Water and Wastewater

Grants to U.S. Territories and D.C.

Program Summary

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports public health and environmental
protection in D.C. and the U.S. territories by helping communities develop and maintain their
water infrastructure through funding, tools, training, and technical assistance. EPA allots a portion
of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) and Clean Water State Revolving Fund
(CWSRF) as grants to the District of Columbia (D.C.) and the U.S. territories of the U.S. Virgin Islands
(USVI), Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)
for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. EPA Regions award and manage these grants.

The Water and Wastewater Infrastructure grants to territories and D.C. program allows the U.S.
territories and DC. to improve compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water
Act, provide safe drinking water, and protect human health and the environment. For FY2022
and FY2023, the CWSRF and DWSRF programs provided over $67 million in EPA's regular annual
appropriation plus an additional $363 million in funding through the Infrastructure Investment
and Jobs Act - also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. These resources fund wastewater
and drinking water projects including emerging contaminants, lead-service line replacement,
infrastructure construction, and watershed-based programs that improve the quality of D.C. and
U.S. territories' water systems.

Funding Distribution Data

The grant program provides funds to the U.S. territories and D.C. from several different sources
such as the DWSRF and CWSRF funding programs, as well as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
These funds support efforts to address both general infrastructure development and challenges
from emerging contaminants in the aforementioned jurisdictions.

FY 2023 ~ Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Fact Sheet


Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds Annual
and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Allocations









Fiscal Year












U.S. Virgin Islands

District of Columbia


American Samoa

Northern Mariana Islands

DWSRF Lead Service Line











DWSRF Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law Emerging Contaminants











DWSRF Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law General Supplemental











CWSRF Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law Emerging Contaminants











CWSRF Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law General Supplemental











CWSRF Title II Program











DWSRF Title II Program











U.S. Virgin Islands: Route 30 Bolongo Bay Drainage Improvement
(EPA Region 2)

For many years, the Bolongo Bay area, located on the Island of St. Thomas, experienced significant
stormwater runoff issues during rain events. To address this problem, a drainage system was designed
to carry the stormwater runoff away and prevent it from flowing through the nearby roads, thus
avoiding any impact on local churches, businesses, and the Bolongo Beach resort. The project included
implementing erosion controls such as silt fencing and surveys, as well as the installation of various
structures such as:

Bioretention basins and trench basins;

A box culvert with cover;

Concrete swales, bioswale and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) culverts;

HDPE pipes, turf stone swales, and pavers to capture, store, and drain stormwater runoff;

Removal of nearby tennis court and fencing; and

Installation of the techno-block permeable pavers.

Since its construction, the Route 30 Bolongo Bay Drainage Improvement Project greatly decreased
the stormwater flow within the nearby areas of Bolongo Bay. The project, which cost over $1.1 million, of
which EPA provided $810,164.00, was completed in 2023 and serves over 300 residents in the area.

FY 2023 ~ Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Fact Sheet


Washington, D.C.: Fort Totten Residential Trash
Transfer Station Ramp (EPA Region 3)

The design and installation of the Fort Totten Residential Trash Transfer Station Ramp is a U.S. EPA
funded project for the District of Columbia. Originally, the trash transfer station consisted of an "open
pile" dump where residents would bring bulk waste, yard waste, or other items for disposal. Rainwater
periodically saturated the pile and absorbed contaminants before entering the stormwater system.

The project elevated the site's drop-off portion and covered the disposal area to prevent contaminants
from entering the storm sewers. In addition, now the rainwater enters a bioretention basin to allow
it to slowly percolate into the ground. By implementing this green infrastructure best practice, less
rainwater will enter the sewer system for treatment - saving both energy and system capacity. The new
roof and ramp cover 28,488 ft2 and can treat over 17,000 gallons of stormwater. This construction project
will serve the whole population of D.C., which consists of almost 700,000 residents.

New elevated and covered disposal area at Trash Transfer Station

Guam: Sewer Line Rehabilitation and Replacement (EPA Region 9)

The purpose of the Sewer Line Rehabilitation and Replacement project aimed to rehabilitate the sewer
line on Route 1 Marine Corps Drive, in the Adelup-Hagatna area, to minimize infiltration and inflow
issues as well as sanitary sewer overflows. The sewer line along this stretch of road was reaching the
end of its useful service life and had both collapsed lines and infiltration and inflow issues. The project
rehabilitated approximately 7,000 linear feet of pipe and several manholes along a major highway in
Guam and improved the wastewater collection system capacity to prevent sanitary sewer overflows and
extend the service life of the sewer.

This project benefits the approximately 20,000 people living in the service area and has vastly
eliminated sewage leaks along the approximately 5-mile stretch of ocean and coral reefs. The total
construction cost was $8.6 million, which was fully provided through the Water and Wastewater
Infrastructure grants program.

Crews servicing the sewer line along Route 1, Marine Corps Drive

FY 2023 ~ Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Fact Sheet


American Samoa: ASPA (American Samoa Power Authority)
Drinking Water Filtration System Project (EPA Region 9)

The Drinking Water i-iltration System project provided a micron filtration system to remove bacterial
contamination from seven groundwater wells.

Additionally, the project included the installation of new booster pumps to deliver adequate pressure
to the new water filter system. This included water line replacement, a new storage tank, and the
construction of a storage building and control room for the system.

The project, which serves approximately 15,000 residents on the island, cost $8 million and was
completed in fall 2023.

New ASPA sewage system and storage building.

New Primary Screen for the Sadog Tasi Wastewater Treatment Plant,
Saipan, Commonwealth Northern Mariana Islands (EPA Region 9)

The U.S. EPA funded a project in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) that
installed a primary screen at the Sadog Tasi Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is managed by the
Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC). During primary treatment of influent wastewater, a primary
screen filters out inorganic solids before the secondary treatment of the wastewater.

Functioning as the first line of treatment for Saipan's Northern Sewershed, this critical installation
significantly improved the CNMI's ability to maintain compliance with wastewater discharge permit
requirements and enhanced the quality of the treated wastewater discharged into the ocean. The
project, which cost $1 million, serves over 3,000 residents and was completed in January 2023.

Primary screen at the Sadog lasi Wastewater Treatment Plant

FY 2023 ~ Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Fact Sheet


EPA Publication 832R24006
