ECMPS Emissions
Check Specifications
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air and Radiation
Clean Air Markets Division
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20460
September 13, 2017
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications 9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Table of Contents
Appendix D and E Status
Daily Calibration Status
Daily Calibration Test
Daily Emissions Data
Daily Interference Status
Daily Test
EM Weekly System Integrity Test
EM Weekly Test Summary
Flow-to-Load Status
Hourly Aggregation
Hourly Appendix D
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Hourly Appendix E 276
Hourly Apportionment 292
Hourly Calculated Data 310
Hourly Derived Data 371
Hourly General 439
Hourly Monitor Data 476
Hourly Operating Data 534
Leak Status 593
Linearity Status 602
LME 632
MATS Calculated Hourly Value Checks 686
MATS Derived Hourly Value Checks 714
MATS Hourly GFM Data 735
MATS Monitor Hourly Value Checks 745
MATS Operating Hour Checks 780
MATS Sampling Train Checks 806
MATS Sorbent Trap Data 830
RATA Status 850
Weekly System Integrity Status 890
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
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Check Category:
Appendix D and E Status
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Check Code: ADESTAT-1
Check Name: Determine Appendix E Status
Related Former Checks:
Validation Tables:
Fuel Code (Lookup Table)
Set PriorAppendixERecord = null.
Set InvalidAppendixERecord = null.
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = null.
Set PriorAppendixEEventRecord = null.
Set SubsequentAppendixERecord = null
Set AppendixEMissingOpDatalnfo = null.
If (App E Op Code in set {N, W, X, Y, Z} ) AND AppE NOXE System ID is not null)
Append AppE NOXE System ID to NOXE System ID Array.
Locate the most recent record in AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to
the AppE NOXE System ID and the TestResultCode is not equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour is prior to the
if (AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set Prior AppendixERecord = the found record in AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Locate the most recent record in AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is
equal to the AppENOXESystemID and the TestResultCode is equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour is prior to the
CurrentOperatingDate/Hour and the EndDate/Hour is greater than the Prior AppendixERecord. EndDate/Hour.
if (AppendixETestRecordsIiy Location ForOAStatus is found)
Set InvalidAppendixERecord = the found record in AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Locate the most recent record in AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is
equal to the AppE NOXE System ID and the TestResultCode is equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour is prior to the
if (AppendixETestRecordsIiy Location ForOAStatus is found)
Set InvalidAppendixERecord = the found record in AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
if {PriorAppendixERecord is not null)
if (Prior A ppendixERecord. Q A Needs E va 1 uat i o n F1 ag = "Y")
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "Prior Test Not Yet Evaluated",
else if (Prior A ppen dixERecord. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = null)
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "OOC-Prior Test Has Critical Errors".
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Set PriorTestExpirationDate = Prior A ppen ilixERecord. Tc s t E \ p i ra t i o n D a t c
if {PriorTestExpirationDate is null)
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = 5 years (20 calendar quarters) after the end of the quarter of the
Prior A ppen ilixE Record. E nd D a t c/ H o u r.
if (CurrentOperatingDate/Hour is AFTER the PriorTestExpirationDate)
Set CurrentAppendbcEStatus = "OOC-Expired".
Locate the most recent record in QACertificationEventRecords where the SystemID is equal to the
AppENOXESystemID and the RequiredTestCode is equal to 75 and the QACertEventDate/Hour is prior
to the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour and theQACertEventDate/Hour is on or after the
Prior A ppen dixERecord. E nd D a t c/ H o u r
if (QACertificationEventRecords is found)
Set PriorAppendixEEventRecord = the found record in QACertificationEventRecords.
if (the number of calendar days ON OR AFTER the
PriorAppendixEEventRecord.QACertEventDate and ON OR BEFORE the
CurrentOperatingDate/Hour > 180)
Set CurrentAppendbcEStatus = "OOC-Event".
else if {PriorAppendixEEventRecord .MinOpDaysPriorQuarter is null)
Set PriorAppendixEEventRecord .MinOpDaysPriorQuarter = 0
Set PriorAppendixEEventRecord .MaxOpDaysPriorQuarter = 0
for each quarter beginning with the quarter of the
PriorAppendixEEventRecord.QACertEventDate and continuing through the quarter
BEFORE the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour.
if {EarliestLocationReportDate <= the last day of the quarter being checked)
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the
OpTypeCode is equal to "OPDAYS" and the reporting period is equal to
the quarter being checked.
if {OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is not found)
Set PriorAppendixEEventRecord.MinOpDaysPnorQuarter =
Set AppendixEMissingOpDutalnfo = "[YEAR] Q[QTR]"
(where [YEAR] is the year of the quarter being checked and
[QTR] is the number of the quarter being checked,
exit for.
If the quarter being checked is the quarter of the
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PriorAppendixEEvent Record.Q ACcrlExcnlDdic
If (()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location.Op Va 1 lie
MINUS the number of calendar days in the quarter
being checked that are PRIOR to the
PriorAppendixEEventRecord.QACertEventDate > 0)
rQuarter =
OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation. Op Va
lue MINUS the number of calendar days in the
quarter being checked that are PRIOR to the
If (()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie is
less than the number of calendar days in the quarter
being checked that are ON OR AFTER the
Prior A ppen dixEE ventRecord. IVI a x O p D ay s P ri o
rQuarter =
OperatingSuppDatciRecordsbyLocation. Op Va
Prior A ppen dixEE ventRecord. IVI a x O p D ay s P ri o
rQuarter = the number of calendar days in the
quarter being checked that are ON OR AFTER
+ ()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie.
Set Prior A ppen dixEE ventRecord. IVI a \ O p D a\ s
PriorQuarter =
r + ()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie.
If (CurrentAppendixEStatus does NOT begin with "OOC")
if (Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for the Location == -1)
set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "Invalid Op Data"
elseif (PriorAppendixEEventRecord.MinOpDaysPviorQwMcr == -1)
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set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "Missing Op Data"
else if (PriorAppendixEEventRecord.MinOpDaysPviorQu'Mcr + Rpt Period Op Days
Accumulator Array for the Location > 30)
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "OOC-Event".
else if (Prior A ppen dixEE vent Record. IVI a \ O p D ay s P ri o rQ ua rt c r + Rpt Period Op Days
Accumulator Array for the Location > 30)
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "Undetermined-Event".
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "IC".
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "IC".
if {AppEFuelCode is not equal to "MIX")
Locate the earliest record in AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the
SystemID is equal to the AppENOXESystemID and the TestResultCode is not equal to "INVALID" and the
EndDate/Hour is on or after the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour
if (AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set SubsequentAppendixERecord = the found record in
Locate the earliest record in AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the
SystemID is equal to the AppENOXESystemID and the TestResultCode is equal to "INVALID" and the
EndDate/Hour is on or after the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour and the EndDate/Hour is before the
if (AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidAppendixERecord = the found record in
Locate the earliest record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the FuelCode is equal to
AppEFuelCode and the OpTypeCode is equal to "OPHOURS"
If OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is found)
Set FuelOpSuppDataRecord = the found record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation
Set DateFuelFirstCombusted = end date of quarter of the FuelOpSuppDataRecord .RptPeriodID
- in[((FuelOpSuppDataRecord .OpValue - l)/24) days
if (If OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is found AND DateFuelFirstCombusted is more than 180
calendar days before the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour)
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "OOC-No Prior Test"
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Locate the record in the FuelCode lookup table where the FuelCode is equal to AppEFuelCode.
Locate the record in FuelRecordsByHourLocation for the hour and location where the FuelCode
is equal to the FuelCode.UnitFuclCodc
if (FuelRecordsByHourLocation is not found OR more than one FuelRecordsByHour Location
is found)
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "Invalid Location Fuel"
else if (FuelRecor dsByHourLocation.Indic&toxCodQ is equal to "S",
if (SubsequentAppendixERecord.QANeedsEvaluationFlag = "Y")
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "Subsequent Test Not Yet Evaluated",
else if (SubsequentAppendixERecord.TestResultCode = null)
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "OOC-Subsequent Test Has Critical Errors".
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "IC"
Set PriorAppendixERecord = SubsequentAppendixERecord
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "OOC-No Prior Test"
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "OOC-No Prior Test"
Locate the earliest record in AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the
SystemID is equal to the AppENOXESystemLD and the TestResultCode is equal to "INVALID" and the
EndDate/Hour is on or after the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour
if (AppendixETestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set LnvalidAppendixERecord = the found record in
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = "OOC-No Prior Test"
if (CurrentAppendixEStatus begins w ith "OOC")
if (LnvalidAppendixERecord is not null)
Set CurrentAppendixEStatus = CurrentAppendixEStatus &
if (CurrentAppendixEStatus does not begin with "IC")
Return result CurrentAppendixEStatus.
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Invalid Location
Invalid Monitor
Invalid Op Data
Missing Fuel Op
Missing Op Data
OOC-No Prior
OOC-No Prior
OOC-Prior Test
Has Critical
OOC-Prior Test
Has Critical
Test Has Critical
Test Has Critical
Prior Test Not
Yet Evaluated
Subsequent Test
Not Yet
The Appendix E test status for MonitoringSystemID [ID] could not be determined,
because you did not report a single, valid unit fuel record for FuelCode [unitfuel] that
was active during the current hour.
The Appendix E test status for MonitoringSystemID [ID] could not be determined,
because the Monitor System record for the NOXE system has a critical error.
The Appendix E test status for MonitoringSystemID [ID] could not be determined,
because the OperatingTime in at least one Hourly Operating Data records was missing
or invalid.
The Appendix E test status for MonitoringSystemID [ID] could not be determined,
because the Op Supp Data record for OPHOURS for FuelCode [fuel] is missing for one
or more previous reporting periods. If you have submitted emissions data for prior
quarters, you should be able to retrieve these records by logging on to the EPA host.
The Appendix E test status for MonitoringSystemID [ID] could not be determined,
because the Op Supp Data record for OPDAYS is missing for
[MISSINGOPDATAINFO] (and possibly other previous reporting periods). If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for MonitoringSystemID [ID], but you did not perform a
subsequent Appendix E test within the specified timeframe.
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for MonitoringSystemID [ID], but you did not perform a
subsequent Appendix E test within the specified timeframe. An invalid Appendix E
test was ignored.
The prior Appendix E test TestNumber [testnum] for MonitoringSystemID [ID] has
The prior Appendix E test TestNumber [testnum] for MonitoringSystemID [ID] has
expired. An invalid prior Appendix E test TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
You did not report a prior Appendix E test for MonitoringSystemID [ID].
You did not report a prior Appendix E test for MonitoringSystemID [ID]. An invalid
prior Appendix E test Test Number [invtestnum] was ignored.
The applicable prior Appendix E test TestNumber [testnum] for MonitoringSystemID
[ID] has critical errors.
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
The prior Appendix E test TestNumber [testnum] for MonitoringSystemID [ID] has Critical Error Level
critical errors. An invalid prior Appendix E test TestNumber [invtestnum] was
The subsequent recertification Appendix E test TestNumber [subtestnum] for Critical Error Level
MonitoringSystemID [ID] has critical errors.
The subsequent recertification Appendix E test TestNumber [subtestnum] for Critical Error Level
MonitoringSystemID [ID] has critical errors. An invalid Appendix E test TestNumber
[invtestnum] was ignored.
The Appendix E test status for MonitoringSystemID [ID] could not be determined, Critical Error Level
because the applicable prior Appendix E test TestNumber [testnum] for the system has
not yet been evaluated.
The Appendix E test status for MonitoringSystemID [ID] could not be determined, Critical Error Level
because the subsequent certification test TestNumber [subtestnum] for the system has
not yet been evaluated.
The software could not determine if the current hour was within the 30-operating day Critical Error Level
window required to conduct another Appendix E test following QACertEventCode
[code] QACertEventDate [eventdate] for MonitoringSystemID [ID],
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
App E Checks Needed Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals false
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Check Code: ADESTAT-2
Check Name: Locate Most Recent Prior Accuracy Test
Related Former Checks:
Description: Determines if there is an applicable prior accuracy test.
Set Cur rent Accuracy Status = null.
Set PriorAccuracyRecord = null.
Set InvalidAccuracyRecord = null.
Set Inappropriate Transmitter Transducer Test to false.
Locate the most recent record in Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the ComponentID is equal to the
FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.ComponentID and the TestResult is not equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour is prior to the
if (AccuracyTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set PriorAccuracyRecord = the found record in Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus .
if (Prior A ccunt cy Record.7cs[7xpcCodc is equal to "FFACCTT" AND
FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.SamplQAcquisitiovMQthod is NOT equal to "ORF", "NOZ", or "VEN")
Set Inappropriate Transmitter Transducer Test to true.
Locate the most recent record in Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the ComponentID is equal
to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.ComponentID and the EndDate/Hour is prior to the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour
and the EndDate/Hour is greater than the Prior Accuracy Record En&DMdHoux and the TestResult is equal to "INVALID".
if (AccuracyTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidAccuracyRecord = the found record in Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus .
if (Prior A ccuracy Record. Q A Needs E va 1 uat i o n F1 ag = "Y")
Set Current Accuracy Status = "Accuracy Test Not Yet Evaluated".
else if (Prior A ccuracy Record. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc is null)
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Accuracy Test Has Critical Errors".
else if (Prior A ccuracy Record. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = "FAILED")
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Accuracy Test Failed".
else if (Prior A ccuracy Record. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = "ABORTED")
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Accuracy Test Aborted".
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-No Prior Accuracy Test"
Locate the most recent record in Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the ComponentID is equal
to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.ComponentID and the TestResult is equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour is
prior to the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour.
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if (AccuracyTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidAccuracyRecord = the found record in Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Locate Most Recent Prior Accuracy Event
Determines if there is a applicable prior event requiring an Accuracy test.
Set PriorAccuracyEventRecord = null.
If (Current Accuracy Status is null)
Locate the most recent record in QACertificationEventRecords WHERE
a) the Component® is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.ComponentID AND
b) FFACCRequired is equal to "Y" AND
c) the QACertEventDate/Hour is prior to the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour AND
d) the QACertEventDate/Hour is after the later of the PriorAccuracyRecord.EndDi\\dY\oux and the
Prior Accuracy Record.Rc\ns\i\Wi\\\onDi\\dY{oux.
if (QACertificationEventRecords is found)
Set PriorAccuracyEventRecord = the found record in QACertificationEventRecords.
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Event".
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = 5 years (20 calendar quarters) after the end of the quarter of the
Prior A ccuracy Record. E nd D a t c/ H o u r.
if (CurrentOperatingDate/Hour is AFTER the PriorTestExpirationDate)
Set CurrentAccuracyStatus = "OOC-Accuracy Test Expired".
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = 4 quarters after the end of the quarter of the later of the
Prior Accuracy Record EndD^dHom and the T^ior/lccwracyTtecon/.ReinstallationDate/Hour.
Set Prior A ccuracy Record. Tc s t E \ p i ra t i o n D a t c = PriorTestExpirationDate.
If (CurrentOperatingDate/Hour is ON OR BEFORE the PriorTestExpirationDate)
Set CurrentAccuracyStatus = "IC".
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Determine Eligibility for Fuel Flow to Load Testing (Accuracy)
Determines if this component is eligible to extend their accuracy text expiration date using fuel flow to load
Set FF2LAccuracyEligible = null.
Set FF2LAccuracyCheckDate = null.
if (CurrentAccuracyStatus is null)
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon entRecord To Ch eck. Sy s t c m ID and the TestResult is equal to "PASSED", "EXC168H", "INPROG", or
"FAILED" and the quarter is prior to the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the
later of the Prior Accuracy Record.EndDa\c and the PriorAccuracyRecord.RcimVA\k\UonD'Mc.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set FF2LAccuracyEligible = true.
Set FF2LAccuracyCheckDate = the later of the PriorAccuracyRecord.EndDate and the
for each record in FuelFlowComponentRecords
if (FuelFlowComponentRecords. Co mpo ncnt ID is not equal to
Fu el Flo i vCompon ent Record To Ch eck. C o m po lie n 11D)
Locate the latest record in Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the
ComponentID is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecords. ComponentID and the TestResult is equal to
"PASSED" and the quarter of the later of the EndDate and the ReinstallationDate is in the same or
adjacent quarter of the later of the PriorAccuracyRecord.EndDate and the
if (AccuracyTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is not found)
Set FF2LAccuracyEligible = false, and exit this check.
Set FF2LAccuracyCheckDate = the later of FF2LAccuracyCheckDate and the
AccuracyTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.EndDatQ and the
Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.ReinstallationDate.
if (AccuracyTestRecordsfiyLocationForQAStatus.TcslTxpcCodc is equal to "FFACCTT")
Locate the latest record in PEITestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location
where the ComponentID is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecords. ComponentID
and the TestResult is equal to "PASSED" and the quarter is in the same or adjacent
quarter of the later of the PriorAccuracyRecord.EndDate and the
if (PEITestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is not found)
Set FF2LAccuracyEligible = false, and exit this check.
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Set FF2LAccuracyCheckDate = the later of FF2LAccuracyCheckDate and the
else if (Prior A ecu racy 76'.v?/?6'co/y/. TcstTy peCode is equal to "FFACCTT")
Locate the latest record in PEITestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the
ComponentID is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecords. ComponentID and the TestResult is equal to
"PASSED" and the quarter is in the same or adjacent quarter of the Prior Accuracy RecordEnADMc.
if (PEITestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is not found)
Set FF2LAccuracyEligible = false, and exit this check.
Set FF2LAccuracyCheckDate = the later of FF2LAccuracyCheckDate and the
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Evaluate Fuel Flow to Load Tests (Accuracy)
Evaluates the Fuel flow to load tests for a flow meter that is eligible to use fuel flow to load tests.
Set FF2LAccuracyBeginYear Quarter = null.
Set FF2LAccuracyEndYear Quarter = null.
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = null.
Set MissingFF2 LYear Quarter = null.
if {FF2LAccuracy Eligible == true)
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon entRecord To Ch eck.SystemID and the TestResult is equal to "FAILED" and the quarter is prior to the quarter
of the CurrentOperatingDate and the quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the later of the Prior Accuracy Record.EndDi\\c and
the Prior Accuracy Record Rc\\\s{'c\W'c\{\o\\r)'c\{c.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestNumber
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Fuel Flow to Load Test Failed",
exit check.
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon ent Record To Ch eck .SystemID and the TestResult is NULL and the quarter is prior to the quarter of the
CurrentOperatingDate and the quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the later of the Prior Accuracy Record.EndDi\\c and the
Prior Accuracy Record Rc\\\s{'c\W'c\{\o\\r)'c\{c.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestNumber
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Fuel Flow to Load Test Has Critical Errors",
exit check.
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon ent Record To Ch eck .SystemID and the QANeedsEvaluation flag is equal to "Y" and the quarter is prior to the
quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the later of the
Prior Accuracy Record.EndDi\\c and the Prior Accuracy Record Rc\\\s{'c\W'c\{\o\\r)'c\{c.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestNumber
Set Current Accuracy Status = "Fuel Flow to Load Test Has Not Yet Been Evaluated".
exit check.
Locate the earliest record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon ent Record To Ch eck .SystemID and the TestResult is equal to "PASSED", "FEW168H", or "EXC168H" and the
quarter is prior to the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the later of the
Prior Accuracy Record.EndDi\\c and the Prior Accuracy Record Rc\\\s{'c\W'c\{\o\\r)'c\{c.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set FF2LAccuracyBeginYearQuarter = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.Yeai &
FF21. TestRecordsBy Location ForQA Status. Q ua rtc r.
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Set FF2LAccuracyBeginYear Quarter = null
Locate the latest record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck. SystemID and the TestResult is equal to "INPROG" and the quarter is prior to the quarter
of the CurrentOperatingDate and the quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the later of the PriorAccuracyRecord.EndDate and
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
if {FF2LAccuracyBeginYearQuarter is not null AND FF2I< TestRecordsBy Location ForQA St at us.Yen r/Q ua rtc r >
FF2LAccuracyBegin YearQuarter)
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestNumber
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Invalid Fuel Flow to Load Test",
exit check.
else if (FF2I< TestRecordsBy Location ForQA St at us.Yen r/Q ua rtc r is more than 4 quarters after the quarter of the
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestNumber
Set Current Accuracy Status = "Undetermined-Baseline Period Expired",
exit check.
Set FF2LAccuracyBeginYearQuarter = the quarter after the quarter of the FF2 L Accuracy CheckD ate.
Locate the latest record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon entRecord To Ch eck .SystemID and the TestResult is equal to "PASSED", "EXC168H", "INPROG", or
"FEW168H", and the quarter is prior to the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the quarter is subsequent to the quarter of
the later of the PriorAccuracyRecord.EndDate and the PriorAccuracyRecord.RcimVA\k\UonD'Mc.
Set FF2LAccuracyEndYearQuarter = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.Yeai &
FF21. TestRecordsBy Location ForQA Status. Q ua rtc r.
for each quarter between the FF2LAccuracyBeginYearQuarter and the FF2LAccuracyEndYearQuarter (inclusive)
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck. SystemID and the quarter is equal to the quarter to check.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocatioiiForQAStatus.TcslRcsu\l = "FEW168H")
Locate a record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the FuelCode is equal to
CurrentFuelFlowRecord.FuelCode and the OpTypeCode is equal to "OPHOURS" or "OSHOURS" and
the quarter is equal to the quarter to check and the Op Value >= 168.
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is found)
Locate any record in FF2LBaselineRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the
SystemID is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.SystemK), and the EndDate is
within the quarter being checked.
If not found,
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber =
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FF2LTestRecordsHy Location ForOAStatus.TcsiNumbcr
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Invalid Fuel Flow to Load Test".
Exit check.
Locate a record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the FuelCode is equal to
CurrentFuelFlowRecord.FuelCode and the OpTypeCode is equal to "OPHOURS" or "OSHOURS" and the
quarter is equal to the quarter to check and the Op Value >= 168.
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is found)
Set MissingFF2LYearQuarter equal to the year/quarter to check.
Set Current Accuracy Status = "Undetermined-Missing Fuel Flow to Load Test".
Exit check.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Determine Accuracy Test Expiration Date
Determines the expiration date for the prior applicable Accuracy Test.
Set AccuracyMissingOpDatalnfo = null,
if (Current Accuracy Status is null)
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = Prior A ccuracy Record. Tc s t E \ p i ra t i o n D a t c.
for each quarter subsequent to the quarter of the later of the Prior Accuracy Record En&DMdHoux and the
Prior Accuracy Record Rc\\\s{'c\W'c\{\o\\r)'c\{clHoyu and prior to the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour
Set OSO Reporter to false.
Locate a LocationReportingFrequency record for the test location where ReportingFrequencyCode = "OS", the
BeginQuarter is on or before the quarter being checked, and the EndQuarter is null or is on or after the quarter being
If found,
Set OSO Reporter to true.
if (OSO Reporter == false or the quarter to check is the 3rd quarter)
if {FF2LAccuracy Eligible == true and the quarter to check is between the FF2LAccuracyBeginYearQuarter and
the FF2LAccuracyEndYearQuarter (inclusive))
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
if (EarliestLocationReportDate > the last day of the quarter being checked)
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the OpTypeCode is equal to
"OPHOURS" and the reporting period is equal to the quarter to check and the FuelCode is equal
to CurrentFuelFlowRecord.FuQlCodQ.
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is not found)
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the OpTypeCode is
equal to "OPHOURS" and the reporting period is equal to the quarter to check and the
FuelCode is null.
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is not found)
Set AccuracyMissingOpDatalnfo = "[YEAR] Q[QTR]" (where [YEAR] is the
year of the quarter being checked and [QTR] is the number of the quarter being
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Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
else if (()peratingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation.Op Va 1 lie <= 168)
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
Locate a record in TestExtensionExemptionRecords for the location where the
ComponentID is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.CompomntlD, the
reporting period is equal to the quarter to check, AND the ExtensionExemptionCode is
equal to "NONQADB".
if (TestExtensionExemptionRecords is found)
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
else if (OSO Reporter == true and the quarter to check is the 2nd quarter)
if {FF2LAccuracy Eligible == true and the quarter to check is between the FF2LAccuracyBeginYearQuarter and
the FF2LAccuracyEndYearQuarter (inclusive))
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
Locate a record in TestExtensionExemptionRecords for the location where the reporting period is equal
to the quarter to check, AND the ExtensionExemptionCode is equal to "NONQAOS" and the FuelCode
is equal to the CurrentFuelFlowRecord.FuelCode.
if (TestExtensionExemptionRecords is found)
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
Locate a record in TestExtensionExemptionRecords for the location where the ComponentID is
equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.CompomntlD, the reporting period is equal
to the quarter to check, AND the ExtensionExemptionCode is equal to "NONQADB".
if (TestExtensionExemptionRecords is found)
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
else if (OSO Reporter == true and the quarter to check is the 1st or 4th quarter)
if (FF2LAccuracyEligible == true and the 2nd quarter following the quarter being checked is between the
FF2LAccuracyBeginYearQuarter and the FF2LAccuracyEndYearQuarter (inclusive))
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
Locate a record in TestExtensionExemptionRecords for the location where the reporting period is equal
to the quarter to check, AND the ExtensionExemptionCode is equal to "NONQAOS" and the FuelCode
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is equal to the CurrentFuelFlowRecord.FuelCode.
if (TestExtensionExemptionRecords is found)
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
Locate a record in TestExtensionExemptionRecords for the location where the ComponentID is
equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.CompomntlD, the reporting period is equal
to the quarter to check, AND the ExtensionExemptionCode is equal to "NONQADB".
if (TestExtensionExemptionRecords is found)
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
if (CurrentOperatingDate/Hour > PriorTestExpirationDate)
if (AccuracyMissingOpDatalnfo is not null)
Set Current Accuracy Status = "Missing Op Data"
Return result Cur rent Accuracy Status .
else if {FF2LAccuracy Eligible == false)
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Accuracy Test Expired-Fuel Flow To Load Test Ignored".
Return result Cur rent Accuracy Status .
Set Current Accuracy Status = "OOC-Accuracy Test Expired"
Set Current Accuracy Status = "IC-Extension"
If {CurrentAccuracy Status does not begin with "IC" and is not null)
if (CurrentAccuracy Status starts with "OOC" or "Undetermined" AND InvalidAccuracyRecord is not null)
Set Cur rent Accuracy Status = Cur rent Accuracy Status &
Return result Cur rent Accuracy Status.
else if (Inapprorpriate Transmitter Transducer Test == true)
Return result "Inappropriate Transmitter Transducer Test" // do NOT set current accuracy status
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Accuracy Test
Not Yet
Fuel Flow to
Load Test Has
Not Yet Been
Transducer Test
Missing Op Data
Test Aborted
Test Aborted*
Test Expired
Test Expired*
Flow To Load
Test Ignored
Flow To Load
Test Ignored*
Test Failed
Test Failed*
Test Has Critical
Test Has Critical
OOC-Fuel Flow
to Load Test
OOC-Fuel Flow
to Load Test
Response Severity
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the applicable prior Critical Error Level 1
[testtype] with TestNumber [testnum] has not yet been evaluated.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior Critical Error Level 1
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum] has
not yet been evaluated.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] is a transmitter/transducer
test], but this type of test is inappropriate for the SampleAcquisitionMethodCode for
the fuel flowmeter. A transmitter/transducer test can only be performed on a NOZ,
VEN, and ORF fuel flowmeter.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the Op Supp Data
record for OPHOURS, OSHOURS, or OPDAYS is missing for
[MISSINGOPDATAINFO] (and possibly other previous reporting periods). If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The applicable prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] was aborted.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] was aborted. An invalid
prior [testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has expired.
Critical Error Level 2
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has expired. An invalid prior Critical Error Level 1
[testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has expired. A prior Critical Error Level 1
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] was ignored.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has expired. A prior Critical Error Level 1
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] was ignored. An invalid prior
[testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was also ignored.
The applicable prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] failed. Critical Error Level 1
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] failed. An invalid prior Critical Error Level 1
[testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The applicable prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has critical errors. Critical Error Level 1
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has critical errors. An Critical Error Level 1
invalid prior [testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code] Critical Error Level 1
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for [key], but you did not perform a subsequent
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code] Critical Error Level 1
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for [key], but you did not perform a subsequent
[testtype]. An invalid [testtype] was ignored.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior Critical Error Level 1
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum] has
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior Critical Error Level 1
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum] has
failed. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
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OOC-Fuel Flow
to Load Test Has
Critical Errors
OOC-Fuel Flow
to Load Test Has
Critical Errors*
Fuel Flow to
Load Test
Fuel Flow to
Load Test*
OOC-No Prior
Accuracy Test
OOC-No Prior
Accuracy Test*
seline Period
U ndetermined-M
issing Fuel Flow
to Load Test
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum] has
critical errors.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum] has
critical errors. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because one or more prior
fuel-flow-to-load tests, including the test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with
TestNumber [ff21testnum], are invalid. These tests may be invaild because (1) the
TestResultCode indicates that baseline data collection is ongoing, yet you reported a
prior test indicating that baseline data collection was completed; or (2) the
TestResultCode indicates that there were fewer than 168 fuel QA operating hours in
the quarter, yet your emissions data for that quarter indicates otherwise.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because one or more prior
fuel-flow-to-load tests, including the test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with
TestNumber [ff21testnum], are invalid. These tests may be invaild because (1) the
TestResultCode indicates that baseline data collection is ongoing, yet you reported a
prior test indicating that baseline data collection was completed; or (2) the
TestResultCode indicates that there were fewer than 168 fuel QA operating hours in
the quarter, yet your emissions data for that quarter indicates otherwise. An invalid
[testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
You did not report a prior [testtype] for [key].
You did not report a valid prior [testtype] for [key]. An invalid [testtype] with
TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because, according to the
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum],
baseline data was still being collected after the deadline.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] was missing for [missingff21].
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 2
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Determine if Component Requires a PEI Test
Determines a if an Appendix D fuel flow meter requires a PEI test.
Set PEIRequired = false.
if {PriorAccuracyRecord is not null and Prior A ccuracy Record.Jcs{J\\~>cCoAc is equal to "FFACCTT")
Set PEIRequired = true.
Result Response Severity
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Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Code: ADESTAT-8
Check Name: Locate Most Recent Prior PEI Test
Related Former Checks:
Description: Determines if there is an applicable prior PEI test.
Set CurrentPEIStatus = null.
Set PriorPEIRecord = null.
if (PEI Required == true)
Locate the most recent record in PEITestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the ComponentID is equal to
the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.ComponentID and the EndDate/Hour is prior to the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour
if (PEITestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set PriorPEIRecord = the found record in PEITestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
if (PriorPEIRecord. Q A Needs E va 1 uat i o n F1 ag = "Y")
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "PEI Test Not Yet Evaluated".
else if (Prior PEI Record. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc is null)
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-PEI Test Has Critical Errors".
else if (Prior PE I Record. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = "FAILED")
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-PEI Test Failed".
else if (Prior PE I Record. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = "ABORTED")
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-PEI Test Aborted".
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-No Prior PEI Test",
if (CurrentPEIStatus is not null)
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
Result Response Severity
OOC-No Prior You did not report a prior [testtype] for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
PEI Test
OOC-PEI Test The applicable prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] was aborted. Critical Error Level 1
OOC-PEI Test The applicable prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] failed. Critical Error Level 1
OOC-PEI Test The applicable prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has critical errors. Critical Error Level 1
Has Critical
PEI Test Not Yet The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the applicable prior Critical Error Level 1
Evaluated [testtype] with TestNumber [testnum] has not yet been evaluated.
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Locate Most Recent Prior PEI Event
Determines if there is a applicable prior event requiring an PEI test.
Set PriorPEIEventRecord = null.
If (PEIRequired == true AND CurrentPEIStatus is null)
Locate the most recent record in QACertificationEventRecords WHERE
a) the Component® is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.ComponentID AND
b) PEIRequired is equal to "Y" AND
c) the QACertEventDate/Hour is prior to the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour AND
d) the QACertEventDate/Hour is after the Prior PEI Record. E nd D a t c/ H o u r.
if (QACertificationEventRecords is found)
Set PriorPEIEventRecord = the found record in QACertificationEventRecords.
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-Event".
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = 5 years (20 calendar quarters) after the end of the quarter of the
PriorPEIRecorcl. E ndDate.
if (CurrentOperatingDate is AFTER the PriorTestExpirationDate)
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-PEI Test Expired".
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = 12 quarters after the end of the quarter of the Prior PEI Record. E ndDate.
Set PriorPE.Tcst E\pi rat i onDatc = PriorTestExpirationDate.
If {CurrentOperatingDate is ON OR BEFORE the PriorTestExpirationDate)
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "IC".
If (CurrentPEIStatus starts with "OOC")
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for [key], but you did not perform a subsequent
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has expired.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Code:
Determine Eligibility for Fuel Flow to Load Testing (PEI)
Determines if this component is eligible to extend their PEI text expiration date using fuel flow to load testing.
Set FF2LPEIEligible = null
Set FF2LPEICheckDate = null.
if (PEIRequired == true AND CurrentPEIStatus is null)
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon entRecord To Ch eck. Sy s t c m ID and the CalculatedTestResult is equal to "PASSED", "FEW168H", "EXC168H",
"INPROG", or "FAILED" and the Year/Quarter is prior to the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the Year/Quarter is
subsequent to the quarter of the Prior PEI Record E ndDate.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set FF2LPEIEligible = true.
Set FF2LPEICheckDate = PriorPEI Record. E ndDate.
for each record in FuelFlowComponentRecords
Locate the latest record in Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the
ComponentID is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecords.ComponentID and the TestResult is equal to
"PASSED" and the Year/Quarter of the later of the EndDate and Reinstallation Date is in the same or adjacent
quarter of the PriorPEIRecord. EndDate.
if (AccuracyTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is not found)
Set FF2LPEIEligible = false, and exit check.
Set FF2LPEICheckDate = the later of FF2LPEICheckDate and the
AccuracyTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatusEndDatQ and the
Accuracy TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.ReinstallationDate.
if (FuelFlowComponentRecords. ComponentID is not equal to
Fu el Elo i vCompon ent Record To Ch eck .ComponentID AND
AccuracyTestRecords/iyLocationForOAStatus.TcslTypcCodc is equal to "FFACCTT")
Locate the latest record in PEITestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the
ComponentID is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecords. ComponentID and the TestResult is
equal to "PASSED" and the Year/Quarter is in the same or adjacent quarter of the
PriorPEIRecord. E ndDate.
if (PEITestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is not found)
Set FF2LPEIEligible = false, and exit check.
Set FF2LPEICheckDate = the later of FF2LPEICheckDate and the
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Code:
Evaluate Fuel Flow to Load Tests (PEI)
Evaluates the Fuel flow to load tests for a flow meter that is eligible to use fuel flow to load tests.
Set FF2LPEIBeginYearQuarter = null.
Set FF2LPEIEndYearQuarter = null.
if (FF2L PEI Eligible == true)
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck. SystemID and the TestResultCode is equal to "FAILED" and the Year/Quarter is prior to
the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the Year/Quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the PriorPEIRecorcl. EndDate.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Locate a record in QACertificationEventRecords WHERE
a) the Component® is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck.ComponentID AND
b) the QACertEventCode is equal to "410"
c) the RequiredTestCode is equal to "53"AND
d) the QACertEventDate/Hour is after the EndDate/Hour and of the located failed
FF2L TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus record.
e) the QACertEventDate/Hour is prior to the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour
if (QACertificationEventRecords is not found)
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestNumber
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-Fuel Flow to Load Test Failed".
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck. SystemID and the TestResultCode is NULL and the Year/Quarter is prior to the quarter of
the CurrentOperatingDate and the Year/Quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the PriorPEIRecorcl. EndDate.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestNumber
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-Fuel Flow to Load Test Has Critical Errors".
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck. SystemID and the QANeedsEvaluation flag is equal to "Y" and the Year/Quarter is prior to
the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the Year/Quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the PriorPEIRecorcl. EndDate.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2 LTestRecordsIiy Location ForOAStatus.TcsiNumbcr
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "Fuel Flow to Load Test Has Not Yet Been Evaluated".
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
Locate the earliest record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon entRecord To Ch eck .SystemID and the TestResultCode is equal to "PASSED", "FEW168H", or "EXC168H"
and the Year/Quarter is prior to the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the Year/Quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the
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Prior PEI Record. E ndDatc.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set FF2LPEIBeginYearQuarter = FF2 L TestRecordsBy Location ForOA Status. Yea r &
FF21. TestRecordsBy Location ForOA Status. Q ua rte r.
Set FF2LPEIBeginYearQuarter = null
Locate the latest record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon en tRecord To Ch eck.SystemID and the TestResultCode is equal to "INPROG" and the Year/Quarter is prior to
the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the Year/Quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the PriorPEIRecord. EndDatc.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
if (Set FF2LPEIBeginYearQuarter is not null AND FF2L TestRecordsBy Location ForOA Status.Yc'd r/Q ua rte r >
FF2LPEIBegin YearQuarter)
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForOAStatus.TcslNumbcr
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-Invalid Fuel Flow to Load Test".
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
else if (FF2L TestRecordsBy Location ForOA Status.Yc'd r/Q ua rte r is more than 4 quarters after the quarter of the
FF2LPEICh eckDate)
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber = FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForOAStatus.TcslNumbcr
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "Undetermined-Baseline Period Expired".
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
Set FF2LPEIBeginYearQuarter to the quarter after the quarter of the FF2LPEICheckDate.
Locate the latest record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon en tRecord To Ch eck .SystemID and the TestResultCode is equal to "PASSED", "FEW168H", or "EXC168H"
and the Year/Quarter is prior to the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate and the Year/Quarter is subsequent to the quarter of the
PriorPEIRecord. E ndDatc.
Set FF2LPEIEndYearQuarter = FF2 L TestRecordsBy Location ForOA Status. Yea r &
FF21. TestRecordsBy Location ForOA Status. Q ua rte r.
for each quarter between the FF2LPEIBeginYearQuarter and the FF2LPEIEndYearQuarter (inclusive)
Locate any record in FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
Fu el Flo i vCompon en tRecord To Ch eck SystemID and the Year/Quarter is equal to the year/quarter to check.
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
if (FF2LTestRecordsByLocationForOAStatus.C'dlculdicdTcsiRcsuh = "FEW168H")
Locate a record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the FuelCode is equal to
CurrentFuelFlowRecord.FuelCode and the OpTypeCode is equal to "OPHOURS" or "OSHOURS" and
the Year/Quarter is equal to the year/quarter to check and the Op Value >= 168.
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is found)
Locate any record in FF2LBaselineRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the
SystemID is equal to the FuelFlowComponentRecordToCheck SystemK), and the EndDate is
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within the quarter being checked.
If not found,
Set InvalidFF2LTestNumber =
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-Invalid Fuel Flow to Load Test".
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
Locate a record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the FuelCode is equal to
CurrentFuelFlowRecord.FuelCode and the OpTypeCode is equal to "OPHOURS" or "OSHOURS" and the
Year/Quarter is equal to the year/quarter to check and the Op Value >= 168.
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is found)
Set MissingFF2LYearQuarter equal to the year/quarter to check.
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "Undetermined-Missing Fuel Flow to Load Test".
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
Fuel Flow to
Load Test Has
Not Yet Been
OOC-Fuel Flow
to Load Test
OOC-Fuel Flow
to Load Test Has
Critical Errors
Fuel Flow to
Load Test
seline Period
U ndetermined-M
issing Fuel Flow
to Load Test
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum] has
not yet been evaluated.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum] has
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum] has
critical errors.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because one or more prior
fuel-flow-to-load tests, including the test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with
TestNumber [ff21testnum], are invalid. These tests may be invaild because (1) the
TestResultCode indicates that baseline data collection is ongoing, yet you reported a
prior test indicating that baseline data collection was completed; or (2) the
TestResultCode indicates that there were fewer than 168 fuel QA operating hours in
the quarter, yet your emissions data for that quarter indicates otherwise.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because, according to the
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] with TestNumber [ff21testnum],
baseline data was still being collected after the deadline.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a prior
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] was missing for [missingff21].
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 2
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Code:
Determine PEI Test Expiration Date
Determines the expiration date for the prior applicable PEITest.
Set PEIMissingOpDatalnfo = null.
if (PEIRequired == true AND CurrentPEIStatus is null)
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = Pri or PE//?6'cwy/ . Tc s t E \ p i ra t i o n D a t e.
for each quarter subsequent to the quarter of the PriorPEIRecorcl. EndDate and prior to the quarter of the CurrentOperatingDate
Set OSO Reporter to false.
Locate a LocationReportingFrequency record for the test location where ReportingFrequencyCode = "OS", the
BeginQuarter is on or before the quarter being checked, and the EndQuarter is null or is on or after the quarter being
If found,
Set OSO Reporter to true.
if (OSO Reporter == false or the quarter to check is the 3rd quarter)
if (FF2LPEIEligible == true and the quarter to check is between the FF2LPEIBeginYearQuarter and the
FF2LPEIEndYearQuarter (inclusive))
else if (OSO Reporter == true and the quarter to check is the 2nd quarter)
if (FF2LPEIEligible == true and the quarter to check is between the FF2LPEIBeginYearQuarter and the
FF2LPEIEndYearQuarter (inclusive))
Add 3 quarters to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
if (CurrentOperatingDate > PriorTestExpirationDate)
if (PEIMissingOpDatalnfo is not null)
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "Missing Op Data"
else if (FF2LPEIEligible == false)
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-PEI Test Expired-Fuel Flow To Load Test Ignored"
Set CurrentPEIStatus = "OOC-PEI Test Expired"
Return result CurrentPEIStatus.
Add 1 quarter to the PriorTestExpirationDate.
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Set CurrentPEIStatus = "IC-Extension"
Missing Op Data
Flow To Load
Test Ignored
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the Op Supp Data
record for OPHOURS, OSHOURS, or OPDAYS is missing for
[MISSINGOPDATAINFO] (and possibly other previous reporting periods). If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has expired.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has expired. A prior
fuel-flow-to-load test for MonitoringSystemID [ID] was ignored.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Code: ADESTAT-13
Check Name: Determine System Appendix D Status
Related Former Checks:
Description: Determines the Appendix D status for the system based on current system status and the current component
accuracy and/or PEI status.
if (CurrentAppendixDStatus == "OOC-Multiple Reasons" OR (CurrentAppendixDStatus starts with "OOC" and Current Accuracy Status
starts with "OOC" and CurrentAppendixDStatus <> CurrentAccuracyStatus))
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "OOC-Multiple Reasons"
else if (CurrentAppendixDStatus starts with "OOC")
-do nothing
else if {CurrentAccuracy Status starts with "OOC")
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = Cur rent Accuracy Status.
else if ((CurrentAppendixDStatus is not null and does not start with "IC" or "Undetermined" and CurrentAppendixDStatus does not end
with "Not Yet Evaluated") and {CurrentAccuracy Status does not start with "IC" or "Undetermined" and Current Accuracy Status does
not end with "Not Yet Evaluated") and CurrentAppendixDStatus <> Current Accuracy Status)
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "Invalid Data".
else if {CurrentAppendixDStatus does not start with "IC" or "Undetermined" and CurrentAppendixDStatus does not end with "Not Yet
Evaluated" AND CurrentAppendixDStatus is not null)
-- do nothing
else if {CurrentAccuracy Status does not start with "IC" or "Undetermined" and Current Accuracy Status does not end with "Not Yet
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = Cur rent Accuracy Status.
else if {CurrentAppendixDStatus ends with "Not Yet Evaluated" or Current Accuracy Status ends with "Not Yet Evaluated")
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "Test Not Yet Evaluated"
else if {CurrentAppendixDStatus starts with "Undetermined" or Current Accuracy Status starts with "Undetermined")
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "Undetermined"
else if {CurrentAppendixDStatus == "IC-Extension" or Current Accuracy Status == "IC-Extension")
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "IC-Extension"
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "IC"
if (PEIRequired == true)
if {CurrentAppendixDStatus == "OOC-Multiple Reasons" OR {CurrentAppendixDStatus starts with "OOC" and
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CurrentPEIStatus starts with "OOC" and CurrentAppendixDStatus <> CurrentPEIStatus))
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "OOC-Multiple Reasons"
else if (CurrentAppendixDStatus starts with "OOC")
-- do nothing
else if (CurrentPEIStatus starts with "OOC")
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = CurrentPEIStatus.
else if ((CurrentAppendixDStatus is not null and does not start with "IC" or "Undetermined" and CurrentAppendixDStatus does
not end with "Not Yet Evaluated") and (CurrentPEIStatus does not start with "IC" or "Undetermined" and CurrentPEIStatus
does not end with "Not Yet Evaluated") and CurrentAppendixDStatus <> CurrentPEIStatus)
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "Invalid Data".
else if (CurrentAppendixDStatus does not start with "IC" or "Undetermined" and CurrentAppendixDStatus does not end with
"Not Yet Evaluated" AND CurrentAppendixDStatus is not null)
-- do nothing
else if (CurrentPEIStatus does not start with "IC" or "Undetermined" and CurrentPEIStatus does not end with "Not Yet
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = CurrentPEIStatus.
else if (CurrentAppendixDStatus ends with "Not Yet Evaluated" or CurrentPEIStatus ends with "Not Yet Evaluated")
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "Test Not Yet Evaluated"
else if (CurrentAppendixDStatus starts with "Undetermined" or CurrentPEIStatus starts with "Undetermined")
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "Undetermined"
else if (CurrentAppendixDStatus == "IC-Extension" or CurrentPEIStatus == "IC-Extension")
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "IC-Extension"
Set CurrentAppendixDStatus = "IC"
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Fuel Flowmeter QA Status Evaluation
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Check Category:
Daily Calibration Status
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Check Code: DCSTAT-1
Check Name: Locate Most Recent Prior Daily Calibration Test
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Determines if there is an applicable prior Daily Calibration Test
Set PriorDailyCalRecord = null.
Set InvalidDailyCalRecord = null.
Locate the most recent record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) ComponentID is equal to the ApplicableComponentID AND
b) ValidFlag is equal to "Y" AND
c) the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed
if (DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set PriorDailyCalRecord = the found record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Locate the most recent record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) the ComponentID is equal to the ApplicableComponentID AND
b) ValidFlag is equal to "N" AND
c) the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed
if (DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForOAStatus is found AND EndDate/Hour/Min is greater than the
PriorDailyCalRecord.EndD'dlc/Hour/M i n)
Set InvalidDailyCalRecord = the found record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Locate the most recent record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) the ComponentID is equal to the ApplicableComponentID AND
b) ValidFlag is equal to "N" AND
c) the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed
if (DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidDailyCalRecord = the found record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Result Response Severity
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
FLOW Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Hg Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
NOX Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Dry Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Wet Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
S02 Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Locate Most Recent Prior Event
CEM Check
Determines if there is an applicable prior event.
Set PriorDailyCalEventRecord = null.
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = null.
Locate the most recent record in QACertificationEventRecords where:
a) the Component® is equal to the ApplicableComponentID AND
b) the QACertEventDate/Hour is on or prior to the CurrentDateHour AND
AND either
a) PriorDailyCalRecord is null AND the QACertEventDate/Hour is in the CurrentReportingPeriod OR
b) QACertEventDate/Hour is after the PriorDailyCalRecordEndDate/Hour
AND either
a) DualRangeStatus = false OR
b) HighRangeComponentID <> LowRangeComponentID OR
c) QACertEventCode <> 20, 25, 26, 30, or 172 and CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "H" OR
d) QACertEventCode <> 35 or 171 and CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "L"
if (QACertificationEventRecords is found)
Set PriorDailyCalEventRecord = the found record in QACertificationEventRecords
If (PriorDailyCalEventRecord is null)
if (PriorDailyCalRecord is null)
if (the number of clock hours between the First Day of Operation/First Hour of Operation and the CurrentDateHour is
less than 25)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC-Undetermined".
else (OaStatusSystemTypeCode is equal to "HG" or "HCL", AND the number of clock hours between the
QaStatusComponentBeginDateHour and the CurrentDateHour is less than 25)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC-Undetermined".
else if (QaStatusSystemTypeCode is equal to "HG" or "HCL", AND MatsDailyCalRequiredDate is NOT null, AND
CurrentDateHour is before MatsDailyCalRequiredDate)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC-Undetermined".
else (QaStatusSystemTypeCode is equal to "HG" or "HCL", QaStatusMatsErbDate is not null, AND the number of clock
hours between the QaStatusMatsErbDate hour 0 and the CurrentDateHour is less than 25)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC-Undetermined".
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else if (QaStatusSystemTypeCode is equal to "S02", So2cIsOnlyForMats is true, AND MatsDailyCalRequiredDate is
NOT null, AND CurrentDateHour is before MatsDailyCalRequiredDate)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC-Undetermined".
Locate the latest record in HourlyOpData where the Date/Hour is ON OR PRIOR to the 24th clock hour
following the First Day of Operation/First Hour of Operation and OpTime is equal to zero.
if (HourlyOpData is found)
Locate the first record in HourlyOpData where the Date/Hour is after the Date/Hour in the
HourlyOpData record found above and ON OR PRIOR to the CurrentDateHour and the OpTime is
greater than zero.
if (not found OR the number of clock hours from HourlyOpData.D ate/Hour to the CurrentDateHour is
less than 8)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC-Undetermined".
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-No Prior Test".
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-No Prior Test".
if (PriorDailyCalRecord .TestResultCode = null)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Test Has Critical Errors",
else if (PriorDailyCalRecord .TestResultCode = "FAILED")
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Test Failed",
else if (PriorDailyCalRecord .TestResultCode = "ABORTED")
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Test Aborted".
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Event".
if (InvalidDailyCalRecord is not null and InvalidDailyCalRecord.EndDate/How is BEFORE the
Set InvalidDailyCalRecord = null.
Result Response Severity
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
FLOW Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Hg Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
NOX Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Dry Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Wet Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
S02 Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
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Check Code: DCSTAT-3
Check Name: Determine Test Expiration Date for Most Recent Prior Daily Calibration Test
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Determines the expiration dates for the Applicable Prior Daily Calibration test.
Set OnlineDailyCalRecord to null,
if (CurrentDailyCalStatus is null)
if (PriorDciilyCalRecorcl.OnUnclndic'Mor == 1)
if (the number of clock hours between the Prior Daily Cat Record. Date/Hour and the CurrentDateHour is less than 26)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC".
Locate the latest record in HourlyOpData where OpTime is equal to zero and the number of clock hours between
the Date/Hour and the PriorDailyCalRecord.Date/Hour is less than or equal to 26.
if (HourlyOpData is found)
Locate the earliest record in HourlyOpData where the Date/Hour is after the Date/Hour in the
HourlyOpData record found above and OpTime is greater than zero.
if (the number of clock hours between the HourlyOpData.Date/Hour and the CurrentDateHour is greater
than or equal to 8)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Expired".
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC-Grace".
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Expired".
Locate the most recent record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) ComponentID is equal to the ApplicableComponentID AND
b) ValidFlag is equal to "Y" AND
c) the Onlinelndicator = 1 AND
d) the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed
if (DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found
Set OnlineDailyCalRecord = the found record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
if (InvalidDailyCalRecord is null)
Locate the record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
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a) the Component® is equal to the ApplicableComponentID AND
b) ValidFlag is equal to "N" AND
c) the Onlinelndicator = 1 AND
d) the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed
if (DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForOAStatus is found AND the EndDate/Hour is after the
OnlineDailyCalRecord.EndDate/HourAND the EndDate/Hour is equal to or prior to the
set InvalidDailyCalRecord = the found record in
if (OnlineDailyCalRecord .TestResultCode = null)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Prior Online Test Has Critical Errors".
else if (OnlineDailyCalRecord .TestResultCode = "FAILED")
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Prior Online Test Failed".
else if {OnlineDailyCalRecord!TestResultCode = "ABORTED")
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Prior Online Test Aborted".
else if (the number of OPERATING hours between the OnlineDailyCalRecord.DMc/Hour and the
CurrentDateHour is less than 26 AND the number of clock hours between the PriorDailyCalRecord.Date/Hour
and the CurrentDateHour is less than 26)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC".
if (the number of clock hours between the OnlineDailyCalRecord Date/Hour and the CurrentDateHour
is less than 26)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC".
Locate the latest record in HourlyOpData where OpTime is equal to zero and the number of
clock hours between the Date/Hour and the OnlineDailyCalRecord. Date/Hour is less than or
equal to 26.
if (HourlyOpData is found)
Locate the earliest record in HourlyOpData where the Date/Hour is after the Date/Hour
in the HourlyOpData record found above and OpTime is greater than zero.
if (the number of clock hours between the HourlyOpData.Date/Hour and the
CurrentDateHour is greater than or equal to 8)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Expired".
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC-Grace".
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Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Expired".
if (Rpt Period Op Hour Accumulator Array for the location is less than 26)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "IC-Undetermined".
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Expired".
Result Response Severity
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
FLOW Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Hg Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
NOX Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Dry Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Wet Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
S02 Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
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Check Code: DCSTAT-4
Check Name: Determine Final Daily Calibration Status
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Evaluates the determined Daily Calibration Status and changes it if needed based on an ignored test or the
status of the alternate range.
Set AlternateDailyCalRecord = null.
if (Currentl)ailyCalStatus begins w ith "OOC")
if (InvalidDailyCalRecord is not null)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = CurrentDailyCalStatus &
Return result CurrentDailyCalStatus.
else if (DualRangeStatus = t rue and CurrentDailyCalStatus begins with "IC")
if (CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "H")
Set AlternateAnalyzerRange = "L".
Set AlternateComponentID = LowRangeComponentlD.
Set AlternateAnalyzerRange = "H".
Set AlternateComponentID = HighRangeComponentlD.
Locate the most recent record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) ComponentID is equal to the AlternateComponentID AND
b) ValidFlag = "Y" AND
c) SpanScaleCode is equal to the AlternateAnalyzerRange
if (DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set AlternateDailyCalRecord = the found record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
if {AlternateDailyCalRecord is not null)
if (A Item ate I) ai lyCalRecord. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = null)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Alternate Range Test Has Critical Errors",
else if (A Item at el) ai lyCalRecord. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = "FAILED")
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Alternate Range Test Failed",
else if (A Item at el) ai lyCalRecord. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = "ABORTED")
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-Alternate Range Test Aborted".
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Locate the latest record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) ComponentID is equal to the AlternateComponentID AND
b) the SpanScaleCode is equal to thq AlternateAnalyzerRange
c) the TestResultCode is equal to "FAILED" or "ABORTED"
if (Daily CalTestRecordsBy Location ForOAStatus is found AND (either the PriorDailyCalRecord is null or
EndDate/Hour/Minute is after the PriorDailyCalRecord. EndDatc/Hour/M i nutc))
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-No Passing Test After Alternate Range Failed Test".
(Report this status in the Evaluation Report under the PriorDailyCalRecord.7cs{Di\{c/Hour.)
Locate the latest record in DailyCalTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) ComponentID is equal to the ApplicableComponentID AND
b) the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed
c) the TestResultCode is equal to "FAILED" or "ABORTED"
if (Daily CalTestRecordsBy Location ForOAStatus is found AND EndDate/Hour/Minute is after the
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = "OOC-No Passing Alternate Range Test After Failed Test".
(Report this status in the Evaluation Report under the PriorDailyCalRecord.7cs{Di\{c/Hour.)
if (CurrentDailyCalStatus begins w ith "OOC")
if (InvalidDailyCalRecord is not null)
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = CurrentDailyCalStatus &
Locate the most recent record in DaityCatTestRecordsIiyLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) ComponentID is equal to the AlternateComponentID AND
b) ValidFlag is equal to "N" AND
c) the SpanScaleCode is equal to the AlternateAnalyzerRange
if (Daily CalTestRecordsBy Location ForOAStatus is found AND the EndDate/Hour is after the
Set InvalidDailyCalRecord = the found record in
Set CurrentDailyCalStatus = CurrentDailyCalStatus &
Return result CurrentDailyCalStatus.
elseif (CurrentDailyCalStatus does not begin with "IC")
Return result CurrentDailyCalStatus.
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Range Test
Range Test
Range Test
Range Test
Range Test Has
Critical Errors
Range Test Has
Critical Errors*
OOC-No Passing
Alternate Range
Test After Failed
OOC-No Passing
Alternate Range
Test After Failed
OOC-No Passing
Test After
Alternate Range
Failed Test
OOC-No Passing
Test After
Alternate Range
Failed Test*
OOC-No Prior
OOC-No Prior
Response Severity
The prior daily calibration test for the alternate range [altscale] of [compkey], which Critical Error Level 1
was completed on [altdate], was aborted.
The prior daily calibration test for the alternate range [altscale] of [compkey], which Critical Error Level 1
was completed on [altdate], was aborted. An invalid daily calibration test completed
on [invdate] was ignored.
The prior daily calibration test for the alternate range [altscale] of [compkey], which Critical Error Level 1
was completed on [altdate], failed.
The prior daily calibration test for the alternate range [altscale] of [compkey], which Critical Error Level 1
was completed on [altdate], failed. An invalid daily calibration test completed on
[invdate] was ignored.
The prior daily calibration test for the alternate range [altscale] of [compkey], which Critical Error Level 1
was completed on [altdate], has critical errors.
The prior daily calibration test for the alternate range [altscale] of [compkey], which
was completed on [altdate], has critical errors. An invalid daily calibration test
completed on [invdate] was ignored.
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for [compkey], but you did not perform a subsequent
daily calibration test.
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for [compkey], but you did not perform a subsequent
daily calibration test. An invalid daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [date] has expired.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [date] has expired. An
invalid daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] was completed on [date], however a
subsequent passing test on [altscale] has not been completed. When a daily calibration
test is failed for a dual-range analyzer, you must complete a passing daily calibration
test on both ranges before the monitor is considered to be in-control. An invalid daily
calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] was completed on [date], however a
subsequent passing test on [altscale] has not been completed. When a daily calibration
test is failed for a dual-range analyzer, you must complete a passing daily calibration
test on both ranges before the monitor is considered to be in-control. An invalid daily
calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] was completed on [date], which is prior
to a failed or aborted test for the alternate range [altscale]. When a daily calibration
test is failed for a dual-range analyzer, you must complete a passing daily calibration
test on both ranges before the monitor is considered to be in-control.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] was completed on [date], which is prior
to a failed or aborted test for the alternate range [altscale]. When a daily calibration
test is failed for a dual-range analyzer, you must complete a passing daily calibration
test on both ranges before the monitor is considered to be in-control. An invalid daily
calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
You did not report a prior daily calibration test for [compkey] during the reporting
period. Any daily calibration test that may have been completed in a prior reporting
period has expired.
You did not report a prior daily calibration test for [compkey] during the reporting
period. Any daily calibration test that may have been completed in a prior reporting
period has expired. An invalid daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Calibration Test
Calibration Test*
Online Test
Online Test
Online Test
Online Test
Online Test
Online Test
Online Test Has
Critical Errors
Online Test Has
Critical Errors*
OOC-Test Failed
OOC-Test Has
Critical Errors
OOC-Test Has
Critical Errors*
This check result is obsolete.
This check result is obsolete.
No Errors
No Errors
The prior online daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [ondate] was
The prior online daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [ondate] was
aborted. An invalid daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
The prior online daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [ondate] has
The prior online daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [ondate] has
expired. An invalid daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
The prior online daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [ondate] failed.
The prior online daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [ondate] failed. An
invalid daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
The prior online daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [ondate] has critical Critical Error Level 1
The prior online daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [ondate] has critical
errors. An invalid daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [date] was aborted.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [date] was aborted. An
invalid daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [date] failed.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [date] failed. An invalid
daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [date] has critical errors.
The prior daily calibration test for [compkey] completed on [date] has critical errors.
An invalid daily calibration test completed on [invdate] was ignored.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
FLOW Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Hg Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
NOX Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Dry Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Wet Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
S02 Daily Calibration Status Evaluation
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Check Category:
Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-1
Check Name: Daily Calibration Test Component Type Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines whether the component type reported is appropriate for an Daily Calibration test.
For the daily calibration test:
Set Daily Cal Calc Result to null.
Set Daily Cal Fail Date and Daily Cal Fail Hour to null.
If the ComponentID is null,
set Daily Cal Component Type Valid to false,
return result A.
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "S02", "NOX", "C02", "02", or "FLOW",
set Daily Cal Component Type Valid to true.
Else if the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "HG" or "HCL",
If (OnlineOfflinelndicator is equal to 1)
set Daily Cal Component Type Valid to true.
set Daily Cal Component Type Valid to false,
return result C.
set Daily Cal Component Type Valid to false,
return result B.
If component is invalid, do not perform injection-based checks. Set the calculated values to null.
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
The ComponentTypeCode in the monitoring plan is [comptype]. This type of
component does not require a calibration test. Only component types 'S02', 'NOX',
'C02', '02', "HG", or 'FLOW' may have a daily calibration test.
For Hg and or HC1 CEMS, all calibrations must be done while unit is online.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-2
Check Name: Aborted and Incomplete Daily Calibration Test Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
For the daily calibration test:
Set Evaluate Upscale Injection AND Evaluate Zero Injection to false.
If Daily Cal Component Type Valid is equal to true,
If the TestResultCode is equal to "ABORTED",
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "ABORTED", and return result A.
If the TestResultCode is equal to "INC",
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "INC".
If ZeroInjectionDate, ZeroInjectionHour, and ZeroMeasuredValue are not null,
set Evaluate Zero Injection to true.
If UpscalelnjectionDate, UpscalelnjectionHour, and UpscaleMeasuredValue are not null,
set Evaluate Upscale Injection to true.
set Evaluate Upscale Injection AND Evaluate Zero Injection to true.
Result Response Severity
A The TestResultCode indicates that the [type] test for [key] was aborted. If the test was Informational Message
aborted for a reason not related to monitor performance, you should not report the test.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: DAYCAL-3
Check Name: Online Offline Indicator Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
For a daily calibration test:
Set Daily Cal Calc Online Ind to null.
If ZeroOpTime is equal to 0 OR UpscaleOpTime is equal to 0
set Daily Cal Calc Online Ind to 0
else if ZeroOpTime is equal to 1 AND UpscaleOpTime is equal to 1
set Daily Cal Calc Online Ind to 1
set Daily Cal Calc Online Ind to the OnlineOfflinelndicator.
If (OnlineOfflinelndicator is null)
return result A.
else if (ComponentTypeCode is equal to "HG" or "HCL")
If (OnlineOfflinelndicator is equal to 1) // Earlier component type error will occur if indicator is not 1
If (Daily Cal Calc Online Ind is equal to 0)
return result E.
If (Daily Cal Calc Online Ind is equal to 0)
If (OnlineOfflinelndicator is equal to 1)
return result B.
Locate the latest OOC Test Record for the location where the ComponentID and SpanScaleCode is equal
to the ComponentID and SpanScaleCode in the current test and the EndDate/Hour is prior to the
Date/Hour of the current test.
If not found,
Set Ignored Daily Calibration Tests to true.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result <> "INVALID")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "IGNORED"
Locate an OA Certification Event Record for the location where the ComponentID is equal to
the ComponentID in the current test AND OOCRequired == "Y" AND the EventDate/Hour is
after the EndDate/Hour of the retrieved OOC test AND the EventDate/Hour is on or before the
EndDate/Hour of the current test AND EITHER
a) SpanScaleCode in the current test is null OR
b) SpanScaleCode in the current test == "H" and QACertEventCode <> 20, 25, 26, 30, or 172
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c) SpanScaleCode in the current test == "L" and QACertEventCode <> 35 or 171
If found,
return result D.
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
The OnlineOfflinelndicator in the daily calibration test indicates that the test was
performed on-line, but OperatingTime in the Hourly Operating Data record is 0.
This check result is obsolete.
The test was peformed while the unit was not operating, but this is not valid, because
you reported an QA Certification Event record indicating that you needed to perform
an online-offline calibration demonstration allowing you to conduct off -line daily
calibration tests. However, you have not reported an online-offline calibration
demonstration subsequent to the EventDate and EventHour in the QA Certification
Event record.
For Hg and or HC1 CEMS, all calibrations must be done while unit is online.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
No Errors
Critical Error Level 2
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: DAYCAL-4
Check Name: Test Span Scale Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines whether the reported span scale is valid and consistent with the current analyzer range
of the component.
For a daily calibration test with a valid component:
Set Daily Cal Span Scale Valid to true.
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is not equal to "FLOW", not equal to "HG", or not equal to "HCL",
If the SpanScaleCode is null,
set Daily Cal Span Scale Valid to false, and return result A.
If the SpanScaleCode is not equal to "H" or "L",
set Daily Cal Span Scale Valid to false, and return result B.
If the EM Test Date Valid AND EM Test Hour Valid are true,
If the SpanScaleCode is equal to "H"
Locate an Analyzer Range record for the component where the AnalyzerRangeCode is equal to "L", the
BeginDate and BeginHour is on or before the Date and Hour in the current test, and the EndDate is null
or the EndDate and EndHour is on or after the Date and Hour of the current test.
If found,
set Daily Cal Span Scale Valid to false, and return result C.
If the SpanScaleCode is equal to "L"
Locate an Analyzer Range record for the component where the AnalyzerRangeCode is equal to "H", the
BeginDate and BeginHour is on or before the Date and Hour of the current test, and the EndDate is null
or the EndDate and EndHour is on or after the Date and Hour of the current test.
If found,
set Daily Cal Span Scale Valid to false, and return result C.
Else, if the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "HG" or "HCL",
If the SpanScaleCode is null,
set Daily Cal Span Scale Valid to false, and return result A.
Else if the SpanScaleCode is not equal to "H",
set Daily Cal Span Scale Valid to false, and return result B.
If the SpanScaleCode is not null,
set Daily Cal Span Scale Valid to false, and return result D.
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Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
B You reported the value [value], which is not in the list of valid values, in the field Critical Error Level 1
[fieldname] for [key].
C The active analyzer range for the component is inconsistent with the span scale [value] Critical Error Level 1
reported for the [type] test for [key].
D You reported a SpanScaleCode in the [type] test for [key], but this is not appropriate Critical Error Level 1
for flow component.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-5
Check Name: Determine Span Value
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines the span value for the test:
For a daily calibration test:
Set Daily Cal Span Value to null.
If EM Test Date Valid, EM Test Hour Valid, and Daily Cal Span Scale Value are all true,
Locate the System Component records for the associated component with the earliest Begin Date.
If found,
If the BeginDate in the retrieved record is not null, the BeginHour in the retrieved record is between 0 and 23,
and the BeginDate and BeginHour is later than the Date and Hour of the test.
Locate a Span Record for the location where the ComponentTypeCode equal to the ComponentTypeCode
of the associated component, the SpanScaleCode is equal to the SpanScaleCode in the test, the Span
Value is greater than 0, the BeginDate and BeginHour is on or before the BeginDate and BeginHour of
the retrieved record, and the EndDate is null or the EndDate and EndHour is after the BeginDate and
BeginHour of the retrieved record.
Locate a Span Record for the location where the ComponentTypeCode equal to the ComponentTypeCode
of the associated component, the SpanScaleCode is equal to the SpanScaleCode in the test, the Span
Value is greater than 0, the BeginDate and BeginHour is on or before the Date and Hour of the test, and
the EndDate is null or the EndDate and EndHour is after the Date and Hour of the test.
If not found,
return result A.
If more than one record is found,
return result B.
If one record is found,
set Daily Cal Span Value to the Span Value in the retrieved span record.
return result C.
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You have not reported a valid monitoring plan span record that was active during the
test for [key].
You reported more than one monitoring plan span record that was active during the
test for [key].
The component reported for [key] is not part of any monitoring system.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: DAYCAL-6
Check Name: Daily Calibration Test Upscale Gas Level Code Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to make sure that the Upscale Gas Level Code is valid.
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If the UpscaleGasCode is null,
set Daily Cal Upscale Gas Level Valid to false, and return result A.
If the UpscaleGasCode is not equal to "MID" or "HIGH",
set Daily Cal Upscale Gas Level Valid to false, and return result B.
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW", and the UpscaleGasLevelCode is equal to "MID",
set Daily Cal Upscale Gas Level Valid to false, and return result C.
set Daily Cal Upscale Gas Level Valid to true.
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
You reported the value [value], which is not in the list of valid values, in the field
[fieldname] for [key].
You have reported a value of "MID" as the UpscaleGasCode. This value is not
appropriate for flow components.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Reference Values Consistent with Calibration Gas Levels
CEM Check
This check is to identify reference values which are not correct relative to the calibration gas levels indicated.
For the daily calibration test with an upscale and zero injection:
If ZeroReferenceValue greater than or equal to 0, UpscaleReferenceValue greater than 0, AND ZeroReferenceValue is greater
than or equal to UpscaleReference Value,
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "INVALID", and return result A.
The reference value is not consistent with the reported calibration gas levels in the
daily calibration test for [key]. The reference values of zero-level gas injection or
reference signals must be less than that of the upscale gas injection.
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: DAYCAL-8
Check Name: Zero Measured Value Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to make sure that the Zero Measured Value is reported.
For the daily calibration test with a zero injection:
If ZeroMeasuredValue is null,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-9
Check Name: Zero Reference Value Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to make sure that the Zero Reference Value is reported.
For the daily calibration test with a zero injection:
If ZeroReferenceValue is null,
return result A.
If ZeroReference Value is less than 0,
return result B.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
Result Response
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
B The value [value] in the field [fieldname] for [key] is not within the range of valid
values. This value must be greater than or equal to zero.
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Check Code: DAYCAL-10
Check Name: Zero Calibration Error Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to make sure that the Zero Calibration Error is reported.
For the daily calibration test with a zero injection:
If the ZeroCalibrationError is null,
return result A.
If the ZeroCalibrationError is less than 0,
return result B.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
Result Response
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
B The value [value] in the field [fieldname] for [key] is not within the range of valid
values. This value must be greater than or equal to zero.
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Check Code: DAYCAL-11
Check Name: Zero APS Indicator Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
For the daily calibration test with a zero injection:
If ZeroAPSIndicator is null,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-12
Check Name: Upscale Measured Value Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to make sure that the Upscale Measured Value is reported.
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If UpscaleMeasuredValue is null,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-13
Check Name: Upscale Reference Value Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to make sure that the Upscale Reference Value is reported.
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If UpscaleReferenceValue is null,
return result A.
If UpscaleReference Value is less than or equal to 0,
return result B.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
Result Response
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
B The value [value] in the field [fieldname] for [key] is not within the range of valid
values. This value must be greater than zero.
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Check Code: DAYCAL-14
Check Name: Upscale Calibration Error Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to make sure that the Upscale Calibration Error is reported.
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If the UpscaleCalibrationError is null,
return result A.
If the UpscaleCalibrationError is less than 0,
return result B.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
Result Response
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
B The value [value] in the field [fieldname] for [key] is not within the range of valid
values. This value must be greater than or equal to zero.
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Check Code: DAYCAL-15
Check Name: Upscale APS Indicator Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If UpscaleAPSIndicator is null,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-16
Check Name: Upscale Injection Time Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines whether the Injection Date and Hour reported in the Injection Element is valid.
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If the UpscalelnjectionHour is not between 0 and 23, or the UpscalelnjectionMinute is null and Legacy Data Evaluation == false,
or the UpscalelnjectionMinute is not between 0 and 59,
set Daily Cal Upscale Injection Time Valid to false, and return result A.
set Daily Cal Upscale Injection Time Valid to true.
Result Response
A The [type] date, hour, and/or minute for [key] is invalid.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Zero Injection Time Valid
CEM Check
This check determines whether the Injection Date and Hour reported in the Injection Element is valid.
For the daily calibration test with a zero injection:
If the ZeroInjectionHour is not between 0 and 23, or the ZeroInjectionMinute is null and Legacy Data Evaluation == false, or the
ZeroInjectionMinute is not between 0 and 59,
set Daily Cal Injection Times Valid to false, and return result A.
else if Legacy Data Evaluation == false, the UpscalelnjectionDate is not null, the UpscalelnjectionHour is between 0 and 23, the
UpscalelnjectionMinute is between 0 and 59, and the UpscalelnjectionDate, UpscalelnjectionHour, and UpscalelnjectionMinute
are equal to the ZeroIniectionDate, ZeroIniectionHour, and ZeroIniectionMinute, and the associated ComponentTypeCode is not
equal to "FLOW"
set Daily Cal Injection Times Valid to false, and return result B.
set Daily Cal Injection Times Valid to Daily Cal Upscale Injection Time Valid.
Locate another Daily Calibration Test Record for the location where the ComponentID and SpanScale are equal to the
ComponentID and SpanScale in the current record, TestResultCode is not equal to "INC", and the EndDate/Hour/Minute
is between the UpscalelnjectionDate/Hour/Minute and ZeroInjectionDate/Hour/Minute of the current test.
If found,
return result C.
If the absolute value of the difference between the ZeroInjectionDate/Hour and the UpscalelnjectionDate/Hour in
the current test is greater than 1,
return result D.
The [type] date, hour, and/or minute for [key] is invalid.
You reported that the zero injection and upscale injection for [key] were performed at
the same time. This is invalid.
This [testtype] was conducted at the same time as another [testtype] for the same
component and range.
The zero and upscale injections for [key] were not performed in the same or adjacent
clock hours.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 2
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: DAYCAL-18
Check Name: Zero Reference Value Consistent with Span
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines whether the calibration gas or reference signal is appropriate for span and gas level.
Validation Tables:
Test Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
For the daily calibration test with a Daily Cal Span Value that is not null and a ZeroReferenceValue greater than or equal to 0:
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is not equal to "HG",
Calculate Zero Reference Percent of Span = ZeroReference Value / Daily Cal Span Value * 100, and round to result to
one decimal place.
If Zero Reference Percent of Span is greater than 20.0,
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to "7DAY" and the
FieldDescription is equal to "GasPercentOfSpan".
If Zero Reference Percent of Span is greater than 20.0 + Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result A.
return result B.
The tag value of at least one Zero level reference signal or calibration gas for [key] is
[percent]%, which does not meet the performance specifications of 40 CFR Part 75.
The concentration of the zero reference signal or calibration gas must be less than or
equal to 20.0% of the span value. The test is invalid.
The tag value of at least one zero level reference signal or calibration gas for [key] is
[percent]%, which does not meet the performance specifications of 40 CFR Part 75.
The concentration of the zero reference signal or calibration gas must be less than or
equal to 20.0% of the span value.
Critical Error Level 2
Non-Critical Error
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-19
Check Name: Upscale Reference Value Consistent with Span
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines whether the calibration gas or reference signal is appropriate for span and gas level.
Validation Tables:
Test Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
For the daily calibration test with a Daily Cal Span Value that is not null and an UpscaleReference Value greater than 0:
Calculate Upscale Reference Percent of Span = UpscaleReference Value / Daily Cal Span Value * 100, and round to result to one
decimal place.
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to
" GasPercentOfSpan".
If UpscaleGasLevelCode is equal to "MID", and the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is not equal to "FLOW",
If Upscale Reference Percent of Span is less than 50.0 or greater than 60.0,
If Upscale Reference Percent of Span is less than 50.0 - Tolerance in the cross-check record or Upscale
Reference Percent of Span greater than 60.0 + Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result A.
return result B.
If UpscaleGasLevelCode is equal to "HIGH",
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW",
If Upscale Reference Percent of Span is less than 50.0 or greater than 70.0,
If Upscale Reference Percent of Span is less than 50.0 - Tolerance in the cross-check record or Upscale
Reference Percent of Span greater than 70.0 + Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result C.
return result D.
If Upscale Reference Percent of Span is greater than 100.0,
return result E
If Upscale Reference Percent of Span is less than 80.0,
If Upscale Reference Percent of Span is less than 80.0 - Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result E.
return result F.
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The tag value of at least one Mid level reference signal or calibration gas for [key] is
[percent]%, which does not meet the applicable performance specifications. The
concentration of the mid reference signal or calibration gas must be between 50.0%
and 60.0% of the span value. The test is invalid.
The tag value of at least one Mid level reference signal or calibration gas for [key] is
[percent]%, which does not meet the applicable performance specifications. The
concentration of the 'mid' reference signal or calibration gas must be between 50.0%
and 60.0% of the span value.
The tag value of at least one High level reference signal for [key] is [percent] %, which
does not meet the performance specifications of 40 CFR Part 75. The value of the high
reference signal for a flow component must be between 50.0% and 70.0% of the span
value. The test is invalid.
The tag value of at least one High level reference signal for [key] is [percent] %, which
does not meet the performance specifications of 40 CFR Part 75. The value of the
'high' reference signal for a flow component must be between 50.0% and 70.0% of the
span value.
The tag value of at least one High level reference calibration gas for [key] is
[percent]%, which does not meet the applicable performance specifications. The
concentration of the high reference calibration gas must be between 80.0% and 100.0%
of the span value. The test is invalid.
The tag value of at least one High level reference calibration gas for [key] is
[percent]%, which does not meet the applicable performance specifications. The
concentration of the 'high' reference calibration gas must be between 80.0% and
100.0% of the span value.
Critical Error Level 2
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 2
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 2
Non-Critical Error
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-20
Check Name: Calculate Zero Gas Injection or Reference Signal Results
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to calculate calibration errors.
Validation Tables:
Test Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
For the daily calibration test with a zero injection:
If (Daily Cal Span Value is null, or ZeroReferenceValue of the test is null or is less than zero, or ZeroMeasuredValue of the test is
Set Daily Cal Calc Result to "INVALID", Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result to null, Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc
APS Indicator to null, and return result A.
Calculate diff = abs(ZeroMeasuredValue - ZeroReference Value)
Set Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc APS Indicator to 0.
If (ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "C02" or "02")
Round diff to 1 decimal place.
Set Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result to diff.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "IGNORED")
If {Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result is greater than 1.0)
If (ZeroCalibrationError is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to
"7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferencePCT".
If (the absolute value of the difference between diff and ZeroCalibrationError is less than
or equal to the Tolerance in the cross-check record)
if {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or "FAILED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater than
Zerolnj ectionDate/ZeroInj ectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
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If (Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater than
Zerolnj ectionDate/ZeroInj ectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
else if (Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or "FAILED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
If (ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "S02" or "NOX")
Calculate Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result = min(round(<://// / Daily Cal Span Value * 100, 1), 9999.9)
Round diff to 1 decimal places.
If {Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result is greater than 5.0, AND {Daily Cal Span Value is less than or equal to
50 AND diff is less than or equal to 5.0) OR {Daily Cal Span Value is greater than 50 AND Daily Cal Span
Value is less than or equal to 200 AND diff is less than or equal to 10.0)))
set Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result to diff.
set Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc APS Indicator to 1.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "FAILED" or "INC" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS".
If {Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result is greater than 5 .0)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "IGNORED")
If (ZeroAPSIndicator is NOT equal to 1 and ZeroCalibrationError is greater than or
equal to 0 and less than or equal to 5.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal
to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "CalibrationError".
If (the absolute value of the difference betw een Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc
Result and ZeroCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance in the
cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "PASSAPS" or "INC" or
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
than Zerolnj ectionDate/ZeroInj ectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
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If (ZeroAPSIndicator is equal to 1 and ZeroCalibrationError is greater than or
equal to 0, and (Daily Cal Span Value is less than or equal to 50 AND
ZeroCalibrationError is less than or equal to 5.0) OR {Daily Cal Span Value is
greater than 50 AND Daily Cal Span Value is less than or equal to 200 AND
ZeroCalibrationError is less than or equal to 10.0)))
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode
is equal to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to
If (the absolute value of the difference between diff and
ZeroCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance
cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS"
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is
greater than ZeroInjectionDate/ZeroInjectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
than Zerolnj ectionDate/ZeroInj ectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "FAILED" or "INC" or "PASSAPS" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
If (ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW")
Calculate Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result = min(round(dilf / Daily Cal Span Value * 100, 1), 9999.9).
Round diff to 2 decimal places.
If {Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result is greater than 6.0, the SampleAcquisitionMethodCode of the associated
component is equal to "DP", and diff is less than or equal to 0.02)
set Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result to diff.
set Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc APS Indicator to 1.
in the
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If {Daily Cal CalcResult is not equal to "INVALID" or "FAILED" or "INC" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS".
If {Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result is greater than 6 .0)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "IGNORED")
If (ZeroAPSIndicator is NOT equal to 1 and ZeroCalibrationError is greater than or
equal to 0 and less than or equal to 6.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal
to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "CalibrationError".
If (the absolute value of the difference betw een Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc
Result and ZeroCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance in the
cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "PASSAPS" or "INC" or
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
than Zerolnj ectionDate/ZeroInj ectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
If (ZeroAPSIndicator is equal to 1, the SampleAcquisitionMethodCode of the
associated component is equal to "DP", and ZeroCalibrationError is greater than
or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 0.02)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode
is equal to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to
If (the absolute value of the difference between diff and
ZeroCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance
cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS"
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
in the
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else if (Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is
greater than ZeroInjectionDate/ZeroInjectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
set Daily Cal CalcResult to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
than Zerolnj ectionDate/ZeroInj ectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or "FAILED", or "PASSAPS" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
If (ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "HG")
Calculate Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result = min(round(<://// / Daily Cal Span Value * 100, 1), 9999.9)
Round diff to 1 decimal places.
If {Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result is greater than 5.0, AND diff is less than or equal to 1.0)
set Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result to diff.
set Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc APS Indicator to 1.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "FAILED" or "INC" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS".
If {Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result is greater than 5 .0)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "IGNORED")
If (ZeroAPSIndicator is NOT equal to 1 and ZeroCalibrationError is greater than or
equal to 0 and less than or equal to 5.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal
to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "CalibrationError".
If (the absolute value of the difference betw een Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc
Result and ZeroCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance in the
cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "PASSAPS" or "INC" or
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
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If (Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
than Zerolnj ectionDate/ZeroInj ectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
If (ZeroAPSIndicator is equal to 1 and ZeroCalibrationError is greater than or
equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode
is equal to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "Difference
If (the absolute value of the difference between diff and
ZeroCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance
cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS"
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is
greater than Zerolnj ectionDate/ZeroInj ectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
than Zerolnj ectionDate/ZeroInj ectionHour)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to ZeroInjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Zerolnjection Hour.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "FAILED" or "INC" or "PASSAPS" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
in the
Result Response Severity
A The software could not evaluate the [test] calculations reported for [key], because of the Informational Message
errors listed above.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code: DAYCAL-21
Check Name: Calculate Upscale Gas Injection or Reference Signal Results
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to calculate calibration errors.
Validation Tables:
Test Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If {Daily Cal Span Value is null, or Daily Cal Upscale Gas Level Valid is false, or UpscaleReferenceValue of the test is null or is
less than or equal to zero, or UpscaleMeasuredValue of the test is null)
Set Daily Cal Calc Result to "INVALID", Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result to null, Daily Cal Upscale Injection
CalcAPS Indicator to null, and return result A.
Calculate diff = abs(UpscaleMeasuredValue - UpscaleReference Value)
Set Daily Cal Upscale Injection CalcAPS Indicator to 0.
If (ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "C02" or "02")
Round diff to 1 decimal place.
Set Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result to diff.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "IGNORED")
If {Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result is greater than 1.0)
If (UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to
"7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferencePCT".
If (the absolute value of the difference between diff and UpscaleCalibrationError is less
than or equal to the Tolerance in the cross-check record)
if {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or "FAILED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater than
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour.
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
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If (Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater than
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour.
else if {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or "FAILED" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
If (ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "S02" or "NOX")
Calculate Daily Cal Upscalelnjection Calc Result = min(round( <://// I Daily Cal Span Value* 100, 1), 9999.9)
Round diff to 1 decimal places.
If {Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result is greater than 5.0, AND {Daily Cal Span Value is less than or equal
to 50 AND diff is less than or equal to 5.0) OR {Daily Cal Span Value is greater than 50 AND Daily Cal Span
Value is less than or equal to 200 AND diff is less than or equal to 10.0)))
set Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result to diff.
set Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc APS Indicator to 1.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "FAILED" or "INC" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS".
If {Daily Cal Upscalelnjection Calc Result is greater than 5.0)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "IGNORED")
If (UpscaleAPSIndicator is NOT equal to 1 and UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than
or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 5.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal
to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "CalibrationError".
If (the absolute value of the difference betw een Daily Cal Upscale Injection
Calc Result and UpscaleCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance
in the cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "PASSAPS" or "INC" or
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour.
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If (UpscaleAPSIndicator is equal to 1 and UpscaleCalibrationError is greater
than or equal to 0, and {Daily Cal Span Value is less than or equal to 50 AND
UpscaleCalibrationError is less than or equal to 5.0) OR {Daily Cal Span Value
is greater than 50 AND Daily Cal Span Value is less than or equal to 200 AND
UpscaleCalibrationError is less than or equal to 10.0)))
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode
is equal to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to
If (the absolute value of the difference between diff and
UpscaleCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance in the
cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal CalcResult is not equal to "INC" or "FAILED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is
greater than
set Daily Cal Fail Date to
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "FAILED" or "INC", or "PASSAPS" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
If (ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW")
Calculate Daily Cal Upscalelnjection CalcResult= min(round(dilf I Daily Cal Span Value* 100, 1), 9999.9).
Round diff to 2 decimal places.
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If (Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result is greater than 6.0, the SampleAcquisitionMethodCode of the
associated component is equal to "DP", and diff is less than or equal to 0.02)
set Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result to diff.
set Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc APS Indicator to 1.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "FAILED" or "INC" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS".
If {Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result is greater than 6 .0)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "IGNORED")
If (UpscaleAPSIndicator is NOT equal to 1 and UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than
or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 6.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal
to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "CalibrationError".
If (the absolute value of the difference betw een Daily Cal Upscale Injection
Calc Result and UpscaleCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance
in the cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "PASSAPS" or "INC" or
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour.
If (UpscaleAPSIndicator is equal to 1, the SampleAcquisitionMethodCode of the
associated component is equal to "DP", and UpscaleCalibrationError is greater
than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 0.02)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode
is equal to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to
If (the absolute value of the difference between diff and
UpscaleCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance in the
cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or "FAILED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS".
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set Daily Cal CalcResult to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is
greater than
set Daily Cal Fail Date to
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or "FAILED", or "PASSAPS" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
If (ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "HG")
Calculate Daily Cal Upscalelnjection Calc Result = min(round( <://// I Daily Cal Span Value* 100, 1), 9999.9)
Round diff to 1 decimal places.
If {Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result is greater than 5.0, AND diff is less than or equal to 1.0)
set Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result to diff.
set Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc APS Indicator to 1.
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "FAILED" or "INC" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS".
If {Daily Cal Upscalelnjection Calc Result is greater than 5.0)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INVALID" or "IGNORED")
If (UpscaleAPSIndicator is NOT equal to 1 and UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than
or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 5.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal
to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "CalibrationError".
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
If (the absolute value of the difference betw een Daily Cal Upscale Injection
Calc Result and UpscaleCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance
in the cross-check record)
If (Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "PASSAPS" or "INC" or
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour.
If (UpscaleAPSIndicator is equal to 1 and UpscaleCalibrationError is greater
than or equal to 0 AND UpscaleCalibrationError is less than or equal to 1.0)
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode
is equal to "7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to
If (the absolute value of the difference between diff and
UpscaleCalibrationError is less than or equal to the Tolerance in the
cross-check record)
If {Daily Cal Calc Result is not equal to "INC" or "FAILED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSAPS".
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
If {Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is
greater than
set Daily Cal Fail Date to
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "FAILED".
If {Daily Cal Injection Times Valid == true)
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If (Daily Cal Fail Date is null)
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour,
else if {Daily Cal Fail Date/Daily Cal Fail Hour is greater
set Daily Cal Fail Date to UpscalelnjectionDate.
set Daily Cal Fail Hour to Upscalelnjection Hour.
If (Daily Cal CalcResult is not equal to "FAILED" or "INC", or "PASSAPS" or "IGNORED")
set Daily Cal Calc Result to "PASSED".
Result Response Severity
A The software could not evaluate the [test] calculations reported for [key], because of the Informational Message
errors listed above.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Daily Calibration Test End Time Valid
CEM Check
This check indicates if the reported test end date, hour, minute is consistent with the injection times.
For the daily calibration test with upscale and zero injections and a valid date, hour, and minute and injection times:
If Date, Hour, and Minute of the test does not equal the later of the ZeroInjectionDate, Hour, and Minute (if not null) and the
UpscalelnjectionDate, Hour, and Minute (if non-null),
return result A.
You reported a test Date, Hour, and Minute that is not the same as the Date, Hour, and
Minute of the last injection in the daily calibration test for [key].
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Reported Zero Injection Results Consistent with Recalculated Values
CEM Check
This check is to compare reported and recalculated results for each gas injection.
Validation Tables:
Test Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
For the daily calibration test with a zero injection:
If the ZeroAPSIndicator is equal to 1, the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW", and the
SampleAcquisitionMethodCode of the associated component is not equal to "DP",
return result A.
If the ZeroAPSIndicator is equal to 1, the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "S02" or "NOX", and the
Daily Cal Span Value is greater than or equal to 200,
return result B.
If the ZeroAPSIndicator is equal to 1, the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "C02" or "02",
return result C.
If Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result is not null,
If the ZeroAPSIndicator in the current record is not equal to 1 and the Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc APS
Indicator is equal to 1,
return result D.
If the ZeroCalibrationError is greater than or equal to 0,
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "C02" or "02"
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to "7DAY" and
the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferencePCT".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result and the
ZeroCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result E.
If the Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc APS Indicator is equal to 1,
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW",
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to
"7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferenceINH20".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result
and the ZeroCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result E.
Else, If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "HG",
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to
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"7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferenceUGSCM".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result
and the ZeroCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result E.
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to
"7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferencePPM".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result
and the ZeroCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result E.
else if ZeroAPSIndicator is equal to 0,
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to "7DAY" and
the FieldDescription is equal to "CalibrationError".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Zero Injection Calc Result and the
ZeroCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result F.
You reported a value of " 1" as the [level] APS Indicator for [key], but you must use the
standard performance criteria for non-differential pressure flow monitors.
You reported a value of " 1" as the [level] APS Indicator for [key], but you must use the
standard performance specification criteria for S02 and NOX components when the
instrument span is greater than or equal to 200.
You reported a value of " 1" as the [level] APS Indicator for [key], but you must use the
standard performance specification criteria for C02 and 02 components.
You did not report a value of " 1" in the [level] APS Indicator for [key], although EPA
applied the alternative performance specification to determine that the injection passed
the applicable performance specification.
The absolute difference reported as the [level] Calibration Error for [key] is
inconsistent with the recalculated absolute difference for the gas injection or reference
The [level] Calibration Error reported for [key] is inconsistent with the recalculated
calibration error for the gas injection or reference signal.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Reported Upscale Injection Results Consistent with Recalculated Values
CEM Check
This check is to compare reported and recalculated results for each gas injection.
Validation Tables:
Test Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If the UpscaleAPSIndicator is equal to 1, the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW", and the
SampleAcquisitionMethodCode of the associated component is not equal to "DP",
return result A.
If the UpscaleAPSIndicator is equal to 1, the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "S02" or "NOX", and
the Daily Cal Span Value is greater than or equal to 200,
return result B.
If the UpscaleAPSIndicator is equal to 1, the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "C02" or "02",
return result C.
If Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result is not null,
If the UpscaleAPSIndicator in the current record is not equal to 1 and the Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc APS
Indicator is equal to 1,
return result D.
If the UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than or equal to 0,
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "C02" or "02"
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to "7DAY" and
the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferencePCT".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result and
the UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result E.
If the Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc APS Indicator is equal to 1,
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW",
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to
"7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferenceINH20".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc
Result and the UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check
return result E.
Else, if the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "HG",
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Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to
"7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferenceUGSCM".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc
Result and the UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check
return result E.
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to
"7DAY" and the FieldDescription is equal to "DifferencePPM".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc
Result and the UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check
return result E.
else if UpscaleAPSIndicator is equal to 0,
Locate the Test Tolerance cross-check record where the TestTypeCode is equal to "7DAY" and
the FieldDescription is equal to "CalibrationError".
If the absolute value of the difference between the Daily Cal Upscale Injection Calc Result and
the UpscaleCalibrationError is greater than the Tolerance in the cross-check record,
return result F.
You reported a value of " 1" as the [level] APS Indicator for [key], but you must use the
standard performance criteria for non-differential pressure flow monitors.
You reported a value of " 1" as the [level] APS Indicator for [key], but you must use the
standard performance specification criteria for S02 and NOX components when the
instrument span is greater than or equal to 200.
You reported a value of " 1" as the [level] APS Indicator for [key], but you must use the
standard performance specification criteria for C02 and 02 components.
You did not report a value of " 1" in the [level] APS Indicator for [key], although EPA
applied the alternative performance specification to determine that the injection passed
the applicable performance specification.
The absolute difference reported as the [level] Calibration Error for [key] is
inconsistent with the recalculated absolute difference for the gas injection or reference
The [level] Calibration Error reported for [key] is inconsistent with the recalculated
calibration error for the gas injection or reference signal.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: DAYCAL-25
Check Name: Determination of Overall Daily Calibration Test Result
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check is to calculate daily calibration test results.
For the daily calibration test:
If Daily Cal Calc Result is equal to "INVALID",
set Daily Cal Calc Result to null.
If TestResultCode is null,
return result A.
If TestResultCode is not equal to "PASSED", "PASSAPS", "FAILED", "INC", or "ABORTED",
return result B.
If Daily Cal Calc Result is equal to "FAILED",
If TestResultCode is equal to "PASSED" or "PASSAPS",
return result C.
If TestResultCode is equal to "INC",
return result D.
If Daily Cal Calc Result is equal to "PASSED" or "PASSAPS", and the TestResultCode is equal to "FAILED",
return result E.
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
You reported the value [value], which is not in the list of valid values for this test type,
in the field [fieldname] for [key].
The TestResultCode for [key] indicates a passing test, but the recalculated results
indicate a failing test.
The TestResultCode for [key] indicates an incomplete test, but the recalculated results
indicate a failing test. A test is considered to have failed if it fails to meet the
performance criteria for any injection.
You reported a TestResultCode of "FAILED" for [key], but the results recalculated or
determined from the other reported values indicate that the test passed.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Upscale Gas Type Code Valid
CEM Check
This check determines whether the Upscale Gas Type Code is valid (PGVP).
Validation Tables:
Gas Type Code (Lookup Table)
Vw System Parameter (Lookup Table)
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
UpscaleGasTypeValid = true.
Locate System Parameter lookup table record where Sys Param Name = 'PGVPAETBRULEDATE'.
Set Daily Cal PGVP Rule Date to System Parameter. Pa ram_ Value 1.
If UpscaleGasTypeCode is null,
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "S02", "NOX", "C02", or "02", and the Date of the
test is on or after 9/26/2011,
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false,
return result A.
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW", "HCL", or "HG",
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result B.
else if the UpscaleGasTypeCode is not equal to "GMIS", "PRM", "RGM", or "SRM",
if the UpscaleGasTypeCode is not in the GasTypeCode lookup table.
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result C.
else if the UpscaleGasTypeCode == "ZERO" or "ZAM"
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result C
else if the UpscaleGasTypeCode == "APPVD"
return result D
else if the ComponentTypeCode == "S02", "NOX", "C02" or "02",
Locate Protocol Gas Parameter To Type Cross Reference records where ProtocolGasParameter is equal
to ComponentTypeCode in the current Daily Calibration record, and GasTypeList contains the
UpscaleGasTypeCode in the current Daily Calibration record.
If not found,
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result E.
else if ComponentTypeCode == "02", UpscaleGasTypeCode == "AIR", and the UpscaleGasCode is not
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equal to "HIGH",
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result F.
You did not report a UpscaleGasTypeCode for [key]. This information is required by
the Protocol Gas Verification Program reporting rule.
You reported a value in the UpscaleGasTypeCode field for [key]. This value should
not be reported for a FLOW, HC1, or HG component.
You reported the value [value], which is not in the list of valid values, in the field
[fieldname] for [key].
You reported "APPVD" as the [fieldname] for [key]. This code indicates that you
received approval from EPA for a new type of Protocol Gas. If you have not received
approval from EPA, please contact ECMPS support. If you have already received
approval, you should log in to the ECMPS host, so that the ECMPS program can
obtain the necessary information to override this error.
You reported an UpscaleGasTypeCode that is not appropriate for a [comptype]
component for [key].
You reported an [fieldname] of "AIR" for [key], which indicates the use of purified air
material, but this material can only be used for a high-level calibration.
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Cylinder ID Valid
CEM Check
This check determines whether the Cylinder ID is valid.
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If CylinderlD is null,
If UpscaleGasTypeValid is true, and the UpscaleGasTypeCode is not null and not equal to "AIR",
return result A.
If the UpscaleGasTypeCode is equal to "AIR",
return result B.
else if UpscaleGasTypeValid is true, and the UpscaleGasTypeCd is null,
return result C.
else if CylinderlD is NOT alphanumeric OR is NOT capitalized,
If InvalidCylinderldList does not contain CylinderlD,
Add CylinderlD to InvalidCylinderldList.
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
You indicated that you used purified air material or zero air material instead of a
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
cylinder gas, but you reported a Cylinderldentifier.
You reported a [fieldname] for [key], but you did not report an UpscaleGasTypeCode. Non-Critical Error
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Vendor ID Valid
CEM Check
This check determines whether the Vendor ID is valid.
Validation Tables:
Protocol Gas Vendor (Lookup Table)
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If VendorlD is null,
If UpscaleGasTypeValid is true, and the UpscaleGasTypeCode is not null and not equal to "AIR", "SRM", "NTRM",
"GMIS", "RGM", or "PRM",
else if the VendorlD is not in the Protocol Gas Vendor lookup table,
return result B.
If the UpscaleGasTypeCode is equal to "AIR", "SRM", "NTRM", "GMIS", "RGM", or "PRM",
return result C.
else if the DeactivationDate in the Protocol Gas Vendor record is not null and the Date of the current test is on or after
the January 1 after DeactivationDate + 8 years,
return result F.
else if the VendorlD is equal to "NONPGVP", and the Date of the test is on or after the Daily Cal PGVPRule Date + 60
days + 8 years,
return result D.
else if UpscaleGasTypeValid is true, and the UpscaleGasTypeCd is null,
return result E.
return result A.
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
You reported a Vendorldentifier of [value], which is not in the list of Protocol Gas
Vendors, for [key]. Please visit the ECMPS Support Website for the list of Protocol
Gas Vendors.
You reported a [fieldname] for [key], but this value should only be reported for an EPA
Protocol Gas Type. The cylinder gas type of [gastype] indicates the use of a non-EPA
Protocol Gas Type.
You reported a Vendorldentifier of "NONPGVP" for [key], indicating the use of a EPA
Protocol Gas Type purchased from a vendor not participating in the Protocol Gas
Vendor Program (PGVP). You cannot use a gas purchased from a non-participating
vendor that was acquired more than 60 days after the PGVP Effective Date.
You reported a [fieldname] for [key], but you did not report an UpscaleGasTypeCode.
You have reported a Vendorldentifier for [key] of a vendor who is no longer
participating in the Protocol Gas Verification Program.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 2
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 2
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Check Code: DAYCAL-29
Check Name: Cylinder Expiration Date Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines whether the Expiration Date of the cylinder is valid.
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
If ExpirationDate is null,
If UpscaleGasTypeValid is true, and the UpscaleGasTypeCode is not null and not equal to "AIR",
return result A.
If the UpscaleGasTypeCode is equal to "AIR",
return result B.
else if the ExpirationDate is prior to the Date of the test,
return result C.
else if the ExpirationDate is more than 8 years after the Date of the test,
return result D.
else if UpscaleGasTypeValid is true, and the UpscaleGasTypeCd is null,
return result E.
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
You reported a [fieldname] for [key], but this value should only be reported for an EPA
Protocol Gas Type. The cylinder gas type of [gastype] indicates the use of a non-EPA
Protocol Gas Type.
You reported an ExpirationDate for the cylinder that is prior to the date of the test for
You reported an ExpirationDate for the cylinder that is more than eight years after the
date of the test for [key]. Gas cylinders expire in less than eight years.
You reported a [fieldname] for [key], but you did not report an UpscaleGasTypeCode.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 2
Critical Error Level 2
Non-Critical Error
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Check Code: DAYCAL-30
Check Name: Upscale Gas Type Code Components Valid
Related Former Checks: 2013 Q1 replacement for DAYCAL-26
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines whether the Gas Components in the Upscale Gas Type Code are valid (PGVP).
Validation Tables:
Vw System Parameter (Lookup Table)
For the daily calibration test with an upscale injection:
UpscaleGasTypeValid = true.
Locate System Parameter lookup table record where Sys Param Name = 'PGVP AETB RULE DATE'.
Set Daily Cal PGVP Rule Date to System Parameter. Pa ram_ Value 1.
If UpscaleGasTypeCode is null,
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "S02", "NOX", "C02", or "02", and the Date of the
test is on or after 9/26/2011,
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false,
return result A.
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is equal to "FLOW", "HCL", or "HG",
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result B.
Set Protocol Gas Invalid Component List to null.
Set Protocol Gas Exclusive Component List to null.
Set Protocol Gas Balance Component List to null.
Set Protocol Gas Duplicate Component List to null.
Set Protocol Gas Component List to null.
Set Protocol Gas Approval Requested = true.
Set Protocol Gas Component Count to 0.
Set Balance Component Count to 0.
For each GasComponentCode in UpscaleGasTypeCode ,
Locate a record in the GasComponentCodeLookupTable where GasComponentCode is equal to the
GasComponentCode in the UpscaleGasTypeCode .
If not found, or GasComponentCode is equal to "ZERO",
Add GasComponentCode to Protocol Gas Invalid Component List.
If CanCombinelndicator is equal to 0,
Add GasComponentCode to Protocol Gas Exclusive Component List.
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If BalanceComponentlndicator is equal to 1,
Add GasComponentCode to Protocol Gas Balance Component List.
Increament Balance Component Count by 1.
If the GasComponentCode is equal to "APPVD",
Set Protocol Gas Approval Requested = true.
If GasComponentCode is not in Protocol Gas Component List,
add GasComponentCode to Protocol Gas Component List.
Else if GasComponentCode is not in Protocol Gas Duplicate Component List,
add GasComponentCode to Protocol Gas Duplicate Component List.
Increament Protocol Gas Component Count by 1.
If Protocol Gas Invalid Component List is not null,
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result C.
Else if Protocol Gas Duplicate Component List is not null,
set Protocol Gas Component List Valid = false,
return result L.
Else if Protocol Gas Exclusive Component List is not null, and Protocol Gas Component Count is greater than
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result D.
Else if Protocol Gas Approval Requested is equal to true,
return result E.
Else if Protocol Gas Exclusive Component List is null, and Balance Component Count is equal to 0,
set UpscaleGasTypeValid = false,
return result J.
Else if Protocol Gas Exclusive Component List is null, and Balance Component Count is greater than 1,
set UpscaleGasTypeValid = false,
return result K.
Else if the UpscaleGasTypeCode is not equal to "GMIS", "NTRM", "PRM", "RGM", or "SRM",
If the ComponentTypeCode is equal to "S02" or "C02",
If no GasComponentCode in UpscaleGasTypeCode is equal to ComponentTypeCode,
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result F.
Else if the ComponentTypeCode is equal to "02",
If UpscaleGasTypeCode is not equal to "AIR", and no GasComponentCode in
UpscaleGasTypeCode is equal to "02",
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result G.
Else if UpscaleGasTypeCode is equal to "AIR", and the UpscaleGasCode is not equal to "HIGH",
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
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return result H.
Else if the ComponentTypeCode is equal to "NOX",
If no GasComponentCode in GasTypeCode is equal to "NO", "N02", or "NOX",
UpscaleGasTypeValid = false
return result I.
You did not report a UpscaleGasTypeCode for [key]. This information is required by
the Protocol Gas Verification Program reporting rule.
You reported a value in the UpscaleGasTypeCode field for [key]. This value should
not be reported for a FLOW, HC1, or HG component.
You reported the values ([invalidlist]), in the field [fieldname] for [key], which are not
in the list of valid values.
You reported multiple gas components in the field [fieldname] for [key] that include
values ([exclusivelist]) that you should report by themselves.
You reported "APPVD" as the [fieldname] for [key]. This code indicates that you
received approval from EPA for a new type of Protocol Gas. If you have not received
approval from EPA, please contact ECMPS support. If you have already received
approval, you should log in to the ECMPS host, so that the ECMPS program can
obtain the necessary information to override this error.
You reported an UpscaleGasTypeCode that is not appropriate for a [comptype]
component for [key].
You reported an UpscaleGasTypeCode that is not appropriate for a [comptype]
component for [key].
You reported an [fieldname] of "AIR" for [key], which indicates the use of purified air
material, but this material can only be used for a high-level calibration.
You reported an UpscaleGasTypeCode that is not appropriate for a [comptype]
component for [key].
You reported an UpscaleGasTypeCode that does not contain a PGVP balance
component. A single balance component is required when reporting other individual
gas components.
You reported an UpscaleGasTypeCode that contains multiple PGVP balance
components ([balancelist]). A single balance component is required when reporting
other individual gas components.
Your reported one or more duplicate gas component records.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Check Category:
Daily Emissions Data
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Determine Need for Daily C02 Emissions Record
Related Former Checks:
General Check
Current C02 Mass Daily Record = null
Daily Op Time = null
if {Daily Op Time Accumulator Array for the location >= 0)
Daily Op Time = Daily Op lime Accumulator Array for the location
Daily Op Time Accumulator Array for the location = 0.
C02 Method Count = Active records in MonitoringMethodData for the location and date where
ParameterCode begins with "C02"
FSA Method Count = Active records in MonitoringMethodData for the location and date where
ParameterCode = "C02M" and MethodCode = "FSA"
if (FSA Method Count > 0 AND C02 Method Count >1)
return result A
if (FSA Method Count > 0)
Expected Summary Value for C02 Array for the location = true
C02 Mass Daily Emissions Count = count of DailyEmissionsData records with ParameterCode = "C02M" where
Current Date = DailyEmissionsData.Date
if (CO2 Mass Daily Emissions Count > 1)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result B
else if (FSA Method Count == 0 AND C02 Mass Daily Emissions Count > 0)
return result C
else if (FSA Method Count > 0 AND C02 Mass Daily Emissions Count == 0 AND Daily Op Time > 0
return result D
else if (FSA Method Count > 0 AND C02 Mass Daily Emissions Count ==1)
Current C02 Mass Daily Record = matching Daily EmissionsData record
If (Daily Op Time == 0)
return result E
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You have reported more than one active method to determine C02 emissions in your
monitoring plan for this date.
You reported more than one Daily Emissions record for [param] for the day.
You reported a Daily Emissions record for C02M, but you did not report an active
C02M FSA method record in your monitoring plan for the day.
You did not report a Daily Emissions record for C02M for the day.
You reported a Daily Emissions record for C02M, but this is not appropriate for a
non-operating day.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions
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Check Code: DAILY-2
Check Name: Check Total Daily Emissions Value
Related Former Checks:
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
Set Calc TDE to null.
If (Current C02 Mass Daily Record is not null)
If (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. To t a 1D a i 1 y E m i s s i o n s >= 0 AND Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the
location >= 0)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator
Array for the location + Current CO2 Mass Daily Record. TotalDailyEmissions
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. U nadj ustcdDai ly Emissions is not null OR Calc C02 Unadj is not null)
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. AdjustedDailyEmissions is null)
Calc TDE = Calc C02 Unadj
else if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. U nadj ust cdDai ly Emi ssio ns is not null AND Current C02 Mass Daily
Record. AdjustedDailyEmissions is greater than or equal to 0 AND is less than or equal to Current C02 Mass Daily
Record. U nadj ustcdDai ly Emissions)
Calc TDE = Current C02 Mass Daily Record. AdjustedDailyEmissions
else if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. AdjustedDailyEmissions is greater than or equal to 0)
Calc TDE = Current C02 Mass Daily Record. AdjustedDailyEmissions
If (Calc TDE is not null)
If (Current CO2 Mass Daily /?6'ewY/.SorbcntRclatcdIVIassEmissions is not null)
If (Current CO2 Mass Daily /?6'ewY/.SorbcntRclatcdIVIassEmissions >= 0)
Calc TDE = Calc TDE + Current CO2 Mass Daily /?6'ewY/.SorbcntRclatcdIVIassEmissions
Set Calc TDE to null.
else if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. U nadj ustcdDai ly Emissions is null AND Legacy Data Evaluation == true AND Current
C02 Mass Daily Record.To ta 1Dai ly Emi ssio ns >= 0)
Calc TDE = Current CO 2 Mass Daily Record. To talDaily Emissions
If (Calc TDE is null)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
If (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location >= 0)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated
Accumulator Array for the location + Calc TDE
If (Current C02 Mass Daily Record.To ta 1Dai ly Emi ssio ns >= 0)
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If (Calc TDE is not null)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "C02M DAILY" AND
if (ABS(Current C02 Mass Daily Record.To t a 1D a i 1 y E m i s s i o n s - Calc TDE) > Tolerance)
return result A
return result C
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result B
The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Emissions record for [param] is inconsistent
with the recalculated value.
The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Emissions record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The TotalDailyEmissions in the Daily Emissions record for [param] could not be
recalculated due to other errors listed in this report.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: DAILY-3
Check Name: Check Adjusted Daily Emissions Value
Related Former Checks:
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record is not null),
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. AdjustedDailyEmissions is not null),
If (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. AdjustedDailyEmissions is less than 0),
return result A
If (Current C02 Mass Daily Record.U nadjustcdDaily Emissions is greater than or equal to 0 AND is less than
Current C02 Mass Daily Record. AdjustedDailyEmissions),
return result B
The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Emissions record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The AdjustedDailyEmissions in the Daily Emissions record for [param] is greater than
the UnadjustedDailyEmissions. The adjusted value should be less than the unadjusted
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Sorbent Related Emissions
Related Former Checks:
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record is not null),
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Ttecon/.SorbentRelatedMassEmissions is not null AND is less than 0),
return result A
The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Emissions record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Validate Presence of Adjusted Daily Emissions
Related Former Checks:
if (Current CO2 Mass Daily Record) is not null
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. AdjustedDailyEmissions is not null)
Locate a Monitor Formula record for the location and hour where the ParameterCode is equal to 'C02M" and the
FormulaCode is equal to "G-2" or "G-3".
If not found,
return result A.
You reported AdjustedDailyEmissions in the Daily Emissions record for C02M, but
you did not report a G-2 or G-3 formula in your monitoring plan.
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Validate Presence of Sorbent Related Emissions
Related Former Checks:
if (Current CO2 Mass Daily Record) is not null
if (Current C02 Mass Daily /?6'ewY/.SorbcntRclatcdIVIassEmissions is not null),
Missing C02M Formula = null
Locate a Monitor Formula record for the location and hour where the ParameterCode is equal to 'C02M" and the
FormulaCode is equal to "G-5" or "G-6".
If not found,
Set Missing C02M Formula to "G-5 or G-6"
Locate a Monitor Formula record for the location and hour where the ParameterCode is equal to 'C02M" and the
FormulaCode is equal to "G-8".
If not found,
Append "G-8" to Missing C02M Formula.
If {Missing C02M Formula is not null)
return result A.
You reported SorbentRelatedMassEmissions in the Daily Emissions record for C02M, Critical Error Level 1
but you did not report [code] formula(s) in your monitoring plan.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Unadjusted Daily Emissions Value
Related Former Checks:
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
Set Calc CO2 Unadj to null.
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record is not null)
if (Calc Total Carbon Burned is greater than 0)
Calculate Calc C02 Unadj = Calc Total Carbon Burned * 44 / 24,000, and round the result to 1 decimal place.
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record.UnadjustcdDai ly Emissions is null OR is less than 0)
return result A
else if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. U nadj ustcdDai ly Emissions >= 0)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "C02M DAILY" AND
if (ABS(Current C02 Mass Daily Record. U nadj ustcdDai ly Emissions - Calc C02 Unadj) > Tolerance)
return result B
else if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. U nadj ustcdDai ly Emissions is null)
If (Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result A.
else if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record. U nadj ustcdDai ly Emissions is less than 0)
return result A
Set Calc C02 Unadj to Current C02 Mass Daily Unadj ustcdDai ly Emissions.
The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Emissions record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Emissions record for [param] is inconsistent
with the recalculated value.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Fuel in Daily Fuel Record
Related Former Checks:
General Check
Locate UnitFuel record for the location and day
where FuelCd = Current Daily Fuel Record. U ni t Fue 1 Cd
If not found,
return result A
Result Response Severity
A You did not report an active Unit Fuel record for FuelCode [fueled] in your monitoring Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions Fuel
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Daily Fuel Feed
Related Former Checks:
if {Current Daily Fuel Record. Dai ly Fuel Feed is null)
return result A.
else if {Current Daily Fuel Dai ly Fuel Feed is less than or equal to 0)
return result A.
The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Fuel record for [key] is missing or invalid. The
value must be greater than 0.
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions Fuel
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Carbon Content Used
Related Former Checks:
if {Current Daily Fuel Record. Ca rbo nCo ntcnt U scd is null)
return result A.
else if (Current Daily Fuel /?6'cmy/. Ca rbo nCo ntcnt U scd is less than or equal to 0 or greater than 100)
return result A.
The CarbonContentUsed in the Daily Fuel record for [key] is invalid. The value must Critical Error Level 1
be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions Fuel
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: DAILY-11
Check Name: Check Fuel Carbon Burned
Related Former Checks:
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
Calc Fuel Carbon Burned = null
if {Current Daily Fuel Record. Dai ly Fuel Feed is greater than 0 and Current Daily Fuel /?6'cmy/. Ca rbo nCo ntcnt U scd is greater than 0 and
less than or equal to 100)
Calculate Calc Fuel Carbon Burned = Current Daily Fuel /?6'«>/y/. Dai ly Fuel Feed * Current Daily Fuel
CarbonContcntUscd /100, and round the result to 1 decimal place.
If Calc Total Carbon Burned is greater than or equal to 0,
Add Calc Fuel Carbon Burned to Calc Total Carbon Burned.
Set Calc Total Carbon Burned to -1.
if {Current Daily Fuel Record .Fuel Ca rbo n B u rued is null)
return result A.
else if {Current Daily Fuel Record .Fuel Ca rbo n B u rued is less than or equal to 0)
return result A.
else if {Calc Fuel Carbon Burned is not null ANDCurrent Daily Fuel Record .Fuel Ca rbo n B u rued <> Calc Fuel Carbon Burned)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "CARBON" AND
UOM = "LB"
if (A B S (Current Daily Fuel Record .Fuel C a rb o n B u rncd - Calc Fuel Carbon Burned) > Tolerance)
return result B.
Result Response Severity
A The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Fuel record for [key] is missing or invalid. The Critical Error Level 1
value must be greater than 0.
B The [fieldname] in the Daily Fuel record for [key] is inconsistent with the recalculated Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions Fuel
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: DAILY-12
Check Name: Intialize Daily Emissions
Related Former Checks:
Set Calc Total Carbon Burned to 0.
Daily Op Time Accumulator Array for the location = 0.
Result Response
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Daily Emissions Initialization
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: DAILY-13
Check Name: Check Total Carbon Burned
Related Former Checks:
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
Set Calculate C02M TDE to true.
if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record!TotalCarbonBurned is null)
if (Calc Total Carbon Burned is not equal to 0)
return result A.
else if (Current C02 Mass Daily Record!Total CarbonBurned is less than 0)
return result B.
if (Calc Total Carbon Burned is greater than 0 AND Current C02 Mass Daily Record. Total CarbonBurned <> Calc Total
Carbon Burned)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "CARBON" AND
UOM = "LB"
if (ABS(Current C02 Mass Daily Record!Total CarbonBurned - Calc Total Carbon Burned) > Tolerance)
return result C.
else if (Calc Total Carbon Burned == 0 )
Set Calc Total Carbon Burned to Current C02 Mass Daily Record. Total CarbonBurned.
You did not report TotalCarbonBurned in the Daily Emission record for C02M. You
must report this value if you report Daily Fuel records.
The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Emissions record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The [fieldname] reported in the Daily Emissions record for [param] is inconsistent
with the recalculated value.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Daily Emissions
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Category:
Daily Interference Status
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: INTSTAT-1
Check Name: Determine the Online Daily Interference Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check locates the most recent prior daily interference check for the FLOW monitor used during the
current hour.
Set OnlineDailylntRecord = null
Set OfflineDailylntRecord = null.
Set DailyIntStatusResult = null
Locate the latest record in DailyIntCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location:
a) Date/Hour is on or prior to the Current MHVRecord. Date/Hour
b) ComponentID is equal to the Current MHV Record. Co mpo ncnt ID AND
c) TestResultCd is not equal to "IGNORED" //Ignored indicates an offline test
if (DailyIntCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set OnlineDailylntRecord = the found record in DailyIntCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
If (OnlineDailylnt Record.TcslRcsullCd = "PASSED")
If (the number of clock hours between the OnlineDailylntRecord.EndDate/Hour and the CurrentMHVRecordDatefRom
is less than 26)
Set Daily IntStatusResult = "IC"
else if {OnlineDailylntRecord TestResultCd = "FAILED")
Set Daily IntStatusResult = "OOC-Test Failed"
else if {OnlineDailylntRecord TestResultCd = "ABORTED")
Set Daily IntStatusResult = "OOC-Test Aborted"
Set Daily IntStatusResult = "OOC-Test Has Critical Errors"
If {DailyIntStatusResult is not equal to "IC")
Locate the latest record in DailyIntCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) Date/Hour is on or prior to the Current MHV Record. Date/Hour
b) Date/Hour/Min is after the OnlineDailylntRecord.EndDate/Hour/Min
c) The ComponentID is equal to the Current MHV Record. Co mpo ncnt ID AND
d) TestResultCd is equal to "IGNORED"
if (DailyIntCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found
Set OfflineDailylntRecord = the found record in DailyIntCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
If {DailyIntStatusResult is not null)
Set Daily IntStatusResult = Daily IntStatusResult &
Result Response Severity
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Interference Check Status Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: INTSTAT-2
Check Name: Determine Daily Interference Status for No Prior Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines the daily inteference check status when there is no prior check.
If (DailyIntStatusResult is null) and (OnlineDailylntRecord is null)
/ Determine whether check in previous quarter is possibly effective for current hour.
If (the number of clock hours between the First Day of Operation/First Hour of Operation and the
CurrentMHVRecord.Date/Hour is less than 25)
Set Daily IntStatusResult = "IC-Undetermined".
/ If a non operating hour exists within the first 24 hours after the first operating hour in the quarter, a grace period
exists for seven hours after the operating hour subsequent to the non operating hour.
Locate the latest record in HourlyOpData where:
a) Date/Hour is ON OR PRIOR to the 24th clock hour following the First Day of Operation/First Hour of Operation
b) OpTime is equal to zero.
if (HourlyOpData is found)
Locate the first record in HourlyOpData where:
a) Date/Hour is after the Date/Hour in the HourlyOpData record found above
b) Date/Hour is ON OR PRIOR to the CurentMHVRecord.Date/Hour
c) OpTime is greater than zero.
if (HourlyOpData is found) and (the number of clock hours starting at HourlyOpData. Date/Hour and up to the
hour before CurrentMHVRecord Date/Hour is greater than 7)
Set DailylntStatusResult = "OOC-No Prior Test".
Set DailylntStatusResult = "IC-Undetermined".
Set DailylntStatusResult — "OOC-No Prior Test".
If (DailylntStatusResult begins with "OOC")
Locate the record in DailyIntCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) Date/Hour is on or prior to the Current MHVRecord. Date/Hour
b) the Component® is equal to the Current MHV Record.Componcnt ID AND
c) TestResultCd is equal to "IGNORED"
if (DailylntCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set OfflineDailylntRecord = the found record in DailyIntCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Set DailylntStatusResult = DailylntStatusResult &
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Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Interference Check Status Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: INTSTAT-3
Check Name: Determine Expiration Status for Prior Daily Interference Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines the daily interference status if the prior check is more than 26 hours prior to current
If (DailyIntStatusResult is null)
/ If a non operating hour exists within the first 27 hours after the hour of the online Daily Interference Check, a grace period
exists for seven hours after the operating hour subsequent to the non operating hour.
Locate the latest record in HourlyOpData where:
a) DateHour is after the OnlineDailyCalRecordDate/Hom.
b) Date/Hour is ON OR PRIOR to the 27th hour after the OnlineDailyCalRecord. Date/Hour.
c) OpTime is equal to zero.
if (HourlyOpData is found)
Locate the earliest record in HourlyOpData where:
a) Date/Hour is after the Date/Hour in the HourlyOpData record found above.
b) Date/Hour is on or before the CurrentMHVRecord Date/Hour
c) OpTime is greater than zero.
if (HourlyOpData is found) and (the number of clock hours starting at HourlyOpData. Date/Hour and up to the hour
before CurrentMHVRecord.Date/Hour is greater than 7)
Set Daily IntStatusResult = "OOC-Expired".
Set Daily IntStatusResult = "IC-Grace".
Set Daily IntStatusResult = "OOC-Expired".
If (DailyIntStatusResult begins with "OOC" and OfflineDailylntRecord is not null)
Set Daily IntStatusResult = Daily IntStatusResult &
If (DailyIntStatusResult does not begin with "IC")
Return Daily IntStatusResult.
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
OOC-No Prior
OOC-No Prior
OOC-Test Failed
OOC-Test Has
Critical Errors
OOC-Test Has
Critical Errors*
The prior daily interference check for [compkey] completed on [date] expired.
The prior daily interference check for [compkey] completed on [date] expired. A daily
interference check completed on [invdate] was ignored because it was completed while
the unit was offline.
You did not report a prior daily interference check for [compkey] during the reporting
period. Any daily interference check that may have been completed in a prior
reporting period has expired.
You did not report a prior daily interference check for [compkey] during the reporting
period. Any daily interference check that may have been completed in a prior
reporting period has expired. A daily interference check completed on [invdate] was
ignored because it was completed while the unit was offline.
The prior daily interference check for [compkey] completed on [date] was aborted.
The prior daily interference check for [compkey] completed on [date] was aborted. An
daily interference check completed on [invdate] was ignored because it was performed
while the unit was offline.
The prior daily interference check for [compkey] completed on [date] failed.
The prior daily interference check for [compkey] completed on [date] failed. An daily
interference check completed on [invdate] was ignored because it was performed while
the unit was offline.
The prior daily interference check for [compkey] completed on [date] has critical
The prior daily interference check for [compkey] completed on [date] has critical
errors. An daily interference check completed on [invdate] was ignored because it was
performed while the unit was offline.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Daily Interference Check Status Evaluation
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Check Category:
Daily Test
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Check Code: EMTEST-1
Check Name: Daily Test Date Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
For the daily emission test:
Set EM Test Date Valid to true.
If Date is null,
set EM Test Date Valid to false, and return result A.
If Date is before 01/01/1993 or after the end of the Current Reporting Period,
set EM Test Date Valid to false, and return result B.
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
You reported a [Fieldname] of [Date], which is outside the range of acceptable values
for this date for [key].
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Daily Calibration Test
¦ Miscellaneous Emission File Test
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMTEST-2
Check Name: Daily Test Hour Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
For the daily emission test:
Set EM Test Hour Valid to true.
If Hour is null,
Set EM Test Hour Valid to false, and return result A.
If Hour is not between 0 and 23,
Set EM Test Hour Valid to false, and return result B.
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
You reported a [Fieldname] of [Hour], which is outside the range of acceptable values
for this hour for [key].
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Daily Calibration Test
¦ Miscellaneous Emission File Test
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMTEST-3
Check Name: Daily Test Minute Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
For the daily emission test:
Set EM Test Minute Valid to true.
If Minute is null,
If (Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
set EM Test Minute Valid to false, and return result A.
return result B.
If Minute is not between 0 and 59,
set EM Test Minute Valid to false, and return result C.
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
2 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Miscellaneous Emission File Test
Result Response
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
B You did not provide [fieldname] for [key]. This information will be required for
ECMPS submissions.
C You reported a [Fieldname] of [Minute] for [key], which is outside the range of
acceptable values.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Daily Test System or Component Valid
Related Former Checks:
General Check
For the daily test:
If both the MonitoringSystemID and ComponentID are not null,
return result A.
If TestTypeCode is equal to "INTCHK",
If ComponentID is null,
return result B.
If the ComponentTypeCode of the associated component is not equal to "FLOW",
return result C.
If TestTypeCode is equal to "PEMSCAL",
If MonitoringSystemID is null,
return result D.
If the SystemTypeCode of the associated system is not equal to "NOXP1,
return result E.
You have reported both a MonitoringSystemID and a ComponentID for [key]. This is
You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key].
The ComponentTypeCode for [key] is not appropriate for this type of test.
You did not provide a MonitoringSystemID for [key], which is required for this test
The SystemTypeCode of the system for [key] is not appropriate for this type of test.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Daily Calibration Test
2 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Miscellaneous Emission File Test
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMTEST-5
Check Name: Daily Test Span Scale Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines whether the reported span scale is valid and consistent with the current analyzer range
of the component.
For the daily test:
If the SpanScaleCode is not null,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You reported [fieldname] for [key], which is not appropriate for this test type. Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Miscellaneous Emission File Test
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMTEST-6
Check Name: Daily Test Result Code Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
For the daily test:
Set EM Test Calc Result to null.
If TestResultCode is null,
return result A.
else if TestResultCode is not equal to "ABORTED", "PASSED", or "FAILED",
return result B.
Set EM Test Calc Result to TestResultCode.
if TestTypeCode is equal to "INTCHK" and EM Test Date Valid and EM Test Hour Valid and OpTime is equal to 0,
Set Ignored Daily Interference Tests to true.
Set EM Test Calc Result to "IGNORED".
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
B You reported the value [value], which is not in the list of valid values for this test type, Critical Error Level 1
in the field [fieldname] for [key].
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Miscellaneous Emission File Test
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Category:
EM Weekly System Integrity Test
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMWSI-1
Check Name: Check Hg Converter Indicator of the Component
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensures that the Hg Convert Indicator of the component associated with the test is set to 1.
If (Current Weekly System Integrity Test .HgConverterlndicator is NOT equal to 1)
Set Weekly TestSumnuiry Valid to false,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A For [key] you reported a HgConverterlndicator that is not equal to I, which indicates Critical Error Level 1
that a Weekly System Integrity Test is not necessary.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Weekly System Integrity Test Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMWSI-2
Check Name: Check Gas Level
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensure that the Gas Level was reported and with a valid value.
For Current WeeklySystemlntegrity Test
If (GasLevelCode is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (GasLevelCode is NOT in set (HIGH, MID, LOW, ZERO))
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Else if (GasLevelCode is NOT in set (HIGH, MID))
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result C.
You did not provide a [fieldname], which is required, for [key].
For [key] you reported a [levelcode] that is not in the list of valid [fieldname] for this
test type.
For [key], you reported an invalid Gas Level Code of [levelcode], for a [testype].
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Weekly System Integrity Test Evaluation
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Check Code: EMWSI-3
Check Name: Check Weekly System Integrity Reference Value
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensure that the Weekly System Integrity Test Reference Value was reported and with a valid value.
For Current WeeklySystemlntegrity Test
Set InjectionReferenceValueValid to false.
If (ReferenceValue is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (ReferenceValue is NOT rounded to one decimal place)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Else if (ReferenceValue is NOT greater than 0)
If (TestResultCode is NOT equal to "FAILED")
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result C.
Set InjectionReferenceValueValid to true
Result Response
A You did not provide a [fieldname], which is required, for [key].
B The [fieldname] value for [key] should be reported to one decimal place.
C Your reported CEM Value and/or Reference Value for [key] is less than or equal to
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Weekly System Integrity T
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
"est Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMWSI-4
Check Name: Check Weekly System Integrity Measured Value
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensure that the Weekly System Integrity Test Measured Value was reported and with a valid value.
For Current WeeklySystemlntegrity Test
Set InjectionMeasuredValueValid to false.
If (MeasuredValue is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (MeasuredValue is NOT rounded to one decimal place)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Else if (MeasuredValue is NOT greater than 0)
If (TestResultCode is NOT equal to "FAILED")
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result C.
Set InjectionMeasuredValueValid to true
Result Response
A You did not provide a [fieldname], which is required, for [key].
B The [fieldname] value for [key] should be reported to one decimal place.
C Your reported CEM Value and/or Reference Value for [key] is less than or equal to
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Weekly System Integrity T
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
"est Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMWSI-5
Check Name: Calculate System Integrity Error and Alternate Performance Spec Indicator
Related Former Checks:
Description: Use the Reference and Measured Values to calculate the System Integrity Error and the Alternate Performance
Spec. Also updates the calculated Weekly Test Summary Test Result.
For CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrityTest
Set CalculatedSystemlntegrityApsIndicator to null.
Set CalculatedSystemlntegrityError to null.
If {InjectionReferenceValueValid AND InjectionMeasuredValueValid)
Set PercentError to (100 * ABS(Reference Value - MeasuredValue) / Reference Value), rounded to 1 decimal place.
If (PercentError is less than or equal to 10)
Set CalculatedSystemlntegrityApsIndicator to 0.
Set CalculatedSystemlntegrityError to PercentError.
Set CalculatedWeeklyTestSummaryResult to "PASSED".
Set AbsoluteError to ABS(ReferenceValue - MeasuredValue), rounded to 2 decimal places.
If {AbsoluteError is less than or equal to 0.8)
Set CalculatedSystemlntegrityApsIndicator to 1.
Set CalculatedSystemlntegrityError to AbsoluteError.
Set CalculatedWeeklyTestSummaryResult to "PASSAPS".
Set CalculatedSystemlntegrityApsIndicator to 0.
Set CalculatedSystemlntegrityError to PercentError.
Set CalculatedWeeklyTestSummaryResult to "FAILED".
Result Response Severity
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Check Code: EMWSI-6
Check Name: Check Weekly System Integrity Alternative Performance Spec
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensures that the APS indicator is a valid value and matches the calculate APS indicator.
For Current WeeklySystemlntegrity Test
Set WeeklySystemlntegrityApsIsValid to false.
If {InjectionReferenceValueValid and InjectionMeasuredValueValid)
If (Apslndicator is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (Apslndicator is NOT equal to 0 OR 1)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Else if (Apslndicator is NOT equal to CalculatedSystemlntegrityApsIndicator)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result C.
Set WeeklySystemlntegrity ApsIsValid to true.
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide a [fieldname], which is required, for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
B You did not report an APSIndicator of "0" or" 1" for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
C The APSIndicator reported for [key] is inconsistent with the APSIndicator recalculated Critical Error Level 1
from the reported reference and measured values.
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Check Code: EMWSI-7
Check Name: Check Weekly System Integrity Error
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensure that the Weekly System Integrity Error was reported, has a valid value, and matches the calculated
For CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrityTest
Set WeeklySystemlntegrityErrorlsValid to false.
If {InjectionReferenceValueValid and InjectionMeasuredValueValid)
If (SystemlntegrityError is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (WeeklySystemlntegrityApsIsValid)
If (SystemlntegrityError is NOT rounded to one decimal place)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Else if (SystemlntegrityError is NOT equal to CalculatedSystemlntegrityError)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result C.
Set WeeklySystemlntegrityErrorlsValid to true.
You did not provide a [fieldname], which is required, for [key].
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the OperatingTime in
at least one Hourly Operating Data records was missing or invalid.
The [fieldname] value for [key] is inconsistent with the value of [value], recalculated
from the reported [testtype] records.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Weekly Test Summary Result Against Calculated Value
Compares the calculated test result to the reported test result.
If (CalculatedWeeklyTestSummaryResult is NOT null) and (Current Weekly TestSummary. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc is NOT equal to
Set CalculatedWeeklyTestSummaryResult to null.
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
For [key], the [fieldname] is not consistent with the test result recalculated from the
reported records.
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Update Weekly System Integrity Dictionary Component Entry
Initializes a WsiTestDictionary entry for the CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrityTest Component Id if it does not
already exist.
If the LastEvaluatedTestRecord is not null and its TestDateHour is before the current hour, assign it as the
MostRecentTestRecord, and clear the operating date list and last operating date.
Finally always set the LastEvaluatedTestRecord to the CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrityTest.
If (WsiTestDictionary does NOT contain a key equal to Current Weekly System Integrity Test. Co mpo nc lit Id)
Add an entry to WsiTestDictionary for CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrityTest.Componentld with the following fields:
a) MostRecentTestRecord
b) OperatingDateList initialized as an empty list.
For the WsiTestDictionary entry where the key is equal to Current Weekly System Integrity Test. Co mpo nc lit Id:
Set MostRecentTestRecord to CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrityTest.
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Check Code: EMWSI-10
Check Name: Update Weekly System Integrity Dictionary Operating Date Information
Related Former Checks:
Description: Updates the OperatingDateList with the current date if it is not in the list and the current hour is an operating
If (CurrentOperatingUme is greater than 0)
For each entry in WsiTestDictionary.
If (MostRecentTestRecord is NOT null) AND (MostRecentTestRecord .LocationKey is equal to
If (MostRecentTestRecord .TestDateHour is equal to CurrentDateHour)
Set OperatingDateList to an empty list.
If (MostRecentTestRecord.TestDate is prior to CurrentDateHour) AND (OperatingDateList does NOT contain
Add CurrentOperatingDate to OperatingDateList
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Weekly System Integrity Test Operating Dates
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Check Code: EMWSI-11
Check Name: Ensure that Weekly System Integrity Test Occurred During an Operating Hour
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check ensures that the Weekly System Integrity test occurred during an operating hour.
For Current WeeklySystemlntegrity Test
If (CurrentOperatingTime is equal to 0)
Return result A
Result Response Severity
A Test [key] was performed while the unit was not operating even though [type] test are Critical Error Level 1
only allowed during operating hours.
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Check Category:
EM Weekly Test Summary
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Check Code: EMWTS-1
Check Name: Initialize Parameters
Related Former Checks:
Description: Initializes the updatable parameters used in weekly test summary evaluations.
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to true.
Set CalculatedWeeklyTestSummaryResult to null.
Result Response Severity
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMWTS-2
Check Name: Check Weekly Test Type
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensures that the test type is for a weekly test.
For CurrentWeeklyTestSummary
If (TestTypeCode is not equal to "HGSI1"),
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You reported a [testtype] in [key] that is not a valid TestTypeCode for a weekly test. Critical Error Level 1
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMWTS-3
Check Name: Check Weekly Test System
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensures that the system identifer is either reported or not reported when expected, and if it is and should have
been reporte, that it was reported with the correct system type.
For CurrentWeeklyTestSummary
If (TestTypeCode is equal to "HGSI1"),
If (Systemld is NOT null),
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You reported a MonitoringSystemID for [key], which is not valid for a [testtype]. Only Critical Error Level 1
a ComponentID is reported for a [testtype].
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Check Code: EMWTS-4
Check Name: Check Weekly Test Component
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensures that the system identifer is either reported or not reported when expected, and if it is and should have
been reporte, that it was reported with the correct system type.
For CurrentWeeklyTestSummary
If (TestTypeCode is equal to "HGSI1")
If (Componentld is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (ComponentTypeCode is NOT equal to "HG")
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
B The ComponentTypeCode for [key] is not appropriate for this type of test. Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Weekly Test Date
Ensures that an date was reported for the weekly test and that the value reported is valid.
For CurrentWeeklyTestSummary
Set TestDateValid to false.
If (TestDate is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (TestDate is before 01/01/1993) OR (TestDate is after CurrentReportingPeriodEndHour)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Set TestDateValid to true.
You did not provide a [fieldname], which is required, for [key].
You reported a [Fieldname] of [Date], which is outside the range of acceptable values
for this date for [key].
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMWTS-6
Check Name: Check Weekly Test Hour
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensures that an hour was reported for the weekly test and that the value reported is valid.
For CurrentWeeklyTestSummary
Set TestHourValid to false.
If (TestHour is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (TestHour is NOT between 0 and 23)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Set TestHourValid to TestDateVdlid.
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Critical Error Level 1
B You reported a [Fieldname] of [Hour], which is outside the range of acceptable values Critical Error Level 1
for this hour for [key].
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Check Code: EMWTS-7
Check Name: Check Weekly Test Minute
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensures that a minute was reported for the weekly test and that the value reported is valid.
For CurrentWeeklyTestSummary
Set TestDatelimeValid to false.
If (TestMinute is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (TestMinute is NOT between 0 and 59)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Else if (TestHourValid)
Set TestDatelimeValid to true.
Result Response
A You did not provide a [fieldname], which is required, for [key].
B You reported a [Fieldname] of [Minute] for [key], which is outside the range of
acceptable values.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Weekly System Integrity Test Evaluation
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: EMWTS-8
Check Name: Check Weekly Test Span Scale
Related Former Checks:
Description: Ensure that the Weekly Test Gas Level was reported and with a valid value.
For CurrentWeeklyTestSummary
If (SpanScaleCode is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (SpanScaleCode is NOT in set (H, M, L))
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Else if (TestTypeCode is equal to "HGSI1")
If (SpanScaleCode is NOT equal to "H")
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result C.
You did not provide a [fieldname], which is required, for [key].
For [key], you reported a SpanScaleCode that in not an appropriate code for a
For [key], you reported a SpanScaleCode that in not an appropriate code for a
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Weekly Test Result
Ensure that the Weekly Test Result was reported and with a valid value.
For CurrentWeeklyTestSummary
Set TestResultValid = false.
If (TestResultCode is null)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result A.
Else if (TestResultCode is not in TestResultCodeList)
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result B.
Else if (TestTypeCode is equal to "HGSI1")
If (TestResultCode is NOT in set (PASSED, PASSAPS, FAILED))
Set Weekly TestSummary Valid to false,
return result C.
Set TestResultValid = true.
Set TestResultValid = true.
You did not provide a [fieldname], which is required, for [key].
You reported the value [value], which is not in the list of valid values for this test type,
in the field [fieldname] for [key].
You reported the value [value], which is not in the list of valid values for this test type,
in the field [fieldname] for [key].
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Weekly System Integrity Test Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Category:
Flow-to-Load Status
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: F2LSTAT-1
Check Name: Determine Most Recent Flow-to-Load QA Operating Quarter
Related Former Checks:
Description: This check finds the most recent QA operating quarter for flow-to-load checks.
Set F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarter = null.
Set F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarterMissingOpData = null.
If F2LStatusSystemResultDictionary does not contain lookup value for CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stem ID
Locate the most recent record in RataTestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus where the SystemID is equal to
CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stem ID. EndDateHour is before the CurrentReportingPeriod, and TestResultCode is not equal to
If found,
For each quarter before CurrentReportingPeriod beginning with the quarter immediately before CurrentReportingPeriod
and going back to later of the quarter of the located RataTestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus and the quarter of the
Earliest Location Report Date
If AnnualReportingRequirement equals true, or the quarter being checked is 2 or 3
If AnnualReportingRequirement equals true, or the quarter being checked is 3
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation where OpTypeCode is equal to
"OPHOURS", FuelCode is null, and reporting period equals the quarter being checked
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation where OpTypeCode is equal to
"OSHOURS", FuelCode is null, and reporting period equals the quarter being checked
If OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation record is found
If F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarter does not equal -1
If ()peratingSuppl)ataRecordsIiyLocation.Op Va 1 lie >= 168
Locate a record in F2LCheckRecordsForQaStatus where SystemID is equal to
CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stem ID. the quarter is equal to the quarter being checked,
and TestResultCode is equal to "EXC168H" or "FEW168H"
If not found
Set F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarter. Year = The year value of the
quarter being checked.
Set F2LStatusPrior TestRequiredQuarter. Quarter = The quarter value
of the quarter being checked.
Exit the check.
Set F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarter = -1.
Append "[YEAR]Q[QTR]" to F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarterMissingOpData (where
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[YEAR] and [QTR are the year and number of the quarter being checked.
Set F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarter = -1.
Set F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarterMissingOpData = "No Prior RATA"
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Flow-to-Load Status Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: F2LSTAT-2
Check Name: Locate Most Recent Flow-to-Load Check Prior to the Current Hour
Related Former Checks:
Description: This check locates the most recent passed or failed flow-to-load (F2L) check for the emission report, insures
that quarters between the quarter of the check and the emission report quarter were either not QA operating
quarters (less than 168 operating hours) or have an F2L with a result of EXC168H, indicating that the
operating hours minus exluded hours is less than 168.
If the check exist but an intervening quarter with more than 168 operating hours (excluding EXC168H) exists,
or a check does not exist a parameter indicating the ultimate result is set. If the check does not exist and the a
non load based unit is involved (directly or indirectly) or a Flow-to-Load exemption exist, then the result is
IC-Exempt. If a RATA exists in the prior quarter then the result is OOC-No Prior Check, and if it does not
then IC-No Prior RATA
If F2LStatusSystemResultDictionary contains lookup value for CurrentMh vRecord .SxslcmID
Set F2LStatusResult = F2LStatusSystemResultDictionary lookup value for CurrentMh vRecord .SxslcmID.
Set CurrentFlowToLoadStatusCheck = F2LStatusSystemCheckDictionary lookup value for CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stem ID.
Set F2LStatusMissingOpDataInfo = F2lStatusSystemMissingOpDictionary lookup value for CurrentMh vRecord .Sxslcm ID.
Set F2LStatusResult = null.
Set CurrentFlowToLoadStatusCheck = null.
Set F2LStatusMissingOpDataInfo = null.
Locate the most recent record in F2LCheckRecordsForQaStatus where SystemID is equal to CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stcm ID.
EndDate < CurrentReportingPeriodBeginDateHour, and TestResultCode is equal to "PASSED" or "FAILED"
If not found
Locate a record in MpLocationNonLoadBasedRecords where the location is the location in CurrentMh vRecord.
If found, and NonLoadBaselnd equals 1
Set F2LStatusResuh = "IC-Exempt".
Locate a record in TestExtensionExemptionRecords where the SystemID is equal to the
CurrentMh vRecord .SystemID. the ExtensionExemptionCode is equal to "F2LEXP", and the reporting period is
the period before the current reporting period.
If found
Set F2LStatusResuh = "IC-Exempt".
Locate the most recent record in RataTestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus where the SystemID is equal
to CurrentMh vRecord SystemID. EndDate < CurrentReportingPeriodBeginDateHour, and
TestResultCode is not equal to "INVALID"
If not found
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Set F2LStatusResult = "IC-No Prior RATA".
Else if F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarter is equal to -1
Set F2LStatusResuh = "Missing Op Data".
Set F2LStatusMissingOpDataInfo = F2LStatusPriotTestRequiredQuarterMissingOpData.
Else if F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarter is null or before the quarter of the located
Rata TestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus record
Set F2LStatusResult = "IC".
Else if the quarter of the located RataTestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus record is the quarter before
CurrentReportingPeriod, the TestReasonCode equals "INITIAL" or "RECERT" and TestResultCode
equals "PASSED"
Set F2LStatusResult = "IC".
Else if CurrentMh vRecord. Sy s t e m D e s i g na t i o n C o dc is equal to "RB"
Set F2LStatusResult = "Undetermined-No Prior Check reported for Redundant Backup
Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Prior Check Missing".
Set CurrentFlowToLoadStatusCheck = the located F2LCheckRecordsForQaStatus record.
If the quarter of CurrentFlowToLoadStatusCheck is not the quarter before CurrentReportingPeriod
If F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarter is equal to -1
Set F2LStatusResuh = "Missing Op Data".
Set F2LStatusMissingOpDataInfo = F2LStatusPriotTestRequiredQuarterMissingOpData.
Else if F2LStatusPriorTestRequiredQuarter is not null, and is after the quarter of
if CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stcmDcsignationCodc is equal to "RB"
Set F2LStatusResult = "Undetermined-No Prior Check reported for Redundant Backup
Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Prior Check Missing".
Else if CurrentFlowToLoadStatusCheck.TestResultCode = "PASSED"
Set F2LStatusResult = "IC".
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If CurrentFlowToLoadStatusCheek.TcsiRcsuhCodc = "PASSED"
Set F2LStatusResult = "IC".
Set F2LStatusSystemResultDictionary lookup value for CurrentMhvRecord.SystemID = F2LStatusResu1t.
Set F2LStatusSystemC1ieckDictionary lookup value for CurrentMhvRecord .SystemID = CurrentFlowToLoadStatusCheck.
Set F2lStatusSystemMissingOpDictionary lookup value for CurrentMhvRecord .SystemID = F2LStatusMissingOpDataInfo.
Result Response Severity
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: F2LSTAT-3
Check Name: Locate Intervening RATA
Related Former Checks:
Description: This check locates RATA that occurred after the quarter of the (failed) most recent prior flow-to-load check
and prior to the current hour.
Set F2LStatusInterveningRata = null.
If F2LStatusResult is null
Locate the most recent record in RataTestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus where the SystemID is equal to
CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stem ID. EndDateHour is after CurrentFlou'ToLoadStatusCheck.EndDMcHour and before
CurrentMh vRecord ,&cg\ nDate/Begi nHoiir. and TestResultCode is not equal to "INVALID"
If found,
Set F2LStatusResult = "IC-Subsequent RATA Performed".
Set F2LStatusInterveningRata = The located record in RataTestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus.
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Flow-to-Load Status Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: F2LSTAT-4
Check Name: Locate Most Recent QA Cert Event
Related Former Checks:
Description: This check locates Abbreviated Flow-to-Load that occurred after the quarter of the (failed) most recent prior
Flow-to-Load check and prior to the current hour.
Validation Tables:
[Test Type to Required Test Code] (Cross Check Table)
Set F2LStatusQaCertEvent = null.
Set F2L Status Event Requires RATA = false.
Set F2L Status Event Requires Abbreviated Check = false.
If F2LStatusResult is null
Locate the most recent record in QACertificationEventRecords where the SystemID is equal to CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stem ID.
QaCertEventCode is equal to "312", QaCertEventDateHour is on or after CurrentFlowToLoadStatusCheck. E ndD ate H our. and
QaCertEventDateHour is on or before CurrentMh vRecord .Bcg\ nDate/Begi nHour.
If found,
Set F2LStatusQaCertEvent = The located record in QACertificationEventRecords.
Locate a record in Cross-Check Table "Test Type to Required Test Code" where TestTypeCode begins with "RATA" and
RequireTestCode equals F2LStatusQaCertEvent.RsquiredTestCode.
If found,
F2L Status Event Requires RATA = true.
Locate a record in Cross-Check Table "Test Type to Required Test Code" where TestTypeCode is equal to "AF2LCHK"
and RequireTestCode equals F2LStatusQaCertEvent.RsquiredTestCode.
If found,
F2L Status Event Requires Abbreviated Check = true.
If F2/,>SY«fH.v(7«Ce/,fŁ'vc/C.'67*?Ł'v'6'rt?.ConditionalDataBcginDatcHour is after
CurrentMh vRecord .Bcgl nDate/Begi nHour.
Locate records in RataTestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus where the SystemID is null or is equal to
CurrentMh vRecord .SystemID. EndDateHour is after CurrentFlow ToLoadStatusCh eck. E ndD ate H o u r and before
CurrentMh vRecord .Bcgl nDate/Begi nHour. and TestResultCode is equal to "INVALID".
If found
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Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Check Failed - Invalid RATA Ignored".
Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Check Failed".
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Flow-to-Load Status Evaluation
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Check Code: F2LSTAT-5
Check Name: Locate Earliest Valid Required Test
Related Former Checks:
Description: This check locates the earliest RATA test if the most recent event had a Require Test Code of '5' or '6', or the
earliest Abbreviated F2L if the Required Test Code is '26'. If the test was found and it failed the F2L status is
OOC, but for RATA the OOC status depends on the existence of an intervening invalid RATA.
If the test does not exist or did not fail, the F2L is IC if the number of operating hours is less than or equal to
720 for RATA and 168 for other tests. Otherwise the status is OOC, with the RATA OOC value depending on
whether an intevening invalid RATA exists.
Set F2lStatusEarliestValidRequiredTest = null.
If F2LStatusResult is null
If F2L Status Event Requires RATA is true,
Locate earliest record in RataTestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus where the SystemID is equal to
CurrentMh vRecord.SystemID. EndDateHour is after CurrentMh vRecord .Bcg\nDate/Begi nHoiir. and TestResultCode is
not equal to "INVALID".
If found,
Set F2LStatusEarliestValidRequiredTest = The located record in RataTestRecordsByLocationForQaStatus .
If F2LStatusEarliestValidRequiredTest .TestResultCode is equal to "FAILED"
Locate records i n Rata TestRecordsIiy Location ForOaStatus w here the SystemID is equal to
CurrentMh v Record .SystemID. EndDateHour is after F2 LStatusOaCertEvent .Qi\C.cftE\cn{Di\{cY{om and
before F2LStatusEarliestValidRequiredTest EndDateHour, and TestResultCode is equal to "INVALID".
If found
Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Recertification RATA Failed - Invalid RATA Ignored".
Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Recertification RATA Failed".
Else if F2L Status Event Requires Abbreviated Check is false,
Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Invalid Cert Event".
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Flow-to-Load Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Determine Event Conditional Status and Final Status
This check determines the status result when a QA Cert Event Conditional Data Period is involved.
Additionally, the check sets the final result for teh Flow-to-Load Status checks.
If F2LStatusResult is null
Set F2L Status Missing Op Data Info = null.
If F2L Status Event Requires RATA is true,
Set OperatingHourLimit = 720
Set OperatingHourLimit = 168
If (the quarter of the F2LStatusQaCertEvent.Com)iitiom!LBQgvaD?&Q is equal to the quarter of the CurrentMhvRecord.Date/Hour)
Count the number of HourlyOpData records for the location where OpTime is greater than 0 and Date/Hour is ON OR
AFTER the F2LStatusQaCertEvent.CondL\tiomHiQgvaDaidY{om and ON OR BEFORE CurrentMhvRecord Date/Hour,
If the number > OperatingHourLimit,
Set F2LStatusResuh = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
Set F2LStatusResuh = "IC-Conditional".
if (F2LStatusOaCertEventM'u\OpHoursPrior()ui\rlcr is null)
Set F2LStatusOaCertEventM\nO\Mov\xsPf\oxQv\c\r\.cx = 0
Set F2 LStatusOaCertEvent MnxOpHomsPnoKJirMcr = 0
for each quarter beginning with the quarter of the F2LStatiisOaCertEvent.Cond\{\om\Rcg\nDn{c and continuing
through the quarter BEFORE the CurrentMhvRecord Date/Hour :
if (EarliestLocationReportDate <= the last day of the quarter being checked)
if {Annual Reporting Requirement == false AND the quarter being checked == 2)
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the OpTypeCode is
equal to "OSHOURS" and the reporting period is equal to the quarter being checked.
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the OpTypeCode is
equal to "OPHOURS", FuelCode is null, and the reporting period is equal to the quarter
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being checked,
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is not found)
Set F2 /. StatusOa CertE vts? ?. IVI i nO p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r = -1
Append" [YEAR] Q[QTR]" to F2L Status Missing Op Data Info (where [YEAR] is the
year of the quarter being checked and [QTR] is the number of the quarter being
exit for.
If the quarter being checked is the quarter of the
F2/.^y«?M.v(>(:/C.'67*?Ł'v'6'rt?. Conditional BeginDate
If ((iperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation.Op Va 1 lie MINUS the number of
calendar hours in the quarter being checked that are PRIOR to the
Conditional BcginDatc/Hour > 0)
Set F2 /. StatusOa CertE vts? ?. IVI i nO p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r =
(iperatingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie MINUS the number
of calendar hours in the quarter being checked that are PRIOR to the
If ((iperatingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie is less than the number of
calendar hours in the quarter begin checked that are ON OR AFTER the
Set E2 /. StatusOa CertE vent. IVI a \ O p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r =
(iperatingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie.
Set E2 /. StatusOa CertE vent. IVI a \ O p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r = the number of
calendar hours in the quarter being checked that are ON OR AFTER the
Conditional BcginDatc/Hour.
Set F2 /. StatusOa CertE vts? ?. IVI i nO p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r =
F2 /. StatusOa CertE m??. IVI i nO p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r +
(iperatingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie.
Set E2 /. StatusOa CertE vent. IVI a \ O p H o u rs PriorQuarter =
F2 /. StatusOa CertE vent. IVI a \ O p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r +
(iperatingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie.
If (F2 L StatusOa CertE vts??. IVI i nO p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r == -1)
set F2LStatusResult to "Missing Op Data"
Else if (F2LStatusQaCertEventMmO\MomsPnoxQ\mt&x > OperatingHourLimit)
If F2L Status Event Requires RATA is true,
Locate records i n Rata TestRecordsByLocationForOaStatus w here the SystemID is equal to
CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stem ID. EndDateHour is on or after
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Condi tionalDataBcginDatcVConditionalDataBcginHour and on or before
CurrentMhv/?6'cmy/.BcginDatc/EScginHoiir. and TestResultCode is equal to "INVALID".
If found,
Set F2LStatusResuh = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired-Invalid RATA Ignored".
Set F2LStatusResuh = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
Set F2LStatusResuh = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
Else if (Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for the location == -1)
Set F2LStatusResuh = "Invalid Op Data".
Else if (F2LStatusOaCertEvent MlnOpHomsPnoKJirMcr + Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for the Location >
Oper atingHour Limit)
If F2L Status Event Requires RATA is true,
Locate records i n Rata TestRecordsIiy Location ForOaStatus w here the SystemID is equal to
CurrentMh v Record. Sy stem ID. EndDateHour is on or after
Condi tionalDataBcginDatcVConditionalDataBcginHour and on or before
CurrentMhv/?6'cmy/.BcginDatc/BcginHoiir. and TestResultCode is equal to "INVALID".
If found,
Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired-Invalid RATA Ignored".
Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
Set F2LStatusResult = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
Else if (F2 /. StatusOa CertE vent. IVI a \ O p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r + Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for the Location
> Oper atingH our Limit)
Set F2LStatusResult = "Undetermined-Conditional Data".
Set F2LStatusResult = "IC-Conditional".
If (FlowToLoadStatusResult does not begin with "IC")
Return result F2LStatusResult.
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Invalid Op Data
Missing Op Data
Failed - Invalid
RATA Ignored
Period Expired
RATA Ignored
Cert Event
Check Missing
ion RATA Failed
ion RATA Failed
- Invalid RATA
onditional Data
U ndetermined-N
o Prior Check
reported for
Backup Monitor
The Flow-to-Load status for [SYSID] could not be determined, because the
OperatingTime in at least one Hourly Operating Data records was missing or invalid.
The Flow-to-Load status for [SYSID] could not be determined, because the Op Supp
Data record for OPHOURS, OSHOURS, or OPDAYS is missing for one or more
previous reporting periods. If you have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you
should be able to synchronize these records to your Client Tool by logging on to the
EPA host.
The prior Flow-to-Load Check for SystemID [SYSID] has failed, a subsequent invalid
RATA with was ignored.
The conditional data period for QACertEventCode [code] QACertEventDate
[eventdate] for [SYSID] has expired.
The conditional data period for QACertEventCode [code] QACertEventDate
[eventdate] for SystemID [EVENTKEY] has expired.
You reported an invalid QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for [SYSID],
One or more Flow-to-Load Checks is missing for prior quarters.
The subsequent recertification RATA for SystemID [SYSID] with TestNumber
[subtestnum] failed.
The subsequent recertification RATA for SystemID [SYSID] with TestNumber
[subtestnum] failed. An invalid RATA was ignored.
The software could not determine if the current hour was within the conditional data
period for QACertEventCode [code] QACertEventDate [eventdate] for SystemID
The software could not determine if a Flow-to-Load check is required for the
Redundant Backup Flow Monitor.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Informational Message
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Flow-to-Load Status Evaluation
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Check Category:
Hourly Aggregation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-1
Check Name: Determine Start Quarter
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Set Start Quarter to null.
Set S02 Start Quarter to null.
Set NOXR Start Quarter to null.
Set C02 Start Quarter to null.
Set Heat Input Start Quarter to null.
Set NOX Start Quarter to null.
Set Emissions Tolerance Deviators to null.
If (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
Locate the earliest Monitor Method for location where BeginDate is on or before the last day of the Current Reporting Period,
and EndDate is null or is on or after Jan 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
If BeginDate is in a year prior to the current reporting period,
If (Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Set Start Quarter to 1.
Set Start Quarter to 2.
Set Start Quarter to the quarter of the BeginDate.
Locate the earliest Monitor Method for location where ParameterCode = "S02" or "S02M", BeginDate is on or before the last day
of the Current Reporting Period, and EndDate is null or is on or after Jan 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
If BeginDate is in a year prior to the current reporting period,
Set S02 Start Quarter to 1.
Set S02 Start Quarter to the quarter of the BeginDate.
If (IME Annual == true)
Locate the record for the location with the earliest Quarter in NOXR Summary Required for LME Annual Records
where LmeNoxrSummaryIndicator is equal to 1.
if found,
Set EarliestMethodBeginDate to the date from LmeNoxrBegin for the located record in NOXR Summary
Requiredfor LME Annual Records.
Set EarliestMethodBeginDate to null.
if (Current Monitor Plan Location Record. Loc a t i o n N a mc begins with "MS" OR Multiple Stack Configuration == false)
Locate the earliest Monitor Method for location where ParameterCode = "NOXR", BeginDate is on or before the
last day of the Current Reporting Period, and EndDate is null or is on or after Jan 1 of the year of the Current
Reporting Period.
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Locate the earliest Monitor Method for ALL locations in the monitor plan where ParameterCode = "NOXR",
BeginDate is on or before the last day of the Current Reporting Period, and EndDate is null or is on or after Jan
1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period.
if found,
Set EarliestMethodBeginDate to the BeginDate for the located record in Monitor Method.
Set EarliestMethodBeginDate to null.
If EarliestMethodBeginDate is NOT null,
Locate the earliest Location Program Record for location where ProgramCode is equal to "ARP", the Class is not equal
to "NA", and UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is on or before the last day of the Current Reporting Period, and the EndDate is
null or is on or after Jan 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
If the EmissionsRecordingBeginDate is null,
If the later of EarliestMethodBeginDate and the UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is in a year prior to the
current reporting period,
Set NOXR Start Quarter to 1.
Set NOXR Start Quarter to the quarter of the later of EarliestMethodBeginDate and
If the later of EarliestMethodBeginDate and the EmissionsRecordingBeginDate is in a year prior to the
current reporting period,
Set NOXR Start Quarter to 1.
Set NOXR Start Quarter to the quarter of the later of EarliestMethodBeginDate and
Locate the earliest Monitor Method for location where ParameterCode = "C02" or "C02M", BeginDate is on or before the last
day of the Current Reporting Period, and EndDate is null or is on or after Jan 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
If BeginDate is in a year prior to the current reporting period,
Set C02 Start Quarter to 1.
Set C02 Start Quarter to the quarter of the BeginDate.
If (the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 2 OR (Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter of the
Current Reporting Period is equal to 2))
Locate the earliest Monitor Method for location where ParameterCode = "HI" or "HIT", MethodCode is not equal to "EXP",
BeginDate is on or before the last day of the Current Reporting Period, and EndDate is null or is on or after Jan 1 of the year of
the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
If BeginDate is in a year prior to the Current Reporting Period,
If Annual Reporting Requirement == true
Set Heat Input Start Quarter to 1
Set Heat Input Start Quarter to 2
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else if BeginDate is in Quarter 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period AND Annual Reporting Requirement ==
Set Heat Input Start Quarter to to 2
Set Heat Input Start Quarter to the quarter of the BeginDate.
Locate the earliest Monitor Method for location where ParameterCode is equal to "NOX" or "NOXM", BeginDate is on or before
the last day of the Current Reporting Period, and EndDate is null or is on or after Jan 1 of the year of the Current Reporting
If found,
If BeginDate is in a year prior to the Current Reporting Period,
If Annual Reporting Requirement == true
Set NOX Start Quarter to 1
Set NOX Start Quarter to 2
else if BeginDate is in Quarter 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period AND Annual Reporting Requirement ==
Set NOX Start Quarter to to 2
Set NOX Start Quarter to the quarter of the BeginDate.
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-2
Check Name: Compare S02 Mass Accumulator Values
Related Former Checks: HOURCV-22
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the accumulator reported S02 Mass with the calculated value and generates an error
message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
S02 Mass Quarterly Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "S02M" AND
Current SO 2 Summary Value Record = Summary Value record at this location where
Parameter = "S02M" AND
Reporting Period ID = Current Reporting Period
if {Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location == -1 OR Expected Summary Value S02 Array for this
location == false)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Value = null
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Value = (Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location / 2000, and
rounded to one decimal place).
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = (Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for
this location/ 2000, and rounded to one decimal place).
if (Current SO2 Summary Value Record is null OR Current SO2 Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total is null)
if (Expected Summary Value S02 Array for this location == true)
return result C
if (Expected Summary Value S02 Array for this location == false)
if (Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this Location is not equal to 0 OR Current S02 Summary Value
Record. Current Reporting Period Total is not equal to 0)
return result D
S02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value = Current SO2 Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
if (S02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value < 0)
return result F
else if (S02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result G
else if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Value is not null)
If (Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Value <> S02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value)
if (ABS(Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Value - S02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value) > S02 Mass
Quarterly Tolerance)
return Result A
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append "S02M" to Emissions Tolerance Deviators.
return result E
// if no result
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0 AND ABS {Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported
Accumulator Array for this location - S02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value) > S02 Mass Quarterly Tolerance)
Reported Emissions Value = Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location
return result B
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for S02M for the reporting period is inconsistent with the recalculated value of
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for S02M is inconsistent with [sum], the sum of the hourly values reported in the DHV
records for the reporting period.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for S02M is missing
or the record is missing.
You reported a value as the CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value
record for S02M, but there were no Hourly Operating Data records or appropriate S02
Methods defined in your monitoring plan.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for [param] could not
be recalculated because of errors listed above.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal reported in the Summary Value record for [param]
is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-3
Check Name: Compare C02 Mass Accumulator Values
Related Former Checks: HOURCV-23
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the accumulator reported C02 Mass with the calculated value and generates an error
message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
If Current Reporting Period Year is greater than or equal to 2012
C02 Mass Quarterly Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "C02M" AND
C02 Mass Quarterly Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "C02M-OLD" AND
Current C02 Summary Value Record = Summary Value record at this location where
Parameter = "C02M" AND
Reporting Period ID = Current Reporting Period
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location < 0 OR Expected Summary Value C02 Array for this location
== false)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Value = null
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Value = Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location, rounded to
one decimal place.
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = (Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for
this location, rounded to one decimal place).
if (Current CO2 Summary Value Record is null OR Current C02 Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total is null)
if (Expected Summary Value C02 Array for this location == true)
return result C
if (Expected Summary Value C02 Array for this location == false)
if (Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this Location is not equal to 0 OR Current C02 Summary Value
Record. Current Reporting Period Total is not equal to 0)
return result D
C02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value = Current C02 Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
if (C02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value < 0)
return result F
else if (C02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result G
else if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Value is not null)
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Value <> C02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value)
if (ABS(Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Value - C02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value) > C02 Mass
Quarterly Tolerance)
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return Result A
append "C02M" to Emissions Tolerance Deviators.
if {Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location == -1)
return result E
// if no result
if {Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0 AND ABS {Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported
Accumulator Array for this location - C02 Mass Quarterly Reported Value) > C02 Mass Quarterly Tolerance)
Reported Emissions Value = Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location
return Result B
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for C02M for the reporting period is inconsistent with the recalculated value of
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for C02M is inconsistent with [sum], the sum of the hourly values reported in the
DHV records for the reporting period.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for C02M is missing
or the record is missing.
You reported a value for the CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value
record for [param], but there was no emissions data in your file or an appropriate C02
Method defined in your monitoring plan.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for [param] could not
be recalculated because of errors listed above.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal reported in the Summary Value record for [param]
is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-4
Check Name: Compare HI Accumulator Values
Related Former Checks: HOURCV-24
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the accumulator reported HI with the calculated value and generates an error message if
the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
HI Quarterly Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "HIT" AND
Current HI Summary Value Record = Summary Value record at this location where
Parameter = "HIT" AND
Reporting Period ID = Current Reporting Period
if (Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location == -1 OR Expected Summary Value HI Array for this location ==
Rpt Period HI Calculated Value = null
Rpt Period HI Calculated Value = Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location, rounded to zero decimal
if (Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location = (Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location,
rounded to zero decimal places).
if {Current HI Summary Value Record is null OR Current HI Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total is null)
if (Expected Summary Value HI Array for this location == true)
return result C
if (Expected Summary Value HI Array for this location == false)
if (Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this Location is not equal to 0 OR Current HI Summary Value
Record. Current Reporting Period Total is not equal to 0)
return result D
HI Quarterly Reported Value = Current HI Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
if (HI Quarterly Reported Value < 0)
return result F
else if (HI Quarterly Reported Value is not rounded to zero decimal places)
return result G
else if (Rpt Period HI Calculated Value is not null)
if (Rpt Period HI Calculated Value <> HI Quarterly Reported Value)
if (ABS{Rpt Period HI Calculated Value - HI Quarterly Reported Value) > HI Quarterly Tolerance)
return result A
append "HIT" to Emissions Tolerance Deviators.
return result E
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// if no result
if (Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0 AND ABS {Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator
Array for this location (rounded to zero decimal places) - HI Quarterly Reported Value) > HI Quarterly Tolerance)
Reported Emissions Value = Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location
return Result B
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for HIT for the reporting period is inconsistent with the recalculated value of [calcval].
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for HIT is inconsistent with [sum], the sum of the hourly values reported in the DHV
records for the reporting period.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for HIT is missing or
the record is missing.
You reported a value as the CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value
record for HIT, but there were no Hourly Operating Data records or appropriate HI
Methods defined in your monitoring plan.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for [param] could not
be recalculated because of errors listed above.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal reported in the Summary Value record for [param]
is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-5
Check Name: Compare Op Hours Values
Related Former Checks: HOURCV-25
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the accumulator reported Op Hours with the calculated value and generates an error
message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
Op Hours Quarterly Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "OPHOURS" AND
UOM = "HR"
Current Op Hours Summary Value Record = Summary Value record at this location where
Parameter = "OPHOURS" AND
Reporting Period ID = Current Reporting Period
if (Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location == -1 OR (LME HI Method is not null and location is a common pipe))
Rpt Period Op Hours Calculated Value = null
Rpt Period Op Days Calculated Value = null
Rpt Period Op Hours Calculated Value = Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location
Rpt Period Op Days Calculated Value = Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator Array for this location
if (Current Op Hours Summary Value Record is null OR Current Op Hours Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total is
If (LME HI Method is null or location is not a common pipe)
return result B
Op Hours Quarterly Reported Value = Current Op Hours Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
if (Op Hours Quarterly Reported Value < 0)
return result D
else if (Op Hours Quarterly Reported Value is not rounded to zero decimal places)
return result E
else if (Rpt Period Op Hours Calculated Value is not null)
if (Rpt Period Op Hours Calculated Value <> Op Hours Quarterly Reported Value)
if (ABS{Rpt Period Op Hours Calculated Value - Op Hours Quarterly Reported Value) > Op Hours Quarterly
return Result A
append "OPHOURS" to Emissions ToleranceDeviators.
return result C
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The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for OPHOURS is inconsistent with [calcval], the number of operating hours reported in
the Hourly Operating Data records for the reporting period.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for OPHOURS is
missing or the record is missing.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for [param] could not
be recalculated because of errors listed above.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal reported in the Summary Value record for [param]
is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-6
Check Name: Compare Op Time Values
Related Former Checks: HOURCV-26
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the accumulator reported Op Time with the calculated value and generates an error
message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
Op Time Quarterly Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "OPTIME" AND
UOM = "HR"
Current Op Time Summary Value Record = Summary Value record at this location where
Parameter = "OPTIME" AND
Reporting Period ID = Current Reporting Period
if (Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for this location == -1 OR (LME HI Method is not null and location is a common pipe))
Rpt Period Op Time Calculated Value = null
Rpt Period Op Time Calculated Value = Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for this location
if (Current Op Time Summary Value Record is null OR Current Op Time Summary Value Record Current Reporting Period Total is
If (LME HI Method is null or location is not a common pipe)
if (Legacy Data Evaluation == true)
return result B
return result E
Op Time Quarterly Reported Value = Current Op Time Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
if (Op Time Quarterly Reported Value >= 0)
if (Op Time Quarterly Reported Value is not rounded to two decimal places)
return result F
if (Rpt Period Op Time Calculated Value is not null)
if (Rpt Period Op Time Calculated Value <> Op Time Quarterly Reported Value)
if (ABS{Rpt Period Op Time Calculated Value - Op Time Quarterly Reported Value) > Op
Time Quarterly Tolerance)
return A
append "OPTIME" to Emissions Tolerance Deviators.
return result D
return result C
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The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for OPTIME is inconsistent with [calcval], the sum of the hourly values reported in the
Hourly Operating Data records for the reporting period.
You did not report a Summary Value record for OPTIME for the reporting period.
While this information was not required for legacy EDR data, it is required for
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal reported in the Summary Value record for OPTIME
is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for [param] could not
be recalculated because of errors listed above.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for OPTIME is
missing or the record is missing.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-7
Check Name: Compare NOx Rate Accumulator Values
Related Former Checks: HOURCV-27
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the accumulator reported NOx Rate with the calculated value and generates an error
message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
If (Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == true)
if (LMEAnnual == true)
if (Rpt Period HI Calculated Value is not null and Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Value is not null)
If (Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = 0)
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value = 0
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value = Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for
this location / Rpt Period HI Calculated Value, and round the result to three decimal places
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value = null
if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this location > 0 AND Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated
Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value = Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location
/ Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for the location, and round the result to three decimal places
Rpt Period NOx Rate Sum = Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location
Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours = Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this location
else if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this location == 0 AND Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated
Accumulator Array for this location == 0)
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value = 0
Rpt Period NOx Rate Sum = 0
Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours = 0
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value = null
Rpt Period NOx Rate Sum = null
Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours = null
if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this location > 0 AND Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported
Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported
Accumulator Array for this location / Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this location, and
round the result to three decimal places
Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value = null
NOx Rate Quarterly Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOXR" AND
Current NOx Rate Summary Value Record = Summary Value record at this location where
Parameter = "NOXR" AND
Reporting Period ID = Current Reporting Period
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if (Current NOx Rate Summary Value Record is null OR Current NOx Rate Summary Value Record.Current Reporting Period Total is
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == true)
return result C
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == false)
if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this Location is not equal to 0 OR Current NOx Rate Summary
Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total is not null)
return result D
NOx Rate Quarterly Reported Value = Current NOx Rate Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
If (NOx Rate Quarterly Reported Value < 0)
return result F
else if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value is not null)
if (ABS(Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value - NOx Rate Quarterly Reported Value) > NOx Rate Quarterly
return result A
return result E
//if no result
if {LMEAnnual == false)
if (Current Monitor Plan Location Record. Locat ionNamc begins with "MS" OR Multiple Stack Configuration
== false)
if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0 AND ABS {Rpt Period
NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this location - NOx Rate Quarterly Reported Value) > NOx
Rate Quarterly Tolerance)
Reported Emissions Value = Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this
return Result B
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The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for NOXR for the reporting period is inconsistent with the recalculated value of
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for NOXR is inconsistent with [average], the average of the hourly values reported in
the DHV records for the reporting period.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for NOXR is missing
or the record is missing.
You reported a value as the CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value
record for NOXR, but this is not appropriate, either because there were no Hourly
Operating Data records in your emissions file, or because this value is not consistent
with the unit program records and monitoring methodologies in your monitoring plan.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for [param] could not
be recalculated because of errors listed above.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal reported in the Summary Value record for [param]
is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-8
Check Name: Compare NOx Mass Accumulator Values
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the accumulator reported NOx Mass with the calculated value and generates an error
message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
NOx Mass Quarterly Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOXM" AND
Current NOx Mass Summary Value Record = Summary Value record at this location where
Parameter = "NOXM" AND
Reporting Period ID = Current Reporting Period
if {Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location == -1 OR Expected Summary Value NOx Mass Array for this
location == false)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Value = null
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Value = Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location / 2000, and
rounded to one decimal place).
if (Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for
this location/ 2000, and rounded to one decimal place).
if (Current NOx Mass Summary Value Record is null OR Current NOx Mass Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total is
if (Expected Summary Value NOxMass Array for this location == true)
return result C
if (Expected Summary Value NOX Array for this location == false)
if (Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this Location is not equal to 0 OR Current NOx Mass Summary Value
Record. Current Reporting Period Total is not equal to 0)
return result D
NOx Mass Quarterly Reported Value = Current NOx Mass Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
If (NOx Mass Quarterly Reported Value < 0)
return result F
else if (NOx Mass Quarterly Reported Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result G
else if (Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Value is not null)
if (Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Value <> NOx Mass Quarterly Reported Value)
if (ABS{Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Value - NOx Mass Quarterly Reported Value) > NOx Mass
Quarterly Tolerance)
return Result A
append "NOXM" to Emissions Tolerance Deviators.
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return result E
// if no result
If (Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0 AND ABS {Rpt Period NOx Mass
Reported Accumulator Array fortius location - NOx Mass Quarterly Reported Value) > NOx Mass Quarterly Tolerance)
Reported Emissions Value = Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location
return Result B
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for NOXM for the reporting period is inconsistent with the recalculated value of
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal of [sumval] reported in the Summary Value record
for NOXM is inconsistent with [sum], the sum of the hourly values reported in the
DHV records for the reporting period.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for NOXM is missing
or the record is missing.
You reported a value as the CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value
record for NOXM, but there were no Hourly Operating Data records or appropriate
NOX Methods defined in your monitoring plan.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal in the Summary Value record for [param] could not
be recalculated because of errors listed above.
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal reported in the Summary Value record for [param]
is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-10
Check Name: Compare C02 Mass YTD Values
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the reported annual C02 Mass with the calculated values and generates an error message
if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Annual C02M Calculated Value = null
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Value is not null OR Expected Summary Value C02 Array for this location == false)
if (Expected Summary Value C02 Array for this location == true)
If (Emissions ToleranceDeviators contains "C02M")
Annual C02M Calculated Value = Current C02 Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
Annual C02M Calculated Value = Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Value
else if (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
Annual C02M Calculated Value = 0
If (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
If (C()2 Start Quarter is not null)
For each quarter in the current year from the C02 Start Quarter to the quarter prior to the quarter of the Current
Reporting Period:
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "C02M".
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value C02 Array for this location == true)
set Annual C02M Calculated Value to null
return result A
add Op Value to Annual C02M Calculated Value
set Annual C02M Calculated Value to null
if (Current C02 Summary Value Record is not null)
If (Annual C02M Calculated Value is null AND Expected Summary Value C02 Array for this location == false)
return result G
else if (Current C02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is null or is less than 0)
return result B
else if (Current C02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result D
else if (Annual C02M Calculated Value is not null)
if (Annual C02M Calculated Value <> Current C02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal)
return result C
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// If no result
If (Current C02 Summary Value /?6'cwY/.OzoncScasonToDatcTotal is not null)
return result E
If (Expected Summary Value C02 Array for this location == false AND Annual C02M Calculated Value > 0)
return result F
The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The [fieldname] in the Summary Value record for [param] is missing or invalid.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc].
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
You reported OzoneSeasonToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this
is not valid for this parameter.
You did not report a Summary Value record to report year-to-date total for [param].
You reported a Summary Value record for [param], but there was no [param] method
defined in your monitoring plan that was active during the year.
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: HOURAGG-11
Check Name: Compare S02 Mass YTD Values
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the reported annual S02 Mass with the calculated values and generates an error message
if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Annual S02M Calculated Value = null
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Value is not null OR Expected Summary Value S02 Array for this location == false)
if (Expected Summary Value S02 Array for this location == true)
If (Emissions Tolerance Deviators contains "S02M")
Annual S02M Calculated Value = Current SO2 Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
Annual S02M Calculated Value = Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Value
else if (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
Annual S02M Calculated Value = 0
If (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
If (S()2 Start Quarter is not null)
For each quarter from the S02 Start Quarter to the quarter prior to the quarter of the Current Reporting Period.
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "S02M".
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value S02 Array for this location == true)
set Annual S02M Calculated Value to null
return result A
add Op Value to Annual S02M Calculated Value
set Annual S02M Calculated Value to null
if (Current S02 Summary Value Record is not null)
if (Annual S02M Calculated Value is null AND Expected Summary Value S02 Array for this location == false)
return result H
else if (Current S02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is null or is less than 0)
return result B
else if (Current S02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result D
else if (Annual S02M Calculated Value is not null)
if (Annual S02M Calculated Value <> Current S02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal)
return result C
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// if no result
if {Current S02 Summary Value /?6'cwY/.OzoncScasonToDatcTotal is not null)
return result F
else if {LME Annual is equal to true and Current S02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is greater than 25)
return result E
If (Expected Summary Value S02 Array for this location == false AND Annual S02M Calculated Value > 0)
return result G
The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The [fieldname] in the Summary Value record for [param] is missing or invalid.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc].
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
The [paramname] emissions from this unit exceed the applicable number of tons
necessary to qualify as an LME unit. According to Part 75.19(b), you must install the
appropriate monitoring systems to measure [paramname] by December 31 of the year
following this reporting period.
You reported OzoneSeasonToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this
is not valid for this parameter.
You did not report a Summary Value record to report year-to-date total for [param].
You reported a Summary Value record for [param], but there was no [param] method
defined in your monitoring plan that was active during the year.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-12
Check Name: Compare NOx Mass YTD and OS Values
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the reported annual and ozone-season NOx Mass with the calculated values and
generates an error message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
Annual NOXM Calculated Value = null
OS NOXM Calculated Value = null
NOXM Summary Invalid Fields = null
Imprecise Fields = null
if (Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Value is not null OR Expected Summary Value NOx Mass Array for this location == false)
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Mass Array for this location == true)
If (Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
If (Emissions Tolerance Deviators contains "NOXM")
Annual NOXM Calculated Value = Current NOX Mass Summary Value Record. Current Reporting
Period Total
Annual NOXM Calculated Value = Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Value
If (OS Reporting Requirement == true)
if (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2 or 3)
If (Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal
to 2)
OS NOXM Calculated Value = (Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this
location - April NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location) / 2000, rounded to
one decimal place.
If (Emissions Tolerance Deviators contains "NOXM")
OS NOXM Calculated Value = Current NOX Mass Summary Value Record. Current
Reporting Period Total
OS NOXM Calculated Value = Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Value
else if (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 4)
OS NOXM Calculated Value = 0
If (Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
Annual NOXM Calculated Value = 0
If (OS Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 2)
OS NOXM Calculated Value = 0
If (the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 2 OR (Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter
of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2))
If (NOX Start Quarter is not null)
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For each quarter in the current year from the NOX Start Quarter to the quarter prior to the quarter of the Current
Reporting Period:
If this quarter is equal to 2 AND OS Reporting Requirement == true,
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode =
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Mass Array for this location == true)
set Annual NOXM Calculated Value to null,
set OS NOXM Calculated Value to null
return result A
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where
ParameterCode = "NOXM".
If found,
set Annual NOXM Calculated Value to null,
set OS NOXM Calculated Value to null
return result A
add Op Value to OS NOXM Calculated Value
If this quarter is not equal to 2 OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true,
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "NOXM1.
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Mass Array for this location == true)
set Annual NOXM Calculated Value to null,
set OS NOXM Calculated Value to null
return result B
if Annual Reporting Requirement == true
add Op Value to Annual NOXM Calculated Value
if this quarter is equal to 3 AND OS Reporting Requirement == true
add Op Value to OS NOXM Calculated Value
set Annual NOXM Calculated Value to null
set OS NOXM Calculated Value to null
if (Current NOX Mass Summary Value Record is not null)
If (OS NOXM Calculated Value Value is null AND Annual NOXM Calculated Value is null AND Expected Summary
Value NOx Mass Array for this location == false)
return result K
If (Current NOX Mass Summary Value Record.YearToDateTotal is null and Annual Reporting Requirement
== true) OR (Current NOX Mass Summary Value Record.YearToDateTotal is less than 0,
append "YearToDateTotal" to NOXM Summary Invalid Fields
If (Current NOX Mass Summary Value Ttecon/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is null and OS Reporting
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Requirement == true AND Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2 or 3 or 4), OR Current NOX
Mass Summary Value Ttecon/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is less than 0,
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to NOXM Summary Invalid Fields
If {Current NOX Mass Summary Value Record. YcarToDateTotal is not rounded to one decimal place)
append "YearToDateTotal" to Imprecise Fields
If {Current NOX Mass Summary Value /?6'cwy/. OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is not rounded to one decimal place)
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to Imprecise Fields
If {NOXM Summary Invalid Fields is not null)
return result C
else if {Imprecise Fields is not null)
Set NOXM Summary Invalid Fields to Imprecise Fields
return result E
else if {Annual NOXM Calculated Value is not null OR OS NOXM Calculated Value is not null)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOXM" AND
if {Annual NOXM Calculated Value is not null AND Annual NOXM Calculated Value <> Current
NOX Mass Summary Value Record.YearToDateTotal)
append "YearToDateTotal" to NOXM Summary Invalid Fields
if {OS NOXM Calculated Value is not null AND OS NOXM Calculated Value <> Current NOX Mass
Summary Value /?6'cwy/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal)
if (A B S(OS NOXM Calculated Value - Current NOXM Summary Value
OzoneSeasonToDateTotal) > Tolerance OR quarter of the Current Reporting Period is
greater than 2)
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to NOXM Summary Invalid Fields
If NOXM Summary Invalid Fields is not null,
If {NOXM Summary Invalid Fields contains "Year")
If {NOXM Summary Invalid Fields contains "Ozone")
return result D
return result H
return result I
// if no result
if {OS Reporting Requirement == false and Current NOXM Summary Value Record. OzoneSeasonToDateTotal
is not null)
return result G
else if {Annual Reporting Requirement == false and Current NOXM Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal
is not null)
return result L
else if {{LMEAnnual is equal to true and Current NOXM Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is greater
than 100) OR {LME OS is equal to true and Current NOXM Summary Value /?6'cwy/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal
is greater than 50))
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return result F
If (Expected Summary Value NOx Mass Array for this location == false AND (OS NOXM Calculated Value > 0 OR
Annual NOXM Calculated Value > 0))
return result J
The program could not determine ozone-season-to-date totals for [osparam], because
the Op Supp Data record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous
reporting periods. If you have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should
be able to retrieve these records by logging on to the EPA host.
The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The [fieldname] in the Summary Value record for [param] is missing or invalid.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc], and the OzoneSeasonToDateTotal
of [osval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is inconsistent with the
recalculated value of [oscalc].
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
The [paramname] emissions from this unit exceed the applicable number of tons
necessary to qualify as an LME unit. According to Part 75.19(b), you must install the
appropriate monitoring systems to measure [paramname] by December 31 of the year
following this reporting period.
You reported OzoneSeasonToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this
is not valid for locations that are not associated with an ozone-season program.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc].
The OzoneSeasonToDateTotal of [osval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [oscalc].
You did not report a Summary Value record to report year-to-date total for [param].
You reported a Summary Value record for [param], but there was no [param] method
defined in your monitoring plan that was active during the year.
You reported YearToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this is not
valid for locations that only report during the ozone season.
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: HOURAGG-13
Check Name: Compare NOx Rate YTD Values
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the reported annual and ozone-season NOx Rate with the calculated values and generates
an error message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
Annual NOXR Calculated Value = null
If (IME Annual == true)
Set Total NOx Mass to null.
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == true)
if (Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is greater than or equal to 0 AND Rpt Period
HI Calculated Value is not null)
Set Total NOx Mass to Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location.
Set Total HI to Rpt Period HI Calculated Value.
else if (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
Set Total NOx Mass to 0.
Set Total HI to 0.
If (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1 AND Total NOx Mass is not null)
if (NOXR Start Quarter is not null)
For each quarter in the current year from the NOXR Start Quarter to the quarter prior to the quarter of the
Current Reporting Period:
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "NOXR".
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == true)
set Total NOx Mass to null,
return result A
set NOX Value to Op Value.
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "HIT".
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == true)
set Total HI to null,
return result E
Add Op Value to Total HI.
Calculate NOX Value = NOX Value * Op Value, and round the result to 1 decimal place.
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Add NOX Value to Total NOx Mass.
Set Total NOx Mass to null.
If (Total NOx Mass is not null AND Total HI is not null)
If (Total NOx Mass == 0)
Set Annual NOXR Calculated Value to 0.
Calculate Annual NOXR Calculated Value = Total NOx Mass / TotalHI, and round the result to 3 decimal places.
Set TotalOpHours to null.
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == true)
if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Value is not null)
Annual NOXR Calculated Value = Rpt Period NOx Rate Sum
Set TotalOpHours to Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours.
else if ((Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
Set TotalOpHours to 0.
If (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1 AND TotalOpHours is not null)
if (NOXR Start Quarter is not null)
For each quarter from the NOXR Start Quarter to the quarter prior to the quarter of the Current Reporting
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "NOXRSUM".
If found,
Add Op Value to Annual NOXR Calculated Value
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode =
If found,
Add Op Value to TotalOpHours.
If not found,
set Annual NOXR Calculated Value to null
return result A
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "NOXR".
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == true)
set Annual NOXR Calculated Value to null
return result A
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set NOXVal to Op Value
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode =
"OPHOURS" and FuelCode is null.
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == true)
set Annual NOXR Calculated Value to null
return result B
Add Op Value to TotalOpHours.
Add Op Value * NOXVal to Annual NOXR Calculated Value
set Annual NOXR Calculated Value to null.
If {Annual NOXR Calculated Value is not null)
If {TotalOpHours == 0)
Set Annual NOXR Calculated Value to 0.
else if {Annual NOXR Calculated Value > 0)
Calculate Annual NOXR Calculated Value = Annual NOXR Calculated Value / TotalOpHours, and round the
result to 3 decimal places.
if {Current NOXR Summary Value Record is not null)
If {Annual NOXR Calculated Value is null AND Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == false)
return result H
else if {Current NOXR Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is null or is less than 0)
return result C
else if {Annual NOXR Calculated Value is not null)
if {Annual NOXR Calculated Value <> Current NOXR Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOXR" AND
if (ABS(Annual NOXR Calculated Value - Current NOXR Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal) >
return result D
// if no result
if {Current NOXR Summary Value /?6'cwY/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is not null)
return result F
If {Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location == false AND Annual NOXR Calculated Value > 0)
return result G
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The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for OPHOURS is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The [fieldname] in the Summary Value record for [param] is missing or invalid.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc].
The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for HIT is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you have
submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these records
by logging on to the EPA host.
You reported OzoneSeasonToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this
is not valid for this parameter.
You did not report a Summary Value record to report year-to-date total for [param].
You reported a Summary Value record for NOXR, but this is not appropriate, because
this record is not consistent with the unit program records and monitoring
methodologies in your monitoring plan. You only report a NOXR Summary Value if
the unit belongs to the Acid Rain program.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-14
Check Name: Compare Total Heat Input YTD and OS Values
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the reported annual and ozone-season heat input with the calculated values and generates
an error message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
Annual HIT Calculated Value = null
OS HIT Calculated Value = null
HI Summary Invalid Fields = null
Imprecise Fields = null
if (Rpt Period HI Calculated Value is not null OR Expected Summary Value HI Array for this location == false)
if (Expected Summary Value HI Array for this location == true)
If (Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
If (Emissions Tolerance Deviators contains "HIT")
Annual HI Calculated Value = Current HI Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total
Annual HI Calculated Value = Rpt Period HI Calculated Value
If (OS Reporting Requirement == true)
if (the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2 or 3)
If (Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal
to 2)
OS HIT Calculated Value = Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location -
April HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location, and round the result to zero decimal
If (Emissions Tolerance Deviators contains "HIT")
OS HIT Calculated Value = Current HI Summary Value Record Current Reporting
Period Total
OS HIT Calculated Value = Rpt Period HI Calculated Value
else if (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 4)
OS HIT Calculated Value = 0
If (Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
Annual HI Calculated Value = 0
If (OS Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 2)
OS HIT Calculated Value = 0
If (the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 2 OR (Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter
of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2))
If (Heat Input Start Quarter is not null)
For each quarter in the current year from the Heat Input Start Quarter to the quarter prior to the quarter of the
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Current Reporting Period:
If this quarter is equal to 2 AND OS Reporting Requirement == true,
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "HITOS".
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value HI Array for this location == true)
set Annual HIT Calculated Value to null,
set OS HIT Calculated Value to null
return result A
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where
ParameterCode = "HIT".
If found,
set Annual HIT Calculated Value to null,
set OS HIT Calculated Value to null
return result A
add Op Value to OS HIT Calculated Value.
If this quarter is not equal to 2 OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true,
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "HIT".
If not found,
if (Expected Summary Value HI Array for this location == true)
set Annual HIT Calculated Value to null,
set OS HIT Calculated Value to null
return result B
if Annual Reporting Requirement == true
add Op Value to Annual HIT Calculated Value
if this quarter is equal to 3 AND OS Reporting Requirement == true
add Op Value to OS HIT Calculated Value.
set Annual HIT Calculated Value to null
set Annual OS HIT Calculated Value to null
if (Current HI Summary Value Record is not null)
If (OS HIT Calculated Value is null AND Annual HIT Calculated Value is null AND Expected Summary Value HI
Array for this location == false and (LME HI Method <> "LTFF" or location does not start with "CP") )
return result K
If (Current HI Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is null and Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
OR (Current HI Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is less thanO,
append "YearToDateTotal" to HIT Summary Invalid Fields
If (Current HI Summary Value /?6'cwY/.OzoncSeasonToDateTotal is null and OS Reporting Requirement ==
true AND Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2 or 3 or 4), OR Current HI Summary Value
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/?6'«;/y/. OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is less than 0,
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to HIT Summary Invalid Fields
If {Current HI Summary Value Record. YcarToDateTotal is not rounded to zero decimal places)
append "YearToDateTotal" to Imprecise Fields
If {Current HI Summary Value /?6'cwy/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is not rounded to zero decimal places)
If {Legacy Data Evaluation == false OR Current HI Summary Value /?6'cwy/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal
is not rounded to one decimal place)
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to Imprecise Fields
If {HIT Summary Invalid Fields is not null)
return result C
else if {Imprecise Fields is not null)
set HIT Summary Invalid Fields to Imprecise Fields
return result E
else if {Annual HIT Calculated Value is not null OR OS HIT Calculated Value is not null)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "HIT" AND
if {Annual HIT Calculated Value is not null AND Annual HIT Calculated Value <> Current HI
Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal)
append "YearToDateTotal" to HIT Summary Invalid Fields
if {OS HIT Calculated Value is not null AND OS HIT Calculated Value <> Current HI Summary
Value /?6'cwy/. OzoneSeasonToDateTotal)
If {Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
if (ABS(YAV HIT Calculated Value - Current HI Summary Value
/?6'««y/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal) > Tolerance OR the quarter of the Current Reporting
Period is greater than 2)
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to HIT Summary Invalid Fields
if (ABS(YAV HIT Calculated Value - Current HI Summary Value
/?6'««y/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal rounded to the nearest integer) > Tolerance OR the
quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 2)
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to HIT Summary Invalid Fields
If {HIT Summary Invalid Fields is not null)
If {HIT Summary Invalid Fields contains "Year")
If {HIT Summary Invalid Fields contains "Ozone")
return result D
return result H
If {Legacy Data Evaluation == true)
return result F
return result I
// if no result
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if (OS Reporting Requirement == false and Current HI Summary Value /?6'cwY/.OzoncScasonToDatcTotal is
not null)
return result G
else if (Annual Reporting Requirement == false and Current HI Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is
not null)
return result L
If (Expected Summary Value HI Array for this location == false AND (Annual HIT Calculated Value > 0 OR OS HIT
Calculated Value > 0))
return result J
The program could not determine ozone-season-to-date totals for [osparam], because
the Op Supp Data record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous
reporting periods. If you have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should
be able to retrieve these records by logging on to the EPA host.
The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The [fieldname] in the Summary Value record for [param] is missing or invalid.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc], and the OzoneSeasonToDateTotal
of [osval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is inconsistent with the
recalculated value of [oscalc].
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
The OzoneSeasonToDateTotal of [osval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [oscalc].
You reported OzoneSeasonToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this
is not valid for locations that are not associated with an ozone-season program.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc].
The OzoneSeasonToDateTotal of [osval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [oscalc].
You did not report a Summary Value record to report year-to-date total for [param].
You reported a Summary Value record for [param], but there was no [param] method
defined in your monitoring plan that was active during the year.
You reported YearToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this is not
valid for locations that only report during the ozone season.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-15
Check Name: Compare Operating Time YTD and OS Values
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the reported annual and ozone-season operating time with the calculated values and
generates an error message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
Annual OPTIME Calculated Value = null
OS OPTIME Calculated Value = null
OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields = null
Imprecise Fields = null
if (Rpt Period Op Time Calculated Value is not null)
If Annual Reporting Requirement == true
If (Emissions Tolerance Deviators contains "OPTIME")
Annual OPTIME Calculated Value = Current Op Time Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period
Annual OPTIME Calculated Value = Rpt Period Op Time Calculated Value
If OS Reporting Requirement == true)
if (the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2 or 3)
If Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2,
OS OPTIME Calculated Value = Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for this location - April Op
Time Accumulator Array fortius location.
If (Emissions Tolerance Deviators contains "OPTIME")
OS OPTIME Calculated Value = Current Op Time Summary Value Record. Current Reporting
Period Total
OS OPTIME Calculated Value = Rpt Period Op Time Calculated Value
else if (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 4)
OS OPTIME Calculated Value = 0
If (the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 2 OR (Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter
of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2))
If (Start Quarter is not null)
For each quarter in the current year from the Start Quarter to the quarter prior to the quarter of the Current
Reporting Period:
If this quarter is equal to 2 AND OS Reporting Requirement == true
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "OSTIME".
If not found,
set Annual OPTIME Calculated Value to null,
set OS OPTIME Calculated Value to null
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Locate the Facility record for the location
If the First ECMPS Reporting Period in the retrieved record is not null AND is on or
before the 2nd quarter of the current year,
return result A.
exit for.
add Op Value to OS OPTIME Calculated Value.
If this quarter is not equal to 2 OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true,
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "OPTIME".
If not found,
if Annual Reporting Requirement == true
set Annual OPTIME Calculated Value to null.
if OS Reporting Requirement == true
set OS OPTIME Calculated Value to null.
Locate the Facility record for the location
If the First ECMPS Reporting Period in the retrieved record is not null AND is on or
before the Start Quarter of the current year,
return result B.
exit for.
if Annual Reporting Requirement == true
add Op Value to Annual OPTIME Calculated Value
if this quarter is equal to 3 AND OS Reporting Requirement == true
add Op Value to OS OPTIME Calculated Value
set Annual OPTIME Calculated Value to null,
set OS OPTIME Calculated Value to null.
if (Current Op Time Summary Value Record is not null)
If (Current Op Time Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is null and Annual Reporting Requirement == true) OR
0Current Op Time Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is less than 0,
append "YearToDateTotal" to OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields
If (Current Op Time Summary Value OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is null and OS Reporting Requirement == true
AND Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2 or 3 or 4), OR Current Op Time Summary Value
/?6'«;/y/. OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is less than 0,
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields
If (Current Op Time Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is not rounded to two decimal places)
append "YearToDateTotal" to Imprecise Fields
If (Current Op Time Summary Value /?6'cwy/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is not rounded to two decimal places)
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to Imprecise Fields
If (OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields is not null)
return result C
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else if (Imprecise Fields is not null)
Set OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields to Imprecise Fields
return result E
else if {Annual OPTIME Calculated Value is not null OR OS OPTIME Calculated Value is not null)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "OPTIME" AND
UOM = "HR"
if {Annual OPTIME Calculated Value is not null AND Annual OPTIME Calculated Value <> Current Op
Time Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal)
append "YearToDateTotal" to OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields
if {OS OPTIME Calculated Value is not null AND OS OPTIME Calculated Value <> Current Op Time
Summary Value Ttecon/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal)
if (ABS(YAV OPTIME Calculated Value - Current Op Time Summary Value
/?6'cwY/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal) > Tolerance OR quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater
than 2)
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields
If OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields is not null,
If {OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields contains "Year")
If {OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields contains "Ozone")
return result D
return result G
return result H
// if no result
if {OS Reporting Requirement == false and Current Op Time Summary Value Record. OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is not
return result F
else if {Annual Reporting Requirement == false and Current Op Time Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is not
return result I
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The program could not determine ozone-season-to-date totals for [osparam], because
the Op Supp Data record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous
reporting periods. If you have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should
be able to retrieve these records by logging on to the EPA host.
The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The [fieldname] in the Summary Value record for [param] is missing or invalid.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc], and the OzoneSeasonToDateTotal
of [osval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is inconsistent with the
recalculated value of [oscalc].
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
You reported OzoneSeasonToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this
is not valid for locations that are not associated with an ozone-season program.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc].
The OzoneSeasonToDateTotal of [osval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [oscalc].
You reported YearToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this is not
valid for locations that only report during the ozone season.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-16
Check Name: Compare Operating Hours YTD and OS Values
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check compares the reported annual and ozone-season operating hours with the calculated values and
generates an error message if the difference is greater than the accepted tolerance.
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value = null
OS OPHOURS Calculated Value = null
OPHOURS Summary Invalid Fields = null
Imprecise Fields = null
if (Rpt Period Op Hours Calculated Value is not null)
If Annual Reporting Requirement == true
If (Emissions ToleranceDeviators contains "OPHOURS")
Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value = Current Op Hours Summary Value Record.Current Reporting Period
Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value = Rpt Period Op Hours Calculated Value
If OS Reporting Requirement == true)
if (the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2 or 3)
If Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2,
OS OPHOURS Calculated Value = Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location - April
Op Hours Accumulator Array fortius location.
If (Emissions Tolerance Deviators contains "OPHOURS")
OS OPHOURS Calculated Value = Current Op Hours Summary Value Record .Current
Reporting Period Total
OS OPHOURS Calculated Value = Rpt Period Op Hours Calculated Value
else if (Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 4)
OS OPHOURS Calculated Value = 0
If (the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 2 OR (Annual Reporting Requirement == true AND the Quarter
of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2))
If (Start Quarter is not null)
For each quarter in the current year from the Start Quarter to the quarter prior to the quarter of the Current
Reporting Period:
If this quarter is equal to 2 AND OS Reporting Requirement == true,
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode =
"OSHOURS" and FuelCd is null.
If not found,
set Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value to null,
set OS OPHOURS Calculated Value to null
return result A
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add Op Value to OS OPHOURS Calculated Value.
If this quarter is not equal to 2 OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true,
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode =
"OPHOURS" and FuelCd is null.
If not found,
set Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value to null,
set OS OPHOURS Calculated Value to null
return result B
if Annual Reporting Requirement == true
add Op Value to Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value
if this quarter is equal to 3 AND OS Reporting Requirement == true
add Op Value to OS OPHOURS Calculated Value
set Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value to null,
set OS OPHOURS Calculated Value to null.
if (Current Op Hours Summary Value Record is not null)
If (Current Op Hours Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is null and Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
0Current Op Hours Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is less than 0,
append "YearToDateTotal" to OPHOURS Summary Invalid Fields
If (Current Op Hours Summary Value /?6'cwY/.OzoncSeasonToDateTotal is null and OS Reporting Requirement == true
AND Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2 or 3 or 4), OR Current Op Hours Summary Value
OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is less than 0,
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to OPHOURS Summary Invalid Fields
If (Current Op Hours Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is not rounded to zero decimal places)
append "YearToDateTotal" to Imprecise Fields
If (Current Op Hours Summary Value /?6'cwy/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is not rounded to zero decimal places)
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to Imprecise Fields
If (OPHOURS Summary Invalid Fields is not null)
return result C
else if (Imprecise Fields is not null)
set OPHOURS Summary Invalid Fields to Imprecise Fields
return result E
else if (.Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value is not null OR OS OPHOURS Calculated Value is not null)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "OPHOURS" AND
UOM = "HR"
if (Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value is not null AND Annual OPHOURS Calculated Value o Current Op
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Hours Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal)
append "YearToDateTotal" to OPTIME Summary Invalid Fields
if (OS OPHOURS Calculated Value is not null AND OS OPHOURS Calculated Value <> Current Op Hours
Summary Value Ttecon/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal)
if (ABS(YAV OPHOURS Calculated Value - Current Op Hours Summary Value
/?6'««Y/.OzoncScasonToDatcTotal) > Tolerance OR quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater
than 2)
append "OzoneSeasonToDateTotal" to OPHOURS Summary Invalid Fields
If OPHOURS Summary Invalid Fields is not null,
If (OPHOURS Summary Invalid Fields contains "Year")
If (OPHOURS Summary Invalid Fields contains "Ozone")
return result D
return result G
return result H
// if no result
if (OS Reporting Requirement == false and Current Op Hours Summary Value Record. OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is not
return result F
else if (Annual Reporting Requirement == false and Current Op Hours Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is not
return result I
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The program could not determine ozone-season-to-date totals for [osparam], because
the Op Supp Data record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous
reporting periods. If you have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should
be able to retrieve these records by logging on to the EPA host.
The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The [fieldname] in the Summary Value record for [param] is missing or invalid.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc], and the OzoneSeasonToDateTotal
of [osval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is inconsistent with the
recalculated value of [oscalc].
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
You reported OzoneSeasonToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this
is not valid for locations that are not associated with an ozone-season program.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc].
The OzoneSeasonToDateTotal of [osval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [oscalc].
You reported YearToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this is not
valid for locations that only report during the ozone season.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-17
Check Name: Check BC02 Summary Value
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Current BC02 Summary Value Record = Summary Value record at this location where
Parameter = "BC02" AND
Reporting Period ID = Current Reporting Period
Set RGGIBegin Date, RGGI Start Quarter, AND BC02 Quarterly Reported Value to null.
if (Current BC02 Summary Value Record is not null)
if (CurrentMonitor Plan Location Record.S{i\ckP\\~>c ID is not null)
return result A
Locate a Program record for the unit where the ProgramCode == "RGGI", the UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is on or prior to
the last day of the reporting period, and the EndDate is null or is on or after the first day of reporting period.
If not found,
return result B
Set RGGI Begin Date to the later of the UnitMonitorCertBeginDate and the EmissionsRecordingBeginDate (if
not null) in the retrieved record.
If RGGI Begin Date is in a year prior to the current reporting period,
Set RGGI Start Quarter to 1
Set RGGI Start Quarter to the quarter of the RGGI Begin Date.
if (Current BC02 Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total < 0)
return result C
else if (Current BC02 Summary Value Record. Current Reporting Period Total is not rounded to one decimal
return result D
BC02 Quarterly Reported Value = Current BC02 Summary Value Record.Cuvrcnl Reporting Period
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You reported a Summary Value record for [param], but this value should only be
reported at the unit, not at a stack or pipe.
Critical Error Level 1
You reported a Summary Value record for BC02, but this location does not belong to
the RGGI program during this reporting period.
Critical Error Level 1
The CurrentReportingPeriodTotal reported in the Summary Value record for [param]
is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
Critical Error Level 1
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
This check result is obsolete.
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAGG-18
Check Name: Compare BC02 Mass YTD Values
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Validation Tables:
[Quarterly Emissions Tolerances] (Cross Check Table)
Set AnnualBC02 Calculated Value to null.
If (BC02 Quarterly Reported Value is not null)
Annual BC02M Calculated Value = BC02 Quarterly Reported Value
Annual BC02M Calculated Value = -1
If (RGGI Start Quarter is not null AND Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is greater than 1)
For each quarter in the current year from the RGGI Start Quarter to the quarter prior to the quarter of the Current Reporting
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter where ParameterCode = "BC02".
If not found,
If (BC02 Quarterly Reported Value is not null)
set Annual BC02 Calculated Value to null
return result A
If {Annual BC02M Calculated Value == -1)
Set Annual BC02M Calculated Value to Op Value
add Op Value to Annual BC02 Calculated Value.
If (Current BC02 Summary Value Record is not null)
If {Annual BC02M Calculated Value = -1)
set Annual BC02 Calculated Value to null
return result G
else if {Current BC02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is null or is less than 0)
return result B
else if {Current BC02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result C
else if {Annual BC02 Calculated Value is not null)
if {AnnualBC02 Calculated Value <> Current BC02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Quarterly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "C02M" AND
if (ABS(Annual HC()2 Calculated Value - Current BC02 Summary Value Record. YearToDateTotal) >
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return result D
// If no result
If {Current BC02 Summary Value /?6'cwY/.OzoneSeasonToDateTotal is not null)
return result E.
If (Annual BC02 Calculated Value == -1)
set Annual BC02 Calculated Value to null
If (Annual BC02 Calculated Value > 0)
return result F
The program could not determine year-to-date for [param], because the Op Supp Data
record for this parameter is missing for one or more previous reporting periods. If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The [fieldname] in the Summary Value record for [param] is missing or invalid.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
The YearToDateTotal of [ytdval] in the Summary Value record for [param] is
inconsistent with the recalculated value of [ytdcalc].
You reported OzoneSeasonToDate in the Summary Value record for [param], but this
is not valid for this parameter.
You did not report a Summary Value record to report year-to-date total for [param].
You reported a Summary Value record for [param], but there was no [param] method
defined in your monitoring plan that was active during the year.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Category:
Hourly Appendix D
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Check Code: HOURAD-1
Check Name: Initialize Accumulators for Appendix D Calculations
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Description: Set all Appendix D Accumulators to ZERO
HI App D Accumulator = 0
S02 App D Accumulator = 0
CO2 App D Accumulator = 0
NOXR App E Accumulator = 0
Current Fuel Flow Record = null
Current Fuel Group = null
Fuels Used List = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Appendix D/E Unit-Level Initialization
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Check Code: HOURAD-3
Check Name: Initialize Fuel Flow Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Description: Initialization procedure for fuel flow category.
Current Fuel Group = Current Fuel Flow Record. Flic 1_Group_Cd
if (Current Fuel Flow Record.U nitFlie 1Cd in set {OGS, PRG,OOL})
Special Fuel Burned = true
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-4
Check Name: Check Fuel Usage Time
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
HFF Usage Time Status = true
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. Fucl U sageTi me is null OR Current Fuel Flow Record. Fucl U sageTi me < 0 OR Current Fuel Flow
Record. F ucl U sageTi me >1)
HFF Usage Time Status = false
return result A
else if {Current Hourly Op Record .0\~>cn\{\ngTime > 0 AND Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me <= 1)
if Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode is not in Fuels Used List
add 1 to Fuel Op Hours Accumulator Array for the location and fuel
append FuelCode to the Fuels Used List
if (Current Fuel Flow Record. F ucl U sageTi me > Current Hourly Op Record .0\~>cn\{\\\gT\ me)
HFF Usage Time Status = false
return result B
else if (Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Oil == 1 AND {MPPipe Config for Hourly Checks
is null OR Current Hourly Op Record.LocationName begins with "CP") AND Current Fuel Flow Record. Fucl U sageTi me <>
Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me)
HFF Usage Time Status = false
return result B
The FuelUsageTime reported in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] is invalid. The
must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.
The FuelUsageTime reported in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] is inconsistent
with the OperatingTime for the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-5
Check Name: Check Volumetric SODC Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Description: Validation checks on Volumetric SODC Code for the Current Fuel Flow Record
HFF SODC Status = true
If (Current Fuel Flow /?6'co/Y/.SourccOfDataVolumctricCodc is null)
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate is not null)
HFF SODC Status == false
return result A
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate is null)
HFF SODC Status == false
return result B
else if {Current Fuel Group == "GAS" and Current Fuel Flow /?6'co/Y/.SourccOfDataVolumctricCodc in set {5, 6})
HFF SODC Status == false
return result C
else if (Current Fuel Flow /?6'co/Y/.SourccOfDataVolumctricCodc = "3" AND Current Unit Is Peaking == false)
HFF SODC Status == false
return result D
else if (HFF Fuel Indicator Code is not null)
if (Current Fuel Flow Record. SourceOfData Vo 1 ulliet ricCode == "4" AND HFF Fuel Indicator Code <> "E")
HFF SODC Status == false
return result E
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rccO fD a t a Vo 1 u l lie t ri c C ode in set {5, 6} AND HFF Fuel Indicator Code <> "I")
HFF SODC Status == false
return result F
You did not report a [fieldname] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but you
reported a [ratefieldname].
You reported a [fieldname] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but you did not
report a [ratefieldname].
The SourceOfDataVolumetricCode reported in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] is
You reported a [fieldname] of 3 in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but,
according to the qualification record in your monitoring plan, this is not a peaking
You reported a [fieldname] of 4 in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], which
indicates that the fuel is an emergency fuel, but according to the Unit Fuel record in
your monitoring plan, this fuel is not an emergency fuel.
You reported a [fieldname] of [sodc] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], which
indicates that the fuel is an igniter fuel, but according to the Unit Fuel record in your
monitoring plan, this fuel is not an igniter fuel.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Oil Mass SODC Code
Appendix D Check
Validation checks on Mass SODC Code for the Current Oil Fuel Flow Record
HFFMass SODC Status == true
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. So u rccO fD a t a MassCode is null)
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. IVIassF1 owRatc is not null)
HFF Mass SODC Status == false
return result A
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI assF1 o w Ra t c is null)
HFF Mass SODC Status == false
return result B
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. Vo 1 umc t ri c F1 o w Ra t c is not null AND Current Fuel Flow Record. So u rccO fD a t a MassCode <>
HFF Mass SODC Status == false
return result C
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. Vo 1 u m c t ri c F1 o w R a t c is null AND Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rccO fD a t a Mass C ode == "2")
HFF Mass SODC Status == false
return result D
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record.SourceOfDatsMassCode= "3" AND Current Unit Is Peaking == false)
HFF Mass SODC Status == false
return result E
else if (HFF Fuel Indicator Code is not null)
if (Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rccO fD a t a Mass C ode == "4" AND HFF Fuel Indicator Code <> "E")
HFF Mass SODC Status == false
return result F
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rccO fD a t a Mass C ode in set {5, 6} AND HFF Fuel Indicator Code <> "I")
HFF Mass SODC Status == false
return result G
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You did not report a [fieldname] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but you
reported a [ratefieldname].
You reported a [fieldname] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but you did not
report a [ratefieldname].
You reported a SourceOfDataMassCode of [sodc] in the HFF record for FuelCode
[fueled], but you also reported a VolumetricFlowRate. The SourceOfDataMassCode
must be 2 when mass oil flow is calculated from volumetric oil flow.
You reported a SourceOfDataMassCode of 2 in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled],
but you did not report a VolumetricFlowRate. The SourceOfDataMassCode should be
2 only when the mass oil rate is calculated from volumetric oil flow.
You reported a [fieldname] of 3 in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but,
according to the qualification record in your monitoring plan, this is not a peaking
You reported a [fieldname] of 4 in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], which
indicates that the fuel is an emergency fuel, but according to the Unit Fuel record in
your monitoring plan, this fuel is not an emergency fuel.
You reported a [fieldname] of [sodc] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], which
indicates that the fuel is an igniter fuel, but according to the Unit Fuel record in your
monitoring plan, this fuel is not an igniter fuel.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-7
Check Name: Check Fuel Flow Monitoring System
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Description: Validates the Monitoring System reported in the HourlyFuelFlowData record
HFF System Type = null
FuelFlowComponentRecords = null
CurrentAppendixDStatus = null
f (Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI o n i t o ri ng Sy s t e m ID is null)
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. SourceOfData Vo 1 u 1 lietricCode in set {0, 9} OR (Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current
Fuel Flow Record. SourceOfDatalVIassCodc in set {0, 9}))
return result A
else if (Legacy Data Evaluation == false AND (Current Fuel Flow Record. So u rceO fD a t a Vo 1 u llie t ri cCode in set {1, 3 } OR
0Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. SourceOfDataMassCode in set {1, 3 })))
return result B
else if {Current Fuel Group == "GAS")
HFF System Type= "GAS"
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate is not null)
HFF System Type= "OILV"
HFF System Type= "OILM"
if (Current Fuel Flow /?6'co/Y/.SourccOfDataVolumctricCodc == "4")
return result C
else if {Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND (Current Fuel Flow /?6'co/Y/.SourccOfDataVolumctricCodc in set {5, 6} OR Current
Oil Fuel Flow Record.SourceOfDataMassCode in set {5, 6}))
return result C
Current Mon Sys Record = find active MonitoringSystem record where
MonitoringSystemld = Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID
if Current Mon Sys Record is null
return result D
else if {Current Fuel Group == "GAS" AND Current Mon ,SV.v /tecwr/.SystcmTypcCodc <> "GAS")
return result E
else if {Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Mon ,SV.v /ter;re/.SystcmTypcCodc not in set {OILV, OILM})
return result F
else if {Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Oil Fuel Flow Record. SourceOfDataMassCode == "2" AND
Current Mon ,SV.v /ter;re/.SystcmTypcCodc <> "OILV")
return result G
HFF System Type = Current Mon ,SV.v /tecwr/.SystcmTypcCodc
if Current Mon Sys Record. FuelCode is not null and is not equal to Current Fuel Flow Record .Fuel C ode
HFF System Fuel = Current Mon Sys RecordFvlqICoAq
return result H
else if (Current Fuel Flow /?6'co/Y/.SourccOfDataVolumctricCodc in set (0,9} OR {Current Fuel Group ==
"OIL" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. SourceOfDataMassCode in set {0,9}))
if {Current Fuel Group = "OIL")
Locate MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation where the SystemID is equal to
CurrentFuelFlowRecord. SystemID and the ComponentTypeCd = "OFFM" or "BOFF"
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For each retrieved record found:
If (MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation.ComponentTypeCd ==
Add the MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation record to
If none were found,
return result I.
else if {Current Fuel Group = "GAS")
Locate MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation where the SystemID is equal to
CurrentFuelFlowRecord.SystemlD and the ComponentTypeCd = "GFFM" or "BGFF"
For each retrieved record found:
If (MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation.ComponentTypeCd ==
Add the MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation record to
If none were found,
return result I.
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You reported a SourceOfDataVolumetricCode or SourceOfDataMassCode in the HFF
record for FuelCode [fueled], indicating the use of a fuel flowmeter system, but you did
not report its MonitoringSystemlD.
You reported a SourceOfDataVolumetricCode or SourceOfDataMassCode in the HFF
record for FuelCode [fueled] that indicates the use of substitute data, but you did not
report a MonitoringSystemlD. This was not required for legacy EDR data, but for
ECMPS, you should report the primary MonitoringSystemlD of the fuel flowmeter
system that normally records the flow for this fuel.
You reported a SourceOfDataVolumetricCode or SourceOfDataMassCode in the HFF
record for FuelCode [fueled] that indicates the use of an emergency or igniter fuel, so
you should not have reported a MonitoringSystemlD in this record.
You reported MonitoringSystemlD [ID] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but
there is no MonitorSystem record for this system in your monitoring plan that was
active during the hour.
You reported MonitoringSystemlD [ID] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but
this system is not a GAS monitoring system.
You reported MonitoringSystemlD [ID] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but
this system is not an OILM or OILV monitoring system.
You reported a SourceOfDataMassCode of 2 in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled],
indicating that you are calculating mass oil rate from volumetric oil flow, but
MonitoringSystemlD [ID] is not an OILV monitoring system.
Your reported MonitoringSystemlD [ID] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but
the FuelCode for this system in the MonitorSystem record is [sysfuel]. The FuelCode
in the Monitor System record should be the same as the FuelCode in the HFF record.
You did not report any active fuel flowmeter components in your monitoring plan for
MonitoringSystemlD [ID]. The QA status for Appendix D testing for this system will
not be evaluated.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Volumetric Units of Measure
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
HFF UOM Status = true
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode is null)
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate is not null)
HFF UOM Status = false
return result A
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate is null)
HFF UOM Status = false
return result B
else if (Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode is not in set
{"GALHR", "BBLHR", "M3HR", "SCFH"})
HFF UOM Status = false
return result C
else if {Current Fuel Group == "GAS" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode <> "HSCF")
HFF UOM Status = false
return result C
You did not report a [fieldname] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but you
reported a [ratefieldname].
You reported a [fieldname] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but you did not
report a [ratefieldname].
The VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode reported in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled]
is invalid.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Fuel in HFF Record
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
HFF Fuel Indicator Code = null
Locate active UnitFuel record for the location
where FuelCd = Current Fuel Flow Record. U ni t Fue 1 Cd
If found,
HFF Fuel Indicator Code = Current Fuel Flow Record. IndicaterCd
return result A
You did not report an active Unit Fuel record for FuelCode [fueled] in your monitoring Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-10
Check Name: Check Volumetric Flow in HFF Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
HFF Calc Volumetric Rate = null
HFF Max Heat Input for Volume = null
If (HFF System Type is not null AND HFF SOD Status == true AND HFF Mass SODC Status == true AND HFF UOM Status == true)
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate is null)
If {HFFSystem TypeO "OILM")
return result A
If (HFFSystem Type== "OILM")
return result B
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record.SourceOfDataVolumetncCode== "4")
If (Current Entity Type is equal to "Unit")
Locate a Unit Capacity record for the location and hour.
If exactly one record is found, and the MaximumHourlyHeatlnputCapacity in the retrieved record is
greater than 0,
HFF Max Heat Input for Volume =
If (HFF GCV is not null)
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. IVIassF1 owRatc is null)
HFF Calc Volumetric Rate = HFF Max Heat Input for Volume / HFF GCV *
1000000, rounded to one decimal place.
else if (HFFDensity is not null)
HFF Calc Volumetric Rate = HFF Max Heat Input for Volume / HFF GCV /
HFF Density * 1000000, rounded to one decimal place.
return result M
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate <= 0)
return result E
HFF Calc Volumetric Rate = Current Fuel Flow Record. VolumetricFlowRate
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record.SourceOfDataYolumetncCode== "9"
If (Current Fuel Group == "GAS")
HFF Volumetric Default Parameter = "MNGF"
HFF Volumetric Default Parameter = "MNOF"
Count active Default Record for the location where
ParameterCode == HFF Volumetric Default Parameter
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FuelCode == Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode
if (Count <> 1)
return result C
else if (I)efauIt Record. Dcfan 11 Va 1 lie <= 0)
return result D
else if (Default /tecwY/.DcfaultUnitsOflVIcasurcCodc == Current Fuel Flow
Record. Vo 1 u m c t ri c U n i t sO HVI ca s u rc C o dc)
HFF Calc Volumetric Rate = Default Record .Default Value
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate <= 0)
return result E
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. VolumetricFlowRate <> HFF Calc Volumetric Rate)
return result F
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate <= 0)
return result E
return result G
else if Current Fuel Flow Record. M o n i t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID is not null)
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. VolumetricFlowRate <= 0)
return result E
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rccO fD a t a Vo 1 u l lie t ri c C ode <> 3)
HFF Calc Volumetric Rate = Current Fuel Flow Record. VolumetricFlowRate
Count active System Fuel Flow Record for the system.
If (Count o 1)
return result H
else if ( HFF Calc Volumetric Rate)
return result J
If (HFF Calc Volumetric Rate > System Fuel Flow i?ecor
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
You did not report a VolumetricFlowRate in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled],
which is required when using [systype] MonitoringSystemID [ID],
You reported a VolumetricFlowRate in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], which is
invalid when using an OILM system.
You did not report one and only one default record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] in your monitoring plan that was active during current hour.
The Default Value reported in the active [parameter] default record for the hour is
The VolumetricFlowRate reported in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] is invalid.
You reported a SourceOfDataVolumetricCode of [sodc] in the HFF record for
FuelCode [fueled], but the VolumetricFlowRate is not equal to the fuel flow rate
defined in the active [parameter] default record in your monitoring plan.
The VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] is not
the same as the DefaultUnitsOfMeasureCode in the active [parameter] default record in
your monitoring plan.
You did not report one and only one active SystemFuelFlow record for
MonitoringSystemID [ID] in your monitoring plan for the hour.
The MaximumFuelFlowRate reported in the active System Fuel Flow record for
MonitoringSystemID [ID] in your monitoring plan is invalid.
You reported a SourceOfDataVolumetricCode of 3 in the HFF record for FuelCode
[fueled], but the VolumetricFlowRate is not equal to the MaximumFuelFlowRate
specified in the active System Fuel Flow record for MonitoringSystemID [ID] in your
monitoring plan.
Warning: The VolumetricFlowRate reported in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled]
exceeds the MaximumFuelFlowRate specified in the active System Fuel Flow record
for MonitoringSystemID [ID] in your monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary. You
should investigate the cause of these exceedances and determine whether an
adjustment to your monitoring systems or monitoring plan is necessary.
The VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] is not
the same as the SystemFuelFlowUOMCode in the active System Fuel Flow record for
MonitoringSystemID [ID] in your monitoring plan.
You did not report one and only one valid active Unit Capacity record in your
monitoring plan for the unit for the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-11
Check Name: Check Mass Oil Flow in HFF Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate = null
HFF Max Heat Input for Mass = null
If {HFF System Type is not null AND HFF SOD Status == true AND HFF Mass SODC Status == true AND HFF UOM Status == true)
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. IVIassF1 owRatc is null)
If {HFFSystem Type== "OILM")
return result A
Else if {HFF System Type== "OILV"
If {Current Fuel Flow Record.SourceOfDataMassCode== "2")
return result B
Else if {Current Unit isARP == true)
return result C
If {HFFSystem Type== "GAS")
return result D
else if {HFF System Type == "OILV")
If {Current Fuel Flow Record.SomceOS)ataMassCode== "2" AND Current Fuel Flow Record.MassFlowRate
return result E
else if {Current Fuel Flow Record.SomceOfDataMassCode == "4")
If {Current Entity Type is equal to "Unit")
Locate a Unit Capacity record for the location and hour.
If exactly one record is found, and the MaximumHourlyHeatlnputCapacity in the retrieved record is
greater than 0,
HFF Max Heat Input for Mass =
If {HFFGCV is not null)
HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate = HFF Max Heat Input for Mass / HFFGCV * 1000000,
rounded to one decimal place.
return result M
If {Current Fuel Flow Record. MassFlowRate <= 0)
return result E
HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate = Current Fuel Flow /?6'cwy/. MassFlow Rate
else if {Current Fuel Flow Record.SourceOfDatsMassCode== "9")
HFF Mass Oil Default Parameter = "MNOF"
Count active Default Record for the location where
ParameterCode == HFF Mass Oil Default Parameter
FuelCode == Current Fuel Flow Record .Fuel C ode
if {Count <> 1)
return result F
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else if (Defeat It Record. D c fan 11 Va 1 lie <= 0 OR Default /fecon/.DcfaultUnitsOnvicasurcCodc <> "LBHR")
return result G
HFF CalcMass Oil Rate = Deft it It Record. D c fan 11 Va 1 lie
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. IVIassF1 owRatc <= 0)
return result E
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI assF1 o w Ra t c <> HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate)
return result H
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. M o n i t o ri ng Sy s t e m ID is not null)
If (Current Fuel Flow /?6'cwy/. MassFlow Rate <= 0)
return result E
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rccO IT) a t a Mass C ode <> 3)
HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate = Current Fuel Flow Ttecon/.MassFlowRate
Count active System Fuel Flow Record for the system.
If (Count <> 1)
return result I
else if (System Fuel Flow i?ecor "LBHR")
return result J
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rccO IT) a t a Mass C ode == 3)
HFF CalcMass Oil Rate = System Fuel Flow i?ecor HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate)
return result K
If (HFF CalcMass Oil Rate > System Fuel Flow i?ecor
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
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You did not report a [fieldname] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but the
MonitoringSystemID [ID] is an [systype] fuel flow system.
You reported a SourceOfDataMassCode of 2 in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled],
which indicates that the mass oil rate was calculated from the volumetric oil rate, but
you did not report a MassFlowRate in the record.
You did not report a [fieldname] in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled], but this
value is required for an ARP unit.
You reported a MassFlowRate in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled]. This value
should be blank for a gas fuel.
The MassFlowRate reported in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] is invalid.
You did not report one and only one default record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] in your monitoring plan that was active during current hour.
The Default Value or DefaultUnitsOfMeasureCode reported in the active [parameter]
default record for the hour is invalid.
You reported a SourceOfDataMassCode of [sodc] in the HFF record for FuelCode
[fueled], but the MassFlowRate is not equal to the fuel flow rate defined in the active
[parameter] default record in your monitoring plan.
You did not report one and only one active SystemFuelFlow record for
MonitoringSystemID [ID] in your monitoring plan for the hour.
The MaximumFuelFlowRate or SystemFuelFlowUOMCode reported in the active
System Fuel Flow record for MonitoringSystemID [ID] in your monitoring plan is
You reported a SourceOfDataMassCode of 3 in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled],
but the MassFlowRate is not equal to the MaximumFuelFlowRate specified in the
active System Fuel Flow record for MonitoringSystemID [ID] in your monitoring plan.
Warning: The MassFlowRate reported in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] exceeds
the MaximumFuelFlowRate specified in the active System Fuel Flow record for
MonitoringSystemID [ID] in your monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary. You
should investigate the cause of these exceedances and determine whether an
adjustment to your monitoring systems or monitoring plan is necessary.
You did not report one and only one valid active Unit Capacity record in your
monitoring plan for the unit for the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Determine Density
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Validation Tables:
Fuel Type Reality Checks for Density (Cross Check Table)
Fuel Type Warning Levels for Density (Cross Check Table)
Table D-6 Missing Data Values (Cross Check Table)
HFF Density = null
Current Density Record = null
Count the HourlyParamFuelFlow record where
HourlyParamFuelFlow.HourlyFuelFlowID = Current Fuel Flow Record. Hourly Flie 1F1 owID AND
HourlyParamFuelFlow.ParameterCode = "DENSOIL"
If (Count >1)
return result A
Else If (Count == 0)
If (HFF System Type == "OILV" and Current Fuel Flow Record. SourceOfDataMassCode == "2")
Else if (HFF System Type = "OILV" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. SourceOfDataMassCode == "2")
Current Density Record = matching record
Density UOM = Current Density Record. ParamctcrUOIVICodc
if (.Density UOM not in set {LBGAL, LBBBL, LBM3, LBSCF})
return result C
else if {Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode == "GALHR" AND Density UOM <> "LBGAL")
return result D
else if {Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode == "BBLHR" AND Density UOM <> "LBBBL")
return result D
else if {Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode == "M3HR" AND Density UOM <> "LBM3")
return result D
else if {Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode == "SCFH" AND Density UOM <> "LBSCF")
return result D
else if {Current Density Record.ParamValFuel > 0)
Density Default = null
If {Current Density Record. SampleTypeCode == 8)
Density Default = Lookup "MissingDataValue" in "Table D-6 Missing Data Values"
where "Parameter" column = "DENSOIL -" + Density UOM AND "FuelCode" column = Current Fuel
Flow Record .Fuel C ode
If {Density Default == null)
Max Expected Density = Lookup "Upper Value" in "Fuel Type Warning Levels for Density Cross Check Table"
where "Fuel Code - Units Of Measure" column = concatenation of {Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode,
" -", Density UOM)
Min Expected Density = Lookup "Lower Value" in "Fuel Type Warning Levels for Density Cross Check Table"
where "Fuel Code - Units Of Measure" column = concatenation of {Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode,
" -", Density UOM)
Max Allowed Density = Lookup "Upper Value" in "Fuel Type Reality Checks for Density Cross Check Table"
where "Fuel Code - Units Of Measure" column = concatenation of {Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode,
return result B
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" -", Density UOM)
Min Allowed Density = Lookup "Lower Value" in "Fuel Type Reality Checks for Density Cross Check Table"
where "Fuel Code - Units Of Measure" column = concatenation of {Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode,
" -", Density UOM)
if {Max Allowed Density is not null AND Current Density Record.ParamValFuel > Max Allowed Density) OR
{Min Allowed Density is not null AND Current Density Record. Para 111 Va 1Flie 1 < Min Allowed Density)
return result E
HFF Density = Current Density Record. Pa ra 111 Va 1F lie 1
if {Min Expected Density is not null AND HFF Density < Min Expected Density) OR {Max Expected
Density is not null AND HFF Density > Max Expected Density)
return result F
if {Density Default == Current Density Record.ParamValFuel)
HFF Density = Current Density Record. Pa ra 111 Va 1F lie 1
return result G
return result H
return result I
You reported more than one HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the
You did not report an HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the hour.
The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for DENSOIL for FuelCode
[fueled] is missing or invalid.
The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for DENSOIL for FuelCode
[fueled] is inconsistent with the VolumetricUnitsOfMeasureCode reported in the
associated HFF record.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is outside the range of allowable values for the fuel type.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is outside the range of expected values for the fuel type.
You reported a SampleTypeCode of 8 in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled], indicating the use of a Table D-6 default, but the ParameterValueForFuel does
not equal the default value for the fuel.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is invalid. The value should be greater than 0.
You reported an HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled], but this value is
only appropriate when using an OILV system and a SourceOfDataMassCode equal to
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 2
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-13
Check Name: Check Density Sample Type
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
If (Current Density Record is not null)
If Current Density Record.SampleTypeCode not in {1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8}
return result A
Critical Error Level 1
Result Response
A The SampleTypeCode reported in the HPFF record for DENSOIL for FuelCode
[fueled] is missing or invalid.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Extraneous Density Record Fields
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
If (Current Density Record is not null)
If (Current Density Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc n t i fi c r is not null)
append "Formulaldentifier" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Density Record. Mo ni to ri ngSy stem ID is not null)
append "MonitoringSystemID" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Density Record. SegllientN ulliber is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Density Record.Opcrat i ngCo ndi t io nCode is not null)
append "OperatingConditionCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
You reported [fieldnames] intheHPFF record for DENSOIL for FuelCode [fueled].
This data should be blank.
Non-Critical Error
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Calculate Mass Oil Flow
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
IfHFF Calc Volumetric Flow is not null AND HFFDensity is not null)
HFF Calc Mass Oil Flow = HFF Density * HFF Calc Volumetric Flow, and round the result to one decimal place (0.1)
Flow Rate Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "OILM" AND
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. IVIassF1 owRatc > 0)
if (AB S {Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI a s s F1 o w R a t c - HFF Calc Mass Oil Flow) > Flow Rate Tolerance)
return result A
The MassFlowRate reported in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] is inconsistent
with the value calculated from the VolumetricFlowRate and density.
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-16
Check Name: Determine GCV
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Validation Tables:
Fuel Type Reality Checks for GCV (Cross Check Table)
Fuel Type Warning Levels for GCV (Cross Check Table)
Table D-6 Missing Data Values (Cross Check Table)
HFFGCV= null
Current GCV Record = null
Count the HourlyParamFuelFlow record where
HourlyParamFuelFlow.HourlyFuelFlowID = Current Fuel Flow Record. Hourly Flie 1F1 owID AND
HourlyParamFuelFlow.ParameterCode = "GCV"
If (Count >1)
return result A
Else If (Count == 0)
If (Current HI HPFF Record is not null)
return result B
Else if (Current HI HPFF Record is not null)
Current GCV Record = matching record
GCVUOM = Current GCV Record. ParamctcrUOIVICodc
return result C
else if {Current Fuel Group == "GAS" AND GCVUOM <> "BTUHSCF")
return result D
else if (Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI a s s F1 o w R a t c is not null AND GCV UOM <>
return result D
else if (Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI a s s F1 o w R a t c is null AND Current Fuel Flow
Record. Vo 1 ullietricUnitsOHVIeasureCodc == "GALHR" AND GCVUOM <> "BTUGAL")
return result D
else if (Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI a s s F1 o w R a t c is null AND Current Fuel Flow
Record. Vo 1 u mc t ri c U n i t sO HVI ca s u rc C o dc == "BBLHR" AND GCVUOM o "BTUBBL")
return result D
else if (Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI a s s F1 o w R a t c is null AND Current Fuel Flow
Record. Vo 1 u mc t ri c U n i t sO HVI ca s u rc C o dc == "M3HR" AND GCVUOM o "BTUM3")
return result D
else if (Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI a s s F1 o w R a t c is null AND Current Fuel Flow
Record. Vo 1 u l lie t ri c U n i t sO HVI ca s u re C o dc == "SCFH" AND GCVUOM <> "BTUSCF")
return result D
else if (Current GCV Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F lie 1 > 0)
GCV Default = null
If (Current GCV Record. Samp 1 cTy pcCodc == 8)
GCV Default = Lookup "MissingDataValue" in "Table D-6 Missing Data Values"
where "Parameter" column = "GCV -" + GCVUOM AND "FuelCode" column = Current Fuel Flow
Record .Fuel C ode
If {GCVDefault == null)
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GCVDefault = Lookup "MissingDataValue" in "Table D-6 Missing Data Values"
where "Parameter" column = "GCV -" + GCVUOM and FuelCode column is null.
If {GCVDefault == null)
Max Expected GCV = Lookup "Upper Value" in "Fuel Type Warning Levels for GCV Cross Check Table"
where "Fuel Code - Units Of Measure" column = concatenation of {Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode,
" -", GCVUOM)
Min Expected GCV = Lookup "Lower Value" in "Fuel Type Warning Levels for GCV Cross Check Table"
where "Fuel Code - Units Of Measure" column = concatenation of {Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode,
" -", GCVUOM)
Max Allowed GCV = Lookup "Upper Value" in "Fuel Type Reality Checks for GCV Cross Check Table"
where "Fuel Code - Units Of Measure" column = concatenation of {Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode,
" -", GCVUOM)
Min Allowed GCV = Lookup "Lower Value" in "Fuel Type Reality Checks for GCV Cross Check Table"
where "Fuel Code - Units Of Measure" column = concatenation of {Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode,
" -", GCVUOM)
if {Max Allowed GCV is not null AND Current GCV Record. Pa ra 111 Va 1F lie 1 > Max Allowed GCV) OR {Min
Allowed GCV is not null AND Current G C V Record. Pa ra 111 Va 1F lie 1 < Min Allowed GCV)
return result E
else if {Current GCV Record. Pa ra 111 Va 1F uc 1 is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result J
HFF GCV = Current GCV Record. Param Val Fuel
if {Min Expected GCV is not null AND HFF GCV < Min Expected GCV) OR {Max Expected GCV is
not null AND HFF GCV > Max Expected GCV)
return result F
If {Current GCV Record. Pa ra 111 Va 1F uc 1 is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result J
else if (GCV Default == Current GCV Record. Pa ra 111 Va 1F uc 1)
HFF GCV = Current GCV Record. Param Val Fuel
return result G
return result H
return result I
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You reported more than one HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the
You did not report a HPFF record for GCV for FuelCode [fueled] for the hour.
The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for GCV for FuelCode [fueled]
is missing or invalid.
The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for GCV for FuelCode [fueled]
is inconsistent with the fuel flow units of measure.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is outside the range of allowable values for the fuel type.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is outside the range of expected values for the fuel type.
You reported a SampleTypeCode of 8 in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled], indicating the use of a Table D-6 default, but the ParameterValueForFuel does
not equal the default value for the fuel.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for GCV for FuelCode
[fueled] is invalid. The value must be greater than 0.
You reported an HPFF record for GCV for FuelCode [fueled], but you have not
reported an HPFF record for HI for the hour.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check GCV Sample Type
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
If (Current GCV Record is not null)
If {Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current GCV Record. SampleTypeCode not in {1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8})
return result A
else if {Current Fuel Group == "GAS" AND Current GCV Record. SampleTypeCode not in {0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8})
return result A
The SampleTypeCode reported in the HPFF record for GCV for FuelCode [fueled] is
missing or invalid.
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Extraneous GCV Record Fields
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
If (Current GCV Record is not null)
If (Current GCV Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc nt i fi c r is not null)
append "Formulaldentifier" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current GCV Record. M o n i t o ri ng S v s t e m ID is not null)
append "MonitoringSystemID" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current GCV Record. ScgmcntNumbcr is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current GCV Record. O pc rat i ngCo ndi t i o nCode is not null)
append "OperatingConditionCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
You reported [fieldnames] in the HPFF record for GCV for FuelCode [fueled]. This
data should be blank.
Non-Critical Error
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-19
Check Name: Validate Heat Input Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Current HI HPFF Record = null
Count the HourlyParamFuelFlow record where
HourlyParamFuelFlow.HourlyFuelFlowID = Current Fuel Flow Record. Hourly Flie 1F1 owID AND
HourlyParamFuelFlow.ParameterCode = "HI"
If (Count >1)
HI App D Accumulator = -1
return result A
Else If (Count == 0)
If (Heat Input App D Method Active For Hour == true)
HI App D Accumulator = -1
return result B
Else if (Heat Input App D Method Active For Hour == true)
Current HI HPFF Record = matching record
HI HPFF Exists = true
if (Current HI HPFF Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Fo rmu 1 a I d is null
return result C
Cur HIMon Formula Record = Lookup active formula in MonitoringFormula Table where
MonitoringFormulalD = Current HI HPFF Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Fo rmu 1 a ID
if (Cur HIMon Formula Record is null)
return result D
else if (Cur HIMon Formula i?ecor "HI")
return result E
else if {Current Fuel Group == "GAS")
If {Cur HI Mon Formula i?ecor
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
You reported more than one HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the
You did not report an HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the hour.
You did not report a FormulalD in the HPFF record for HI for FuelCode [fueled].
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the HPFF record for HI for FuelCode [fueled], but
there is no active Formula record for this formula in your monitoring plan.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the HPFF record for HI for FuelCode [fueled], but this
is not an HI formula.
The FormulaCode of FormulalD [ID] reported in the HPFF record for HI for FuelCode
[fueled] is invalid.
You reported an HPFF record for GCV for FuelCode [fueled], but you have not
reported an HPFF record for HI for the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Extraneous Heat Input Record Fields
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
If (Current H1HPFFRecord is not null)
If (Current HI HPFF Record.MomtoringSystemlD is not null)
append "MonitoringSystemID" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current HI HPFF Record. Seg 1 lient N u 1 liber is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current HI HPFF Record.Opcrat i ngCo ndi t io nCode is not null)
append "OperatingConditionCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current HI HPFF Record. SampleTypeCode is not null)
append "SampleTypeCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
You reported [fieldnames] in the HPFF record for HI for FuelCode [fueled]. This data Non-Critical Error
should be blank.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
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Check Code: HOURAD-21
Check Name: Calculate Heat Input Rate
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
HFF Calc HI Rate = null
If (Current HI HPFF Record is not null)
if (Current Fuel Flow /?6'co/Y/.SourccOfDataVolumctricCodc == "4")
if (HFF Max Heat Input for Volume is not null)
HFF Calc HI Rate = HFF Max Heat Input for Volume
HI App D Accumulator = -1
return result A
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record.SomceOfDataMassCode == "4")
if (HFF Max Heat Input for Mass is not null)
HFF Calc HI Rate = HFF Max Heat Input for Mass
HI App D Accumulator = -1
return result A
else if (HFF GCV is not null)
HI HPFF Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "HI HPFF" AND
If (HFF System Type == "GAS" OR Current Fuel Flow MassFlow Ratc is null)
If (HFF Calc Volumetric Rate is not null)
HFF Calc HI Rate = HFF Calc Volumetric Rate * HFF GCV / 1000000, and round the result to one
decimal place.
HI App D Accumulator = -1
return result A
if (HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate is not null)
HFF Calc HI Rate = HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate * HFF GCV / 1000000, and round the result to one
decimal place.
HI App D Accumulator = -1
return result A
If (HFF Calc HI Rate is not null)
If Current Fuel Flow Record. Fuel U sageTi me > 0 AND Current Fuel Flow Record. F ucl U sageTi me <= 1 AND HI App
D Accumulator >= 0)
// Note - this accumulates totals for all Fuel flow records and does not work like a normal parameter
HI App D Accumulator = HI App D Accumulator + HFF Calc HI Rate * Current Fuel Flow
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Record.VucWJ sageTime
HI App D Accumulator = -1
If (Current HI HPFF Record. Paraln Va 1Flie 1 > 0)
If (Current Fuel Flow Record. SourceOfDataVolumetricCode == "4" OR Current Fuel Flow
Record. SourccOfDatalVIassCodc == "4")
if (HFF Calc HI Rate is equal to Current HI HPFF Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F lie 1)
if {Current Fuel Flow Record.SourceOfDataVolumetricCode == "4")
If (Current Fuel Flow Record VolumetricFlowRate is greater than 0, AND
HFF Calc Volumetric Rate is not equal to Current Fuel Flow
Record. VolumetricFlowRate)
Flow Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly
Emissions Tolerances" where Parameter = "FOIL"
if (ABS{HFF Calc Volumetric Rate - Current Fuel Flow
Record VolumetricFlowRate) > Flow Tolerance)
return result C
If {Current Fuel Flow Record. IVIassF1 owRatc is greater than 0, AND
HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate is not equal to Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI assF1 o w Ra t c)
Flow Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly
Emissions Tolerances" where Parameter = "FOIL"
if (AB S{HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate - Current Fuel Flow Record. IVI assF1 o w Ra t c)
> Flow Tolerance)
return result D
If (ABS {HFF Calc HI Rate - Current HI HPFF Record. Param ValFucl) > HI HPFF Tolerance)
return result B
HI App D Accumulator = -1
return result A
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The ParameterValueForFuel in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled]
could not be recalculated due to errors listed above.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for HI for FuelCode [fueled]
is inconsistent with the recalculated value.
You reported a SourceOfDataVolumetricCode of 4, indicating that you burned an
emergency fuel, but the VolumetricFlowRate in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled]
is inconsistent with the maximum fuel flow rate for the unit. When you burn an
emergency fuel, you should report the maximum fuel flow rate, which is based on the
maximum hourly heat input capacity of the unit.
You reported a SourceOfDataMassCode of 4, indicating that you burned an emergency
fuel, but the MassFlowRate in the HFF record for FuelCode [fueled] is inconsistent
with the maximum fuel flow rate for the unit. When you burn an emergency fuel, you
should report the maximum fuel flow rate, which is based on the maximum hourly heat
input capacity of the unit.
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Reported Heat Input
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
If (Current HI HPFF Record is not null)
If (Current HI HPFF Record.FaramVaWuel >= 0
If (Current HI HPFF Record. Paraln Va 1Flie 1 is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result D
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rceO fD a t a Vo 1 u l lie t ri c C ode == "4" and HFF Max Heat Input for Volume is not
if (Current HI HPFF Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F lie 1 is not equal to HFF Max Heat Input for Volume)
return result E
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rceO fD a t a Mass C ode == "4" and HFF Max Heat Input for Mass is not null)
if (Current HI HPFF Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F lie 1 is not equal to HFF Max Heat Input for Mass)
return result F
If Current Entity Type == "CP",
Count active UnitCapacity record for each unit linked to the pipe
if (Count <> 1 for any unit)
return result A
Calculate Max Heat Input as the sum of Unit Capacity
i?ecor 1)
return result A
Max Heat Input = Unit ('opacity MaxinuimHourl v Heat I nputCapacitv
if Current HI HPFF Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F tie 1 > Unit ('opacity /tec wc/. Max imumHourlv Heat Input Capacity
return result B
return result C
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You did not report one and only one active Unit Capacity record in your monitoring
plan for the unit (or for each unit linked to the pipe) for the hour.
Warning: The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for HI for
FuelCode [fueled] exceeds the MaximumHourlyHeatlnputCapacity reported in the Unit
Capacity record in your monitoring plan. Sources are required to periodically (at least
once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of maximum values in the monitoring plan
and make proper adjustments when necessary. You should investigate the cause of
these exceedances and determine whether an adjustment to the
MaximumHourlyHeatlnputCapacity reported in your monitoring plan is necessary.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for HI for FuelCode [fueled]
is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
You reported a SourceOfDataVolumetricCode of 4 in the HFF record, indicating that
you burned an emergency fuel. However, you did not report the maximum hourly heat
input capacity for the unit as the ParameterValueforFuel in the HPFF record for HI,
which is required when you burn an emergency fuel.
You reported a SourceOfDataMassCode of 4 in the HFF record, indicating that you
burned an emergency fuel. However, you did not report the maximum hourly heat
input capacity for the unit as the ParameterValueforFuel in the HPFF record for HI,
which is required when you burn an emergency fuel.
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-23
Check Name: Check Heat Input Units Of Measure
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
If (Current HI HPFF Record is not null)
If (Current HI HPFF Record.ParameterUOMCode <> "MMBTUHR")
return result A
Result Response Severity
A The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for HI for FuelCode [fueled] is Critical Error Level 1
missing or invalid. The value should be "MMBTUHR".
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-24
Check Name: Validate S02 Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Current S02 HPFF Record = null
HFF S02 Equation Code = null
Count the HourlyParamFuelFlow record where
HourlyParamFuelFlow.HourlyFuelFlowID = Current Fuel Flow Record. Hourly Flie 1F1 owID AND
HourlyParamFuelFlow.ParameterCode = "S02"
If (Count >1)
S02 App D Accumulator = -1
return result A
Else If (Count == 0)
If (S()2 App D Method Active For Hour == true)
S02 App D Accumulator = -1
return result B
Else if (S()2 App D Method Active For Hour == true)
Current S02 HPFF Record = matching record
S02 HPFF Exists = true
if (Current S02 HPFF Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Fo rmu 1 a I d is null
return result C
Cur S02 Mon Formula Record = Lookup active formula in MonitoringFormula Table where
MonitoringFormulalD = Current S02 HPFF Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Fo rmu 1 a ID
if (Cur S02 Mon Formula Record is null)
return result D
else if (Cur S02 Mon Formula Record.ParameterCode <> "S02")
return result E
else if {Current Fuel Group == "GAS")
If (Cur S02 Mon Formula i?ecor
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
You reported more than one HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the
You did not report an HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the hour.
You did not report a FormulalD in the HPFF record for S02 for FuelCode [fueled].
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the HPFF record for S02 for FuelCode [fueled], but
there is no active Formula record for this formula in your monitoring plan.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the HPFF record for S02 for FuelCode [fueled], but
this is not an S02 formula.
The FormulaCode of FormulalD [ID] reported in the HPFF record for S02 for
FuelCode [fueled] is invalid.
You reported an HPFF record for S02 for FuelCode [fueled], but you do not have an
active Appendix D S02 method for the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Extraneous S02 Record Fields
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
If (Current S02 HPFFRecord is not null)
If (Current S02 HPFF Record. M o ni t o ri ng S v s t e ill ID is not null)
append "MonitoringSystemID" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current SO2 HPFF Record. Seg llie n t N u llibe r is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current S02 HPFF Record. O pc ra t i ngCo ndi t i o nCode is not null)
append "OperatingConditionCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current S02 HPFF Record. SampleTypeCode is not null)
append "SampleTypeCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
You reported [fieldnames] in the HPFF record for S02 for FuelCode [fueled]. This
data should be blank.
Non-Critical Error
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-26
Check Name: Check S02 Units Of Measure
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
If (Current S02 HPFFRecord is not null)
If (Current S02 HPFF Record.Pi\mmc{cr{iOMCoAc <> "LBHR")
return result A
Result Response Severity
A The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for S02 for FuelCode [fueled] is Critical Error Level 1
missing or invalid. The value should be "LBHR".
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-27
Check Name: Calculate S02 Mass Rate
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
HFFCalc S02 = null
If (Current S02 HPFFRecord is not null)
if 0Current Fuel Group == "GAS" AND HFFS02 Equation Code == "D-4" AND HFFSulfur is not null AND HFF Calc
Volumetric Rate is not null
SO2 HPFF Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "S02 Gas HPFF" AND
HFF Calc S02 = HFF Sulfur * HFF Calc Volumetric Rate *2.0 / 7000, and round the result to 5 decimal places.
else if (Current Fuel Group == "GAS" AND HFFS02 Equation Code == "D-5" AND HFFS02 Emission Rate is not null
AND HFF Calc HI Rate is not null
SO2 HPFF Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "S02 Gas HPFF" AND
HFF Calc SO2 = HFF SO2 Emission Rate * HFF Calc HI Rate, and round the result to 5 decimal places.
else if (Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND HFF Sulfur is not null AND HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate is not null
SO2 HPFF Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "S02 Oil HPFF" AND
HFF Calc S02 = HFF Sulfur * HFF Calc Mass Oil Rate * 2.0 /100, and round the result to 1 decimal place.
If (HFF Calc S02 is not null)
If Current Fuel Flow Record. Fuel U sageTi me > 0 AND Current Fuel Flow Record. Fucl U sageTi me <= 1 AND S02 App
D Accumulator >= 0)
// Note - this accumulates totals for all Fuel flow records and does not work like a normal parameter
SO2 App D Accumulator = S02 App D Accumulator + HFF Calc S02 * Current Fuel Flow
Record .FuelU sageTime
SO2 App D Accumulator = -1
If (Current S02 HPFF Record. Pa ra ln Va 1Flie 1 >= 0)
if (ABS(HFF Calc S02 - Current S02 HPFF Record. Pa rain Va 1 Fuc 1) > SO 2 HPFF Tolerance)
return result A
SO2 App D Accumulator = -1
return result B
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Result Response Severity
A The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for S02 for FuelCode Critical Error Level 1
[fueled] is inconsistent with the recalculated value.
B The ParameterValueForFuel in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] Informational Message
could not be recalculated due to errors listed above.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-28
Check Name: Determine Sulfur Content
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Validation Tables:
Fuel Type Reality Checks for Sulfur (Cross Check Table)
Fuel Type Warning Levels for Sulfur (Cross Check Table)
Table D-6 Missing Data Values (Cross Check Table)
HFF Sulfur = null
Current Sulfur Record = null
Count the HourlyParamFuelFlow record where
HourlyParamFuelFlow.HourlyFuelFlowID = Current Fuel Flow Record. Hourly Flie 1F1 owID AND
HourlyParamFuelFlow.ParameterCode = "SULFUR"
If (Count >1)
return result A
Else If (Count == 0)
If (HFF S02 Equation Code in set {D-2, D-4})
return result B
Else if (HFFS02 Equation Code in set {D-2, D-4})
Current Sulfur Record = matching record
Sulfur UOM = Current Sulfur Record. ParamctcrUOIVICodc
ff {Current Fuel Group == "GAS" AND Sulfur UOM <> "GRHSCF")
return result C
else if {Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Sulfur UOM <> "PCT")
return result C
else if {Current Sulfur Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F lie 1 > 0)
Sulfur Default = null
ff {Sulfur UOM == "GRHSCF")
Sulfur Precision = 1
Sulfur Precision = 4
If {Current Sulfur Record. SampleTypeCode == 8)
Sulfur Default = Lookup "MissingDataValue" in "Table D-6 Missing Data Values"
where "Parameter" column = "SULFUR" AND "FuelCode" column = Current Fuel Flow
Record .Fuel C ode
If {Sulfur Default == null)
Max Expected Sulfur = Lookup "Upper Value" in "Fuel Flow Warning Levels for Sulfur Content Cross Check
where "Fuel Code" column = Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode
Min Expected Sulfur = Lookup "Lower Value" in "Fuel Flow Warning Levels for Sulfur Content Cross Check
where "Fuel Code" column = Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode
Max Allowed Sulfur = Lookup "Upper Value" in "Fuel Flow Reality Checks for Sulfur Content Cross Check
where "Fuel Code" column = Current Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode
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Min Allowed Sulfur = Lookup "Lower Value" in "Fuel Flow Reality Checks for Sulfur Content Cross Check
where "Fuel Code" column = Current Fuel Flow Record .Fuel C ode
If {Max Allowed Sulfur is not null AND Current Sulfur Record. Pa rain Va 1F lie 1 > Max Allowed Sulfur) OR {Min
Allowed Sulfur is not null AND Current Sulfur Record. ParamValFuel < Min Allowed Sulfur)
return result D
else if (Current Sulfur Record. Pa rain Va 1F lie 1 is not rounded to Sulfur Precision)
return result I
HFF Sulfur = Current Sulfur Record. Paraln Va 1Flie 1
if {Min Expected Sulfur is not null AND HFF Sulfur < Min Expected Sulfur) OR {Max Expected Sulfur
is not null AND HFF Sulfur > Max Expected Sulfur)
return result E
If {Current Sulfur Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F lie 1 is not rounded to Sulfur Precision)
return result I
else if Sulfur Default == Current Sulfur Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F uc 1
HFF Sulfur == Current Sulfur Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F lie 1
return result F
return result G
return result H
You reported more than one HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the
You reported a formula with a FormulaCode of [code] in the HPFF record for S02 for
FuelCode [fueled], but you did not report an HPFF record for SULFUR. Use of this
formula to calculate S02 requires the reporting of the fuel's sulfur content.
The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for SULFUR for FuelCode
[fueled] is missing or invalid.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is outside the range of allowable values for the fuel type.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is outside the range of expected values for the fuel type.
You reported a SampleTypeCode of 8 in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled], indicating the use of a Table D-6 default, but the ParameterValueForFuel does
not equal the default value for the fuel.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is invalid. The value should be greater than 0.
You reported an HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled], but you do not
require this value to calculate S02.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 2
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Extraneous Sulfur Record Fields
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
If (Current Sulfur Record is not null)
If (Current Sulfur Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc nt i fi c r is not null)
append "Formulaldentifier" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Sulfur Record. M o ni t o ri ng S v s t e ill ID is not null)
append "MonitoringSystemID" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Sulfur Record. SegllientN ulliber is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Sulfur Record.Opcrat i ngCo ndi t io nCode is not null)
append "OperatingConditionCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
You reported [fieldnames] in the HPFF record for SULFUR for FuelCode [fueled].
This data should be blank.
Non-Critical Error
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-30
Check Name: Check Sulfur Sample Type
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
If (Current Sulfur Record is not null)
If {Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current Sulfur Record.SampleTypeCode not in {1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8})
return result A
else if {Current Fuel Group == "GAS" AND Current Sulfur Record.SampleTypeCode not in {0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})
return result A
Result Response Severity
A The SampleTypeCode reported in the HPFF record for SULFUR for FuelCode [fueled] Critical Error Level 1
is missing or invalid.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-31
Check Name: Determine S02 Emission Rate
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
HFF S02 Emission Rate = null
Current S02R Record = null
Count the HourlyParamFuelFlow record where
HourlyParamFuelFlow.HourlyFuelFlowID = Current Fuel Flow Record. Hourly Flie 1F1 owID AND
HourlyParamFuelFlow.ParameterCode = "S02R"
If (Count >1)
return result A
Else If (Count == 0)
If (HFFS02 Equation Code == "D-5")
return result B
Else if (HFFS02 Equation Code== "D-5")
Current S02R Record = matching record
If (Current S()2R Record. ParamctcrUOMCodc <> "LBMMBTU"}
return result C
else if (Current S02R Record. Paraln Va 1Flie 1 > 0)
HFF S02 Emission Rate = Current S02R Record. Pa rain Va 1F lie 1
return result D
return result E
You reported more than one HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the
You reported a formula with a FormulaCode of "D-5" in the HPFF record for S02 for
FuelCode [fueled], but you did not report an HPFF record for S02R. Use of formula
D-5 to calculate S02 requires the reporting of the S02 emission rate for the fuel.
The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for S02R for FuelCode [fueled]
is missing or invalid. The value should be "LBMMBTU".
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is invalid. The value should be greater than 0.
You reported an HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled], but you do not
require this value to calculate S02.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Extraneous S02R Record Fields
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
If (Current S02R Record is not null)
If (Current S02R Record. M o n i t o ri ng S v s t e m ID is not null)
append "MonitoringSystemID" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current S02R Record. SegmentNumber is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current S02R Record. Opcrat i ngCo ndi t io nCode is not null)
append "OperatingConditionCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current S02R Record. SampleTypeCode is not null)
append "SampleTypeCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
You reported [fieldnames] in the HPFF record for S02R for FuelCode [fueled]. This
data should be blank.
Non-Critical Error
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-33
Check Name: Check S02R Formula
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
If (Current S02R Record is not null)
If (Current S02R Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc n t i fi c r is null)
If {Current Fuel Flow Record.FuclCode <> "PNG" OR Current S02R Record. Paraln Va 1Flie 1 <> 0.0006)
return result A
Cur S02R Mon Formula Record = Lookup active formula in MonitoringFormula Table where
MonitoringFormulalD = Current S02R Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Fo rmu 1 a ID
if (Cur S02R Mon Formula Record is null)
return result B
else if (Cur S02R Mon Formula Record. ParamctcrCodc <> "S02R"
return result C
else if (Cur S02R Mon Formula i?ecor
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-34
Check Name: Check Reported S02 Mass Rate
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
If (Current S02 HPFFRecord is not null)
If (Current S02 HPFF Record. Pa rain Va 1F lie 1 is null or is less than 0
return result A
else if (Current Fuel Group == "OIL" AND Current S02 HPFF Record. Paraln Va 1Flie 1 is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result B
Result Response Severity
A The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for S02 for FuelCode Critical Error Level 1
[fueled] is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
B You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the Critical Error Level 1
appropriate precision for that parameter.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAD-35
Check Name: Determine FC Factor
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Validation Tables:
Fuel Type Reality Checks for FC FACTOR (Cross Check Table)
HFF Fc Factor = null
Current Fc Factor Record = null
Count the HourlyParamFuelFlow record where
HourlyParamFuelFlow.HourlyFuelFlowID = Current Fuel Flow Record. Hourly Flie 1F1 owID AND
HourlyParamFuelFlow.ParameterCode = "FC"
If (Count >1)
return result A
Else If (Count == 0)
If (Current C02 HPFFRecord is not null)
return result B
Else if (Current C02 HPFF Record is not null)
Current Fc Factor Record = matching record
If {Current Fc Factor Record.ParameterUOMCode <> "SCFCBTU")
return result C
else if (Current FcFactor Record. Paraln Va 1Flie 1 > 0)
if (Current FcFactor Record. Pa ra ln Va 1Flie 1 is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result G
HFF Fc Factor = Current Fc Factor Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F lie 1
Max Allowed Fc Factor = Lookup "Upper Value" in "Fuel Type Reality Checks for FC Factor Cross Check
where "FuelType" column = Current Fuel Group
Min Allowed Fc Factor = Lookup "Lower Value" in "Fuel Type Reality Checks for FC Factor Cross Check Table"
where "FuelType" column = Current Fuel Group
If {Max Allowed FcFactor is not null AND Current Fc Factor Record. Pa rain Va 1F lie 1 > Max Allowed Fc Factor)
OR {Min Allowed FcFactor is not null AND Current Fc Factor Record. Pa ra l n Va 1F lie 1 < Min Allowed Fc Factor)
return result D
return result E
return result F
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You reported more than one HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the
You reported an HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled], but you did not report an
HPFF record for FC for the hour.
The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for FC for FuelCode [fueled] is
missing or invalid.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode
[fueled] is outside the range of allowable values for the fuel type.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for FC for FuelCode [fueled]
is invalid.
You reported an HPFF record for FC for FuelCode [fueled], but you have not reported
an HPFF record for C02 for the hour.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Extraneous Fc Factor Record Fields
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
If (Current Fc Factor Record is not null)
If (Current Fc Factor Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc n t i fi c r is not null)
append "Formulaldentifier" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Fc Factor Record. M o ni t o ri ng Sy s t c ill ID is not null)
append "MonitoringSystemID" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Fc Factor Record. SegllientN ulliber is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Fc Factor Record.Opcrat i ngCo ndi t io nCode is not null)
append "OperatingConditionCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current Fc Factor Record. Sa illp 1 cTy pcCodc is not null)
append "SampleTypeCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
You reported [fieldnames] in the HPFF record for FC for FuelCode [fueled]. This data Non-Critical Error
should be blank.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-37
Check Name: Validate C02 Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
Current C02 HPFF Record = null
Count the HourlyParamFuelFlow record where
HourlyParamFuelFlow.HourlyFuelFlowID = Current Fuel Flow Record. Hourly Flie 1F1 owID AND
HourlyParamFuelFlow.ParameterCode = "C02"
If (Count >1)
CO2 App D Accumulator = -1
return result A
Else If (Count == 0)
If (C()2 App D Method Active For Hour == true)
CO2 App D Accumulator = -1
If (Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result B
return result H
Else if (CO 2 App D Method Active For Hour == true)
Current C02 HPFF Record = matching record
CO2 HPFF Exists = true
if (Current C02 HPFF Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Fo rmu 1 a I d is null
return result C
Cur C02 Mon Formula Record = Lookup active formula in MonitoringFormula Table where
MonitoringFormulalD = Current C02 HPFF Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Fo rmu 1 a ID
if (Cur C02 Mon Formula Record is null)
return result D
else if (Cur CO2 Mon Formula Record.ParameterCode <> "C02")
return result E
else if (Cur CO2 Mon Formula Record.EquationCode o "G-4")
return result F
return result G
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You reported more than one HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled] for the
Your monitoring plan indicates the use of the Appendix D C02 method, but you did
not report an HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled] for the hour.
You did not report a FormulalD in the HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled].
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled], but
there is no active Formula record for this formula in your monitoring plan.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled], but
this is not a C02 formula.
The FormulaCode of FormulalD [ID] reported in the HPFF record for C02 for
FuelCode [fueled] is invalid. The FormulaCode should be "G-4".
You reported an HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled], but you do not have an
active Appendix D C02 method for the hour.
Your monitoring plan indicates the use of the Appendix D C02 method, but you did
not report an HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled] for the hour. Fuel-specific
C02 emissions data was not required in the EDR data, but is required for all data
submitted through ECMPS. The software will not recalculate C02 emissions values.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Extraneous C02 Record Fields
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
If (Current C02 HPFFRecord is not null)
If (Current C02 HPFF Record. M o ni t o ri ng Sy s t e ill ID is not null)
append "MonitoringSystemID" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current C02 HPFF Record. Seg 1 lie n t N u 1 libe r is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current C02 HPFF Record. O pc ra t i ngCo ndi t i o nCode is not null)
append "OperatingConditionCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Current C02 HPFF Record. Sa 111 p 1 cTy pcCodc is not null)
append "SampleTypeCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If (Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
You reported [fieldnames] in the HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled]. This
data should be blank.
Non-Critical Error
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Calculate C02 Mass Rate
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
HFFCalcC02 = null
If (Current C02 HPFFRecord is not null)
if (HFF Calc HI Rate is not null AND HFF Fc Factor is not null)
CO2 HPFF Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "C02" AND
HFF Calc C02 = HFF Calc HI Rate * HFF Fc Factor * 44.0 / (385.0 * 2000.0), and round the result to one decimal
If Current Fuel Flow Record. Fuel U sageTi me > 0 AND Current Fuel Flow Record. Fucl U sageTi me <= 1 AND CO2 App
D Accumulator >= 0)
// Note - this accumulates totals for all Fuel flow records and does not work like a normal parameter
CO2 App D Accumulator = C02 App D Accumulator + HFF Calc C02 * Current Fuel Flow
Record .FuelU sageTime
CO2 App D Accumulator = -1
If (Current C02 HPFF Record .ParamValFuel >= 0)
if (ABS(HFF Calc C02 - Current C02 HPFF Record. Pa rain Va 1 Fuc 1) > C02 HPFF Tolerance)
return result A
CO2 App D Accumulator = -1
return result B
The ParameterValueForFuel reported for HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled]
is inconsistent with the recalculated value.
The ParameterValueForFuel in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled]
could not be recalculated due to errors listed above.
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Reported C02 Mass Rate
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
If (Current C02 HPFFRecord is not null)
If (Current C02 HPFF Record. Pa rain Va 1F lie 1 is null or is less than 0
return result A
else if (Current C02 HPFF Record. Pa rain Va 1F lie 1 is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result B
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode
[fueled] is invalid. The value should be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-44
Check Name: Check C02 Units Of Measure
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
If (Current C02 HPFFRecord is not null)
If (Current C02 HPFF Record.Paxm\c{cx\KmCoAc <> "TNHR")
return result A
Result Response Severity
A The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for C02 for FuelCode [fueled] Critical Error Level 1
is missing or invalid. The value should be "TNHR".
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAD-45
Check Name: Determine Appendix D Measure Codes
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
If (Current Fuel Flow Record.SourceOfDataMassCode inset {4, 5, 6} OR Current Fuel Flow Record.SourceOfDataVolumetncCode in
set {4, 5, 6} OR Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" =="OTHER")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" to "OTHER"
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. So u rccO fD a t a MassCode in set {1, 3 } OR Current Fuel Flow Record. So u rceO fD a t a Vo 1 u llie t ri cCode
in set {1, 3})
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" begins with "MEAS")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" to "SUB"
else if (Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rccO fD a t a Mass C ode in set {0, 9} OR Current Fuel Flow Record. S o u rceO fD a t a Vo 1 u l lie t ri c C ode
in set {0, 9}))
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" contains "SUB")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" to "MEASURE"
if (Current Sulfur Record is not null)
if (Current Sulfur Record. SampleTypeCode == 8)
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "SULFUR" begins with "MEAS")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "SULFUR" to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "SULFUR" to "SUB"
else if (Current Sulfur Record. SampleTypeCode in set {0, I, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7})
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "SULFUR" contains "SUB")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "SULFUR" to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "SULFUR" to "MEASURE"
if (Current GC VRecord is not null)
if (Current GC VRecord. SampleTypeCode == 8)
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "GCV" begins with "MEAS")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "GCV" to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "GCV" to "SUB"
else if (Current GCV Record. SampleTypeCode in set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7})
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "GCV contains "SUB")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "GCV to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "GCV to "MEASURE"
if (Current Density Record is not null)
if (Current Density Record.SampleTypeCode == 8)
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "DENSITY" begins with "MEAS")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "DENSITY" to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "DENSITY" to "SUB"
else if (Current Density Record.SampleTypeCode in set {1, 2, 5, 6, 7})
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "DENSITY" contains "SUB")
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set Monitor Measure Code Array for "DENSITY" to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "DENSITY" to "MEASURE"
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Category:
Hourly Appendix E
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Check Code: HOURAE-1
Check Name: Initialize AE Reporting Method
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix E Check
Description: Determines whether Appendix E Reporting is from a single fuel source, multiple fuel sources, or a Constant
Mix Fuel Source
App E Reporting Method = null
App E Op Code = null
App E Segment Number = null
App E Reported Value = null
App E Fuel Code = null
App E Calc HI = null
if {Current NOx Rate Method Code== "AE")
Total Fuel Sources = Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil
II App E Constant Fuel Mix detected when processing DHV records
if (Total Fuel Sources >1)
App E Reporting Method = "MULTIPLE"
else if (Total Fuel Sources == 1)
App E Reporting Method = "SINGLE"
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
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Check Code: HOURAE-2
Check Name: Validate NOXR Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix E Check
Description: Locates the appropriate NOXR HourlyParamFuelFlow record for current fuel flow record
Current App E NOXR Record = null
App E NOXR HPFF Count for Gas = find matching HourlyParamFuelFlow records where
HourlyParamFuelFlow.HourlyFuelFlowID = Current Fuel Flow Record. Hourly Flie 1F1 owID AND
HourlyParamFuelFlow.ParameterCode = "NOXR"
If (App E NOXR HPFF Count for Gas == 0)
if (App E Reporting Method in set {MULTIPLE, SINGLE})
NOXR App E Accumulator = -1
return result A
else if (If App E NOXR HPFF Count for Gas >1)
if (App E Reporting Method in set {MULTIPLE, SINGLE})
NOXR App E Accumulator = -1
return result B
return result D
Else if (App E Reporting Method in set {MULTIPLE, SINGLE})
Current App E NOXR Record = matching record
App E Segment Number = Current App E NOXR Record. SegmentNumber
App E Reported Value = Current App E NOXR Record. Pa ra ln Va 1Flie 1
App E Calc HI = HFF Calc HI Rate
App E Fuel Code = Current Fuel Flow Record. Fucl Code
if Current AppeE NOXR Record.Opcrati ngCondit ionCode in set {E, X, Y, Z, U, W, N, M}
App E Op Code = Current App E NOXR Record.O\~>cn\{\ngCo ndi t io nCodc
App E Op Code = null
return result C
else if (App E Reporting Method == "CONSTANT")
return result D
return result E
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You did not report an HPFF record for NOXR to report the NOx emission rate for
individual fuels.
You reported more than one HPFF record for NOXR for FuelCode [fueled] for the
The OperatingConditionCode reported in the HPFF record for NOXR for FuelCode
[FUELCD] is missing or invalid.
You reported an HPFF record for NOXR, but, according to your monitoring plan, you
use an Appendix E mixed fuel curve to determine the NOx emission rate. If this is the
case, you should report the NOx emission rate in a NOXR DHV record. The HPFF
record will not be evaluated and the NOx emissions rate will not be recalculated.
You reported an HPFF record for NOXR, but you have not defined a NOXR AE
method in your monitoring plan that is active during the current hour. The HPFF
record will not be evaluated and the NOx emissions rate will not be recalculated.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check for Extraneous Fields in NOXR Record
Related Former Checks:
Appendix E Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
if {Current App E NOXR Record is not null)
if {Current App E NOXR Record. Samp 1 cTy pcCodc is not NULL)
append "SampleTypeCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
if {Current App E NOXR Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Fo rmu 1 a I d is not NULL)
append "MonitoringFormulalD" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
If {Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
You reported [fieldnames] in the HPFF record for NOXR for FuelCode [fueled]. This Non-Critical Error
data should be blank.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURAE-5
Check Name: Check Monitoring System Data for Appendix E NOXR
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix E Check
Description: Verifies whether monitoring system reported for Appendix E NOXR meets the reporting requirements
if {Current App E NOXR Record is not null)
App E NOXE System ID = null
App E NOXE System Identifier = null
if {Current App E NOXR Record. MonitoringSy steinld is null)
if {Current App E NOXR OperatingConditionCodc == "E")
if {HFF Fuel Indicator Code <> "E")
return result A
return result B
// report Monitoring System in all other cases
Current App E NOXR Mon Sys Record = find MonitoringSystem record where
MonitoringSystemMonitoringSystemld = Current App E NOXR Record .MonitoringSystemld
if {Current App E NOXR Mon Sys Record is null)
return result C
else if {Current App E NOXR Mon Sys Record. SystemTypeCode <> "NOXE"
return result D
else if {Current App E NOXR Mon Sys RecordFvlqXCo&q <> Current Fuel Flow Record.Vuc\CoAc
return result E
App E NOXE System ID = Current App E NOXR Record .MonitoringSystemld
App E NOXE System Identifier = Current App E NOXR Mon Sys Record. Systemldentifier
The OperatingConditionCode of E reported in the HPFF record for NOXR for
FuelCode [fueled] indicates that the fuel is an emergency fuel, but this is inconsistent
with the IndicatorCode in the UnitFuel record for the fuel.
You did not report a MonitoringSystemID in the HPFF record for NOXR for FuelCode
[fueled], but you did not report an OperatingConditionCode of E. You must report a
NOXE MonitoringSystemID for non-emergency fuels.
You reported MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the HPFF record for NOXR for FuelCode
[fueled], but there is no MonitorSystem record for this system in your monitoring plan
that was active during the hour.
You reported MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the HPFF record for NOXR for FuelCode
[fueled], but this system is not a NOXE monitoring system.
You reported NOXE MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the HPFF record for NOXR, but the
FuelCode of this system is not equal to FuelCode [fueled] in the associated HFF record.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Retrieve Appendix E Correlation Test Results or Default Value
Appendix E Check
Finds most recent successful test results for Appendix E Tests in QASupplementalData or TestSummary
Maximum App E Curve NOx Emission Rate = null
App E NOx MER = null
App E Segment Total = null
If (App E Op Code in set {N, W, X, Y, Z} )
if (Current Appendix E Status begins with "IC" or "Undetermined")
QA Supp Attribute Count Record = matching record in QASuppAttribute where
Q ASupp Attribute. Q ASuppDatald = Prior Appendix E Record. Q ASuppDatald
QASuppAttribute. AttributeName = "SEGMENTCOUNT"
if (QA Supp Attribute Count Record is not null)
App E Segment Total = QA Supp AttributeCount Record. Attribute Value
Dimension App E Correlation NOx Rate Array with App E Segment Total elements
Dimension App E Correlation Heat Input Array with App E Segment Total elements
for (X = 1 to App E Segment Total)
QA Supp Attribute Segment NOx Record = matching record in QASuppAttribute where
QASuppAttribute.Q ASuppDatald = Prior Appendix E Record.Q ASuppDatald
QASuppAttribute.AttributeName = "NOX RATE X" (where X matches the loop variable)
if (QA Supp Attribute Segment NOx Record is not null)
if (QA Supp Attribute Segment NOx Record. Attribute Value >MaximumApp E Curve NOx
Emission Rate
Maximum App E Curve NOx Emission Rate = QA Supp Attribute Segment NOx
Record. AttributeValue
App E Correlation NOx Rate Array[X\ = QA Supp Attribute Segment NOx
Record. AttributeValue
QA Supp Attribute Segment HI Record = matching record in QASuppAttribute where
QASuppAttribute.Q ASuppDatald = Prior Appendix E Record.Q ASuppDatald
QASuppAttribute.AttributeName = "HI RATE X" (where X matches the loop variable)
if (QA Supp Attribute Segment HI Record is not null)
App E Correlation Heat Input Array[X\ = QA Supp Attribute Segment HI
Record. AttributeValue
else if (App E Op Code i n set {E, M, U} )
Count active MonitoringDefault record for location where
ParameterCode = "NORX" AND
DefaultPurpose = "MD" AND
FuelCode = App E Fuel Code
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if (Count <> 1)
return result A
App E NOx MER Default Record = matching record
If (App E NOx MER DefauIt Record Dcfan 11 Va 1 lie > 0
App E NOx MER = App E NOx MER Defau It Record. D c fan 11 Va 1 lie
return result B
Result Response Severity
A The NOx emission rate could not be determined, because you did not report one and Critical Error Level 1
only one missing data default record for NORX for FuelCode [fueled] in your
monitoring plan that was active during current hour.
B The NOx emission rate could not be determined, because the Default Value in the Critical Error Level 1
NORX default record for FuelCode [fueled] is invalid.
Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
App E Checks Needed Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals false
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Check Code: HOURAE-8
Check Name: Determine Appendix E Curve Segment
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix E Check
App E Calc Segment Num = null
if (App E Op Code is not null)
switch (App E Op Code)
case "E" or "U" or "M" or "W":
if App E Segment Number is not null
return result A
case "N" or "X":
If (App E Segment Total is not null)
if App E Segment Number is not null
if [App E Segment Number > number of elements in the App E Correlation NOx Rate Array)
return result B
else if (App E Correlation NOx Rate Array [ App E Segment Number] <> Maximum App E
Curve NOx Emission Rate)
return result B
if (Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result G
case "Y" OR "Z":
If (App E Calc HI is not null) and (App E Segment Total is not null)
/ = 1
while (i <= App E Segment Total AND App E C ale HI > App E Correlation Heat Input Rate
i = i + 1
if (i <= App E Segment Total AND App E Calc HI <= App E Correlation Heat Input Array[i\)
App E Calc Segment Num = i
if (App E Op Code == "Z")
if (App E Calc Segment Num <> 1)
return result C
else if App E Segment Number is null
if (Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result G
else if (App E Segment Number <> 1)
return result D
else if App E Segment Number is null
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if (Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result G
else if (App E Calc HI == App E Correlation Heat Input Array[i\)
if (App E Segment Number <> App E Calc Segment Num AND App E Segment
Number <> App E Calc Segment Num + 1)
return result E
if (App E Segment Number <> App E Calc Segment Num)
return result E
return result F
Result Response Severity
A You reported a SegmentNumber in the HPFF or DHV record for NOXR for FuelCode Critical Error Level 1
[fueled]. This field should be blank when OperatingConditionCode is [OpCode].
B You reported an OperatingConditionCode of [OpCode] in the DHV or HPFF record for Non-Critical Error
NOXR for FuelCode [fueled], but the reported SegmentNumber does not represent the
segment on the Appendix E curve with the maximum NOx emission rate.
C You reported an OperatingConditionCode of Z in the DHV or HPFF record for NOXR Critical Error Level 1
for FuelCode [fueled], but the calculated heat input rate is not below the lowest point
on the Appendix E curve.
D You reported an OperatingConditionCode of Z in the DHV or HPFF record for NOXR Critical Error Level 1
for FuelCode [fueled], but you did not report a SegmentNumber of 1.
E The SegmentNumber reported in the HPFF or DHV record for NOXR for FuelCode Critical Error Level 1
[fueled] is inconsistent with the calculated heat input.
F You reported an OperatingConditionCode of [OpCode] in the DHV or HPFF record for Critical Error Level 1
NOXR for FuelCode [fueled], but the calculated heat input rate is higher than the
maximum heat input rate on the Appendix E curve. You should report an
OperatingConditionCode of W, and use the appropriate substitute data algorithm to
calculate the NOx emission rate.
G You did not report a SegmentNumber in the HPFF or DHV record for NOXR for Critical Error Level 1
FuelCode [fueled].
Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
App E Checks Needed Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals false
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Check Code: HOURAE-9
Check Name: Calculate Appendix E NOx Rate
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix E Check
Description: For Appendix E data that was extrapolated to the piecewise linear curve under conditions where the Operating
Condition Code was reported as ""Y", this check ensures that the reported value matches the calculated value
based on heat input.
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source = null
if (App E Op Code in set {Y, Z})
If (App E Calc Segment Num is not null)
if (App E Calc Segment Num == 1)
App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source = App E Correlation NOx RateArray[l]
y2 = App E Correlation NOx Rate Array[App E Calc Segment Num]
x2 = App E Correlation Heat Input Array[App E Calc Segment Num]
y 1 = App E Correlation NOx Rate Array[App E Calc Segment Num - 1]
xl = App E Correlation Heat Input Array[App E Calc Segment Num - 1]
slope = (y2 - y 1) / (x2 - xl)
App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source = slope * (App E Calc HI - xl) + y 1, and round the result to 3 decimal
else if (App E Op Code in set {N, X})
App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source = Maximum App E Curve NOx Emission Rate
else if (App E Op Code in set {E, M, U})
App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source = App E NOx MER
else if (App E Op Code == " W" AND Maximum App E Curve NOx Emission Rate is not null AND App E Reported Value >= 0 AND
App E Reported Value is rounded to three decimal places)
If (App E Reported Value >= Maximum App E Curve NOx Emission Rate * 1.25 (rounded to 3 decimal places))
App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source = App E Reported Value
Count active MonitoringDefault record for location where
ParameterCode = "NORX" AND
DefaultPurpose = "MD" AND
FuelCode = App E Fuel Code
if (Count <> 1)
return result A
NOx MER Default Record = matching record
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If (NOxMER Default RecordDefaultYalue > 0)
If (App E Reported Value >= NOxMER Defau It Record. D c fan 11 Va 1 lie)
App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source = App E Reported Value
if (App E Reporting Method == "CONSTANT" or "APPORTIONED")
return result B
NOXR App E Accumulator = -1
return result C
if (App E Reporting Method == "CONSTANT" or "APPORTIONED")
return result D
NOXR App E Accumulator = -1
return result D
if (App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source is not null)
NOXR HPFF Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOXR" AND
if (App E Reporting Method == "CONSTANT")
if (App E Reported Value >= 0 AND ABS(App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source - App E Reported Value) > NOXR
HPFF Tolerance)
return result E
if (App E Reporting Method == "APPORTIONED")
Apportionment Calc NOXR Array at this Location = App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source
if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOx Rate
Calculated Accumulator Array for this location + App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = App E Calculated NOx Rate for
Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array
for this location + 1
Set Current Measure Code to the Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR".
if (App E Reported Value >= 0 AND ABS(App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source - App E Reported Value) > NOXR
HPFF Tolerance)
return result E
If Current Fuel Flow Record. Fucl U sageTi me > 0 AND Current Fuel Flow Record. Fucl U sageTi me <= 1 AND NOXR
App E Accumulator >= 0 AND App E Calc HI is not null)
NOXR App E Accumulator = NOXR App E Accumulator + (App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source * Current
Fuel Flow Record. Fuel U sageTi me * App E Calc HI)
NOXR App E Accumulator = -1
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if (App E Reported Value >= 0 AND ABS( App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source - App E Reported Value) > NOXR
HPFF Tolerance)
return result F
if (App E Reporting Method == "CONSTANT")
return result G
else if (App E Reporting Method == "APPORTIONED")
Apportionment Calc NOXR Array at this Location = -1
Rpt Period NOX Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result G
else if (App E Op Code is not null)
NOXR App E Accumulator = -1
return result H
The NOx emission rate could not be determined, because you did not report one and
only one missing data default record for NORX for FuelCode [fueled] in your
monitoring plan that was active during current hour.
You reported an OperatingConditionCode of W in the DHV record for NOXR for
FuelCode [fueled], but the AdjustedHourly Value is less than the minimum allowable
substitute data value according to Appendix E sec.
You reported an OperatingConditionCode of W in the HPFF record for NOXR for
FuelCode [fueled], but the ParameterValueForFuel is less than the minimum allowable
substitute data value according to Appendix E sec.
The NOx emission rate could not be determined, because the Default Value in the
NORX default record for FuelCode [fueled] is invalid.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with
the recalculated value.
The ParameterValueForFuel reported in the HPFF record for NOXR for FuelCode
[fueled] is inconsistent with the value recalculated from the Appendix E curve.
The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due
to errors listed above.
The ParameterValueForFuel in the HPFF record for [parameter] for FuelCode [fueled]
could not be recalculated due to errors listed above.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Informational Message
Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
App E Checks Needed Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals false
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Reported NOx Emission Rate
Related Former Checks:
Appendix D Check
If {Current Appe E NOXR Record is not null)
If {Current App E NOXR Record. Para 111 Va 1Flie 1 is null or is less than 0
return result A
else if {Current App E NOXR Record. Pa ra 111 Va 1Fuc 1 is not rounded to three decimal places)
return result B
The ParameterValueforFuel reported in the HPFF record for NOXR for FuelCode
[fueled] is invalid. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code: HOURAE-14
Check Name: Check NOXR Units Of Measure
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: Appendix D Check
If {Current App E NOXR Record is not null)
If {Current App E NOXR Record.ParamctcrUOIVICodc <> "LBMMBTU")
return result A
Result Response Severity
A The ParameterUOMCode reported in the HPFF record for NOXR for FuelCode Critical Error Level 1
[fueled] is missing or invalid. The value should be "LBMMBTU".
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Determine Appendix E Measure Code
Related Former Checks:
Appendix E Check
if (App E Op Code is not null)
If (App E Op Code = "E" or Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR" =="OTHER")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR" to "OTHER"
else if (App E Op Code in set {M, U, N})
if {Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR" begins with "MEAS")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR" to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR" to "SUB"
else if (App E Op Code in set {W, X, Y, Z})})
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR" contains "SUB")
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR" to "MEASSUB"
set Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR" to "MEASURE"
Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
App E Checks Needed Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals true
Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hourly Fuel Flow
App E Constant Fuel Mix Equals false
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Check Category:
Hourly Apportionment
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Determine Monitoring Plan Configuration
Related Former Checks: HOUROP-28
CEM Check
Determines whether the current MP is a Common Stack, Multistack, or simple Unit
MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks = null
MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks = null
MP Load UOM = null
MP Unit Load = null
Stack OpTimeAccumulator = 0
Stack LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator = 0
Pipe LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator = 0
Config Heat Input limes()p lime Accumulator = 0
Config NOxRatelimesHeatlnput Accumulator = 0
Config NOxRateTimesOpTime Accumulator = 0
Config OpTime Accumulator = 0
Config Heatlnput Accumulator = 0
Max Stack OpTime = 0
Unit OpTime Accumulator = 0
Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator = 0
Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = 0
Max Unit OpTime = 0
CP Fuel Count = 0
Current Month = month from Current Date
App E Reporting Method = null
App E Op Code = null
App E Segment Number = null
App E Reported Value = null
App E Fuel Code = null
App E Calc HI = null
App E NOXE System ID = null
App E NOXE System Identifier = null
CurrentAppendixEStatus = null
EarliestLocationReportDate = null
Current Measure Code = null
Set Monitor Measure Code Array to null for each parameter.
For each array below, initialize each array with Current Location Count entries and the values as described
Apportionment OpTime Array - set each element in array to 0.0
Apportionment Load Array - set each element in array to 0
Apportionment Calc HI Array - set each element in array to 0.0
Apportionment CalcNOXR Array - set each element in array to 0.0
Apportionment HI Method Array - set each element in array to null
Apportionment NOX Method Array - set each element in array to null
Apportionment HI Measure Code Array - set each element in array to null
Apportionment NOXR Measure Code Array - set each element in array to null
Apportionment Stack Unit List - set each element in array to null
Apportionment NOXR Method Array - set each element in array to null
Apportionment Stack Flow Array - set each element in array to null
Apportionment MATS Load Array - set each element in array to null
If Current Location Count > 1
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Find List of MonitorLocationlds in MonitorPlanLocation Table that match Current Monitoring Plan Id
For each MonitorLocationld in list, lookup record in MonitorLocation table
if StackPipeld is not null, add StackPipeld to StackPipe list
if Unitld is not null, add Unitld to Unit list
MS Count = 0
MP Count = 0
CS Count = 0
CP Count = 0
Unit Count = 0
CS Unit Count = 0
CP Unit Count = 0
Unit MS Count = 0
For each MonitorLocationld in list, lookup record in MonitorLocation table
if \ fori i tor Location.SVAckPlpc\D is not null,
set Stack Unit Count to 0
for each UnitStackConfiguration record where
BeginDate <= Current Date AND EndDate >= Current Date AND
StackPipeld = MonitorLocation. StackPipeld
add 1 to Stack Unit Count
append MonitorLocationID of the unit to Apportionment Stack Unit List for the stack location
if (StackPipeUnit Count > 0)
if (\ lonitorl.ocation.StackPipcNamc begins with "MS")
add 1 to MS Count
else if {MonitorLocation. StackPipeName begins with "MP")
add 1 to MP Count
else if {MonitorLocation. StackPipeName begins with "CS")
add 1 to CS Count
f (CS Count == 1)
CS Unit Count = Stack Unit Count
else if (A loniiorLocaiion. StackPipeName begins with "CP")
add 1 to CP Count
if {CP Count ==1)
CP Unit Count = Stack Unit Count
else if Unitld is not null
add 1 to Unit Count
if {Unit Count == 1)
Unit MS Count = number of UnitStackConfiguration records where
UnitStackConfigurationBogmDatQ <= Current Date AND
UnitStackConfiguration.EndDate >= Current Date AND
UnitStackConfiguration.UnitlD = MonitorLocation. Unitld
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UnitStackC V;«//w;/ra;/V;«,StackPipcNainc begins with "MS"
if (MS Count > 1 AND CS Count == 0 AND Unit Count == 1 AND MS Count == Unit MS Count)
MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks = "MS"
Multiple Stack Configuration = true
else if (CS Count == 1 AND MS Count == 0 AND Unit Count > 1 AND Unit Count == CS Unit Count)
MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks = "CS"
else if (CS Count == 1 AND MS Count > 0)
MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks = "CSMS"
else if (CS Count + MS Count > 0)
MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks = "COMPLEX"
If (CP Count ==1 AND MP Count == 0 AND Unit Count > 1 AND Unit Count == CP Unit Count)
MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks = "CP"
else if (CP Count + MP Count > 0)
MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks = "MULTIPLE"
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Initialization
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Check Code: HOURAPP-2
Check Name: Pre-Validate Heat Input Calculation
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Calculate Apportioned HI = false
Calculate NOXM From Apportioned HI = false
if Current Monitor Plan Location Record. StackPipelD is not null
If the StackPipelD of the monitoring location begins with "CS",
set Current HI Entity Type = "CS"
If the StackPipelD of the monitoring location begins with "CP",
set Current HI Entity Type = "CP"
If the StackPipelD of the monitoring location begins with "MS",
set Current HI Entity Type = "MS"
If the StackPipelD of the monitoring location begins with "MP",
set Current HI Entity Type = "MP"
else if the UnitID of the monitoring location is not null
set Current HI Entity Type = "Unit"
If {Apportionment HI Method Array for the location contains "CALC") OR {Apportionment HI Method Array for the location ==
If {MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks == "CP" AND CP Fuel Count >1)
Apportionment HI Method Array for the location == "NOCALC"
If {Apportionment Oplime Array for the location > 0 AND Apportionment Oplime Array for the location <= 1)
// F-25
If {MPStack Config for Hourly Checks == "CS" AND Current HI Entity Type = "CS")
if {Apportionment NOX Method Array == "NOXR")
Calculate NOXM From Apportioned HI = true
If Apportionment OpTime Array for the location < Max Unit OpTime
return result A
else if Apportionment OpTime Array for the location > Unit OpTime Accumulator + (the number of units in the
monitoring plan * .005)
return result B
If {Config HeatlnputTimesOpTimeAccumulator > 0)
Calculate Apportioned HI = true
if {MPLoad UOM <> "INVALID" AND Stack LoadTimesOpTimeAccumulator > 0 AND Unit
LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator > 0 AND abs{Stack LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator - Unit
LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator) >= number of items in the Apportionment OpTime Array)
return result C
else if {{MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks == "CS" OR MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks == "CP") AND
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Apportionment HI Method Array for the location not in set {NOCALC, COMPLEX})
if (Apportionment NOX Method Array == "NOXR")
Calculate NOXM From Apportioned HI = true
If Max Stack Oplime < Max Unit Oplime AND MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks is null
return result A
else if Max Stack Oplime > Unit Oplime Accumulator + (the number of units in the monitoring plan * .005)
AND MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks is null
return result B
else if MP Load UOM <> "INVALID"
if ((MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks <> "CP" AND MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks == "CS"
AND Stack LoadTimesOpTimeAccumulator > 0 AND Unit LoadTimesOpTimeAccumulator > 0
AND (Stack LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator - Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator) > number of
items in the Apportionment OpTime Array)
return result C
else if (Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator >= 0 AND Apportionment Load Array for this
Location >= 0 AND Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator >= 0 AND Apportionment Calc HI Array
for this Location >= 0)
Calculate Apportioned HI = true
If (Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator == 0)
Apportionment HI Method Array for the location == "NOCALC"
// Cannot apportionment but will validate total configuration
else if ({MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks begins with "CS" OR MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks == "CP" OR MP
Pipe Config for Hourly Checks == "MULTIPLE") AND Apportionment HI Method Array for the location <>
if (Apportionment NOX Method Array == "NOXR")
Calculate NOXM From Apportioned HI = true
If Max Stack OpTime > Unit OpTime Accumulator + (the number of units in the monitoring plan * .005) AND
MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks is null
return result B
else if (Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator > 0 and Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator ==
0) OR (Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator == 0 AND Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator >
return result G
else if (Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator >= 0 AND Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator
Calculate Apportioned HI = true
else if (MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks == "COMPLEX" OR Apportionment HI Method Array for the location ==
if (Apportionment NOX Method Array == "NOXR")
Calculate NOXM From Apportioned HI = true
if (Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator > 0 and Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator == 0) OR
(Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator == 0 AND Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator > 0)
return result G
else if (Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator >= 0 AND Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator
Calculate Apportioned HI = true
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else if (MPStack Config for Hourly Checks == "MS")
if (Apportionment NOX Method Array == "NOXR")
Calculate NOXM From Apportioned HI = true
if (Config HeatlnputTimesOpTimeAccumulator >= 0)
Calculate Apportioned HI = true
If Apportionment OpTime Array for the location < Max Stack OpTime
return result D
else if Apportionment OpTime Array for the location > Stack OpTime Accumulator
return result E
else if (Current Entity Type <>"Unit" AND Apportionment OpTime Array for the location > 0 AND the sum of Apportionment OpTime
Array for all units in the Apportionment Stack Unit List for the location == 0)
if (Current Entity Type starts with "C")
return result B
return result D
else if (Current Entity Type== "MS" AND MPLoad UOM <> "INVALID" and MP Unit Load > 0 AND Apportionment Load Array for
the location > 0)
if (MP Unit Load o Apportionment Load Array for the location)
return result F
The OperatingTime reported at the common stack/pipe is less than the OperatingTime
reported for one or more units linked to the stack/pipe.
Critical Error Level 1
The OperatingTime reported for one (or more) stacks/pipes is greater than the sum of
the operating times reported for the units for the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
The HourLoad reported at the common stack/pipe is inconsistent with the load and
operating time values reported at the units linked to the stack/pipe.
Critical Error Level 1
The OperatingTime reported for the unit is less than the OperatingTime reported for
one or more multiple stacks linked to the unit.
Critical Error Level 1
The OperatingTime reported for the unit is greater than the sum of operating times at
the multiple stacks linked to the unit.
Critical Error Level 1
The HourLoad in the Hourly Operating record for all multiple stacks linked to this unit
are not equal.
Critical Error Level 1
The Heat Input Rate and Operating Time reported for the unit is inconsistent with the
Heat Input Rates and Operating Times for the configuration.
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Calculate Apportioned or Summed Heat Input Rate
Related Former Checks: HOUROP-29
CEM Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
Current HI Apportionment Record = null
HI Calculated Apportioned Value = null
App E Checks Needed = false
If {Apportionment HI Method Array for the location contains "CALC" OR Apportionment HI Method Array for the location equals
If {Calculate Apportioned HI = true)
Count active DerivedHourly ValueData records for location
WHERE ParameterCode = "HI"
If {Count == 1)
Current HI Apportionment Record = matching record
Heat Input Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
// F-25
If {MPStack Config for Hourly Checks == "CS" AND Current HI Entity Type = "CS")
If {Calculate Apportioned HI == true)
HI Calculated Apportioned Value = Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator / Apportionment OpTime
Array for this Location, rounded to one decimal place.
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
If {Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = Rpt Period HI Calculated
Accumulator for this location + {HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment OpTime
Array for this Location)
if {Current Month is April)
April HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = April HI Calculated Accumulator for this
location + {HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment OpTime Array for this
if {Current HI Apportionment Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie >= 0 AND AB S {Current HI Apportionment
Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie - HI Calculated Apportioned Value) > Heat Input Tolerance)
return result A
else if {Apportionment OpTime Array for the location <> 0)
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Parameter = "HI" AND
Calculate Apportioned HI = false
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Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = -1
return result B
// other complex situations
else if {Current HI Entity Type<> "Unit")
If {Calculate Apportioned HI == true AND Current HI Apportionment 7?eŁw= 0)
HI Calculated Apportioned Value = Current HI Apportionment Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
If {Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = Rpt Period HI Calculated
Accumulator for this location + {HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment OpTime
Array for this Location)
if {Current Month is April)
April HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = April HI Calculated Accumulator for this
location + {HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment OpTime Array for this
else if {Apportionment OpTime Array for the location <> 0)
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = -1
return result B
else if {{MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks == "CS" OR MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks == "CP") AND
(Apportionment HI Method Array for the location not in set {NOCALC, COMPLEX})
If (Apportionment NOXR Method Array for the location = "AE")
App E Checks Needed = true
If {Calculate Apportioned HI == true)
if {Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator > 0 OR Current HI Apportionment Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie >=
if {Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator > 0)
HI Calculated Apportioned Value = {Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator*
Apportionment OpTime Array for this Location * Apportionment Load Array for this Location /
Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator) / Apportionment OpTime Array for this Location),
rounded to one decimal place.
HI Calculated Apportioned Value = Current HI Apportionment Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie
HI Calculated Apportioned Value = HI Calculated Apportioned Value + Apportionment CalcHI
Array for this Location
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
If {Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = Rpt Period HI Calculated
Accumulator for this location + {HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment
OpTime Array for this Location)
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if {Current Month is April)
April HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = April HI Calculated Accumulator
for this location + (HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment OpTime Array
for this Location)
if (Current HI Apportionment Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie >= 0 AND AB S(Current HI
Apportionment Record. P\ Heat Input
return result A
else if {Apportionment OpTime Array for the location <> 0)
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = -1
return result B
else if {Apportionment OpTime Array for the location <> 0)
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = -1
return result B
// Cannot apporition or Complex configuration
else if {MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks begins with "CS" OR MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks == "COMPLEX" OR
MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks in set {CP, MULTIPLE})
If (Apportionment NOXR Method Array for the location = "AE")
App E Checks Needed = true
If {Calculate Apportioned HI == true)
If {ABS{ConfigHeatlnputTimesOpTimeAccumulator - UnitHeatlnputTimesOpTimeAccumulator) <= Heat
Input Tolerance OR Apportionment HI Method Array for the location == "COMPLEX" OR {MPStack Config
for Hourly Checks== "COMPLEX" and MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks is null))
HI Calculated Apportioned Value = Current HI Apportionment Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
If (Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = Rpt Period HI Calculated
Accumulator for this location + {HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment
OpTime Array for this Location)
if {Current Month is April)
April HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = April HI Calculated Accumulator
for this location + {HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment OpTime Array
for this Location)
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = -1
return result C
else if {Apportionment OpTime Array for the location <> 0)
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = -1
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Count active DerivedHourly ValueData records for location
WHERE ParameterCode = "HI"
If (Count == 1)
Current HI Apportionment Record = matching record
if {Current HI Apportionment ./tecon/. AdjustedHourly Value >0 AND Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime
Accumulator == 0)
return result D
return result B
return result B
else if (MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks == "MS")
If (Calculate Apportioned HI == true)
HI Calculated Apportioned Value = Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator / Unit OpTime
Accumulator, rounded to one decimal place.
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
If (Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = Rpt Period HI Calculated
Accumulator for this location + (HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Unit OpTime
if (Current Month is April)
April HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = April HI Calculated Accumulator for this
location + (HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment OpTime Array for this
if (Current HI Apportionment Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie >= 0 AND AB S (Current HI Apportionment
wy/ . A dj u s t e d H o u r ly Va 1 u e - HI Calculated Apportioned Value) > Heat Input Tolerance)
return result A
else if (Apportionment OpTime Array for the location <> 0)
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator for this location = -1
return result B
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for HI is inconsistent with the
recalculated apportioned or summed value.
The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due
to other errors listed in this report.
The heat input calculated for the configuration is inconsistent with the sum of the
reported heat input at the units in this configuration.
You reported heat input at the unit, but there was no heat input at any of the locations
where heat input was measured.
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAPP-4
Check Name: Calculate NOx Mass Rate from Apportioned or Summed Heat Input Rate
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
Current NOX Apportionment Based Record = null
NOX Calculated Apportionment Based Value = null
If (Calculate NOXM From Apportioned HI == true)
If (HI Calculated Apportioned Value is not null AND Apportionment Calc NOXR Array for this location >=0)
Count active DerivedHourly ValueData records for location and hour
WHERE ParameterCode = "NOX"
If (Count == 1)
Current NOX Apportionment Based Record = matching record
NOX Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOX" AND
NOX Calculated Apportionment Based Value = HI Calculated Apportioned Value * Apportionment Calc
NOXR Array, rounded to one decimal place.
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true
if (Apportionment Oplime Array for this location is between 0 and 1 (inclusive))
If (Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator for this location) >= 0)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator for this location = Rpt Period NOX
Mass Calculated Accumulator for this location + (NOX Calculated Apportionment
Based Value * Apportionment Oplime Array for this location)
if (Current Month is April)
April NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator for this location = April NOX Mass
Calculated Accumulator for this location + (NOX Calculated Apportionment Based
Value * Apportionment Oplime Array for this location)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator for this location= -1
if (Current NOX Apportionment Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie >= 0)
If (ABS(Current HI Apportionment Ttecon/.AdjustedHourly Value - NOX Calculated Apportionment
Based Value) > NOX Tolerance)
If (Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result A
else if (Apportionment Oplime Array for this Location is greater than 0 and less than or equal
to 1)
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If (A B S( Current HI Apportionment Record. Ad) ustcdHourly Value - NOX Calculated
Apportionment Based Value) > NOX Tolerance / Apportionment OpTime Array for
this Location)
return result A
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator for this location= -1
return result B
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator for this location= -1
return result B
Result Response Severity
A The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with Critical Error Level 1
the recalculated value.
B The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due Informational Message
to other errors listed in this report.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Sum Weighted NOx Emission Rate from Multiple Stacks
Related Former Checks:
CEM Check
If {MPStack Config for Hourly Checks == "MS" AND Current HI Entity Type == "Unit")
If (Config NOxRateTimesHeatlnputAccumulator <> 0 OR Config NOxRateTimesOpTimeAccumulator <> 0)
Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location = true
If {Config NOxRateTimesHeatlnput Accumulator > 0 AND Config Heatlnput Accumulator > 0 AND Rpt Period NOX
Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOX Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOX Rate Calculated
Accumulator for this location + {Config NOxRateTimesHeatlnput Accumulator / Config Heatlnput
Accumulator, rounded to 3 decimal places.)
Rpt Period NOX Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOX Rate Hours Accumulator
for this location + 1
else if {Config NOxRateTimesOpTime Accumulator > 0 AND Config OpTime Accumulator > 0 AND Rpt Period NOX
Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOX Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOX Rate Calculated
Accumulator for this location + {Config NOxRateTimesOpTime Accumulator / Config OpTime Accumulator,
rounded to 3 decimal places.)
Rpt Period NOX Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOX Rate Hours Accumulator
for this location + 1
Rpt Period NOX Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Initialize Variable for Calculating Appendix E NOx Rate via Apportionment
Appendix E Check
If (App E Checks Needed == true)
App E Op Code = null
App E Reporting Method = "APPORTIONED"
Count active DerivedHourly ValueData records for location and hour
WHERE ParameterCode = "NOX"
If (Count == 1)
Current NOXR Apportionment Based Record = matching record
if (Current NOXR Apportionment Based Record. Mo ni to ri ngSy stem ID is not null)
Mon Sys Record = find active MonitoringSystemData record for location where
MonitoringSy stemData.MonitoringSy stemID = Current NOXR Apportionment Based
Record. IVI o n i t o ri ng Sy s t e m ID
if (found AND Mon Sys Record. Sy stemTypeCode == "NOXE" AND Mon Sys Record FueYYypeCode is not null)
if (Current NOXR Apportionment Based Record. OperatingConditionCode in set {X, Y, Z, U, W, N,
App E Op Code= Current NOXR Apportionment Based OperatingConditionCode
App E Calc HI = HI Calculated Apportioned Value
App E Reported Value = Current NOXR Apportionment Based Record. A dj ust cdH o u rl y Va 1 lie
App E Segment Number = Current NOXR Apportionment Based Record. SegmentNumber
App E NOXE System ID = Current NOXR Apportionment Based Record. IVI o n i t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID
App E NOXE System Identifier = Current NOXR Apportionment Based
Record. Sy stemldentifier
App E Fuel Code = Mon Sys Record.Fuel Type Code
EarliestLocationReportDate = CurrentMonitorPlanLocationRecord.EarUcslRcporlDalc
else if (Current NOXR Apportionment Based Record.OperatingConditionCode == "E")
return result A
return result B
return result C
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You reported an OperatingConditionCode of E in the DHV record for NOXR. You
should report the NOx emission rate for emergency fuels in an HPFF record, not a
DHV record.
The OperatingConditionCode reported in the DHV record for NOXR is missing or
According to your monitoring plan, your reported that you are determining NOx
emission rate using the Appendix E methodology, but you did not report a
MonitoringSystemID in this record. You should report the MonitoringSystemID of the
NOXE system associated with the Appendix E fuel curve.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAPP-7
Check Name: Handle NOx Rate Summary Expected for ARP
Related Former Checks:
Description: Sets Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array value for a location to true when the location is a unit and the
unit is affected by ARP.
If CurrentHIEntityType is equal to "Unit", MPStackConfigForHourlyChecks is equal to "MS", and the
ExpectedSummaryValueNOxRateArray value for this location is equal to false,
Locate a record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourAndLocation where:
1) ProgramCode is equal to 'ARP', and
2) Class is equal to 'PI' or 'P2'.
if found,
Set ExpectedSummaryValueNOxRateArray for this location to true
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURAPP-9
Check Name: Check MATS Load Value
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This checks the apportionment of load value to MS in MS configurations. The load is apportioned based on
stack flow. The check calculates the apportioned value and compares it to the reported value with a tolerance
determine by HourlyEmissionsTolerances's LOAD-MW entry.
Set CalculatedMatsMsLoad to null.
If MpStackConfigForHourly Checks is equal to "MS", AND CurrentMonitorPlanLocationRecord.SVAckPlpclD is not null,
Set CurrentMsLoad to ApportionmentMatsLoadArray value for the current location.
If CurrentMsLoad is NOT null,
If the ApportionmentStackFlowArray value for every MS location is NOT null,
Set MsStackFlowSum to the sum of ApportionmentStackFlowArray * ApportionmentOpTimeArray for MS
Set CurrentMsFlow to ApportionmentStackFlowArray * ApportionmentOpTimeArray for the current location.
Set IJnitLoad to ApportionmentMatsLoadArray value for the unit.
If MsStackFlowSum is greater than 0, AND UnitLoad is NOT null and is greater than 0,
Set CalculatedMatsMsLoad to UnitLoad * CurrentMsFlow / MsStackFlowSum, rounded to an integer.
If ABS(CurrentMsLoad - CalculatedMatsMsLoad) is greater than MwLoadHourlyTolerance,
Return result A.
Result Response Severity
A The reported MATS Load value does not match the value of [CALCVALUE] Informational Message
calculated using stack flow apportionment.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Hourly Configuration Evaluation
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Check Category:
Hourly Calculated Data
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Calculate Percent H20
CEM Check
If there was a valid equation code reported for a Derived H20 record and 02 monitored values were available,
this check reproduces the formula for calculating H20 and compares it to the reported H20 Percentage
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
if (H20 Method Code = "MWD" AND Current DHV Record ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 53, 54})
if (H20 CEM Equation Code == "F-31")
if (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND 02 Wet Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND 02 Dry Calculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
H20DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = ((02 Dry Calculated Adjusted Value - 02 Wet Calculated Adjusted
Value) * 100.0 ) / 02 Dry Calculated Adjusted Value, ROUNDED to one decimal place.
H20 Cone Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "H20" AND
If (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true AND ABS (H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value - Current
DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 ue) >H20 Cone Tolerance)
return result A
return result B
else if (H2() CEM Equation Code == "M-1K")
if (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true)
H20DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Record .AdjustedHourly Value
return result B
else if (H20 Method Code = "MDF" AND Current DHV Record ModcCode == "40")
H20DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = H20 Default Value
H20DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with
the recalculated value.
The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due
to errors listed above.
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report H20 Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-3
Check Name: Determine Diluent Cap and Moisture for C02 Concentration Calculation Verification
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Determines the moisture and diluent values used in the C02C calculation.
if (C02 Cone CEM Equation Code == "F-14B")
If (H20 Method Code == "MWD" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted
Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for C02C = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code in set {MMS, MTB} AND H20 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20MHV
Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for C02C = H20 MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted
Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for C02C = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == false AND H20 Default Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for C02C = H20 Default Value
if (Use 02 Diluent Cap for Co2 Cone Calc == true)
02XCount = # of active MonitoringDefault records for location where
ParameterCode = '02X' AND DefaultPurposeCode = 'DC' AND
FuelCode = 'NFS'
if (02XCount > 1)
return result A
else if (02XCount == 0)
return result B
else if MonitoringDefaultDefaultValue <= 0
return result C
Calculated Diluent for C02C = MonitoringDefaultDefaultValue
case (C()2 Cone CEM Equation Code)
Calculated Diluent for C02C = 02 Drv Calculated Adjusted Value
Calculated Diluent for C02C = 02 Wet Calculated Adjusted Value
Result Response
A You reported more than one diluent cap default record for 02X in your monitoring
plan that was active during current hour.
B You did not report a default record for 02X in your monitoring plan that was active
during the current hour. Please note that the use of a diluent cap to calculate C02
concentration is only applicable to legacy data.
C The Default Value reported in the active Default record for 02X in your monitoring
plan is invalid. The value must be greater than 0.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Concentration Calculation Verification
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Calculate C02 Concentration
CEM Check
Based on equation code in C02 Concentration record and reported values, calculate the C02 Concentration
If {Current DHVRecord ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 53, 54})
C02 Cone Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerance" where
Parameter = "C02C" AND
case (CO2 Cone CEM Equation Code)
If {Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for C02C is not null AND Valid FC Factor
Exists == true AND Valid FD Factor == true)
C02C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = 100 * {Current Hourly Op Record. FcFactor I Current Hourly
Op Record .V AV-c\c{or) * [(20.9 - Calculated Diluent for C02C) / 20.9 ], and round the result to 1
decimal place.
If {C02C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value < 0)
C02C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = 0
If {Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true AND ABS(CY/2C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value -
Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value) > C02 Cone Tolerance)
return result A
If {Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for C02C is not null AND Valid FC Factor
Exists == true AND Valid FD Factor Exists == true AND Calculated Moisture for C02C is not null)
C02C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = [100/20.9] * {Current Hourly Op Record. FcFactor /Current
Hourly Op Record actor) * [20.9 * ((100 - Calculated Moisture for C02C)/100) - Calculated
Diluentfor C02C ], and round the result to 1 decimal place.
If {C02C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value < 0)
C02C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = 0
If {Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true AND ABS(CY/2C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value -
Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value) > C02 Cone Tolerance)
return result A
return result B
return result B
return result B
C02C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
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Result Response Severity
A The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with Critical Error Level 1
the recalculated value.
B The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due Informational Message
to errors listed above.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Concentration Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-6
Check Name: Determine Diluent Cap and Moisture for Heat Input Calculation Verification
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Ensures that all inputs are available for each equation type prior to performing the actual calculations
If {Heat Input Method Code== "CEM")
if {Heat Input Equation Code in set {F-16, F-17, F-18}
If {H20 Method Code == "MWD" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHVCalculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisturefor HI = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if {H20 Method Code in set {MMS, MTB} AND H20 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20MHV
Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisturefor HI = H20 MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHV Calculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisturefor HI = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if {H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == false AND H20 Default Value is
not null)
Calculated Moisture for HI = H20 Default Value
if {Heat Input Equation Code = "F-15" OR Heat Input Equation Code = "F-16"
If (Current DHV Record. D i lucntCapI ndicator == 1)
C02N Count = # of active MonitoringDefault records for the location where
ParameterCode = 'C02N' AND DefaultPurposeCode = 'DC' AND
FuelCode = 'NFS'
if {CO2N Count > 1)
return result A
else if {C02N Count == 0)
return result B
else if MonitoringDefaultDefaultValue <= 0
return result C
Calculated Diluent For HI = MonitoringDefaultDefaultValue
else if (C()2 Cone Checks Needed for Heat Input == true)
if {Current C02 Cone Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record is not null)
Calculated Diluent for HI = C02C SD Calculated Adjusted Value
Calculated Diluentfor HI = C02C MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if {Heat Input Equation Code = "F-17" OR Heat Input Equation Code == "F-18")
if (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.DiluentCapIndicator == 1)
02XCount = # of active MonitoringDefault records for the location where
ParameterCode = '02X' AND DefaultPurposeCode = 'DC' AND
FuelCode = 'NFS'
if {02XCount > 1)
return result D
else if {02XCount == 0)
return result E
else if MonitoringDefaultDefaultValue <= 0
return result F
Calculated Diluent For HI = MonitoringDefaultDefaultValue
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else if (Heat Input Equation Code = "F-17" AND 02 Wet Checks Neededfor Heat Input == true)
if {Current 02 Wet Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record is not null)
Calculated Diluent for HI = 02C SD Calculated Adjusted Value
Calculated Diluent for HI = 02 Wet Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (Heat Input Equation Code = "F-18" AND 02 Dry Checks Neededfor Heat Input == true)
if (Current 02 Dry Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record is not null)
Calculated Diluent for HI = 02C SD Calculated Adjusted Value
Calculated Diluent for HI = 02 Dry Calculated Adjusted Value
You reported more than one diluent cap default record for C02N in your monitoring
plan that was active during the current hour.
You did not report an active C02N diluent cap default record in your monitoring plan
for the hour. The use of the diluent cap to calculate HI is only applicable for legacy
The Default Value reported in the active Default record for C02N in your monitoring
plan is invalid. The value must be greater than 0.
You reported more than one diluent cap default record for 02X in your monitoring
plan that was active during current hour.
You did not report a default record for 02X in your monitoring plan that was active
during the current hour. Please note that the use of a diluent cap to calculate HI is only
applicable to legacy data.
The Default Value reported in the active Default record for 02X in your monitoring
plan is invalid. The value must be greater than 0.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Heat Input Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-7
Check Name: Calculate Heat Input
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
if (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true AND Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\ngT\ me is between 0 and 1 (inclusive))
Heat Input Total Reported Value = Current DHVRecord. AdjustedHourly Value * Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\me.
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
if (Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator
Array for this location + Heat Input Total Reported Value
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Heat Input Total Reported Value
if (Current Entity Type == "Unit" AND Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTimeAccumulator >= 0)
Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator + Heat Input Total Reported
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
if (Current Entity Type == "Unit")
Unit HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
Total Heat Input from Fuel Flow = null
If (Heat Input Method Code= "CEM")
case (Heat Input Equation Code)
= "F-15":
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluentfor HI is not null AND Valid FC Factor Exists
== true AND FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
HI Calculated Adjusted Value = (FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value * Calculated Diluent for Heat
Input) / (Current Hourly Op Ttecon/.FcFactor * 100.0), and round the result to 1 decimal place.
return result A
= "F-16":
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluentfor HI is not null AND Valid FC Factor Exists
== true AND FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND Calculated Moisturefor HI is not null)
HI Calculated Adjusted Value = [FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value * (100 - Calculated Moisture for
HI) * Calculated Diluent for HI ] / (10,000 * Current Hourly Op Record.FcFactor), and round the
result to 1 decimal place.
return result A
= "F-17":
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If {Current DHVRecord Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for HI is not null AND Valid FD Factor Exists
== true AND FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND Calculated Moisturefor HI is not null)
HI Calculated Adjusted Value = [FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value * (1 / Current Hourly Op
Record actor)* [ 0.209 * (100 - Calculated Moisture for HI) - Calculated Diluent for HI] / 20.9) ],
and round the result to 1 decimal place.
return result A
= "F-18":
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluentfor HI is not null AND Valid FD Factor Exists
== true AND FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND Calculated Moisturefor HI is not null)
HI Calculated Adjusted Value= {FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value *[100 - Calculated Moisture for
HI] * [20.9 - Calculated Diluent for HI] ) / (2090 * Current Hourly Op Record.FdFactor), and round
the result to 1 decimal place.
return result A
= All Other Equation Codes:
return result A
if no result
if {HI Calculated Adjusted Value is less than 1 AND Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
HI Calculated Adjusted Value = 1
Apportionment Calc HI Array at this Location = HI Calculated Adjusted Value
if {MPStack Configfor Hourly Checks == "MS")
Config Heatlnput Accumulator = Config Heatlnput Accumulator + HI Calculated Adjusted Value
if result A
Apportionment Calc HI Array at this Location = -1
Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
if {MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks == "MS")
Config Heatlnput Accumulator = -1
else if {Heat Input App D Method Active for Hour == true)
if {HIApp D Accumulator >= 0)
Total Heat Input from Fuel Flow = HI App D Accumulator
if {HIApp D Accumulator >= 0 AND Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\me is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1)
Apportionment Calc HI Array at this Location = HI App D Accumulator / Current Hourly Op Record. OperatingTime,
rounded to one decimal place.
if {Heat Input Method Code== "AD")
HI Calculated Adjusted Value = Apportionment Calc HI Array at this Location
App E Calc HI = HI Calculated Adjusted Value
for each location in the configuration where Apportionment HI Method Array in set {CALC, ADCALC}
set Apportionment HI Method Array for this location to "NOCALC"
Apportionment Calc HI Array at this Location = -1
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Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (Heat Input Method Code NOT in set {ADCALC, CALC})
HI Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
Apportionment Calc HI Array at this Location = HI Calculated Adjusted Value
If (HI Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
If (Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\me is between 0 and 1 inclusive)
Heat Input Total Calculated Value = HI Calculated Adjusted Value * Current Hourly Op Record. OperatingTime.
if ( Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator >= 0)
Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator + Heat Input
Total Calculated Value
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
if (Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period HI Calculated
Accumulator Array for this location + Heat Input Total Calculated Value
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Heat Input Total Calculated Value
if (Current Month is April)
if (April HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
April HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = April HI Calculated Accumulator
Array for this location + Heat Input Total Calculated Value
April HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Heat Input Total Calculated Value
Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
If (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true)
If (Heat Input Method Code in set {CEM, AD})
if (HI Calculated Adjusted Value is equal to 1 AND Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value is less than 1
AND Current DHV Record .MOD C C ode is not equal to "26" and Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result C
Heat Input Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances"
Parameter = "HI" AND
if (ABS(Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value - HI Calculated Adjusted Value) > Heat Input
return result B
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else if {Apportionment Calc HI Array at this Location is greater than or equal to 0) \\ ADCALC
If (Current Hourly Op Ttecon/.OperatingTime is between 0 and 1 inclusive)
Heat Input Total Calculated Value = Apportionment Calc HI Array at this Location * Current Hourly Op
/?6'««Y/.0perati ngTi me.
if ( Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator >= 0)
Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator + Heat Input
Total Calculated Value
Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
else if {Heat Input Method Code not in set {ADCALC, CALC})
Apportionment Calc HI Array at this Location = -1
Config HeatlnputTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
Result Response Severity
A The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due Informational Message
to errors listed above.
B The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with Critical Error Level 1
the recalculated value.
C You reported in AdjustedHourly Value of less than 1 in the DHV record for [param]. Critical Error Level 1
You must report a minimum heat input of 1 and a MODCCode of "26".
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Heat Input Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-9
Check Name: Calculate S02 Mass Emissions
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Based on values from S02 Monitor Hourly and Stack Flow Monitor Hourly, plus moisture values if applicable
and the current equation code, the S02 Mass emissions rate is calculated
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
if (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true AND Current Hourly Op Record .0\~>cn\{\ngT\ me is between 0 and 1 (inclusive))
SO 2 Total Reported Value = Current DHVRecord.AdjustedHourly Value * Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me.
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if {Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported
Accumulator Array for this location + SO2 Total Reported Value
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = SO 2 Total Reported Value
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
If (SO2 CEM Method Active for Hour == true)
if (S()2 Equation Code == "F-l")
If {Current DHV Record Valid == true AND S02C Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND FLOWCalculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
SO2 Calculated Adjusted Value = 0.000000166 * S02C Calculated Adjusted Value * FLOWCalculated
Adjusted Value, ROUNDED to one decimal place.
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (S()2 Equation Code == "F-2")
If {Current DHV Record Valid == true AND S02C Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND FLOWCalculated
Adjusted Value is not null AND Calculated Moisture for S02 is not null)
SO2 Calculated Adjusted Value = 0.000000166 * S02C Calculated Adjusted Value * FLOWCalculated
Adjusted Value * (100.0 - Calculated Moisture for S02) / 100.0, ROUNDED to one decimal place.
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (S02 F23 Method Active for Hour == true)
If {Current DHV Record Valid == true AND F23 Default Value is not null AND HI Calculated Adjusted Value is not
SO2 Calculated Adjusted Value = F23 Default Value * HI Calculated Adjusted Value, rounded to one decimal
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Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (S()2 App D Method Active for Hour == true)
if (S()2 App D Accumulator >= 0 AND Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\ngT\me is between 0 and 1 (inclusive))
S02 Calculated Adjusted Value = S02 App D Accumulator / Current Hourly Op Record. OperatingTime.
If (Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Gas is greater than 0)
Round S02 Calculated Adjusted Value to four decimal places.
Round S02 Calculated Adjusted Value to one decimal place.
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
S02 Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
If (S()2 Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
If (Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\me is between 0 and 1 inclusive)
S02 Total Calculated Value = S02 Calculated Adjusted Value * Current Hourly Op Record. OperatingTime
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period S02 Mass
Calculated Accumulator Array for this location + S02 Total Calculated Value
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = SO 2 Total Calculated Value
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
If (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true)
SO2 Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "S02" AND
if (ABS(Current DHV /fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value - S02 Calculated Adjusted Value) > S02 Tolerance)
return result B
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
Result Response Severity
A The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due Informational Message
to errors listed above.
B The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with Critical Error Level 1
the recalculated value.
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-12
Check Name: Determine Diluent Cap, Moisture, and NOXC for NOx Rate Calculation Verification
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: For each possible formula, ensure that all required components are available. Note that no responses are
output, because each missing part should have generated an earlier error message.
If {Current NOx Rate Method Code == "CEM" AND Current DHV Record.ModcCode inset {01, 02, 03, 04, 14, 22, 53, 54})
if (NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Count == 1 AND Current NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Ttecon/.UnadjustedHourly Value is not null)
NOx Cone for NOx Rate Calculation = Current NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value
NOx Cone for NOx Rate Calculation = null
if (NOxRate Equation CWeinset {19-3, 19-3D, 19-4, 19-5, 19-8, 19-9})
If (H20 Method Code == "MWD" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHVCalculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for NOXR = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code in set {MMS, MTB } AND H20 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20MHV
Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for NOXR = H20 MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHV Calculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for NOXR = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == false AND H20 Default Value is
not null)
Calculated Moisture for NOXR = H20 Default Value
if (NOx Rate Equation Code i n set {19-3D, 19-5D} OR Current DHV Record.ModcCode == 14)
If (NOx Rate Equation Code in set {F-5, 19-1, 19-2, 19-3, 19-3D, 19-4, 19-5, 19-5D})
02 Monitor Default Matches = count of # active MonitoringDefaultData records for location where
MonitoringDefaultData.ParameterCode = "02X" AND MonitoringDefaultData.DefaultPurposeCode =
"DC" AND MonitoringDefaultData.FuelCode = "NFS"
if 02 Monitor Default Matches > 1
return result A
else if 02 Monitor Default Matches = 0
return result B
02 Monitor Default Record = the single matched record
if (02 Monitor Default itecorii.DefaultValue is NULL OR 02 Monitor Default itecorii.DefaultValue <=
return result C
Calculated Diluent for NOXR = 02 Monitor Default itecorii.DefaultValue
else if (NOx Rate Equation Code in set J F-6. 19-6, 19-7, 19-8, 19-9})
C02 Monitor Default Matches = count of # active MonitoringDefaultData records for location where
MonitoringDefaultData.ParameterCode = "C02N" AND MonitoringDefaultData.DefaultPurposeCode =
"DC" AND MonitoringDefaultData.FuelCode = "NFS"
if C02 Monitor Default Matches > 1
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return result D
else if C02 Monitor Default Matches = 0
return result E
C02 Monitor Default Record = the single matched record
if (C02 Monitor Default i?ecor
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Calculate Unadjusted NOx Emissions Rate
CEM Check
Based on equation code in NOx Emission Rate record and reported values, calculate the NOx Emissions Rate
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = null
Derived Hourly Unadjusted Calculation Status = false
If {Current NOx Rate Method Code== "CEM" AND Current DHVRecord.ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 14, 22, 53})
If {Current DHV Record. SystemTypeCode == "NOX")
RATA Status Required = true
case {NOx Rate Equation Code)
"19-1" or "F-5":
If {Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FD Factor Exists == true)
if {Calculated Diluent for NOXR == 20.9)
return result A
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc * Current
Hourly Op Record FdF&ctox * [20.9 / (20.9 - Calculated Diluent for NOXR)], rounded to 3 decimal
return result B
Moisture Fraction = null
/iff.'I Default Record Count = count active MonitoringDefaultData Records for the location where ParameterCd = 'BWA'
If {BWA Default Record Count == 0)
Moisture Fraction = 0.027
else If {BWA Default Record Count == 1 AND MonitorDefaultData.Default Value >0 AND
MonitorDefaultData.DefaultValue < 1)
Moisture Fraction = MonitorDefaultData.DefaultValue
return result D
If {Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FWFactor Exists == true AND Moisture Fraction is not null)
if {Calculated Diluent for NOXR == 20.9 * (1 - Moisture Fraction))
return result A
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc * Current
Hourly Op Record.FwFactor * [20.9 / (20.9 *(1 - Moisture Fraction) - Calculated Diluent for NOXR)],
rounded to 3 decimal places.
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return result B
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FD Factor Exists == true AND Calculated Moisture for NOXR is not null)
if (Calculated Diluent for NOXR == 20.9*(100 - Calculated Moisture for NOXR) / 100 )
return result A
denom = (20.9*(100 - Calculated Moisture for NOXR )/100 - Calculated Diluent for NOXR)
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc * Current
Hourly Op RecordFdF&ctox * [20.9 /denom ], rounded to 3 decimal places.
return result B
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FD Factor Exists == true AND Calculated Moisture for NOXR is not null)
h2oFactor = (100 - Calculated Moisture for NOXR) / 100.0
denomTerm = (20.9 * h2oFactor) - (Calculated Diluent for NOXR * h2oFactor)
if ( denomTerm == 0)
return result A
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc * Current
Hourly Op Record.FdFactor * 20.9 / denomTerm, rounded to 3 decimal places.
return result B
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FD Factor Exists == true AND Calculated Moisture for NOXR is not null)
if ( Calculated Diluent for NOXR == 20.9 OR Calculated Moisture for NOXR == 100)
return result A
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc * Current
Hourly Op /?6'cwy/. FdFactor / [ (100 - Calculated Moisture for NOXR) / 100.0] * (20.9 / (20.9 -
Calculated Diluent for NOXR)), rounded to 3 decimal places.
return result B
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FD Factor Exists == true AND Calculated Moisture for NOXR is not null)
if (Calculated Moisture for NOXR == 100)
return result A
H20Term = (100 - Calculated Moisture for NOXR) / 100.0
denom = 20.9 - Calculated Diluent for NOXR / H20Term
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if (denom == 0)
return result A
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc:
Current Hourly Op RecordFdF&ctox / denom, rounded to 3 decimal places.
return result B
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FD Factor Exists == true)
if (Calculated Diluent for NOXR == 20.9)
return result A
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc * Current
Hourly Op Record FdF&ctox * 20.9/ (20.9 - Calculated Diluent for NOXR), rounded to 3 decimal
return result B
"19-6" or "19-7" or "F-6":
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FC Factor Exists == true)
if (Calculated Diluent for NOXR == 0.0)
return result A
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc * Current
Hourly Op Record. FcFactor * 100.0 / Calculated Diluent for NOXR, rounded to 3 decimal places.
return result B
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FC Factor Exists == true AND Calculated Moisture for NOXR is not null)
if (Calculated Diluent for NOXR == 0.0 OR Calculated Moisture for NOXR == 100)
return result A
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc * Current
Hourly Op Record actor / [ (100 - Calculated Moisture for NOXR) / 100.0] * (100.0 / Calculated
Diluentfor NOXR), rounded to 3 decimal places.
return result B
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for NOXR is not null AND NOX Cone for NOx Rate
Calc is not null AND Valid FC Factor Exists == true AND Calculated Moisture for NOXR is not null)
if (Calculated Diluent for NOXR == 0.0)
return result A
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H20Term = (100 - Calculated Moisture for NOXR) / 100.0
C02Term = 100.0 / Calculated Diluent for NOXR
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOX Cone for NOx Rate Calc * Current
Hourly Op Record.FcFactor * H20Term * C02Term, rounded to 3 decimal places.
return result B
If (Derived Hourly Unadjusted Value Status == true AND NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value is not null)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOXR" AND
if (AB^{Current DHVRecord.UnadjustcdHourly Value - NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value) > Tolerance)
return result C
Derived Hourly Unadjusted Calculation Status = true
else if {Current NOx Rate Method Code== "PEM" AND Current DHVRecord.ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03})
If {Current DHV Record. SystemTypeCode == "NOXP")
RATA Status Required = true
If Current DHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value >= 0
NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current DHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value
Derived Hourly Unadjusted Calculation Status = true
else if {Current NOx Rate Method Code== "AE")
If {App E Constant Fuel Mix == true)
NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value = App E Calculated NOx Rate for Source
NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value= Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
if {Current NOx Rate Method Code in set {CEM, PEM} AND Current DHV Record. ModcCode == 21)
If {Current DHV Record. SystemTypeCode in set {NOX, NOXP})
RATA Status Required = true
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The NOx emission rate could not be recalculated, because the diluent and/or moisture
value would result in division by zero. You should report an MODC of 14 indicating
the use of a diluent cap to prevent this.
The UnadjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated
due to errors listed above.
The UnadjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent
with the recalculated value.
You did not report a single valid MonitorDefault record for ParameterCode B WA for
the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Determine Moisture for NOx Mass Calculation Verification
CEM Check
Verifies that all elements are present to support the equation code indicated by the current NOx Mass Rate
If (NOx Mass Monitor Method Code begins with "CEM")
If (NOx Mass Equation Code== "F-26B")
If (H20 Method Code == "MWD" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHVCalculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisturefor NOX = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code in set {MMS, MTB } AND H20 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20MHV
Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisturefor NOX = H20 MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHV Calculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisturefor NOX = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == false AND H20 Default Value is
not null)
Calculated Moisture for NOX = H20 Default Value
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Mass Rate Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-16
Check Name: Calculate NOx Mass Emissions
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Based on Formula Code and all reported values, the NOx Mass Calculation is verified
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
if (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true AND Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\ngT\ me is between 0 and 1 (inclusive))
NOX Mass Total Reported Value = Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourly Value * Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\ me.
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
if (Rpt Period NOX Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period NOX Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOX Mass
Reported Accumulator Array for this location + NOX Mass Total Reported Value
Rpt Period NOX Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = NOX Mass Total Reported Value
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
If {NOx Mass Monitor Method Code in set {CEM, NOXR, CEMNOXR})
if (NOx Mass Equation Code== "F-26A")
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND NOXC Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND FLO W Calculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
NOX Calculated Adjusted Value = 0.0000001194 * NOXC Calculated Adjusted Value * Stack Flow Calculated
Adjusted Value, ROUNDED to one decimal place.
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (NOXMass Equation Code== "F-26B")
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND NOXC Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND FLO W Calculated
Adjusted Value is not null AND Calculated Moisture for NOX is not null)
NOX Calculated Adjusted Value= 0.0000001194 * NOXC Calculated Adjusted Value* FLOW Calculated
Adjusted Value * (100.0 - Calculated Moisture for NOX) /100.0, ROUNDED to one decimal place.
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (NOXMass Equation Code== "F-24A")
if (Heat Input Method Code NOT in set {CALC, ADCALC})
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value is not null
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If (HI Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
NOX Calculated Adjusted Value = NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value * HI Calculated
Adjusted Value, ROUNDED to one decimal place.
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
NOX Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
If (NOX Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
If (Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\me is between 0 and 1 inclusive)
NOxMass Total Calculated Value = NOX Calculated Adjusted Value * Current Hourly Op Record. OperatingTime.
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
if (Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOX Mass
Calculated Accumulator Array for this location + NOXMass Total Calculated Value
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = NOXMass Total Calculated
if {Current Month is April)
if (April NOXMass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
April NOXMass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = April NOXMass
Calculated Accumulator Array for this location + NOXMass Total Calculated Value
April NOXMass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = NOXMass Total Calculated
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
If {Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true AND Current DHV Method in set {CEM, NOXR, CEMNOXR})
NOX Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOX" AND
if (ABS(Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value - NOX Calculated Adjusted Value) > NOX Tolerance)
If {Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result B
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else if (Current Hourly Op Data.OpTime is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1)
if (ABS(Current /J/ZK/fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value - NOX Calculated Adjusted Value) > NOX
Tolerance / Current Hourly Op Record. OperatingTime)
return result B
else if {NOX Mass Equation Code<> "F-24A" OR Current DHV Record Valid == false OR NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value is null
OR Heat Input Method Code NOT in set {CALC, ADCALC})
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period NOX Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
Result Response Severity
A The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due Informational Message
to errors listed above.
B The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with Critical Error Level 1
the recalculated value.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Mass Rate Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-18
Check Name: Determine Diluent Cap and Moisture for C02 Mass Calculation Verification
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: For each possible formula, ensure that all required components are available. Note that no responses are
output, because each missing part should have generated an earlier error message.
If (C()2 Method Code == "CEM")
if (CO2 Mass Equation Code== "F-2")
If (H20 Method Code == "MWD" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHVCalculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for C02 = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code in set {MMS, MTB } AND H20 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20MHV
Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for C02 = H20 MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHV Calculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for C02 = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == false AND H20 Default Value is
not null)
Calculated Moisture for C02 = H20 Default Value
if (Use C02 Diluent Cap for C02 Mass Calc == true)
C02N Count = # of active MonitoringDefault records for location where
ParameterCode = 'C02N' AND DefaultPurposeCode = 'DC' AND
FuelCode = 'NFS'
if (C02N Count > 1)
return result A
else if (C02N Count == 0)
return result B
else if MonitoringDefaultDefaultValue <= 0
return result C
Calculated Diluent for C02 = MonitoringDefaultDefault Value
else if {C02 Cone Derived Checks Needed ==true)
Calculated Diluent for C02 = C02C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (C()2 Cone Checks Needed for C02 Mass == true)
if (Current C02 Cone Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record is not null)
Calculated Diluent for C02 = C02C SD Calculated Adjusted Value
Calculated Diluent for C02 = C02C MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
You reported more than one diluent cap default record for C02N in your monitoring
plan that was active during the current hour.
A DHV record indicates use of a diluent cap to calculate C02, but you did not report
an active C02N default record in your monitoring plan for the hour. Please note that
the use of the diluent cap to calculate C02 is only applicable to legacy data.
The Default Value reported in the active Default record for C02N in your monitoring
plan is invalid. The value must be greater than 0.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Mass Rate Calculation Verification
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURCV-19
Check Name: Calculate C02 Mass Emissions
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Based on values from C02 Monitor Hourly and Stack Flow Monitor Hourly, plus moisture values if applicable
and the current equation code, the C02 Mass emissions rate is calculated
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
if (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true AND Current Hourly Op Record .0\~>cn\{\ngT\ me is between 0 and 1 (inclusive))
CO2 Total Reported Value = Current DHVRecord. AdjustedHourly Value * Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\me.
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if {Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported
Accumulator Array for this location + CO2 Total Reported Value
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = CO 2 Total Reported Value
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
If (CX)2 Method Code == "CEM")
if (CO2 Mass Equation Code == "F-ll")
If {Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for C02 is not null AND FLOW Calculated Adjusted
Value is not null)
CO 2 Calculated Adjusted Value = 0.00000057 * Calculated Diluent for C02 * FLOW Calculated Adjusted
Value, ROUNDED to one decimal place.
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if {CO2 Mass Equation Code == "F-2")
If {Current DHV Record Valid == true AND Calculated Diluent for C02 is not null AND FLOW Calculated Adjusted
Value is not null AND Calculated Moisture for C02 is not null)
CO 2 Calculated Adjusted Value = 0.00000057 * Calculated Diluent for C02 * FLOW Calculated Adjusted
Value* [(100.0 - Calculated Moisture for C02 ) /100.0], ROUNDED to one decimal place.
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (CO 2 App D Method Active for Hour == true)
if (CO2 App D Accumulator >= 0 AND Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\me is between 0 and 1 (inclusive))
CO 2 Calculated Adjusted Value = C02 App D Accumulator / Current Hourly Op Record. Opcrat i ngTi me. rounded to
one decimal place.
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if (Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -2
CO 2 Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
If (C()2 Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
If (Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\me is between 0 and 1 inclusive)
C02 Total Calculated Value = C02 Calculated Adjusted Value * Current Hourly Op Record. OperatingTime.
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period C02 Mass
Calculated Accumulator Array for this location + C02 Total Calculated Value
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = C02 Total Calculated Value
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
If (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true)
C02 Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "C02" AND
if (ABS(Current DHV /fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value - CO 2 Calculated Adjusted Value) > C02 Tolerance)
return result B
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location <> -2)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
Result Response Severity
A The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due Informational Message
to errors listed above.
B The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with Critical Error Level 1
the recalculated value.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Mass Rate Calculation Verification
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURCV-25
Check Name: Determine BAF Value for NOx Emission Rate System
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Retrieves and sets as an output parameter the Bias Adjustment factor for the NOX Rate Monitoring System
Current NOX System BAF = null
If (Current NOx System Status == true AND NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value is not null AND Current NOx Rate Method Code in
set {CEM, PEM}) AND Current I)HVRecord.ModcCodc in set {01, 02, 03, 14, 22, 53})
If (RATA Status BAF is not null)
Current NOX System BAF = RATA Status BAF
return result A
Result Response Severity
A The BAF for [ParamCode] MonitoringSystemID [ID] cannot be determined, because Informational Message
the prior RATA had critical errors or because of a RATA Status error listed on this
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOX RATA Status Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURCV-30
Check Name: Initialize S02 Calculated Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent Calculated hourly checks for S02.
Current DHV Parameter = "S02"
Current DHV Record Valid = S02 Derived Hourly Status
S02 Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Calculated Moisture for S02 = null
Current DHV Record = Current S02 Derived Hourly Record
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-31
Check Name: Initialize NOX Calculated Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent Calculated hourly checks for NOX.
Current DHV Parameter = "NOX'
Current DHV Record Valid = NOX Derived Hourly Status
NOX Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Calculated Moisture for NOX = null
Current DHV Record = Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Mass Rate Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-32
Check Name: Initialize NOXR Calculated Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent Calculated hourly checks for NOXR.
Current DHV Parameter = "NOXR"
Current DHV Record Valid = NOXR Derived Hourly Status
NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Calculated Diluent for NOXR = null
Calculated Moisture for NOXR = null
Current DHVHBHA Value = Current NOXR HBHA Value
Current DHV Record = Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record
Current Appendix E Status = null
RATA Status Required = false
RATA StatusBAF = null
Current Hourly Record for RATA Status = Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record
Set QaStatusComponentld = null
Set QaStatusComponentldentifier = null
Set QaStatusComponentTypeCode = null
Set QaStatusSystemDesignationCode = CurrentDHVRecord.S\s\cmDcs\gm\\\onCoA.c
Set QaStatusSystemld = CurrentDHVRecord. Sy stem Id
Set QaStatusSystemldentifier = CurrentDHVRecord.S\slcm\dcnUi"\cr
Set QaStatusSystemTypeCode = CurrentDHVRecord. SyslcmTypcCodc
Result Response Severity
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Check Code: HOURCV-33
Check Name: Initialize C02 Calculated Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent Calculated hourly checks for C02.
Current DHV Parameter = "C02"
Current DHV Record Valid = C02 Derived Hourly Status
C02 Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Calculated Diluent for C02 = null
Calculated Moisture for C02 = null
Current DHV Record = Current C02 Mass Derived Hourly Record
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Mass Rate Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-34
Check Name: Initialize C02C Calculated Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent Calculated hourly checks for C02C.
Current DHV Parameter = "C02C"
Current DHV Record Valid = C02C Derived Hourly Status
C02C DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Calculated Diluent for C02C = null
Calculated Moisture for C02C = null
Current DHVHBHA Value = Current C02CDHVHBHA Value
Current DHV Record = Current C02 Cone Derived Hourly Record
Result Response
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Concentration Calculation Verification
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURCV-35
Check Name: Initialize H20 Calculated Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent Calculated hourly checks for C02C.
Current DHV Parameter = "H20"
Current DHV Record Valid = H20 Derived Hourly Status
H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Current DHVHBHA Value = Current H20 DHVHBHA Value
Current DHV Record = Current H20 Derived Hourly Record
Set QaStatusComponentld = null
Set QaStatusComponentldentiJier = null
Set QaStatusComponentTypeCode = null
Set QaStatusSystemDesignationCode = CurrentDHVRecord.S\s\cmDcs\gm\\\onCoA.c
Set QaStatusSystemld = CurrentDHVRecord. Sy stem Id
Set QaStatusSystemldentifier = CurrentDHVRecord.Systemldentifier
Set QaStatusSystemTypeCode = CurrentDHVRecord. SyslcmTypcCodc
if (Current DHV Record MOD C C ode in set {01, 02, 03, 21, 53} AND Current DHV Record. SystemTypeCode == "H20")
RATA Status Required = true
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report H20 Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-36
Check Name: Initialize HI Calculated Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent Calculated hourly checks for HI.
Current DHV Parameter = "HI"
Current DHV Record Valid = HI Derived Hourly Status
HI Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Calculated Diluent for HI = null
Calculated Moisture for HI = null
Current DHV Record = Current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record
RATA Status Required = false
Current Hourly Record for RATA Status = Current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record
Set QaStatusComponentld = null
Set QaStatusComponentldentifier = null
Set QaStatusComponentTypeCode = null
Set QaStatusSystemDesignationCode = CurrentI)HVRecord.S\s\cmDcs\gm\\\onCoA.c
Set QaStatusSystemldentifier = CurrentDHVRecord.S\slcm\dcnUi"\cr
Set QaStatusSystemTypeCode = CurrentDHVRecord. SyslcmTypcCodc
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Heat Input Calculation Verification
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Unadjusted Value
CEM Check
This check ensures that the Unadjusted Value in the DHV record for NOXR is valid.
Derived Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = false
If (Current NOx Rate Method Code in set {CEM, PEM})
If {Current DHV Record. ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 14, 21, 22, 53, 54})
If (Current DHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value is not null)
If (Current /)//K/?6'cwy/.U nadj ustcdHourly Value < 0.0 AND
Current DHVRecord.ModcCode <> "21")
return result A
Else if (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.UnadjustedHourly Value > 0 AND
Current DHV Record. ModcCode == 21)
return result B
Else if (Current DHV/?6'cwy/.U nadj ustcdHourly Value is not rounded to three decimal places)
return result F
Derived Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
if (Current DHV Max Min Value is not null AND (NOx Cone MODC is null OR is NOT in set {19,
if (Current DHV Ttecwrf.UnadjustedHourlyValue > Current DHV Max Min Value)
return result C
Else If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode not in set {04, 53, 54})
return result A
Derived Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
Else if (Derived Hourly Mode Status == true)
If (Current DHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value is not null)
return result D
Derived Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
Else If (Current DHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value is not null)
return result E
Derived Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
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The UnadjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported an MODCCode of 21 in the DHV record for [param], but the
UnadjustedHourly Value is greater than 0.
Warning: The UnadjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is in
excess of the maximum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary.
Adjustments may include the need to update Span and/or Default values. You should
investigate the cause of these exceedances and determine whether adjustments to your
monitoring systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the DHV record for [param], so you
should not have reported a value for the UnadjustedHourly Value.
You reported an UnadjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param]. A value in
this field should not be reported for the [param] [method] method.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURCV-38
Check Name: Determine Maximum or Minimum Value for Parameter in DHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines the maximum or minimum value for the parameter from the span or default table based
on MODC.
Current DHV Max Min Value = null
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true AND
{{Current DHV Parameter == "H20" AND H20 Method Code == "MWD") OR
{Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR" AND Current NOx Rate Method Code in set {CEM,PEM}) OR
Current DHV Parameter == "C02C" OR
Current DHV Parameter =="HI")
If {Current DHV Parameter == "H20")
If {H20 Fuel Specific Missing Data == true)
Current DHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
If (H20 Missing Data Approach == "MAX")
Current DHV Default Parameter = "H20X"
Else If {H20 Missing Data Approach == "MIN")
Current DHV Default Parameter = "H20N"
Else If {Current DHV Record. ModcCode == 12)
return result A
else if {Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR")
Current DHV Default Parameter = "NORX"
If {Current DHVRecord.ModcCode in set {23, 24})
If {NOx Rate Bypass Code== "BYMAXFS")
Current DHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current DHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
else if {NOx Rate Fuel Specific Missing Data == true)
Current DHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current DHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
else if {Current DHV Parameter == "C02C")
Current DHV Default Parameter = "C02X"
If (C()2 Fuel Specific Missing Data == true)
Current DHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
If {Current DHV Parameter == "HI")
Locate all active UnitCapacity records linked to the location where MaxHourlyHeatlnputCapacity > 0.
If any are found,
Set Current DHV Max Min Value to the sum of MaxHourlyHeatlnputCapacity in all records found,
else if {Current DHV Default Parameter is not null)
If {Current DHV Record.Mo AcCo Ac in set {12, 23, 25} AND Current DHV Fuel Specific Hour = true)
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If (Current Hourly Op Record .Fuel C ode is not null)
Current DHV Missing Data Fuel = Current Hourly Op Record .Fuel C ode
Count active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCode = Current DHV Default Parameter
FuelCode = Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode
DefaultPurposeCode = "MD" // Missing Data
OperatingCode in set {A,U} // Not Controlled
if (count >1)
return result B
else if (count == 0)
return result C
Default Record = the single matched record
if (Default.Record.DefaultValue >0)
Current DHV Max Min Value = Default Record .Default Value
return result D
else if (Current DHV Record. ModcCode in set {13, 24}
If (Current DHV Fuel Specific Hour == true)
If Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode is not null
Current DHV Missing Data Fuel = Current Hourly Op Record. FuelCode
Count active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCode = Current DHV Default Parameter
FuelCode = Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode
DefaultPurposeCode = "MD" // Missing Data
OperatingCode in == "C" // Controlled
if (count >1)
return result B
else if (count == 0)
return result C
Default Record = the single matched record
if (Default Record. Default Value > 0)
Current DHV Max Min Value = Default Record. Default Value
return result D
Current DHV Missing Data Fuel = "NFS"
Count active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCode = Current DHV Default Parameter
FuelCode = "NFS"
DefaultPurposeCode = "MD" // Missing Data
OperatingCode in == "C" // Controlled
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if (count >1)
return result B
else if (count == 0)
return result C
Default Record = the single matched record
if (Default.Record.DefaultValue >0)
Current DHV Max Min Value = Default Record. Default Value
return result D
else if (Current DHV Record.ModcCode <> "15"
Current DHV Missing Data Fuel = "NFS"
Count active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCode = Current DHV Default Parameter
FuelCode = "NFS"
DefaultPurposeCode = "MD" // Missing Data
OperatingCode in set {A,U} // Not Controlled
if (count >1)
return result B
else if (count == 0 AND Current DHV Parameter == "C02C")
Monitor Span Record Count = Find active MonitoringSpanData records for location where
MonitoringSpanData .ComponentTypeCode = "C02" AND
MonitoringSpanData SpanScaleCode = "H"
if (Monitor Span Record Count > 1)
return result E
else if (Monitor Span Record Count = 0)
return result F
Current Monitor Span Record = the single matched record
If (Current Monitor Span i?ecor 0)
Current DHV Max Min Value = Current Monitor Span Record.MPCValus
return result G
else if (count == 0 ANDCurrent DHV Parameter == "NOXR")
Count active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCode = "MNNX"
FuelCode = "NFS"
DefaultPurposeCode = "MD" // Missing Data
OperatingCode in set {A,U} // Not Controlled
if (count >1)
Current DHV Default Parameter = "MNNX"
return result B
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else if (count = 0)
return result C
Current DHVDefault Parameter = "MNNX"
Default Record = the single matched record
if (Defeat It Record. D c fan 11 Va 1 lie >= 0)
Current DHV Max Min Value = Default Record. Default Value
return result D
else if (count == 0)
return result C
Default Record = the single matched record
if (Default.Record.DefaultValue >0)
Current DHV Max Min Value = Default Record. Default Value
return result D
The missing data default parameter for H20 could not be determined, because you used
both Standard and Inverse Part 75 missing data approaches during the hour.
Critical Error Level 2
You reported more than one applicable [param] Default record with a FuelCode of
[FuelCode] in your monitoring plan for the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
You did not report an applicable [param] Default record with a FuelCode of
Critical Error Level 1
The values reported in the applicable [param] Default record with a FuelCode of
[FuelCode] are invalid.
Critical Error Level 1
You reported more than one active span record for [key] in your monitoring plan for
the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
You did not report a missing data maximum default for C02 in a span or default
record in your monitoring plan.
Critical Error Level 1
The values reported in the applicable span record for [key] are invalid.
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Calculation Verification
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Calculation Verification
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— Heat Input Calculation Verification
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURCV-39
Check Name: Check Adjusted Hourly Value in DHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check ensures that AdjustedHourly Value is valid and does not conflict with the reported MODC codes.
Validation Tables:
Parameter UOM (Complex Lookup Table)
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = false
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = null
if (Current DHV Record Valid == true)
Locate Parameter Units of Measure lookup table record where ParameterCode = Current DHV Parameter.
If (Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Gas is greater than 0 AND Current DHV Parameter == "S02")
Set Current DHV Precision to 4.
Set Current DHV Precision to the Parameter Units of Measure. Dccimals_H rly.
if (Current DHV Record.ModcCode is not null)
case (Current DHV Record.ModcCode)
= 21: Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = 0
if (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue == 0)
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result A
= 12 OR 23 OR 25:
If (Current DHV Max Min Value is not null)
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Max Min Value
if (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue == Current DHV Max Min Value)
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result B
= 13 OR 24:
If (Current DHV Max Min Value is not null)
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Max Min Value
if (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue == Current DHV Max Min Value)
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result C
= 06:
If (Current DHV Parameter in set {C02C, H20} AND (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue is null or
Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue < 0 or Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > 100))
return result L
else if (Current DHVHBHA Value is not null)
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Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV HBHA Value
If (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value >= 0)
if ( Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value == Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value)
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result D
return result E
If (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value >= 0)
If (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value is not rounded to Current DHV Precision)
return result M
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV
wy/ . A dj u s t e d H o u r ly Va 1 u e
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
if {Current DHV Parameter in set {C02C, H20, NOXR} AND Current DHV Max Min
Value is not null)
If {Current DHV Parameter == "H20" AND H2() Missing Data Approach ==
if {Current DHV Record. AdjustedHomlyValue < Current DHV Max
Min Value)
return result H
if (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value > Current DHV Max
Min Value)
If {Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR" and Current DHV
wy/ . A dj u s t e d H o u r ly Va 1 u e > Current DHV Max Min Value
return result O
return result G
return result E
08 OR 09:
If {Current DHV Parameter in set {C02C, H20} AND (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value is null or
Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie < 0 or Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie > 100))
return result L
else if (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value >= 0)
If {Current DHV HBHA Value is not null AND Current DHV Parameter == "H20" AND H20
Missing Data Approach == "MIN" AND Current DHV HBHA Value < Current DHV
Record. ustedH oil rly Value)
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV HBHA Value
return result N
else if {Current DHV HBHA Value is not null AND {Current DHV Parameter <> "H20" OR H20
Missing Data Approach == "MAX") AND Current DHV HBHA Value > Current DHV
Record. ustedH on rly Value AND {Unit is Load Based == true or Current DHV Parameter <>
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Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV HBHA Value
return result F
elseif (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value is not rounded to Current DHV Precision)
return result M
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Record.AdjustedHourly Value
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
if {Current DHV Parameter in set {C02C, H20, NOXR} AND Current DHV Max Min Value
is not null)
If (Current DHV Parameter == "H20" AND H2() Missing Data Approach == "MIN")
if (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue < Current DHV Max Min
return result H
if (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > Current DHV Max Min
If (Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR" and Current DHV
Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > Current DHV Max Min Value * 2)
return result O
return result G
return result E
04, 05, 07, 10, 11, 15, 53, 54, OR 55:
If (Current DHV Parameter in set {C02C, H20} AND (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue is null or
Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue < 0 or Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > 100))
return result L
elseif (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue >= 0)
If (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue is not rounded to Current DHV Precision)
return result M
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
if (Current DHV Parameter in set {C02C, H20, NOXR} AND Current DHV Max Min Value
is not null)
If (Current DHV Parameter == "H20" AND H2() Missing Data Approach == "MIN")
if (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue < Current DHV Max Min
return result H
if (Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > Current DHV Max Min
If (Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR" and Current DHV
Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > Current DHV Max Min Value * 2)
return result O
return result G
return result E
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= 26: If (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value == 1)
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result I
= All Other Codes except 40:
If {Current DHVParameter in set {C02C, H20} AND (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value is null or
Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie < 0 or Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie > 100))
return result L
else if (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value >= 0)
If (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value is not rounded to Current DHV Precision)
return result M
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
If {Current DHV Parameter in set {C02C, H20} AND Current DHV Max Min Value is not
If {Current DHV Parameter == "H20" AND H2() Missing Data Approach == "MIN")
if {Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie < Current DHV Max Min
return result H
if {Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie > Current DHV Max Min
return result G
return result E
If (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value >= 0)
If (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value is not rounded to Current DHV Precision)
return result M
Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
If {Current DHV Parameter == "HI")
if {Heat Input Method Code not in set {AD, ADCALC, CALC})
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV
Record. ustedH oil rly Value
If (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value == 0.0)
If {Heat Input Method Code== "CEM")
If Legacy Data Evaluation = true
If {Current Hourly Op Record.0\iT\mc > 0.25 )
return result J
If {Current Hourly Op Record.0\iT\mc > 0)
return result K
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else if {Current DHVMax Min Value is not null and CurrentDHV
wy/ . A dj u s t e d H o u r ly Va 1 u e > Current DHV Max Min Value)
return result G
else if {Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR")
if {Current NOx Rate Method Code <> " AE")
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV
wy/ . A dj u s t e d H o u r ly Va 1 u e
else if {Current DHV Parameter == "S02")
if (S()2 App D Method Active for Hour == false)
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV
/?6'cmy/ . A dj ii s t c d H o ii r ly Va 1 ii c
else if {Current DHV Parameter == "C02")
if (CO 2 App D Method Active for Hour == false)
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV
/?6'cmy/ . A dj ii s t c d H o ii r ly Va 1 ii c
Current DHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current DHV Record.AdjustedHourly Value
return result E
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You reported an MODCCode of 21 in the DHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal 0.
You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the DHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal the maximum potential value reported in the span
or default record in your monitoring plan.
You reported an MODCCode of 13 or 24 in the DHV record for NOXR, but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal the maximum controlled emission rate reported in
the NORX default record in your monitoring plan.
You reported an MODCCode of 06 in the DHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal average of measured hour before and measured
hour after.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
You reported an MODCCode of [MODCCode] in the DHV record for [param], but you
reported an AdjustedHourly Value that is less than the average of the measured hour
before and measured hour after.
Warning: The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is in
excess of the maximum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary.
Adjustments may include the need to update Span, Default, and/or Unit Capacity
values. You should investigate the cause of these exceedances and determine whether
adjustments to your monitoring systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
Warning: The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is lower
than the minimum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these minimum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary.
Adjustments may include the need to update Span Default values. You should
investigate the cause of these low values and determine whether adjustments to your
monitoring systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
You reported an MODCCode of 26 in the DHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal 1.
You reported an AdjustedHourly Value of 0 in the DHV record for HI, but you operated
more than 0.25 hour.
You reported an AdjustedHourly Value of 0 in the DHV record for HI, but you had
operating time during the hour. If you operated, you must report a heat input rate of at
least 1 mmBtu/hr.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be between 0 and 100.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
You reported an MODCCode of [MODCCode] in the DHV record for [param], but you
reported an AdjustedHourly Value that is greater than the average of the measured hour
before and measured hour after.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for NOXR is in excess of 200%
of the maximum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary.
Adjustments may include the need to update Span and/or Default values. You should
investigate the cause of these exceedances and determine whether adjustments to your
monitoring systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 2
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Calculation Verification
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Mass Rate Calculation Verification
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Calculation Verification
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— Heat Input Calculation Verification
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Mass Rate Calculation Verification
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Calculation Verification
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Determine Moisture for S02 Mass Calculation Verification
CEM Check
Verifies that all elements are present to support the equation code indicated by the current S02 Mass Rate
If (S02 Method Code begins with "CEM")
if (S02 Mass Equation Code== "F-2")
If (H20 Method Code == "MWD" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHVCalculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for S02 = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code in set {MMS, MTB } AND H20 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20MHV
Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for S02 = H20 MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true AND H20 DHV Calculated
Adjusted Value is not null)
Calculated Moisture for S02 = H20 DHV Calculated Adjusted Value
else if (H20 Method Code == "MDF" AND H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed == false AND H20 Default Value is
not null)
Calculated Moisture for S02 = H20 Default Value
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-41
Check Name: Calculate Adjusted NOx Rate in DHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
if (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true)
if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported
Accumulator Array for this location + Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourly Value
Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue
Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
if (RATA Status Required == true AND Current NOX System BAF is not null)
NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value = NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value * Current NOX System BAF, and round the result to
three decimal places
else if (Current NOx Rate Method Code == " AE" AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil > 0 AND
App E Constant Fuel Mix == false)
If (NOXR App E Accumulator >= 0 AND HI Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND Current Hourly Op
Record.OperatingTime is between 0 and 1 (inclusive))
If (NOXR App EAccumulator == 0)
NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value = 0
NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value = NOXR App E Accumulator / Total Heat Input from Fuel Flow, and round
the result to three decimal places
Apportionment Calc NOXR Array at this Location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
If (NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
Apportionment Calc NOXR Array at this Location = NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value
if (MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks == "MS" AND Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for the location == true)
if (Config NOxRateTimesHeatlnput Accumulator >= 0 AND HI Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
Config NOxRateTimesHeatlnput Accumulator = Config NOxRateTimesHeatlnput Accumulator + (HI
Calculated Adjusted Value * NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value)
Config NOxRateTimesHeatlnput Accumulator = -1
if (Config NOxRatelimesOplimeAccumulator >= 0 AND Current Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\me is between 0 and
1 (inclusive))
Config NOxRateTimesOpTime Accumulator = Config NOxRateTimesOpTime Accumulator + (Current
Hourly Op Record.O\~>cn\{\\\gT\ me * NOXR Calculated Adjusted Value)
Config OpTimeAccumulator = Config OpTimeAccumulator + Current Hourly Op Record.OperatingTime
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Config NOxRateTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for this
location + 1
if (Derived Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true AND Derived Hourly Unadjusted Calculation Status == true)
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOXR" AND
if ABS(N()XR Calculated Adjusted Value - Current /J/ZK/fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value) > Tolerance
return result B
else if Current NOx Rate Method Code <> " AE" OR Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil > 0)
Apportionment Calc NOXR Array at this Location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
if (MP Stack Config for Hourly Checks == "MS")
Config NOxRateTimesHeatlnput Accumulator = -1
if (RATA Status Required == true AND Current NOX System BAF is null AND NOXR Calculated Unadjusted Value is not null
return result A
The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated due Informational Message
to errors listed above.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with Critical Error Level 1
the recalculated value.
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
Conditions: RATA Status Required Equals false
2 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOX RATA Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check HI System in DHV Record
CEM Check
This check ensures that a valid Monitoring System is indicated in the DHV record.
If Current DHV Parameter == "HI" AND Heat Input Method Code in set {CEM, AMS} )
If (Current DHV Record. Mo ni to ri ngSy stem ID is null
If {Heat Input Method Code == "CEM" AND
(CO2 Cone Checks Needed for Heat Input == true AND Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record is
not null AND Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record.Mo&cCo&c in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20, 21})
(()2 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input == true AND Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record is not
null AND Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record.Mo&cCo&c in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20}) OR
(02 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input == true AND Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record is not
null AND Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record.Mo&cCo&c in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20}))
If {Heat Input Method Code == "CEM" AND
((C02 Cone Checks Needed for Heat Input == false OR (Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record is
not null AND Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record.Mo&cCo&c NOT in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05,
17, 20,21,53, 54})) AND
(()2 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input == false OR (Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record is not
null AND Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record.ModcCodc NOT in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 17, 20,
53, 54})) AND
(02 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input == false OR (Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record is not
null AND Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record.ModcCodc NOT in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 17, 20,
53, 54})))
If (Current DHV Record Valid == true)
return result B
HI DHVMon ,SV.v Record = find active MonitoringSy stemData record for location where
MonitoringSy stemData.MonitoringSy stemID = Current DHV Record. M o n i t o ri ng Sy s t e m ID
if {HI DHV Mon Sys Record is null)
return result C
else if {HI DHV Mon ,SV.v /tecr;«/.SystcmTypcCode not in set {C02, 02})
return result D
if (CO2 RATA Required == true)
RATA Status Required = true
return result A
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You did not report MonitoringSystemID in the DHV record for HI. While this was
acceptable for legacy data, this field is required when you report measured data.
You reported a MonitoringSystemID in the DHV record for [param]. This field should
be blank when missing data substitution is used.
You reported MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the DHV record for [param], but according
to your monitoring plan this system was not active during the hour.
You reported MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the DHV record for HI, but this system is
not a C02 or 02 monitoring system.
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Heat Input Calculation Verification
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Check Code: HOURCV-43
Check Name: Determine DHV Measure Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Set Current Measure Code to null.
If {Current DHV Parameter in set {C02C, H20})
If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 21, 53, 54})
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for the Current DHV Parameter to "MEASURE"
if (Current DHV Parameter == "C02C" AND CO 2 Cone CEM Equation Code == "F-14B" AND Monitor Measure
Code Array for "H20" == "SUB")
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for "C02C" to "MEASSUB".
else if (Current DHV Record. ModcCode in set {06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 55})
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for the Current DHV Parameter to " SUB"
if (Current DHV Parameter == "C02C" AND CO 2 Cone CEM Equation Code == "F-14B" AND Monitor Measure
Code Array for "H20" == "MEASURE")
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for "C02C" to "MEASSUB".
else if (Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR")
If (Current NOx Rate Method Code in set {CEM, PEM}
If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 14, 21, 22, 53, 54})
Set Current Measure Code" to "MEASURE".
if (NOx Rate Equation Code in set {19-3, 19-3D, 19-4, 19-5, 19-8, 19-9} AND Monitor Measure Code Array
for "H20" == "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
else if (Current DHV Record. ModcCode in set {06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 23, 24, 25, 55})
Set Current Measure Code to "SUB"
if (NOx Rate Equation Code in set {19-3, 19-3D, 19-4, 19-5, 19-8, 19-9} AND Monitor Measure Code Array
for "H20" == "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
else if (Current NOx Rate Method Code== "AE")
Set Current Measure Code to the Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXR".
Set NOXR Measure Code to the Current Measure Code.
else if (Current DHV Parameter == "HI")
If (Heat Input Method Code== "CEM")
if (Heat Input Equation Code i n set {F-15, F-16})
If (Monitor Measure Code Array for "C02C" and "FLOW" are both equal to "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASURE".
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else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "C02C" and "FLOW" are both equal to "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "SUB".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "C02C" and "FLOW" are both not null)
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
else if {Heat Input Equation Code in set {F-18})
If (Monitor Measure Code Array for "02D" and "FLOW" are both equal to "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASURE".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "02D" and "FLOW" are both equal to "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "SUB".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "02D" and "FLOW" are both not null)
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
else if (Heat Input Equation Code in set {F-17})
If (Monitor Measure Code Array for "02 W" and "FLOW" are both equal to "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASURE".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "02 W" and "FLOW" are both equal to "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "SUB".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "02 W" and "FLOW" are both not null)
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
if (Heat Input Equation Code i n set {F-16, F-17, F-18} AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" is not null)
If ((Current Measure Code == "MEASURE" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" == "SUB")OR
(Current Measure Code == "SUB" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" == "MEASURE"))
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
else if (Heat Input App D Method Active for Hour == true)
If (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" in set {OTHER, MEASSUB})
set Current Measure Code to Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" and "GCV" are both equal to "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASURE".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" and "GCV" are both equal to "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "SUB".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" and "GCV" are both not null)
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "DENSITY" is not null)
If ((Current Measure Code == "MEASURE" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "DENSITY" == "SUB")
OR (Current Measure Code == "SUB" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "DENSITY" == "MEASURE"))
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
Set HI Measure Code to the Current Measure Code.
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else if {Current DHVParameter == "S02")
If (S02 CEM Method Active for Hour == true)
If (Monitor Measure Code Array for "S02C" and "FLOW" are both equal to "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASURE".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "S02C" and "FLOW" are both equal to "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "SUB".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "S02C" and "FLOW" are both not null)
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
if (S02 Equation Code == "F-2" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" is not null)
If ((Current Measure Code == "MEASURE" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" == "SUB")OR
(Current Measure Code == "SUB" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" == "MEASURE"))
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
else if (S02 F23 Method Active for Hour == true)
set Current Measure Code to HI Measure Code
else if (S02 App D Method Active for Hour == true)
If (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" in set {OTHER, MEASSUB } OR Monitor Measure Code Array for
"SULFUR" is null)
set Current Measure Code to Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" and "SULFUR" are both equal to "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASURE".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" and "SULFUR" are both equal to "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "SUB".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "FF" is not null)
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
else if (Current DHV Parameter == "C02")
If (C02 Method Code == "CEM")
If (Monitor Measure Code Array for "C02C" and "FLOW" are both equal to "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASURE".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "C02C" and "FLOW" are both equal to "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "SUB".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "C02C" and "FLOW" are both not null)
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
if (CO 2 Mass Equation Code == "F-2" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" is not null)
If ((Current Measure Code == "MEASURE" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" == "SUB")OR
(Current Measure Code == "SUB" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" == "MEASURE"))
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
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else if (CO2 App D Method Active for Hour == true)
set Current Measure Code to HI Measure Code
else if {Current DHVParameter == "NOX")
if (NOx Mass Equation Code== "F-24A")
If (HIMeasure Code andNOXR Measure Code are both equal to "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASURE".
else if (HIMeasure Code and NOXR Measure Code are both equal to "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "SUB".
else if (HI Measure Code and NOXR Measure Code are both not null)
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
else if (NOx Mass Equation Code in set {F-26A, F-26B})
If (Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXC" and "FLOW" are both equal to "MEASURE")
set Current Measure Code to "MEASURE".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXC" and "FLOW" are both equal to "SUB")
set Current Measure Code to "SUB".
else if (Monitor Measure Code Array for "NOXC" and "FLOW" are both not null)
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
if (NOx Mass Equation Code== "F-26B" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" is not null)
If ({Current Measure Code == "MEASURE" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" == "SUB")OR
(Current Measure Code == "SUB" AND Monitor Measure Code Array for "H20" == "MEASURE"))
set Current Measure Code to "MEASSUB".
else if (Current DHV Parameter in set {S02M, NOXM, C02M, HIT}
Set Current Measure Code to "LME".
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Concentration Calculation Verification
C02 Mass Rate Calculation Verification
C02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
H20 Calculation Verification
Heat Input Calculation Verification
HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
NOx Emissions Rate Calculation Verification
NOx Mass Rate Calculation Verification
NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
S02 Calculation Verification
S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Category:
Hourly Derived Data
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURDHV-1
Check Name: Initialize S02 Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for S02.
Current DHV Parameter = "S02"
S02 Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV Record = Current S02 Derived Hourly Record
Current DHV Method = S02 Method Code
Current DHV System Type = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-2
Check Name: Initialize NOX Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for NOX.
Current DHV Parameter = "NOX'
NOX Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV Record = Current NOx Mass Derived Hourly Record
Current DHV Method = NOx Mass Monitor Method Code
Current DHV System Type = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-3
Check Name: Initialize NOXR Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for NOXR.
Current DHV Parameter = "NOXR"
NOXR Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV System Type = null
Current DHV Record = Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record
Current DHV Method = Current NOx Rate Method Code
NOx Emission Rate MODC = Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly ModcCode
if {Current DHV Method == "CEM")
Current DHV System Type= "NOX"
else if {Current DHV Method == "PEM")
Current DHV System Type = "NOXP"
if {Current DHV Method == "AE")
Current DHV System Type= "NOXE"
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-4
Check Name: Initialize C02 Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for C02.
Current DHV Parameter = "C02"
CO2 Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV Record = Current C02 Mass Derived Hourly Record
Current DHV Method = C02 Method Code
Current DHV System Type = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-5
Check Name: Initialize C02C Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for C02C.
Current DHV Parameter = "C02C"
C02C Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV Record = Current C02 Cone Derived Hourly Record
Current DHV System Type= 'C02'
Current DHV Method = "CEM"
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-6
Check Name: Initialize H20 Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for H20.
Current DHV Parameter = "H20"
H20 Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV Record = Current H20 Derived Hourly Record
Current DHV System Type= "H20"
Current DHV Method = H20 Method Code
RATA Status Required = false
Current Hourly Record for RATA Status = Current H20 Derived Hourly Record
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-7
Check Name: Initialize HI Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for HI.
Current DHV Parameter = "HI"
HI Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV System Type = null
Current DHV Record = Current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record
Current DHV Method = Heat Input Method Code
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Heat Input Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-8
Check Name: Initialize S02R Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for S02R.
Current DHV Parameter = "S02R"
S02R Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV System Type = null
Current DHV Record = Current S02R Derived Hourly Record
Current DHV Method = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02R Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-9
Check Name: Initialize S02M Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for S02M.
Current DHV Parameter = "S02M"
S02M Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV System Type = null
Current DHV Method = "LME"
Current DHV Record = Current S02 Derived Hourly Record
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code: HOURDHV-10
Check Name: Initialize NOXM Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for NOXM.
Current DHV Parameter = "NOXM'
NOXM Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV System Type = null
Current DHV Method = "LME"
Current DHV Record = Current NOx Mass Derived Hourly Record
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code: HOURDHV-11
Check Name: Initialize C02M Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for C02M.
Current DHV Parameter = "C02M"
C02M Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV System Type = null
Current DHV Method = "LME"
Current DHV Record = Current C02 Mass Derived Hourly Record
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code: HOURDHV-12
Check Name: Initialize HIT Derived Hourly Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent derived hourly checks for HIT.
Current DHV Parameter = "HIT"
HIT Derived Hourly Status = true
Current DHV System Type = null
Current DHV Method = Heat Input Method Code
Current DHV Record = Current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code: HOURDHV-13
Check Name: Check MODC in DHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Basic check to ensure that MODC reported in the DHV record is valid for the parameter. Also initializes
variables for the category.
Derived Hourly Mode Status = false
case (Current DHV Parameter)
S02: If {Current DHV Method == "AMS")
If {Current DHV Record. ModcCode is not null and is not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 13,
15, 16,21,23, 53, 54,55})
return result A
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode is not null)
return result B
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
NOX: If {Current DHV Method == "AMS")
If {Current DHVRecord.ModcCode is not null and is not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12,
13, 15,21,23, 24, 53, 54, 55})
return result A
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
If {Current DHV Record. ModcCode is not null)
return result B
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
NOXR: If {Current DHV Method == "AMS" AND Current DHV Record. ModcCode is null)
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
else if {Current DHVMethod == "AE")
If {Current DHV Record. ModcCode is not null)
return result C
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
if {Current DHV Record. ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25, 53, 54, 55})
return result A
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
C02C: If {Current DHV Record. ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 21, 53, 54, 55})
return result A
Derived Mode Status = true
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C02: If {CurrentDHVMethod == "AMS")
If (Current DHV Record.ModcCode is not null and is not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 53,
54, 55})
return result A
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
If (Current DHV Record.ModcCode is not null)
return result B
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
HI: If (Current DHV Method == "AMS")
If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode is not null and is not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 26,
53, 54, 55})
return result A
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode is not null and Current DHV Record. ModcCode <> "26")
return result B
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
H20: H20 DHVMODC = Current DHV Record. ModcCode
if (Current DHV Method == "MWD")
If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 21, 53, 54, 55})
return result A
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
else if (Current DHV Method == "MDF")
If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode <> "40")
return result A
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
S02R: If (S02 F23 Method Active For Hour == true)
If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode <> "40")
return result A
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
HIT: If (Current DHV Record. ModcCode == "45")
If (LME HI Substitute Data Code== "MHHI")
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
return result D
else if (Current DHV Record. ModcCode is not null)
return result A
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
S02M, NOXM, C02M:
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If (Current DHV Record.ModcCode is not null)
return result B
Derived Hourly Mode Status = true
The MODCCode reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid.
You reported an MODCCode in the DHV record for [param]. This field should be
You reported an MODCCode in the DHV record for NOXR. This field should be
blank when you use the Appendix E method to determine the NOx emission rate.
You reported an MODCCode of 45 in the DHV record for HIT, but you have not
reported a SubstituteDataCode of MHHI in the active heat input method record in your
monitoring plan.
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— Heat Input Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02R Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-14
Check Name: Check Percent Monitor Availability in DHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Performs a series basic checks to ensure that the reported monitor percent available is between 0 and 100,
inclusive, then checks to see that percent available is within permitted ranges for specific MODC codes
Derived Hourly Pma Status = false
Derived Hourly Missing Data Status = true
If (Derived Hourly Mode Status == true)
If ( Current DHV Record. Percent A\ ailable is NULL)
if {Current DHV Parameter not in set {H20, C02C, NOXR})
Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
else if (Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR" and Current DHV Method not in set {PEM, CEM})
Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
else if (Current DHV Parameter == "H20" and Current DHVRecord.ModcCode == "40")
Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
if (Current DHV Record. ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 14, 21, 22, 53, 54} AND Legacy Data
Evaluation == true)
Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
return result A
return result B
if (Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR" and Current DHV Method == "AE")
return result C
else if (Current DHV Parameter == "H20" and Current DHV Record. ModcCode == "40")
return result C
else if (Current DHV Parameter not in set {H20, C02C, NOXR} AND Current DHV Method <> "AMS")
return result C
else if (Current DHV Record. Percent A\ ailab 1 c> 100.0 OR
Current DHV Record. Percent A\ ailable < 0.0)
return result D
case (Current DHV Record. ModcCode)
= 06: If Current DHVRecord.PercentAvailable >= 90.0
Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
return result E
= 08: If Current DHV Record Percent Available >= 95.0
Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
return result E
= 09: If Current DHV Record. Percent A\ ailable >= 90.0 AND Current DHV Record. Percent A\ ailable <
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Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
return result E
= 10: If Current DHV7tecw=80.0 AND Current DHV7tecw=90.0
Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
return result F
return result E
= 11: If Current DHV Record.PercerA Available >=90.0
Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
return result E
All other MODC Codes:
Derived Hourly Pma Status = true
You reported an MODCCode of [ModcCode] in the DHV record for [param], but you
did not report a value for PercentAvailable. While this is not required for legacy EDR
data, it is required in all [param] DHV records for ECMPS.
You did not report PercentAvailable in the DHV record for [param].
You reported PercentAvailable in the DHV record for [param]. This field should be
The PercentAvailable reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. This value
must be between 0 and 100.
You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the DHV for [param], but the
PercentAvailable is not appropriate for this MODC.
You reported an MODCCode of 10 in the [type] record for [param], but the
PercentAvailability is greater than or equal to 90. When the PMA is greater than or
equal to 90, you should only report an MODC of 10 to indicate that you used the
maximum hourly value in the lookback period for the next available higher load bin,
because there were no quality-assured data in the bin corresponding to the current load
range. (See Part 75.33(c)(5).)
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
C02 Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
C02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Heat Input Derived Hourly Evaluation
HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
NOx Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
S02 Derived Hourly Evaluation
S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
S02R Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-15
Check Name: Check Prior QA'd Hours for MODC 07
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: For Method of Determination Code 07, all prior hours in reporting period are checked to ensure that total of
QA'd hours is below a certain threshold
if (Derived Hourly Mode Status == true AND Derived Hourly PMA Status == true)
if {Current DHV Record.ModcCode == 07)
case (Current DHV Parameter)
NOXR: MODC Set = {01, 02, 04, 14, 21, 22, 53}
C02C: MODC Set = {01, 02, 04, 21, 53}
H20: MODC Set = {01, 02, 04, 21, 53}
Prior QA Hours = count DerivedHourly ValueData records where
DerivedHourly ValueData.ModcCode in set MODC Set AND
DerivedHourly ValueData.ParameterCode = Current DHV Record. ParamctcrCodc AND
(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate < Current Date OR
(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginHour < Current
if {Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR")
if {Prior QA Hours > 2160)
Derived Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result A
if {Prior QA Hours > 720)
Derived Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result A
Result Response Severity
A You reported an MODCCode of 07 in the DHV record for [param], but too many prior Critical Error Level 1
quality assured hours exist in evaluation period for use of this missing data approach.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
2 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
3 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check for Correct Use of Missing Data MODCs
CEM Check
Current DHVHBHA Value = null
if (Derived Hourly Mode Status == true AND Derived Hourly PMA Status == true)
case (Current DHV Parameter)
NOXR: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 14, 21, 22, 53, 54}
C02C: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 21, 53, 54}
H20: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 21, 53, 54}
if (Current DHV Record.ModcCode in set {06, 08, 09})
If (Current MHVParameter in set {C02C, H20})
Prior Record = latest DerivedHourly ValueData record or MonitorHourly ValueData record where
ParameterCode = Current DHV Parameter AND
ModcCode in set MODCSet AND
(Date < Current Date OR
(Date = Current Date AND Hour < Current Hour ))
If Prior Record is not null and is in current reporting period
Next Record = earliest DerivedHourly ValueData record or MonitorHourly ValueData record where
Data.ParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
Data.ModcCode in set MODCSet AND
(Date > Current Date OR
(Date = Current Date AND Hour > Current Hour ))
If Next Record is not null and is in current reporting period
If Prior .Record. AdjustedHourly Value >= 0 AND Xext /fecon/.AdjustcdHourly Value >= 0
Current DHV HBHA Value = (Prior Record. AdjustedHourlyValue + Next
.Record. AdjustedHourly Value) / 2, ROUNDED to a single decimal.
Derived Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result A
Prior DHV Record = latest DerivedHourly ValueData record where
DerivedHourly ValueData.ParameterCode = Current DHV Parameter AND
DerivedHourValueData.ModcCode in set MODCSet AND
[DerivedHourly ValueData.Date < Current Date OR
(DerivedHourly ValueData.Date = Current Date AND DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour < Current Hour)]
If Prior DHV Record is not null and is in current reporting period
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Next DHVRecord = earliest DerivedHourly ValueData record where
DerivedHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = Current MHVParameter AND
DerivedHourValueData.ModcCode in set MODC Set AND
[DerivedHourly ValueData.Date > Current Date OR
(DerivedHourly ValueData.Date = Current Date AND DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour > Current
If Next DHV Record is not null and is in current reporting period
If Prior Dili 7^Ł'6r;rt/.AdjustcdHourlyValue >= 0 AND Xexi Dili Vfecon/.AdjustcdHourlyValuc
Current DHV HBHA Value = (Prior DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue + Next DHV
.Record. AdjustedHourly Value) / 2, ROUNDED to three decimal places.
Derived Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result A
else if {Current DHV Record. ModcCode == "11")
Prior Measured DHV Record = DerivedHourly ValueData record at latest time for the location where
DerivedHourly ValueData.ModcCode in set MODC Set AND
DerivedHourly ValueData.ParameterCode = Current DHV Parameter AND
(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate < Current Date OR
(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginHour < Current
If Prior Measured DHV Record is not null and is in the current reporting period
PriorDate = Prior Measured DHV Record. BeginDate
PriorHour = Prior Measured Dili 7tecwc/.BcginHour
PriorDate = the day prior to the beginning of the current reporting period
PriorHour = 23
Next Measured DHV Record = DerivedHourly ValueData record at earliest time for the location where
DerivedHourly ValueData.ModcCode in set MODC Set AND
DerivedHourly ValueData.ParameterCode = Current DHV Parameter AND
(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate > Current Date OR
(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginHour > Current
If Next Measured DHV Record is not null and is in the current reporting period
NextDate = Next Measured DHV Record. BeginDate
NextHour = Next Measured DHV Record. BeginHour
NextDate = the day after the end of the current reporting period
NextHour = 0
Missing Data Period Length = Count of DerivedHourly ValueData records for the location where
DerivedHourly ValueDataParameterCode = Current DHV Parameter AND
(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate > PriorDate OR
(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate = PriorDate AND DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginHour >
PriorHour)) AND
(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate < NextDate OR
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(DerivedHourly ValueData.BeginDate = NextDate AND DerivedHourly ValueDataBeginHour <
if {Current DHV Record. Percent Available is null OR Current DHV Record. Percent A\ ailable >= 95.0)
if (Missing Data Period Length > 24)
Derived Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result B
if (Missing Data Period Length > 8)
Derived Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result B
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] either before or
after the current hour is invalid.
You reported an MODCCode of 11 in the DHV record for [param], but the length of
the missing data period exceeds the allowable value for use of this missing data
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-17
Check Name: Check Extraneous Data in DHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check ensures that certain fields are null in the DHV record.
Derived Hourly Null Status = false
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
if (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.UiiadjustcdHourly Value is not null)
append "UnadjustedHourly Value" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
if (Current Segment Number is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
if (Current DHV Record.0\~>cn\{\ ngCo ndi t io nCodc is not null)
if {Current DHV Parameter is not equal to "NOXM")
append "OperatingConditionCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
if (Current DHV Record. Fuel Code is not null)
if {Current DHV Parameter not in set {N0XM,S02M,C02M})
append "FuelCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
if {Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
Derived Hourly Null Status = true
Result Response Severity
A You reported [fieldnames] in the DHV record for [param]. This data should be blank. Non-Critical Error
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
C02 Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
C02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Heat Input Derived Hourly Evaluation
HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
NOx Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
S02 Derived Hourly Evaluation
S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
S02R Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-18
Check Name: Check System in DHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check ensures that a valid Monitoring System is indicated in the DHV record.
Current DHVMon Sys Record = null
Derived Hourly System Status = false
if {Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR")
App E Constant Fuel Mix = false
If ((Current DHV Parameter in set {S02, S02R, NOX, C02} AND Current DHV Method <> "AMS") OR
(Current DHV Parameter == "HI" AND Current DHV Method in set {CALC, AD, ADCALC}) OR
(Current DHV Parameter == "H20" AND Current DHV Method == "MDF") OR
LME HI Method is not null)
if Current DHV Record. Mo ni to ri ngSy stem ID is NOT null
return result A
Derived Hourly System Status = true
else if (Current DHV Parameter <> "HI")
case (Current DHV Parameter)
NOXR: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 14, 21, 22}
C02C: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 21}
H20: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 21}
If (Current DHV Record. Mo ni to ri ngSy stem ID is null)
If (Current DHV Method == "AMS")
Derived Hourly System Status = true
Else If (Current DHV Method == "AE")
If Current /)//K/?6'ewY/.OpcratingConditionCodc is null
Derived Hourly System Status = true
return result J
Else If (Current DHV Record.ModcCode in set MODCSet)
return result C
Derived Hourly System Status = true
If (Derived Hourly MODC Status == true AND Current DHV Method in set {CEM, PEM, MWD} AND Current DHV
Record. ModcCodc not in set {05, 53, 54} AND Current DHV Record.ModcCode not in set MODC Set)
return result B
Current DHV Mon Sys Record = find active MonitoringSystemData record for location where
MonitoringSy stemData.MonitoringSy stemID = Current DHV Record. M o ni t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID
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if {Current DHVMon Sys Record is null)
return result D
else if {Derived MHVMon Sys Record. SystcmTypcCode <> Current DHV System Type)
return result E
else if {Current DHV Method == "AE" AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for
Oil > 0)
If {Derived DHV Mon Sys ReconLFudCo&c == "MIX" OR Current DHV
Record. Opcrat i ngCo ndi t io nCode is not null)
if (Current /)//K/?6'ew "MIX")
return result G
return result H
return result I
Derived Hourly System Status = true
Derived Hourly System Status = true
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You reported [fieldnames] in the DHV record for [param]. This data should be blank.
You reported a MonitoringSystemID in the DHV record for [param]. This field should
be blank when missing data substitution is used.
You did not report a MonitoringSystemID in the DHV record for [param]. This
information is required when you report measured data.
You reported MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the DHV record for [param], but according
to your monitoring plan this system was not active during the hour.
You reported MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the DHV record for [param], but the
SystemTypeCode of this system is not appropriate.
You reported an OperatingConditionCode of E in the DHV record for NOXR. You
should report the NOx emission rate for emergency fuels in an HPFF record, not a
DHV record.
You reported an OperatingConditionCode in the DHV record for NOXR, which
indicates that you are determining NOx emission rate from a mixed fuel Appendix E
curve, but the FuelCode of NOXE MonitoringSystemID [ID] is not equal to "MIX". If
a NOXE system measures an individual fuel, the emissions from this system should be
reported in an HPFF record, not a DHV record.
The OperatingConditionCode reported in the DHV record for NOXR is missing or
You reported NOXE MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the DHV record for NOXR, but the
FuelCode of this system is not equal to "MIX". If a NOXE system measures an
individual fuel, the emissions from this system should be reported in an HPFF record.
If this data represents unit-level emissions based on fuel-specific emissions data that
have been reported in one or more HPFF records, then the MonitoringSystemID should
be blank.
You reported an OperatingConditionCode in the DHV record for NOXR, which
indicates that you are determining NOx emission rate using Appendix E, but you did
not report a MonitoringSystemID in this record. If you determined the NOx emission
rate from a mixed fuel curve or via heat input apportionment, you should report the
MonitoringSystemID of the NOXE system for the curve. If you determined the NOx
emission rate from one or more individual fuel curves, you should not report an
OperatingConditionCode in the NOXR DHV record.
Non-Critical Error
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
C02 Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
C02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Heat Input Derived Hourly Evaluation
HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
NOx Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
S02 Derived Hourly Evaluation
S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
S02R Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-19
Check Name: Check System Designation Code for System in DHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check ensures that the SystemDesignationCode of the monitoring system is compatible with reported
If (Derived Hourly Mode Status == true AND Derived Hourly System Status == true AND Current DHVMon Sys Record is not null)
case (Current DHV Record. IVI ode Code)
01: If (Current DHV Mon Sys Record. SystemDesignationCode NOT in set {P, PB })
return result A
02: If {Current DHV Mon Sys Record. SystemDesignationCode NOT in set {B, RB, DB}
return result B
04: If {Current DHV Mon Sys Record. SystemDesignationCode <> "RM")
return result C
22: If {Current DHV Mon Sys Record. SystemDesignationCode <> "CI")
return result D
Result Response Severity
A You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the DHV record for [param], but Critical Error Level 1
MonitoringSystemID [ID] is not a primary system.
B You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the DHV record for [param], but Critical Error Level 1
MonitoringSystemID [ID] is not a backup system.
C You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the DHV record for [param], but Critical Error Level 1
MonitoringSystemID [ID] is not a reference method system.
D You reported an MODCCode of 22 in the DHV record for NOXR, but Critical Error Level 1
MonitoringSystemID [ID] is not a certified inlet system.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
2 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
3 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-24
Check Name: Check Formula in DHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Checks the Formula ID in the DerivedHourly Value record and ensures that it can be used for the calculation.
Derived Hourly Formula Status = false
Derived Hourly Equation Status = false
Current DHV Multiple Fuel Equation Code == null
Current DHV Formula Record = null
If {Current DHV Record. FormulalDKey is null)
If {Current DHV Method in set {AMS, LME}) OR
{Derived Hourly Mode Status == true AND Current DHV Record .ModcCode == "40") OR
LME HI Method is not null)
Derived Hourly Formula Status = true
else if {Current DHV Parameter = " AE" AND App E Constant Fuel Mix == true)
Derived Hourly Formula Status = true
else if {Current DHV Parameter in set {NOXR, S02, HI, C02}) AND Current DHV Method in set {AD, AE})
Derived Hourly Formula Status = true
If {Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil >1)
case {Current DHV Parameter)
NOXR: Current DHV Multiple Fuel Equation Code = "E-2"
S02: Current DHV Multiple Fuel Equation Code = "D-12"
C02: Current DHV Multiple Fuel Equation Code = " G-4 A"
HI: Current DHV Multiple Fuel Equation Code = "D-15A"
Locate active Formula Record for location WHERE
ParameterCode == Current DHV Parameter AND
EquationCode == Current DHV Multiple Fuel Equation Code
If found,
If (Legacy Data Evaluation == true)
return result A
return result B
else if {Current DHV Method = "PEM")
Derived Hourly Formula Status = true
else if {Current DHV Parameter == "NOX" AND Current NOx Rate Method Code == " AE" AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count for
Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil > 1 AND Legacy Data Evaluation == true)
Derived Hourly Formula Status = true
else if {Current DHV Parameter in set {NOXR, H20, C02C})
If {Derived Hourly Mode Status == true)
If {Current DHV Record. ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 14, 21, 22, 53, 54})
return result C
Derived Hourly Formula Status = true
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return result C
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
If (CurrentDHVParameter in set {S02R, H20} AND CurrentDHVRecord.MODCCode == "40")
return result D
else if (LME HI Method is not null)
return result J
Current DHV Formula Record= Find MonitoringFormulaData record where
MonitoringFormulaData,MonitoringFormulaIDKey = Current DHV Record. FormulalDKey
If (Current DHV Formula Record is null)
return result E
else if (Current DHV Formula Record. ParameterCode is not equal to Current DHV Parameter)
If Current DHV Parameter == "HI" AND Current DHV Method = "AD" AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count for
Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil > 1 AND Current DHV Formula Record. Pa ra m c t c rC o dc == "HIT"
AND Current DHV Formula Record. E q ua t i o n Co dc == "D-15" AND Legacy Data Evaluation == true)
return result I
return result F
Derived Hourly Formula Status = true
if Current DHV Parameter == "HI" AND Current DHV Method = "ADCALC" and Current DHV Formula
Record.EquationCodc not in {F-21A,F-21B,F-21D}
Count all active MonitoringFormulaData record for location where
EquationCode in {F-21A,F-21B,F-21D}
if (Count =1)
Current DHV Formula Record = Find active MonitoringFormulaData record for location where
EquationCode in {F-21A,F-21B,F-21D}
else if (Current DHVMethod == "AE")
if (App E Constant Fuel Mix == true OR Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count
for Oil == 0)
return result H
else if (Derived Hourly Mode Status == true)
If (Current DHV Parameter in set {NOXR, H20, C02C} AND Current DHV Record.MODCCode
NOT in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 14, 21, 22, 53, 54} AND Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result G
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You did not report a FormulalD in the DHV record for [param]. While this is
acceptable for legacy EDR data, the FormulalD will be required for ECMPS.
You did not report a FormulalD in the DHV record for [param]. This formula is
required when you burn multiple fuels during the hour.
You did not report a FormulalD in the DHV record for [param].
You reported an MODC of 40, but you reported a FormulalD in the DHV record for
[param]. This field should be blank when reporting a default value.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for [param], but there is no active
Formula record for this formula in your monitoring plan.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for [param], but this is not a [param]
You reported a FormulalD in the DHV record for [param]. This field should be blank
when using missing data substitution.
You reported a FormulalD in the DHV record for NOXR. This field should be blank
unless you determine the NOX emission rate using multiple Appendix E curves.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for HI, but FormulaCode D-15 will
no longer be appropriate for calculating HI from multiple fuels. For ECMPS, the
ParameterCode should be for this formula should be HI and the FormulaCode should
be "D-15A".
You reported a FormulalD in the DHV record for [param]. This field should be blank
when reporting emissions for LME units.
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— Heat Input Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02R Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-25
Check Name: Check Heat Input Equation Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Looks up the equation code for the current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record and verifies that it is appropriate
for heat input calculations.
CO2 Cone Checks Needed for Heat Input = false
02 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input = false
02 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input = false
if (Heat Input App D Method Active For Hour == true)
Hourly Fuel Flow Checks needed for Heat Input = true
Hourly Fuel Flow Checks needed for Heat Input = false
Heat Input Equation Code = null
if (Derived Hourly Formula Status == true)
if (Current DHVFormula Record is not null)
Heat Input Equation Code= Current DHV Formula Record. EquationCode
if (Heat Input CEM Method Active For Hour == true)
if (Heat Input Equation Code in set {F-15, F-16, F-17, F-18} )
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Flow Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
if (Heat Input Equation CodeO "F-15")
Moisture Needed = true
append "MIN" to H20 Missing Data Approach
if (Heat Input Equation Code= "F-15" OR Heat Input Equation Code = "F-16")
CO2 Cone Checks Needed for Heat Input = true
FC Factor Needed = true
else if (Heat Input Equation Code = "F-17")
02 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input = true
FD Factor Needed = true
else if (Heat Input Equation Code = "F-18")
02 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input = true
FD Factor Needed = true
else if (Heat Input Equation Code is null)
return result A
return result B
else if (Heat Input App D Method Active For Hour == true)
if (Heat Input Equation Code== "D-15A")
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
else if (Heat Input Method Code== "ADCALC" and Heat Input Equation Code in set {F-21A, F-21B, F-21C,
F-21D, F-25})
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
if (Heat Input Equation Code== "F-21D")
Apportionment HI Method Array for the location = "NOCALC"
elseif (Heat Input Equation Code in set {F-19, F-19V, F-20, D-6, D-8} AND (Legacy Data Evaluation ==
true OR Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil == 1))
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
return result C
else if (Heat Input Equation Code is null)
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return result A
return result B
else if (Current DHVMethod in set {CALC, ADCALC})
if (Heat Input Equation Code in set {F-21A, F-21B, F-21C, F-25})
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
else if (Heat Input Equation Code== "SS-3B")
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Apportionment HI Method Array for the location = "COMPLEX"
else if (Heat Input Equation Code== "F-21D" OR Current DHVMethod == "ADCALC")
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Apportionment HI Method Array for the location = "NOCALC"
else if (Heat Input Equation Code is null)
return result A
return result B
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for [param], but you did not report a Critical Error Level 1
FormulaCode for this formula in your monitoring plan.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for HI, but the FormulaCode of this Critical Error Level 1
formula is not appropriate for calculating HI.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for HI, but a formula with a Informational Message
FormulaCode [EQCODE] is no longer appropriate in this record. For ECMPS, if you
are calculating heat input from multiple fuels using Appendix D, you should report a
formula with a FormulaCode of D-15A in the DHV record; otherwise, do not report a
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Heat Input Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-26
Check Name: Check NOX Equation Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Retrieves and validates NOx Mass Equation Code as a valid formula code for calculating NOx Mass
NOx Rate Checks Needed for NOx Mass Calc = false
Heat Input Checks Needed for NOx Mass Calc = false
NOx Mass Equation Code = null
if (Derived Hourly Formula Status == true)
if {Current DHVFormula Record is not null)
NOx Mass Equation Code= Current DHV Formula Record.EqnationCode
if {Current DHV Method == "CEM")
if {NOx Mass Equation Code i n set {F-26A, F-26B})
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Flow Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
if {NOx Mass Equation Code= "F-26B") //note that the old name fortius formula was "N-2"
Moisture Needed = true
append "MIN" to H20 Missing Data Approach
else if {NOx Mass Equation Code is null)
return result A
return result B
else if {Current DHV Method == "NOXR")
if {NOx Mass Equation Code== "F-24A")
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Heat Input Checks Needed for NOx Mass Calc = true
Nox Rate Checks Needed for NOx Mass Calc = true
else if {NOx Mass Equation Code is null)
return result A
return result C
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
if {Current NOx Rate Method Code == " AE" AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil
> 1 AND Legacy Data Evaluation == true)
NOx Mass Equation Code= "F-24A"
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You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for [param], but you did not report a
FormulaCode for this formula in your monitoring plan.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for NOX, but the FormulaCode of
this formula is not appropriate for calculating NOX from a NOXC system.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for NOX, but the FormulaCode of
this formula is not appropriate for calculating NOX from a NOx-diluent system.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-27
Check Name: Check NOXR Equation Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Gets Equation Code from Active Monitor Formula Record and verifies that it is an appropriate equation for
calculation of NOx Rate.
02 Dry Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = false
02 Wet Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = false
C02 Diluent Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = false
if {CurrentDHVMethod == "AE")
Hourly Fuel Flow Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = true
Hourly Fuel Flow Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = false
NOx Rate Equation Code = "" // null string
if (Derived Hourly Formula Status == true)
if {Current DHV Formula Record is not null)
NOx Rate Equation Code = Current DHV Formula Record. Equa t i 011 Codc
if {Current NOx Rate Method Code== "CEM")
if {NOx Rate Equation CWeinset {19-1, 19-2, 19-3, 19-3D, 19-4, 19-5, 19-5D, 19-6, 19-7, 19-8, 19-9, F-5,
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
If {Current DHV Record. ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 14, 21, 22, 53, 54})
if {NOx Rate Equation Code in set {19-1, 19-4, F-5} )
02 Dry Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = true
FD Factor Needed = true
else if {NOx Rate Equation Code i 11 set {19-3, 19-5} )
02 Wet Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = true
FD Factor Needed = true
else if {NOx Rate Equation Code in set {19-3D, 19-5D} )
FD Factor Needed = true
else if {NOx Rate Equation Code i 11 set {19-6, 19-7, 19-8, 19-9, F-6} )
CO2 Diluent Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = true
FC Factor Needed = true
else if {NOx Rate Equation Code =="19-2")
02 Wet Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = true
FW Factor Needed = true
if {NOx Rate Equation CWeinset {19-3, 19-3D, 19-4, 19-8}
Moisture Needed = true
append "MAX" to H20 Missing Data Approach
else if {NOx Rate Equation Code i 11 set {19-5, 19-9}
Moisture Needed = true
append "MIN" to H20 Missing Data Approach
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else (if (NOx Rate Equation Code is null)
return result A
return result B
else if {Current NOx Rate Method Code== "AE")
if (NOx Rate Equation Code == 'E-2')
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
else if (NOx Rate Equation Code is null)
return result A
return result C
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for [param], but you did not report a
FormulaCode for this formula in your monitoring plan.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for NOXR, but the FormulaCode of
this formula is not appropriate for calculating NOXR.
You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for NOXR, but the FormulaCode of
this formula is not appropriate for calculating NOXR from multiple fuels. The
FormulaCode should be E-2.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-28
Check Name: Check C02C Equation Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Gets Equation Code from Active Monitor Formula Record and verifies that it is an appropriate equation for
calculation of C02 Cone (Either F-14A or F-14B)
CO2 Cone CEM Equation Code = "" // null string
if (Derived Hourly Formula Status == true)
if {Current DHVFormula Record is not null)
CO 2 Cone CEM Equation Code = Current DHV Formula Record .Formula C ode
if (CO2 Cone CEM Equation Code in set {F-14A, F-14B})
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
return result A
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Result Response Severity
A You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for C02C, but the FormulaCode of Critical Error Level 1
this formula is not appropriate for calculating C02C.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-29
Check Name: Check C02 Equation Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Gets Equation Code from Active Monitor Formula Record and verifies that it is an appropriate equation for
calculation of C02 Mass (Either F-2 or F-l 1)
C02 Cone Checks Neededfor C02 Mass Calc = false
Use C02 Diluent Cap for Co2 Mass Calc = false
Use 02 Diluent Cap for Co2 Cone Calc = false
if (CO 2 App D Method Active For Hour == true)
Hourly Fuel Flow Checks Neededfor C02= true
Hourly Fuel Flow Checks Neededfor C02 = false
C02 Mass Equation Code = "" // null string
if (Derived Hourly Formula Status == true)
if (Current DHVFormula Record is not null)
CO 2 Mass Equation Code = Current DHV Formula Record .Formula C ode
if (CO 2 CEM Method Active For Hour == true)
Flow Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
CO2 Cone Checks Neededfor C02 Mass Calc = true
if (CO2 Mass Equation Code== "F-2" OR CO2 Mass Equation Code== "F-ll")
Derived Hourly Equation Status= true
If (C02 Mass Equation Code== 'F-2')
Moisture Needed = true
append "MIN" to H20 Missing Data Approach
if (Current DHV Record .DW\icn\Civp\n&\ci\\ox == 1)
Use C02 Diluent Cap for Co2 Mass Calc = true
Use 02 Diluent Cap for Co2 Cone Calc = true
return result A
else if (CO2 App D Method Active For Hour == true)
if (CO2 Mass Equation Code== "G-4A")
Derived Hourly Equation Status= true
else if (CO2 Mass Equation Code== "G-4" AND (Legacy Data Evaluation == true OR Hourly Fuel Flow
Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil == 1))
Derived Hourly Equation Status= true
return result B
return result A
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Derived Hourly Equation Status= true
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Result Response Severity
A You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for C02, but the FormulaCode of this Critical Error Level 1
formula is not appropriate for calculating C02.
B You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for C02, but a formula with a Informational Message
FormulaCode [EQCODE] is no longer appropriate in this record. For ECMPS, if you
are calculating C02 from multiple fuels using Appendix D, you should report a
formula with a FormulaCode of G-4A in the DHV record; otherwise, do not report a
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURDHV-30
Check Name: Check S02 Equation Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Gets Equation Code from Active Monitor Formula Record and verifies that it is an appropriate equation for
calculation of S02 Mass (Either F-l or F-2)
S02 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = false
if (S02 App D Method Active For Hour == true)
Hourly Fuel Flow Checks Needed for SOI = true
Hourly Fuel Flow Checks Needed forSQ2 = false
S02 Equation Code = "" II null string
if (Derived Hourly Formula Status == true)
If {Current DHVFormula Record is not null)
S02 Equation Code = Current DHV Formula Record. FormulaCode
if (S()2 CEM Method Active For Hour == true)
if (S02 Equation Code== "F-l" OR S02 Equation Code == "F-2")
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Flow Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
If (S()2 Equation Code== "F-2")
Moisture Needed = true
append "MIN" to H20 Missing Data Approach
if (S02 Monitor Hourly Count == 0)
return result A
S02 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
else if (S02 Equation Code== "F-23" AND S02 F23 Method Active For Hour == true)
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
return result B
else if (S()2 F23 Method Active For Hour == true)
if (S02 Equation Code== "F-23")
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
return result B
else if (S()2 App D Method Active For Hour == true)
if (S()2 Equation Code= "D-12")
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
else if (S()2 Equation Code in {D-2, D-4, D-5} AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow
Countfor Oil == 1))
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
return result C
return result B
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
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Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Result Response
A You did not report an MHV record for [param] for the hour.
B You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for S02, but the FormulaCode of this
formula is not appropriate for calculating S02.
C You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for S02, but a formula with a
FormulaCode [EQCODE] is not appropriate in this record. If you are calculating S02
from multiple fuels using Appendix D, you should report a formula with a
FormulaCode of D-12 in the DHV record; otherwise, do not report a FormulalD.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
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Check Code: HOURDHV-31
Check Name: Check H20 Equation Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Looks up the Formula Identifier defined in the H20 Derived Hourly Record and ensures that it is a valid
formula for H20 calculations
H20 CEM Equation Code = "" // null string
if (Derived Hourly Formula Status == true)
If {Current DHVFormula Record is not null)
H20 CEM Equation Code = Current DHV Formula Record .Formula C ode
if (H20 CEM Equation Code in set (F-3 \ M-1K)
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
return result A
Derived Hourly Equation Status = true
Result Response Severity
A You reported FormulalD [ID] in the DHV record for H20, but the FormulaCode of this Critical Error Level 1
formula is not appropriate for calculating H20.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURDHV-32
Check Name: Verily Correct Reporting of NOXC MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
If {CurrentDHVMethod in set {CEM, CEMNOXR})
If {Current DHV Parameter == "NOXR")
Nox Cone Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = false
If Current DHVRecord.ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 14, 21, 22, 53, 54} // only need cone for measured data
If {NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Count == 0)
return result A
Nox Cone Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = true
If {NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Count == 1 AND Nox Cone Needed for NOx Mass Calc == false)
return result B
Else if {Current DHV Parameter == "NOX")
Nox Cone Needed for NOx Mass Calc = false
If {Derived Hourly Equation Status == true AND NOx Mass Equation Code begins with "F-26")
if {NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Count == 0)
return result A
Nox Cone Needed for NOx Mass Calc = true
You did not report an MHV record for NOXC for the hour.
You reported an MHV record for NOXC, but you reported a MODCCode of [mode] in
the DHV record for NOXR. You should not report an MHV record for NOXC when
you use substitute data to determine the NOx emission rate.
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURDHV-33
Check Name: Determine Default Value for MODC 40
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Derived Hourly Default Status == true
If (Derived Hourly Mode Status == true AND Current DHVRecord.ModcCode == 40)
If {Current DHV Parameter == "H20")
If Current AdjustedHourly Value is null OR
Current /J/ZK/fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value <= 0 OR
Current /J/ZK/fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value >= 100
Derived Hourly Default Status == false
return result A
If H20 Default Max Value is null
If (H20 Default Value > 0 AND H20 Default Value < 100)
if {Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue <> H20 Default Value)
Derived Hourly Default Status == false
return result B
else if (H20 Default Max Value > 0 AND H20 Default Max Value <100 AND H20 Default Min Value > 0 AND H20
Default Min Value < 100)
If Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue < H20 Default Min Value OR
Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > H20 Default Max Value)
Derived Hourly Default Status == false
return result C
H20 Default Value = Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue
Else if {Current DHV Parameter == "S02R")
If Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue is null OR
Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue <= 0
Derived Hourly Default Status == false
return result D
If F23 Default Max Value is null
If (F23 Default Value > 0)
if {Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue <> F23 Default Value)
Derived Hourly Default Status == false
return result B
else if (F23 Default Max Value > 0 AND F23 Default Min Value >0)
If Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue < F23 Default Min Value OR
Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > F23 Default Max Value)
Derived Hourly Default Status == false
return result C
F23 Default Value = Current DHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue
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The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be between 0 and 100.
You reported an MODCCode of 40 in the DHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value is not equal to the active default value in your monitoring plan.
You reported an MODCCode of 40 in the DHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value is outside the range of the active default values in your
monitoring plan.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than 0.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
¦ S02R Derived Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Determine Derived Hourly Record Status
Related Former Checks:
General Check
If {CurrentDHVParameter == "NOXR")
Current NOX System Status = Derived Hourly System Status
Current NOXR HBHA Value = Current DHVHBHA Value
else if (Current DHV Parameter == "C02C")
Current C02C DHV HBHA Value = Current DHV HBHA Value
else if (Current DHV Parameter == "H20")
Current H20 DHV HBHA Value = Current DHV HBHA Value
If (Derived Hourly Mode Status == false OR Derived Hourly Equation Status == false OR Derived Hourly Missing Data Status == false
OR (Current DHV Record. MODCCode in set {06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11) AND Derived Hourly Pma Status == false))
Case (Current DHV Parameter)
C02C: C02C Derived Hourly Status = false
H20: H20 Derived Hourly Status = false
S02R: S02R Derived Hourly Status = false
S02M: S02M Derived Hourly Status = false
NOXM: NOXM Derived Hourly Status = false
C02M: C02M Derived Hourly Status = false
HIT: HIT Derived Hourly Status = false
S02: S02 Derived Hourly Status = false
NOXR: NOXR Derived Hourly Status = false
NOX: NOX Derived Hourly Status = false
C02: C02 Derived Hourly Status = false
HI: HI Derived Hourly Status = false
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— Heat Input Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Mass Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Derived Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02R Derived Hourly Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURDHV-36
Check Name: NOx Rate DHV Extraneous Fields Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
if {Current DHV Method <> "AE" OR (Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil > 0 AND App E Constant
Fuel Mix == false)
if (Current DHV Record. SegmentNumber is not null)
append "SegmentNumber" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
if (Current /)//K/?6'ew "LME")
if {Current DHVRecord.FuelCode is not null)
append "FuelCode" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
if {Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null),
return result A
Result Response Severity
A You reported [fieldnames] in the DHV record for [param]. This data should be blank. Non-Critical Error
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Emissions Rate Derived Hourly Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOURDHV-37
Check Name: Calculate Heat Input for LME Unit
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = null
If (Derived Hourly Mode Status == true)
if {LME HI Method is equal to "MHHI" OR Current DHV Record MOBCCode = "45")
Locate all Monitor Default records for the hour and location where the ParameterCode is equal to "MHHI".
If (one record is found, AND Monitor Default. Default Value is greater than 0, AND Monitor
Default.DcfaultUnitsOnvicasiircCodc is equal to "MMBTUHR")
If (Current Hourly Op Record.OpTuwc is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1)
Calculate HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = Default Value * Current Hourly Op Record .OpTuwc.
rounded to one decimal place.
return result A
else if {LME HI Method is equal to "LTFF")
If {LME CP Total Heat Input is greater than or equal to 0, AND LME Total Heat Input Array for the location is greater
than or equal to 0, AND Current Hourly Op Record. HourLoad is greater than or equal to 0, AND Current Hourly Op
Record.OpTime is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1)
If {LME OS is equal to true, AND the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 2)
If the Current Month is April,
If {LME April Load is greater than 0)
If (HourLoad is equal to 0)
Set HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = 0
Calculate HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = {LME CP April Heat Input *
Current Hourly Op Record.HourLoad * Current Hourly Op Record.OpTime /
LME April Load) + {LME April Heat Input Array for the location * Current
Hourly Op Record.HourLoad * Current Hourly Op Record.0\iT\mc / LME
April Load Array for the location), and round the result to 1 decimal place.
else if {LME April Optime is greater than 0)
Calculate HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = {LME CP April Heat Input * Current
Hourly Op Record. OpTime / LME April Optime) + {LME April Heat Input Array for
the location * Current Hourly Op Record .OpTuwc / LME April OpTime Array for the
location), and round the result to 1 decimal place.
If {LME Total Load is greater than 0)
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If (HourLoad is equal to 0)
Set HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = 0
Calculate HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = ((LME CP Total Heat Input -
LME CP April Heat Input) * Current Hourly Op Record. HourLoad * Current
Hourly Op Record. OpTime / (LME Total Load - LME April Load)) + ({LME
Total Heat Input Array for the location - LME April Heat Input Array for the
location) * Current Hourly Op Record. HourLoad * Current Hourly Op
Record. OpTime / (LME Total Load Array for the location - LME April Load
Array for the location)), and round the result to 1 decimal place.
else if (LME Total Optime is greater than 0)
Calculate HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = ((LME CP Total Heat Input - LME CP
April Heat Input) * Current Hourly Op Record .0\iT\mc / (LME Total Optime- LME
April Optime)) + ((LME Total Heat Input Array for the location - LME April Heat
Input Array for the location) * Current Hourly Op Record .0\iT\mc / (LME Total
OpTime Array for the location - LME April OpTime Array for the location)), and round
the result to 1 decimal place.
If (LME Total Load is greater than 0)
If (HourLoad is equal to 0)
Set HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = 0
Calculate HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = (LME CP Total Heat Input * Current
Hourly Op Record.HourLoad * Current Hourly Op Record.0\iT\mc / LME Total Load)
+ (LME Total Heat Input Array for the location * Current Hourly Op
Record. HourLoad * Current Hourly Op Record .0\iT\mc / LME Total Load Array for
the location), and round the result to 1 decimal place.
else if (LME Total Optime is greater than 0)
Calculate HIT Calculated Adjusted Value = (LME CP Total Heat Input * Current Hourly Op
Record. OpTime / LME Total Optime) + (LME Total Heat Input Array for the location *
Current Hourly Op Record .0\iT\mc / LME Total OpTime Array for the location), and round
the result to 1 decimal place.
You did not report a single, active, valid default record for MHHI in your monitoring
This check result is obsolete.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code: HOURDHV-38
Check Name: Check Reported Heat Input for LME Unit
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
If (Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie is null or is less than 0)
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result C
if {Current Month is not April OR LME Annual == true)
if {Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if {Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator
Array for this location + Current DHV Record. A dj ust cdH o u rl y Va 1 lie
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value
If {HIT Calculated Adjusted Value is not null and Current /)//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustedHourly Value is not equal to HIT Calculated
Adjusted Value)
If {HIT Calculated Adjusted Value is greater than 1 OR Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie is greater than 1)
Heat Input Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "HIT" AND
if {ABS{Current DHV /fecwf/.AdjustcdHourly Value - HIT Calculated Adjusted Value) > Heat Input
return result B.
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The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. The
Critical Error Level 1
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with
Critical Error Level 1
the recalculated value.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
Critical Error Level 1
appropriate precision for that parameter.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code: HOURDHV-39
Check Name: Calculate S02 Mass for LME Unit
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
S02M Calculated Adjusted Value = null
If Current DHVRecord.FuelCode is null,
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A.
Locate MonitorDefault record for the hour and location where ParameterCd = "S02R", DefaultPurposeCd = "LM", and FuelCode
is equal to Current DHV Record. FuelCode.
If not found, or if more than one record is found, or if Default Value is less than or equal to 0, or Default ValueUnitsOfMeasure is
not equal to "LBMMBTU".
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result B.
S02R Default Value = Monitor Default. D c fan 11 Va 1 lie
Locate MonitorDefault record for the hour and location where ParameterCd = "S02R", DefaultPurposeCd = "LM",
FuelCode is in LME Fuel Code List, FuelCode is not equal to Current DHV Record. FuelCode, Default Value is greater
than S()2R Default Value, and Default ValueUnitsOfMeasure is equal to "LBMMBTU".
If found,
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result C.
If HIT Calculated Adjusted Value is null,
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result D.
Calculate S02M Calculated Adjusted Value = HIT Calculated Adjusted Value * S02R Default Value,
and round the result to one decimal place.
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period
S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location + S02M Calculated
Adjusted Value
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = S02 Mass Calculated
Adjusted Value
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The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated,
because you did not report a FuelCode in this record.
You have not reported one and only one active Monitor Default record with a valid
ParameterCode and DefaultPurposeCode in your monitoring plan to report the default
emission rate for the fuel. The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV for [param] could
not be recalculated.
You reported [Fuel] as the FuelCode in the DHV record for [param], but, according to
the Monitor Default records in your monitoring plan, this fuel does not have the
highest default emissions rate of the fuels combusted during the hour. The
AdjustedHourly Value could not be recalculated.
The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated
because the heat input rate could not be determined for the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code: HOURDHV-40
Check Name: Determine Fuels Burned for LME Unit
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
LME Fuel Code List = null
If (HIT Calculated Adjusted Value is not null)
Locate all DerivedHourly Value records for the location and hour where ParameterCode in set {S02M, C02M, NOXM}
For each record found,
Append DerivedHourly Value.FuelCode to LME Fuel Code List.
if {Current Month is not April OR LME Annual == true)
if (Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period HI Calculated
Accumulator Array for this location + HIT Calculated Adjusted Value
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = HIT Calculated Adjusted Value
if {Current Month is April)
if {April HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
April HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = April HI Calculated Accumulator Array for
this location + HIT Calculated Adjusted Value
April HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = HIT Calculated Adjusted Value
if {Current Month is not April OR LME Annual == true)
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
Result Response Severity
A The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for HIT could not be recalculated due to Informational Message
another error listed in this report.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report HIT Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Reported S02M for LME Unit
Related Former Checks:
LME Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
If (Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie is null or is less than 0)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (Current /J/ZK/fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
Rpt Period S02 Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result C
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array >= 0)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported
Accumulator Array for this location + Current DHV Record. A dj ust cdH o u rl y Va 1 lie
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie
If (S02M Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND Current /J/ZK/fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value is not equal to S02M
Calculated Adjusted Value)
SO2 Mass Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "S02M" AND
UOM = "LB"
if (ABS(Current DHV /fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value - S02M Calculated Adjusted Value) > S02 Mass Tolerance)
return result B
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with
the recalculated value.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Calculate C02 Mass for LME Unit
Related Former Checks:
LME Check
C02M Calculated Adjusted Value = null
If Current DHVRecord.FuelCode is null,
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A.
Locate MonitorDefault record for the hour and location where ParameterCd = "C02R", DefaultPurposeCd = "LM", and FuelCode
is equal to Current DHV Record. FuelCode.
If not found, or if more than one record is found, or if Default Value is less than or equal to 0, or Default ValueUnitsOfMeasure is
not equal to "TNMMBTU".
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result B.
C02R Default Value = MonitorDefault. Dcfan 11 Va 1 lie
Locate MonitorDefault record for the hour and location where ParameterCd = "C02R", DefaultPurposeCd = "LM",
FuelCode is in LME Fuel Code List, FuelCode is not equal to Current DHV Record. FuelCode, Default Value is greater
than C02R Default Value, and Default ValueUnitsOfMeasure is equal to "TNMMBTU".
If found,
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result C.
If HIT Calculated Adjusted Value is null,
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result D.
Calculate C02M Calculated Adjusted Value = HIT Calculated Adjusted Value * C02R Default Value,
and round the result to one decimal place.
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period
C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location + C02M Calculated
Adjusted Value
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = CO 2 Mass Calculated
Adjusted Value
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The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated,
because you did not report a FuelCode in this record.
You have not reported one and only one active Monitor Default record with a valid
ParameterCode and DefaultPurposeCode in your monitoring plan to report the default
emission rate for the fuel. The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV for [param] could
not be recalculated.
You reported [Fuel] as the FuelCode in the DHV record for [param], but, according to
the Monitor Default records in your monitoring plan, this fuel does not have the
highest default emissions rate of the fuels combusted during the hour. The
AdjustedHourly Value could not be recalculated.
The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated
because the heat input rate could not be determined for the hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Reported C02M for LME Unit
Related Former Checks:
LME Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
If (Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie is null or is less than 0)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (Current /J/ZK/fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
Rpt Period C02 Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result C
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array >= 0)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported
Accumulator Array for this location + Current DHV Record. A dj ust cdH o u rl y Va 1 lie
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie
If (C02M Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND Current /J/ZK/fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value is not equal to C02M
Calculated Adjusted Value)
CO2 Mass Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "C02M" AND
if (ABS(Current DHV /fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value - C02M Calculated Adjusted Value) > C02 Mass Tolerance)
return result B
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. The
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with
the recalculated value.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Calculate NOX Mass for LME Unit
Related Former Checks:
LME Check
NOXM Calculated Adjusted Value = null
UDEFStatus = null.
UDEFExpirationDate = null.
If Current DHVRecord.FuelCode is null,
if {Current Month is not April OR LME Annual == true)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
Default Condition = null
If Current OperatingConditionCode is null,
Default Condition = "A"
else if Current DHV Record.OperatingConditionCode in set {C, U, P, B}
Default Condition = Current DHV Record .OpexatingCondixUonCode
If Default Condition is null,
if {Current Month is not April OR LME Annual == true)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result B
if (Current DHV Record.OpexaXi ngCondi t ionCodc is equal to "U")
Locate MonitorDefault record for the hour and location where ParameterCd = "NORX", DefaultPurposeCd =
"MD", OperatingConditionCode is equal to Default Condition, and FuelCode is equal to Current DHV
Record. FuelCode.
Locate MonitorDefault record for the hour and location where ParameterCd = "NOXR", DefaultPurposeCd =
"LM", OperatingConditionCode is equal to Default Condition, and FuelCode is equal to Current DHV
Record. FuelCode.
If not found, or if more than one record is found, or if Default Value is less than or equal to 0, or
DefaultValueUnitsOfMeasure is not equal to "LBMMBTU".
if {Current Month is not April OR LME Annual == true)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result C
NOXR Default Value = MonitorDefault. Dcfan 11 Va 1 lie
if {Default Condition is in set {A,C,B,P} AND MonitorDefault.Dcfau 11SourccCodc == "TEST")
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if (Monitor Default. G ro up ID is null)
if {Default Condition == "A" or "C")
Locate the latest UnitDefaultTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location
where FuelCode = Current DHVRecord.FuelCode and EndDate/EndHour is on or
before the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour.
else if {Default Condition == "B")
Locate the latest UnitDefaultTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location
where FuelCode = Current DHV Record. FuelCode, OperatingConditionCode == "A" or
"B", and EndDate/EndHour is on or before the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour.
else if {Default Condition == "P")
Locate the latest UnitDefaultTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location
where FuelCode = Current DHV Record. FuelCode, OperatingConditionCode == "A" or
"P", and EndDate/EndHour is on or before the CurrentOperatingDate/Hour.
If not found,
UDEFStatus = "FOUND"
Set UDEFExpiration Date to 5 years after the end of the quarter of the
UDEFStatus = "GROUP"
Set UDEFExpiration Date to 5 years after the end of the quarter of the
if {Current DHV Record. OperatingConditionCode is equal to "U")
Locate MonitorDefault record for the hour and location where ParameterCd = "NORX",
DefaultPurposeCd = "MD", OperatingConditionCode is equal to Default Condition, FuelCode is in LME
Fuel Code List, FuelCode is not equal to Current DHV Record. FuelCode, Default Value is greater than
NOXR Default Value, and DefaultValueUnitsOfMeasure is equal to "LBMMBTU".
Locate MonitorDefault record for the hour and location where ParameterCd = "NOXR",
DefaultPurposeCd = "LM", OperatingConditionCode is equal to Default Condition, FuelCode is in LME
Fuel Code List, FuelCode is not equal to Current DHV Record. FuelCode, Default Value is greater than
NOXR Default Value, and Default ValueUnitsOfMeasure is equal to "LBMMBTU".
If found,
if {Current Month is not April OR LME Annual == true)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result D
If HIT Calculated Adjusted Value is null,
if {Current Month is not April OR LME Annual == true)
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Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result E
Calculate NOXM Calculated Adjusted Value = HIT Calculated Adjusted Value * NOXR
Default Value, and round the result to one decimal place.
if {Current Month is not April OR LMEAnnual == true)
if (Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location
= Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this
location + NOXM Calculated Adjusted Value
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location = NOx
Mass Calculated Adjusted Value
if {Current Month is April)
if {April NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
April NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location =
April NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location +
NOXM Calculated Adjusted Value
April NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for this location =
NOXM Calculated Adjusted Value
Result Response Severity
A The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated, Critical Error Level 1
because you did not report a FuelCode in this record.
B You reported an invalid OperatingConditionCode in the DHV record for [param]. The Critical Error Level 1
AdjustedHourly Value could not be recalculated.
C You have not reported one and only one active Monitor Default record with a valid Critical Error Level 1
ParameterCode, DefaultPurposeCode, and OperatingConditionCode in your
monitoring plan to report the default emission rate for the fuel. The
AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV for [param] could not be recalculated.
D You reported [Fuel] as the FuelCode in the DHV record for [param], but, according to Critical Error Level 1
the Monitor Default records in your monitoring plan, this fuel does not have the
highest default emissions rate of the fuels combusted during the hour. The
AdjustedHourly Value could not be recalculated.
E The AdjustedHourly Value in the DHV record for [param] could not be recalculated Informational Message
because the heat input rate could not be determined for the hour.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code: HOURDHV-45
Check Name: Check Reported NOXM for LME Unit
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
If (Current DHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie is null or is less than 0)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result A
else if (Current /J/ZK/fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = -1
return result C
if {Current Month is not April OR LME Annual == true)
if (Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array >= 0)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported
Accumulator Array for this location + Current DHV Record. A dj ust cdH o u rl y Va 1 lie
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for this location = Current DHV
Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 uc
If (NOXM Calculated Adjusted Value is not null AND Current /J/ZK/fec-wY/. AdjustedHourly Value is not equal to NOXM
Calculated Adjusted Value)
NOX Mass Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = "NOXM" AND
UOM = "LB"
if (ABS(Current DHV /fecwf/. AdjustedHourly Value - NOXM Calculated Adjusted Value) > NOX Mass Tolerance)
return result B
Result Response Severity
A The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is invalid. The Critical Error Level 1
value must be greater than or equal to 0.
B The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the DHV record for [param] is inconsistent with Critical Error Level 1
the recalculated value.
C You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the Critical Error Level 1
appropriate precision for that parameter.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code: HOURDHV-46
Check Name: Equation Code Consistent with Moisture Basis
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02M Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
If UDEF Status is not null,
If {UDEFStatus == "MISSING")
return result A.
else if (UDEFStatus == "FOUND")
if (Current Operating Date is after the UDEF Expiration Date)
return result B.
Append CurrentDHK Flie 1Codc to the LME Fuel Array for the location.
else if (UDEFStatus == "GROUP")
if (Current Operating Date is after the UDEF Expiration Date)
return result C.
Unit Default Test Expiration Check
LME Check
You did not report an applicable prior LME Unit Default Test for Fuel Code [FUEL],
The applicable prior LME Unit Default Test for Fuel Code [FUEL] has expired. You
need to use a Part 75 default NOx emissions rate until you perform a new
unit-and-fuel-specific default test. You will need to put an end date on your existing
NOXR default records in your monitoring plan, and add a new NOXR default record
based on the Part 75 default value.
Warning: Based on the BeginDate in your NOXR Default record in your monitoring
plan, the LME Unit Default Test(s) that established the default NOx emission rate for
Fuel Code [FUEL] may have expired. Unit Default Tests must be performed every five
years. If your test has expired, you need to use a Part 75 default NOx emissions rate
until you perform a new unit-and-fuel-specific default test. You will need to put an
end date on your existing NOXR default records in your monitoring plan, and add a
new NOXR default record based on the Part 75 default value.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOXM Derived Hourly Evaluation (LME)
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Check Category:
Hourly General
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Check Code: HOURGEN-1
Check Name: Initialize Accumulators, Dictionaries and Lists
Related Former Checks: HOUROP-27
Applicability: General Check
Description: Initializes summary value data: the operating time, operating hours, and reported and calculated values for
each parameter. Also initializes dictionaries and lists used to collect information during processing.
For each location in Monitoring Plan, initialize arrays with size Current Location Count
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location =0
Expected Summary Value C02 Array for the location = false
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for the location =0
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Expected Summary Value HI Array for the location = false
Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Rpt Period NOx Rate Hours Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Expected Summary Value NOx Array for the location = false
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Expected Summary Value S02 Array for the location = false
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Expected Summary Value NOx Mass Array for the location = false
Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Rpt Period Load Accumulator Array for the location = 0
Daily Op Time Accumulator Array for this location = 0
April HI Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = 0
April NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = 0
April Op lime Accumulator Array for the location = 0
April Op Hours Accumulator Array for the location = 0
April Op Days Accumulator Array for the location = 0
LME Total Load Array for the location = 0
LME April Load Array for the location = 0
LME Total Heat Input Array for the location = 0
LME April Heat Input Array for the location = 0
LME Total Oplime Array for the location = 0
LME April Oplime Array for the location = 0
Last Day of Operation Array for the location = null
First Day of Operation = null
First Hour of Operation = null
FLOW System ID Array for the location = null
NOXE System ID Array for the location = null
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LME Fuel Array for the location = null
Operating Date Array for the location = empty date list
Count the number of unique location + FuelCode in the Hourly Fuel Flow records for the monitoring configuration and reporting period.
Initialize an array with this number of elements:
Fuel Op Hours Accumulator Array for the location and FuelCode = 0
Initialize F2LStatusSystemResultDictionary as a dictionary with both a string key and lookup value
Initialize F2LStatusSystemCheckDictionary as a dictionary with a string key and a data row value
Initialize F2LStatusSystemMissingOpDictionary as a dictionary with both a string key and lookup value
Initialize InvalidCylinderldList as a list with string values.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Initialization
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Check Code: HOURGEN-2
Check Name: Reporting Period Details
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Checks the current reporting period to see if the monitoring plan is active. Also sets a parameter indicating
whether legacy data is being processed.
Abort Hourly Checks = false
Legacy Data Evaluation = false
LME HI Method = null
LME HI Substitute Data Code = null
Annual Reporting Requirement = false
OS Reporting Requirement = false
LME Annual = false
LME OS = false
Reported Emissions Value = null
Multiple Stack Configuration = false
Ignored Daily Calibration Tests = false
Ignored Daily Interference Tests = false
if ({Current Reporting Period < Current Monitoring Plan Record. Begi nRcpo rt Pcriod) OR
{Current Monitoring Plan Record. E ndRepo rt Period is not null AND Current Monitoring Plan Record. E ndRepo rt Period <
Current Reporting Period))
Abort Hourly Checks = true
return result A
Locate a UnitProgram record for any unit in the configuration where ProgramCode in Program is Ozone Season List,
UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is on or before the December 31 of the year of the Current Reporting Period, and the EndDate is null
or is on or after Jan 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
OS Reporting Requirement = true
Locate all LocationReportingFrequency record for any unit in the configuration where BeginQuarter is on or before the Current
Reporting Period, and the EndQuarter is null or is on or after the Current Reporting Period.
If found, and the ReportingFrequencyCode in all records == "Q",
Annual Reporting Requirement = true
else if found, and the ReportingFrequencyCode in all records == "OS",
If OS Reporting Requirement == false
Abort Hourly Checks = true
return result B
else if the Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to 1 or 4,
Abort Hourly Checks = true
return result C
Abort Hourly Checks = true
return result B
If {Abort Hourly Checks == false)
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If (the associated First ECMPS Reporting Period for the monitoring plan is null)
If Current Reporting Period is on or prior to 2008)
Legacy Data Evaluation = true
If Current Reporting Period is prior to the First ECMPS Reporting Period)
Legacy Data Evaluation = true
Locate a Hourly Op Data record for the configuration and reporting period where OperatingTime is greater than 0,
If found,
Reporting Period Operating = true
Reporting Period Operating = false
Set LMEAnnual to false.
Set LME OS to false.
Set AnyMonitoringMethodFound to false.
Set OsMonitoringMethodFound to false.
Locate MonitorMethod record for ANY location in the file where:
1) ParameterCode in set {S02M, NOXM, C02M}.
2) MethodCode = "LME".
3) BeginDate is on or before the first day of the Current Reporting Period.
4) EndDate is null or is on or after the last day of the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
Set AnyMonitoringMethodFound to true
If Current Reporting Period is for the 2nd or 3rd Quarter,
Set OsMonitoringMethodFound to true
Locate all MonitorQualification records for all units in the monitoring configuration where:
1) QualificationTypeCode is equal to "LMEA".
2) BeginDate is on or before the last day of the reporting period.
3) EndDate is null or is on or after January 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
Set LME Annual to true.
If OsMonitoringMethodFound is false, AND Current Reporting Period is for the 2nd Quarter,
Locate MonitorMethod record for ANY location in the file where:
1) ParameterCode in set {S02M, NOXM, C02M}.
2) MethodCode = "LME".
3) BeginDate is on or before May 1st of the year of the Current Reporting Period.
4) EndDate is null OR is on or after the last day of the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
Set AnyMonitoringMethodFound to true.
Set OsMonitoringMethodFound to true.
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If OsMonitoringMethodFound,
Locate all MonitorQualification records for all units in the monitoring configuration where:
1) QualificationTypeCode is equal to "LMES".
2) BeginDate is on or before the last day of the reporting period.
3) EndDate is null OR is on or after January 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period.
If found,
Set LME OS to true.
If AnyMonitoringMethodFound,
If {LMEAnnual == true and Annual Reporting Requirement == false)
Abort Hourly Checks = true
return result D
else if (LME OS == true and OS Reporting Requirement == false)
Abort Hourly Checks = true
return result E
else if (LMEAnnual == false and LME OS == false)
Abort Hourly Checks = true
return result F
Locate MonitorMethod records for all locations in the file where:
1) ParameterCode = "HIT".
2) BeginDate is on or before:
a) If Current Reporting Period is for the 2nd quarter AND LME Annual is false, then May 1 st of the year of
the Current Reporting Period.
b) Otherwise, the first day of the Current Reporting Period.
3) EndDate is null OR is on or after the last day of the Current Reporting Period.
If not found for any location,
Abort Hourly Checks = true
return result G
If MethodCode = "MHHI" for all locations,
LME HI Method = "MHHI"
If MethodCode in set {LTFF, CALC, LTFCALC} for all locations,
LME HI Method = "LTFF"
If SubstituteDataCode is equal to "MHHI" for any location,
LME HI Substitute Data Code= "MHHI".
Abort Hourly Checks = true
return result H
If (Abort Hourly Checks == false)
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Locate all Unit Program records for all units in the configuration where the UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is on or prior to the
Current Reporting Period and the EndDate is null or is on or after the Current Reporting Period.
If the ProgramCode in all the retrieved Location Program records is NOT in Program Uses RUE List,
Locate all Unit Operating Status records for all units in the configuration where the Op Status Code is equal to "RET", the
year of the Begin Date is prior to Current Reporting Period, and the End Date is null or is on or after the last day of the
Current Reporting Period.
If found,
return result I
For each Unit Program record retrieved above where the ProgramCode is in Program Uses RUE List,
If ProgramCode is in Program is Ozone Season List and the Current Reporting Period is in the first or second
Locate a Unit Program Exemption record for the unit program where the Exempt Type is equal to
"RUE", the Exemption Begin Date is on or prior to May 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period,
and the Exemption End Date is null or is on or after the last day of the Current Reporting Period.
Locate a Unit Program Exemption record for the unit program where the Exempt Type is equal to
"RUE", the Exemption Begin Date is on or prior to the first day of the Current Reporting Period, and the
Exemption End Date is null or is on or after the last day of the Current Reporting Period.
If a Unit Program Exemption record was found for all unit programs,
return result I
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The locations in the file do not represent a valid monitoring configuration during the
reporting period. The file will not be evaluated.
The active Reporting Frequency records for this configuration are missing or invalid.
The file will not be evaluated. Please contact ECMPS technical support for assistance
with this matter.
According to the Reporting Frequency records, this monitoring configuration is an
ozone-season-only reporter, however the reporting period is not within the ozone
season. The file will not be evaluated.
You have reported an LME Annual Qualification record in your monitoring plan, but,
according to the Reporting Frequency records, this configuration is not an annual
reporter. The file will not be evaluated.
You have reported an LME Ozone Season Qualification record in your monitoring
plan, but, according to the Unit Program records, this configuration does not report
ozone season totals. The file will not be evaluated.
You have reported an LME method in your monitoring plan for one or more units in
this configuration, but you have not reported an LME qualification record. The file
will not be evaluated.
You did not report an active heat input method for one or more locations in the file.
The file will not be evaluated.
The active heat input methods reported for the locations in the file are inconsistent.
The file will not be evaluated.
This file contains at least one unit that is retired. Please contact EPA if you believe
that all units in this configuration should report emissions data during this reporting
Critical Error Level 2
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Check Code: HOURGEN-3
Check Name: Calculate Total Load for LME Configuration for Reporting Period
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
LME Total Load = 0
LME April Load = 0
LME CP Total Heat Input = 0
LME CP April Heat Input = 0
LME Total Optime = 0
LME April Optime = 0
If (LME HI Method is not null)
If {LME HI Method == "MHHI")
Locate an LTFF record for any location in the monitoring configuration during the reporting period.
If found,
set Abort Hourly Checks to true, and return result A.
For each Hourly Op Data record for every unit in the monitoring configuration.
If Hourly Op /)ata OpTime is not equal to 0 or Hourly Op HourLoad is not null,
If Hourly Op /Jafa. HourLoad is greater than or equal to 0 and Hourly Op OpTime is between 0 and
1 (inclusive),
Locate the DerivedHourly Value record for the unit and the hour where ParameterCode is equal
to "HIT".
If found, AND DerivedHourlyValu&MODCCode is null,
Add HourLoad * OpTime to LME Total Load Array for the location
Add HourLoad * OpTime to LME Total Load.
Add OpTime to LME Total OpTime Array for the location
Add OpTime to LME Total Optime.
If the month of Hourly Op Data.Date is "April" AND LME OS is equal to true ,
Add HourLoad * OpTime to LME April Load Array for the location
Add HourLoad * OpTime to LME April Load.
Add OpTime to LME April OpTime Array for the location
Add OpTime to LME April Optime.
If not found, AND Hourly Op Data HourLoad is greater than 0,
set LME Total Load to -1.
exit for.
set LME Total Load to -1.
exit for.
If LME OS is equal to true and the reporting period is the second quarter,
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Locate an LTFF record for any location in the monitoring configuration during the reporting period where the
FuelFlowPeriodCode is equal to "A".
If found, AND LME April Load is equal to 0 and LME April Optime is equal to 0,
set Abort Hourly Checks to true, and return result C.
else if not found AND {LME April Load is greater than 0 or LME April Optime is greater than 1),
return result F.
Locate an LTFF record for any location in the monitoring configuration during the reporting period
where the FuelFlowPeriodCode is equal to "MJ".
If found,
If (LME Total Load - LME April Load) is equal to 0 and (LME Total Optime - LME April
Optime) is equal to 0,
set Abort Hourly Checks to true, and return result E.
If (LME Total Load - LME April Load) is greater than 0 or (LME Total Optime - LME April
Optime) is greater than 1,
return result G.
Locate an LTFF record for any location in the monitoring configuration during the reporting period.
If found,
If LME Total Load is equal to 0 and LME Total Optime is equal to 0,
set Abort Hourly Checks to true, and return result B.
If LME Total Load is greater than 0 or LME Total Optime is greater than 1,
return result D.
You have reported MHHI as the heat input method for this configuration, but you have Fatal
reported a long-term fuel flow record.
You have reported a long-term fuel flow record for this reporting period, but the sum Fatal
of the load and operating time values in the hourly records (where MHHIIndicator is
not equal to 1) are equal to 0.
You have reported a long-term fuel flow record for April, but the sum of the load and Fatal
operating time values in the hourly records (where MHHIIndicator is not equal to 1)
are equal to 0.
You have reported LTFF as the heat input method for this configuration, but you have Critical Error Level 1
not reported a long-term fuel flow record for this reporting period.
You have reported a long-term fuel flow record for May and June, but the sum of the Fatal
load and operating time values in the hourly records (where MHHIIndicator is not
equal to 1) are equal to 0.
You have reported LTFF as the heat input method for this ozone-season reporting Critical Error Level 1
configuration, but you have not reported a long-term fuel flow record for April.
You have reported LTFF as the heat input method for this ozone-season reporting Critical Error Level 1
configuration, but you have not reported a long-term fuel flow record for May/June.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Initialization
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Check Code: HOURGEN-7
Check Name: Validate LME Eligibility
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
If (LME HI Method is not null)
Set LME Exceeding Parameter to null.
Set Final LME Year to false.
For each unit in the monitoring configuration:
If {LMEAnnual == true)
Locate the latest MonitorQualification record where location is the unit being evaluated, the
QualificationTypeCode is equal to "LMEA", BeginDate is on or before the first day of the Current Reporting
Period, and the EndDate is null or is on or after December 31 of the year prior to the Current Reporting Period.
If (not found)
return result A.
If (found and the BeginDate of the retrieved qualification record is prior to the Current Reporting Period Year)
For each year from three years prior to the Current Reporting Period Year until the year prior to the
Current Reporting Year.
Set Annual NOx to 0.
Set Annual S02 to 0.
For quarter 1 until quarter 4:
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter/year being checked where
the OpTypeCode = "NOXM1.
If (found)
add Op Value to Annual NOx.
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter/year being checked where
the OpTypeCode = "S02M".
If (found)
add Op Value to Annual S02.
If (the year being evaluated is the year prior to the Current Reporting Period Year)
If (Annual NOx is greater than 100 or Annual S02 is greater than 25)
set Final LME Year to true.
If (Annual NOxis greater than 100)
append "Annual NOx" to LME Exceeding Parameter.
If (Annual S02 is greater than 25)
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append "Annual S02" to LME Exceeding Parameter.
If (LMEOS== true)
Locate the latest MonitorQualification record where the location is the unit being evaluated,
QualificationTypeCode is equal to "LMES", BeginDate is on or before the later of the first day of the Current
Reporting Period and May 1 of the year of the Current Reporting Period, and the EndDate is null or is on or
after December 31 of the year prior to the Current Reporting Period.
If (not found)
return result B.
If (found and the BeginDate of the retrieved qualification record is prior to the Current Reporting Period Year)
For each year from three years prior to the Current Reporting Period Year until the year prior to the
Current Reporting Period Year.
Set OS NOx to 0.
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter 2 of the year being checked where
the OpTypeCode = "NOXMOS".
If found,
add Op Value to OS NOx.
Locate an Op Supp Data record for the location and quarter 3 of the year being checked where
the OpTypeCode = "NOXM1.
If found,
add Op Value to OS NOx.
If (the year being evaluated is the year prior to the Current Reporting Period Year)
If (OS NOx is greater than 50)
set Final LME Year to true.
If (OS NOx is greater than 50)
append "Ozone Season NOx" to LME Exceeding Parameter.
if (LME Exceeding Parameter is not null)
return result C.
else if (Final LME Year == true)
return result D.
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You have reported an active LMEA qualification record for this configuration in your
monitoring plan, but you have not reported an active LMEA qualification record for at
least one unit in the configuration.
You have reported an active LMES qualification record for this configuration in your
monitoring plan, but you have not reported an active LMES qualification record for at
least one unit in the configuration.
You have reported that this configuration has an active LME qualification, but this
configuration is no longer eligible to qualify for an LME methodology, because at least
one unit in the configuration has exceeded the eligibility limit for [param] in a prior
The emissions from at least one unit in this configuration exceeded the applicable
number of tons necessary to qualify as an LME unit in the previous reporting year.
According to Part 75.19(b), you must install the appropriate monitoring systems by
December 31 of this reporting year.
Critical Error Level 2
Informational Message
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Initialization
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Monitor Plan Evaluation Check
Related Former Checks:
General Check
Set MpSuccessfullyEvaluated = false.
If the Severity LevelCd of the monitoring plan record for this configuration is equal to "CRIT1" or "FATAL",
return result A.
If the NeedsEvalFlag and MustSubmitFlag of the monitoring plan record for this configuration are equal to "Y",
return result B.
Set MpSuccessfullyEvaluated = true.
The Monitoring Plan associated with this quarterly emissions file has critical errors.
You must correct the Monitoring Plan for this monitoring configuration in order to
submit this emissions file to be loaded on EPA's host system.
The Monitoring Plan associated with this quarterly emissions file has not been
evaluated. You must evaluate the Monitoring Plan for this monitoring configuration in
order to complete the evaluation of this emissions file.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: HOURGEN-9
Check Name: QA/Cert Test Evaluation Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Locate any QA/Cert Test record for the monitoring configuration where the EndDate is on or before the last day of the Current Reporting
Period, MustSubmitFlag is equal to 'Y' or CanSubmitFlag and UpdatedStatusFlag are equal to "Y", and the SeverityCd is equal to
"CRIT1" or "FATAL".
If found,
return result A.
Locate any QA/Cert Test record for the monitoring configuration where the EndDate is on or before the last day of the Current
Reporting Period, MustSubmitFlag is equal to Y' or CanSubmitFlag and UpdatedStatusFlag are equal to "Y", and the
NeedsEvalFlag are equal to "Y".
If found,
return result B.
Locate any QA Supp Data record for the monitoring configuration without any associated Test Summary record where the
EndDate is on or before the last day of the Current Reporting Period and MustSubmitFlag is equal to Y'.
If found,
return result C.
At least one QA/certification test associated with this monitoring configuration has
critical errors. You must correct all prior or concurrent QA/certification tests in order
to submit this quarterly emissions file to be loaded on EPA's host system.
At least one QA/certification test associated with this monitoring configuration has not
been evaluated. You must evaluate all prior or concurrent QA/certification tests in
order to complete the evaluation of this quarterly emissions file.
The emissions quarterly reported cannot be submitted, because EPA has required the
resubmission of a QA/certification test that is not present in the Client Tool. Please
review the Submission Access report for more information about what needs to be
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
QA/Cert Event Evaluation Check
Related Former Checks:
General Check
Locate any QA/Certification Event record for the monitoring configuration where the QACertEventDate is on or before the last day of the
Current Reporting Period, the MustSubmitFlag is equal to "Y", and the SeverityCd is equal to "CRIT1" or "FATAL".
If found,
return result A.
Locate any QA/Certification Event record for the monitoring configuration where the QACertEventDate is on or before the last
day of the Current Reporting Period and the MustSubmitFlag and NeedsEvalFlag are equal to "Y".
If found,
return result B.
At least one QA/certification event associated with this monitoring configuration has
critical errors. You must correct all prior or concurrent QA/certification events in
order to submit this quarterly emissions file to be loaded on EPA's host system.
At least one QA/certification event associated with this monitoring configuration has
not been evaluated. You must evaluate all prior or concurrent QA/certification event
in order to complete the evaluation of this quarterly emissions file.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Test Extension/Exemption Evaluation Check
General Check
Locate any Test Extension/Exemption record for the monitoring configuration where the ReportingPeriod is on or before the Current
Reporting Period, the MustSubmitFlag is equal to "Y", and the SeverityCd is equal to "CRIT1" or "FATAL".
If found,
return result A.
Locate any Test Extension/Exemption record for the monitoring configuration where the ReportingPeriod is on or before the
Current Reporting Period and the MustSubmitFlag and NeedsEvalFlag are equal to "Y".
If found,
return result B.
At least one test extension/exemption associated with this monitoring configuration
has critical errors. You must correct all prior or concurrent test extension/exemption
records in order to submit this quarterly emissions file to be loaded on EPA's host
At least one test extension/exemption associated with this monitoring configuration
has not been evaluated. You must evaluate all prior or concurrent test
extension/exemption records in order to complete the evaluation of this quarterly
emissions file.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: HOURGEN-12
Check Name: Prior Emissions File Evaluation Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Locate any Emissions File for any location in the current monitoring configuration where the ReportingPeriod is prior to the Current
Reporting Period, and either the Submission Availability Code = 'CRITERR' or (CANSUBMIT = 'Y' and SeverityCd is equal to "CRIT1"
or "FATAL").
If found,
return result A.
Locate any Emissions File for any location in the current monitoring configuration where CAN SUBMIT = 'Y', the
ReportingPeriod is prior to the Current Reporting Period, and the NeedsEvalFlag is equal to " Y".
If found,
return result B.
If not found,
Locate any Emissions File for any location in the current monitoring configuration where the ReportingPeriod is prior to
the Current Reporting Period, and either the Submission Availability Code = 'NOTSUB' or (CAN SUBMIT = 'Y' and
UpdatedStatusFlag = 'NOD ATA1).
If found,
return result C.
At least one prior quarterly emissions file for at least one location in this monitoring
configuration has critical errors. You must correct all prior quarterly emissions files in
order to submit this quarterly emissions file to be loaded on EPA's host system.
At least one prior quarterly emissions file for at least one location in this monitoring
configuration has not been evaluated. You must evaluate all prior quarterly emissions
files in order to complete the evaluation for this quarterly emissions file.
At least one prior quarterly emissions file for at least one location in this monitoring
configuration has not been submitted and has been authorized for resubmission. You
must submit all prior quarterly emissions files in order to submit this quarterly
emissions file to be loaded on EPA's host system.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: HOURGEN-13
Check Name: Determine If File Can Be Submitted
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Locate the Emission Submission Access record for the configuration and reporting period.
If not found, or the Submission Availability Code is null,
return result A.
else if the Submission Availability Code is not equal to "GRANTED" or "REQUIRE",
return result B.
The emissions quarterly report cannot be submitted, either because the EPA has not yet
opened the submission window, you have not logged into the EPA host system, or you
are no longer a representative or agent for this facility. If you are a representative or
agent for this facility, when EPA opens the submission window you should log in to
the EPA host system to receive automatic permission to submit. You will then need to
reevaluate this file prior to submitting.
The emissions quarterly report cannot be resubmitted until you contact the EPA for
permission. After the EPA grants permission, you will need to log in to the EPA host
system to retrieve the permission record. You will then need to reevaluate this file
prior to submitting.
Informational Message
Informational Message
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Check Code: HOURGEN-14
Check Name: Ignored Offline Daily Calibration Check
Related Former Checks:
If (Ignored Daily Calibration Tests == true)
set Ignored Daily Calibration Tests to false
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You reported one or more daily calibration tests that will not fulfill your daily Informational Message
calibration testing requirement, because these tests were performed while the unit was
not operating and you have not reported a prior online-offline calibration
demonstration. These tests have been assigned a CalculatedTestResult of
"IGNORED", and they can be viewed on the Daily Calibration tab of the View
Detailed Emissions Screen. If you intend to use offline tests to fulfill your daily
calibration testing requirement, you must conduct an online-offline calibration
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Expiring Test Check
Related Former Checks:
General Check
Set Expired Systems and Expiring Systems to null.
Set Expiration Text to "have expired"
If FLOW System ID Array for the location is not null,
For each SystemID in the FLOW System ID Array for the location:
Locate the latest RATATestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
SystemID being checked and the number of operating levels the OpLevelCodeList is equal to 3,
If found,
If RATATestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestReasonCode equal to "INITIAL" then
Locate the latest QACertEventsForEMEvaluation where SystemID is equal to the SystemID being
checked and QACertEventCode equal to "305"
If OA CertEventforEMEv«/« Ł*««. Te s t C o m p 1 e t i o n D a t e is after the
RATATestRecordsHy Location ForOAStatus.EndDi\\c
Set ExpirationDate to five years after the end of the quarter of the
OA CertE ventforE ME v«/« Ł*««. Te s t C o m p 1 e t i o n D a t e
Set ExpirationDate to five years after the end of the quarter of the
RATATestRecordsRy Location ForOAStatus.EndDdic
Set ExpirationDate to five years after the end of the quarter of the
RATATestRecordsRy Location ForOAStatus.EndDdic.
If ExpirationDate is prior to the current calendar date,
Append the Systemldentifier being checked to Expired Systems.
else if ExpirationDate is on or before the last day of the Current Reporting Period,
Set Expiration Text to "will be expiring at the end of the reporting period".
Append the Systemldenitifier being checked to Expired Systems.
else if ExpirationDate is on or before the last day of the quarter following the Current Reporting Period,
Append the Systemldentifier being checked to Expiring Systems.
If both Expired Systems and Expiring Systems are not null,
return result A
else if Expired Systems is not null,
return result B
else if Expiring Systems is not null,
return result C
else if NOXE System ID Array for the location is not null,
For each SystemID in the NOXE System ID Array for the location:
Locate the latest AppendixETestRecordsliy Location ForOAStatus for the location where the SystemID is equal to the
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SystemID being checked,
If found,
Set ExpirationDate to five years after the end of the quarter of the
If ExpirationDate is prior to the current calendar date,
Append the Systemldentifier being checked to Expired Systems.
else if ExpirationDate is on or before the last day of the Current Reporting Period,
Set Expiration Text to "will be expiring at the end of the reporting period".
Append the Systemldentifier being checked to Expired Systems.
else if ExpirationDate is on or before the last day of the quarter following the Current Reporting Period,
Append the Systemldentifier being checked to Expiring Systems.
If both Expired Systems and Expiring Systems are not null,
return result D
else if Expired Systems is not null,
return result E
else if Expiring Systems is not null,
return result F
else if LME Fuel Array for the location is not null,
For each FuelCode in the LME Fuel Array for the location:
Locate the latest UnitDefaultTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the FuelCode is equal to the
FuelCode being checked,
If found,
Set ExpirationDate to five years after the end of the quarter of the
If ExpirationDate is prior to the current calendar date,
Append the FuelCode being checked to Expired Systems.
else if ExpirationDate is on or before the last day of the Current Reporting Period,
Set Expiration Text to "will be expiring at the end of the reporting period".
Append the FuelCode being checked to Expired Systems.
else if ExpirationDate is on or before the last day of the quarter following the Current Reporting Period,
Append the FuelCode being checked to Expiring Systems.
If both Expired Systems and Expiring Systems are not null,
return result G
else if Expired Systems is not null,
return result H
else if Expiring Systems is not null,
return result I
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Warning: The three-level RATA conducted for each of the following monitoring
systems [TEXT]: System ID(s) [EXPIRED], Except for a 720 operating-hour grace
period extension, you will need monitor stack flow with another FLOW system or
report substitute data until you perform another three-level RATA. In addition, the
three-level RATA conducted for each of the following monitoring systems will expire
at the end of the next reporting period: System ID(s) [EXPIRING]. Three-level
RATAs expire after five years.
Warning: The three-level RATA conducted for each of the following monitoring
systems [TEXT]: System ID(s) [EXPIRED], Except for a 720 operating-hour grace
period extension, you will need monitor stack flow with another FLOW system or
report substitute data until you perform another three-level RATA. Three-level
RATAs expire after five years.
Prior Notice: The three-level RATA conducted for each of the following monitoring
systems will expire at the end of the next reporting period: System ID(s) [EXPIRING].
Three-level RATAs expire after five years.
Warning: The Appendix E test conducted to determine the NOx correlation curve for
each of the following monitoring systems [TEXT]: System ID(s) [EXPIRED], In
subsequent reporting periods, you will need report substitute data until you perform
another Appendix E test. In addition, the Appendix E test conducted for each of the
following monitoring systems will expire at the end of the next reporting period:
System ID(s) [EXPIRING]. Appendix E tests expire after five years.
Warning: The Appendix E test conducted to determine the NOx correlation curve for
each of the following monitoring systems [TEXT]: System ID(s) [EXPIRED], In
subsequent reporting periods, you will need report substitute data until you perform
another Appendix E test. Appendix E tests expire after five years.
Prior Notice: The Appendix E test conducted to determine the NOx correlation curve
for each of the following monitoring systems will expire at the end of the next
reporting period: System ID(s) [EXPIRING]. Appendix E tests expire after five years.
Warning: The LME Unit Default Test conducted to determine the default NOx
emission rate for each of the following fuels [TEXT]: Fuel Code(s) [EXPIRED]. In
subsequent reporting periods, you will need report substitute data until you perform
another Unit Default Test. In addition, the Unit Default Test conducted for each of the
following fuels will expire at the end of the next reporting period: Fuel Code(s)
[EXPIRING]. LME Unit Default Tests expire after five years.
Warning: The LME Unit Default Test conducted to determine the default NOx
emission rate for each of the following fuels [TEXT]: Fuel Code(s) [EXPIRED]. In
subsequent reporting periods, you will need report substitute data until you perform
another Unit Default Test. LME Unit Default Tests expire after five years.
Prior Notice: The LME Unit Default Test conducted to determine the default NOx
emission rate for each of the following fuels will expire at the end of the next reporting
period: Fuel Code(s) [EXPIRING]. LME Unit Default Tests expire after five years.
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
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Check Code: HOURGEN-16
Check Name: Ignored Offline Daily Interference Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
If (Ignored Daily Interference Tests == true)
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You reported one or more daily interference checks that will not fulfill your daily Informational Message
testing requirement for your stack flow monitors, because these tests were performed
while the unit was not operating. These tests have been assigned a
CalculatedTestResult of "IGNORED". They can be viewed on the Other Daily Tests
tab of the View Detailed Emissions Screen.
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Check Code: HOURGEN-17
Check Name: Missing Peaking or Gas Fired Qualification Percent Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check determines whether qualification percent rows are missing for a Year Round or Ozone Season
Monitor Qualification record.
If Mp Successfully Evaluated equals true,
Set Qualification Percent Missing List = null.
For each QualificationRecord record in MpQualificationRecords where QualificationTypeCode is equal to "PK", "SK" or "GF",
BeginDate is on or before Current Reporting Period End Hour, and EndDate is null or or is on or after Current Reporting
Period Begin Hour:
Locate the record in MpQualificationPercentRecords where MonitorQualificationld is equal to
QualificationRecordMomtoxQwAificatiovtidL, and QualificationDataYear is equal to CurrentReportingPeriodYear.
If not found,
Add MpQualificationRecords. Locat ionId to Qualification Percent Missing List.
If Qualification Percent Missing List is not null,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You did not report a current year peaking qualification percent record. Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: HOURGEN-18
Check Name: Validate Unit Fuel
Related Former Checks:
Description: Validate that the fuel designated as primary is used at least 60 percent for the entire year of the time for a unit
which has operated greater 168 op hours
If Quarter of the Current Reporting Period is equal to I,
For each unit in MonitoringPlanLocationRecords
Locate all Facility Unit Fuel Records for the unit where :
1) Indicator Code is equal to "P"
2) BeginDate is prior to the end date of Current Reporting Period.
3) EndDate is null OR is after the begin date of Current Reporting Period.
If found,
Set Sum of Op Hours to 0
Locate all Facility Operating Supp Data Records for the unit where:
a) The calendar year is the year prior to the calendar year of Current Reporting Period.
b) Parameter Code is equal to "OPHOURS".
c) Fuel Code is equal to NULL.
For each located record
Increment Sum of Op Hours by Facility Operating Supp Data Records. Op Value
If Sum of Op Hours > 168
Set Sum of Op Hours by Fuel to null
Locate all Facility Operating Supp Data Records for the unit where:
a) The calendar year is the year prior to the calendar year of Current Reporting Period.
b) Parameter Code is equal to "OPHOURS".
c) Fuel Code is NOT equal to NULL.
For each located record
Increment Sum of Op Hours by Fuel for Facility Operating Supp Data Records.Ąuc\Codc. by
Facility Operating Supp Data Records. Op Value
For each FuelCode in Sum of Op Hours by Fuel
If (Sum of Op Hours by Fuel / Sum of Op Hours is greater than or equal to 0.60)
For each located Facility Unit Fuel Records record
If Facility Unit Fuel Records.Ąuc\CoA.c is not equal to the FuelCode for Sum of
Op Hours by Fuel
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return A
Result Response Severity
A The current active primary fuel type defined in the monitoring plan is inconsistent with Informational Message
the prior year operating hours by fuel type. Please update the primary fuel type in the
monitoring plan to match the prior year predominant fuel type by operating hours.
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Check Code: HOURGEN-19
Check Name: Initialize Sorbent Trap Check Parameters
Related Former Checks:
Description: Initializes Sorbent Trap Dictionary and Sorbent Trap Record. Sorbent Trap Record is always initialized to
null, but is initialized here so that it always exists and is owned by an ancestor category.
Initialize MatsSorbentTrapDictionary to an empty dictionary.
Initialize MatsSamplingTrainDictionary to an empty dictionary.
Initialize MatsSorbentTrapListByLocationArray with the number of elements equal to CurrentLocationCount.
Set MatsSorbentTrapEvaluationNeeded to false.
If Count of records in MatsSorbentTrapRecords where SupplementalDatalndicator is false is greater than 0,
Set MatsSorbentTrapEvaluationNeeded to true.
Result Response Severity
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Initialize Weekly System Integrity Test Dictionary
Initializes the weekly system integrity test dictionary to have a Componentld key and an entry with the
following fields:
1) MostRecentTestRecord to hold a CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrity record.
2) LastEvaluatedTestRecord to hold a CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrity record.
3) OpertingDateList to hold a date list.
4) LastOperatingDate to hold a date.
Initialize WsiTestDictionary with a string key for Componentld, and an entry with the following fields:
1) MostRecentTestRecord to hold a CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrity record.
2) LastEvaluatedTestRecord to hold a CurrentWeeklySystemlntegrity record.
3) OperatingDateList to hold a date list.
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Check Code: HOURGEN-21
Check Name: Initialize General Information
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Initializes list used during the evaluation process by individual checks.
Validation Tables:
Test Result Code (Lookup Table)
Append each TestResultCodeLookupTable.TestResultCode to TestResultCodeList delimited by a comma.
Result Response Severity
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Initialize System Parameters
General Check
Initializes values based on system parameters.
Validation Tables:
Vw System Parameter (Lookup Table)
Set MatsDailyCalRequiredDate to null.
Locate SystemParameterLookupTable record where Sys Param Name is equal to 'MATSRULE.
Set MatsDailyCalRequiredDate to the located SystemParameterLookupTable.Faiamjyahidl.
If found,
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Initialize Program Lists
General Check
Initializes program code lists that contain programs that:
1) Are ozone season programs
2) Use RUEs.
3) Require S02 System certification.
4) Require NOX System certification.
5) Require NOX Concentration System certification.
Set ProgramlsOzoneSeasonList to
Set ProgramRequiresNoxSystemCertiJicationList to
Set ProgramRequiresNoxcSystemCertiJicationList to
Set ProgramRequiresSo2SystemCertificationList to
Set ProgramUsesRueList to
For each ProgramCodeRow in ProgramCodeTable.
If Progra/wCWeitow.OzoneSeasonlndicator is equal to 1, OR l'rogram( V«/c/^;\r,OzoncScasonOptionalIndicator is equal to 1,
Append Progra/wCWeitow.ProgramCode to ProgramlsOzoneSeasonList.
If Progra/wCWeitow.NoxCertificationRequiredlndicator is equal to 1,
Append ProgramCodeRow .ProgramCode to ProgramRequiresNoxSystemCertiJicationList.
If Progra/wCWeitow.NoxcCertificationRequiredlndicator is equal to 1,
Append ProgramCodeRow.ProgramCode to ProgramRequiresNoxcSystemCertiJicationList.
If Progra/wCWeitow.So2CertificationRequiredIndicator is equal to 1,
Append ProgramCodeRow.ProgramCode to ProgramRequiresSo2SystemCertificationList.
If Progra/wCWeitow .UsesRuelndicator is equal to 1,
Append ProgramCodeRow. ProgramCode to Program UsesRu el. ist.
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Store Constant Values
General Check
This check stores values that will not change during the evaluation session, but are not readily accessible.
Validation Tables:
Hourly Emissions Tolerances (Cross Check Table)
Set MwLoadHourlyTolerance to Tolerance from the HourlyEmissionsTolerancesCrossCheckTable record where Parameter equals
"LOAD" and UOM equals "MW".
Initialize the number of elements in LocationNameArray to the number of records in MonitorPlanLocationRecords.
Set each element in LocationNameArray to either LocationName in the corresponding record in MonitorPlanLocationRecords.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Initialization
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Check Code: HOURGEN-25
Check Name: Return Results for Invalid Daily Calibration Cylinder Ids
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Returns a result when invalid cylinder ids were encountered during daily calibration evaluation.
Set FormattedCylinderldList to
When InvalidCylinderldList is not null and contains ids,
Append each id in InvalidCylinderldList to FormattedCylinderldList.
Return result A.
Result Response Severity
A The format is invalid for daily calibration cylinder id(s) [CylinderldList]. A cylinder Informational Message
id can only contain alphanumeric capitalized characters.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Summary Value Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURGEN-4
Check Name: Emission Comment Reporting Period Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check determines whether or not Emission Comment Reporting Period is valid.
For a Emission Comment record:
If ReportingPeriod is null,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Fatal
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Entry Screen Evaluation Emission Comments Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURGEN-5
Check Name: Submission Comment Valid
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
For the Emission Comment record:
If SubmissionComment is null,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A You did not provide [fieldname], which is required for [key]. Fatal
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Entry Screen Evaluation Emission Comments Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Duplicate Emission Comment Records
General Check
This check determines if there is another EmissionComment record with the same key fields.
For a Emission Comment record:
Locate another EmissionComment record for the monitoring plan with a ReportingPeriod equal to the ReportingPeriod in the
current record.
If found,
return result A.
Another [recordtype] record already exists with the same [fieldnames].
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Entry Screen Evaluation Emission Comments Evaluation
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Check Category:
Hourly Monitor Data
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Check Code: HOURMHV-1
Check Name: Initialize S02C Hourly Monitor Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent monitor hourly checks for S02C.
Current MHV Parameter = "S02C"
S02C Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-2
Check Name: Initialize H20 Hourly Monitor Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameter and output parameter for subsequent monitor hourly checks for H20.
Current MHV Parameter = "H20"
H20 MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-3
Check Name: Initialize NOXC Hourly Monitor Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameter and output parameter for subsequent monitor hourly checks for NOXC.
Current MHV Parameter = "NOXC"
NOXC Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-4
Check Name: Initialize Flow Hourly Monitor Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameters and output parameters for subsequent monitor hourly checks for FLOW.
Current MHV Parameter = "FLOW"
FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-5
Check Name: Initialize C02C Hourly Monitor Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameter and output parameter for subsequent monitor hourly checks for C02C.
Current MHV Parameter = "C02C"
C02C MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-6
Check Name: Initialize 02 Dry Hourly Monitor Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameter and output parameter for subsequent monitor hourly checks for 02 Dry.
Current MHV Parameter = "02D"
02 Dry Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-7
Check Name: Initialize 02 Wet Hourly Monitor Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameter and output parameter for subsequent monitor hourly checks for 02C Wet.
Current MHV Parameter = "02 W"
02 Wet Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-8
Check Name: Check MODC in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Basic check to ensure that MODC reported in the MHV record is valid for the parameter. Also initializes
variables for the category.
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = false
Current MHV Parameter Description = Current MHV Parameter
Complete MHV Record Needed = true
case (Current MHV Parameter)
S02C: Current MHV Record = Current S02 Monitor Hourly Record
Current MHV Component Type = 'S02'
Current MHV System Type= 'S02'
Current MHV Default Parameter = 'S02X'
If (Current MHV Record. ModcCodc == "23")
If (S()2 Bypass Code == "BYMAXFS")
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
else if (S()2 Fuel Specific Missing Data == true)
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
If (Current MHV Record.ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 53, 54, 55})
return result A
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
NOXC: Current MHV Record = Current NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Record
Current MHV System Type= 'NOXC'
Current MHV Component Type = 'NOX'
Current MHV Default Parameter = 'NOCX'
NOx Cone MODC = null
If (Current MHV Record. ModcCode in set {23, 24})
If (NOx Mass Bypass Code == "BYMAXFS")
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
else if (NOx Mass Fuel Specific Missing Data == true)
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
If (NOx Cone Needed for Nox Mass Calc == true)
If (Current MHV Record.ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 53, 54, 55})
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return result A
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
Complete MHVRecord Needed = false
If (Current MHV Record.ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53, 54})
return result B
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
NOx Cone MODC = Current MHV Record. ModcCode
FLOW: Current MHV Record = Current Stack Flow Hourly Record
Current MHV Component Type = 'FLOW'
Current MHV System Type = 'FLOW'
Current MHV Default Parameter = 'FLOX'
If (S()2 Fuel Specific Missing Data == true OR CO 2 Fuel Specific Missing Data == true OR NOx Mass Fuel Specific
Missing Data == true OR Heat Input Fuel Specific Missing Data == true)
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
If (Current MHV Record.ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 20, 53, 54, 55})
return result A
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
C02C: Current MHV Record = Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record
Current MHV Component Type = 'C02'
Current MHV System Type= 'C02'
Current MHV Default Parameter = 'C02X'
C02C MHV MODC = Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record .ModcCode
If ((C02 Fuel Specific Missing Data == true AND CO 2 Cone Checks Neededfor C02 Mass Calc == true) OR (Heat
Input Fuel Specific Missing Data == true AND CO 2 Cone Checks Neededfor Heat Input == true))
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
If ((C02 Cone Checks Needed for Heat Input == true) OR (CO2 Cone Checks Needed for C02 Mass Calc == true))
If (Current MHV Record. ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 53, 54,
return result A
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
If ((C02 Diluent Checks Needed for NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (CO2 Diluent Needed for MATS ==
true)) AND (Current MHV Record. ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20, 21, 53, 54})
return result E
Complete MHV Record Needed = false
If Current MHV Record. ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 20, 21, 53, 54}
return result C
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
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02D: Current MHVRecord = Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record
Current MHV Component Type = '02'
Current MHV System Type = null
Current MHV Default Parameter = '02N'
02 Dry MODC = Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record. IVIodcCode
If (Current MHV Record. Mo i st lire Basi s is null)
Current MHV Parameter Description = "02C"
Current MHV Parameter Description = "02C with a MoistureBasis of " + Current MHV Record. MoistureBasis
If (Heat Input Fuel Specific Missing Data == true AND 02 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input == true)
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
If (02 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input == true)
If (Current MHV Record.ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 17, 20, 53, 54, 55})
return result A
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
If (((()2 Dry Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (02 Dry Neededfor MATS == true)) AND
(Current MHV Record. ModcCodc not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20, 53, 54}))
return result E
Complete MHV Record Needed = false
If Current MHV Record. ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20, 53, 54}
return result D
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
02 W: Current MHV Record = Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record
Current MHV Component Type = '02'
Current MHV System Type = null
Current MHV Default Parameter = '02N'
02 Wet MODC = Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record.ModcCode
If (Current MHV Record. Mo i st lire Basi s is null)
Current MHV Parameter Description = "02C"
Current MHV Parameter Description = "02C with a MoistureBasis of " + Current MHV Record. MoistureBasis
If (Heat Input Fuel Specific Missing Data == true AND 02 Wet Checks Neededfor Heat Input == true)
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
If (()2 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input == true)
If (Current MHV Record.ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 17, 20, 53, 54, 55})
return result A
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
If (((02 Wet Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (02 Wet Neededfor MATS == true))
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AND (Current MHVRecord. ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20, 53, 54}))
return result E
Complete MHV Record Needed = false
If Current MHVRecord.ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20, 53, 54}
return result D
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
H20: Current MHV Record = Current H20 Monitor Hourly Record
Current MHV Parameter = 'H20'
H20 MHVMODC = Current H20 Monitor Hourly Record.ModcCode
If (H2() Method Code == "MMS")
Current MHV Component Type = "H20"
Current MHV Component Type = "DAHS"
Current MHV System Type = null
Current MHV Default Parameter = null'
If (H20 Fuel Specific Missing Data == true)
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
If (Current MHV Record.ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 21, 53, 54, 55})
return result A
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
Current MHV Record = Current C02 Cone Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record
Current MHV Component Type = 'C02'
Current MHV System Type = null
Current MHV Default Parameter = 'C02X'
Current MHV Parameter Description = "C02C (Substitute Data)"
If ((C02 Fuel Specific Missing Data == true AND CO 2 Cone Checks Neededfor C02 Mass Calc == true) OR (Heat
Input Fuel Specific Missing Data == true AND CO 2 Cone Checks Neededfor Heat Input == true))
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
If (Current MHV Record. ModcCode not in set {06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 55})
return result A
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
if (Current 02 Dry Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record is not null)
Current MHV Record = Current 02 Dry Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record
Current MHV Record = Current 02 Wet Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record
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Current MHV Component Type = '02'
Current MHV System Type = null
Current MHV Default Parameter = '02N'
Current MHV Parameter Description = "02C (Substitute Data)"
If (Heat Input Fuel Specific Missing Data == true AND 02 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input == true)
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true
Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = false
If {Current MHV Record. ModcCode not in set {06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 55})
return result A
Monitor Hourly Mode Status = true
Result Response
A The MODCCode reported in the MHV record for [param] is invalid.
B You reported a MODCCode of [MODC] in the MHV record for NOXC, but this
MODC is not appropriate when NOX concentration is used in a NOx-diluent system to
calculate the NOx emission rate.
C You reported a MODCCode of [MODC] in the MHV record for C02C, but this MODC
is not appropriate when C02 concentration is only used to calculate a heat input based
emission rate.
D You reported a MODCCode of [MODC] in the MHV record for [param], but this
MODC is not appropriate when 02 concentration is not used to calculate the heat input
E You reported a MODCCode of [MODC] in the MHV record for [param], but this
MODC is not appropriate when this value is used in a diluent system to calculate the
heat input based emission rate.
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: HOURMHV-9
Check Name: Check Percent Monitor Availability in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Performs a series basic checks to ensure that the reported monitor percent available is between 0 and 100,
inclusive, then checks to see that percent available is within permitted ranges for specific MODC codes
Monitor Hourly Pma Status = false
Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status = true
If (Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true)
If ( Current MHVRecord.Percent A\ ailable is NULL)
if (Complete MHV Record Needed == false)
Monitor Hourly Pma Status = true
if (Current MHV Record.ModcCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53, 54} AND Legacy
Data Evaluation == true)
Monitor Hourly Pma Status = true
return result A
return result B
if (Complete MHV Record Needed == false)
return result C
else if (Current MHVRecord. Percent A\ ailab 1 c> 100.0 OR
Current MHVRecord.Percent A\ ailable < 0.0)
return result D
case (Current MHV Record. ModcCode)
= 06:
If Current MHVRecord.Percent A\ ailable >= 90.0
Monitor Hourly Pma Status = true
return result E
= 08:
If Current MHVRecord.Percent A\ ailable >= 95.0
Monitor Hourly Pma Status = true
return result E
= 09:
If Current MHVRecord.Percent A\ ailable >= 90.0 AND Current MHVRecord.Percent A\ ailable <
Monitor Hourly Pma Status = true
return result E
= 10:
If Current MHV Record. Percent A\ ailable >=80.0 AND Current MHV Record. Percent A\ ailable < 90.0
Monitor Hourly Pma Status = true
Else if Current MHV Parameter in {FLOW,NOXC} and Current MHV Record. Percent A\ ailable >=
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Monitor Hourly Pma Status = true
return result F
return result E
= 11:
If Current MHVRecord.PercentA\ ailable >=90.0
Monitor Hourly Pma Status = true
return result E
All other MODC Codes:
Monitor Hourly Pma Status = true
You reported an MODCCode of [ModcCode] in the MHV record for [param], but you
did not report a value for PercentAvailable. While this is not required for legacy EDR
data, it is required in all MHV records for ECMPS.
You did not report PercentAvailable in the MHV record for [param].
You reported PercentAvailable in the MHV record for [param], but this value should
not be reported when the monitoring system is only being used to calculate the NOX
emission rate, moisture, and/or C02 concentration. In that case, the percent monitor
availability should be reported in the appropriate DHV record.
The PercentAvailable reported in the MHV record for [param] is invalid. This value
must be between 0 and 100.
You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the MHV record for [param], but the
PercentAvailable is not appropriate for this MODC.
You reported an MODCCode of 10 in the [type] record for [param], but the
PercentAvailability is greater than or equal to 90. When the PMA is greater than or
equal to 90, you should only report an MODC of 10 to indicate that you used the
maximum hourly value in the lookback period for the next available higher load bin,
because there were no quality-assured data in the bin corresponding to the current load
range. (See Part 75.33(c)(5).)
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Prior QA'd Hours for MODC 07
CEM Check
For Method of Determination Code 07, all prior hours in reporting period are checked to ensure that total of
QA'd hours is below a certain threshold
if (Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true AND Monitor Hourly PMA Status == true)
if {Current MHV Record.ModcCode == 07)
if {Current MHV Parameter in set {02D, 02W, 02CSD})
Prior QA Hours = count MonitorHourly ValueData records where
MonitorHourlyValueData.ModcCode in set {01, 02, 04, 17, 20, 53} AND
MonitorHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = "02C" AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.MoistureBasis = Current MHV Record. MoistureBasis OR
MonitorHourly ValueData.MoistureBasis is null) AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate < Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginHour <
Current Hour))
else if {Current MHV Parameter == "C02CSD")
Prior QA Hours = count MonitorHourly ValueData records where
MonitorHourlyValueData.ModcCode in set {01, 02, 04, 17, 20, 21, 53} AND
MonitorHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = "C02C" AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate < Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginHour <
Current Hour))
case {Current MHV Parameter)
S02C: MODC Set = {01, 02, 04, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53}
NOXC: MODC Set = {01, 02, 04, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53}
C02C: MODC Set = {01, 02, 04, 17, 20, 21, 53}
FLOW: MODC Set = {01, 02, 04, 20, 53}
H20: MODC Set = {01, 02, 04, 21, 53}
Prior QA Hours = count MonitorHourly ValueData records where
MonitorHourly ValueData.ModcCode in set MODC Set AND
MonitorHourly ValueData.ParameterCode = Current MHV Record. ParamctcrCodc AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate < Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginHour <
Current Hour))
if {Current MHV Parameter in set {NOXC, FLOW})
if {Prior QA Hours > 2160)
Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result A
if {Prior QA Hours > 720)
Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result A
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Result Response Severity
A You reported an MODCCode of 07 in the MHV record for [param], but too many prior Critical Error Level 1
quality assured hours exist in evaluation period for use of this missing data approach.
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-11
Check Name: Check Extraneous Data in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check ensures that certain fields are null in the MHV record.
Monitor Hourly Null Status = false
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
if (Current MH V Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie is not null AND Current MHV Parameter not in set {S02C, NOXC, FLOW})
append "AdjustedHourly Value" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
if (Current MHV Record. Mo i st lire Basi s is not null AND Current MHV Parameter not in set {02D, 02W, 02CSD})
append "MoistureBasis" to Hourly Extraneous Fields
if (Hourly Extraneous Fields is not null)
return result A
Monitor Hourly Null Status = true
Result Response Severity
A You reported [fieldnames] in the MHV record for [param]. This data should be blank. Non-Critical Error
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-12
Check Name: Check For Correct Use of MODCs
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Current MHVHBHA Value = null
if (Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true AND Monitor Hourly PMA Status == true)
if {Current MHV Record.ModcCode in set {06, 08, 09})
if {Current MHV Parameter in set {02D, 02W, 02CSD})
Prior MHV Record = latest MonitorHourly ValueData record where
MonitorHourlyValueData.ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20, 53, 54} AND
MonitorHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = "02C" AND
(MonitorHourlyValueData.MoistureBasis = Current MHV Record.MoistureBasis OR
MonitorHourly ValueData.MoistureBasis is null) AND
[MonitorHourly ValueData.Date < Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.Date = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour < Current Hour)]
If Prior MHV Record is not null and is in current reporting period
Next MHV Record = earliest MonitorHourly ValueData record where
MonitorHourlyValueData.ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 20, 53, 54} AND
MonitorHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = "02C" AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.MoistureBasis = Current MHV Record.MoistureBasis OR
MonitorHourly ValueData.MoistureBasis is null) AND
[MonitorHourly ValueData.Date > Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.Date = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour > Current
If Next MHV Record is not null and is in current reporting period
If Prior Mill 7^Ł'6r;rt/.UnadjustcdHourly Value >= 0 AND Next MHV
/tecwr/. Unadj ust edHourlv Value >= 0
Current MHVHBHA Value = {Prior MHVi?ecor
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
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if {Current MHVParameter in set {H20, C02C})
Prior Record = latest MonitorHourly ValueData record or DerivedHourly ValueData record where
ParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
ModcCode in set MO DC Set AND
(Date < Current Date OR
(Date = Current Date AND Hour < Current Hour ))
If Prior Record is not null and is in current reporting period
Next Record = earliest MonitorHourly ValueData record or DerivedHourly ValueData record
ParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
ModcCode in set MO DC Set AND
(Date > Current Date OR
(Date = Current Date AND Hour > Current Hour ))
If Next Record is not null and is in current reporting period
If Prior Record.UnadjustedHourly Value >= 0 AND Next
/tecwr/. Unadj ust edHourlv Value >= 0
Current MHV HBHA Value = (Prior /tecr;«/. Unadj ust edHourlv Value + Next
/tec wc/. U nad j ust edHourly Value) / 2, ROUNDED to a single decimal.
Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result A
else if {Current MHV Parameter == "C02CSD")
Prior MHV Record = latest MonitorHourly ValueData record where
MonitorHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = "C02C" AND
MonitorHourValueDataModcCode in set MODC Set AND
[MonitorHourly ValueData.Date < Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.Date = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour < Current
If Prior MHV Record is not null and is in current reporting period
Next MHV Record = earliest MonitorHourly ValueData record where
MonitorHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = "C02C" AND
MonitorHourValueDataModcCode in set MODC Set AND
[MonitorHourly ValueData.Date > Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.Date = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour > Current
If Next MHV Record is not null and is in current reporting period
If Prior \lll\ 7tecr;«/. Unadj ust edHourlv Value >= 0 AND AND Next MHV
/tec wc/. U nad j ust edHourly Value >= 0
Current MHV HBHA Value = {Prior MHV /toon/. UnadjustedHourly Value +
Xext \1II\ 7tecr;«/. Unadj ust edHourlv Value) / 2, ROUNDED to a single decimal.
Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status = false
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return result A
Prior MHVRecord = latest MonitorHourlyValueData record where
MonitorHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
MonitorHourValueDataModcCode in set MODC Set AND
[MonitorHourlyValueData.Date < Current Date OR
(MonitorHourlyValueData.Date = Current Date AND MonitorHourlyValueData.Hour < Current
If Prior MHV Record is not null and is in current reporting period
Next MHV Record = earliest MonitorHourlyValueData record where
MonitorHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
MonitorHourValueDataModcCode in set MODC Set AND
[MonitorHourlyValueData.Date > Current Date OR
(MonitorHourlyValueData.Date = Current Date AND MonitorHourlyValueData.Hour >
Current Hour)]
If Next MHV Record is not null and is in current reporting period
If Prior\lll\ 7^Ł'6r;rt/.AdjustcdHourly Value >= 0 AND Next MHV
.Record. AdjustedHourly Value >= 0
if {Current MHV Parameter == "FLOW")
Current MHVHBHA Value = (Prior MHV
Record. AdjustedHourlyValue + Next MHV
/tecwr/. AdjustedHourly Value) / 2, ROUNDED to the nearest 1000.
Current MHV HBHA Value = (Prior MHV
Record. AdjustedHourlyValue + Next MHV
Record. AdjustedHourlyValue) / 2, ROUNDED to a single decimal.
Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result B
else if (Current MHV Record. ModcCode == "11")
case (Current MHV Parameter)
NOXC: MODC Set = {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53, 54}
FLOW: MODC Set = {01, 02, 03, 04, 20, 53, 54}
Prior Measured MHV Record = MonitorHourlyValueData record at latest time for the location where
MonitorHourly ValueData.ModcCode in set MODC Set AND
MonitorHourlyValueDataParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate < Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginHour< Current
If Prior Measured MHV Record is not null and is in the current reporting period
PriorDate = Prior Measured MHV Record .BeginDate
PriorHour = Prior Measured MHV Record. BeginHour
PriorDate = the day prior to the beginning of the current reporting period
PriorHour = 23
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Next Measured MHVRecord = MonitorHourlyValueData record at earliest time for the location where
MonitorHourly ValueData.ModcCode in set MODC Set AND
MonitorHourlyValueData.ParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate > Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginHour > Current
If Next Measured MHV Record is not null and is in the current reporting period
NextDate = Next Measured MHV Record BQgvaDstQ
NextHour = Next Measured MHV Record. BeginHour
NextDate = the day after the end of the current reporting period
NextHour= 0
Missing Data Period Length = Count of MonitorHourly ValueData records for the location where
MonitorHourly ValueData.ParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate > PriorDate OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate = PriorDate AND MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginHour >
PriorHour)) AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate < NextDate OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate = NextDate AND MonitorHourly ValueDataBeginHour <
NextH our))
if (Current MHVRecord. Percent A\ ailable is null OR Current MHVRecord. Percent A\ ailable >= 95.0)
if (Missing Data Period Length > 24)
Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result C
if (Missing Data Period Length > 8)
Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status = false
return result C
else if (Current MHV Record. ModcCode == " 17" AND Monitor Hourly System Status == true)
Hours of Use of Like Kind Analyzer = Count of MonitorHourlyValueData records for the location and reporting period
MonitorHourly ValueData.ParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
MonitorHourlyValueData.ModcCode == "17" AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate < Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginHour< Current
If Hours of Use of Like Kind Analyzer >= 720
First Use of Like Kind Analyzer Record = MonitorHourlyValueData record at earliest time for the location and
and reporting period where
MonitorHourly ValueData.ParameterCode = Current MHV Parameter AND
MonitorHourlyValueData.ModcCode == "17" AND
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate < Current Date OR
(MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginDate = Current Date AND MonitorHourly ValueData.BeginHour<
Current Hour))
If Current MHV Record. Mo ni to ri ngSy stem ID is not null,
Locate a RATATestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location
where the MonitoringSystemID is equal to Current MHV Record. M o n i t o ri ng S v s t e m ID. the
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TestResultCode begins with "PASS", and the EndDate/EndHour is after the First Use of Like
Kind Analyzer Record .Date/Hour and on or prior to the Current Date/Current Hour.
If not found,
return result D
Locate all Monitor System Component Records for Hour and Location
where the ComponentID is equal to Current MHV Record. Co mpo ncnt ID.
Locate a RATATestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location
where the MonitoringSystemID is equal to any MonitoringSystemID in the retrieved Monitor
System Component records, the TestResultCode begins with "PASS", and the EndDate/EndHour
is after the First Use of Like Kind Analyzer Record .Date/Hour and on or prior to the Current
Date/Current Hour.
If not found,
return result D
Result Response
A The UnadjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] either before or
after the current hour is invalid.
B The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] either before or
after the current hour is invalid.
C You reported an MODCCode of 11 in the MHV record for [param], but the length of
the missing data period exceeds the allowable value for use of this missing data
D You reported an MODCCode of 17 in the MHV record for [param], indicating the use
of a like-kind analyzer, but you have used a like-kind analyzer to monitor this
parameter for more than 720 hours during this reporting period. You are not allowed
to use a like-kind analyzer for more than 720 hours during a calendar year, unless the
analyzer is identified as a non-redundant backup and a RATA is performed.
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: HOURMHV-13
Check Name: Check System in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check ensures that a valid Monitoring System is indicated in the MHV record.
Current MHVMon Sys Record = null
Monitor Hourly System Status = false
If (Current MHV Parameter == "NOXC" AND NOx Cone Checks Neededfor Nox Mass == false)
if (Current MHV Record. M o n i t o ri ng Sy s t e m ID is NOT null AND Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result A
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
else if (Current MHV Parameter == "C02C" AND CO 2 Cone Checks Neededfor Heat Input == false AND CO 2 Cone Checks Needed
for CQ2 Mass Calc == false)
if (Current MHV Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID is NOT null AND Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result B
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
else if (Current MHV Parameter == "02 W" AND 02 Wet Checks Neededfor Heat Input == false AND 02 Wet Checks Needed to
Support C02 Calculation == false) OR (Current MHV Parameter == "02D" AND 02 Dry Checks Neededfor Heat Input == false AND
02 Dry Checks Needed to Support C02 Calculation == false)
if (Current MHV Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID is NOT null AND Legacy Data Evaluation == false)
return result G
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
else if {Current MHV Parameter in set {C02CSD, 02CSD})
if Current MHV Record. Mo ni to ri ngSy stem ID is NOT null
return result F
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
case (Current MHV Parameter)
S02C: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22}
NOXC: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22}
C02C, 02D, or 02W: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 20, 21}
FLOW: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 20}
H20: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 21}
If (Current MHVRecord.ModcCode in set MODCSet)
if Current MHV Record. Mo ni to ri ngSy stem ID is null
return result C
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Current MHVMon Sys Record = find active MonitoringSystemData record for location where
MonitoringSy stemData.MonitoringSy stemID = Current MHV Record. IVI o n i t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID
if Current MHVMon Sys Record is null
return result D
if {Current MHV Parameter in set {02D, 02 W})
if {Legacy Data Evaluation == true
if {Current MHV Mon Sys Record. Sy stcmTy pcCodc not in set
return result E
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
else if {Current MHV Mon Sys Record. Sy stcmTy pcCodc not in {02, C02})
return result E
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
else if {Current MHV Parameter = "H20")
if {Current MHV Mon Sys Record. Sy stcmTy pcCodc not in {H20T, H20M})
return result E
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
if {Current MHV Mon .S'y.s Record. Sy StcmTy pcCodc <> Current MHV System Type)
If {Current MHV Parameter == "C02C" AND Legacy Data Evaluation == true AND
Current MHV Mon Sys Record.SystcmTvpcCodc == "NOX")
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
return result E
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
else if {Current MHV Record. IVI o ni t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID is NOT null AND Monitor Hourly MODC Status == true AND Current
MHV Record.ModcCodc not in set {05, 16, 53, 54} )
return result F
Monitor Hourly System Status = true
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Result Response
A You reported a MonitoringSystemID in the MHV record for NOXC, but this field
should be blank when the NOX concentration is used to calculate the NOX emission
rate as part of a NOX-diluent system.
B You reported a MonitoringSystemID in the MHV record for C02C, but this field
should be left blank when C02 concentration is not used to calculate C02 mass or heat
C You did not report a MonitoringSystemID in the MHV record for [param]. This
information is required when you report measured data.
D You reported MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the MHV record for [param], but there is no
Monitoring System record for this system in your monitoring plan that was active
during the hour.
E You reported MonitoringSystemID [ID] in the MHV record for [param], but this
SystemTypeCode for this monitoring system is not appropriate.
F You reported a MonitoringSystemID in the MHV record for [param], but this is not
appropriate when substitute data is used.
G You reported a MonitoringSystemID in the MHV record for [param], but this field
should be left blank when 02 concentration is not used to calculate C02 concentration
or heat input.
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
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Check Code: HOURMHV-14
Check Name: Check System Designation Code for System in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check ensures that the SystemDesignationCode of the monitoring system is compatible with reported
If (Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true AND Monitor Hourly System Status == true ANDCurrent MHVMon Sys Record is not null)
case {Current MHV Record. ModcCode)
01 OR 17: If (Current MHV Mon Sys Record. SystemDesignationCode NOT in set {P, PB})
return result A
02: If (Current MHV Mon Sys Record. SystemDesignationCode NOT in set {B, RB, DB}
return result B
04: If (Current MHV Mon Sys Record. SystemDesignationCode <> "RM")
return result C
22: If (Current MHV Mon Sys Record. SystemDesignationCode <> "CI")
return result D
You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the MHV record for [param], but
MonitoringSystemID [ID] is not a primary system.
You reported an MODCCode of 02 in the MHV record for [param], but
MonitoringSystemID [ID] is not a backup system.
You reported an MODCCode of 04 in the MHV record for [param], but
MonitoringSystemID [ID] is not a reference method system.
You reported an MODCCode of 22 in the MHV record for [param], but
MonitoringSystemID [ID] is not a certified inlet system.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Component in MHV Record
CEM Check
This check ensures that the component in the MHV record is valid.
Monitor Hourly Component Status = false
if {Current MHV Parameter NOT in set {C02CSD, 02CSD})
case {Current MHV Parameter)
C02C, 02D, 02W:
MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53}
MODCSet={01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53}
MODC Set = {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 20, 21, 53}
MODC Set = {01, 02, 03, 04, 20, 53}
MODC Set = {01, 02, 03, 04, 21, 53}
If {Current MHV Record.ModcCode in set MODC Set)
if Current MHV Record. ComponentID is null
If {Current MHV Parameter == "FLOW" and Current MH V Record. IVI o n i t o ri ng S y s t e m ID is not null)
Count Mon Sys Comp Record = count active MonitoringSystemComponent record for location where
MonitoringSystemComponentData .ComponentTypeCode = "FLOW" AND
MonitoringSystemComponentData.MonitoringSystemID = Current MHV
Record. IVI o n i t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID
If {Count Mon Sys Comp Record < 2)
return result A
return result A
Current MHV Component Record = find ComponentData record where ComponentData. ComponentID = Current
MHV Record. ComponentID
If Current MHV Component Record. ComponentTypeCode <> Current MHV Component Type
return result B
else if Monitor Hourly ModcStatus == true AND Current MHV ModcCode ==17 AND Current MHV
Component Record. Componentldentifier does not begin with "LK"
return result C
else if {Monitor Hourly System Status == true AND Current MHV Mon Sys Record is not null)
Count Mon Sys Comp Record = count active MonitoringSystemComponent record for location where
MonitoringSystemComponentData .ComponentID = Current MHV Record. ComponentID AND
MonitoringSystemComponentData.MonitoringSystemID = Current MHV
Record. IVI o n i t o ri ng Sy s t c m ID
If Count Mon Sys Comp Record = 0
return result D
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Monitor Hourly Component Status= true
Monitor Hourly Component Status = true
if Current MHVRecord. ComponentID is NOT null
return result E
Monitor Hourly Component Status = true
if Current MHV Record. ComponentID is NOT null
return result E
Monitor Hourly Component Status = true
You did not report a ComponentID in the MHV record for [param].
You reported ComponentID [ID] in the MHV record for [param], but this is not an
[comptype] component.
You reported an MODCCode of 17 in the MHV record for [param], which indicates
that the component is a like-kind analyzer, but the ComponentID does not begin with
You reported MonitoringSystemID [sys] ComponentID [ID] in the MHV record for
[param], but there is no MonitorSystemComponent record for this system and
component in your monitoring plan that was active during the hour.
You reported a ComponentID in the MHV record for [param], but this field should be
blank whenever missing data substitution is performed.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Pre-Bias-Adjusted Value
CEM Check
This check ensures that the Unadjusted Value in the MHV record for S02C, NOXC, and FLOW is valid.
Monitor Hourly Preadjusted Value Status = false
S02C: MODCSet = {01, 02, 03, 04, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53, 54}
NOXC: MODC Set = {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53, 54}
FLOW: MODC Set = {01, 02, 03, 04, 20, 53, 54}
If (Current MHV ModcCodc in set MODC Set)
If (Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value is null AND
Current MHVRecord.ModcCode not in set {04, 19, 20, 53, 54})
return result A
else if (Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value < 0.0 AND
Current MHV Record. ModcCode not in set {16, 21} )
return result A
else if {Current MHV Record. UnadjustedHourly Value > 2 AND
Current MHV Record. ModcCode == 16)
return result B
else if {Current MHV Record. UnadjustedHourly Value > 0 AND
Current MHV Record. ModcCode == 21)
return result C
else if {Current MHV Parameter in set { S02C, NOXC} and Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value is not rounded to 1
decimal place)
return result F
else if {Current MHV Parameter == "FLOW" and Current MHV Record. UnadjustedHourlyValue is not rounded to the nearest
return result F
Monitor Hourly Preadjusted Value Status = true
if {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
if {Current MHV Ttecon/.UnadjustedHourlyValue > Current MHV Max Min Value)
return result D
else if {Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true)
If (Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value is not null)
return result E
Monitor Hourly Preadjusted Value Status = true
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The UnadjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is missing or
You reported an MODCCode of 16 in the MHV record for [param], but the
UnadjustedHourly Value exceeds 2.
You reported an MODCCode of 21 in the MHV record for [param], but the
UnadjustedHourly Value is greater than 0.
Warning: The UnadjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is in
excess of the maximum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary.
Adjustments may include the need to update Span and/or Default values. You should
investigate the cause of these exceedances and determine whether adjustments to your
monitoring systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the MHV record for [param], so you
should not have reported a value for the UnadjustedHourly Value.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
2 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
3 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-17
Check Name: Verily Consistency Between NOx Emission Rate and NOx Concentration
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check ensures consistency between NOx emission rate records and NOx Concentration records based on
the MODC and reported values.
If (NOx Cone Needed for NOx Rate Calc == true AND Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true)
if (Current MHV Record.MODCCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53} )
return result A
else if (Current MH V Record. MODCCode == 21 AND NOx Emission Rate MODC not in set {14, 21})
return result A
elseif (Current MHVRecord.MODCCode == 22 AND NOx Emission Rate MODC not in set{14, 22})
return result A
Result Response Severity
A You reported an MODCCode of [MODC] in the MHV record for NOXC that is Critical Error Level 1
inconsistent with MODCCode of [NOX ER MODC] reported in the DHV record for
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-18
Check Name: Determine Maximum or Minimum Value for Parameter in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines the maximum or minimum value for the parameter from the span or default table based
on MODC.
Current MHV Max Min Value = null
If {Current MHV Parameter == "H20")
If (H20 Missing Data Approach == "MAX")
Current MHV Default Parameter = "H20X"
Else If (H20 Missing Data Approach == "MIN")
Current MHV Default Parameter = "H20N"
else if {Current MHV Record. ModcCode == 12)
return result A
If (Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true AND Current MHV Default Parameter is not null)
If (Current MHV Record.MoAcCoAc in set {12, 23} AND Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour = true)
If Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode is not null
Current MHV Missing Data Fuel = Current Hourly Op Record. FuelCode
Count active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCode = Current MHV Default Parameter
FuelCode = Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode
DefaultPurposeCode = "MD" // Missing Data
OperatingCode in set {A,U} // Not Controlled
if (count >1)
return result B
else if (count == 0)
return result C
Default Record = the single matched record
if (Default.Record.DefaultValue >0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Default Default Value
return result D
else if (Current MHV Record. ModcCode in set {13, 24} AND Current MHV Fuel Specific Hour == true)
If Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode is not null
Current MHV Missing Data Fuel = Current Hourly Op Record. FuelCode
Count active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCode = Current MHV Default Parameter
FuelCode = Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode
DefaultPurposeCode = "MD" // Missing Data
OperatingCode in == "C" // Controlled
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if (count >1)
return result B
else if (count == 0)
return result C
Default Record = the single matched record
if (Default.Record.DefaultValue >0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Default Record. Default Value
return result D
else if (Current MHV Record. ModcCode <> 15)
If (Current MHV Parameter in set {H20, 02W, 02D, 02CSD})
if (Current MHV Default Parameter is not null)
Current MHV Missing Data Fuel = "NFS"
if (Current MHV Parameter in set {02 W, 02D} AND Current MHV Record. ModcCode == 20)
Current MHV Default Parameter = "02X"
Count active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCode = Current MHV Default Parameter
FuelCode = "NFS"
DefaultPurposeCode = "DC" // diluent cap
Count active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCode = Current MHV Default Parameter
FuelCode = "NFS"
DefaultPurposeCode = "MD" // missing data
if (count >1)
return result B
else if ((Current MHV Parameter == "02D" AND 02 Dry Checks Neededfor Heat Input == false) OR
(Current MHV Parameter == "02 W" AND 02 Wet Checks Neededfor Heat Input == false))
Current MHV Max Min Value = 0
else if (count == 0)
return result C
Default Record = the single matched record
if (Default.Record.DefaultValue >0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Default Record. Default Value
return result D
If (Current MHV Component Type == "FLOW")
Current MHV Span Description = "FLOW"
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Monitor Span Record Count = Find active MonitoringSpanData records for location where
MonitoringSpanData .ComponentTypeCode = "FLOW"
Current MHVSpan Description = Current MHV Component Type + " with a SpanScale of H"
Monitor Span Record Count = Find active MonitoringSpanData records for location where
MonitoringSpanData .ComponentTypeCode = Current MHV Component Type AND
MonitoringSpanData SpanScaleCode = "H"
if (.Monitor Span Record Count > 1)
return result E
else if (.Monitor Span Record Count = 0)
return result F
Current Monitor Span Record = the single matched record
If {Current MHV Record. ModcCode == 19)
if Current Monitor Span i?ecor 0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Current Monitor Span Record. DcfaultHighRangc
return result G
else if ((Current Monitor Span /tecwc/.DcfaultHighRangc is null AND Current MHV Record.MoAcCoAc
not in set {13, 24}) or Current MHV Record. ModcCode == 12)
if (Current MHV Record. ModcCode == 20)
if (Current MHV Parameter == "FLOW")
if Current Monitor Span /tecwc/.FlowFull Scale Range > 0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Current Monitor Span
Record. F1 owFu 11 Sea 1 c Ra ngc * 2
return result G
if Current Monitor Span Record. Fu 11 Sea 1 c Ra ngc > 0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Current Monitor Span
Record. Fu 11 Sea 1 c Ra ngc * 2
return result G
if (Current MHV Parameter == "FLOW")
if Current Monitor Span Record.MPFValue > 0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Current Monitor Span
return result G
if Current Monitor Span Record. IVT PC Va 1 lie > 0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Current Monitor Span
Record. IVT PC Va 1 lie
return result G
else if (Current MHV Parameter in set {S02C, NOXC})
Current MHV Span Description = Current MHV Component Type + " with a SpanScale of L"
Monitor Span Record Count = Find active MonitoringSpanData records for location where
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MonitoringSpanData .ComponentTypeCode = Current MHV Component Type AND
MonitoringSpanDataSpanScaleCode = "L"
if {Monitor Span Record Count > 1)
return result E
else if (Monitor Span Record Count = 0)
return result F
Current Monitor Span Record = the single matched record
if (Current MHV Record.ModcCode == 20)
if Current Monitor Span Record. Fu 11 Sea 1 c Ra ngc > 0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Current Monitor Span
Record. Fu 11 Sea 1 c Ra ngc * 2
return result G
else if (Current MHV Record. ModcCode in set {13, 24})
if Current Monitor Span Record.MECValue > 0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Current Monitor Span
Record. MECValue
return result G
if Current Monitor Span Record. Span Value > 0)
Current MHV Max Min Value = Current Monitor Span
Record. SpanValue
return result G
The missing data default parameter for H20 could not be determined, because you used
Critical Error Level
both Standard and Inverse Part 75 missing data approaches during the hour.
You reported more than one applicable [param] Default record with a FuelCode of
Critical Error Level
[FuelCode] in your monitoring plan for the hour.
You did not report an applicable [param] Default record with a FuelCode of
Critical Error Level
The values reported in the applicable [param] Default record with a FuelCode of
Critical Error Level
[FuelCode] are invalid.
You reported more than one active span record for [key] in your monitoring plan for
Critical Error Level
the hour.
You did not report an active span record for [key] in your monitoring plan for the hour.
Critical Error Level
The values reported in the applicable span record for [key] are invalid.
Critical Error Level
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-19
Check Name: Check Adjusted Hourly Value in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This checks ensures that AdjustedHourly Value is valid and does not conflict with the reported MODC codes.
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = false
if (Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true AND Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status == true AND
(.Monitor Hourly Pma Status == true OR Current MHV Record. IVIodcCodc NOT in set {06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11}))
If (Current MHV Parameter <> "NOXC" OR NOx Cone Neededfor Nox Mass Calc == true)
If (Current MHV Parameter == "FLOW")
set Current MHV Precision to -3.
set Current MHV Precision to 1.
case {Current MHV Record. ModcCode)
= 21: Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = 0
if {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue == 0)
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result A
= 16: Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = 2
if {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue == 2)
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result B
= 12 OR = 23:
If {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Max Min Value
if {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue == Current MHV Max Min Value)
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result C
= 13 OR 24:
If {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Max Min Value
if {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue == Current MHV Max Min Value)
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result D
= 06: If {Current MHVHBHA Value is not null)
Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV HBHA Value
If {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue >= 0)
if ( Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue == Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value)
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
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return result G
return result H
If (Current M//K/?6'cwY/.AdjustcdHourly Value >= 0)
If (Current MHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie is not rounded to Current MHVPrecision)
return result L
Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV
wy/ . A dj u s t e d H o u r l y Va 1 u e
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
If {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
if (Current MHV Ttecon/.AdjustedHourly Value > Current MHV Max Min
If {Current MHV Parameter == "S02C" and Current MHV
Record. ustedH oil rly Value > Current MHV Max Min Value * 2)
return result O
return result K
return result H
= 08 OR 09:
If (Current MH V Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie >= 0)
If {Current MHV HBHA Value is not null AND Current MHV HBHA Value > Current MHV
Record. ustedH oil rly Value AND {Unit is Load Based == true or Current MHV Parameter <>
Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV HBHA Value
return result I
If {Current MHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie is not rounded to Current MHV Precision)
return result L
Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV
Record. ustedH oil rly Value
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
If {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
if {Current MHV Ttecon/.AdjustedHourly Value > Current MHV Max Min
If {Current MHV Parameter == "S02C" and Current MHV
Record. ustedH on rly Value > Current MHV Max Min Value * 2)
return result O
return result K
return result H
= 04, 05, 07, 10, 11, 15, 53, 54, OR 55:
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If (Current MH V Record. A dj u st c d H o u rl y Va 1 lie >= 0)
If (Current MHV Record. A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie is not rounded to Current MHV Precision)
return result L
Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Record.AdjustedHourly Value
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
If {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
if {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > Current MHV Max Min Value)
If {Current MHV Parameter == "S02C" and Current MHV
Record. AdjustedHourlyValue > Current MHV Max Min Value * 2)
If the Current MHV Record.ModcCode == 10
return result P
return result O
return result K
return result H
= All Other Codes:
If {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue >= 0)
f (Current MHV Record.ModcCode in set {19, 20} AND Current MHV
Record.UnadjustcdHourly Value is null)
If {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
if {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue == Current MHV Max Min Value)
Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV
Record. AdjustedHourlyValue
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
if {Current MHV Record. ModcCode == "19")
return result M
return result N
else if {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue is not rounded to Current MHV Precision)
return result L
Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status = true
return result H
If {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourly Value is not null)
return result J
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You reported an MODCCode of 21 in the MHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal 0.
You reported an MODCCode of 16 in the MHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal 2.
You reported an MODCCode of [modcCode] in the MHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal the maximum potential value reported in the
[comptype] span or fuel-specific default record in your monitoring plan.
You reported an MODCCode of 13 or 24 in the MHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal the maximum expected value reported in the
[comptype] span or fuel-specific default record in your monitoring plan.
You reported an MODCCode of 06 in the MHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal average of measured hour before and measured
hour after.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is invalid.
You reported an MODCCode of [MODCCode] in the MHV record for [param], but you
reported an AdjustedHourly Value that is less than the average of the measured hour
before and measured hour after.
You reported an AdjustedHourly Value in the MHV record for NOXC. This field
should be blank when the NOX concentration is used to calculate the NOX emission
rate as part of a NOX system.
Warning: The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is in
excess of the maximum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary.
Adjustments may include the need to update Span and/or Default values. You should
investigate the cause of these exceedances and determine whether adjustments to your
monitoring systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
You reported an MODCCode of 19 in the MHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal the DefaultHighRange reported in the [comptype]
span record in your monitoring plan.
You reported an MODCCode of 20 in the MHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal 200 percent of the FullScaleRange reported in the
[comptype] span record in your monitoring plan.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is in excess of the
maximum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to periodically (at
least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum values in the
monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary. Adjustments may
include the need to update Span and/or Default values. You should investigate the
cause of these exceedances and determine whether adjustments to your monitoring
systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is in excess of the
maximum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to periodically (at
least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum values in the
monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary. Adjustments may
include the need to update Span and/or Default values. You should investigate the
cause of these exceedances and determine whether adjustments to your monitoring
systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 2
Informational Message
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
2 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
3 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-20
Check Name: Check Unadjusted Hourly Value in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This checks ensures that UnadjustedHourly Value is valid and does not conflict with the reported MODC
Monitor Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = false
if (Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true AND Monitor Hourly Missing Data Status == true AND
(.Monitor Hourly Pma Status == true OR Current MHV Record. IVIodcCodc NOT in set {06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11}))
Calculated Unadjusted Value = null
case {Current MHV Record. ModcCode)
= 21: Calculated Unadjusted Value = 0
if (Current M//K/?6'cmy/.U nadj ustcdHourly Value == 0)
If {Current MHV Parameter == "C02C" and Current Hourly Op Record. LoadRangc is greater than 1,
return result L
Monitor Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
return result A
= 12 OR = 23:
If {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHV Max Min Value
if {Current MHV Ttecon/.UnadjustedHourlyValue == Current MHV Max Min Value)
Monitor Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
return result B
= 20: If (Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value >= 0)
If {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
If (Current MHV Parameter begins with "02" AND Current A/Z/K/fecwf/.U nadj ustcdHourly Value >
Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHV Max Min Value
return result K
else if Current MHV Parameter == "C02C" AND Current UnadjustedHourly Value >
Current MHV Max Min Value)
Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHV Max Min Value
return result C
elseif (Current MHV Record U nadj ustcdHourly Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result I
Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value
Monitor Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
return result E
= 06: If {Current MHVHBHA Value is not null)
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Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHVHBHA Value
If (Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value >= 0)
if ( Current M//K/?6'«;/Y/.UnadjustcdHourly Value == Calculated Unadjusted Value)
Monitor Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
return result D
return result E
If (Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value >= 0)
If (Current MHV Record U nadj ustcdHourly Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result I
Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value
Monitor Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
if {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
If {{Current MHV Parameter == "H20" AND H2() Missing Data Approach ==
"MIN") OR Current MHV Parameter begins with "02")
if {Current MHV Ttecon/.UnadjustedHourly Value < Current MHV Max Min
return result H
if {Current MHV Ttecon/.UnadjustedHourly Value > Current MHV Max Min
return result F
return result E
= 08 OR = 09:
If (Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value >= 0)
If {Current MHV HBHA Value is not null AND {{Current MHV Parameter == "H20" AND H20 Missing Data
Approach == "MIN") OR Current MHV Parameter begins with "02") AND Current MHV HBHA Value <
Current MHV/?6'cwy/.U nadj ustcdHourly Value)
Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHV HBHA Value
return result J
else if {Current MHV HBHA Value is not null AND {{Current MHV Parameter == "H20" AND H20 Missing
Data Approach == "MAX") OR Current MHV Parameter does not begin with "02" or "H20") AND Current
MHV HBHA Value > Current MHV Record .UnadjustedHourly Value)
Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHV HBHA Value
return result G
if {Current A///K/?6'cwy/. UnadjustedHourly Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result I
Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value
Monitor Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
if {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
If {{Current MHV Parameter == "H20" AND H2() Missing Data Approach ==
"MIN") OR Current MHV Parameter begins with "02")
if {Current MHV Ttecon/.UnadjustedHourly Value < Current MHV Max Min
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return result H
if (Current MHVTtecon/.UnadjustedHourly Value > Current MHVMax Min
return result F
return result E
= All Other Codes:
If (Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value >= 0)
If {Current MHV Parameter in set {"H20", "C02C", "02D", "02W", "C02CSD", "02CSD"} AND Current
MHVRecord. U nadj ustcdHourly Va 1 lie > 100)
return result E
else if (Current MHV/?6'cwy/.U nadj ustcdHourly Value is not rounded to one decimal place)
return result I
else if (Current MHV /?6'cwy/.U nadj ustcdHourly Value == 0 AND Current MHV Parameter == "C02C" and
Current Hourly Op Record.LoadRangc is greater than I,
return result L
Calculated Unadjusted Value = Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value
Monitor Hourly Unadjusted Value Status = true
if {Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)
If {{Current MHV Parameter == "H20" AND H2() Missing Data Approach == "MIN")OR
Current MHV Parameter begins with "02")
if {Current MHV Ttecon/.UnadjustedHourlyValue < Current MHV Max Min Value)
return result H
if {Current MHV Ttecon/.UnadjustedHourlyValue > Current MHV Max Min Value)
return result F
return result E
Whether or not there is a result returned:
If {Calculated Unadjusted Value is not null)
case {Current MHV Parameter)
C02C: C02C MHV Calculated Adjusted Value = Calculated Unadjusted Value
02 W: 02 Wet Calculated Adjusted Value = Calculated Unadjusted Value
02D: 02 Dry Calculated Adjusted Value = Calculated Unadjusted Value
H20: H20 MHVCalculatedAdjusted Value = Calculated Unadjusted Value
C02CSD: C02C SD Calculated Adjusted Value = Calculated Unadjusted Value
02CSD: 02C SD Calculated Adjusted Value = Calculated Unadjusted Value
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You reported an MODCCode of 21 in the MHV record for [param], but the
UnadjustedHourly Value does not equal 0.
You reported an MODCCode of [mode] in the MHV record for [param], but the
UnadjustedHourly Value does not equal the maximum potential value reported in the
[comptype] span or default record in your monitoring plan.
You reported an MODCCode of 20 in the MHV record for [param], but the
UnadjustedHourly Value does not equal 200 percent of the FullScaleRange reported in
the C02 span record in your monitoring plan.
You reported an MODCCode of 06 in the MHV record for [param], but the
UnadjustedHourly Value does not equal average of measured hour before and measured
hour after.
The UnadjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is missing or
Warning: The UnadjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is in
excess of the maximum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these maximum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary.
Adjustments may include the need to update Span and/or Default values. You should
investigate the cause of these exceedances and determine whether adjustments to your
monitoring systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
You reported an MODCCode of [MODC] in the MHV record for [param], but you
reported an UnadjustedHourly Value that is less than the average of the measured hour
before and measured hour after.
Warning: The UnadjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is
lower than the minimum value listed in the monitoring plan. Sources are required to
periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the appropriateness of these minimum
values in the monitoring plan and make proper adjustments when necessary.
Adjustments may include the need to update Default values. You should investigate
the cause of these low values and determine whether adjustments to your monitoring
systems or monitoring plan are necessary.
You reported [fieldname] in the [type] record for [param] that is not rounded to the
appropriate precision for that parameter.
You reported an MODCCode of [MODC] in the MHV record for [param], but you
reported an UnadjustedHourly Value that is greater than the average of the measured
hour before and measured hour after.
You reported an MODCCode of 20 in the MHV record for [param], but the
UnadjustedHourly Value does not equal the default value reported in the 02X default
record in your monitoring plan.
You have reported an UnadjustedHourly Value of 0 in the MHV record for [param], but
the LoadRange is greater than 1. Emissions for [param] should be greater than 0
when the unit (or stack) is operating at this load level.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
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Check Code: HOURMHV-21
Check Name: Determine BAF Value for Monitoring System in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check retrieves and sets as an output parameter the Bias Adjustment factor for the Monitoring System
Current S02 System BAF = null
Current NOXC System BAF = null
Current FLOW System BAF = null
Continue = true
If {Current MHV Parameter == "NOXC")
If (NOx Cone Needed for Nox Mass Calc == false)
Continue == false
If (Continue == true AND Monitor Hourly System Status == true AND Monitor Hourly Preadjusted Value Status == true AND
{Current MHV Record. ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 17, 18, 22, 53} OR {Current MHV Record.ModcCode in set {19, 20} AND Current
MH V Record. U nadj list cdH o u rly Va 1 lie is not null AND Current MHV Max Min Value is not null)))
If {RATA Status BAF is not null)
case {Current MHV Parameter)
S02C: Current S02 System BAF = RATA Status BAF
NOXC: Current NOXC System BAF = RATA Status BAF
FLOW: Current FLO W System BAF = RA TA Status BAF
return result A
Result Response Severity
A The BAF for [ParamCode] MonitoringSystemID [ID] cannot be determined, because Critical Error Level 1
the prior RATA had critical errors or because of a RATA Status error listed on this
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOXC RATA Status Evaluation
2 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 RATA Status Evaluation
3 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Stack Flow RATA Status Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-22
Check Name: Calculate Bias Adjusted Value in MHV Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check ensures that the reported Unadjusted Hourly Value multiplied by the B AF results in the reported
Adjusted Hourly Value
case (Current MHV Parameter)
S02C: Current BAF = Current S02 System BAF
NOXC: Current BAF = Current NOXC System BAF
FLOW: Current BAF = Current FLOW System BAF
if (Current BAF is not null)
If {Current MHV Parameter == "FLOW")
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = Current MHV Parameter AND
Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value * Current BAF, and the result to the nearest
Tolerance = Lookup Tolerance from Cross-Check Table "Hourly Emissions Tolerances" where
Parameter = Current MHV Parameter AND
Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Record. U nadj ustcdHourly Value * Current BAF, and the result to one
decimal place (0.1).
If {Current MHV Record. ModcCode in set {19, 20} AND Calculated Adjusted Value > Current MHVMax Min Value)
case {Current MHV Parameter)
S02C: S02C Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Max Min Value
NOXC: NOXC Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Max Min Value
FLOW: FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Max Min Value
if {Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true)
if {Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue <> Current MHV Max Min Value)
If {Current MHV Record.ModcCode == 20)
return result A
return result C
case {Current MHV Parameter)
S02C: S02C Calculated Adjusted Value = Calculated Adjusted Value
NOXC: NOXC Calculated Adjusted Value= Calculated Adjusted Value
FLOW: FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value = Calculated Adjusted Value
if {Monitor Hourly Adjusted Value Status == true)
if AH$(Calculated Adjusted Value - Current MHV Record. AdjustedHourlyValue) > Tolerance
return result B
case {Current MHV Parameter)
S02C: S02C Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
NOXC: NOXC Calculated Adjusted Value= Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
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FLOW: FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
You reported an MODCCode of 20 in the MHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal 200 percent of the FullScaleRange reported in the
[comptype] span record in your monitoring plan.
The AdjustedHourly Value reported in the MHV record for [param] is not equal to the
UnadjustedHourly Value times the BAF for the [systype] MonitoringSystemID [ID],
You reported an MODCCode of 19 in the MHV record for [param], but the
AdjustedHourly Value does not equal the DefaultHighRange reported in the [comptype]
span record in your monitoring plan.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report NOXC RATA Status Evaluation
2 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report S02 RATA Status Evaluation
3 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Stack Flow RATA Status Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-23
Check Name: Initialize C02C Hourly Monitor for Substitute Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameter and output parameter for subsequent monitor hourly checks for C02C for
substitute data when two C02C are submitted for the hour.
Current MHV Parameter = "C02CSD"
C02C SD Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
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Check Code: HOURMHV-24
Check Name: Initialize 02C Hourly Monitor for Substitute Data
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check sets generic parameter and output parameter for subsequent monitor hourly checks for 02C for
substitute data when two 02C with the same moisture basis are submitted for the hour.
Current MHV Parameter = "02CSD"
02C SD Calculated Adjusted Value = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Determine if MHV Record Needs QA Status Evaluation
CEM Check
Determine if MHV Record Needs QA Status Evaluation
Set LinearityStatusRequired = false.
Set Current Linearity Status = null.
Set RATAStatusRequired = false.
Set Current RATA Status = null.
Set RATA StatusBAF = null.
Set DailyCalStatusRequired = false
Set Current Daily Cal Status = null.
Set F2L Status Required = false.
Set Daily Int Status Required = false
Set Leak Status Required = false
Set QaStatusComponentld = CurrentMHVRecord. Co mpo lien11d
Set QaStatusComponentldentifier = CurrentMH VRecord. C o m po lie n 11 dc n t i fi c r
Set QaStatusComponentTypeCode = CurrentMHVRecord.ComponcnlTypcCodc
Set QaStatusSystemDesignationCode = CurrentMH VRecord.S\s\cmDcs\gm\\\onCoA.c
Set QaStatusSystemld = CurrentMH VRecord. Sy stem Id
Set QaStatusSystemldentifier = CurrentMH VRecord. Sy s t c 1111 dc 111 i fi c r
Set QaStatusSystemTypeCode = CurrentMH VRecord.SyslcmTypcCodc
Locate the record in MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation with the earliest BeginDate/BeginHour and Componentld equal
to QaStatusComponentld.
Set QaStatusComponentBeginDate = null.
Set QaStatusComponentBeginDatehour = null.
if (Monitor Hourly Mode Status == true AND
(CurrentMHVRecord.ModcCodc in set {01, 02, 03, 17, 18, 21, 22, 53} OR
{CurrentMHVRecord.ModcCode in set {19, 20} AND CwjreMfM//i/ReŁw
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Set Leak Status Required = true.
if (MonitorHourlySystemStatus = true AND CurrentMHVRecord. M o n i t o ri ng S y s t e m ID is not null AND
CurrentMHVRecord. SystemTypeCode is in {S02, NOXC, FLOW, H20M} )
Set RATAStatusRequired = true.
Set CurrentHourlyRecordforRATAStatus = CurrentMHVRecord.
if CurrentMHVRecord.SyslcmTypcCodc is equal to 'FLOW',
Set F2L Status Required = true.
else if ((C02 Cone Checks Neededfor Heat Input == true AND CurrentMHVParameter == "C02C") OR (02 Wet Checks
Neededfor Heat Input == true AND CurrentMHVParameter == "02W") OR (02 Dry Checks Neededfor Heat Input == true
AND CurrentMHVParameter == "02D"))
Set C02RATARequired = true.
if (RATA Status Required == false AND Current MHVParameter in { S02C, NOXC, FLOW})
case (Current MHV Parameter)
S02C: S02C Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
NOXC: NOXC Calculated Adjusted Value= Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
FLOW: FLOW Calculated Adjusted Value = Current MHV Calculated Adjusted Value
if (LinearityStatusRequired == true OR DailyCalStatusRequired == true)
Set DualRangeStatus = false.
Set CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = null.
Set ApplicableSystemlDs = null.
Set HighRangeComponentID = null.
Set LowRangeComponentID = null.
if (CurrentMHVParameter == "FLOW")
Set ApplicahleComponentlD = Current MHV Record.ComponentlD
Set ApplicahleComponentlD = null.
Locate a record in AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation for the hour and location where the ComponentID is equal to
the CurrentMHVRecord. ComponentID.
if (AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation is not found OR if more than one AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation
is found)
set Linearity Status Required == false
set Daily CalStatusRequired = false
return result A
if (AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation.DualRangelndicator = 1)
Set DualRangeStatus = true.
if (Analyzer Range Record.AnalyzerRangeCode = "A")
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Locate the record in MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation for the hour and location where the
ComponentTypeCode is equal to the CurrentMHVRecord ComponcntTypcCodc and the
SpanScaleCode is equal to "L".
if (MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation is not found OR if more than one
MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation is found OR if the
MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation.ScaleTransitionPoint is null or <= 0)
set Linearity Status Required == false
set DailyCalStatusRequired = false
return result B
else if (MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation is found AND
CurrentMHVRecord. U nadj ustedHourly Value >
MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation. ScaleTransitionPoint AND
CurrentMHVRecord.ModcCode <> "18")
Set CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "H".
Set HighRangeComponentID = CurrentMHVRecord.Componcnl ID.
Set LowRangeComponentID = CurrentMHVRecord.Componcnl ID.
Set CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "L".
Set HighRangeComponentID = CurrentMHVRecord.Componcnl ID.
Set LowRangeComponentID = CurrentMHVRecord.Componcnl ID.
Set CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed =
AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation. AnalyzerRangeCode.
if {AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation.AnalyzerRangeCode = "H")
Locate a record in AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation for the hour and location
where the ComponentTypeCode is equal to the
CurrentMHVRecord.ComponcnlTypcCodc and the AnalyzerRangeCode is equal to "L"
AND the ComponentSerialNumber is equal to the
CurrentMHVRecord.ComponcnlScnaWumbcr (removing the phrases "HIGH", "HI",
"LOW", and "LO").
if (AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation is not found OR if more than one
AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation is found)
set Linearity Status Required == false
set Daily CalStatusRequired = false
return result C
else If (AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation is found)
Set HighRangeComponentID = CurrentMHVRecord.Componcnl ID.
Set LowRangeComponentID =
AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation. Component ID.
else if {CurrentMHVRecord. AnalyzerRangeCode = "L")
Locate a record in AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation for the
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CurrentMHVRecord. Hour where the ComponentTypeCode is equal to the
CurrentMHVRecord.ComponcnlTypcCodc and the AnalyzerRangeCode is equal to "H"
AND the ComponentSerialNumber is equal to the
CurrentMHVRecord.CompomntSeriaXNumber (removing the phrases "HIGH", "HI",
"LOW", and "LO").
if {AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation is not found OR if more than one
AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation is found)
set Linearity Status Required == false
set DailyCalStatusRequired = false
return result C
else If (AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation is found)
Set LowRangeComponentlD = CurrentMHVRecord.Componcnl ID.
Set HighRangeComponentID =
AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation. Component ID.
Set CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = AnalyzerRangeRecordsByHourLocation. AnalyzerRangeCode.
if (CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "H")
Set HighRangeComponentID = CurrentMHVRecord.Componcnl ID.
Set LowRangeComponentlD = CurrentMHVRecord.Componcnl ID.
if (CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "H")
Set ApplicableComponentID = HighRangeComponentID.
Set ApplicableComponentID = LowRangeComponentlD.
For each record in MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation where the ComponentID is equal to the
AppendMonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation.SystQmlD to ApplicableSystemlDs.
if (MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation is not found)
set Linearity Status Required == false
set Daily CalStatusRequired = false
return result D
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You did not report one (and only one) valid Analyzer Range record in your monitoring
plan for ComponentID [COMPID] for this hour. The QA Status of the linearity and/or
daily calibration tests for this component will not be evaluated.
You reported that ComponentID [COMPID] is a dual-range analyzer, but you did not
report one (and only one) active low-scale [COMPTYPE] span record with a valid
ScaleTransitionPoint in your monitoring plan for this hour. The QA Status of the
linearity and/or daily calibration tests for this component will not be evaluated.
You reported that ComponentID [COMPID] is a dual-range analyzer, but the program
could not identify the alternate range component in your monitoring plan. The QA
Status of the linearity and/or daily calibration tests for this component will not be
You did not report any System Component records for ComponentID [compid] in your
monitoring plan for the hour. The QA Status of the linearity and/or daily calibration
tests for this component will not be evaluated.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-27
Check Name: Determine MHV Measure Code
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
If {Current MHV Parameter == "C02CSD")
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for "C02C" to "SUB"
else If {Current MHV Parameter == "02CSD")
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for "02D" to "SUB"
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for "02 W" to "SUB"
else if {Current MHV Parameter in set {S02C, NOXC, C02C, 02D, 02 W, FLOW, H20} AND Monitor Measure Code Array for the
Current MHV Parameter is null)
If {Current MHV Record.ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 53, 54})
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for the Current MHV Parameter to "MEASURE"
else if {Current MHV Record.ModcCode in set {06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 23, 24, 55})
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for the Current MHV Parameter to " SUB"
else if {Current MHV Record. ModcCode == " 18"
Set Monitor Measure Code Array for the Current MHV Parameter to "MEASSUB"
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— FLOW Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— H20 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— NOx Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Emissions Data Evaluation Report —
— S02 Monitor Hourly Evaluation
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Check Code: HOURMHV-28
Check Name: Check Maximum Concentration Percentage Threshold
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Checks the percentage reported for C02C and 02C to ensure they do not exceed 16% and 22% respectively.
When CurrentMhvParameter equals
"C02C" or "C02CSD" then,
If CurrentMhvRecord ModcCode is equal to "01" or "02", AND CurrentMhvReconl.UnadiustcdHourlv Value is greater
than 16%,
return result A.
"02D", "02W" or "02CSD" then,
If CurrentMhvRecord.ModcCode is equal to "01" or "02", AND CurrentMh vReconl. U nadi ustcdHourl v Value is greater
than 22%,
return result B.
Response Severity
The C02 concentration cannot exceed 16%. Informational Message
The 02 concentration cannot exceed 22%. Informational Message
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02 Concentration Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report C02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Evaluation
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report 02C Monitor Hourly Evaluation for Substitute Data
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Check Category:
Hourly Operating Data
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Check Code: HOUROP-1
Check Name: Validate Single Operating Data record for hour
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check will count the number of HourlyOperatingData records to ensure the existence of one unique record
for the hour
Current Hourly Op Record = null
Unit Hourly Operational Status = false
Current Operating Time = null
Hourly Extraneous Fields = null
Count all HourlyOperatingData records with current MonitoringLocationID where
BeginHour = Current Hour AND
BeginDate = Current Date
If count == 0
Derived Hourly Checks Needed = false
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
If (Current Entity Type == "Unit" OR LME HI Method is null)
If (Reporting Period Operating == false AND Legacy Data Evaluation == true)
return result E
Locate Monitor Method records where the BeginDate/BeginHour is on or before the Current Date and
Hour, and the EndDate/EndHour is null or is on or after the Current Date and Hour.
If found
return result A
else if count > 1
if (Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location =-1
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for the location =-1
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Daily Op lime Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Derived Hourly Checks Needed = false
return result B
else if (Current Entity Type <> "Unit" AND LME HI Method is not null)
Derived Hourly Checks Needed = false
return result D
Current Hourly Op Record = Unique HourlyOperatingData record
Current Operating Time = Current Hourly Op Record.OperatingTime
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If (First Day of Operation is null)
First Day of Operation = Current Hourly Op Record.Date
First Hour of Operation = Current Hourly Op Record.Hour
if Current Operating Time >1.0 OR Current Operating Time <0.0
Derived Hourly Checks Needed = false
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Daily Op lime Accumulator Array for the location = -1
if {Current Entity Type = "Unit")
Unit OpTime Accumulator = -1
Stack OpTime Accumulator = -1
return result C
Derived Hourly Checks Needed = true
if Current Operating Time >0.0
Unit Hourly Operational Status = true
if {Operating Date Array entry for this location does not contain Current Hourly Op Record. Date)
Add Current Hourly Op Record. Date to Operating Date Array entry for this location
if {Current Month is not April OR Annual Reporting Requirement == true)
if {Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if {Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period Op Hours
Accumulator + 1
Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location = 1
if {Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if {Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period Op Time
Accumulator + Current Hourly Op Record.OperatingTime
Rpt Period Op Time Accumulator Array for this location = Current Hourly Op
Record. OperatingTime
If {Current Month is April)
if {April Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
April Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location = April Op Hours Accumulator +
April Op Hours Accumulator Array for this location = 1
if {April Op Time Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
April Op Time Accumulator Array for this location = April Op Time Accumulator +
Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me
April Op Time Accumulator Array for this location = Current Hourly Op
Record. OperatingTime
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if (Daily Op Time Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Daily Op Time Accumulator Array for this location >=0)
Daily Op Time Accumulator Array for this location = Daily Op Time Accumulator + Current
Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\ngT\me
Daily Op Time Accumulator Array for this location = Current Hourly Op Record .0\~>cn\{\ngT\ me
if (Last Day of Operation Array for the location is null OR is not equal to Current Date)
Last Day of Operation Array for the location = Current Date
if (Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
if (Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator Array for this location >= 0)
Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator Array for this location = Rpt Period Op Days
Accumulator + 1
Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator Array for this location = 1
If {Current Month is April)
if (April Op Days Accumulator Array for this location is not null)
April Op Days Accumulator Array for this location = April Op Days Accumulator + 1
April Op Days Accumulator Array for this location = 1
if {Current Entity Type = "Unit")
if {Unit OpTime Accumulator >= 0)
Unit OpTime Accumulator = Unit OpTime Accumulator + Current Hourly Op
Record .0\~>cn\{\ngT\ me
if Current Hourly Op /?6'ewY/.0pcratingTimc > Max Unit OpTime
Max Unit OpTime = Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>crc\{\\\gT\me
else if {Current Entity Type == "CS" OR Current Entity Type == "MS")
if {Stack OpTime Accumulator >= 0)
Stack OpTime Accumulator = Stack OpTime Accumulator + Current Hourly Op
Record .0\~>cn\{\ngT\ me
if Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\ngTime > Max Stack OpTime
Max Stack OpTime = Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me
You did not report an Hourly Operating record for the hour.
You reported more than one Hourly Operating records for the hour. There will be no
further evaluation of the reported emissions data for this hour.
The OperatingTime reported in the Hourly Operating record is invalid. This value
must be between 0 and 1. There will be no further evaluation of the reported emissions
data for this hour.
You reported an invalid Hourly Operating record. Only the units in an LME
monitoring configuration should report this record. There will be no further evaluation
of the reported emissions data for this hour.
You did not report an Hourly Operating record for the hour. Although this was
acceptable for legacy data during a non-operating quarter, it is not allowed in ECMPS.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Check Code: HOUROP-2
Check Name: Count Flow, 02, and Heat Input records
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Determine the number of Stack Flow Monitor Hourly, H20 Monitor Hourly, H20 Derived Hourly, Heat Input
Derived Hourly, and 02 Wet and Dry Hourly Records for the current location and current hour
Flow Monitor Hourly Count = count of MonitorHourly ValueData records with parameter FLOW where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
02 Wet Monitor Hourly Count = count of MonitorHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode = "02C" AND MoistureBasis = "W"
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
02 Dry Monitor Hourly Count = count of MonitorHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode = "02C" AND MoistureBasis = "D"
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
02 Null Monitor Hourly Count = count of MonitorHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode = "02C" AND MoistureBasis is NULL
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
if 02 Null Monitor Hourly Count == 1
Current 02 Null Monitor Hourly Record = the single matching record
Heat Input Derived Hourly Count = count of DerivedHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode equal to "HI" where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
// 02 Needed To Support Heat Input = false
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Initialize Location Variables for the Hour
General Check
Looks up information about the current unit - initially whether or not it is a Peaking Unit
Current Unit Is Peaking = false
Current Unit Is ARP = false
Special Fuel Burned = false
FC Factor Needed = false
FI) Factor Needed = false
FWFactor Needed = false
Moisture Needed = false
H20 Missing Data Approach = null
Flow Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = false
FlowMHVOptionally Allowed = false
Current MHV Parameter = null
Current DHV Parameter = null
Current DHV Record Valid = false
Current DHV Record = null
Current DHV Method = null
Current DHV System Type = null
Current DHVHBHA Value = null
C02 Cone Checks Neededfor C02 Mass Calc = false
CO2 Cone Checks Needed for Heat Input = false
C02 Diluent Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = false
02 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input = false
02 Dry Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = false
02 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input = false
02 Wet Checks Neededfor NOx Rate Calc = false
CO2 Diluent Needed for MATS = false
02 Dry Neededfor MATS = false
02 Wet Needed for MATS = false
Linearity Status Required = false
AppendixEStatusRequired = false
RATAStatusRequired = false
Current RATA Status = null
CurrentHourlyRecordforRATAStatus = null
RATAStatusBAF = null
Daily Cal Status Required = false
CO2 RATA Required = false
HI Measure Code = null.
NOXR Measure Code = null.
F2L Status Required = false
Daily Int Status Required = false
Leak Status Required = false
C02CMHVMODC = null
H20 DHVMODC = null
H20 MHVMODC = null
02 Dry MODC = null
02 Wet MODC = null
S02 HPFFExists = false
C02 HPFF Exists = false
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HI HPFF Exists = false
If the StackPipelD of the monitoring location begins with "CS",
set Current Entity Type= "CS"
else if the StackPipelD of the monitoring location begins with "CP",
set Current Entity Type= "CP"
else if the StackPipelD of the monitoring location begins with "MS",
set Current Entity Type = "MS"
else if the StackPipelD of the monitoring location begins with "MP",
set Current Entity Type = "MP"
set Current Entity Type= "Unit"
if Current Entity Type = "Unit"
Mon Qual Record Count = Find Monitor Qualification Records by Hour where
MonitoringLocationld = Current Location
Mon Qual Record.QualTypecode == "PK" OR Mon Qua! /toon/. QualTypecode == "SK"
if Mon Qual Record Count > 0
Current Unit Is Peaking = true
else if Current Entity Type = "CP"
find all entries in UnitStackConfiguration table where
UnitStackConfigurationStackPipeld = the StackPipeld for this pipe
for each matching record
set Assoc Unit = UnitStackConfiguration.UnitId
Mon Qual Record Count = Find MonitorQualification Records by Hour where
MonitoringLocationld = Assoc Unit
Mon Qual Record.QualTypecode == "PK" OR Mon Qual Record.QualTypecode == "SK"
if Mon Qual Record Count is not null
Current Unit Is Peaking = true
Set CurrentUnitlsArp to false.
Set So2cIsOnlyForMats to false.
Locate records in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation where:
1) EmissionRecordingDate is NOT null and is on or prior to CurrentOperatingDate,
2) Or, EmissionRecordingDate is null, UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is NOT null, and UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is on or prior to
If the located LocationProgramRecordsBvHourLocation include a record where ProgramCode is equal to "ARP" AND Class is equal to
"PI" or "P2",
Set CurrentUnitlsArp to true.
If CurrentUnitlsArp is equal to false
If the located LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation include a record where ProgramCode is equal to "MATS" and Class is
equal to "A", AND does NOT include a record where ProgramCode is NOT equal to "MATS" AND is in
ProgramRequiresSo2SystemCertificationList and Class is equal to "A",
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Set So2cIsOnlyForMats to true.
Set EarliestLocationReportDate = CurrentMonitor Plan Location Record.EarUcslRcporlDalc
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-4
Check Name: Verily S02 Monitor Method Active During Current Hour
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: This check tests to see if the "S02" Monitoring method is defined at this location. If so, this method is checked
to ensure that the current hour being evaluated is within the window defined by the start and end times for the
S02 method.
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed)
SO2 Monitor Method Record = null
SO2 CEM Method Active For Hour = false
S02 App D Method Active For Hour = false
SO2 F23 Method Active For Hour = false
SO2 Method Code = null
SO2 Fuel Specific Missing Data = false
SO2 Bypass Code = null
SO2 Method Count = Active records in MonitoringMethodData for the location where
ParameterCode = "S02" or "S02M"
if (S02 Method Count > 1)
return result A
else if SO2 Method Count == 1
SO2 Monitor Method Record = the single matched record
SO2 Method Code= S02 Monitor Method Record.MethodCode
if (LME HI Method is not null AND S02 Method Code <> "LME")
return result B
if (S()2 Monitor Method Record. SubDataCode begins with "FSP75")
S02 Fuel Specific Missing Data = true
SO2 Bypass Code = S02 Monitor Method Record. By pass ApproachCode
Expected Summary Value S02 Array for this location = true
if (S02 Monitor Method Record.MethodCode == "CEM")
S02 CEM Method Active For Hour = true
else if S02 Monitor Method Record.MethodCode == "F23")
S02 F23 Method Active For Hour = true
else if (S02 Monitor Method Record.MethodCode == "AD")
S02 App D Method Active For Hour = true
Result Response Severity
A You have reported more than one active S02 Method record in your monitoring plan Critical Error Level 1
for this hour.
B You reported an invalid [param] method for a location that is part of a configuration of Critical Error Level 1
LME units.
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-5
Check Name: Determine H20 Method
Related Former Checks:
Description: The H20 Monitor Method must be known prior to category-level checks for H20 Derived and H20 Monitor
if Derived Hourly Checks Needed
H20 Method Code = null
H20 Default Value = null
H20 Default Max Value = null
H20 Default Mitt Value = null
Current Hourly H20 Table Reference = null
H20 Fuel Specific Missing Data = false
H20 Reported Value = null
H20 Method Count = Active records in MonitoringMethodData for the location where
ParameterCode = "H20"
H20 Derived Hourly Count = count of DerivedHourly ValueData where ParameterCode = "H20" for current hour
H20 Monitor Hourly Count = count of MonitorHourly ValueData where ParameterCode = "H20" for current hour
if (H20 Method Count > 2
return result A
else if (H20 Method Count == 2)
If (H20 Derived Hourly Count + H20 Monitor Hourly Count > 0)
If (H20 Derived Hourly Count == 1 AND H20 Monitor Hourly Count == 0 AND the MethodCode in one of
the matched records is equal to "MWD")
Current Hourly H20 Table Reference = DerivedHourly ValueData where ParameterCode = "H20"
H20 Reported Value = Current Hourly H20 Table Refer en ee A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie
H20 Method Code = "MWD"
else if (H20 Derived Hourly Count == 0 AND H20 Monitor Hourly Count == 1 AND the MethodCode in one
(but not both) of the matched records is equal to "MTB" or "MMS")
Current Hourly H20 Table Reference = MonitorHourly ValueData where ParameterCode = "H20"
H20 Reported Value = Current Hourly H20 Table /?e/67*677C6'.UnadjustcdHourly Value
if the MethodCode in the matched record == "MMS"
H20 Method Code = "MMS"
H20 Method Code = "MTB"
return result A
else if H20 Method Count == 1
H20 Monitor Method Record = the single matched record
H20 Method Code = H20 Monitor Method Record. MethodCode
if (H20 Monitor Method Record. S lib D a t a Code begins with "FSP75")
H20 Fuel Specific Missing Data = true
if (H20 Method Code == 'MDF1)
H20 Default Record Count = count active MonitoringDefaultData Records for the location where ParameterCd
= 'H20'
if (H20 Default Record Count == 0)
return result B
else if (H20 Default Record Count >1)
if (H20 Derived Hourly Count ==1)
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Current Hourly H20 Table Reference = DerivedHourly ValueData where ParameterCode
H20 Default Max Value = Highest Default Value field from active MonitoringDefaultData record for
location where ParameterCd = 'H20'
H20 Default Min Value = Lowest Default Value field from active MonitoringDefaultData record for
location where ParameterCd = 'H20'
If (H20 Default Max Value <= 0 OR H20 Default Min Value <= 0 OR H20 Default Max Value >=
100 OR H20 Default Min Value >= 100)
return result C
H20 Default Value = Default Value field from active MonitoringDefaultData record for location where
ParameterCd = 'H20'
If (H2() Default Value <= 0 OR H20 Default Value >= 100)
return result C
else if (H20 Method Code == "MWD")
if (H20 Derived Hourly Count ==1)
Current Hourly H20 Table Reference = DerivedHourly ValueData where ParameterCode = "H20"
H20 Reported Value = Current Hourly H20 Table Refer en ee A dj u st c d H o u rly Va 1 lie
else if (H2() Method Code == "MMS" OR H20 Method Code == "MTB")
if (H20 Monitor Hourly Count ==1)
Current Hourly H20 Table Reference = MonitorHourly ValueData where ParameterCode = "H20"
H20 Reported Value = Current Hourly H20 Table /?e/67*677C6'.UnadjustcdHourly Value
You have reported more than one active H20 Method record in your monitoring plan
for this hour.
Critical Error Level 1
You reported an H20 MethodCode of MDF, but you did not report an active H20 Critical Error Level 1
default record in your monitoring plan for the hour.
The Default Value reported in the active H20 default record in your monitoring plan is Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-6
Check Name: Verily NOx Rate Monitor Method
Related Former Checks:
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed)
NOx Rate Bypass Code = null
NOx Rate Fuel Specific Missing Data = false
Current NOx Rate Monitor Method Record = null
Current NOx Rate Method Code = null
NOx Rate Method Count = Active records in MonitoringMethodData for the location where
ParameterCode = "NOXR"
if (NOx Rate Method Count > 1)
return result A
else if NOx Rate Method Count == 1
if (LME HI Method is not null)
return result B
Current NOx Rate Monitor Method Record = the single matched record
Current NOx Rate Method Code = Current NOx Rate Monitor Method 7?eŁw
Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-7
Check Name: Verily NOx Mass Monitor Method Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Finds the Monitor Method record for NOx Mass and stores it for later reference
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed)
Current NOx Mass Monitor Method Record = null
NOx Mass Method Active For Hour = false
NOx Mass Monitor Method Code = null
NOx Mass Bypass Code = null
NOx Mass Fuel Specific Missing Data = false
NOx Mass Method Count = Active records in MonitoringMethodData for the location where
ParameterCode = "NOX" or "NOXM"
if (NOx Mass Method Count > 1)
return result A
else if NOx Mass Method Count == 1
Current NOx Mass Monitor Method Record = the single matched record
NOx Mass Monitor Method Code = NOx Mass Monitor Method TteconZ.MethodCode
if (LME HI Method is not null AND NOx Mass Monitor Method Code <> "LME")
return result B
Expected Summary Value NOx Mass Array for this location = true
NOx Mass Bypass Code = Current NOx Mass Monitor Method Record. By pass A pp roachCode
if (Current NOx Mass Monitor Method Record. SubDataCode begins with "FSP75")
NOx Mass Fuel Specific Missing Data = true
if {NOx Mass Monitor Method Record.MethodCode== "CEM" OR
NOx Mass Monitor Method Record.MethodCode == "NOXR" OR
NOx Mass Monitor Method Record.MethodCode == "CEMNOXR" OR
NOx Mass Monitor Method Record.MethodCode == "AMS")
NOx Mass Method Active For Hour = true
If (NOx Mass Monitor Method Code == "LME" AND Current Unit isARP== true)
Expected Summary Value NOx Rate Array for this location = true
Result Response Severity
A You reported more than one active NOX Method record in your monitoring plan for Critical Error Level 1
this hour.
B You reported an invalid [param] method for a location that is part of a configuration of Critical Error Level 1
LME units.
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-8
Check Name: Verily C02 Method Active During Current Hour
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Looks in the MonitoringMethod table to verily that a C02 Mass Monitoring Method is active for the current
hour at the current location
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed)
C02 Monitor Method Record = null
CO 2 CEM Method Active For Hour = false
CO 2 App D Method Active For Hour = false
CO2 Fuel Specific Missing Data = false
CO2 Method Code = null
// AD and CEMs are possible method codes
CO2 Method Count = Active records in MonitoringMethodData for the location where
ParameterCode = "C02" or "C02M"
if (C02 Method Count > 1)
return result A
else if CO2 Method Count == 1
CO2 Monitor Method Record = the single matched record
CO2 Method Code= C02 Monitor Method Record.MethodCode
if (LME HI Method is not null and CO 2 Method Code is not equal to "LME")
return result B
if (Current C02 Monitor Method Record. SubDataCodc begins with "FSP75")
CO2 Fuel Specific Missing Data = true
if (C02 Monitor Method Record.MethodCode == "CEM")
C02 CEM Method Active For Hour = true
else if (C02 Monitor Method Record.MethodCode == "AD")
C02 App D Method Active For Hour = true
Expected Summary Value C02 Array for this location = true
Result Response Severity
A You have reported more than one active C02 Method record in your monitoring plan Critical Error Level 1
for this hour.
B You reported an invalid [param] method for a location that is part of a configuration of Critical Error Level 1
LME units.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Verily Heat Input Method Active During Current hour
General Check
Verifies that a single method is defined for Heat Input during the Current Hour
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed)
Heat Input Monitor Method Record = null
Heat Input Fuel Specific Missing Data = false
Heat Input Method Code = null
Heat Input CEM Method Active For Hour = false
Heat Input App D Method Active For Hour = false
Heat Input Method Count = Active records in MonitoringMethodData for the location where
ParameterCode begins with "HI"
if (Heat Input Method Count > 1)
return result A
else if (LME HI Method is not null AND (Heat Input Method Count == 0 OR ParameterCode in the matched record is not equal
to "HIT"))
return result B
else if (Heat Input Method Count ==1)
Heat Input Monitor Method Record = the single matched record
Heat Input Method Code = Heat Input Monitor Method Record. McthodCodc
LME HI Substitute Data Code = Heat Input Monitor Method Record. SubstituteDataCode
if (Heat Input Monitor Method Record. S lib D a t a Code begins with "FSP75")
Heat Input Fuel Specific Missing Data = true
if (Heat Input Monitor Method Record-MsthodCods == "CEM")
Heat Input CEM Method Active For Hour = true
else if (Heat Input Monitor Method Record-MsthodCode == "AD" OR Heat Input Monitor Method
Record. McthodCodc == "ADCALC")
Heat Input App D Method Active For Hour = true
If (Heat Input Monitor Method Record.MQthodCodQ <> "EXP")
Expected Summary Value HI Array for this location = true
if (Heat Input Monitor Method Ttecon/.ParameterCode == "HI")
Apportionment HI Method Array for this location = Heat Input Method Code
You have reported more than one active HI Method record in your monitoring plan for
this hour.
You did not report an HIT Method record for this location in your monitoring plan,
which is required for all locations that are part of a configuration of LME units.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-17
Check Name: Verily Single S02 Derived Hourly Data Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check scans the DerivedHourly ValueData records to ensure that a single record containing S02 derived
values is reported for the current hour
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true)
S02 Derived Checks Needed = false
S02M Derived Checks Needed = false
Current S02 Derived Hourly Record = null
F23 Default Max Value = null
F23 Default Min Value = null
F23 Default Value = null
S02 Derived Hourly Count = count of DerivedHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode = " S02" or " S02M" where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\ngTime > 0
If (S()2 Derived Hourly Count == 0 AND S02 Method Code is not null)
If (S()2 Method Code == "AD")
If (Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil > 0)
return result A
return result A
Else if (S02 Derived Hourly Count > 0 AND S02 Method Code is null)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result B
Else if {S02 DerivedHourly Count >1)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result C
Else if (S02 Derived Hourly Count > 0 AND S02 Method Code == "AD" AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas +
Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil == 0)
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result G
Else if {S02 DerivedHourly Count ==1)
Current S02 Derived Hourly Record = DerivedHourly ValueData rec matching with param S02 or S02M
where Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and Current Horn = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If (LME HI Method is not null)
If (S()2 Method Code == "LME")
If (Current SO2 Derived Hourly Record. ParamctcrCodc == "S02M")
S02M Derived Checks Needed = true
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result H
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Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
If (Current SO2 Derived Hourly Record. ParamctcrCodc == "S02M")
Rpt Period S02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period S02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result H
S02 Derived Checks Needed = true
If (S()2 Method Code in set {CEMF23,AMS})
if (S()2 Method Code == "CEMF23")
S02 CEM Method Active For Hour = true
if (Current S02 Derived Hourly Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc n t i fi c r is not null)
S02 Formula Record = MonitorFormulaData record where
MonitorFormulaData.FormulaID = Current S02 Derived Hourly
Record. Formulaldentifier
If (S02 Formula Record is not null)
If (S02 Formula Record.ParameterCode == "S02")
if (S()2 Method Code == "CEMF23")
If (S02 Formula Record.EquationCode == "F-23")
S02 F23 Method Active For Hour = true
S02 CEM Method Active For Hour = false
if (S()2 Method Code == "AMS")
If (S02 Formula Record.EquationCode in set
S02 Method Code == "CEM"
S02 CEM Method Active For Hour = true
If (S02 F23 Method Active For Hour == true)
F23 Default Record Count = count active MonitoringDefaultData Records for the
location where ParameterCd = 'S02R' and DefaultPurposeCd = 'F23'
if (F23 Default Record Count == 0)
return result D
else if (F23 Default Record Count > 1)
F23 Default Max Value = Highest Default Value field from active
MonitoringDefaultData record for location where ParameterCd = 'S02R' and
DefaultPurposeCd = 'F23'
F23 Default Min Value = Lowest Default Value field from active
MonitoringDefaultData record for location where ParameterCd = 'S02R' and
DefaultPurposeCd = 'F23'
If (F23 Default Max Value <= 0 OR F23 Default Min Value <= 0)
return result E
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F23 Default Value = Default Value field from active MonitoringDefaultData
record for location where ParameterCd = 'S02R' and DefaultPurposeCd = 'F23'
If (F23 Default Value <= 0)
return result E
If S02 Derived Hourly Count > 0
Return result F
You did not report a DHV record for S02 (or S02M) for the hour.
You reported a DHV record for S02 (or S02M), but you did not report an active S02
method record in your monitoring plan for the hour.
You reported more than one DHV records for S02 (or S02M) for the hour.
You did not report an active S02R default record in your monitoring plan for use in
F23 calculation for the hour.
The Default Value reported in the active S02R F23 default record in your monitoring
plan is invalid.
You reported a DHV record for S02 (or S02M), but this is not appropriate for a
non-operating hour.
You reported a DHV record for [param], but you did not report any Hourly Fuel Flow
records at the location.
The ParameterCode reported in the DHV record does not match the ParameterCode in
the Method record in your monitoring plan used to determine [eparam].
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-18
Check Name: Verily Single S02 Concentration record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Counts all S02 Concentration records (MonitorHourlyValueData records with "S02C" ParameterCode) for the
current hour and outputs appropriate responses if count does not match expectations
Current S02 Monitor Hourly Record = null
S02 Monitor Hourly Count = count of MonitorHourly ValueDate records with param" S02C" where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
If Unit Hourly Operational Status = true
If (S02 Monitor Hourly Count >0 AND S02 CEM Method Active For Hour == false AND MATS S02C Needed == false)
Return result A
Else if (S()2 Monitor Hourly Count >1)
Return result B
Else if (S02 Monitor Hourly Count ==1)
Current S02 Monitor Hourly Record = MonitorHourlyValueData rec with param S02C where
CurrentDate = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
CurrentHour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
if (S()2 Monitor Hourly Count > 0)
return result C
You reported an MHV record for S02C, but you did not report an active S02 method
record in your monitoring plan for the hour.
You reported more than one MHV record for S02C for the hour.
You reported an MHV record for S02C, but this is not appropriate for a non-operating
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-19
Check Name: Verily Single NOx Concentration Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Counts all NOx Rate Concentration records (MonitorHourly ValueData records with "NOXR" ParameterCode)
for the current hour and outputs appropriate responses if count does not match expectations
Current NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Record = null
NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Count = count of MonitorHourly ValueDate records with param "NOXC" where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
if Unit Hourly Operational Status = true
if (NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Count >1)
Return result A
Else if (NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Count ==1)
If (NOx Mass Monitor Method Code in { CEM, CEMNOXR, AMS } OR Current NOx Rate Method Code in
Current NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Record = MonitorHourly ValueData rec with param "NOXC" where
CurrentDate = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
CurrentHour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
return result B
if (NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Count > 0)
return result C
Result Response
A You reported more than one MHV record for NOXC for the hour.
B You reported an MHV record for NOXC, but you did not report an appropriate NOXR
or NOX method record in your monitoring plan for the hour.
C You reported an MHV record for NOXC, but this is not appropriate for a
non-operating hour.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-20
Check Name: Verily Single NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check scans the DerivedHourly ValueData records to ensure that a single record containing S02 derived
values is reported for the current hour
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true)
NOx Rate Derived Checks Needed = false
NOx Rate Derived Hourly Count = count of DerivedHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode = "NOXR" where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\ngTime > 0
If (NOx Rate Derived Hourly Count == 0 AND Current NOx Rate Method Code is not null)
Return result A
Else if (NOx Rate Derived Hourly Count > 0 AND Current NOx Rate Method Code is NULL)
Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Return result B
Else if {NOx Rate Derived Hourly Count >1)
Rpt Period NOx Rate Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Rate Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Return result C
Else if (NOx Rate Derived Hourly Count == 1)
Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record = DerivedHourly ValueData rec matching param NOXR
NOx Rate Derived Checks Needed = true
Apportionment NOXR Method Array at this location = Current NOx Rate Method Code
If {Current NOx Rate Method Code== "AMS")
if {Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc n t i fi c r is null)
if Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record. MODCCode is not null)
Current NOx Rate Method Code = "CEM"
NOXR Formula Record = MonitorFormulaData record where
MonitorFormulaData.FormulaID = Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly
Record. Formulaldentifier
If (NOXR Formula Record is not null)
If (NOXR Formula Record.ParameterCode == "NOXR" AND NOXR Formula
Record.EquationCode in set
{F-5,F-6,19-1,19-2,19-3,19-3D, 19-4,19-5,19-5D, 19-6,19-7,19-8,19-9})
Current NOx Rate Method Code = "CEM"
If NOx Rate Derived Hourly Count > 0
Return result D
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You did not report a DHV record for NOXR for the hour.
You reported a DHV record for NOXR, but you did not report an active NOXR method
record in your monitoring plan for the hour.
You reported more than one DHV record for NOXR for the hour.
You reported a DHV record for NOXR, but this is not appropriate for a non-operating
This check result is obsolete.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
No Errors
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Verily Single NOx Mass Derived Hourly Record
CEM Check
Counts number of NOx Mass DerivedHourly Value records active during the current hour and compares this
count with the Monitor Method records indicating the need for this data
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true)
NOx Mass Derived Checks Needed = false
NOXMDerived Checks Needed = false
Current NOx Mass Derived Hourly Record = null
NOx Mass Derived Hourly Count = count of DerivedHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode = "NOX" or "NOXM' where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\ngTime > 0
If (NOx Mass Derived Hourly Count == 0 AND (NOx Mass Method Active For Hour == true OR NOx Mass Monitor
Method Code == "LME"))
Return result A
Else if (NOx Mass Derived Hourly Count > 0 AND NOx Mass Method Active For Hour == false AND NOx Mass
Monitor Method Code <> "LME")
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Return result B
Else if {NOx Mass Derived Hourly Count >1)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Return result C
Else if (NOx Mass Derived Hourly Count > 0 AND Current NOx Rate Method Code == "AE" AND Hourly Fuel
Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil == 0)
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Return result E
Else if (NOx Mass Derived Hourly Count ==1)
Current NOX Mass Derived Hourly Record = DerivedHourly ValueData rec matching with param NOX or
NOXM w here Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and Current Hour =
DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If (LME HI Method is not null)
If {NOx Mass Monitor Method Code== "LME")
if {Current NOX Mass Derived Hourly Record. ParameterCode == "NOXM')
NOXM Derived Checks Needed = true
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result F
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
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Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
if {Current NOX Mass Derived Hourly Record. ParameterCode == "NOXM")
Rpt Period NOx Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period NOx Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result F
NOx Mass Derived Checks Needed = true
If {NOx Mass Monitor Method Code in set {AMS, CEMNOXR})
If {NOx Rate Derived Hourly Count > 0)
NOx Mass Monitor Method Code = "NOXR"
Else if {NOx Mass Monitor Method Code == "CEMNOXR")
NOx Mass Monitor Method Code == "CEM"
Else if {Current NOx Mass Derived Hourly Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc n t i fi c r is not null)
NOX Formula Record = MonitorFormulaData record where
MonitorFormulaData.FormulaID = Current NOx Mass Derived Hourly
Record. Formulaldentifier
If (NOX Formula Record is not null)
If (NOX Formula RecordParameterCode == "NOX" AND NOX
Formula Record.EquationCode in set {F-26A,F-26B})
NOx Mass Monitor Method Code = "CEM"
Apportionment NOX Method Array at this location = NOx Mass Monitor Method Code
If NOx Mass Derived Hourly Count > 0
Return result D
You did not report a DHV record for NOX (or NOXM) for the hour.
You reported a DHV record for NOX (or NOXM), but you did not report an active
NOX (or NOXM) method record in your monitoring plan for the hour.
You reported more than one DHV record for NOX (or NOXM) for the hour.
You reported a DHV record for NOX (or NOXM), but this is not appropriate for a
non-operating hour.
You reported a DHV record for [param], but you did not report any Hourly Fuel Flow
records at the location.
The ParameterCode reported in the DHV record does not match the ParameterCode in
the Method record in your monitoring plan used to determine [eparam].
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-22
Check Name: Verily Single C02 Mass Derived Hourly Value Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Verifies that exactly ONE Derived Hourly Value record exists for the current hour associated with C02 Mass
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true)
CO 2 Mass Derived Checks Needed = false
Current C02 Mass Derived Hourly Record = null
C02M Derived Checks Needed = false
CO2 Mass Derived Hourly Count = count of DerivedHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode beginning with "C02" where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\ngTime > 0
If (CO2 Mass Derived Hourly Count == 0 AND CO2 Method Code is not null AND CO2 Method Code <> "FSA")
If (C()2 Method Code == "AD")
If (Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil > 0)
return result A
Return result A
Else if (CO2 Mass Derived Hourly Count > 0 AND (CO2 Method Code is null OR C02 Method Code == "FSA"))
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location =-1
return result B
Else if (C02 Mass Derived Hourly Count >1)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location =-1
Return result C
Else if (CO 2 Mass Derived Hourly Count > 0 AND CO 2 Method Code == "AD" AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count for
Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count for Oil == 0)
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location =-1
Return result E
Else if (CO2 Mass Derived Hourly Count == 1)
Current C02 Mass Derived Hourly Record = DerivedHourly ValueData rec matching with param C02 or
C02M where Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and Current Hour =
DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If (LME HI Method is not null)
If (C02 Method Code == "LME")
if (Current C02 Mass Derived Hourly Record. ParamctcrCodc == "C02M")
C02M Derived Checks Needed = true
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location =-1
return result F
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location =-1
if (Current C02 Mass Derived Hourly Record. Pa ra mc t c rCodc == "C02M")
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Rpt Period C02 Mass Reported Accumulator Array for the location = -1
Rpt Period C02 Mass Calculated Accumulator Array for the location =-1
return result F
C02 Mass Derived Checks Needed = true
If (C()2 Method Code == "AMS")
if (Current C02 Mass Derived Hourly Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc n t i fi c r is not null)
C02 Formula Record = MonitorFormulaData record where
MonitorFormulaData.FormulaID = Current C02 Mass Derived Hourly
Record. Formulaldentifier
If (C02 Formula Record is not null)
If (C02 Formula Record.ParameterCode == "C02" AND C02 Formula
Record.EquationCode in set {F-2,F-11})
C02 Method Code == "CEM"
C02 CEM Method Active For Hour = true
If CO2 Mass Derived Hourly Count > 0
Return result D
Result Response Severity
A You did not report a DHV record for C02 (or C02M) for the hour. Critical Error Level 1
B You reported a DHV record for C02 (or C02M), but you did not report an active C02 Critical Error Level 1
(or C02M) method record in your monitoring plan for the hour.
C You reported more than one DHV records for C02 (or C02M) for the hour. Critical Error Level 1
D You reported a DHV record for C02 (or C02M), but this is not appropriate for a Critical Error Level 1
non-operating hour.
E You reported a DHV record for [param], but you did not report any Hourly Fuel Flow Critical Error Level 1
records at the location.
F The ParameterCode reported in the DHV record does not match the ParameterCode in Critical Error Level 1
the Method record in your monitoring plan used to determine [eparam].
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Verily C02 Cone Derived and Monitor Hourly Data Record
CEM Check
This check scans the DerivedHourly ValueData and MonitorHourly ValueData records to ensure that a single
record containing C02 concentration values is reported for the current hour
Current C02 Cone Derived Hourly Record = null
Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record = null
Current C02 Cone Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record = null
CO2 Cone Derived Checks Needed = false
C02 Cone Monitor Checks Needed = false
02 Dry Needed to Support C02 Calculation = false
02 Wet Needed to Support C02 Calculation = false
C02 Cone Derived Hourly Count = count of DerivedHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode = "C02C" where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Count = count of MonitorHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode = "C02C" where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
Total C02 Cone Records = C02 Cone Derived Hourly Count + CO2 Cone Monitor Hourly Count
If (Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me > 0)
If ((C02 Cone Checks Needed for Heat Input == true) OR (CO2 Diluent Checks Needed for NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (CO2
Diluent Needed for MATS == true) OR (CO2 Cone Checks Needed for C02 Mass Calc == true))
If ((CO2 Cone Monitor Hourly Count == 0) AND ((CO2 Cone Checks Needed for Heat Input == true) OR (CO2
Diluent Checks Needed for NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (CO2 Diluent Needed for MATS == true)))
return result B
else if (Total C02 Cone Records == 0)
return result A
else if ((C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Count == 2) AND (CO2 Cone Derived Hourly Count == 0) AND ((C02 Diluent
Checks Needed for NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (CO2 Diluent Needed for MATS == true)) AND ((C02 Cone Checks
Needed for Heat Input == true) OR (CO2 Cone Checks Needed for C02 Mass Calc = true))
Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record = Find MonitorHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode =
"C02C" and MODCCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 53, 54} where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
Current C02 Cone Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record = Find MonitorHourly ValueData records with
ParameterCode = "C02C" and MODCCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 54} where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
If (Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record is null OR Current C02 Cone Missing Data Monitor Hourly
Record is null)
return result C
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CO2 Cone Monitor Checks Needed = true
else if (Total C02 Cone Records > 1)
return result C
else if (C()2 Cone Derived Hourly Count == 1)
CO2 Cone Derived Checks Needed = true
Current C02 Cone Derived Hourly Record = matching DerivedHourlyValueData rec
if (Current C02 Cone Derived Hourly Record.MODCCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 53, 54}
Fc Factor Needed = true
Fd Factor Needed = true
If (Current C02 Cone Derived Hourly RecordFoxmvla Id Key is not null)
C02C Formula record = Find MonitoringFormulaData record where
MonitoringFormulalDKey = Current C02 Cone Derived Hourly
Record.Formula Id Key
If (C02C Formula record is not null)
If (C02C Formula recorJ.ParameterCode == "C02C")
If (C02C Formula record.EquationCode == "F-14A")
02 Dry Needed to Support C02 Calculation = true
else if (C02C Formula record.EquationCode == "F-14B")
02 Wet Needed to Support C02 Calculation = true
Moisture Needed = true
else if (CO2 Cone Monitor Hourly Count == 1)
CO2 Cone Monitor Checks Needed = true
Current C02 Cone Monitor Hourly Record = matching MonitorHourlyValueData rec
If (Total C02 Cone Records > 0)
Return result D
If (Total C02 Cone Records > 0)
Return result E
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You did not report a MHV or DHV record for C02C for the hour.
You did not report an MHV record for C02C for the hour.
You reported more than one MHV and/or DHV records for C02C for the hour.
You reported a MHV or DHV record for C02C, but this record is not required to
calculate emissions.
You reported a MHV or DHV record for C02C, but this is not appropriate for a
non-operating hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Count Hourly Fuel Flow Records
General Check
Counts the number of Hourly Fuel Flow Records for the current hour and checks for consistency with
Appendix D and/or Appendix E Methods
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true)
Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Oil = 0
Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Gas = 0
Appendix D Method Active = Heat Input App D Method Active For Hour OR
C02 App D Method Active For Hour OR
S02 App D Method Active For Hour
Hourly Fuel Flow List = set of all DerivedHourly ValueData records
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
For each record (Current Hourly Fuel Flow Record) in Hourly Fuel Flow List
Cur Fuel Code = Current Hourly Fuel Flow Record.FuelCode
if (Cur Fuel Code is null)
return result D
Current Fuel Group = select FuelGroupCode from FuelCode Table where FuelCode = Cur Fuel Code
if {Current Fuel Group is null)
return result D
else If Current Fuel Group == "GAS"
Add 1 to Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Gas
else if Current Fuel Group == "OIL"
Add 1 to Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Oil
Hourly Fuel Flow Count = Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Gas + Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Oil
If {Current Hourly Op Record.LocationNamc begins with "CP")
CP Fuel Count = CP Fuel Count + Hourly Fuel Flow Count
If {Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\ngT\mc== 0)
If {Hourly Fuel Flow Count > 0)
Return result A
if {Appendix D Method Active = true AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count == 0 AND MP Pipe Config for Hourly Checks is
Return result B
else if {Appendix D Method Active = false AND Hourly Fuel Flow Count >0)
return result C
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You reported an HFF record, but this is not appropriate for a non-operating hour.
You did not report an HFF record for the hour.
You reported a HFF record, but you did not report an active AD or AE method record
in your monitoring plan for the hour.
The FuelCode reported in the HFF record is missing or invalid.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-30
Check Name: Determine Load Based Status of unit
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Determines whether current entity is load based
Unit is Load Based = false
Location Name = Current Monitor Plan Location Record. LOG' ATIONN AIVIE
if the Location Name begins with "CS" or "CP" or "MS" or "MP"
Locate all Unit Stack Configuration records where the stack/pipe location is the monitoring location, the BeginDate is on or before
the Current Date, and the EndDate is null or is on or after the Current Date.
If the NonLoadBasedlndicator in all of the retrieved records is equal to 1,
Unit is Load Based = false
Unit is Load Based = true
else // current location is a unit
if the NonLoadBasedlndicator field for the unit = 1
Unit is Load Based = false
Unit is Load Based = true
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Perform Load Checks for Operating Hour
General Check
Checks to see that Load is populated correctly for operating hours. Also checks Units of Measure Code for
CurrentMaximumLoadValue = null
if (Current Hourly Op Record is not null)
Apportionment OpTime Array for this location = Current Hourly Op Record .00.0)
if {Current Hourly Op Record.HourLoad is null OR Current Hourly Op Record.HourLoad < 0)
if {Current Entity Type = "Unit")
Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
else if (Current Entity Type in set {CP, MP})
Pipe LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
Stack LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator = -1
return result A
if {MPStack Config for Hourly Checks == "MS" AND Current Entity Type == "Unit")
MP Unit Load = Current Hourly Op Record.HourLoad
if {Current Entity Type = "Unit")
if {Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator >= 0)
Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator = Unit LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator +
{Current Hourly Op Record. HourLoad * Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me)
else if (Current Entity Type in set {CP, MP})
if {Pipe LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator >= 0)
Pipe LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator = Pipe LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator +
{Current Hourly Op Record. HourLoad * Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me)
if {Stack LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator >= 0)
Stack LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator = Stack LoadTimesOpTime Accumulator +
{Current Hourly Op Record. HourLoad * Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me)
if Current Hourly Op Record. LoadUnitsOflVIcasiircCodc not in {"MW","KLBHR", "MMBTUHR"}
return result B
else if {MPLoad UOM is not null AND MPLoad UOM <> "INVALID" AND MPLoad UOM <> Current
Hourly Op Record. LoadU nitsOflVIcasiircCodc)
return result C
if {MPLoad UOM is null)
MPLoad UOM = Current Hourly Op Record. LoadU nitsOflVIcasiircCodc
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Locate the MonitorLoadRecordsByHourandLocation record for the hour and location.
If (only one record is found AND MonitorLoadRecordByHourandLocationMaxiimimLoadValue is
greater than 0),
If {Current Hourly Op Record. LoadUnitsOflVIcasurcCodc ==
If (Current Hourly Op Record. HourLoad is greater than
If (Current Hourly Op Record.HourLoad is greater than 1.25*
return result L
return result H
CurrentMaximumLoadValue =
return result I
return result J
else if (Current Hourly Op Record.OperatingTime == 0.0)
if (Current Hourly Op Record. HourLoad is not null)
return result D
if Current Hourly Op Record. LoadUnitsOflVIcasiircCodc is not null
return result E
else if (Unit is Load Based == false)
if (Current Hourly Op Record. HourLoad is not null)
return result F
if Current Hourly Op Record. LoadU nitsOflVIcasiircCodc is not null
return result G
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The HourLoad reported in the Hourly Operating record is invalid. The value must be
greater than or equal to 0.
The LoadUnitsOfMeasureCode reported in the Hourly Operating record is invalid.
You did not report the same LoadUnitsOfMeasureCode for all locations in the
You reported HourLoad in the Hourly Operating record. This field should be blank for
a non-operating hour.
You reported a LoadUnitsOfMeasureCode in the Hourly Operating record. This field
should be blank for a non-operating hour.
You reported HourLoad in the Hourly Operating record. This field should be blank for
a non-load-based unit.
You reported a LoadUnitsOfMeasureCode in the Hourly Operating record. This field
should be blank for a non-load-based unit.
Warning: The HourLoad reported in the Hourly Operating Data record is higher than
the MaximumLoadValue in the Monitoring Load record reported in your monitoring
plan. Sources are required to periodically (at least once annually) evaluate the
appropriateness of these maximum values in the monitoring plan and make proper
adjustments when necessary. You should investigate the cause of these exceedances
and determine whether an adjustment to the MaximumLoadValue in your monitoring
plan is necessary.
The [fieldname] does not correspond to the MaximumLoadUnitsOfMeasure reported in
the monitoring plan.
You did not have one and only one valid Monitor Load record that was active during
the hour.
The LoadRange or CommonStackLoadRange reported in the Hourly Operating record
is inconsistent with the HourLoad. When no load is generated, the load range should
be less than 2.
You reported an HourLoad in the Hourly Operating Data record that is 125% or
greater than the MaximumLoadValue in the Monitoring Load record reported in your
monitoring plan.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 2
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-33
Check Name: Check reported Fuel Code for Operating Hour
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Where applicable, ensures that the fuel code is valid
if (Current Hourly Op Record is not null)
Fuel Code Validation Needed = false
If (NOx Rate Fuel Specific Missing Data == true OR NOx Mass Fuel Specific Missing Data == true OR S02 Fuel Specific
Missing Data == true OR CO 2 Fuel Specific Missing Data == true OR Heat Input Fuel Specific Missing Data == true OR H20
Fuel Specific Missing Data == true)
Fuel Code Validation Needed = true
if (Current S02 Monitor Hourly Record is not null AND S02 Bypass Code == "BYMAXFS")
if (Current S02 Monitor Hourly Record. MODCCode == 23)
Fuel Code Validation Needed = true
if (Current NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Record is not null AND NOx Mass Bypass Code == "BYMAXFS")
if {Current NOx Cone Monitor Hourly Record.MODCCode in set {23,24})
Fuel Code Validation Needed = true
if (Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record is not null AND NOx Rate Bypass Code == "BYMAXFS")
if (Current NOx Rate Derived Hourly Record .MODCCode in set {23,24})
Fuel Code Validation Needed = true
if {Fuel Code Validation Needed == true)
if {CurrentHourly Op Record.Vuc\CoAc is null)
If {Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me is greater than 0)
return result A
Current Hourly Fuel Group Code = FuelGroupCode from FuelCode table entry where
FuelCode = Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode
if {CurrentHourly Op Record.Ąuc\CoAc = "NFS" OR
{Current Hourly Fuel Group Code == "COAL" AND Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode <> "C"))
return result B
else if {Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCode is not null)
if (S()2 Bypass Code <> "BYMAXFS" AND NOx Rate Bypass Code <> "BYMAXFS" AND NOx Mass Bypass Code
return result C
Response Severity
You did not report a FuelCode in the Hourly Operating record. Critical Error Level 1
The FuelCode reported Hourly Operating record is invalid. Critical Error Level 1
You reported a FuelCode in the Hourly Operating record. This value should only be Critical Error Level 1
reported if you use fuel-specific missing data or have an unmonitored bypass stack that
reports emissions based on fuel-specific maximum values.
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1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-34
Check Name: Validate Reported FC Factor
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Uses cross-check value to ensure that FC Factor reported in Hourly Operating Data is within acceptable range
Validation Tables:
F-Factor Range Checks (Cross Check Table)
if FC Factor Needed = true
Valid FC Factor Exists = false
if (Current Hourly Op Record.FcFactor is null)
return result A
else if (Current Hourly Op Ttecon/.FcFactor <= 0)
return result A
Valid FC Factor Exists = true
if (Special Fuel Burned = false)
FC Factor Minimum = Lookup Lower from Cross-Check Table "F-Factor Range Checks" where Factor = "FC"
FC Factor Maximum = Lookup Upper from Cross-Check Table "F-Factor Range Checks" where Factor = "FC"
if (Current Hourly Op Record. FcFactor > FC Factor Maximum OR Current Hourly Op Record.FcFactor < FC
Factor Minimum)
return result B
Result Response Severity
A The [FNAME] reported in the Hourly Operating record is missing or invalid. Critical Error Level 1
B The [FNAME] reported in the Hourly Operating record is outside of the expected range Critical Error Level 2
from [MIN] to [MAX],
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
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Check Code: HOUROP-35
Check Name: Validate Reported FD Factor
Related Former Checks:
Description: Uses cross-check value to ensure that FD Factor reported in Hourly Operating Data is within acceptable range
Validation Tables:
F-Factor Range Checks (Cross Check Table)
if FD Factor Needed = true
Valid FD Factor Exists = false
if (Current Hourly Op RecordFdF&ctox is null)
return result A
else if (Current Hourly Op RecordFdF&ctox <= 0)
return result A
Valid FD Factor Exists = true
if (Special Fuel Burned = false)
FD Factor Minimum = Lookup Lower from Cross-Check Table "F-Factor Range Checks" where Factor = "FD"
FD Factor Maximum = Lookup Upper from Cross-Check Table "F-Factor Range Checks" where Factor = "FD"
if (Current Hourly Op Record. FdFactor > FD Factor Maximum OR Current Hourly Op Record.FdFactor < FD
Factor Minimum)
return result B
Result Response Severity
A The [FNAME] reported in the Hourly Operating record is missing or invalid. Critical Error Level 1
B The [FNAME] reported in the Hourly Operating record is outside of the expected range Critical Error Level 2
from [MIN] to [MAX],
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
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Check Code: HOUROP-36
Check Name: Validate Reported FW Factor
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Uses cross-check value to ensure that FW Factor reported in Hourly Operating Data is within acceptable range
Validation Tables:
F-Factor Range Checks (Cross Check Table)
if FW Factor Needed = true
Valid FW Factor Exists = false
if (Current Hourly Op Record.ĄwĄi\c\ox is null)
return result A
else if (Current Hourly Op Record.ĄwĄi\c\ox <= 0)
return result A
Valid FW Factor Exists = true
if (Special Fuel Burned = false)
FW Factor Minimum = Lookup Lower from Cross-Check Table "F-Factor Range Checks" where Factor = "FW"
FWFactor Maximum = Lookup Upper from Cross-Check Table "F-Factor Range Checks" where Factor = "FW"
if (Current Hourly Op Record. FwFactor > FW Factor Maximum OR Current Hourly Op Record.ĄwĄi\c\ox <
FW Factor Minimum)
return result B
Result Response Severity
A The [FNAME] reported in the Hourly Operating record is missing or invalid. Critical Error Level 1
B The [FNAME] reported in the Hourly Operating record is outside of the expected range Critical Error Level 2
from [MIN] to [MAX],
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-37
Check Name: Verily Single Heat Input Derived Hourly Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Verily that a single Derived Hourly record exists for Heat Input for the current location and hour
Current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record= null
Heat Input Derived Checks Needed = false
HIT Derived Checks Needed = false
Heat Input Derived Hourly Count = # of DerivedHourly ValueData record with parameter beginning with "HI" where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\ngTime > 0
If (Heat Input Derived Hourly Count == 0)
If (Heat Input Method Code is not null)
If (Heat Input Method Code not in set {EXP, LTFF})
return result A
else if (Heat Input Method Code== "LTFF" AND Current Entity Type == "Unit")
return result A
Else if (Heat Input Derived Hourly Count > 0 AND
(Heat Input Method Code is null OR
Heat Input Method Code == "EXP" OR
(Heat Input Method Code== "LTFF" AND Current Entity Type == "CP"))
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for the location =-1
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result B
Else if (Heat Input Derived Hourly Count >1)
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for the location =-1
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result C
Current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record= DerivedHourly ValueData record with parameter "HI" or "HIT" where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If (LME HI Method is not null)
if (Current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record.ParameterCode == "HIT")
HIT Derived Checks Needed = true
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for the location =-1
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result E
if (Current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record.ParameterCode == "HIT")
Rpt Period HI Reported Accumulator Array for the location =-1
Rpt Period HI Calculated Accumulator Array for the location = -1
return result E
Heat Input Derived Checks Needed = true
If (Heat Input Method Code== "AMS")
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if (Current Heat Input Derived Hourly Record.Formulaldentifier is not null)
HI Formula Record = MonitorFormulaData record where
MonitorFormulaData.FormulaID = Current Heat Input Derived Hourly
Record. Formulaldentifier
If (HI Formula Record is not null)
If (HI Formula Record.ParameterCode == "HI" AND HI Formula
Record.EquationCode in set {F-15,F-16,F-17,F-18})
Heat Input Method Code== "CEM"
Heat Input CEM Method Active For Hour == true
If Heat Input Derived Hourly Count > 0
return result D
You did not report a DHV record for HI (or HIT) for the hour. If you have entered
LME data via the LME Emissions Data Utility, this error indicates that you have not
yet generated your quarterly emissions data. You must do this by clicking on the
Generate Emissions Data link on the LME Emissions Data Utility submenu.
You reported a DHV record for HI (or HIT), but, according to the monitoring methods
in your monitoring plan, you should not report hourly heat input at this location.
You reported more than one DHV record for HI (or HIT) for the hour.
You reported a DHV record for HI (or HIT), but this is not appropriate for a
non-operating hour.
The ParameterCode reported in the DHV record does not match the ParameterCode in
the Method record in your monitoring plan used to determine [eparam].
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Determine Fuel Type
Related Former Checks:
General Check
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true)
If Current Hourly Op Record.FcFactor is not null OR Current Hourly Op Record.FdFactor is not null OR Current Hourly Op
Record.ĄwĄi\c\ox is not null
If (Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Oil + Hourly Fuel Flow Count For Gas == 0)
If (Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCd is null OR Current Hourly Op Record.FuelCd == "MIX")
Count all active UnitFuel records for the location where
FuelCd in set {OOL, PRG, PRS, OGS}
If count > 0
Special Fuel Burned = true
else if Current Hourly Op Record. U nitFlie 1Cd in set {OOL, PRG, PRS, OGS}
Special Fuel Burned = true
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-39
Check Name: Verily Single H20 Cone Derived or Monitor Hourly Data Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check scans the DerivedHourly ValueData and MonitorHourly ValueData records to ensure that a single
record containing H20 concentration values is reported for the current hour
H20 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = false
H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed = false
Current H20 Monitor Hourly Record = null
Current H20 Derived Hourly Record = null
02 Wet Checks Neededfor H20= false
02 Dry Checks Neededfor H20= false
If Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\ 111c > 0.00
If (Moisture Needed == true)
If H20 Monitor Hourly Count + H20 Derived Hourly Count == 0
If (H2() Method Code == "MWD")
return result A
Else if (H2() Method Code <> "MDF")
return result B
Else if H20 Default Max Value is not null
return result C
Else if (H20 Derived Hourly Count > 1)
return result D
Else if (H20 Monitor Hourly Count >1)
return result E
Else if (H20 Derived Hourly Count == 1 AND H20 Method Code in set {MTB, MMS})
return result F
Else if (H20 Monitor Hourly Count == 1 AND H20 Method Code in set {MWD, MDF})
return result G
Else if (H20 Monitor Hourly Count == 1)
Current H20 Monitor Hourly Record = MonitorHourly ValueData record matching with ParameterCode =
"H20" where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
H20 Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
Else if (H20 Derived Hourly Count ==1)
Current H20 Derived Hourly Record = DerivedHourly ValueData rec matching where
DerivedHourly ValueData.ParameterCode = "H20" AND
DerivedHourly ValueData.Date = Current Date AND
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DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour = Current Hour
H20 Derived Hourly Checks Needed = true
if {Current H20 Derived Hourly Record.ModcCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 53, 54} AND Current H20
Derived Hourly Record. Fo rmu 1 a I dc n t i fi c r is not null)
H20 Formula Record = MonitorFormulaData record where
MonitorFormulaData.FormulaID = Current H20 Derived Hourly Record. Fo ri nil 1 a I dc n t i fi e r
If (H20 Formula Record is not null)
If (H20 Formula i?ecor 0
return result I
You did not report a DHV record for H20 for the hour.
You did not report an MHV record for H20 for the hour.
You did not report a DHV record for H20 for the hour. You must report this record if
you have multiple H20 default values for different fuels.
You reported more than one DHV record for H20 for the hour.
You reported more than one MHV record for H20 for the hour.
You reported a DHV record for H20, but the H20 MethodCode is not "MWD" or
You reported a MHV record for H20, but the H20 MethodCode is not "MTB" or
You reported a DHV and/or MHV record for H20, but this record is not required to
calculate emissions.
You reported a DHV and/or MHV record for H20, but this is not appropriate for a
non-operating hour.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-40
Check Name: Verily Single 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Value Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check scans the MonitorHourly ValueData records to ensure that a single 02 Wet exists for the current
Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record = null
Current 02 Dry Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record = null
02 Dry Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = false
If Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me > 0.00
If ((()2 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input == true) OR (()2 Dry Checks Needed for NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (()2 Dry
Checks Needed To Support C02 Calculation == true) OR (02 Dry Checks Neededfor H20 == true) OR (02 Dry Neededfor
MATS == true))
If ((()2 Dry Monitor Hourly Count == 0) AND ((()2 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input == true) OR (()2 Wet Checks
Neededfor NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (()2 Wet Checks Needed To Support C02 Calculation == true) OR (()2 Wet
Checks Neededfor H20 == true) OR (02 Wet Neededfor MATS == true)))
return result A
Else if (()2 Dry Monitor Hourly Count + 02 Null Monitor Hourly Count == 0)
Return result B
Else if ((02 Dry Monitor Hourly Count + 02 Null Monitor Hourly Count > 2) OR (02 Dry Monitor Hourly Count +
02 Null Monitor Hourly Count == 2 AND 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Count + 02 Null Monitor Hourly Count ==2))
Return result C
Else if (()2 Dry Monitor Hourly Count + 02 Null Monitor Hourly Count == 2)
If (()2 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input == true AND (()2 Dry Checks Needed for NOx Rate Calc == true OR
02 Dry Checks Neededfor H20 == true) OR (02 Dry Neededfor MATS == true))
Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record = Find MonitorHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode
= "02C" AND (MoistureBasis = "D" OR MoistureBasis is null) and MODCCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04,
53, 54} where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
Current 02 Dry Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record = Find MonitorHourly ValueData records with
ParameterCode = "02C" AND (MoistureBasis = "D" OR MoistureBasis is null) and MODCCode not in
set {01, 02, 03, 04, 54} where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
If (Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record is null OR Current 02 Dry Missing Data Monitor Hourly
Record is null)
return result C
02 Dry Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
return result C
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Else if (02 Dry Monitor Hourly Count == 1)
02 Dry Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record = MonitorHourly ValueData record with ParameterCode = "02C" AND
MoistureBasis = "D" where
Else if (02 Null Monitor Hourly Count ==1)
02 Dry Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
Current 02 Dry Monitor Hourly Record = Current 02 Null Monitor Hourly Record
If (()2 Dry Monitor Hourly Count > 0)
Return result D
If ((()2 Null Monitor Hourly Count > 0) AND (02 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input == false) AND (02 Wet Checks
Neededfor NOx Rate Calc == false) AND (()2 Wet Checks Needed To Support C02 Calculation == false) AND (()2
Wet Checks Needed for H20 == false) AND (()2 Wet Needed for MATS == false))
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
return result E
If (02 Dry Monitor Hourly Count 02 + Null Monitor Hourly Count + 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Count >0)
Return result F
You did not report a MHV record for 02C with a MoistureBasis of D for the hour.
You did not report a MHV record for 02C with a MoistureBasis of D (or blank) for the
You reported too many MHV records for 02C with a MoistureBasis of D (or blank) for
the hour.
You reported an MHV record for 02C with a MoistureBasis of [basis], but this record
is not required to calculate emissions.
You reported an MHV record for 02C with a blank MoistureBasis, but this record is
not required to calculate emissions.
You reported a MHV record for 02C, but this is not appropriate for a non-operating
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
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9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-41
Check Name: Verily Single 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Value Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check scans the MonitorHourly ValueData records to ensure that a single 02 Wet exists for the current
Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record = null
Current 02 Wet Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record = null
02 Wet Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = false
If Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\\\gT\me > 0.00
If ((()2 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input == true) OR (02 Wet Checks Needed for NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (02 Wet
Checks Needed To Support C02 Calculation == true) OR (()2 Wet Checks Needed for H20 == true) OR (()2 Wet Needed for
MATS == true))
If ((()2 Wet Monitor Hourly Count == 0) AND ((()2 Dry Checks Needed for Heat Input == true) OR (()2 Dry Checks
Neededfor NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (02 Dry Checks Needed To Support C02 Calculation == true) OR (02 Dry
Checks Neededfor H20 == true) OR (02 Dry Neededfor MATS == true)))
return result A
Else if (()2 Wet Monitor Hourly Count + 02 Null Monitor Hourly Count == 0)
Return result B
Else if (02 Wet Monitor Hourly Count + 02 Null Monitor Hourly Count > 2)
Return result C
Else if (02 Wet Monitor Hourly Count + 02 Null Monitor Hourly Count ==2
If ((02 Wet Checks Needed for Heat Input == true) AND (02 Dry Monitor Hourly Count + 02 Null
Monitor Hourly Count <> 2) AND ((()2 Wet Checks Needed for NOx Rate Calc == true) OR (()2 Wet
Checks Neededfor H20 == true) OR (02 Wet Neededfor MATS == true)))
Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record = Find MonitorHourly ValueData records with
ParameterCode = "02C" AND (MoistureBasis = "W" OR MoistureBasis is null) and
MODCCode in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 53, 54} where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
Current 02 Wet Missing Data Monitor Hourly Record = Find MonitorHourly ValueData records
with ParameterCode = "02C" AND (MoistureBasis = " W" OR MoistureBasis is null) and
MODCCode not in set {01, 02, 03, 04, 54} where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
If (Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record is null OR Current 02 Wet Missing Data Monitor
Hourly Record is null)
return result C
02 Wet Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
return result C
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Else if (02 Wet Monitor Hourly Count == 1)
02 Wet Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record = MonitorHourlyValueData record with ParameterCode =
"02C" AND MoistureBasis = "W" where
Else if (02 Null Monitor Hourly Count == 1)
02 Wet Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
Current 02 Wet Monitor Hourly Record = Current 02 Null Monitor Hourly Record
If (()2 Wet Monitor Hourly Count > 0)
Return result D
Current Date = MonitorHourlyValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
You did not report a MHV record for 02C with a MoistureBasis of W for the hour.
You did not report a MHV record for 02C with a MoistureBasis of W (or blank) for
the hour.
You reported too many MHV records for 02C with a MoistureBasis of W (or blank)
for the hour.
You reported an MHV record for 02C with a MoistureBasis of [basis], but this record
is not required to calculate emissions.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Verily Single S02R Derived Hourly Data Record
CEM Check
This check scans the DerivedHourly ValueData records to ensure that a single record containing S02R derived
values is reported for the current hour
If (Derived Hourly Checks Needed == true)
S02R Derived Checks Needed = false
S02R Derived Hourly Count = count of DerivedHourly ValueData records with ParameterCode = "S02R" where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
If Current Hourly Op Record.0\~>cn\{\ngTime > 0
If (S02R Derived Hourly Count == 0 AND F23 Default Max Value is not null)
Return result A
Else if (S02R Derived Hourly Count > 0 AND SOI F23 Method Active For Hour == false)
Return result B
Else if (S02R Derived Hourly Count > 1)
Return result C
Else if (S02R Derived Hourly Count == 1)
Current S02R Derived Hourly Record = DerivedHourly ValueData rec matching with param S02R where
Current Date = DerivedHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = DerivedHourly ValueData.Hour
S02R Derived Checks Needed = true
If S02R Derived Hourly Count > 0
Return result D
You did not report a DHV record for S02R for the hour.
You reported a DHV record for S02R, but this record is not required to calculate
You reported more than one DHV record for S02R for the hour.
You reported a DHV record for S02R, but this is not appropriate for a non-operating
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Operating Hour Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
9/13/2017 12:00:00AM
Check Code: HOUROP-43
Check Name: Validate Single Stack Flow Record
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Counts records in MonitorHourly ValueData for the current date and hour with parameter "FLOW". Based on
whether or not OperatingTime is non-zero for this hour, reports any appropriate errors and sets Current Flow
Monitor Hourly Record
Current Stack Flow Hourly Record= null
Apportionment Stack Flow Array for this Location = null
If {Flow MHVOptionally Allowed == true) AND {Flow Monitor Hourly Count > 0)
Flow Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = true
If Flow Monitor Hourly Checks Needed == true)
If {Flow Monitor Hourly Count == 0)
Flow Monitor Hourly Checks Needed = false
return result A
Else if {Flow Monitor Hourly Count >1)
return result B
Current Stack Flow Hourly Record = MonitorHourly ValueData record with parameter FLOW where
Current Date = MonitorHourly ValueData.Date and
Current Hour = MonitorHourly ValueData.Hour
Apportionment Stack Flow Array for this Location = CurrentStackFlowHourlyRecord.VnadjustedRourlyYahie
If Flow Monitor Hourly Count > 0
return result C
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Non-Critical Error
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
Result Response
A You did not report an MHV record for FLOW for the hour.
B You reported more than one MHV record for FLOW for the hour.
C You reported a MHV record for FLOW, but this record is not appropriate for the hour.
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Check Code: HOUROP-44
Check Name: Check Reporting of Load Range and Common Stack Load Range
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Ensures that Load Range and Common Stack Load Range are reported when required and are otherwise not
Set CheckLoadRangeValue to false.
Set CheckCsLoadRangeValue to false.
If DerivedHourlyChecksNeeded == true, AND UnitlsLoadBased is true,
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.O^T'une > 0, CurrentHourlyOpRecord.HourLoad >= 0, LmeAnnual is false, AND LmeOs is false,
If FlowMonitorHourlyChecksNeeded is true, OR NoxConcNeededForNoxMass is true, OR
NoxRateDerivedChecksNeeded is true, OR So2HpffExists is true, OR Co2HpffExists is true, OR HiHpffExists is true,
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord LoadRange is null, AND CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonSVacVLoadRange is
return result A.
Else if CurrentEntityType is equal to "CS",
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord LoadRange is NOT null,
Set CheckLoadRangeValue to true.
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonSVacVLoadRange is NOT null,
If FlowMonitorHourlyCount is equal to 0,
return result C.
Set CheckCsLoadRangeValue to true.
Else if CurrentEntityType is equal to "CP",
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord LoadRange is NOT null,
Set CheckLoadRangeValue to true.
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonSVacVLoadRange is NOT null,
If (HourlyFuelFlowCountOil + HourlyFuelFlowCountForGas) is equal to 0,
return result D.
Set CheckCsLoadRangeValue to true.
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord LoadRange is NOT null,
Set CheckLoadRangeValue to true.
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonSVacVLoadRange is NOT null,
return result E.
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If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.LoadRange is NOT null, OR CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonStackLoadRange is
NOT null,
return result F.
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord LoadRange is NOT null, OR CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonStadiLoadRange is NOT
return result B.
You did not report a Load Range (or Common Stack Load Range) for a monitored
operating load-based unit (or associated stack or pipe) that is not in an LME
You reported a Load Range (or Common Stack Load Range) for a unit (or associated
stack or pipe) that was either not operating, not load-based, or is in an LME
You reported a Common Stack Load Range for a common stack that did not report
stack flow.
You reported a Common Stack Load Range for a common pipe that did not report oil
or gas fuel flow.
You reported a Common Stack Load Range for a location that is not a common stack
or common pipe.
You reported a Load Range (or Common Stack Load Range) for a unit (or associated
stack or pipe) that was not monitoring parameters used for substitute data, however,
this was not appropriate.
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Check Reported Load Range Value
General Check
Checks the accuracy of the report Load Range if both a Load Range and Load are reported.
Set CalculatedLoadRange to null.
When CheckLoadRangeValue is true,
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord LoadRange is equal to 0,
return result A.
Else if CurrentHourlyOpRecord.HourLoad is NOT null, AND CurrentMaximumLoadValue is NOT null and > 0,
Set CalculatedLoadRange to ((10 * CurrentHourlyOpRecord .HourLoad / CurrentMaximumLoadValue) + 1) round
down to an integer.
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.HourLoad is equal to 0,
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.LoadRange is NOT equal to 1,
return result B.
Else if CurrentHourlyOpRecord .HourLoad >= CurrentMaximumLoadValue,
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord LoadRange is NOT equal to 10,
return result C.
Set BinSize to ( CurrentMaximumLoadValue / 10 )
Set LowRangeBoundry to (BinSize * {CurrentHourlyOpRecord.LoadRange -1)).
Set HighRangeBoundry to (BinSize * CurrentHourlyOpRecord LoadRange).
If (CurrentHourlyOpRecord.HourLoad < LowRangeBoundry - 2, OR CurrentHourlyOpRecord.HourLoad >
HighRangeBoundry + 2,
return result D.
You should only report a Load Range of 0 (zero) if the load range number is
You reported an Hour Load of 0 (zero), which requires a Load Range of 1 when
You reported an Hour Load that is equal to or exceeds the maximum load, which
requires a Load Range of 10 when reported.
You reported a Load Range of [RptLoadRange], but the value calculated using the
hourly load and maximum load range is [CalcLoadRange].
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
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Check Code: HOUROP-46
Check Name: Check Reported Common Stack Load Range Value
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: Checks the accuracy of the report Common Stack Load Range if both a Common Stack Load Range and Load
are reported.
When CheckCsLoadRangeValue is true,
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonS\i\cVLoi\dRi\ngc is equal to 0,
return result A.
Else if CurrentHourlyOpRecord.HourLoad is NOT null, AND CurrentMaximumLoadValue is NOT null and > 0„
Set CalculatedCsLoadRange to ((20 * CurrentHourlyOpRecord .HourLoad / CurrentMaximumLoadValue) + 1)
round down to an integer.
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.HourLoad is equal to 0,
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonSVAckLondRnngc is NOT equal to 1,
return result B.
Else if CurrentHourlyOpRecord .HourLoad >= CurrentMaximumLoadValue,
If CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonSVAckLondRnngc is NOT equal to 20,
return result C.
Set BinSize to ( CurrentMaximumLoadValue / 20 )
Set LowRangeBoundry to ( BinSize * (CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonSVAckLondRnngc - 1)).
Set HighRangeBoundry to (BinSize * CurrentHourlyOpRecord.CommonSVAckLondRnngc ).
If (CurrentHourlyOpRecord.HourLoad < LowRangeBoundry - 2, OR CurrentHourlyOpRecord.HourLoad <
HighRangeBoundry + 2,
return result D.
You should only report a Common Stack Load Range of 0 (zero) if the load range
number is indeterminable.
You reported an Hour Load of 0 (zero), which requires a Common Stack Load Range
of 1 when reported.
You reported an Hour Load that is equal to or exceeds the maximum load, which
requires a Common Stack Load Range of 20 when reported.
You reported a Common Stack Load Range of [RptLoadRange], but the value
calculated using the hourly load and maximum load range is [CalcLoadRange].
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Unit-Level Evaluation
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
Informational Message
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Check Category:
Leak Status
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Check Code: LKSTAT-1
Check Name: Locate Most Recent Prior Leak Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Determines if there is an applicable prior Leak Check.
Set PriorLeakRecord = null.
Locate the most recent record in LeakCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where:
a) the ComponentID is equal to the CurrentMHV.ComponentID
b) the TestResultCd is not equal to "INVALID" and
c) the EndDate/Hour is on or prior to the CurrentMHVRecord Date/Hour
if (LeakCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set PriorLeakRecord = the found record in LeakCheckRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Leak Check Status Evaluation
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Check Code: LKSTAT-2
Check Name: Locate Most Recent Prior Event
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Determines if there is an applicable prior event.
Set PriorLeakEventRecord = null.
Set LeakStatusResult = null
If (PriorLeakRecord is null)
Locate the latest record in QACertificationEventRecords where the ComponentID is equal to the CurrentMHV.ComponentID,
QaCertEventCode is equal to "300" or "305", and the QACertEventDate/Hour is prior to CurrentReportingPeriod.
if (QACertificationEventRecord is found)
Set PriorLeakEventRecord = the found record in QACertificationEventRecord.
Locate the latest record i n Rata TestRecordsIiy Location ForQaStatus w here the SystemID is equal to
CurrentMh vRecord. Sy stem ID. TestReasonCode is equal to "INITIAL" or "RECERT", TestResultCode is equal to
"PASSED", and EndDateHour is after OA Certifi cation E vent Record. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c/ H o u r and is prior to
if found,
Set LeakStatusResult = "OOC-Event".
Set LeakStatusResult = "IC".
Locate the SystemComponent record with the earliest BeginDate where the ComponentID is equal to the
CurrentMHV. ComponentID.
If found, and the BeginDate in the SystemComponent record is in the current reporting period,
Set LeakStatusResult = "IC"
Set LeakStatusResult = "OOC-No Prior Test".
Locate the latest record in QACertificationEventRecords where the ComponentID is equal to the CurrentMHV.ComponentID,
LeakRequired is equal to "Y" and QaCertEventCode is not equal to "300", and the QACertEventDate/Hour is prior to the
CurrentMHVRecord.Date/Hour and after the Priori.eakRecord. EndDatc/Hour.
if a record is found
Set PriorLeakEventRecord = the found record in QACertificationEventRecords.
if PriorLeakEventRecordLastCom$\QtQdHQS\D?&Q is not null
Set ExpectedLeakCheckQuarter = the quarter of PriorLeakEventRecord.LastCompletedTestDate.
Set ExpectedLeakCheckQuarter = the quarter after Priori.eakEventRecord.Q ACcrt Event Datc.
Set QuartersAfterCount = 0.
For each quarter beginning with ExpectedLeakCheckQuarter and ending with CurrentReportingPeriod,
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if QuartersAfterCount is equal to 4,
Set RequiredLeakCheckQuarter to quarter.
Exit the loop.
else if AnnualReportingRequirement equals true, or the quarter being checked is 2 or 3
if AnnualReportingRequirement equals true, or the quarter being checked is 3
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation where OpTypeCode is equal to
"OPHOURS", FuelCode is null, and reporting period equals the quarter being checked
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation where OpTypeCode is equal to
"OSHOURS", FuelCode is null, and reporting period equals the quarter being checked
if OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation record is found
If ()peratingSuppl)ataRecordsIiyLocation.Op Va 1 lie >= 168
Set RequiredLeakCheckQuarter to quarter.
Exit the loop.
Set RequiredLeakCheckQuarter to quarter.
Exit the loop.
Increament QuartersAfterCount by 1.
if RequiredLeakCheckQuarter is prior to CurrentReportingPeriod
Set LeakStatusResult ="OOC-Event".
Set LeakStatusResult = "IC".
else if Prior LeakRecord. Q A Needs E va 1 uat i o n F1 ag = "Y"
Set LeakStatusResult = "Prior Test Not Yet Evaluated".
else if PriorLeakRecord.TestResultCd is null
Set LeakStatusResult = "OOC-Test Has Critical Errors".
else if Prior LeakRecord!TestResultCd == "FAILED"
Set LeakStatusResult = "OOC-Test Failed".
else if Prior LeakRecord!TestResultCd == "ABORTED"
Set LeakStatusResult = "OOC-Test Aborted".
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Leak Check Status Evaluation
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Check Code: LKSTAT-3
Check Name: Determine Expiration Date For Prior Leak Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Determines if Leak Check occurred prior to the standard expiration date.
if (LeakStatusResuIt is null)
Set PriorLeakExpirationDate = Priori, eakRecord. Tc s t E \ p i ra t i o n D a t c.
if (PriorLeakExpirationDate is null)
if (Annual Reporting Requirement == false)
if (PriorLeakRecord .TestEndQuarter = "2")
Set PriorLeakExpirationDate = September 30th following PriorLeakRecord .EndDate.
Set PriorLeakExpirationDate = June 30th following PriorLeakRecord .EndDate.
if (PriorLeakRecord .GraccPcriodlnd = 1)
Set PriorLeakExpirationDate = the end of the quarter of the Priori.eakRecord. EndDate.
Set PriorLeakExpirationDate = the end of the quarter following the quarter of the PriorLeakRecord
Set PriorLeakRecord .TestExpirationDate = PriorLeakExpirationDate .
if (CurrentMHVRecord.Date is ON OR BEFORE the PriorLeakExpirationDate)
Set LeakStatusResuIt = "IC".
Set PriorLeakExpirationDate = null.
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Leak Check Status Evaluation
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Check Code: LKSTAT-4
Check Name: Determine Extended Expiration Date for Prior Leak Check
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Determines if Leak Check occurred prior to the extended expiration date.
Set LeakMissingOpDatalnfo = null,
if (LeakStatusResuIt is null)
Set MissingOpData = false
if (Priori, eak Record. Tc s t E \ p i ra t i o n D a t c Wi t h E \ t c n s i o n i s null)
For each quarter beginning with the quarter of the PriorLeakExpirationDate and continuing through the quarter prior to
the quarter of the CurrentMHVRecord.Date:
if (EarliestLocationReportDate > the last day of the quarter being checked)
Set NumberOfExtensionQuarters = NumberOfExtensionQuarters + 1.
If {Annual Reporting Requirement == true OR the quarter being checked is == 2 or 3)
If {Annual Reporting Requirement == true OR the quarter being checked ==3)
Locate a record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation where the reporting period is
equal to the year/quarter being checked and the OpTypeCode = "OPHOURS" and
FuelCode is null.
Locate a record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation where the reporting period is
equal to the year/quarter being checked and the OpTypeCode = "OSHOURS" and
FuelCode is null.
if {OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation is found AND
()peratingSuppl)ataRecordsIiyLocation.Op Va 1 lie < 168)
If {Annual Reporting Requirement = true OR the quarter being checked == 2)
Set NumberOfExtensionQuarters — NumberOfExtensionQuarters + 1.
Set NumberOfExtensionQuarters = NumberOfExtensionQuarters + 3.
else if {OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation is not found)
If (the quarter being checked == 1 or 4)
Locate a LocationReportingFrequency record for the test location where
ReportingFrequencyCode = "OS", the Begin Quarter is on or before the quarter
being checked and the EndQuarter is null or is on or after the quarter being
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If (LocationReportingFrequency record is found)
if {Annual Reporting Requirement == true and the quarter being
checked == 4 and the year of the EndQuarter is equal to the year of the
quarter being checked.
Set NumberOfExtensionQuarters =
NumberOfExtensionQuarters + 1.
Stop looking for extensions.
Set Missing Op Data to true
Set LeakMissingOpDatalnfo = "[YEAR] Q[QTR]" (where [YEAR] is
the year of the quarter being checked and [QTR] is the number of the
quarter being checked.)
Stop looking for extensions.
Set Missing Op Data to true
Set LeakMissingOpDatalnfo = "[YEAR] Q[QTR]" (where [YEAR] is the year
of the quarter being checked and [QTR] is the number of the quarter being
Stop looking for extensions.
Stop looking for extensions.
Add NumberOfExtensionQuarters to PriorLeakExpirationDate
Set Priori.eakRecorcl.Tcst E\pi rat i onDatcWi thE\tcnsio n = PriorLeakExpirationDate
Set PriorLeakExpirationDate = Priori.eakRecorcl. Tcst E\pi rat i onDatc Wi thE\tcnsio n
If {CurrentMHVRecord.Date/Hour is ON OR BEFORE the PriorLeakExpirationDate)
Set LeakStatusResuh = "IC-Extension".
else if (Missing Op Data == true)
Set LeakStatusResuh = "Missing Op Data".
Set Priori.eakRecorcl.Tcst E\pi rat i onDatcWi thE\tcnsio n = null
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Leak Check Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Determine Grace Period for Leak Check
CEM Check
Determines if Leak Check occurred prior to the end of the grace period.
if (LeakStatusResuIt is null)
if (Annual Reporting Requirement == false)
Set LeakStatusResuIt = "OOC-Expired".
else if (Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for the location == -1)
Set LeakStatusResuIt = "Invalid Op Data".
Set GraceOpHours = RptPeriodOpHoursAccumulatorArray for the location,
if (GraceOpHours > 168)
Set LeakStatusResuIt = "OOC-Expired".
If the quarter after the LATER of the PriorLeakExpirationDate and the EarliestLocationReportDate is the
quarter of the CurrentMHVRecord.Date/Hour,
Set LeakStatusResuIt = "IC-Grace".
For each quarter beginning with the quarter after the LATER of the PriorLeakExpirationDate and the
EarliestLocationReportDate ,and continuing through the quarter prior to the
CurrentMHVRecord. Date/Hour,
if (EarliestLocationReportDate <= the last day of the quarter being checked)
Locate a record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation where the reporting period is
equal to the year/quarter being checked and the OpTypeCode = "OPHOURS" and
FuelCode is null.
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation is found)
Add Op Value to GraceOpHours.
if (GraceOpHours > 168)
Set LeakStatusResuIt = "OOC-Expired".
exit for.
Set LeakStatusResuIt = "Missing Op Data".
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Set LeakMissingOpDatalnfo = "[YEAR] Q[QTR]" (where [YEAR] is the year
of the quarter being checked and [QTR] is the number of the quarter being
exit for.
if (LeakStatusResult is null)
Set LeakStatusResult = "IC-Grace".
if LeakStatusResult does not begin with "IC"
return LeakStatusResult
Invalid Op Data
Missing Op Data
OOC-No Prior
OOC-Test Failed
OOC-Test Has
Critical Errors
Prior Test Not
Yet Evaluated
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the OperatingTime in
at least one Hourly Operating Data records was missing or invalid.
The Leak Check status for [COMPID] could not be determined, because the Op Supp
Data record for OPHOURS or OSHOURS is missing for [MISSINGOPDATAINFO]
(and possibly other previous reporting periods). If you have submitted emissions data
for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these records by logging on to the EPA
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for [compid], but you did not perform a subsequent leak
The prior leak check for [compid] completed on [date] has expired.
You did not report a prior [testtype] for [key].
The prior leak check for [compid] completed on [date] was aborted.
The prior leak check for [compid] completed on [date] failed.
The prior leak check for [compid] completed on [date] has critical errors.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the applicable prior
[testtype] with TestNumber [testnum] has not yet been evaluated.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report ¦
¦ Leak Check Status Evaluation
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Check Category:
Linearity Status
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Check Code: LINSTAT-1
Check Name: Check Analyzer Range Exemption For Linearity Status
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: This check determines if the Current Analyzer Range used is exempt for Linearity Status purposes.
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = null
if (CurrentMHI 'Parameter = "S02C" or CurrentMHI 'Parameter = "NOXC")
Locate the record in MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation for the hour and location where the ComponentTypeCode is equal to
the QaStatusComponentTypeCode and the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed.
if (MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation is not found OR more than one MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation is found OR if
the MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation.SpanValue is null or <= 0)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Invalid Monitor Span".
else if (MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation is found and MonitorSpanRecordsByHourLocation.SpwVahiQ <= 30)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "IC-Exempt".
Result Response Severity
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Hg Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
NOX Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Dry Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Wet Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
S02 Linearity Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Locate Most Recent Prior Linearity Test
CEM Check
Determines if there is an applicable prior Linearity test.
Set PriorLinearityRecord = null.
Set InvalidLinearityRecord = null.
if (CurrentLinearityStatus is null)
Locate the most recent record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the ComponentID is equal
to the ApplicableComponentID and the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed and the CalculatedTestResult
is not equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour is either:
a) prior to the CurrentDateHour OR
b) equal to the CurrentDateHour and the EndMinute is less than 45 and the CalculatedTestResult is equal to "PASSED" or
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set PriorLinearityRecord = the found record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Locate the most recent record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the ComponentID
is equal to the ApplicableComponentID and the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed and the
EndDate/Hour is prior to the CurrentDateHour and the EndDate/Hour is greater than the
Prior Test Record. EndDate/Hour and the CalculatedTestResult is equal to "INVALID".
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidLinearityRecord = the found record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Locate the most recent record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the location where the ComponentID
is equal to the ApplicableComponentID and the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed and the
CalculatedTestResult is equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour is prior to the CurrentDateHour.
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidLinearityRecord = the found record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
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1 Process/Category:
2 Process/Category:
3 Process/Category:
4 Process/Category:
5 Process/Category:
6 Process/Category:
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Linearity Status Evaluation
Hg Linearity Status Evaluation
NOX Linearity Status Evaluation
02 Dry Linearity Status Evaluation
02 Wet Linearity Status Evaluation
S02 Linearity Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Locate Most Recent Prior Event
CEM Check
Determines if there is an applicable prior event.
Set PriorLinearityEventRecord = null,
if (CurrentLinearityStatus is null)
Locate all records in QACertificationEventRecords where:
the Component® is equal to the ApplicableComponentID
AND Linearity Required is equal to "Y";
AND the QACertEventDate/Hour is either:
a) prior to the CurrentDateHour OR
b) equal to both the CurrentDateHour and the ConditionalBeginDate/Hour;
AND either
a) Prior Test Record is null OR
b) QACertEventDate/Hour is after the Prior TestRecord. E ndDatc/H our OR
c) QACertEventDate/Hour is equal to the Prior TestRecord. E ndDatc/H our AND (TestCompletionDate is null or the
TestCompletionDate/Hour is after the Prior TestRecord. E ndD a t c/H o ur)
AND either
a) DualRangeStatus = false OR
b) HighRangeComponentID <> LowRangeComponentID OR
c) QACertEventCode <> 27 or 30 or 172 and CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "H" OR
d) QACertEventCode <> 35 or 171 and CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "L"
AND either
a) Annual Reporting Requirement is equal to true OR
b) QACertEventDate/Hour is on or after April 1 of the year of the CurrentDateHour
if (QACertificationEventRecords is found)
Sort QACertificationEventRecords by QACertEventDate/Hour descending.
For each record in QACertificationEventRecords
Set PriorLinearityEventRecord = the found record in QACertificationEventRecords.
if (Priori, in earityE vent Record. Q A C c rt E v e n t C o dc = 170 and DualRangeStatus = true)
Locate the record in MonitorSpanRecordsByLocation where the ComponentTypeCode is equal to
QaStatusComponentTypeCode and the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed and
the BeginDate/Hour is equal to the Priori, in earityE ventRecord. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c/ H o u r.
if (MonitorSpanRecordsByLocation is found)
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exit for loop.
set PriorLinearityEventRecord = null.
exit for loop.
If (PriorLinearityEventRecord is null)
If (PriorLinearityRecord is null)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-No Prior Test or Event".
else if (InvalidLinearityRecord is not null AND Priori, in earityE vent Record. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c/H o u r is after
In valid TestRecord. E nd D a t c/ H o u r)
Locate the earliest record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus where the ComponentID is equal to the
ApplicableComponentID, the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed, the CalculatedTestResult is
equal to "INVALID", and the EndDate/Hour is after the Prior L in earityE vent Record. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c/H o u r and prior to
the CurrentDateHour.
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidLinearityRecord = the found record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Set InvalidLinearityRecord = null.
Result Response Severity
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Hg Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
NOX Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Dry Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Wet Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
S02 Linearity Status Evaluation
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Check Code: LINSTAT-4
Check Name: Determine Expiration Dates For Most Recent Prior Linearity Test
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Determines the expiration dates for the Applicable Prior Linearity test. This includes the Test Expiration Date
both with and without any extensions
Set LinearityMissingOpDatalnfo = null.
if (CurrentLinearityStatus is blank and PriorLinearityRecord is not null and PriorLinearityEventRecord is null)
Set CheckForlgnoredLinearity = true.
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = null
Set PriorTestExpirationDateWithExtension = null
Set MissingOpData = false
if (Prior Linearity Record. Q A Needs E va 1 uat i o n F1 ag = "Y")
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Prior Test Not Yet Evaluated".
else if (Priori.inearityRecord.Tcst Rcsu 11Codc = null or Priori.inearityRecord.Tcst Rcsu 11Codc = "FAILED" or
Prior L in earity Record. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = "ABORTED")
Locate the most recent record in QACertificationEventRecords where:
the Component® is equal to the ApplicableComponentLD
AND Linearity Required is equal to "Y";
AND the ConditionalBeginDate/Hour is:
a) on or prior to the CurrentDateHour AND
b) on or after the PriorTestRecordEm5D?&&rRow,
AND either
a) DualRangeStatus = false OR
b) HighRangeComponentLD <> LowRangeComponentLD OR
c) QACertEventCode <> 27 or 30 or 172 and CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "H" OR
d) QACertEventCode <> 35 or 171 and CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "L"
AND either
a) Annual Reporting Requirement is equal to true OR
b) QACertEventDate/Hour is on or after April 1 of the year of the CurrentHourlyRecordforRATAStatus.Date
if (QACertificationEventRecords is found)
Set PriorLinearityEventRecord = found record in QACertificationEventRecords.
elseif (Prior L in earity Record. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Test Has Critical Errors",
elseif (Prior L in earity Record. Tc s t R c s u 11C o dc = "FAILED")
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Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Test Failed",
else if (Priori.inearity Record.TcstRcsu 11Codc = "ABORTED")
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Test Aborted".
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = Priori, in earity Record. Tc s t E \ p i ra t i o n D a t c.
SetPriorTestExpirationDateWithExtension= PriorLinearityRecord.TestExpirationDateWithExtension.
if {PriorTestExpirationDate is null)
if (Annual Reporting Requirement == false)
if (Priori, in earity Record. Tc s t E ndQ ua rt c r = "2")
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = July 3 Ot h fo 1 lo wi ng Prior I .in earity Record. E ndDatc.
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = April 3 0th following Priori, in earity Record. E nd D a t c.
Set AlternateTestDate = null
if (Prior Linearity Record. Co mpo ncntTy pcCodc is equal to "HG")
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with the latest
EmissionsRecordingBeginDate where the ProgramCode is equal to MATS and the
EmissionsRecordingBeginDate is ON OR BEFORE the QaStatusComponentBeginDate.
if found
Set AlternateTestDate = EmissionsRecordingBeginDate of the located record
Locate the most recent QACertificationEventRecords for the ApplicableComponentID where
LinearityRequired is equal to "Y", and the BeginDate/Hour is prior to the
if (QACertificationEventRecords is found AND the LinearityCertEvent is equal to "Y" and the
ConditionalDataBeginDate is null and the CompletionTestDate/Hour is after the
Priori, in earity Record. E nd D a t c/ H o u r)
If AlternateTestDate is null
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = the end of the quarter following the quarter of the
OA CertificationEventRecords. CompletionTestDate.
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = the end of the quarter following the quarter of the later
of OACertificationEventRecords.Comp 1 ct ionTcstDatc wad AlternateTestDate.
else if (Priori.inearityRecord.Gn\ccPcr\oA\\\A = 1)
If AlternateTestDate is null
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Set PriorTestExpirationDate = the end of the quarter of the quarter of the
Priori, in earity Record. E nd D a t c.
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = the end of the quarter of the quarter of the later of
Priori, in earity Record. E nd D a t c and AlternateTestDate .
If AlternateTestDate is null
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = the end of the quarter following the quarter of the
Priori, in earity Record. E nd D a t c.
Set PriorTestExpirationDate = the end of the quarter following the quarter of the later
of Priori, in earity Record. E nd D a t c and AlternateTestDate .
Set Priori, in earity Record. Tc s t E \ p i ra t i o n D a t c = PriorTestExpirationDate.
if (CurrentDateHour is ON OR BEFORE the PriorTestExpirationDate)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "IC".
else if (Annual Reporting Requirement == false)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Expired".
if (PriorTestExpirationDateWithExtension is null)
Set NumberOfExtensionQuarters = 0;
For each quarter beginning with the quarter of the PriorTestExpirationDate and continuing through the
quarter prior to the quarter of the CurrentDate,
if (NumberOfExtensionQuarters = 3)
Stop looking for extensions.
if (EarliestLocationReportDate > the last day of the quarter being checked)
Set NumberOfExtensionQuarters — NumberOfExtensionQuarters + 1.
Locate a record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation where the reporting
period is equal to the year/quarter being checked and the OpTypeCode =
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation is found AND
()peratingSuppI)ataRecordsliyI,ocation.Op Va 1 lie < 168)
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Set NumberOJExtensionQuarters = NumberOfExtensionQuarters + 1.
else if (PrioriAnearity Record.Com\~>o\\c\\{J\\~>cCoAc is NOT equal to "HG")
Locate a record in TestExtensionExemptionRecords where the
ComponentID is equal to the ApplicableComponentID and the
ExtensionExemptionCode is equal to "RANGENU", and the
SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed and the
Year/Quarter is equal to the year/quarter to check.
if (TestExtensionExemptionRecords is found)
Set NumberOfExtensionQuarters =
NumberOfExtensionQuarters + 1.
Locate a record in TestExtensionExemptionRecords where the
ComponentID is equal to the ApplicableComponentID and the
ExtensionExemptionCode is equal to "NONQAPB", and the
Year/Quarter is equal to the year/quarter to check.
if (TestExtensionExemptionRecords is found)
Set NumberOfExtensionQuarters =
NumberOfExtensionQuarters + 1.
else if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation is not found)
If (the quarter being checked == 1 or 4)
Locate a LocationReportingFrequency record
for the test location where
ReportingFrequencyCode = "OS", the Begin
Quarter is on or before the quarter being
checked and the EndQuarter is null or is on or
before the quarter being checked.
If (LocationReportingFrequency record is
if (Annual Reporting Requirement ==
true and the quarter being checked ==
4 and the year of the EndQuarter is
equal to the year of the quarter being
NumberO fExtension Quarters
NumberOfExtensi on Quarters
+ 1.
Stop looking for extensions.
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Set Missing Op Data to true
Set LinearityMissingOpDatalnfo =
"[YEAR] Q[QTR]" (where [YEAR] is
the year of the quarter being checked
and [QTR] is the number of the
quarter being checked.)
Stop looking for extensions.
Set Missing Op Data to true
Set LinearityMissingOpDatalnfo = " [YEAR]
Q[QTR]" (where [YEAR] is the year of the
quarter being checked and [QTR] is the
number of the quarter being checked.)
Stop looking for extensions.
Stop looking for extensions.
if (Prior Linearity Record. Co mpo ncntTy pcCodc is NOT equal to "HG")
For each quarter beginning with the quarter after the End Quarter and continuing through the
quarter prior to the quarter of the CurrentDateHour
Locate a record in TestExtensionExemptionRecords where the ComponentID is equal to
the ApplicableComponentID and the ExtensionExemptionCode is equal to
"NONQAPB", and the Year/Quarter is equal to the year/quarter to check.
if (TestExtensionExemptionRecords is found)
Set NumberOfExtensionQuarters = NumberOfExtensionQuarters + 1.
Set PriorTestExpirationDateWithExtension = PriorTestExpirationDate.
Add NumberOfExtensionQuarters to PriorTestExpirationDateWithExtension.
Set Priori.inearityRecord.Tcst E\pi rat i onDatcWi thE\tcnsio n = PriorTestExpirationDate
If (CurrentDateHour is ON OR BEFORE the PriorTestExpirationDateWithExtension)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "IC-Extension".
else if (Missing Op Data == true)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Missing Op Data".
Set Priori, in earity Record. Tc s t E \ p i ra t i o n D a t c Wi t h E \ t c n s i o n = null
else if (Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator Array for the location == -1)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Invalid Op Data".
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Set GraceOpHours = RptPeriodOpHoursAccumulatorArray for the location.
if (GraceOpHours > 168)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Expired".
If there are NO quarters beginning with the LATER of the quarter after the
PriorTestExpirationDateWithExtension and the quarter of the EarliestLocationReportDate and
ending with the quarter prior to the CurrentDateHour,
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "IC-Grace".
For each quarter beginning with the quarter after the
PriorTestExpirationDateWithExtension and continuing through the quarter prior to the
if (EarliestLocationReportDate <= the last day of the quarter being checked)
Locate a record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation where the
reporting period is equal to the year/quarter being checked and the
OpTypeCode = "OPHOURS" and FuelCode is null.
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsByLocation is found)
Add Op Value to GraceOpHours.
if (GraceOpHours > 168)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "Missing Op Data".
Set LinearityMissingOpDatalnfo = "[YEAR] Q[QTR]" (where
[YEAR] is the year of the quarter being checked and [QTR] is
the number of the quarter being checked.)
exit for.
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Expired".
exit for.
if (CurrentLinearityStatus is null)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "IC-Grace".
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Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Hg Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
NOX Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Dry Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Wet Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
S02 Linearity Status Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Related Former Checks:
Determine Event Conditional Status
CEM Check
If a QA Cert Event was found that affects this MHV record, evaluate the conditional status.
Set SubsequentLinearityRecord = null.
if (CurrentLinearityStatus is null and PriorLinearityEventRecord is not null)
if (Prior Linearity Event Record.CondiUomlD'dVdBcginD'dldHour is null or CurrentDateHour is prior to the
Conditional DataBcginDatc/Hour)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Event".
if (CurrentMhvComponentType = "HG")
Locate the earliest record in LinearityTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus where the Test Type Code = "HGSI3,"
the ComponentID is equal to the ApplicableComponentID, the SpanScaleCode is equal to the
CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed, the CalculatedTestResult is not equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour is on or
after the Prior LinearityEventRecord.ConditiomJLDstaBQgvaDaiefRow.
Locate the earliest record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus where the ComponentID is equal to
the ApplicableComponentID, the SpanScaleCode is equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed, the
CalculatedTestResult is not equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour is on or after the
Prior LinearityEventRecord.ConditiomJLDataBQgvaDatQftiow.
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set SubsequentLinearityRecord = the found record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
if (/. inearity TestRecordsHy Location ForOA Status. Q A Needs E va 1 uat i o n F1 ag = "Y")
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "Recertification Test Not Yet Evaluated".
else if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestResultCode is null)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Recertification Test Has Critical Errors".
else if (LinearityTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestResultCode = "FAILED")
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Recertification Test Failed".
else if (LinearityTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.TestResultCode = "ABORTED")
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Recertification Test Aborted".
If (InvalidLinearityRecord is null)
if (CurrentMhvComponentType = "HG")
Locate the earliest record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus where the Test Type
Code = "HGSI3," the ComponentID is equal to the ApplicableComponentID, the SpanScaleCode is
equal to the CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed, the CalculatedTestResult is equal to "INVALID" and the
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EndDate/Hour is on or after the PriorLinearityEventRecord.ConditiomJLDakaBQgvnDaldKom and is
before the EndDate/EndHour of the Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus record retrieved
Locate the earliest record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus where the ComponentID
is equal to the ApplicableComponentID, the SpanScaleCode is equal to the
CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed, the CalculatedTestResult is equal to "INVALID" and the EndDate/Hour
is on or after the PriorLinearityEventRecord.ConditiomJLDataBQgvaDaiefRovLX and is before the
EndDate/EndHour of the LinearityTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus record retrieved above.
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set InvalidLinearityRecord = the found record in
Linearity TestRecordsByLocationF'or QAStatus.
if (CurrentLinearityStatus is null AND Annual Reporting Requirement == false)
If (Sub sequentLinearityRecord is not null and Su b sequent I. in earity Record. EndDate/Hour is greater than
October 30th of the year of the CurrentDateHour) OR (Sub sequentLinearity Record is null and the
CurrentDateHour is in the 3rd quarter))
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
if (CurrentLinearityStatus is null)
if (PriorLinearityEventRecord.LimantyCetfEvQnt == "Y") and (Priori An earity E vent Record. Sy stcmTy pcCodc is
NOT in set (ST))
if (PriorLinearityEventRecord.ExcnlCodc = 125)
If (Priori An earity E ventRecord. Mo ni to ri ngSy stem ID is null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Invalid Certification Event"
else if (the associated BeginDate of the system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord is null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Invalid Monitor System"
If (the associated SystemTypeCode of the system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord ==
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with the latest
UnitMonitorCertBeginDate where the ProgramCode is in
ProgramRequiresSo2SystemCertificationList and the
UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is ON OR BEFORE the associated BeginDate of the
system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord.
If (the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation is not found)
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with
the latest EmissionsRecordingBeginDate where the ProgramCode is in
ProgramRequiresSo2SystemCertificationList and the
EmissionsRecordingBeginDate is ON OR BEFORE the associated
BeginDate of the system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord.
else if (the associated SystemTypeCode of the system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord
== "NOX")
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with the latest
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UnitMonitorCertBeginDate where the ProgramCode is in
ProgramRequiresNoxSystemCertiJicationList and the
UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is ON OR BEFORE the associated BeginDate of the
system in the Prior LinearityEventRecord.
If (the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation is not found)
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with
the latest EmissionsRecordingBeginDate where the ProgramCode is in
ProgramRequiresNoxSystemCertiJicationList and the
EmissionsRecordingBeginDate is ON OR BEFORE the associated
BeginDate of the system in the Prior Linearity EventRecord.
else if (the associated SystemTypeCode of the system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord
== "NOXC")
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with the latest
UnitMonitorCertBeginDate where the ProgramCode is in
ProgramRequiresNoxcSystemCertiJicationList and the
UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is ON OR BEFORE the associated BeginDate of the
system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord.
If (the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation is not found)
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with
the latest EmissionsRecordingBeginDate where the ProgramCode is in
ProgramRequiresNoxcSystemCertiJicationList and the
EmissionsRecordingBeginDate is ON OR BEFORE the associated
BeginDate of the system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord.
else if (the associated SystemTypeCode of the system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord
== "HG")
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with the latest
UnitMonitorCertBeginDate where the ProgramCode is in set {MATS} and the
UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is ON OR BEFORE the associated BeginDate of the
system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord.
If (the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation is not found)
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with
the latest EmissionsRecordingBeginDate where the ProgramCode is in
set {MATS} and the EmissionsRecordingBeginDate is ON OR
BEFORE the associated BeginDate of the system in the
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with the latest
UnitMonitorCertBeginDate where the UnitMonitorCertBeginDate is ON OR
BEFORE the associated BeginDate of the system in the
If (the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation is not found)
Locate the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation with
the latest EmissionsRecordingBeginDate where the
EmissionsRecordingBeginDate is ON OR BEFORE the associated
BeginDate of the system in the PriorLinearityEventRecord.
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If (the record in LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation is not found)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "Missing Program".
else if (LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocationUmtMomtorCertDeadlim is not null)
if (CurrentDate is prior to the
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "IC-Conditional".
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
if (CurrentDate is prior to the
LocationProgramRecordsByHourLocation.UmtMomtorCertBeginDate + 180
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "IC-Conditional".
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
If (the number of calendar days ON OR AFTER the
Priori.inearityEventRecorcl.Q ACcrt Event Datc and ON OR BEFORE the CurrentDateHour >
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
else if (the quarter of the Priori, in earityE ventRecorcl. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c is equal to the quarter of
the CurrentDateHour)
If (the number of calendar days ON OR AFTER the
Priori, in earityE ventRecorcl. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c and ON OR BEFORE the
CurrentDateHour > 90)
If (Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator Array for the location == -1)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Invalid Op Data".
else if (the number of calendar days ON OR AFTER the
Prior L in earityE ventRecorcl. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c and ON OR BEFORE the
CurrentDateHour is equal to Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator Array for the
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "IC-Conditional".
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "IC-Conditional".
else if (Prior L in earityE ventRecorcl. M i nO p D ay s P ri o rQ ua rt e r is null)
Set PriorLinearityEventRecord.MinOpDaysPriorQuarter = 0
Set Prior L in earityE ventRecorcl. IVI a \ O p D ay s P ri o rQ ua rt c r = 0
for each quarter beginning with the quarter of the
Prior L in earityE ventRecorcl. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c and continuing through the quarter
BEFORE the CurrentDateHour.
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if (EarliestLocationReportDate <= the last day of the quarter being checked)
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation where the
OpTypeCode is equal to "OPDAYS" and the reporting period is equal to
the quarter being checked.
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is not found)
Set PriorLinearityEventRecord.MinOpDaysPnorQuarter = -1
Set Linearity MissingOpDatalnfo = "[YEAR] Q[QTR]" (where
[YEAR] is the year of the quarter being checked and [QTR] is
the number of the quarter being checked,
exit for.
If the quarter being checked is the quarter of the
Priori, in earityE vent Record. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c
If (()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location.Op Va 1 lie
MINUS the number of calendar days in the quarter
being checked that are PRIOR to the
Priori, in earityE vent Record. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c > 0)
Prior L in earityE ventRecord. IVI i nO p D ay s P ri o r
Quarter =
OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation. Op Va
lue MINUS the number of calendar days in the
quarter being checked that are PRIOR to the
Prior L in earityE ventRecord. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c
If (()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie is
less than the number of calendar days in the quarter
being checked that are ON OR AFTER the
Prior L in earityE ventRecord. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c)
Prior L in earityE ventRecord. IVI a x O p D ay s P ri o r
Quarter =
OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation. Op Va
Prior L in earityE ventRecord. IVI a x O p D ay s P ri o r
Quarter = the number of calendar days in the
quarter being checked that are ON OR AFTER
Prior L in earityE ventRecord. Q A C c rt E v e n t D a t c
PriorLinearityEventRecord.MinOpDaysPnorQuarter =
PriorLinearityEventRecord.MinOpDaysPnorQuarter +
()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie.
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Set PriorLinearityE vent Record. IVT axOpDay s
PriorQuarter =
Priori, in earityE ventRecord. IVI a \ O p D ay s P ri o rQ ua rt c r
+ ()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie.
if (Prior Linearity Event Record MinOpDax sPriorQimrlcr == -1
set CurrentLinearityStatus to "Missing Op Data"
else if (PriorEventRecord. MinOpDay sPriorQuarter + Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator
Array for the Location > 90)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
else if (Prior E vent Record. IVI a \ O p D ay s P ri o rQ ua rt c r + Rpt Period Op Days
Accumulator Array for the Location > 90)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Undetermined-Conditional Data".
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "IC-Conditional".
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "IC-Conditional".
If (the quarter of the PriorLinearityEventRecord.CondiUomlBcginDalc is equal to the quarter of the
Count the number of HourlyOpData records for the location where OpTime is greater than 0 and
Date/Hour is ON OR AFTER the PrioriAnearityEventRecord.Condi\\\om\\Bcg\nDi\\dY{oux and
ON OR BEFORE the CurrentDateHour,
If the number > 168,
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "IC-Conditional".
if (PriorLinearity E ventRecord.MinOpHoursPviorQwMcr is null)
Set PrioriJnearityEventRecord.MinOpHoursPviorQwMcr = 0
Set Prior L in earityE ventRecord. IVI ax O p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r = 0
for each quarter beginning with the quarter of the
PrioriJnearityEventRecord.Cond\Uom\\Bcgh\D'Mc and continuing through the quarter
BEFORE the CurrentDateHour.
if (EarliestLocationReportDate <= the last day of the quarter being checked)
if {Annual Reporting Requirement == false AND the quarter being
checked == 2)
Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation
where the OpTypeCode is equal to "OSHOURS" and the
reporting period is equal to the quarter being checked.
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Locate the record in OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation
where the OpTypeCode is equal to "OPHOURS", FuelCode is
null, and the reporting period is equal to the quarter being
if (OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation is not found)
Set PriorLinearityEventRecord .MinOpHoursPviorQwMcr = -1
Set Linearity MissingOpDatalnfo = "[YEAR] Q[QTR]" (where
[YEAR] is the year of the quarter being checked and [QTR] is
the number of the quarter being checked.)
exit for.
If the quarter being checked is the quarter of the
If (()per atingSuppDatuRecordsby Location.Op Va 1 lie
MINUS the number of calendar hours in the quarter
being checked that are PRIOR to the
Priori, in earityE ventRecorcl. IVI i nO p H o u rs P ri o r
Quarter =
OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation. Op Va
lue MINUS the number of calendar hours in
the quarter being checked that are PRIOR to
PriorLinearityE ventRecorcl. Co ndi t io rial EScgi n
If (()per atingSuppDatuRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie is
less than the number of calendar hours in the quarter
begin checked that are ON OR AFTER the
Prior L in earityE ventRecord. IVI a \ O p H o u rs P ri o r
Quarter =
OperatingSuppDataRecordsbyLocation. Op Va
Prior L in earityE ventRecord. IVI a \ O p H o u rs P ri o r
Quarter = the number of calendar hours in the
quarter being checked that are ON OR AFTER
PriorLinearityE ventRecord. Co ndi t io rial EScgi n
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+ ()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie.
Set Priori, in earityE vent Record. IVT a x O p H o u rs
PriorQuarter =
Prior L in earityE ventRecord. IVI a \ O p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt e r
+ ()per atingSuppDataRecordsby Location. O p Va 1 lie.
if (PriorLinearity E ventRecord.MinOpHoursPviorQwMcr == -1)
set CurrentLinearityStatus to "Missing Op Data"
else if (Rpt Period Op Days Accumulator Array for the location == -1)
if (PriorEventRecord. MinOpHoursPriorQuartcr > 168)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "Invalid Op Data".
if (Prior EventRecord. MinOpHoursPriorQuartcr + Rpt Period Op Hours Accumulator
Array for the Location > 168)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Conditional Period Expired".
else if (PriorE ventRecord. IVI a \ O p H o u rs P ri o rQ ua rt c r + Rpt Period Op Hours
Accumulator Array for the Location > 168)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "Undetermined-Conditional Data".
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "IC-Conditional".
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Hg Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
NOX Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Dry Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Wet Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
S02 Linearity Status Evaluation
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Check Code: LINSTAT-6
Check Name: Determine Final Linearity Status
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: CEM Check
Description: Evaluates the determined Linearity Status and changes it if needed based on an ignored test or the status of the
alternate range.
Set AlternateLinearityRecord = null
Set AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord = null
if {CurrentLinearityStatus begins with "OOC")
if (InvalidLinearityRecord is not null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status &
Return result CurrentLinearity Status.
else if (Current!JnearityStatus= "Invalid Monitor Span")
if (CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "H")
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status & " (High Scale)".
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status & " (Low Scale)".
Return result CurrentLinearity Status.
else if (DualRangeStatus = t rue and CurrentLinearity Status begins with "IC" or "Undetermined")
if (CurrentAnalyzerRangeUsed = "H")
Set AlternateAnalyzerRange = "L".
Set AlternateComponentID = LowRangeComponentlD.
Set AlternateAnalyzerRange = "H".
Set AlternateComponentID = HighRangeComponentlD.
for each record in MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation where the ComponentID is equal to the
Append MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation.SystQmK> to AlternateSystemlDs.
if (MonitorSystemComponentRecordsByHourLocation is not found)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Invalid Monitor System Component".
Return result CurrentLinearity Status.
if (CurrentMHVParameter in set {S02C, NOXC})
Locate the record in MonitorSpanRecordsByHourAndLocation for the hour where the ComponentTypeCode is equal to
the QaStatusComponentTypeCode and the SpanScaleCode is equal to the AlternateAnalyzerRange.
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if (MonitorSpanRecordsByHourAndLocation is not found OR more than one MonitorSpanRecordsByHourAndLocation
is found or MonitorSpanRecordstlyHourAndLocation.SpimVMuc is null or is less than or equal to 0)
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "Invalid Monitor Span".
if (AlternateAnalyzerRange = "H")
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status & " (High Scale)".
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status & " (Low Scale)".
Return result CurrentLinearity Status.
else if (MonitorSpanRecordsByHourAndLocation.SpimVMuc <=30)
If {CurrentLinearityStatus does not begin with "IC")
Return result CurrentLinearity Status.
exit check.
Locate the most recent record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the AlternateComponentID where the
SpanScaleCode is equal to the AlternateAnalyzerRange and the CalculatedTestResult is not equal to "INVALID" and the
EndDate/Hour is either:
a) prior to the CurrentDateHour OR
b) equal to the CurrentDateHour and the EndMinute is less than "45" and the CalculatedTestResult is equal to "PASSED" or
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set AlternateLinearityRecord = the found record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus.
Locate all records in QACertificationEventRecords where:
the Component® is equal to the AlternateComponentID
AND LinearityRequired is equal to "Y",
AND the QACertEventDate/Hour is either:
a) prior to the CurrentDateHour OR
b) equal to both the CurrentDateHour and the ConditionalDataBeginDate/Hour;
AND either
a) AlternateLinearityRecord is null OR
b) QACertEventDate/Hour is after the A Item at el. inearity Record. EndDate/Hour OR
c) QACertEventDate/Hour is equal to the A Item ateL inearity Record. E nd D a t c/H o u r A N D (TestCompletionDate is null or the
TestCompletionDate/Hour is after the A Item ateL inearity Record. EndDate/Hour)
AND either
a) DualRangeStatus = false OR
b) HighRangeComponentID <> LowRangeComponentID OR
c) QACertEventCode <>27 or 30 or 172 and AlternateAnalyzerRange = "H" OR
d) QACertEventCode <> 35 or 171 and AlternateAnalyzerRange = "L"
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if (QACertificationEventRecords is found)
if (OA CertificationEventRecorcls. Co ndi t io na 1Begi nDate/H our is null or CurrentDateHour is prior to the
If (CurrentLinearityStatus does not begin with "IC")
Return result CurrentLinearity Status.
Locate the most recent record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the AlternateComponentID
where the SpanScaleCode is equal to the AlternateAnalyzerRange, the CalculatedTestResult is equal to
"INVALID", and the EndDate/Hour is after the QACertificationEventRecords.QACertEventDate/Hour and prior
to the CurrentDateHour.
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord = the found record in
Linearity TestRecordsByLocationFor QAStatus.
Set AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord = null.
Locate the first record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus where the ComponentID is equal to the
AlternateComponentID, the SpanScaleCode is equal to the AlternateAnalyzerRange,the CalculatedTestResult is
not equal to "INVALID", and the EndDate/Hour is on or after the
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set AlternateLinearityRecord = the found record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationF or QAStatus.
if (AlternateLinearityRecord .QANeedsEvaluationFlag = "Y")
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Alternate Range Recertification Test Not Yet Evaluated".
else if (AlternateLinearityRecord .TestResultCode is null or is in set {FAILED, ABORTED})
If (AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord is null)
Locate the most recent record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the
AlternateComponentID where the SpanScaleCode is equal to the
AlternateAnalyzerRange, the CalculatedTestResult is equal to "INVALID", and the
EndDate/Hour is after the OA CertiftcationEventRecorcls.Q ACcrtEventDatc/Hour and
prior to the EndDate/Hour of the Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus record
retrieved above.
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord = the found record in
Linearity TestRecordsByLocationF or QAStatus.
if (AlternateLinearityRecord .TestResultCode is null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Alternate Range Recertification Test Has Critical
if (AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord is not null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status &
else if (AlternateLinearityRecord TestResultCode = "FAILED")
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Alternate Range Recertification Test Failed",
if (AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord is not null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status &
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else if (AltemateLinearityRecord .TestResultCode = "ABORTED")
Set CurrentLinearityStatus = "OOC-Alternate Range Recertification Test Aborted",
if (AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord is not null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status &
If {CurrentLinearityStatus does not begin with "IC")
Return result CurrentLinearity Status.
if (.AltemateLinearityRecord is found)
if (A IternateLinearityRecord. Q A Needs E va 1 uat i o n F1 ag = "Y")
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "Alternate Range Test Not Yet Evaluated".
else if {AltemateLinearityRecord. TestResultCode is null or is in set {ABORTED, FAILED})
Locate the most recent record in Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus for the
AlternateComponentID where the SpanScaleCode is equal to the AlternateAnalyzerRange and the
EndDate/Hour is prior to the CurrentDateHour and the EndDate/Hour is greater than the
A Item at el. inearity Record. E nd D a t c/H o u r and the CalculatedTestResult is equal to "INVALID".
if (Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus is found)
Set AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord = the found record in
Linearity TestRecordsByLocationFor QAStatus.
if (AltemateLinearityRecord .TestResultCode = null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Alternate Range Test Has Critical Errors",
if (AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord is not null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status &
else if (AltemateLinearityRecord .TestResultCode = "FAILED")
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Alternate Range Test Failed",
if (AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord is not null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status &
else if (AltemateLinearityRecord .TestResultCode = "ABORTED")
Set CurrentLinearity Status = "OOC-Alternate Range Test Aborted",
if (AlternatelnvalidLinearityRecord is not null)
Set CurrentLinearity Status = CurrentLinearity Status &
Set Current!JnearityStatus = "OOC-No Prior Alternate Range Test or Event".
If (Current!jnearityStatus does not begin with "IC")
Return result CurrentLinearity Status.
If (CurrentLinearityStatus does not begin with "IC")
Return result CurrentLinearity Status.
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Alternate Range
Test Not Yet
Alternate Range
Test Not Yet
Invalid Monitor
Span (High
Invalid Monitor
Span (Low Scale)
Invalid Monitor
Invalid Monitor
Invalid Op Data
Missing Op Data
Missing Program
Test Aborted
Test Aborted*
Test Failed
Test Failed*
Test Has Critical
Response Severity
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the prior [testtype] for Critical Error Level 1
the alternate range component with TestNumber [alttestnum] has not yet been
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the prior [testtype] for
the alternate range component with TestNumber [alttestnum] has not yet been
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the QA Certification
Event record for QACertEventCode [code] QACertEventDate [eventdate] has a critical
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because you did not report a
single, valid high-scale [comptype] span record that was active during the test.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because you did not report a
single, valid low-scale [comptype] span record that was active during the test.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the Monitor System
record for MonitoringSystemID [system] has a critical error.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because you did not report any
active Monitor System Component records for the alternate range of the component.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the OperatingTime in
at least one Hourly Operating Data records was missing or invalid.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the Op Supp Data
record for OPHOURS, OSHOURS, or OPDAYS is missing for
[MISSINGOPDATAINFO] (and possibly other previous reporting periods). If you
have submitted emissions data for prior quarters, you should be able to retrieve these
records by logging on to the EPA host.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because a Unit Program record
associated with the initial certification event for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate] either does not exist or has a
UnitMonitorCertificationBeginDate inconsistent with the BeginDate of the associated
Monitor System record.
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for
[key] with TestNumber [alttestnum] was aborted.
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for the alternate range of [key] with Critical Error Level 1
TestNumber [alttestnum] was aborted. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber
[altinvtestnum] was ignored.
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for Critical Error Level 1
[key] with TestNumber [alttestnum] failed.
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for Critical Error Level 1
[key] with TestNumber [alttestnum] failed. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber
[altinvtestnum] was ignored.
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for Critical Error Level 1
[key] with TestNumber [alttestnum] has critical errors.
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Test Has Critical
Range Test
Range Test
Range Test
Range Test
Range Test Has
Critical Errors
Range Test Has
Critical Errors*
Period Expired
Period Expired*
OOC-No Prior
3-Point SI or
OOC-No Prior
Alternate Range
Test or Event
OOC-No Prior
Test or Event
OOC-No Prior
Test or Event*
ion Test Aborted
ion Test
ion Test Failed
ion Test Failed*
ion Test Has
Critical Errors
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for Critical Error Level
[key] with TestNumber [alttestnum] has critical errors. An invalid [testtype] with
TestNumber [altinvtestnum] was ignored.
The prior [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for [key] with Critical Error Level
TestNumber [alttestnum] was aborted.
The prior [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for [key] with Critical Error Level
TestNumber [alttestnum] was aborted. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber
[altinvtestnum] was ignored.
The prior [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for [key] with Critical Error Level
TestNumber [alttestnum] failed.
The prior [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for [key] with Critical Error Level
TestNumber [alttestnum] failed. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber
[altinvtestnum] was ignored.
The prior [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for [key] with Critical Error Level
TestNumber [alttestnum] has critical errors.
The prior [testtype] for the alternate range of the component for [key] with
TestNumber [alttestnum] has critical errors. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber
[altinvtestnum] was ignored.
The conditional data period for QACertEventCode [code] QACertEventDate
[eventdate] for [key] has expired.
The conditional data period for QACertEventCode [code] QACertEventDate
[eventdate] for [key] has expired. A prior test was ignored.
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate], but you did not indicate the use of conditional data for
You reported a QA Certification Event record for QACertEventCode [code]
QACertEventDate [eventdate] for [key], but you did not indicate the use of conditional
data. An invalid [testtype] was ignored.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has expired.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has expired. An invalid prior
[testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
You did not report a prior three-point Hg system integrity check or certification event
for [key].
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
You did not report a prior [testtype] or certification event for the alternate range of the
component for [key].
Critical Error Level
You did not report a prior [testtype] or certification event for [key].
You did not report a valid prior [testtype] or certification event for [key]. An invalid
[testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [subtestnum] was
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [subtestnum] was
aborted. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
Critical Error Level
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [subtestnum] Critical Error Level
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [subtestnum] Critical Error Level
failed. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [subtestnum] has Critical Error Level
critical errors.
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ion Test Has
Critical Errors*
OOC-Test Failed
OOC-Test Has
Critical Errors
OOC-Test Has
Critical Errors*
Prior Test Not
Yet Evaluated
Test Not Yet
onditional Data
The subsequent recertification [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [subtestnum] has
critical errors. An invalid [testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The applicable prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] was aborted.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] was aborted. An invalid
prior [testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The applicable prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] failed.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] failed. An invalid prior
[testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The applicable prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has critical errors.
The prior [testtype] for [key] with TestNumber [testnum] has critical errors. An
invalid prior [testtype] with TestNumber [invtestnum] was ignored.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the applicable prior
[testtype] with TestNumber [testnum] has not yet been evaluated.
The [testtype] status for [key] could not be determined, because the subsequent
recertification [testtype] for the component with TestNumber [subtestnum] has not yet
been evaluated.
The software could not determine if the current hour was within the conditional data
period for QACertEventCode [code] QACertEventDate [eventdate] for [key]
Critical Error Level 1
cal Error Level 1
cal Error Level 1
cal Error Level 1
cal Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Critical Error Level 1
Informational Message
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
C02 Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
Hg Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
NOX Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Dry Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
02 Wet Linearity Status Evaluation
Emissions Data Evaluation Report
S02 Linearity Status Evaluation
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
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Check Code: LINSTAT-7
Check Name: Ensure Certifiying Three Level System Integrity Test Exists for Component
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: General Check
Description: For a Hg CEMS component, when LINSTAT-4 has assigned a status of IC, IC-Extension or IC-Grace,
perform the following:
1) Locate the most recent 3-Level SI.
2) If one does not exist, return a result.
3) Otherwise, locate an intervening certification event (120, 125) for the component.
4) If an event was located, do nothing.
5) Otherwise, return "OOC- No Priior HGSB Test or Event".
Set MatsCheckForHgsi3Ran to false.
If {CurrentLinearityStatus is equal to "IC", "IC-Extension" or "IC-Grace")
If (Prior Linearity Record .ComponcntTypcCodc is equal to "HG")
Locate the most recent record in LinearityTestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus where:
1) ComponentID is equal to Priori.inearityRecord. Co mpo ncn11d.
2) TestTypeCode is equal to "HGSB".
3) TestResultCode is equal to "PASSED" or "PASSAPS".
4) EndDateHour is prior to CurrentDateHour.
If NOT found,
Set CurrentLinearity Status to "OOC-No Prior 3-Point SI or Event".
Count records in QACertificationEventRecords where:
1) ComponentID is equal to Prior LinearityReeord. Co mpo nc n 11d.
2) QACertEventCode is equal to 120 or 125.
3) QACertEventDate/Hour is prior to CurrentDateHour.
4) QACertEventDate/Hour is after the EndDateHour of the located
Linearity TestRecordsByLocationForQAStatus record.
If the count is greater than 0,
Set CurrentLinearity Status to "OOC-No Prior 3-Point SI or Event".
Set MatsCheckForHgsi3Ran to true.
Result Response Severity
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report Hg Linearity Status Evaluation
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Check Category:
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Draft ECMPS Emissions Check Specifications
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Check Code: LME-11
Check Name: Check LTFF System
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
For the LTFF record:
If MonitoringSystemID is null,
return result A.
Locate the Monitor System record for the MonitoringSystemID.
If the associated SystemTypeCode is not equal to "LTOL" or "LTGS",
return result B.
Result Response Severity
A You did not report a MonitoringSystemID in an LTFF record. Fatal
B The MonitoringSystemID reported in the LTFF record for [key] is not a long-term fuel Critical Error Level 1
flow system.
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — Long Term Fuel Flow
1 Process/Category: LME Emissions Data Generation LTFF Heat Input Data
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Entry Screen Evaluation LTFF Data Evaluation
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Check Code: LME-13
Check Name: Check Long Term Fuel Flow Value
Related Former Checks:
Applicability: LME Check
For the LTFF record:
If the LongTermFuelFlow Value is null or is less than or equal to 0,
return result A.
Result Response Severity
A The [fieldname] reported in the LTFF record for [key] is missing or invalid. Critical Error Level 1
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Evaluation Report — LongTermFuelFlow
1 Process/Category: LME Emissions Data Generation LTFF Heat Input Data
1 Process/Category: Emissions Data Entry Screen Evaluation LTFF Data Evaluation
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Check Code:
Check Name:
Check Long Term Fuel Flow UOM
Related Former Checks:
LME Check
For the LTFF record:
If the LongTermFuelFlowUOMCode is null,
return result A.
If the SystemT |