Did You

ISSUE #3 (Mar-99)	

Federal Facilities Factsheet
EPA - REGION 6, 6EN-XP - 1445 Ross Avenue - Dallas, Texas 75202-2733
	*Web Site: www.eDa.20v/earthlr6/6en/xD/enxD4b.htm	

Project XL

Project XL is one of many reinvention programs which provides avenues for alternative strategies. This
program is seeking candidates who would like to demonstrate or pilot innovative technologies and alternative
strategies for implementing new and existing regulatory requirements or policies in a cleaner, cheaper and smarter

The EPA - Region 6 Reinvention staff will be available to assist candidate facilities, through the use of
seminars, training sessions, workshops etc., in understanding how the reinvention process can be a big asset in
resolving environmental issues that may not have been possible under the present methods. The reinvention staff
will introduce Reinvention Programs that will be made available to candidate facilities for their use.

Region 6 has taken the lead in coordinating Project XL, and can assist facilities who represent clients or
have sites outside of Region 6 in understanding who your XL contact for reinvention and Project XL is for the
other regions. For further information notify the EPA Contact Person listed below. Information on Project XL can
also be accessed through the internet at the following addresses:

XL Project Website: http://www.epa.go v/proiectxl
•	Office of Reinvention Website: http://www, epa. gov/reinvent

Contact Person: Adele D. Cardenas, Region 6 XL/Reinvention
Coordinator (6EN-XP), Compliance Assurance and Enforcement
Division, Environmental Protection Agency, 1445 Ross Avenue,
Dallas, Texas 75202-2733, Phone: (214) 665-7210,
Fax: (214)665-7446

E-Mail: Cardenas.Adele@epamail.epa.gov

