DELAWARE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS AND SINKS INVENTORY: SUMMARY 4.5- 4.0- 3.5- U) = 3.0-^ 2.5- 2.0- 1.5- 1.0- 0.5 -I 0.0- Delaware Greenhouse Gas Emissions for 1990 Million Metric Tons of Carbon Equivalent Total Energy ~ carbon equivalent / / / // Waste Agriculture Sector Industry Land Use The report "Delaware Greenhouse Gas Inventory" provides a detailed inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks for Delaware in 1990. Emissions were estimated using methods from EPA's 1995 guidance document State Workbook: Methodologies for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions. In 1990, Delaware emitted 4.3 million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE). Delaware estimated emissions of less than 0.1 MMTCE from biomass fuels. Emissions from biomass fuels are not included in the reported total or the table below.1 The principal greenhouse gases were carbon dioxide, comprising 15.1 million metric tons (4.1 MMTCE), and methane, with 30,000 metric tons (0.2 MMTCE). Other emissions included 400 metric tons of nitrous oxide (0.03 MMTCE). 1 Note that the state of the art emission inventory method has advanced since Delaware completed its inventory; therefore, we revised Delaware's estimates to reflect updated values for global warming potentials. The most recent inventory guidance is available at http://www.epa.gOv/ttnchie1/eiip/techrep.htm#qreen. ------- Delaware Greenhouse Gas Emissions for 1990 BY SECTOR C02 (MMTCE) Methane (MMTCE) Nitrous Oxide (MMTCE) HFCs, PFCs, and SF6 (MMTCE) Total GHG Emissions (MMTCE) Energy - Residential 0.3 * * * 0.3 Energy - Commercial 0.1 * * * 0.1 Energy - Industrial 0.6 * * * 0.6 Energy - Transport 1.1 * * * 1.1 Energy - Utility 2.0 * * * 2.0 Energy - Exported Electricity * * * * * Energy - Other * * * * * Total Energy 4.1 * * * 4.1 Waste * 0.1 * * 0.1 Agriculture 0.0 0.0 0.0 * 0.1 Industry 0.0 * * * 0.0 Land Use * * * * * Total 4.1 0.2 0.0 * 4.3 All emissions are reported in million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE). An asterisk ( * ) indicates that emissions of the gas from this sector were zero, insignificant, or not reported. Emissions due to coal mining and extraction of natural gas and oil are included in the energy - other figures, and emissions from biofuel combustion are excluded. The major source of carbon dioxide emissions was fossil fuel combustion (>99%), with minor emissions from agricultural application of lime, and lime manufacture. Almost half of the emissions from fossil fuel combustion came from the utility sector. Combustion of fossil fuels accounted for over 95% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Contributors to methane emissions were landfills (76%), manure management (14%), domesticated animals (8%), and municipal wastewater (2%). Nitrous oxide emissions were attributable to fertilizer use. Delaware did not evaluate sources and sinks (i.e., an increase in forest carbon storage) associated with land use. Delaware emissions in 1990 were 6.5 MTCE per capita, compared to 1990 U.S. emissions of 6.4 MTCE per capita. ------- |