, including permits and enforcement). RSC members were selected based on their expertise in both scientific and programmatic elements relevant to streamflow duration classification needs. The RSC served several functions in the development process, such as reviewing technical products, facilitating connections with local experts, and identifying resources such as sources of hydrologic data. Sut 6 ------- We identified candidate indicators that were supported by the scientific literature (reviewed in (Mazor and McCune 2021) or used in existing SDAMs developed for portions of the WM; specifically, the New Mexico SDAM (NM method; (NMED 2011), and the SDAM PNW (PNW method; (Nadeau 2015). Following input from the RSC, these candidate indicators were then screened using the criteria described by Fritz and others (2020), including: Consistency: Does the indicator consistently discriminate among flow duration classes (e.g., demonstrated in multiple studies)? Repeatability: Can different practitioners take similar measurements, given sufficient training and standardization? Defensibility: Does the indicator have a rational mechanistic relationship with flow duration, as either a response or a driver? Rapidness: Can the indicator be measured during a one-day reach-visit (even if subsequent lab analyses are required)? Objectivity: Does the indicator rely on objective (often quantitative) measures, as opposed to subjective judgments of practitioners? Robustness: Does human activity complicate indicator measurement or interpretation (e.g., poor water quality may affect the expression of some biological indicators)? Practicality: Can practitioners realistically sample the indicator with typical capacity, skills, and resources? Candidate indicators were included in the study (Table 1) if they met all of the above criteria or were included in the NM or PNW SDAMs to facilitate comparison across the methods (McCune and Mazor 2019). Identify candidate reaches We had two objectives in selecting candidate reaches for the WM region covered by this study: first, to include a sufficient number of reaches in each streamflow duration class to characterize variability in indicator measurements; and second, to select reaches representing the range of key natural and disturbance gradients within the region to aid applicability of the method in anticipated conditions across the WM region. To support our goal of geographic representativeness, we established four sub-regional strata in the WM (Figure 2): one stratum for California and Nevada (comprising both the cold Sierra Nevada mountains, and the warmer North Coast of California) and one each for the Southern, Central, and Northern Rocky Mountains. We aimed to select 150 publicly accessible stream-reaches (one assessed location per reach) with equal representation of perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral flow duration classes among and within the four WM sub-regions. 7 ------- Table 1. Candidate indicators evaluated in the present study. Indicators with "NM" in the Origin column were measured following the NM method protocol (NMED 2011) and indicators marked with "PNW" were measured following the PNW protocol (Nadeau 2015); other indicators (OTH) were measured with protocols developed for this study (available here) and come from sources reviewed in a study by Mazor and McCune (2021) or recommendations from the BSC. Asterisks (*) indicate hydrologic indicators that are considered direct measures of water presence. Candidate indicator Geomorphic indicators Sinuosity Bankfull width Floodplain channel dimensions Particle size/stream substrate sorting In-channel structure/riffle pool sequence Sediment deposition on plants and debris Hydrologic indicators Surface and subsurface flow* Isolated pools* Water in channel* Seeps and springs* Hydric soils Soil moisture and texture* Woody jams Biological indicators Live and dead algal cover Filamentous algal abundance Stream shading Description Origin Visual estimate of the curviness of the stream NM channel Width of the channel at bankfull height PNW Visual estimate of the extent of channel NM entrenchment and connectivity to the floodplain Visual estimate of the extent of evidence of NM substrate sorting within the channel Visual estimate of the diversity and NM distinctiveness of riffles, pools, and other flow- based microhabitats Visual estimate of the extent of evidence of NM sediment deposition on plants and on debris within the floodplain Estimate of the percent of the reach-length PNW with surface and subsurface flow Number of pools in the channel without any PNW connection to flowing surface water Visual estimate of the extent of surface flow in NM the channel Presence/absence of springs or seeps within NM one-half channel width of the channel Presence/absence of hydric soils within the NM channel, measured at up to three locations Extent of soil saturation and texture measured OTH at three locations in the channel Number of woody jams within the channel OTH Visual estimate of the percent of streambed OTH covered by live or dead algal growth Estimate of the overall abundance of NM filamentous algae within the channel Percent shade-providing cover above the OTH streambed measured with a densiometer at three locations 8 ------- Candidate indicator Hydrophytic plant species Fish Aquatic invertebrates Aquatic invertebrates Amphibians Mosses and liverworts Differences in vegetation (riparian corridor) Absence of upland rooted plants in the streambed Presence of iron- oxidizing fungi or bacteria Presence of aquatic or semi-aquatic snakes Geospatial indicators Location and watershed characteristics Long-term normal precipitation and temperature Long-term mean snow persistence between January 1 and July 3 Description Origin Number of obligate (OBL) or facultative wet PNW (FACW)-rated plants (as listed in Lichvar et al. 2016) growing within the channel or a half- channel width from the channel Estimate of the overall abundance offish (other NM than non-native mosquitofish) in the channel Abundance and richness of aquatic invertebrate PNW families collected from the channel Estimate of the overall abundance of aquatic NM invertebrates within the channel Estimate of the overall abundance of NM amphibians within the channel Visual estimate of the percent of streambed OTH and banks covered by live or dead bryophytes or liverworts Visual estimate of the distinctiveness of NM vegetation in the riparian corridor compared to surrounding upland vegetation Visual estimate of the extent of upland rooted NM plants growing within the streambed Presence of oily sheens indicative of iron- NM oxidizing fungi or bacteria within the assessment reach Presence of aquatic or semi-aquatic snakes PNW (e.g., most garter snake species) in the channel Latitude, longitude, and elevation OTH 30-y normal mean annual and monthly OTH precipitation and 30-y normal mean, maximum, and minimum annual temperature (PRISM climate data; Hart and Bell 2015). Snow persistence (Hammond et al. 2017) OTH 9 ------- Yes Insufficient record r i Zyear< 37 No r No r No J r Unclassified Yes Perennial Yes Ephemeral Yes Intermittent Figure 3. Flowchart used to classify reaches based on continuous measures of water presence (e. g., USGS stream gages). DOR: days of record. Zyear: Average number of dry days per year. Myear: Average length of longest continuous wet period per year, in days. For USGS gages, at least 20 years of data were analyzed whenever possible. To screen reaches for use in method development, we first compiled a list of 1166 candidate study reaches based on existing hydrologic data records (e.g., U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) stream gages, water presence logger, wildlife cameras, field photos), published studies, and interviews with local experts familiar with the specific reach's hydrology. Most of these reaches (858) were derived from the database of gages operated by the USGS and nearly all of them were perennial (as determined by applying the flowchart in Figure 3). Consequently, other sources were required to identify candidate ephemeral and intermittent reaches. Hydrologic data collected for other purposes (e.g., gages maintained by local flood control agencies, or local natural resource managers) provided another 239 reaches. Published studies and public land management plans yielded 49 candidate reaches and consultation with local experts provided another 30. Whenever possible, multiple sources of hydrologic information were used to confirm classifications. In the resulting set of reaches, 9.6% were determined to be ephemeral, 15.6% were intermittent, and 74.7% were perennial. Classified reaches were prioritized for study inclusion based on the number and type of data sources available to determine actual streamflow duration classification. Reaches where flow duration could be determined based on multiple data sources (e.g., water presence loggers and expert knowledge) were categorized as "preferred" for study inclusion. Reaches classified based solely on interpretation of USGS stream gage data without consultation of a local expert were categorized as "USGS gage" reaches. Reaches classified through local expertise alone 10 ------- were categorized as "acceptable" and included in the study to fill gaps in study sub-regions where an insufficient number of "preferred" and "USGS gage" reaches classified as intermittent or ephemeral could be identified. Of these 1166 reaches, 149 reaches were sampled (31 ephemeral, 66 intermittent, and 52 perennial reaches) in a sampling campaign that ran from July 2019 to October 2020. Post- sampling site classifications were reviewed in light of the data collected, including the Stream Temperature, Intermittence, and Conductance (STIC; Chapin et al. 2014) logger data collected at 48 "baseline" sites that were revisited multiple times over a year (baseline sites are described under Data collection below). If sampling events produced direct observations of stream hydrology inconsistent with the initial classification (e.g., ephemeral reaches flowing during site visits without antecedent precipitation), then field notes and field photos were used to determine reach flow duration. Each of these cases triggered case-by-case review of all available materials by the project delivery team and the RSC to determine if the original classification should remain the same, be updated, or excluded from analysis. In the final data set of 149 sampled reaches, streamflow duration class was directly determined from USGS stream gage records at 48% of reaches (41 perennial and 30 intermittent reaches, but no ephemeral reaches; Error! Reference source not found., Figure 4Error! Reference source not found.)- Other sources of hydrologic data used to directly classify study reaches include continuous data loggers (48 reaches), trail cameras, published studies, and consultation with local experts. Multiple sources of hydrologic data were used to classify 47 of the ungaged assessment reaches and a single source was used at 33 ungaged study reaches. In general, more hydrologic data were available at perennial reaches than at intermittent or ephemeral reaches. Figure 4. Locations of 31 ephemeral, 66 intermittent, and 52 perennial study stream reaches used to develop the beta SDAM WM. 11 ------- Table 2. Distribution of sites used to develop the beta SDAM WM. Baseline sites were visited three times throughout the study and had water presence loggers installed and validation sites were visited once throughout the study and did not have loggers installed. Validation Baseline Class Gaged Preferred Acceptable Gaged Preferred Total Ephemeral 0 5 22 0 4 31 -California and Nevada 0 0 8 0 2 10 -Central Rockies 0 2 4 0 1 7 -Northern Rockies 0 0 6 0 0 6 -Southern Rockies 0 3 4 0 1 8 Intermittent 16 10 10 12 18 66 -California and Nevada 5 2 1 5 5 18 -Central Rockies 2 4 3 0 8 17 -Northern Rockies 6 0 6 2 4 18 -Southern Rockies 3 4 0 5 1 13 Perennial 31 6 1 10 4 52 -California and Nevada 9 0 0 4 0 13 -Central Rockies 4 5 1 0 2 12 -Northern Rockies 9 1 0 3 1 14 -Southern Rockies 9 0 0 3 1 13 Data collection Reaches were sampled following the development protocol (available here and in the supplementary material of Mazor et al. 2021c), which covers measurement of indicators identified in Mazor and McCune (2021), as well as "Level 1" indicators of the NM method (NMED 2011), and all indicators of the PNW method (Nadeau 2015). STIC loggers (Chapin et al. 2014) were deployed at 48 "baseline" reaches and were revisited a total of three times each over a year; "validation" sites were visited once and did not have loggers. For further details on STIC data loggers and their verification/calibration, deployment, and data retrieval, see Schumacher and Fritz (2019). The sampling protocol used in this study was identical to that used to develop the beta SDAM AW. Mazor et al. (2021a) provides a summary of these data collection protocols. Sampled study sites are shown in Figure 4. Forty-two of these study sites were noted as disturbed by human activity (e.g., channelization, discharges, diversions) by field crews. Data analysis Metric calculation Candidate indicator data were used to calculate 72 candidate metrics: 37 biological metrics, 7 geomorphological metrics, 8 hydrologic metrics (7 of which were direct measures of water presence), and 20 geospatial metrics (Table 3). 12 ------- Table 3. Metrics evaluated for the development of the beta SDAM WM. PctDom: Percent of observations with the most common value (typically zero). PvlvE: F-statistic from a comparison of mean values at perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral reaches. Absolute t-statistic from a comparison of mean values at ephemeral and at least intermittent reaches (EvAUj, at perennial and non-perennial reaches (PvNP), at flowing intermittent and perennial reaches (Pvlwet), and at non-flowing intermittent and ephemeral reaches (Evldry). rf_MDA: Variable importance from a random forest model, measured as mean decrease in accuracy. Screen: Indicates if the metric passed or failed screening criteria in Table 4. Ord: Ordinal metrics. Bin: Binary metrics. Con: Continuous metrics. Asterisks (*) indicate hydro logic metrics that directly measure the presence of water. NM: Metrics derived from candidate indicators used in the SDAM NM. OBL and FACW: Obligate and facultative-wet wetland indicator plants, respectively (Lichvar et al. 2016). EPT: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera insect orders. GOLD: Gastropoda, Oligochaeta, and Diptera invertebrate groups. OCH: Odonata, Coleoptera, and Heteroptera insect orders. Metric Description Form PctDom Range PvlvE EvALI PvNP Pvlwet Evldry rf_MDA Screen Biological fishabund_score2 Abundance of fish, excluding Ord 73% 3 8.91 7.09 3.01 0.51 1.44 0.0004 Pass mosquitofish (NM) DifferenceslnVegetation_score Differences in vegetation between the Ord 34% 3 31.10 6.28 6.35 1.47 1.93 0.0027 Pass riparian corridor and adjacent uplands score (NM) UplandRootedPlants_score Absence of upland rooted plants in the Ord 47% 3 6.04 2.60 3.29 0.20 0.53 -0.0003 Pass streambed score (NM) iofb_score Presence of iron-oxidizing bacteria and Bin 85% 1.5 6.30 5.18 2.74 0.96 1.00 0.0003 Pass fungi score (NM) mayfly_abundance Abundance of mayflies Con 47% 66 52.47 10.78 8.41 4.18 1.16 0.0111 Pass perennial_abundance Abundance of perennial indicator taxa Con 58% 90 16.06 6.48 4.72 2.23 1.56 0.0062 Pass perennial_taxa Number of perennial indicator taxa Con 58% 14 16.27 7.21 4.75 1.67 1.02 0.0007 Pass perennial_live_abundance Abundance of perennial indicator taxa Con 58% 90 15.90 6.44 4.71 2.19 1.17 0.0063 Pass (living specimens only) snake_score Presence of aquatic snakes Bin 97% 1 0.31 0.27 0.72 0.10 1.00 0.0000 Fail vert_score Presence of aquatic vertebrates Bin 86% 1 1.66 0.88 1.67 0.32 1.79 0.0001 Fail vert_sumscore Number of aquatic vertebrate types Ord 92% 2 0.48 0.16 0.80 0.15 1.36 0.0001 Fail present (fish, amphibians, snakes, turtles) hydrophytes_present Number of OBL and FACW plant species Ord 20% 13 15.71 5.41 4.65 0.76 0.24 0.0012 Pass present in the channel or within a half- channel width of the channel 13 ------- Metric Description Form hydrophytes_present_noflag alglivedead_cover_score moss_cover_score liverwort_cover_score PctShading TotalAbundance Richness EPT_abundance EPT_taxa EPT_relabd EPT_reltaxa GOLD_abundance GOLD_taxa OCH_abundance OCH_taxa GOLD_relabd GOLD_reltaxa OCH_relabd OCH_reltaxa GOLDOCH_relabd GOLDOCH_reltaxa Noninsect abundance Number of OBL and FACW plant species Ord present in the channel or within a half- channel width of the channel (excluding those with a flagged unusual distribution) Cover of live or dead algae on the Ord streambed Moss cover on the streambed Ord Liverwort cover on the streambed Ord Percent shading on the streambed Con Total abundance of aquatic Con invertebrates Total richness of aquatic invertebrate Con families Abundance ofEPT Con Number of EPT families Con Relative abundance of EPT families Con Relative richness of EPT families Con Abundance of GOLD Con Number of GOLD families Con Abundance of OCH Con Numer of OCH families Con Relative abundance of GOLD taxa Con Relative richness of GOLD taxa Con Relative abundance of OCH taxa Con Relative richness of OCH taxa Con Relative abundance of GOLD and OCH Con taxa Relative richness of GOLD and OCH taxa Con Abundance of non-insect taxa Con PctDom Range PvlvE EvALI PvNP Pvlwet Evldry rfJVIDA Scree 20% 13 14.79 5.37 4.44 0.58 0.09 0.0001 Pass 34% 4 45.84 10.23 8.03 2.06 2.51 0.0049 Pass 63% 3 0.21 0.26 0.65 0.85 0.35 0.0000 Fail 88% 3 1.38 2.46 1.20 0.57 1.06 -0.0001 Pass 8% 1 2.54 0.66 2.25 1.90 0.13 0.0001 Pass 21% 287 35.93 9.72 7.09 2.73 0.11 0.0077 Pass 21% 36 45.87 10.24 8.53 2.87 0.13 0.0067 Pass 34% 150 37.86 9.62 7.27 3.16 0.84 0.0107 Pass 34% 27 37.14 9.86 7.38 2.82 0.90 0.0095 Pass 34% 1 13.78 3.86 5.36 2.27 0.86 0.0021 Pass 34% 2 16.42 5.83 5.42 1.94 1.39 0.0013 Pass 33% 91 31.93 9.39 6.62 2.17 0.30 0.0025 Pass 33% 14 32.04 10.28 6.59 1.70 0.27 0.0012 Pass 44% 74 10.19 5.26 3.86 1.19 1.03 -0.0002 Pass 44% 11 9.61 4.39 3.82 0.62 1.03 -0.0010 Pass 33% 1 4.11 2.40 2.12 1.56 0.18 0.0030 Pass 33% 1 6.66 3.44 2.48 1.66 0.06 0.0022 Pass 44% 1 0.06 0.04 0.36 0.02 0.32 -0.0001 Fail 44% 1 0.03 0.18 0.06 0.76 0.21 0.0002 Fail 27% 1 2.93 2.00 1.58 1.51 0.06 0.0011 Pass 27% 1.4 4.75 2.74 2.01 1.94 0.09 0.0008 Pass 50% 87 6.76 5.02 2.87 0.40 0.37 0.0001 Pass ------- Metric Description Form PctDom Range PvlvE EvALI PvNP Pvlwet Evldry rf_MDA Screen Noninsect_taxa Richness of non-insect taxa Con 50% 11 7.34 5.68 2.81 0.15 0.05 0.0001 Pass Noninsect_relabund Relative abundance of non-insect taxa Con 50% 1 0.37 0.30 0.69 1.21 0.21 0.0003 Fail Noninsect_reltaxa Relative richness of non-insect taxa Con 50% 1 0.54 0.62 0.53 1.37 0.22 -0.0009 Fail Geomorphological Sinuosity_score Channel sinuosity score (NM) Ord 33% 3 4.30 1.52 2.76 1.42 0.68 0.00 Pass ChannelDimensions_score Channel dimensions score (NM) Ord 37% 3 0.52 0.97 0.31 0.57 0.28 0.00 Fail RifflePoolSeq_score Riffle-pool sequence score (NM) Ord 31% 3 11.92 2.66 5.07 2.48 0.09 0.00 Pass SubstrateSorting_score Substrate sorting score (NM) Ord 33% 3 8.64 2.78 4.14 2.11 0.56 0.00 Pass SedimentOnPlantsDebris_score Sediment on plants and debris score Ord 91% 1.5 0.43 0.70 0.97 0.42 0.38 0.00 Fail (NM) BankWidthMean Mean bank-width Ord 2% 48 8.54 5.29 3.44 1.67 1.32 0.01 Pass Slope Valley slope Ord 15% 26 1.24 1.48 0.61 0.69 0.43 0.00 Fail Hydrologic WaterlnChannel_score * Water in channel score (NM) Ord 48% 6 110.02 17.82 13.98 3.88 1.85 0.03 Pass HydricSoils_score Presence of hydric soils in the channel Bin 76% 3 8.20 3.77 3.42 1.89 0.97 0.00 Pass score (NM) springs_score * Presence of springs or seeps in the Bin 98% 3 0.63 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Fail channel score (NM) SurfaceFlow_pct * Percent of reach with flowing surface Ord 50% 100 102.77 19.20 13.77 3.53 1.00 0.03 Pass water SurfaceSubsurfaceFlow_pct * Percent of reach with flowing surface or Ord 86% 100 6.66 4.20 2.04 3.14 1.97 0.00 Pass subsurface water lsolatedPools_number * Number of isolated pools (no Ord 89% 9 3.49 0.78 2.92 1.53 1.84 0.00 Pass connection to flowing surface water) WoodyJams_number Number of woody jams in the reach Ord 79% 10 0.98 0.22 1.42 0.49 1.10 0.00 Fail SoilMoist_MaxScore * Maximum soil moisture score in the Ord 72% 2 55.23 8.53 8.44 0.00 1.94 0.01 Pass reach Geospatial Elev_m Elevation Con 3% 3250 2.11 1.97 1.49 0.41 0.89 0.00 Pass tmean Mean annual temperature Con 3% 17 1.66 1.95 0.92 0.34 0.67 0.00 Fail tmax Maximum annual temperature Con 2% 18 1.97 2.17 0.39 1.11 0.76 0.00 Pass tmin Minimum annual temperature Con 2% 17 1.56 1.63 1.40 0.43 0.54 0.00 Fail ------- Metric Description Form PctDom Range PvlvE EvALI PvNP Pvlwet Evldry rfJVIDA Scree MeanSnowPersistence_ .10 Mean snow persistence within a 10-km radius of the reach Con 1% 82 2.69 2.52 1.45 0.00 0.91 0.00 Pass MeanSnowPersistence_ .05 Mean snow persistence within a 5-km radius of the reach Con 1% 86 2.97 2.67 1.35 0.17 1.11 0.00 Pass MeanSnowPersistence_ .01 Mean snow persistence within a 1-km radius of the reach Con 1% 84 2.53 2.51 1.18 0.25 1.02 0.00 Pass ppt Mean annual precipitation Con 2% 1603 0.80 0.23 1.38 0.76 0.54 0.00 Fail ppt.mOl Mean January precipitation Con 2% 337 0.90 0.80 1.44 0.38 0.33 0.00 Fail ppt.m02 Mean February precipitation Con 2% 293 0.50 0.35 1.09 0.33 0.53 0.00 Fail ppt.m03 Mean March precipitation Con 2% 254 0.49 0.41 1.06 0.42 0.37 0.00 Fail ppt.m04 Mean April precipitation Con 2% 143 1.08 0.82 0.99 1.33 0.66 0.00 Fail ppt.m05 Mean May precipitation Con 2% 107 1.93 1.29 1.07 2.28 0.36 0.00 Pass ppt.m06 Mean June precipitation Con 3% 129 2.20 1.51 0.99 2.15 0.53 0.00 Pass ppt.m07 Mean July precipitation Con 2% 102 0.37 0.86 0.57 0.27 0.53 0.00 Fail ppt.m08 Mean August precipitation Con 2% 131 0.05 0.06 0.31 0.50 0.17 0.00 Fail ppt.m09 Mean September precipitation Con 2% 80 0.49 0.66 0.93 0.57 0.17 0.00 Fail ppt.mlO Mean October precipitation Con 2% 102 0.08 0.33 0.20 0.16 0.38 0.00 Pass ppt.mll Mean November precipitation Con 2% 247 0.80 0.44 1.44 0.73 0.35 0.00 Fail ppt.ml2 Mean December precipitation Con 2% 367 0.74 0.68 1.34 0.39 0.32 0.00 Fail 16 ------- Metric screening As an initial data exploration step, we visualized the relationships between streamflow duration class (hereafter "flow class") and indicators by ordinating all 72 metrics for all samples in the data set in a nonmetric multidimensional scaling using Gowers' distance. Convex hulls were drawn around each streamflow duration class to help visualize their distributions in ordination space. The 2-axis ordination was computed using the metaMDS function in the vegan R package (Oksanen et al. 2019). Correlation coefficients (Spearman's rho) were calculated between ordination axes and metric values. Wet and dry reaches were plotted separately to evaluate the role of flow conditions at the time of the visit on flow duration indicators; streams with scores 4 and higher for the "Water in channel" indicator (WaterlnChannel_score) from the NM SDAM were considered wet and scores 3 or lower were considered dry. The ordination showed that perennial and ephemeral reaches were quite distinct, but intermittent reaches overlapped considerably with the other classes (Figure 5). In general, intermittent reaches that were dry on collection dates were similar to ephemeral reaches and 17 ------- 0.1 - cm 0.0 CO ~ -0.1 - A A A A * A A A i 1* * A \ A A A A A A A^* * * . * * t A * A * A A a/ * A A* ' * ** | * A A A « * a * a & aj : ml ## A / a- ** . : a . ^ ft A A A A A \\ . w A A A A ^ A A # A A -0.2 0.0 0.2 MDS1 Dry Flowing Eph Int Per o sz Cd 0.25- 0.00 -0.25- -0.50- -0.75 - Geomorphological Geospatial Hydrological h+-^7" -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 -0.75 Rho with MDS1 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 Figure 5. A two-axis nonmetric multidimensional scaling of metrics based on biological, geomorphic, geospatial, and hydrologic indicators. Panel A shows individual reaches. MDS: Multidimensional scaling axis 1 or 2. Eph: Ephemeral reaches. Int: Intermittent reaches. Per: Perennial reaches. Circle: Reaches were dry during the site visit. Triangle: reaches were flowing during the site visit. Panel B shows correlations (Spearman's rho) betvseen selected metrics and ordination axis scores; metrics with rho2 >0.5 are highlighted in blue (no geomorphological or geospatial metrics had rho2 > 0.5, nor did any metric have rho2> 0.5 with 18 ------- the second axis). Selected metrics are labeled: Biological metrics: A: Total aquatic invertebrate abundance. B: GOLD abundance. C: EFT abundance. D: Perennial indicator taxa abundance. E: GOLDOCH relative richness. Geomorphological metrics: F: Bank width. G: Slope. Geospatial metrics: H: Mean snow persistence within 10 km. I: Mean annual maximum temperature. Hydro logic metrics. J: Percent of reach with surf ace flow. K: Soil moisture. L: Number of isolated pools. intermittent reaches that had surface flow on collection dates were similar to perennial reaches. Hydrologic and biological metrics were among the most strongly correlated with ordination axes and no geomorphological or geospatial metric correlated with an ordination axis with a rho2 greater than 0.5. Metrics were evaluated using several criteria for inclusion in the beta SDAM (Table 4). We developed criteria following approaches for screening metrics in bioassessment indices (e.g., Stoddard et al. 2008) and applied them to data from initial reach-visits (i.e., data from revisits were withheld from analysis). One criterion was a distribution statistic, calculated as percent dominance of the most common value (which was typically zero); all metrics had to meet this criterion. The remaining criteria measured responsiveness of metrics (i.e., ability to discriminate across flow classes). Most of these measures were based on statistical comparisons of mean values at different subsets of reaches (e.g., t-statistic from a comparison of metric values at perennial and non-perennial reaches), as has been used in other studies (Hawkins et al. 2010, Cao and Hawkins 2011, Mazor et al. 2016). Another responsiveness statistic was based on variable importance (specifically, mean decrease in accuracy) from a random forest model to predict streamflow duration class from all candidate metrics; the model was calibrated using the default option from the randomForest function in the randomForest package in R (Liaw and Wiener 2002). Metrics had to meet at least one responsiveness criterion to be considered in further analyses. A total of 47 of the 72 candidate metrics met these criteria and were considered as screened metrics. Table 4. Metric screening criteria. Metrics had to meet the distribution criterion and at least one responsiveness criterion to be considered screen ed for further analysis. Criterion Distribution criterion % dominance of <95% most common value Responsiveness criteria PvlvE F>2 EvALI t>2 PvNP t>2 Pvlwet t>2 Evldry t>2 Definition Frequency of most common value (typically, zero) in the development data set F-statistic in a comparison of values at perennial versus intermittent versus ephemeral reaches t-statistic in a comparison of values at ephemeral versus at least intermittent reaches t-statistic in a comparison of values at perennial versus non-perennial reaches t-statistic in a comparison of values at perennial versus flowing intermittent reaches t-statistic in a comparison of values at ephemeral versus dry intermittent reaches 19 ------- rf_MDA Top Mean decrease accuracy (MDA) in a random forest model quartile to predict perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral streamflow duration class Metric selection The screened metrics were reduced to a final set of metrics for the beta SDAM based on their importance in random forest models using the recursive feature elimination (rfe) function in the R caret package (Kuhn 2020). Briefly, rfe is a form of stepwise selection where complex models (i.e., those based on many metrics) are calibrated and simpler models are considered iteratively by eliminating the least important metrics. We considered the most complex model (i.e., 47 candidate metrics included) then iteratively eliminating 5 variables at a time in each step based on low variable importance until a 20-variable model was identified; after this point, only one variable was eliminated in each step. The best performing model (i.e., highest accuracy in predicting streamflow duration class) was identified. Then, the simplest model (i.e., the one with the fewest variables) with accuracy within 1% of the best was selected to identify the final set of metrics. If the best-performing model selected by this approach had more than 20 variables, the 20-variable model was selected. For this analysis, accuracy was measured with Cohen's Kappa statistic a measure of accuracy that accounts for uneven distribution among the three streamflow duration classes. We applied this modeling process to different subsets of the dataset, including: the full region-wide dataset; datasets stratified by sub-regions shown in Figure 2 (4 total); and datasets stratified into snow-influenced and non-snow influenced sites, based on mean snow persistence greater than 25% calculated for a 1-km, 5-km, and 10-km buffer from the sampling reach (2 strata for each of 3 buffers). For each subset, the modeling process was implemented: with or without considering geospatial metrics; and with or without considering metrics based on direct measures of water presence. There are advantages and disadvantages to including these metrics in an SDAM and thus we evaluated options with and without them. Geospatial metrics may improve SDAM performance but would require GIS analysis to use the resulting method. Direct measures of water presence can also greatly increase performance, but this introduces circularity (because water presence was used to confirm and update streamflow duration classes in the development data set) and may degrade the ability of the SDAM to work during atypical conditions, such as drought. See (Mazor et al. (2021b) for a discussion of the implications of including geospatial metrics and direct measures of water presence in SDAMs. 20 ------- To explore all these options, we developed 20 sets of models for different subsets of reaches and combinations of predictors, with sets including between 1 and 5 models (44 models total; Table 5). Analyses were conducted on data from the initial reach visits alone. For each of the 20 models, data were split into 80% training and 20% testing data sets, stratified by the 4 sub- regions and 3 streamflow duration classes. Model design characteristics and optimal number of metrics selected by rfe are shown in Table 5 and the selected metrics for each model are shown in Figure 6. Table 5. Design characteristics of the 44 models. H20: included direct measures of water presence. GIS: included geospatial metrics, n sites: number of sites used in model training, testing, and evaluated for repeatability (revisit), rfe accuracy: accuracy of best mode! produced by recursive feature elimination (rfe), measured as Cohen's Kappa or as out-of-bag (OOB) accuracy. n reaches rfe accuracy Model set Stratum H20 GIS training testing revisit # metrics Kappa OOB Unstratified models Unstrat None 117 32 84 19 0.41 0.45 Unstrat GIS None Yes 117 32 84 15 0.41 0.38 Unstrat H20 None Yes 117 32 84 16 0.47 0.38 Unstrat H20 GIS None Yes Yes 117 32 84 3 0.47 0.28 Models stratified by region Strat California & Nevada 32 9 25 20 0.36 0.47 Strat Central Rockies 27 9 21 18 0.52 0.26 Strat Northern Rockies 29 9 19 19 0.27 0.41 Strat Southern Rockies 26 8 19 3 0.51 0.31 Strat GIS California & Nevada Yes 32 9 25 16 0.38 0.28 Strat GIS Central Rockies Yes 27 9 21 20 0.52 0.41 Strat GIS Northern Rockies Yes 29 9 19 16 0.42 0.41 Strat GIS Southern Rockies Yes 26 8 19 3 0.45 0.38 Strat H20 California & Nevada Yes 32 9 25 3 0.59 0.28 Strat H20 Central Rockies Yes 27 9 21 14 0.54 0.26 Strat H20 Northern Rockies Yes 29 9 19 10 0.39 0.45 Strat H20 Southern Rockies Yes 26 8 19 3 0.52 0.31 Strat H20 GIS California & Nevada Yes Yes 32 9 25 3 0.51 0.25 Strat H20 GIS Central Rockies Yes Yes 27 9 21 20 0.51 0.3 Strat H20 GIS Northern Rockies Yes Yes 29 9 19 20 0.25 0.31 Strat H20 GIS Southern Rockies Yes Yes 26 8 19 8 0.49 0.31 Models stratified by snow influence Snow influence within 1 km SnowOl Not snow-dominated 46 13 36 20 0.42 0.43 SnowOl Snow-dominated 71 19 48 8 0.35 0.35 SnowOl GIS Not snow-dominated Yes 46 13 36 20 0.37 0.41 SnowOl GIS Snow-dominated Yes 71 19 48 18 0.35 0.32 SnowOl H20 Not snow-dominated Yes 46 13 36 3 0.57 0.3 SnowOl H20 Snow-dominated Yes 71 19 48 20 0.33 0.38 21 ------- n reaches rfe accuracy Model set Stratum H20 GIS training testing revisit # metrics Kappa OOB SnowOl H20 GIS Not snow-dominated Yes Yes 46 13 36 6 0.6 0.28 SnowOl H20 GIS Snow-dominated Yes Yes 71 19 48 10 0.48 0.35 Snow influence within 5 km Snow05 Not snow-dominated 40 11 28 20 0.38 0.43 Snow05 Snow-dominated 77 21 56 15 0.48 0.36 Snow05 GIS Not snow-dominated Yes 40 11 28 14 0.33 0.4 Snow05 GIS Snow-dominated Yes 77 21 56 13 0.43 0.29 Snow05 H20 Not snow-dominated Yes 40 11 28 13 0.48 0.25 Snow05 H20 Snow-dominated Yes 77 21 56 20 0.43 0.3 Snow05 H20 GIS Not snow-dominated Yes Yes 40 11 28 4 0.54 0.3 Snow05 H20 GIS Snow-dominated Yes Yes 77 21 56 17 0.48 0.3 Snow influence within 10 km SnowlO Not snow-dominated 39 11 31 13 0.24 0.49 SnowlO Snow-dominated 78 21 53 6 0.43 0.45 SnowlO GIS Not snow-dominated Yes 39 11 31 17 0.22 0.31 SnowlO GIS Snow-dominated Yes 78 21 53 11 0.52 0.33 SnowlO H20 Not snow-dominated Yes 39 11 31 5 0.54 0.31 SnowlO H20 Snow-dominated Yes 78 21 53 8 0.41 0.33 SnowlO H20 GIS Not snow-dominated Yes Yes 39 11 31 4 0.42 0.31 SnowlO H20 GIS Snow-dominated Yes Yes 78 21 53 13 0.52 0.24 Biological metrics (particularly those based on aquatic invertebrates) were among the most widely selected metrics across model sets. Among non-biological metrics, mean bankfull width was the only frequently selected geomorphological metric. Direct measures of water presence were selected every time these measures were eligible for selection. Among geospatial metrics, October precipitation was the most frequently selected metric (Figure 6). 22 ------- RifflePoolSeq_score ppt.m05 Noninsect_taxa MeanSnowPersistence_10 MeanSnowPersistence_05 3t.m06 _taxa HydricSoils_score GOLDOCH reltaxa GOLDOChQelabd tmax SubstrateSorting_score Noninsect_abundance OCH_abundance I i ve rwo rt_co ve r_sco re iofb_score SurfaceSubsurfaceFlow_pct fishabund score2 PctShading GOLD_relabd SoilMoist_MaxScore Sinuosity score EPT_relabd UplandRootedPlants_score hydrophytes present EPTj"eltaxa ppt.mlO perennial_taxa hydrophytes_present noflag GOLD taxa GOLD_reltaxa DifferenceslnVegetation_score WaterlnChannel_score SurfaceFlow_pct GOLD_abundance alglivedead_cover_score TotalAbundance EPT taxa perennial_abundance Richness EPT_abundance perennial live abundance BanKWidthMean mayfly_abundance ro E ^ ro 3 5> ¦<- lo o o 5 5 o o c c co co OC0C0C0C0C000000 iooooo ) £= 3 =3 LO o w W W ffl ) £= 3 E =3 LO o w w ffl m CO CO CO o o o O O O CM CM CM X X X ¦|o E o ) c ro 5 o Z) CO c CO o £= o CM X o o £= CO Not selected Selected Figure 6. Metrics (left) selected by RFEfor each model set (bottom). White tiles indicate that a metric was ineligible for selection in that model set (e.g., the water in channel score was ineligible for models that did not allow direct measures of water presence). X-axis labels refer to model sets described in Table 5; Y-axis labels refer to metrics described in Table 3. 23 ------- Preliminary model calibration and performance assessment Random forest models were then fit for each of the 20 options using the randomForest function in the randomForest package in R (Liaw and Wiener 2002) using default parameters, except that the number of trees was set to 1500 instead of the default 500. Only the initial visit for reaches in the calibration data set was used for model fitting. Model performance evaluation focused on two aspects: accuracy and repeatability. Accuracy was assessed by calculating the same comparisons used to evaluate metric responsiveness during the metric screening phase (e.g., ephemeral versus at least intermittent reaches, perennial versus wet intermittent reaches, etc.; Table 4). Accuracy was measured using the initial reach-visit in both the calibration training and testing data sets independently. We compared training and testing measures to see if models validated poorly, suggesting that they may be overfit. Repeatability was assessed using data from the 48 reaches that were revisited (i.e., Baseline sites; Error! Reference source not found.) and was calculated as the percent of reaches where model classifications from visits were the same (regardless of classification accuracy). Due to the limited amount of data, repeatability was only assessed on a region-wide basis and not within each subregion; it was not analyzed separately for calibration and validation reaches. Performance of the beta SDAM AW, SDAM PNW, and SDAM NM was also evaluated within the training data set. SDAM models newly developed through the current effort had better performance than previously developed SDAMs (especially the beta SDAM AW), but among the new models, performance was similar and there was no clear best model set (Table 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8). Stratified model sets performed slightly better than the unstratified models and there were modest improvements in accuracy achieved by including geospatial metrics, as well as direct measures based on water presence. The RSC recommended the model set stratified by snow influence calculated within a 10-km radius; furthermore, the RSC opted for the models that included geospatial metrics (i.e., model set Snow 10 GIS) but did not recommend including direct measures of water presence due to the potential introduction of circularity (water presence during field visits was sometimes used to inform or verify the direct flow classification of stream reaches), as described above. 24 ------- Table 6. Performance of the 20 model sets evaluated. PvlvE: Percent of reaches classified correctly as perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral. EvAU: Percent of reaches classified correctly as ephemeral or at least intermittent. PvNP: Percent of reaches classified correctly as perennial or non-perennial. Pvlwet: Percent of flowing reaches classified correctly as perennial or intermittent. IvEdry: Percent of dry reaches correctly classified as intermittent or ephemeral. Train: Result for training data. Test: Result for testing data. Model sets are described in Table 5. AW: Results for the beta SDAM AW. NM: Results for the SDAM NM. PNW: Results for the SDAM PNW. Accuracy PvlvE EvALI PvNP Pvlwet IvEdry Model set Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test Precision AW 0.39 0.79 0.45 0.48 0.25 0.67 NM 0.58 0.8 0.72 0.66 0.46 0.87 PNW 0.57 0.79 0.78 0.64 0.46 0.82 SnowlO H20 GIS 0.74 0.59 0.88 0.81 0.85 0.78 0.76 0.63 0.7 0.54 0.81 Snow05 H20 GIS 0.7 0.75 0.86 0.88 0.84 0.88 0.72 0.81 0.67 0.64 0.83 SnowOl H20 GIS 0.68 0.78 0.88 0.88 0.79 0.91 0.66 0.84 0.7 0.69 0.82 Stratum H20 GIS 0.71 0.6 0.82 0.83 0.89 0.77 0.79 0.65 0.6 0.5 0.84 Unstrat H20 GIS 0.72 0.69 0.87 0.84 0.85 0.84 0.75 0.74 0.67 0.62 0.8 SnowlO H20 0.68 0.66 0.86 0.78 0.81 0.88 0.69 0.78 0.64 0.5 0.8 Snow05 H20 0.72 0.5 0.9 0.81 0.82 0.69 0.7 0.5 0.74 0.5 0.83 SnowOl H20 0.65 0.69 0.85 0.81 0.79 0.88 0.66 0.79 0.63 0.54 0.82 Stratum H20 0.68 0.6 0.83 0.77 0.84 0.83 0.76 0.7 0.55 0.47 0.83 Unstrat H20 0.62 0.75 0.85 0.88 0.77 0.88 0.62 0.79 0.63 0.69 0.8 SnowlO GIS 0.68 0.63 0.89 0.81 0.78 0.81 0.66 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.83 Snow05 GIS 0.68 0.69 0.85 0.88 0.83 0.81 0.72 0.68 0.61 0.69 0.84 SnowOl GIS 0.64 0.59 0.85 0.81 0.79 0.78 0.65 0.67 0.62 0.5 0.84 Stratum GIS 0.63 0.57 0.82 0.8 0.81 0.77 0.69 0.65 0.55 0.42 0.8 Unstrat GIS 0.62 0.53 0.81 0.81 0.8 0.72 0.68 0.47 0.5 0.6 0.84 SnowlO 0.54 0.69 0.79 0.84 0.74 0.84 0.59 0.63 0.44 0.75 0.73 Snow05 0.62 0.69 0.85 0.88 0.75 0.81 0.59 0.68 0.65 0.69 0.77 SnowOl 0.62 0.69 0.84 0.88 0.78 0.81 0.63 0.65 0.6 0.75 0.78 Stratum 0.63 0.46 0.82 0.8 0.8 0.66 0.66 0.42 0.58 0.5 0.83 Unstrat 0.55 0.63 0.79 0.81 0.74 0.81 0.58 0.67 0.49 0.57 0.79 25 ------- AW- NM- PNW - SnowlO H20 GIS- Snow05 H20 GIS - SnowOI H20 GIS - Stratum H20 GIS - Unstrat H20 GIS - SnowlO H20- Snow05 H20 - SnowOI H20- Stratum H20 - Unstrat H20 - SnowlO GIS - Snow05 GIS - SnowOI GIS- Stratum GIS- Unstrat GIS - SnowlO- Snow05- SnowOI- Stratum - Unstrat- O.OO.20.5O.75.a!DOO.2e.5O.75.a]ilOO.2e.50.75 CGDOO.20.5O.75.amOO.20.5O.75.aEOO.20.5O.75.OO Performance Set Testing ¦ Training Figure 7. Performance of the 20 model sets evaluated. Blue dots indicate the highest-performing model sets and red dots indicate the next-best performing model sets. PvlvE: Percent of reaches classified correctly as perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral. EvAU: Percent of reaches classified correctly as ephemeral or at least intermittent. PvNP: Percent of reaches classified correctly as perennial or non-perennial. Pvlwet: Percent of flowing reaches classified correctly as perennial or intermittent. IvEdry: Percent of dry reaches correctly classified as intermittent or ephemeral. Unstrat: Unstratified models. Stratum: Models stratified by subregion. SnowlO: Models stratified by snow persistence. Model sets are described in Table 5. AW: Results for the beta SDAM AW (Mazor et al. 2021a). NM: Results for the SDAM NM. PNW: Results for the SDAM PNW. Accuracy PvlvE 0 h 1 1 r- Accuracy EvALI t 1 1 1 r Accuracy PvNP * » » t 1 1 r Accuracy Pvlwet 1 m 41 t 1 1 1 r Accuracy IvEdry ^ « # i i i i Precision t 1 1 1 r 26 ------- SP snowO M Jnsfra' m l>?,v UWUJ nstrat -L ijp M W3IH now, M : a:up" w snowQ fm ffat Snowl r"OWp iai il AV Snowl anowQ Ix :: .. SCIOWO Stratur., unsfraT Accuracy PvlvE Accuracy EvALI Accuracy PvNP Accuracy Pvlwet Accuracy IvEdry Precision m m * U) « M* O* CO CO m mm m mm m m mm m O 3 m a mmm m m 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.50 0.75 Performance 0.250.50 0.75 0 25 0.50 0.75 Evaluated Stratum CA-NV Southern Rockies Central Rockies Northern Rockies Snow-dominated Not snow-dominated Figure 8. Performance of the 20 model sets evaluated within strata defined by sub-region or sno w influence. The y-axis labels on the left indicate the stratifications used to develop the models (if any) and the panel labels on the right indicate the stratifications used to assess performance. PvlvE: Percent of reaches classified correctly as perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral. EvALI: Percent of reaches classified correctly as ephemeral or at least intermittent. PvNP: Percent of reaches classified correctly as perennial or non-perennial. Pvlwet: Percent of flowing reaches classified correctly as perennial or intermittent. IvEdry: Percent of dry reaches correctly classified as intermittent or ephemeral. Model sets are described in Table 5. AW: Results for the beta SDAM A W (Mazor et al. 2021a). NM: Results for the SDAMNM. PNW: Results for the SDAM PNW. Simplification of the selected model set Upon selection of the final model set (i.e., models that included geospatiai metrics and were stratified by snow influence calculated within a 10-km radius), we attempted to simplify the selected model set in three steps to make the SDAM easier to implement in the field while improving (or at least not sacrificing) performance. Simplification occurred in three steps; 27 ------- 1. Refinement of metrics 2. Increased confidence required for classifications 3. Addition of single indicators of at least intermittent flow Refinement of metrics The metric selection process described above identified an optimal set of metrics to use in the SDAM, but it did so without considering difficulties in measuring each metric or effort required to measure all of the metrics. For example, rfe may have selected a metric based on the total number of aquatic invertebrates, even if there was little new information provided once 20 individuals were recorded. That is, SDAM users might be able to cease counting aquatic invertebrates once 20 individuals were recorded. Simplifying metrics was intended to reduce the burden on SDAM users and facilitate method use (e.g., avoid reliance on access to statistical software). Some metrics were eliminated because they were closely related to another metric in the selected model set (i.e., they described similar stream characteristics, such as mayfly abundance and EPT abundance). Metrics that were more time-consuming to measure were rejected if a simpler alternative was available and continuous metrics were converted to binary or ordinal metrics based on visual interpretation of random forest partial dependence curves (binary and ordinal metrics are typically more rapid to measure and easier to standardize than continuous metrics). Accuracy and repeatability measures were re-evaluated to ensure that overall model performance was not substantially diminished by the modifications. The snow-influenced and non-snow influenced models were refined in parallel steps. At each step, metrics were either eliminated, classified into categorical bins, or otherwise modified. The impact on performance was assessed and the highest performing modification was selected for further refinement. Performance was assessed in terms of three accuracy measures: PvlvE (i.e., proportion of reaches classified corrected as perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral), EvALI (% of reaches classified correctly as ephemeral or at least intermittent), and Cohen's Kappa. The metric refinement steps are described below. Asterisks (*) indicate the selected refinement at each step; if no asterisk is shown, none of the refinements considered at that step were selected and the selected option from the previous step was used for further analysis. Snow-influenced model: 1. Select two aquatic invertebrate metrics: a. Total abundance and richness b. Total abundance and perennial indicator abundance* c. Total abundance and richness of perennial indicator taxa d. Total abundance and EPT abundance e. Total abundance and richness of EPT taxa f. Total abundance and GOLD abundance g. Total abundance and richness of GOLD taxa 2. Add a third aquatic invertebrate metric a. Richness of EPT taxa 28 ------- b. Richness of perennial indicator taxa * c. Total richness d. Richness of GOLD taxa 3. Bin richness of perennial indicator taxa metric a. Two categories* (0 to 3, >4) b. Three categories (0,1 to 3, >4) 4. Bin total and perennial indicator abundance a. Three categories for total abundance (0,1 to 19, 20+) and perennial indicator abundance (0, 1 to 5, >6)* 5. Bin mean bankfull width a. Three categories (<2, 2 to 6, >6)* 6. Bin streambed algal cover a. Two categories (<10%, >10%)* 7. Bin or drop geospatial metrics (NONE SELECTED) a. Bin October precipitation at quartiles b. Bin October precipitation at quintiles c. Drop October precipitation Refinements to the snow-influenced model improved model performance at most steps (Figure 9). These refinements included eliminating several variables and binning those that remained into two or three categories. Unfortunately, no satisfactory way to bin the single geospatial metric in this model (October precipitation) was identified, so it was retained as a continuous variable for the beta SDAM WM. 29 ------- Snow-influenced model Indicator refinement 1.00- 0.75- (D O c ro £ ! o t a) CL 0.50- 0.25- Accuracy measure PvlvE EvALI Kappa Selected FALSE TRUE 0.00. I I I I I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Step Figure9. Impact of indicator refinement on the accuracy of the snow-influenced model. Solid lines show the performance of the best model from each step. Dotted lines show the performance of model selected at each step. Dashed lines show performance of the original model. Non-snow influenced model 1. Select 2 aquatic invertebrate metrics a. Total abundance and richness b. Total abundance and abundance of perennial indicators c. Total abundance and richness of perennial indicator taxa d. Total abundance and EPT abundance e. Total abundance and richness of EPT taxa f. Total abundance and mayfly abundance g. Total abundance and GOLD abundance h. Total abundance and richness of GOLD taxa i. Abundance and richness of EPT taxa j. Abundance and richness of perennial indicator taxa k. Mayfly abundance and total richness I. Mayfly abundance and richness of perennial indicator taxa* 2. Add a third aquatic invertebrate metric (NONE SELECTED) a. Total abundance 3. Remove an additional metric (NONE SELECTED) a. Sinuosity b. Mean bankfull width 30 ------- c. Fish abundance 4. Bin mayfly abundance a. Five categories (0, 1 to 5, 6 to 10,11 to 15, >16)* 5. Bin richness of perennial indicator taxa a. Four categories (0, 1, 2, >3)* 6. Bin mean bankfull width (NONE SELECTED) a. Three categories (<2, 2 to 6, >6) b. Bin at quartiles 7. Bin geospatial metrics (NONE SELECTED) a. Bin May precipitation at three categories (<45, 45 to 50, 50+) b. Bin May precipitation at quartiles c. Bin maximum temperature at quartiles d. Bin maximum temperature in two categories (<18, >18) e. Bin maximum temperature and May precipitation based on quartiles Refinements to the non-snow influenced model rarely improved model performance and most refinements were rejected (Figure 10). The only refinement to substantially improve performance was the binning of the mayfly abundance metric (step 4). Thus, the non-snow influenced model retained more metrics in continuous forms than the snow-influenced model. Non-Snow influenced model Indicator refinement 1.00- 0.75- <1> O c ro £ ! o t a) CL 0.50- 0.25- 0.00 ¦ ~ . . . . - 4 6 Accuracy measure PvlvE EvALI Kappa Selected FALSE TRUE Step Figure 10. Impact of indicator refinement on the accuracy of the non-snow influenced model. Solid lines show the performance of the best model from each step. Dotted lines show the performance of model selected at each step. Dashed lines show performance of the original model. 31 ------- Increased confidence required for classifications Random forest models, when used in classification mode, traditionally make assignments based on the class that receives the highest number of votes by each "tree" in the forest. Thus, in a 3- way decision, the class with the most votes could receive much less than a majority of all votesas low as 34%. The RSC believed such low-confidence classifications may not provide sufficient defensibility for some management decisions, instead the RSC recommended exploring approaches to distinguish between high- and low-confidence classifications. Based on this input from the RSC, we explored increasing the minimum number of votes required to make a confident classification from 30% to 100% by increments of 1%. When the final model was applied to a novel test reach and a single class received a sufficient percent of votes, then the reach was classified accordingly. If none met the minimum, but the combined percent of votes for intermittent and perennial classes exceeded the minimum, then the reach was classified as at least intermittent. In all other cases, the reach was classified as need more information. This decision framework reflects the opinion of the RSC that distinguishing between ephemeral and at least intermittent reaches is a high priority use of the SDAM, more so than distinguishing between perennial and nonperennial (ephemeral and intermittent) reaches. The percent of reaches under each of the five possible classifications with increasing minimum vote agreement thresholds was calculated. The snow-influenced and non-snow influenced models were analyzed together to evaluate the overall impact of this modification to the entire WM. At a minimum required proportion of votes of 0.5, only 5% of reaches were classified as at least intermittent and none were classified need more information (Figure 11). Classifications of at least intermittent first appear with a minimum proportion of 0.38 (0.45 in the testing data set), whereas classifications of need more information appear at 0.51 (in both the training and testing data sets). Although they cannot be ruled out, it appears unlikely that the beta SDAM WM will result in classifications of need more information. Based on these results, the RSC recommended a minimum proportion threshold of 0.5 for flow classification. 32 ------- Classification NMI ALI ' ¦ i 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Minimum proportion of votes Figure 11. Influence of the minimum proportion of votes required to make a classification on n (the number of reaches in each class). NMI: Need more information. ALI: At least intermittent. P: Perennial. I: Intermittent. E: Ephemeral. The vertical black line represents a minimum proportion of required votes of 0.5, reflecting the final recommendation of the RSC. The two red lines represent the proportion of votes that first result in classification of ALI (the lower line) or NMI (the upper line). Only results from the training data set are shown. Addition of single indicators of at least intermittent flow Single indicators can supersede model classifications of ephemeral to at least intermittent. Single indicators provide technical benefits (i.e., improved accuracy), as well as non-technical benefits, such as greater acceptance of the SDAM, given public understanding of the role of streamflow duration in supporting wildlife and rapidity of determining a flow classification, which is why they are used in most other SDAMs (e.g., NMED 2011, Nadeau et al. 2015, Dorney and Russell 2018, Mazor et al. 2021a). The following potential single indicators, based on recommendations from the RSC were evaluated: Presence of aquatic invertebrates Presence of EPT individuals, or at least 5 EPT individuals Presence of hydrophytes, or at least 2 or 3 hydrophytic plant species Algal cover > 10% Presence offish The number of instances where inclusion of the single indicator would correct a misclassification (i.e., the reach was truly intermittent or perennial) and the number of times it would introduce a misclassification (i.e., the reach was truly ephemeral) were quantified. 33 ------- Several single indicators had minimal impact on performance or introduced more errors than they corrected (Figure 12). Based on these results, the RSC recommended using only the presence of fish (apart from mosquitofish) as single indicators in the beta SDAM WM. Aquatic vertebrates (incl. frog calls - Aquatic vertebrates - Aquatic snakes - SDAM PNW single indicators - SDAM NM single indicators - Iron-oxidizing bacteria and fungi- Hydrophytes (3+ species) - Hydrophytes (2+ species) - Hydrophytes (any)- Hydric soils- Fish or hydric soil or algae >10% - Fish - EPT (5+)- EPT (any)- Aquatic invertebrates - Amphibians (incl. frog calls) - Aquatic amphibians- Algal cover >10% - 02468 10 02468 10 Number of sites changed Net change I Worsen | No net change Improve Set t Testing f Training Figure 12. Influence of single indicators on performance of snow-influenced and non-snow influenced models Performance of the beta SDAM WM Performance of the final, simplified model for the beta SDAM WM is summarized in Table 7. The overall accuracy was 74% in the training dataset (and 53% in the testing dataset), but this accuracy increased to 93% in the training dataset (and 88% in the testing data set) when only ephemera I versus at least intermittent classifications were considered (i.e., both blue and green cells in Table 7 were treated as correct). Among 42 reaches marked as disturbed by human activity, accuracy among all classes was 79% and 95% when only ephemeral versus at least intermittent classifications were considered. Snow-influenced Non-snow influenced . . . 34 ------- Table 7. Classifications of the final version of the beta SDAM WM on training and testing datasets. Blue cells indicate correct classifications of perennial, intermittent, at least intermittent, and ephemeral reaches, whereas green cells indicate correct classifications as ephemeral versus at least intermittent. True streamflow duration class Intermittent Beta SDAM WM Ephemeral Dry Flowing Perennial Classification Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test Ephemeral 20 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 Intermittent 3 3 17 3 16 5 8 7 At least intermittent 1 0 2 0 2 1 3 0 Perennial 0 0 0 1 11 3 30 4 Data and code availability All data used to develop the method and R code used in analysis are available here. Next steps Continued data collection within the WM is underway and will provide greater representation of the diversity of stream conditions found within the region. Data from this effort will be used to develop a final method (expected after 2023) to replace the beta method. Acknowledgements The development of this method and supporting materials was guided by a RSC consisting of representatives of federal regulatory agencies in the Western U.S.: James T. Robb (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE]South Pacific Division, Sacramento District), Robert Leidy (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] Region 9), Aaron Allen (USACESouth Pacific Division, Los Angeles District), Gabrielle C. L. David (USACEEngineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory), Loribeth Tanner (USEPARegion 6), Rachel Harrington (USEPA - Region 8), Joe Morgan (USEPARegion 9), Matt Wilson (USACEHeadquarters), Tunis McElwain (USACEHeadquarters), Silvia Gazzera (USACE - Headquarters), Kevin Little, (USACE - Northwestern Division, Omaha District), Jess Jordan (USACE - Northwestern Division, Seattle District), and Rose Kwok (USEPA Headquarters). We thank Abel Santana, Robert Butler, Duy Nguyen, Kristine Gesulga, and Anne Holt for assistance with data management and Jeff Brown, Liesl Tiefenthaler, Mason London, John Olson, Matthew Robinson, Emma Haines, Jess Turner, Katharina Zimmerman, Kelsey Trammel, Marcus Beck, Savannah Pena, Abigail Rivera, and Andrew Caudillo for assistance with data collection. Rob Coulombe provided training. 35 ------- Numerous researchers and land managers with local expertise assisted with the selection of study reaches to calibrate the method: Patricia Spindler, Eric Stein, Andrew C. Rehn, Peter R. Ode, Nathan Mack, Shawn McBride, Stephanie Kampf, Lindsey Reynolds, Kris Barrios, Marcia Radke, Keith Bouma-Gregson, Kira Puntenney-Desmond, Andy Brummond, Don Lee, Ed Schenk, Eric Hargett, Gabe Rossi, Mark Ockey, Sean Tevlin, Sean Lovill, Josh Smith, and Michael Bogan. 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Links Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Western Mountains user manual: method-western-mountains Reginal Streamflow Duration Assessment Methods website: https://www.epa.eov/streamflow- duration-assessment Web application for the beta SDAM for WM: sdam win/ Western Mountain beta SDAM data and R code: https://doi.ore/10.2 >066 38 ------- |