PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE xvEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention Draft Risk Evaluation for 1-Bromopropane (1-BP) Systematic Review Supplemental File: Data Quality Evaluation of Environmental Release and Occupational Exposure Data CASRN: 106-94-5 Br ch3 August 2019 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE This document is a compilation of tables for the data extraction and evaluation for 1- Bromopropane. Each table shows the data point or set or information element that was extracted and evaluated from a data source in accordance with Appendix D of the Application of Systematic Review in TSCA Risk Evaluations. If the source contains more than one data set or information element, the review provides an overall confidence score for each data set or information element that is found in the source. Therefore, it is possible that a source may have more than one overall quality/confidence score. The document includes sources that contain environmental release data that were evaluated by EPA. However, environmental release data for the air pathway were not integrated because this pathway was determined to be out of scope during development of the risk evaluation. See Section 1.4 of the draft Risk Evaluation for further explanation. Table of Contents Page Releases to the Environment 3 Occupational Exposure 11 Facility 64 Explanatory Notes These explanatory notes provide context to understand the short comments in the data evaluation tables. Domain Metric Description of Comments Field Reliability Methodology Indicates the sampling/analytical methodology, estimation method, or type of publication Representativeness Geographic Scope Indicates the country of the study, publication, or underlying data Applicability Indicates whether the data are for a condition of use within scope of the Risk Evaluation Temporal Representativeness Provides the year of study, publication, or underlying data Sample Size Describes the distribution of the sample or underlying data Accessibility / Clarity Metadata Completeness Describes the completeness of the metadata Variability and Uncertainty Metadata Completeness Indicates if study or publication addresses variability and uncertainty of the data or information 2 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Releases to the Environment 3 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Japanese Ministry of, Environment. 2017. 1-Bromopropane. Type of Data Source Releases to the Environment; Environmental Release Data; Hero ID 3980936 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Environmental Media: Air (majority, 93.7-99 percent ), 160 t to waste, 0.23 t to sewage Annual Release Quantity (kg/yr): 1,300 t in 2011 under PRTR (5,000 t production and import) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Medium X 1 2 Methodology not well described but the source is a trusted govt publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size Medium High High Low X 1 x 2 x 2 x 1 2 2 2 3 EU Uses are within scope 2011 estimates Only a single data point Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Metadata limited Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Not discussed Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.9 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Camp, Inc. 2000. Final report: Beyond pollution prevention: Removal of organochlorines from industrial feedstocks and processes in the Great Lakes Basin. Type of Data Source Releases to the Environment; Environmental Release Data; Hero ID 3981054 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Various solvent uses Annual Release Quantity (kg/yr): 1.5 MM lb in 2000 (Great Lakes Region) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Estimation methodology well described in doc Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US (Great Lakes) Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Uses are within scope Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium x 2 4 2000 estimate Metric 5: Sample Size Low x 1 3 Only a single data point Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Contains some metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Not discussed Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: CARB. 2011. Development of updated ARB solvent cleaning emissions inventories. Final Report: Agreement No. 06-322. Type of Data Source Releases to the Environment; Environmental Release Data; Hero ID 2991110 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Release Source: Environmental Media: Release or Emission Factor: Release Estimation Method: Number of Sites: Use Vapor Degreasing Batch-loaded vapor degreaser, aerosol cleaning process Air 10.43 lb/employee-yr Emission inventory 213 aerosol surface preparation process, EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 Release data methodology is well described and expected to be accurate for the selected facilities Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US data (CA) Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Release data are for OES within scope (with uncertainty on the sub-category of degreaser) Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 2001 report Metric 5: Sample Size Medium X 1 2 Emission inventory with over 200 samples, but distribution characterized only by average and std dev. Values Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Study provides air emission factor without other metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Not discussed Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 6 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Trinity Consultants. 2015. Emission Report, NPB Response Addendum. Type of Data Source Releases to the Environment; Environmental Release Data; Hero ID 5018570 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Environmental Media: Release Estimation Method: Annual Release Quantity (kg/yr): Number of Sites: Use Dry Cleaning, Vapor Degreasing, Spray Adhesive Air Solvent inventory or similar data Variable depending on use, facility, and year 1 or more for each use EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 Release data methodology is well described and expected to be accurate for the selected facilities Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US data Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Release data are for OES within scope Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High X 2 2 2009 - 2014 data Metric 5: Sample Size Medium X 1 2 Facility-level annual emission estimates provided for years, but unclear whether selected facilities are representative Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Study provides air emission estimates without other metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Not discussed Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.6 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 7 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: U.S. EPA. 1981. AP-42. Compilation of air pollutant emission factors. Chapter 4. 6: Solvent degreasing. Type of Data Source Releases to the Environment; Environmental Release Data; Hero ID 3045012 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Release Source: Environmental Media: Release or Emission Factor: Release Estimation Method: Use Vapor Degreasing Waste solvent evaporation, solvent carryout, solvent bath evaporation, spray evaporation, and agitation Air Cold cleaning VOC emissions are 3.2 - 57.1 percent of emissions com- pared to OTVDs (see document for emission factor in kg/yr-unit) Solvent purchase records EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Estimation methodology is described, AP-42 is a well estab- lished document Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US data Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Release data are for OES within scope Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Low X 2 6 1981 publication Metric 5: Sample Size Low X 1 3 EF estimates not characterized by statistics Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 EF are provided without other metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Not discussed Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 2.1 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Newmoa,. 2001. Pollution prevention technology profile - Closed loop vapor degreasing. Type of Data Source Releases to the Environment; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3044986 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Vapor Degreasing P2 Control & percent Efficiency: 98 percent when switching from OTVD to closed-loop degreaser EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Estimation method not specified Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium Low X 1 x 2 x 2 x 1 1 2 4 3 US data Estimate is for a use within scope 2001 publication No statistics provided; single point estimate only Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Underlying data sources are not trasparent Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Not discussed Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 2.1 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Wadden, R. A.,Scheff, P. A.,Franke, J. E.. 1989. Emission Factors for Trichloroethylene Vapor Degreasers. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. Type of Data Source Releases to the Environment; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3051984 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Vapor Degreasing P2 Control & percent Efficiency: 90 percent emission reduction for OTVD with LEV EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Estimation method not specified Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Low Low X 1 x 2 x 2 x 1 1 2 6 3 US data Estimate is for a use within scope Data more than 20 years old Only a single estimate without additional information on dis- tribution/statistics Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 No metadata provided Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Not discussed Overall Quality Determination^ Low 2.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Occupational Exposure 11 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Toraason, M.,Lynch, D. W.,Debord, D. G.,Singh, N.,Nemhauser, J.. 2003. Assessment of DNA strand breaks in leukocytes of workers occupationally exposed to 1-bromopropane. Toxicological Sciences. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1733747 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Use Spray Adhesive Liquid Inhalation 0.2 - 271 ppm (site 1)4 - 42.7 ppm (site 2) [Individual data points not available; only range reported] 41 workers (site 1) and 22 workers (site 2) 2 8-hr TWA Sprayers and other activities 41 workers (site 1) and 22 workers (site 2) Personal worker breathing zone EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Data from HHE, but no description in this source (1 page sum- mary only). Assumes a NIOSH method is used. Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US - because the data came from HHE, these sites would be U.S. sites Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Applies to condition of use within scope of risk eval Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium x 2 4 Document published March 2003; date of sampling unknown Metric 5: Sample Size Low x 1 3 63 samples. No statistics provided. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Specifies data are PBZ TWA samples, but contains no other metadata Continued on next page 12 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Toraason, M.,Lynch, D. W.,Debord, D. G.,Singh, N.,Nemhauser, J.. 2003. Assessment of DNA strand breaks in leukocytes of workers occupationally exposed to 1-bromopropane. Toxicological Sciences. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1733747 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.9 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: 13 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Niosh,. 2007. Workers' exposures to n-propyl bromide at a printed electronics circuit assembly manufacturer. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3355604 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Frequency: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Vapor Degreasing Liquid Inhalation 1.3 - 14 ppm (day 1)1.6 - 21 ppm (day 2) [individual data points not available] 5 1 PBZ,full-shift TWA Operating vapor degreaser 5 Personal worker breathing zone when operating vapor degreaser on as-needed basis 6" refrigerated cooling coil. No LEV on vapor degreaser, but room has canopy exhaust ventilation Safety glasses and safety shoes NIOSH method 1025 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 Study was conducted by Hanley. Describes use of GC-FID via NIOSH method 1025, LOD of 0.5 ug Domain 2: Representative Metric 2 Metric 3 Metric 4 Metric 5 Geographic Scope High x 1 1 Applicability High x 2 2 Temporal Representativeness Medium x 2 4 Sample Size Medium x 1 2 US Applies to condition of use within scope of risk eval Study conducted 8/16-18, 2004 5 samples. Range and average are reported, other statistics not provided Continued on next page 14 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID Niosh,. 2007. Workers' exposures to n-propyl bromide at Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; 3355604 a printed electronics circuit assembly manufacturer. EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Monitoring data include critical information about sample type and exposure, but lacks additional metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.7 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 15 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Niosh,. 2007. Workers' exposures to n-propyl bromide at a hydraulic power control component manufacturer. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3355621 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Frequency: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Vapor Degreasing Liquid Inhalation 0.078 - 2 ppm (PBZ)0.33 - 4 ppm (in-respirator)0.05 - 0.23 ppm (pre- shift, exhaled)0.053 - 0.55 ppm (post-shift, exhaled)[individual data points not available] 4 1 PBZ,full-shift TWA Operating vapor degreaser, maintenance of equipment (removing sol- vents) 4 Personal worker breathing zone; in-mask when operating vapor degreaser on as-needed basis Refrigerated cooling coil, 14" freeboard height, chamber cover, no LEV on degreaser but room maintained under negative pressure with general exhaust ventilation Half-mask air purifying respirator with combination organic vapor car- tridges and HEPA filter, full face APF respirator with organic vapor cartridge, PVA gloves, safety glasses, safety shoes NIOSH method 1025 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 Study was conducted by Hanley. Describes use of GC-FID via NIOSH method 1025 Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High x 1 1 US Continued on next page 16 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Niosh,. 2007. Workers' exposures to n-propyl bromide at a hydraulic power control component manufacturer. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3355621 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Metric 3: Applicability Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Metric 5: Sample Size High Medium Medium x 2 x 2 x 1 2 4 2 Applies to condition of use within scope of risk eval Study conducted in 2004 4 samples. Range and average values reported, but distribution not fully described Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Monitoring data include critical metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.7 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 17 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Moon, H. I. l,Shin, S.,Byeon, S. H.. 2015. Exposure Monitoring and Health Risk Assessment of 1-Bromopropane as a Cleaning Solvent in the Workplace. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3576615 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Sampling: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Unknown Solvent Cleaning (automotive/electronic parts) Liquid Inhalation central tendency - 82.1 mg/m3max - 214.8 mg/m3[provides only ranges/ GM at each workplace; individual data point not given] 50 10 Unknown - Likely area LEV (most workplaces) None (for most workers) NIOSH method 1025 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Study conducted using NIOSH method Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope Medium X 1 2 Study conducted in Korea Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 Study conducted in 2005 Metric 5: Sample Size Medium X 1 2 50 samples. Range and geometric mean reported for each data set, but distribution not fully described Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Appear to be PBZ samples but includes no other metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Continued on next page 18 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Moon, H. I. l,Shin, S.,Byeon, S. H.. 2015. Exposure Monitoring and Health Risk Assessment of 1-Bromopropane as a Cleaning Solvent in the Workplace. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3576615 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.9 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 19 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID Atsdr,. 2016. Draft toxicological profile forl-bromopropane. Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; 3827325 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Sites: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Multiple Manufacturing - Use (various) Liquid Inhalation [summarizes results from other sources w/out providing individual data points]Mfg: 0.9 - 170.5 ppm PBZUse: see source 1 37 Personal, area EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Unknown method used in the source cited Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope Low X 1 3 Exposure monitoring data for 1-BP mfg factory in China Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High X 2 2 2017 ATSDR report Metric 5: Sample Size Low X 1 3 37 samples. Data described as a range without further statis tics Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Monitoring data are PBZ samples but provides no other meta- data Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 2.1 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 20 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Cdc,. 2016. Criteria for a recommended standard: Occupational exposure to 1-bromopropane. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3827326 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Vapor Degreasing, Spray Adhesive Number of Workers: 3,320 - 69,100 workers (8,300-40,300 workers for vapor degreaser, 400- 9,800 workers for foam mfg) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Cites a 2007 EPA source Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium Low X X X X 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 3 US data Data for vapor degreasing and foam mfg 2016 document, but worker data from 2007 Unknown sample distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Cites a 2007 EPA source, provides a range only without other metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.9 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: 2014. Report on carcinogens: 1-Bromopropane. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3860561 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Multiple Manufacture, Adhesives, Drycleaning, Aerosol Degreasing, Vapor De- greasing, Other Inhalation, dermal ND - 380 ppm (adhesive use is highest, vapor degreasing lowest) [indi- vidual data points not provided] EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Unknown method used in the source cited Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US data (primarily) Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 Data mostly 10-20 years old Metric 5: Sample Size Low X 1 3 Unknown sample distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Appear to be PBZ samples but includes no other metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 2.1 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 22 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: 1999. Nomination of 1-bromopropane (1-BP) and 2-bromopropane (2-BP) for testing by the national toxicology program. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3860562 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Type of Measurement or Method: Type of Sampling: Use 0.05 - 135 ppm (OSHA) [individual data points not provided] 30 PBZ, 2-4 hr TWA Personal EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Unknown method used in the source cited Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium Low X X X X 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 3 US data Use is within scope of RE Data from 1999 publication Unknown sample distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Data are PBZ short-term TWA, but provides no other meta- data Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 2.1 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 23 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: 2013. Report on carcinogens: monograph of 1-bromopropane. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3860563 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Type of Measurement or Method: Multiple Manufacture, Adhesives, Drycleaning, Aerosol Degreasing, Vapor De- greasing, Other Inhalation, dermal ND - 380 ppm (adhesive use is highest, vapor degreasing lowest) [indi- vidual data points not provided] PBZ, 8- to 12-hr TWA EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Unknown method used in the source cited Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US data (primarily) Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 Data mostly 10-20 years old Metric 5: Sample Size Low X 1 3 Unknown sample distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Includes only critical metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 2.0 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 24 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Osha,. 2010. Input received through web forum for identifying hazardous chemicals for which OSHA should develop exposure reduction strategies. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3978176 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Use Dry cleaning Inhalation 40 ppm (avg), cites Blando study EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Unknown method used in the source cited Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High X 2 2 Blando study cited appears to be within 10 yr Metric 5: Sample Size Low X 1 3 Unknown sample distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 No description of metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.9 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 25 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Dhhs,. 2017. Skin Notation (SK) Profile 1-Bromopropane. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Published Models for Exposures or Releases; Hero ID 3986431 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Multiple Various Liquid Dermal skin permeation coefficient - 0.00904575 cm/hr, water solubility 2.45 mg/cm3 Experimental measurement Experimental dermal dosing (Frasch et al. 2011) to simulate splash ex- posure and occluded exposure, indicating substantial dermal penetration EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A X X X 1 2 2 1 2 2 N/A US study Use is within scope of RE Frasch study conducted in 2011 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High X 1 1 Provides metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 26 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Hanley, K. W.,Petersen, M.,Curwin, B. D.,Sanderson, W. T.. 2006. Urinary bromide and breathing zone concentrations of 1-bromopropane from workers exposed to flexible foam spray adhesives. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 607476 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Analytic Method: Use Spray Adhesive Liquid Inhalation 0.6 - 200 ppm TWA 30 2 Full shift TWA Sprayer and non-sprayer 30 Personal Breathing zone Full shift NIOSH method 1025 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium Medium X 1 x 2 x 2 x 1 1 2 4 2 US study Use is within scope of RE Study published in 2006 30 samples. Range and mean are reported, but distribution not fully characterized Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Monitoring data includes most critical info such as sample/ exposure type and some descriptive worker activity info, but lacks other metadata Continued on next page 27 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Hanley, K. W.,Petersen, M.,Curwin, B. D.,Sanderson, W. T.. 2006. Urinary bromide and breathing zone concentrations of 1-bromopropane from workers exposed to flexible foam spray adhesives. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 607476 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.6 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 28 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Harney, J. M.,Nemhauser, J. B.,Reh, C. M.,Trout, D.,Schrader, S.. 2003. NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Report: HETA No. 99-0260-2906, Marx Industries, Inc., Sawmills, North Carolina. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1379492 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Spray Adhesive Liquid Inhalation 0.1-160 ppm 29 1 TWA 58-68.5 percent 1-BP 60 Personal and area Various Full shift some respirator/glove use NIOSH draft method for 1-BP EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 2003 Metric 5: Sample Size High X 1 1 29 samples. Individual data points provided to allow charac terization of full distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High x 1 1 Provides metadata Continued on next page 29 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Harney, J. M.,Nemhauser, J. B.,Reh, C. M.,Trout, D.,Schrader, S.. 2003. NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Report: HETA No. 99-0260-2906, Marx Industries, Inc., Sawmills, North Carolina. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1379492 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: 30 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Hanley, K. W.,Petersen, M. R.,Cheever, K. L.,Luo, L.. 2010. Bromide and N-acetyl-S-(n-propyl)-L-cysteine in urine from workers exposed to 1-bromopropane solvents from vapor degreasing or adhesive manufacturing. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1689090 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Analytic Method: Multiple Vapor Degreasing; Adhesive Formulation Liquid Inhalation 0.07 - 18.9 ppm (range provided only) 42 6 Full shift TWA (8-10 hr) "size, shape, and capacities of the vapor degreasers varied" heavy aerospace components required large semi-automatic degreasers equipped with LEV, smaller parts such as optical or electronic compo- nents were cleaned with small manual units without mechanical hoists and LEV" also see description for adhesive manufacturing 42 Personal Breathing zone Full shift NIOSH method 1025 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High x 2 2 2010 Metric 5: Sample Size Medium x 1 2 42 samples. Range and mean are provided, but distribution not fully characterized Continued on next page 31 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Hanley, K. W.,Petersen, M. R.,Cheever, K. L.,Luo, L.. 2010. Bromide and N-acetyl-S-(n-propyl)-L-cysteine in urine from workers exposed to 1-bromopropane solvents from vapor degreasing or adhesive manufacturing. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1689090 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Monitoring data includes most critical info such as sample/ exposure type and some descriptive worker activity info, but lacks other metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 32 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Hanley, K. W.,Petersen, M. R.,Cheever, K. L.,Luo, L.. 2009. N-acetyl-S-(n-propyl)-l-cysteine in urine from workers exposed to 1-bromopropane in foam cushion spray adhesives. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1689272 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Analytic Method: Use Spray Adhesive Liquid Inhalation 0.635 - 121 ppm (range only) 30 2 Full shift TWA Includes some worker description such as sprayers, seamtresses 30 Personal Breathing zone Full shift NIOSH method 1025 non-sprayers, EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2 Metric 3 Metric 4 Metric 5 Geographic Scope High Applicability High Temporal Representativeness High Sample Size Medium X 1 1 US study X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE X 2 2 2009 X 1 2 30 samples. Range and mean are reported, but distribution not fully characterized Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Sample type, exposure type and some worker activity are known, but not all metadata are provided Continued on next page 33 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Hanley, K. W.,Petersen, M. R.,Cheever, K. L.,Luo, L.. 2009. N-acetyl-S-(n-propyl)-l-cysteine in urine from workers exposed to 1-bromopropane in foam cushion spray adhesives. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; 1689272 Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 34 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Ichihara, G.,Li, W.,Ding, X.,Peng, S.,Yu, X.,Shibata, E.,Yamada, T.,Wang, H.,Itohara, S.,Kanno, S.,Sakai, K.,Ito, H.,Kanefusa, K.,Takeuchi, Y.. 2004. A survey on exposure level, health status, and biomarkers in workers exposed to 1-bromopropane. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1717475 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Analytic Method: Manufacture Manufacture Liquid Inhalation 0.9 - 106.8 ppm 37 1 TWA Operators manually poured materials into reaction pots, checked tem- perature, and poured distilled solution into 20L plastic containers. They were also responsible for mixing the solvent with sodium hydrogen car- bonate. 1-BP was 96.74 percent purity 37 Personal Breathing zone Full shift GS-MS EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope Low X 1 3 China Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium x 2 4 2003 Metric 5: Sample Size High x 1 1 37 samples. Individual data points provided to allow charac- terization of distribution Continued on next page 35 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Ichihara, G.,Li, W.,Ding, X.,Peng, S.,Yu, X.,Shibata, E.,Yamada, T.,Wang, H.,Itohara, S.,Kanno, S.,Sakai, K.,Ito, H.,Kanefusa, K.,Takeuchi, Y.. 2004. A survey on exposure level, health status, and biomarkers in workers exposed to 1-bromopropane. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1717475 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High X 1 1 Provides metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.6 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 36 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Kawai, T.,Takeuchi, A.,Miyama, Y.,Sakamto, K.,Zhang, Z. W.,Higashikawa, K.,Ikeda, M.. 2001. Biological monitoring of occupational exposure to 1-bromopropane by means of urinalysis for 1-bromopropane and bromide ion. Biomarkers. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1733873 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Metal Surface Cleaning and Painting Liquid Inhalation 1.42 ppm (GM) (actual data points not provided) 33 1 metal surface preparation 33 Personal Breathing zone gloves GC EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope Medium x 1 Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium x 2 Metric 5: Sample Size Medium x 1 2 Japan 2 Use is within scope of RE 4 2000 2 33 samples. Mean and max values reported, but distribution not fully characterized Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Study is for PBZ sampling, but no other metadata provided Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Continued on next page 37 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Kawai, T.,Takeuchi, A.,Miyama, Y.,Sakamto, K.,Zhang, Z. W.,Higashikawa, K.,Ikeda, M.. 2001. Biological monitoring of occupational exposure to 1-bromopropane by means of urinalysis for 1-bromopropane and bromide ion. Biomarkers. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1733873 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 38 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Eisenberg, J.,Ramsey, J.. 2010. Evaluation of 1-Bromopropane Use in Four New Jersey Commercial Dry Cleaning Facilities. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1737891 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Drycleaning Liquid Inhalation 17-40 ppm 7 4 Full shift TWA Operator; cashier 7 Personal Breathing zone Full shift None NIOSH method 1025 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2 Metric 3 Metric 4 Metric 5 Geographic Scope High x 1 1 Applicability High x 2 2 Temporal Representativeness High x 2 2 Sample Size High x 1 1 US study Use is within scope of RE 2010 7 samples. Individual data points allow characterization of full distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High x 1 1 Provides metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Continued on next page 39 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID Eisenberg, J.,Ramsey, J.. 2010. Evaluation of 1-Bromopropane Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; 1737891 Use in Four New Jersey Commercial Dry Cleaning Facilities. EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Metric 7; Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.1 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 40 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Reh, C. M.,Mortimer, V. D.,Nemhauser, J. B.,Trout, D.. 2002. NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Report: HETA No. 98-0153-2883, Custom Products, Inc. Mooresville, NC. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1737898 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: Use Spray Adhesive Liquid Inhalation 60 - 381.2 ppm 80 1 Full shift TWA Highest exposure was in the Covers dept, followed by Assembly dept and Saw dept; adhesive contains 60-70 percent 1-BP 70 Personal Breathing zone Full shift spray booth EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 2002 Metric 5: Sample Size High X 1 1 80 samples. Distribution fully characterized Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High x 1 1 Provides metadata Continued on next page 41 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Reh, C. M.,Mortimer, V. D.,Nemhauser, J. B.,Trout, D.. 2002. NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Report: HETA No. 98-0153-2883, Custom Products, Inc. Mooresville, NC. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1737898 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: 42 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Osha,. 2013. OSHA/NIOSH hazard alert: 1-bromopropane. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 2347177 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Use Various Liquid Inhalation 0.08 - 254 ppm (range only) 122 6 Full shift TWA Ref. multiple other studies EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Cites other sources for exposure data; methodology unknown Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 Age of data ranging from 2003 - 2010 Metric 5: Sample Size Medium X 1 2 122 samples, only range of values are reported Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Full-shift monitoring data, other metadata not provided Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.9 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 43 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Hsia,. 2010. Petition to add n-propyl bromide to list of hazardous air pollutants regulate under section 112 of the Clean Air Act [with cover letter date 10/28/2010]. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3045668 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Use Various Liquid Inhalation up to 150 ppm (no actual data points, but has description of data ranges for various uses incl. hand wiping, aerosol solvents, etc - see p.23/31) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Cites other sources for exposure data; methodology unknown Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 Report is dated 2010, but actual age of monitoring data is unclear - appears to be between 10-20 years Metric 5: Sample Size Medium X 1 2 Contains a range of statistics without actual data points. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Data sources are cited and generally described, but not fully transparent Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Limited discussion of variability Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 44 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Osha,. 2017. Hazard alert: 1-Bromopropane. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3978174 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Use Various Liquid Inhalation Cites various Hanley, NIOSH, and Blando studies and references a range of exposure concentration in those studies Discusses various controls such as isolation, ventilation, etc. Indicates that polyvinyl alcohol or multiple-layer laminates glove should be used EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Cites other sources for exposure data; methodology unknown Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 Age of data ranging from 2003 - 2010 Metric 5: Sample Size Medium X 1 2 122 samples, only range of values are reported Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Full-shift monitoring data, other metadata not provided Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.9 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 45 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID Harney, J. M.,Hess, J.,Reh, C. M.,Trout, D.. 2002. Health hazard evaluation report no. HETA 2000-0410-2891, STN Cusion company, Thomasville, North Carolina. Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; 3970574 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: Analytic Method: Use Spray Adhesive Liquid Inhalation 1st visit: 41.3 - 143 ppm for sprayers2nd visit: 7.7 - 34.9 ppm for sprayer- sAdditional data for other workers 32 1 Full shift TWA HHE describes worker activities at STN Cushion Company. Cushion is assembled by gluing together and hand pressing pieces of cut flexi- ble foam. Adhesive is spray-applied using a compressed air spray gun. Adhesive is Whisper Spray (Imperial Adhesives, Cincinnati, OH) which contains 55 percent 1-BP by weight. 84 (32 participated in survey) Full shift TWA Spray stations and other locations Full shift Enclosure of spray tables NIOSH draft method for 1-BP EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 NIOSH publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium x 2 4 HHE conducted in 2000 Continued on next page 46 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Harney, J. M.,Hess, J.,Reh, C. M.,Trout, D.. 2002. Health hazard evaluation report no. HETA 2000-0410-2891, STN Cusion company, Thomasville, North Carolina. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3970574 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Metric 5: Sample Size High X 1 1 32 samples. Distribution fully characterized Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High X 1 1 Provides metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 47 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Eisenberg, J.,Ramsey, J.. 2010. Health hazard evaluation report no. HETA 2008-0175-3111, Evaluation of 1-Bromopropane use in four New Jersey commercial dry cleaning facilities. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3970603 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Drycleaning Liquid Inhalation 17 - 40 ppm (full shift TWA); short-term data also available 7 4 Full shift TWA See study for description of machine type and worker activities at each of 4 facilities visited 7 Full shift TWA Breathing zone of operators and cashiers Full shift None None used NIOSH method 1025 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 NIOSH publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High X 2 2 HHE conducted in 2008 Metric 5: Sample Size High X 1 1 7 samples. Individual data points allow characterization of full distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Continued on next page 48 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Eisenberg, J.,Ramsey, J.. 2010. Health hazard evaluation report no. HETA 2008-0175-3111, Evaluation of 1-Bromopropane use in four New Jersey commercial dry cleaning facilities. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3970603 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High X 1 1 Provides metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.1 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 49 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Hanley, K. W.,Petersen, M.,Curwin, B. D.,Sanderson, W. T.. 2006. Urinary bromide and breathing zone concentrations of 1-bromopropane from workers exposed to flexible foam spray adhesives, Part3. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3974876 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Analytic Method: Use Spray Adhesive Liquid Inhalation sprayers: 92 ppm (geometric mean)other jobs: 11 ppm (geometric mean) (only ranges and GM provided) 30 2 Full shift TWA Sprayers constructed polyurethane foam furniture cushions using spray adhesives. Non-sprayers included glue lilne leads, sewing machine oper- ators, wrappers, pillow stuffers, and foam and cloth cutters. Exposure among non-sprayers occurred as a result of overspray and solvent drift. 30 (13 sprayers, 17 non-sprayers) Full shift TWA Breathing zone Full shift NIOSH method 1025 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Methodology of experimental data well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US study Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium x 2 4 2005 data Metric 5: Sample Size Medium x 1 2 30 samples. Range and mean are reported, but distribution not fully characterized Continued on next page 50 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Hanley, K. W.,Petersen, M.,Curwin, B. D.,Sanderson, W. T.. 2006. Urinary bromide and breathing zone concentrations of 1-bromopropane from workers exposed to flexible foam spray adhesives, Part3. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3974876 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Full-shift TWA data with some worker activity info, but not all metadata are provided Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Discuss variability between different worker activity Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.6 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 51 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: OSHA. 2013. 1-Bromopropane Manufacturing Site Visit Report " Company A. Draft " Final. Prepared by Project Enhance- ment Corporation. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 5018532 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Exposure Frequency: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Analytic Method: Manufacture Manufacture Liquid Inhalation ND - 2.61 ppm 18 1 PBZ short-term and TWA Product loading, sampling 3 Personal Breathing zone Short-term and Full shift Approx. once per shift during product loading and/or sampling Richter and Dopak samplers; smart hose for truck loading; laboratory fume hood or nitrogen purge dry box Respirator worn during product loading PV2061 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 Sampling method is approved by OSHA Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US facility Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Mfg is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High X 2 2 2013 data Metric 5: Sample Size High X 1 1 Limited number of samples, but all individual data points are provided to allow characterization of distribution Continued on next page 52 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: OSHA. 2013. 1-Bromopropane Manufacturing Site Visit Report " Company A. Draft " Final. Prepared by Project Enhance- ment Corporation. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 5018532 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High X 1 1 Monitoring data includes metadata such as sample type, dura- tion, etc. Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.2 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 53 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID OSHA. 2013. 1-Bromopropane, Inspection/Case File Summary. Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; 5018566 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Exposure Frequency: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Vapor Degreasing, Spot Cleaning, Spray Adhesive, Cold Cleaning Liquid Inhalation Varies, depends on inspected facility Multiple 19 Full shift TWA Varies for each inspected facility Multiple Personal and area Breathing zone; facility area Full shift Varies Varies Varies Not known EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 OSHA document Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US facilities Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 Inspection date ranges from 1998 - 2011 Metric 5: Sample Size High X 1 1 Individual data points are provided, which allow characteriza- tion of distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Continued on next page 54 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID OSHA. 2013. 1-Bromopropane, Inspection/Case File Summary. Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; 5018566 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Metric 6; Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Monitoring data includes only critical metadata, e.g. sample type and exposure type Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.6 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 55 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: U.S. EPA. 2006. Significant new alternatives policy (SNAP) - Risk screen on substitutes for ozone depleting substances for adhesive, aerosol solvent, and solvent cleaning applications. Proposed substitute: n-Propyl bromide. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 2991016 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Exposure Frequency: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Vapor Degreasing, Aerosol Degreasing Liquid Inhalation Varies, depends on source of data Multiple Multiple TWA and short-term Varies for each facility; sometimes not specified Multiple Personal and area Breathing zone; facility area Full shift Varies Varies Varies Not known EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Sampling and analytical method used by individual company not specified Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US facilities Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Low x 2 6 Date of data appears to vary, many are prior to 2003, some aerosol degreasing data are from 1998 Metric 5: Sample Size High x 1 1 Individual data points are provided, which allow characteriza- tion of distribution Continued on next page 56 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID U.S. EPA. 2006. Significant new alternatives policy (SNAP) - Risk screen on substitutes for ozone depleting substances for adhesive, aerosol solvent, and solvent cleaning applications. Proposed substitute: n-Propyl bromide. Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; 2991016 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Monitoring data includes only critical metadata, e.g. sample type and exposure type Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 2.0 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 57 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: NIOSH. 2001. Evaluation of Solvent Exposures from the Degreaser. Trilthic Inc., IN. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 3044962 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Exposure Frequency: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Vapor Degreasing Liquid Inhalation 0.01 - 0.63 ppm 27 1 Full shift TWA Placing parts in metal wire basket, lower basket into degreasing solution, raising basket and allow it to dry 75 - 85 Personal and area Breathing zone; facility area Full shift Varies Room enclosure, LEV Nitrile gloves and splash-proof goggles NIOSH draft method for 1-BP EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 NIOSH publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US facilities Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium X 2 4 2000 data Metric 5: Sample Size High X 1 1 Individual data points are provided, which allow characteriza- tion of distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Continued on next page 58 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID NIOSH. 2001. Evaluation of Solvent Exposures from the Degreaser. Trilthic Inc., IN. Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; 3044962 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Metric 6; Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Monitoring data includes only critical metadata, e.g. sample type and exposure type Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.6 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 59 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: OSHA. 2018. OSHA CEHD Monitoring Data provided by Stephen Schayer to Greg Macek on 6/21/2018. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 5018565 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Use Vapor Degreasing Liquid Inhalation Scored at project level? 50 15 TWA Not described; some job titles include "parts washer/vapor degreaser" Personal Breathing zone TWA and short-term EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 OSHA samples Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US facilities Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope of RE based on job title description Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High X 2 2 2013 - 2016 data Metric 5: Sample Size High X 1 1 Individual data points are provided, which allow characteriza- tion of distribution Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Monitoring data includes only critical metadata, e.g. sample type and exposure type Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Continued on next page 60 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: OSHA. 2018. OSHA CEHD Monitoring Data provided by Stephen Schayer to Greg Macek on 6/21/2018. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 5018565 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Blando, J. D.,Schill, D. P.,De La Cruz, M. P.,Zhang, L.,Zhang, J.. 2010. Preliminary study of propyl bromide exposure among New Jersey dry cleaners as a result of a pending ban on perchloroethylene. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1619253 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Physical Form: Route of Exposure: Exposure Concentration (Unit): Number of Samples: Number of Sites: Type of Measurement or Method: Worker Activity: Number of Workers: Type of Sampling: Sampling Location: Exposure Duration: Exposure Frequency: Engineering Control & percent Exposure Reduction: PPE: Analytic Method: Use Drycleaning Liquid Inhalation ND - 54.55 ppm 26 4 8-hr TWA Operator, clerk, seamstress 2/shop Personal and Area Breathing Zone; shop areas Full shift Varies None None NIOSH 1025 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 NIOSH publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US facilities Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Use is within scope of RE Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High x 2 2 2010 study; data may have been collected in 2008 Metric 5: Sample Size High x 1 1 Limited number of samples, but individual data points allow characterization of distribution Continued on next page 62 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Blando, J. D.,Schill, D. P.,De La Cruz, M. P.,Zhang, L.,Zhang, J.. 2010. Preliminary study of propyl bromide exposure among New Jersey dry cleaners as a result of a pending ban on perchloroethylene. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. Type of Data Source Occupational Exposure; Monitoring Data; Hero ID 1619253 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Monitoring data includes only critical metadata, e.g. sample type and exposure type Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness High X 1 1 Discuss uncertainty in sampling and variability in the observed data Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.1 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor I If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 63 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Facility 64 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Niosh,. 2007. Workers' exposures to n-propyl bromide at a printed electronics circuit assembly manufacturer. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3355604 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Vapor Degreasing Small capacity open-top vapor degreaser used on as-needed basis for sol- dering and potting activities to clean flexible and rigid parts of PCB. Degreaser contains a hand actuated spray wand and nozzle to supple- ment the vapor cleaning (Pioneer Circuits Inc. in santa Ana, CA) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 NIOSH HHE Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope Study conducted 8/16-18, 2004 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High x 1 1 Data source, assessment method, results and assumptions are clearly described. Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.5 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 65 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Niosh,. 2007. Workers' exposures to n-propyl bromide at a hydraulic power control component manufacturer. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3355621 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Chemical Concentration: Use Vapor Degreasing 1 vapor degreaser shared by a dozen workers in Teflon and Refurbishing dept. and is used on as-needed basis. A medium capacity open-top vapor degreasing is located in a small ventilated room. An additional iquid solvent wash tank is located outside in a chemical shed. 94 percent EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 NIOSH HHE Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope Study conducted in 2004 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High x 1 1 Data source, assessment method, results and assumptions are clearly described. Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.5 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 66 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID Atsdr,. 2016. Draft toxicological profile forl-bromopropane. Facility; Completed Exposure or Risk Assessments; 3827325 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Manufacture Manufacture and Import Mfg via dehydration of propanol with bromine or hydrogen bromide 5,000 mt produced in US in 2006, growing 15-20 percent per yrlmport - 10.9 and 10.3MM lb in 2007 and 2011, respectively (total brominated derivatives of acryclic hydrocarbons) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 ATSDR report Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope 2017 report, but data are from 2006-2007 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 underlying data/sources not well described Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 67 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Cdc,. 2016. Criteria for a recommended standard: Occupational exposure to 1-bromopropane. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3827326 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Vapor Degreasing, Spray Adhesive Number of Sites: 2,540 - 9,280 businesses (vapor degreaser - 500-2,500; foam mfg - 100- 280) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Cites a 2007 EPA source Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope Data from 2007 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 underlying data/sources not well described Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: 2017. PubChem: 1-Bromopropane. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3860484 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Number of Sites: Manufacture Manufacture and Import Mfg by treatment of hydroxyl compound with a bromide and sulfuric acid 2002: 1-10MM lb (IUR) 41 chemical vendors EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Process description from Kirk-Othmer; PV from IUR Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Mfg is within scope Data from 2006 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High x 1 1 Clearly cites the source of information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.5 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 69 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: 2014. Report on carcinogens: 1-Bromopropane. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3860561 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Number of Sites: Manufacture Manufacture and Import Describes possible use as spot remover in textile industry 2012 - 15.3 MM lb. 2013 - 9.2 MM lb import, 15.6MM lb export (CDR) 21 mfg world-wide, incl. at least 1 in US (SRI, 2012) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Info from CDR and SRI Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope Metric 3: Applicability Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Metric 5: Sample Size High High High N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 2 N/A US Mfg is within scope Data from 2012-2013 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High x 1 1 Clearly cites the source of information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 70 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: 1999. Nomination of 1-bromopropane (1-BP) and 2-bromopropane (2-BP) for testing by the national toxicology program. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3860562 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Number of Sites: Manufacture Manufacture and Import 1 mfg est. an additional 2.5MM lb may be used/yr as cleaning agent 1 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 OSHA publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Mfg is within scope Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Medium x 2 4 1999 Metric 5: Sample Size N/A N/A No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Underlying data/sources not well described Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 71 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: 2013. Report on carcinogens: monograph of 1-bromopropane. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3860563 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Number of Sites: Manufacture Manufacture and Import 1-BP is produced by reacting n-propyl alcohol with hydrogen bromide and then removing the water that forms" mfg: 1-10MM lb (2006)Import: 10.3MM lb (2011) (CDR data) At least 1 US mfg in 2012 (SRI, 2012) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Info from CDR and SRI Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Mfg is within scope Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High X 2 2 Data from 2012 Metric 5: Sample Size N/A N/A No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness High X 1 1 Clearly cites the source of information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 72 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Echa,. 2014. Draft results of the 6th prioritisation of the SVHCs on the Candidate List with the objective to recommend priority substances for inclusion in Annex XIV. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3970684 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Manufacture Manufacture and Import Some volume used as an intermediate in mfg of chemicals. May also be used in some laboratory analyses. 1,000 ton/yr in EU. EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Medium X 1 2 ECHA document, but methodology not well described Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size Medium High Low N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 2 2 6 N/A EU Mfg and uses within scope Year of data unknown No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Source of info unknown Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Low 2.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 73 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Oehha,. 2007. Occupational health hazard risk assessment project for California: Identification of chemicals of concern, possible risk assessment methods, and examples of health protective occupational air concentrations. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3982225 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Manufacture Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Manufacture and Import Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): 1-10M lb in 2004 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Data appear to come from IUR Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Mfg is within scope Data from 2004 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Only some metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.6 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 74 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Dhhs,. 2017. Skin Notation (SK) Profile 1-Bromopropane. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3986431 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Degreasing Chemical Concentration: 95.5 percent (degreasing solvent) (Sclar, 1999) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 Concentration came from one specific site visit Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope Data from 1999 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Little to no metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID Cdph,. 2017. 1-Bromopropane. Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; 3969295 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Aerosol degreasing, other misc. uses Indicates potential use of 1-BP in coatings for pipes and other fixtures, and use of spray aerosols containing 1-BP to clean auto parts. Source also lists a number of products containing 1-BP EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Source of data and methodology unclear Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 2 N/A US Use is within scope 2016 publication No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Little to no metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 76 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: U.S, E. P. A.. 2001. Guide to industrial assessments for pollution prevention and energy efficiency. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3827322 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Degreasing Process Description: Source describes cold cleaning and vapor degreasing, generation of sol- vent waste stream, recycling of cleaning medium (see Section 5) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 EPA document Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope 2001 publication No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Little to no metadata Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: The Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute, University of Massachusetts Lowell. 2006. Five chemicals alternatives assessment study. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3981053 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Degreasing 1-BP is the most widely used alternative to PERC for vapor degreasing. 1-BP has lower surface tension thatn PERC which makes it favorable for cleaning complex geometric parts. nPB cost $13/gal, 3 times as much as PERC. EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 TURA document Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A X X X 1 2 2 1 2 2 N/A US Use is within scope 2006 publication No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.0 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 78 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: The Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute, University of Massachusetts Lowell. 2006. Five chemicals alternatives assessment study. Type of Data Source Facility; Published Models for Exposures or Releases; Hero ID 3981053 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Dry cleaning Dry cleaning machine load capacity: 35-65 lb (avg: 50 lb) in CA, and 45-60 lb (avg: 53 lb) in MA. In most forms of dry cleanings, spotting agents are usually used before dry cleaning takes place. Source also indicates recycling of dry cleaning solvent via a distillation unit. EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 TURA document Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 2 N/A US Use is within scope 2006 publication No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.0 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 79 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Echa,. 2015. Background document for 1-bromopropane. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3970681 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Misc. 1-BP may be used in some laboratory analyses EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 ECHA document Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size Medium High High N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 2 2 2 N/A EU Use is within scope 2015 publication No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.2 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 80 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: U.S, E. P. A.. 1995. Guidance document for the halogenated solvent cleaner NESHAP. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3827323 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Degreasing Describes batch v. in-line machine configurations and emission controls relating to NESHAP compliance (not 1-BP specific) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 EPA document Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High x 1 1 US Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Use is within scope Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness Low x 2 6 1995 document Metric 5: Sample Size N/A N/A No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.7 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 81 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Hsia,. 2011. Model rule for solvent defreasing. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3982145 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Degreasing "TCE is typically recycled as part of a controlled process, leaving only filters and sludge to be disposed of. Aqueous systems require much greater water usage and produce large amounts of contaminated wastew- ater" Airless degreasers have major operational disadvantages...and are not an option in many applications. A number of companies in PA clean the narrow tubes they mfg in large (40-50 feet) custom-built equipment. No airless system is available that meets such requirements." EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 HSIA Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 2 N/A US Use is within scope 2011 document No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.0 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 82 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Hesis,. 2016. 1-bromopropane (n-propyl bromide): Health hazard alert. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3982242 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Misc. Indicates use of 1-BP when applying "coatings to pipes or other fixtures" and in " spray aerosols used to clean auto parts". Source identifies com- mercial products containing 1-BP (adhesives, cleaners and degreasers, and other solvents) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 California Dept of Public Health Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 2 N/A US Use is within scope 2016 document No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.0 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 83 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Echa,. 2011. Comments on Annex XV Dossier for identification of a substance as SVHC and response to these comments. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3970682 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Misc. U.S. aerospace industry identifies the use of 1-BP in solvents, vapor de- greasing and cleaning. A company in the Netherlands identifies majority of 1-BP used as an intermediate. Enviro Tech and several other compa- nies in UK indicate current use of 1-BP as direct replacement for TCE in vapor degreasing equipment (in use for several years). 1 co. in Ger- many indicates use in closed loop cleaning system with short cleaning times and usage of 3-4 LT per day. Most customers of PPC in France use their products as intermediates in pharmaceutical or agrochemical industries. They have very few customers for 1-BP, all of which are in pharmaceutical industry. 1-BP is produced in well-closed equipment at PPC and monitoring data within past 5 years were all below 10 ppm. Based on information collected by REACH Consortium for Brominated substances, 69 percent of 1-BP is used for intermediate purposes. One UK company states that stabilized 1-BP is also "used in asphalt testing as a replacement for TCE. This is a laboratory test whereby 1-BP dis- solves the bitumen out of asphalt to separate it from the aggregate and the solvent then distilled off and collected for re-use." EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Medium X 1 2 ECHA comment summary document; comments submitted by various companies in Europe Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope Medium X 1 2 Europe Metric 3: Applicability High x 2 2 Use is within scope Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High x 2 2 2011 document Metric 5: Sample Size N/A N/A No Comment. Continued on next page 84 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE — continued from previous page Source Citation: Type of Data Source Hero ID Echa,. 2011. Comments on Annex XV Dossier for identification of a substance as SVHC and response to these comments. Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; 3970682 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Echa,. 2015. Opinion of the Member State Committee on the sixth draft recommendation of the priority substances and Annex XIV entries. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3970683 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Misc. Source indicates 1-BP does not have consumer uses, and is primarily used as intermediates in the EU EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Medium x 1 2 ECHA comment summary document; comments submitted by various companies in Europe Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size Medium High High N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 2 2 2 N/A Europe Use is within scope 2015 document No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 86 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Raymond, L. W.,Ford, M. D.. 2007. Severe illness in furniture makers using a new glue: 1-bromopropane toxicity confounded by arsenic. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 1025819 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Operating Days per Year and Batches per Day: Possible Physical Form: Chemical Concentration: Use Spray adhesive Glue was applied by spraying in aerosol form and directly by hand and by brush 8 hr/day, 5 day/wk Liquid 70 percent EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 published journal article Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope 2007 study No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 87 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Ntp, Cerhr. 2003. NTP-CERHR monograph on the potential human reproductive and developmental effects of 1- bromopropane. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 1519109 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Manufacture Manufacture and Import Mfg by reacting n-propyl alcohol with hydrogen bromide and removing the water that forms. Also can be produced by dehydration of propanol with bromine or hydrogen bromide in presence of sulfur catalyst. Cites other sources on exposure concentration ranges 1.5 MM lb in 2000 produced, 2.8 MM lb imported EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 US govt publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope 2003 publication, but data are older No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Niosh,. 1997. Control of health and safety hazards in commercial drycleaners: chemical exposures, fire hazards, and ergonomic risk factors. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3044963 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Use Dry cleaning 70 percent dry cleaning shops have 1-4 employees, 17 percent have 5-9 employees. Typical process begins when garments are brought to the shop. They are initially tagged for identification. Prior to spotting or being loaded into machines, they are inspected and sorted. See source for detailed process description. EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 US govt publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Low N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 6 N/A US Use is within scope 1997 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.7 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 89 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Hsia,. 2010. Petition to add n-propyl bromide to list of hazardous air pollutants regulate under section 112 of the Clean Air Act [with cover letter date 10/28/2010]. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3045668 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Use Various General use information as aerosol solvents (incl. lubricants, coatings), adhesives, and vapor degreasing. use of a solvent - growing at 15-20 percent /yr in US (5,000 metric tonnes) EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Medium x 1 2 Unknown methodology Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope PV data appears to be for 2007 No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.5 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 90 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: U.S, E. P. A.. 2017. Preliminary Information on Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution, Use, and Disposal: 1-Bromopropane. Support document for Docket EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0741. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3827328 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Chemical Concentration: Use Various Use Dossier provides indication of various uses Use Dossier indicates 2015 PV to be 25.8 MM lb (2016 CDR) See Use Dossier for concentration for each product EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 EPA publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A X X X 1 2 2 1 2 2 N/A US Use is within scope 2016 CDR data No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.0 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 91 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: 2017. Chemical data reporting: 1-bromo-propane. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3860454 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Use Various Chemview data, provides specific names of companies that manufacture or import 1-BP from 2012 CDR Based on 2012 CDR data, national aggregate PV is 15 MM lb EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 EPA publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 2 N/A US Use is within scope 2012 CDR data No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.0 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 92 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Ashford, R. D.. 2001. Ashford's Dictionary of Industrial ChemicalsN-propyl bromide. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3860433 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Process Description: Possible Physical Form: Manufacture Manufacture Ashford Chemical Dictionary indicates 1-BP production is from n- propanol with ydrochromic acid (alcohol bromination) Liquid EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High x 1 1 Ashford Chemical Dictionary Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A x 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Mfg is within scope 2001 edition No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness N/A N/A N/A - qualitative information Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.3 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 93 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: IRTA. 2016. Alternative Compliance Strategies for Enclosed and Conveyorized Vapor Degreasers under a Prohibition of Trichloroethylene. Draft.. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 5018567 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Degreasing Number of Sites: 100 vacuum degreasers and 800 conveyorized degreasers using 1-BP EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Low X 1 3 Data sources and estimation techniques not specified Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Geographic Scope High X 1 1 US Metric 3: Applicability High X 2 2 Use is within scope Metric 4: Temporal Representativeness High X 2 2 2016 document Metric 5: Sample Size Low X 1 3 Estimate not characterized by statistics Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Underlying data and methods not fully transparent Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Variability and uncertainty not addressed Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.9 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 94 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Enviro Tech International. 2017. RE: 1-Bromopropane, Docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPPT 2016-0741. The Use of 1- bromopropane (nPB) in the Dry Cleaning Industry. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 5018569 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Total Annual U.S. Volume (and percent of PV): Use Dry cleaning <50,000 lb 1-BP used in dry cleaning sector in 2015, <40,000 lb in 2016, Number of Sites: and likely <30,000 lb in 2017 9 converted PERC machines and 19 DrySolv machines were in service in 2016 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Medium X 1 2 Data from company expected to be knowledgeable with the sector, but industry data may present potential biase Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 2 N/A US Use is within scope 2017 public comment No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium x 1 2 Data comes from a company likely knowledgeable with the in- formation, but underlying data are not fully transparent Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Variability and uncertainty not addressed Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.5 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 95 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: U.S. EPA. 2013. Use and market profile for 1-bromopropane in vapor degreasers, spray adhesives, and aerosol solvents. Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 3045699 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Aerosol Degreasing Number of Sites: 1,000 - 5,000 businesses used 1-BP-based aerosol solvents in 2002 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology High X 1 1 US govt publication Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High Medium N/A X 1 x 2 x 2 1 2 4 N/A US Use is within scope 2013 publication, which cites data from a 2007 document No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Low x 1 3 Underlying data and methods not fully transparent Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Does not address variability/uncertainty Overall Quality Determination^ Medium 1.8 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Source Citation: Enviro Tech International. 2019. Personal communication between R. Morford (Enviro Tech International, Inc.) and D. Parsons (U.S. EPA). Type of Data Source Facility; Reports for Data or Information Other than Exposure or Release Data; Hero ID 5261917 EXTRACTION Parameter Data Life Cycle Stage: Use Life Cycle Description (Subcategory of Use): Dry cleaning Number of Sites: 8 dry cleaning establishments use 1-BP in 2019 EVALUATION Domain Metric Rating MWF* Score Comments Domain 1: Reliability Metric 1: Methodology Medium X 1 2 Data from company expected to be knowledgeable with the sector, but industry data may present potential biase Domain 2: Representative Metric 2: Metric 3: Metric 4: Metric 5: Geographic Scope Applicability Temporal Representativeness Sample Size High High High N/A XXX 1 2 2 1 2 2 N/A US Use is within scope 2019 communication No Comment. Domain 3: Accessibility/Clarity Metric 6: Metadata Completeness Medium X 1 2 Data comes from a company likely knowledgeable with the in- formation, but underlying data are not fully transparent as the location of the specific establishments is not known Domain 4: Variability and Uncertainty Metric 7: Metadata Completeness Low X 1 3 Variability and uncertainty not addressed Overall Quality Determination^ High 1.5 * MWF = Metric Weighting Factor t If any individual metrics are deemed Unacceptable, then the overall rating is also unacceptable. Otherwise, the overall rating is based on the following scale: High: > 1 to < 1.7; Medium: > 1.7 to < 2.3; Low: > 2.3 to < 3. 97 ------- |