^£Dsr% £ (Ql ^ % wj EPA530-R-07-003 May 2008 Version 1 Definition of Solid Waste Compendium Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases Hazardous Waste Identification Division Office of Solid Waste U.S. Environmental Protection Agency This document was prepared by ICF Incorporated, L.L.C. under Contract EP-W-07-003 ------- RCRA Definition of Solid Waste Compendium - Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases Navigation Tips To improve document navigation: Using Microsoft Word 1. Use the f (back) and (forward) buttons to navigate between document locations accessed via hyperlinks. These buttons can be accessed from the Navigation toolbar (View > Toolbars > Navigation). Alternatively, use ALT + Left (back) and ALT + Right (forward). 2. Use the Document Map. To show the Document Map, go to View > Document Map. Using Adobe Reader (PDF) 1. Use the f~ (back) and ¦ (forward) buttons to navigate between document locations accessed via hyperlinks. These buttons are found on the Navigation bar at the bottom of the document window. 2. Use the Bookmarks listed in the Bookmarks tab (located on the left-hand side of the document window). Proceed to: Main Index Navigation Tips i ------- RCRA Definition of Solid Waste Compendium - Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases Main Index Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases Navigation Tips i Main Index ii Introduction iii Sub topic View 1 Resources by Subtopic 2 Glossary of Acronyms 3 Compendium Volumes Volume Topic A Exclusions B Abandoned Materials C Military Munitions D Use Constituting Disposal (UCD) E Burning for Energy Recovery F Reclamation G Speculative Accumulation H Spent Materials I Sludges J By-Products K Commercial Chemical Products L Inherently Waste-Like Materials M Use/Reuse N Legitimate Recycling 0 Recyclable Materials P Precious Metals Reclamation Q Spent Lead-Acid Batteries R Universal Waste S Case-by-Case Variances T Incidental Processing U (Un)-Contained Gases V Waste-Specific Issues Main Index ii ------- RCRA Definition of Solid Waste Compendium - Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases Introduction Return to: Main Index About the Compendium The Definition of Solid Waste Compendium serves as a user-friendly reference to assist Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state staff, industrial facilities generating and managing solid and hazardous wastes, as well as the general public, in locating resources addressing specific regulatory issues within the federal Definition of Solid Waste regulations. Please note that this reference is designed to be web-based; therefore, the usefulness of the document is maximized when it is viewed on a computer that is connected to the internet. A frequently mentioned comment from stakeholders is the need for EPA to improve the user-friendliness of the existing regulations. Commenters note that the applicable Definition of Solid Waste regulations and relevant guidance materials are difficult to locate and use. As a result, stakeholders have difficulty in understanding the regulations and identifying solid waste. The objective of this document is to address some of the commenters' concerns by consolidating and streamlining the Definition of Solid Waste into a helpful reference tool that features a user-friendly format, including references to EPA FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), letters, memoranda, and guidance documents that EPA has provided to the public through the years to help stakeholders interpret the Definition of Solid Waste. This document does not change any of the existing solid or hazardous waste requirements. The resources referenced in the Compendium may include Federal Register (FR) notices, documents from Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Online (e.g., RCRA Hotline Q&A's, letters, and memoranda issued by EPA), and other resources, as well as relevant Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) language. We have attempted to identify the relevant resources for each Compendium volume topic. However, please note that EPA could have inadvertently overlooked a relevant document and did not reference it. Certain available resources, such as superseded RCRA Online documents and items that were judged to be not pertinent, have not been referenced. Most of the referenced resources are not included or reproduced in the Compendium; instead, hyperlinks to the resources are provided. As an exception, we have included a version of relevant sections of the most current CFR language (as of the date on the cover of the Compendium) that we have reformatted to make it easier to read and find citations of interest. In addition, we also provide links to the Government Printing Office's Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Web site (e-CFR), which is updated almost daily. Please note that this document is also not a rulemaking in any way. As well, the included reformatted CFR language is not a substitute for the CFR itself or the requirements in the CFR. The Government Printing Office frequently updates the e-CFR Introduction iii ------- RCRA Definition of Solid Waste Compendium - Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases Web site; where appropriate, hyperlinks to the respective CFR section at the e-CFR Web site are provided. This reference document presents only the federal Definition of Solid Waste. Most states are authorized to manage their own solid and hazardous waste generator regulatory program. Therefore, states may have their own set of regulations that apply in lieu of federal regulations, and while most state solid and hazardous waste regulations are based on the federal requirements, some states have developed regulations more stringent than the federal program. We direct you to the following Web site to determine if the state regulatory program is different from the federal program: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/osw/stateweb.htm. The Definition of Solid Waste includes multiple subtopics, and is codified under 40 CFR. To help users of the Compendium more quickly identify the information they need, and to make the Compendium more user-friendly in an electronic environment, the Compendium has been divided into multiple volumes. These volumes are available through EPA's Definition of Solid Waste Web site at www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/dsw/index.htm. Because regulations are promulgated throughout the year, EPA intends to update the Compendium volumes periodically to remain up-to-date with regulations relating to the Definition of Solid Waste. About the (Un)-Contained Gases Volume This volume of the Compendium references resources pertaining to the regulation of contained and un-contained gases with respect to the Definition of Solid Waste regulations (40 CFR 261.2). This document is organized into three main sections: • Subtopic View - lists subtopics for resources • Resources - lists resources for each subtopic The Subtopic View section lists the subtopics among the resources pertaining to the regulation of contained and un-contained gases with respect to the Definition of Solid Waste regulations. The Resources section is comprised of a table, arranged by subtopic, that provides basic details about and a hyperlink to each resource. These two main sections are cross-referenced, where each section includes hyperlinks to the other sections. Please see the "Navigation Tips" section for document navigation guidance. This reference document does not provide guidance on solid waste or hazardous waste regulations beyond issues concerning the regulation of contained and un-contained gases with respect to the Definition of Solid Waste regulations. For more information regarding the various regulations applied to facilities generating or managing hazardous waste, see Hazardous Waste Generators: A User Friendly Reference Document. Introduction iv ------- RCRA Definition of Solid Waste Compendium - Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases The Compendium volumes are also available in Microsoft Word format from EPA upon request. For more information on these versions and any other questions or comments concerning this document, please contact EPA's Office of Solid Waste: Amanda Geldard geldard.amanda@epa.gov (703) 347-8975 Teena Wooten wooten.teena@epa.gov (703) 308-8751 Introduction v ------- RCRA Definition of Solid Waste Compendium - Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases Subtopic View Return to: Main Index (Un)-Contained Gases Resource Index: • Resources applicable to all subtopics • Resources specific to subtopic: o Contained gases o Un-Contained gases Subtopic View 1 ------- RCK 4 Definition of Solid Waste Compendium - Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases Resources by Subtopic Return to: Subtopic View | Main Index Subtopic Resource Document Date Type Topic is Focus? Link to EPA Summary Link to Resource Resources applicable to all subtopics 1. 47 FR 27520 - Amendments to Hazardous Waste Incinerator Regulations (Interim Final) [p. 27530] 6/24/1982 Federal Register Yes N/A PDF 2. 47 FR 36092 - Amendments to Definition of Empty Container (Final) [p. 36094] 8/18/1982 Federal Register Yes N/A PDF 3. 49 FR 5313 - Listing of Hazardous Waste (Proposed) [All pages] 2/10/1984 Federal Register Yes N/A PDF 4. 54 FR 50968 - Listing of Hazardous Waste (Final) [p. 50973] 12/11/1989 Federal Register Yes N/A PDF 5. 56 FR 5910 - Regulation of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (Interim Final) [p. 5911] 2/13/1991 Federal Register Yes N/A PDF 6. 56 FR 7134 - Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces Part 1 (Final) [p. 7200] 2/21/1991 Federal Register Yes N/A PDF Return to: Subtopic View I Main Index Contained gases 1. RESIDUES REMOVED FROM COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS 11/6/1981 Letter Yes Summarv PDF Return to: Subtopic View I Main Index Un-contained gases 1. INCINERATORS THAT RECEIVE GASEOUS EMISSIONS, RCRA EXCLUSION, CAA APPLIES 7/31/1984 Memo Yes Summary PDF 2. GASES VENTED FROM COMPRESSED CYLINDERS - TREATING OF FLUORINE AND OTHERS 12/17/1984 Memo No Summary PDF 3. FUME INCINERATORS 3/1/1986 Q & A No Summary PDF 4. ACTIVATED CARBON CANISTERS SATURATED WITH SPENT SOLVENTS 7/15/1986 Letter Yes Summary PDF 5. METHANOL RECOVERY SYSTEM - CLARIFICATION OF WASTE STATUS 6/17/1987 Memo No Summary PDF Return to: Subtopic View | Main Index Resources 2 ------- RCK 4 Definition of Solid Waste Compendium - Volume U: (Un)-Contained Gases Glossary of Acronyms Return to: Main Index Acronym Meaning CAA Clean Air Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations e-CFR electronic Code of Federal Regulations EPA Environmental Protection Agency FR Federal Register RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Glossary of Acronyms 3 ------- |