The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program accelerates investment in our nation's water infrastructure by providing long-term, low-cost supplemental loans for regionally and nationally significant projects. RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT PROJECT NAME Vail Dam Seismic arid Hydrologic Remediation Project LOCATION: Temecula, CA INVITED WIFIA LOAN AMOUNT $42 million POPULATION SERVED BY PROJECT: 197,000 PROJECT TYPE: Drinking Water PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Vail Dam Seismic and Hydrologic Remediation Project will construct a new straight-axis concrete dam located downstream of the existing arch dam. The current dam's spillway is insufficient to pass the Probable Maximum Flood without overtopping the dam, and the existing concrete arch dam would not resist the stresses induced by the Maximum Credible Earthquake. The purpose of this project is to replace aging infrastructure, provide flood control from a major earthquake, and provide a local water supply averaging 4,800 acre-feet per year. FY 2020 SELECTION ROUND NUMBER OF PROJECTS SELECTED: 55 TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT $5.1 billion TOTAL WATER INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT SUPPORTED: $12.5 billion NUMBER OF PEOPLE IMPACTED: 25 million in 20 states Selected projects must submit an application for a WIFIA loan, pass a creditworthiness assessment, negotiate a mutually agreeable term sheet, and execute a credit agreement to receive WIFIA funding. An invitation to apply indicates that EPA believes the selected projects will be able to attain WIFIA loans. WIFIA PROGRAM United States Environmental Protection Agency WEBSITE: EMAIL; ------- |