Draft U.S. GHG Inventory For Public Review/Comment

As a service to our Partners arid other interested parties, the U.S. EPA Landfill Methane
Outreach Program (LMOP) is sharing information about EPA's Inventory of U.S.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (Inventory), an annual report that tracks U.S.
greenhouse gas emissions and sinks by source category and economic sector, going
back to 1990. The municipal solid waste landfill sector is one of the covered sources
and methane is one of the gases included in the report.

Per a recent announcement in the Federal Register [FRL-9448-02-QAR1, the draft
1990-2021 Inventory is available for review and public comment. Information about
the Inventory and draft report files are available at


To ensure your comments are considered for the final version of this Inventory (to

be released in April 2023), they must be submitted by March 17, 2023. Comments can
be submitted electronically at regulations.gov/commenton/EPA-HQ-
QAR-2023-0001 -0001 or by email to GHGInventorv@epa.gov. More information about
submitting comments is available online at epa.gov/ghgemissions/how-submit-cornment-
draft-us-greenhouse-gas-inventorv-report-1990-2021. Comments received after the
deadline are still welcome and will be considered for the next edition of the Inventory.

To request removal from this email list, please reply to this message. For
further information or questions about LMOP, please do not reply to this
email message, but rather visit the LMOP website. Thank you.

