Did You



Federal Facilities Factsheet
EPA - REGION 6, 6EN-XP - 1445 Ross Avenue - Dallas, Texas 75202-2733

The Yellow Book:

Guide to Environmental Enforcement and Compliance at Federal Facilities

Since its inception, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has relied on a
strong, aggressive enforcement program as the centerpiece of its efforts to ensure compliance
with natural environmental laws. This approach has not only served the nation well, it has
created a culture of environmental compliance that is unsurpassed in the world. Federal
agencies, just like private parties, are required to comply with all environmental requirements.
EPA's goal is for Federal facilities compliance with environmental requirements to equal or
surpass other regulated entities and that Federal facilities lead the way in environmental

To assist Federal agencies in meeting mandated requirements under various laws and
Executive Orders, EPA has developed this Guide to Environmental Enforcement and Compliance
at Federal Facilities (February 1999), commonly known as The Yellow Book, to serve as a road-
map for Federal agency compliance. The Yellow Book's primary purpose is to provide field level
personnel with environmental responsibilities at Federal facilities with a comprehensive
informational tool to both heM) them comply with environmental requirements and to understand

the enforcement and

compliance process used by EPA at
Federal facilities.

Copies of this document can be obtained through the internet
at the following addresses:

FFEO Website:


NOTE: Starting in June, issues of "Did You Know" will be

available through the Region 6 Federal facilities website*

James L. Colon - May 19'
