Daily PJM Load, llOx Emissions, CASTIIET Met and AQI Ozone Season 2005 Itt-HS: Dally MucTemperature |T) is art CASTUEX site in Washington Crossing, Ml W5P144. AQJ is ozone value only for MS A. indurated. PJM-Eas* Load is aggregate*! daily total from telemetry data. Gaiiy MO* Emissions in tore-. .Analysis. core-iders all electrical generating and larje industrial. sources in select counties* from the Ilea York City ana Philadelphia metropolitan areas wSvich report data ta EPA una-sr 40 CFR Part 75.. Peak units defined at •>= 1,100 Sours c-f operation in 2.M5 crane season. Includes only unit type CT (Combustion Turbines}. Ease units defined at > 1,100 hours during the 2COS ozone season. Induces all unit types. Metro NYC, NY MSA 5600 I ion-Controlled Units > Selecting 2005 ozcrie sea-son days with a maximum daily temp of approximately 90 F will capture most AQJ ozone days. >100 (orange or higher) in MSA 5600, > There appears to be a close correlation between PJW East load and the dispatch of non-controlled units in metro tlY-C area. Ilote that PJ.M onLy called the peaking units during periods of warm tempe r a t u res, PJM maximum load for 2005 was on July 26. 90 P* « J ~4 ¦/"** - - , , »/¦ • f m = Man Daly Tamp F ] AQI (NVC MSA) 1200 I 900 T~ ? BOO 300 A. rv Ay^ v7 MW PJM East -PL v V-Av. 5A7/2DCE G/3GD0S 6X20/2005 7/7!2005 7/24/2005 8^101/2005 3/27.^2005 9.'13^2005 9/30 2005 croA. r | Hon-Centrelied Base ID Non-Centre lied (PesKJCTs ------- ¦ Peak NOx Emissions Base NOx Emissions (/) c o 450 n 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Apr Daily temperature is daily max temperature for the Detroit MSA (source: AQS) AQI is based on daily max 8-hour 03 value for Detroit MSA (source: AirNow Tech) Output is total daily output for the Monroe Power Plant (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) Emissions are from all facilities in Michigan Peak NOx emissions are from facilities that operated for <1000 hours during the 2005 03 season (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) Base NOx emissions are from facilities that operated for >1000 hours during the 2005 03 season (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) ------- To simplify, this graph contains all of the relevant information on the previous slide. Because the base emissions » than peak emissions, only base emissions are shown. The output correlates with the NOx emissions and is therefore not included. AQI - Daily NOx Emissions Temperature Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Daily temperature is daily max temperature for the Detroit MSA (source: AQS) AQI is based on daily max 8-hour 03 value for Detroit MSA (source: AirNow Tech) NOx emissions during the 2005 03 season from (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) ------- Warm Season, 2005 o 140 3> 5> 120 l-o100 a; < 80 3 2 o Q. E a) 80 60 o o o 3 Q. +-» 3 o 40 20 AQI (PM2.5) Temperature 3000 = 2500 3 2000 £ ¦§ 1500 t/> E HI CM O w 1000 500 I Peak S02 Emissions Base S02 Emissions Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Daily temperature is daily max temperature for the Detroit MSA (source: AQS) AQI is based on 24-hr PM2.5 value for Detroit MSA (source: AirNow Tech) Output is total daily output for the Monroe Power Plant (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) Emissions are from all facilities in Michigan Peak S02 emissions are from facilities that operated for <1000 hours during the 2005 03 season (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) Base S02 emissions are from facilities that operated for >1000 hours during the 2005 03 season (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) ------- Cool Season, 2005-2006 160 o o o 80 60 40 3 Q. +-» 3 o 20 AQI (PM2.5) Temperature 3000 = 2500 3 2000 £ ¦§ 1500 t/> E HI CM O w 1000 500 I Peak S02 Emissions Base S02 Emissions Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Daily temperature is daily max temperature for the Detroit MSA (source: AOS) AQI is based on 24-hr PM2.5 value for Detroit MSA (source: AirNow Tech) Output is total daily output for the Monroe Power Plant (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) Emissions are from all facilities in Michigan Peak S02 emissions are from facilities that operated for <1000 hours during the 2005 03 season (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) Base S02 emissions are from facilities that operated for >1000 hours during the 2005 03 season /"cniirro- PDA Ploan A ir l\/1 arL-o+c ¦ ih ona nni//nWm/inWov icoarf/nnzom/cc/nnc \A/i-7drrt\ ------- Warm Season, 2005 Apr AQI - Daily S02 Emissions Temperature 1600 1400 > 1200 '§ 1000 ¦- _ E "T May Jun Jul Aug Sep Cool Season, 2005-2006 160 AQI - Daily S02 Emissions Temperature 3000 CM . 1000° 500 i Q Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Daily temperature is daily max temperature for the Detroit MSA (source: AQS) AQI is based on 24-hour OM2.5 value for Detroit MSA (source: AirNow Tech) SQ2 emissions from (source: EPA Clean Air Markets; http://cfpub.epa.gov/gdm/index.cfm?fuseaction=emissions.wizard) ------- |