PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. xvEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention Draft Risk Evaluation for Perchloroethylene (Ethene, l,l»2,2-Tetrachloro) Systematic Review Supplemental File: Consumer and General Population Exposure Monitoring Data Extraction Tables CASRN: 127-18-4 CI CI CI CI April 2020, DR4FT 1 ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Monitoring Data Extracted for Perc for Indoor Air, Personal Breathing Zone, Surface Water, and Wastewater Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score Indoor Air (ng/m3) US Michigan (south- east) Commercial/Public Office area of commercial buildings (n=4), including two art museums, a university building and a tire store/auto service. Stationary samples collected from breathing height. 2005- 2008 5(0.8) 0.002 ND to 39.7 8.02 (mean); 0.1 (median) 0.91 2214330 {Jia, 2010, 2214330} High US Detroit, Ml area Residential Homes (n=126) with children with asthma 2009- 2010 126 (0.91) 0.09 ND to 13.7 0.71 (mean); 0.26 (median) 2443355 {Chin, 2014, 2443355} High us California (statewide) Commercial/Public Furniture/hardware stores (n=8) 2011- 2013 58 (0.48) 0.32 0.32 to 22.2 5.6 (mean); NR (median) 2535652 {W. R. Chan, 2014, 2535652} High us California (statewide) Commercial/Public Grocery stores (n=S) 2011- 2013 76(0.32) 0.32 0.32 to 5.9 1 (mean); NR (median) 2535652 {W. R. Chan, 2014, 2535652} High us California (statewide) Commercial/Public Apparel stores (n=2) 2011- 2013 20(0.3) 0.32 0.32 to NR 0.2 (mean); NR (median) 2535652 {W. R. Chan, 2014, 2535652} High us Baltimore, MD Commercial/Public (Near Source: photocopy shop) Personal samples from breathing zone. One from each of the three printing centers. 2000 4(1) NR 0.678 to 3.39 2.04 (mean); 1.36 (median) 4.75 1953674 {Stefaniak, 2000, 1953674} High us Baltimore, MD Commercial/Public (Near Source: photocopy shop) Area samples from 2000 17 (0.94) NR ND to 21.7 2.04 (mean); 1.36 (median) 1953674 {Stefaniak, 2000, 1953674} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score different locations within each of the three printing centers. US Elizabeth, NJ; Houston, TX; and Los Angeles, CA Residential Non-smoking households (n=310) 1999- 2001 539 (NR) 0.21 NR 1.85 (mean); 0.82 (median) 7.29 2128575 {Su, 2013, 2128575} Medium US CA (five regions) Commercial/Public Commercial buildings (n= 37), 1 m from floor: Fleet service / Gas station convenience store, Dentist office / Healthcare facility, Grocery/ Restaurant, Hair salon / Gym, Office, Miscellaneous, Retail 2011 40 (0.94) 0.22 ND to 118 NR (mean); NR (median); 0.18 (GM) 1062239 {X. M. Wu, 2011, 1062239} High us Southeast Michigan Residential Homes (n = 15) sampled in various locations in the home (upstairs, downstairs) 2005 15 (0.73) 0.07 NR to 4.4 0.6 (mean); NR (median) 1065558 {Batterman, 2007, 1065558} High us Southeast Michigan Residential Garages of residences (n = 15) 2005 15 (0.33) 0.07 NR to 1.6 0.3 (mean); NR (median) 1.7 1065558 {Batterman, 2007, 1065558} High us Boston, MA Residential Garage of residences 2004- 2005 16(0.81) 0.07 ND to NR 2.8 (mean); 0.3 (median) 3.4 1065844 {Dodson, 2008, 1065844} High us Boston, MA Residential Apartment hallway of residences 2004- 2005 10 (0.9) 0.07 ND to NR 1.9 (mean); 0.8 (median) 0.92 1065844 {Dodson, 2008, 1065844} High us Boston, MA Residential Basement of residences 2004- 2005 52 (0.98) 0.07 ND to NR 1.7 (mean); 0.5 (median) 3.1 1065844 {Dodson, 2008, 1065844} High us Boston, MA Residential 2004- 83 (0.92) 0.07 ND to NR 1.9 (mean); 0.2 1065844 {Dodson, 2008, High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score Interior room of residences 2005 0.6 (median) 1065844} US Los Angeles Residential Homes (n=35) in inner-city neighborhood, sampled in the fall 2000 32(1) 0.15 0.6 to 6.8 1.8 (mean); 1.3 (median) 1.9 1066049 {S. N. Sax, 2004, 1066049} High US Los Angeles, CA Residential Homes (n=40) in inner-city neighborhood, sampled in the winter 2000 40(1) 0.15 0.7 to 11 2.3 (mean); 1.9 (median) 8.7 1066049 {S. N. Sax, 2004, 1066049} High us New York, NY Residential Homes (n=41) in inner-city neighborhood, sampled in the summer 1999 30 (0.78) 0.15 ND to 43 5.3 (mean); 2 (median) 13.1 1066049 {S. N. Sax, 2004, 1066049} High us New York, NY Residential Homes (n=38) in inner-city neighborhood, sampled in the winter 1999 36(1) 0.15 0.8 to 78 6.7 (mean); 3.5 (median) 1.2 1066049 {S. N. Sax, 2004, 1066049} High us Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Dearborn Michigan Residential Residences (n=159) in industrial, urban, and suburban cities over two seasons 2004- 2005 252 (0.99) 0.02 ND to 27.8 0.93 (mean); 0.39 (median) 1488206 {Jia, 2008, 1488206} Medium us CA School Early childhood education facilities (n=33) at sample height of 1 m. 2010- 2011 33 (0.52) NR 0.07 to 7.8 0.4 (mean); 0.1 (median); 0.1 (GM) 5.31 3453092 {T. Hoang, 2016, 3453092} High us Southern California Commercial/Public Gene Autry Museum, sampled in various areas (an exhibit area, 1989 600 (NR) NR 0.20 to 5.97 NR (mean); NR (median) 235 28104 {Hisham, 1991, 28104} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score hallway near truck delivery door, and conservation room) US Southeast Chicago Residential Urban homes (n=10) sampled over a 10-month period. Stationary samples were collected from the kitchen in the breathing zone. 1994- 1995 48(1) NR 0.54 to 13.1 2.61 (mean); 2.17 (median) 31210 {M. R. Van Winkle, 2001, 31210} High US NR Commercial/Public (Near Source: printmaking) Printmaking art studio at a university (n =1). Mechanically vented second- floor studio, with area samples collected near a cleaning station and in the middle of the studio during a printmaking session. 2002 18 (<1) NR ND to NR 0.4 (mean); 0.18 (median) 1.2 49414 {Ryan, 2002, 49414} High us NR Commercial/Public Non-art related floor at a university, three floors above a printmaking floor with separate ventilation (n =1). Area samples collected from hallway. 2002 18 (<1) NR ND to NR 0.4 (mean); 0.18 (median) 8.1 49414 {Ryan, 2002, 49414} High us Washington, DC Coin Operated 1980 18(1) NR 617 to 1357 882 (mean); - 58127 {Howie, 1981, High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score area Laundry with Dry Cleaning Machines Laundry facility (Site A), sampled at 6 to 7 ft above floor at three locations. Use of dry cleaning machine low, but dry-cleaned clothes stored on site. Large facility. Good airflow. NR (median) 58127} US Washington, DC area Coin Operated Laundry with Dry Cleaning Machines Laundry facility (Site C), sampled at 6 to 7 ft above floor at three locations. Eight attendant operated dry cleaning machines on-site. Good air circulation because of floor plan, front door open at all times. 1980 18(1) NR 1696 to 18318 8820 (mean); NR (median) 58127 {Howie, 1981, 58127} High US Washington, DC area Coin Operated Laundry with Dry Cleaning Machines Laundry facility (Site B), sampled at 6 to 7 ft above floor at three locations. 2 attendant operated dry- cleaning machines on-site. Ventilation and circulation good, front door 1980 18(1) NR 509 to 4749 2171 (mean); NR (median) 58127 {Howie, 1981, 58127} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score open regularly. US Washington, DC area Coin Operated Laundry with Dry Cleaning Machines Laundry facility (Site D), sampled at 6 to 7 ft above floor at three locations. Four customer- operated dry- cleaning machines on-site. Limited air circulation, but front door open at all times. 1980 18(1) NR 3148 to 4206 39351 (mean); NR (median) 58127 {Howie, 1981, 58127} High US Washington, DC area Coin Operated Laundry with Dry Cleaning Machines Laundry facility (Site E), sampled at 6 to 7 ft above floor at three locations. Four attendant- operated dry- cleaning machines on-site. Air- conditioned site with re-circulated indoor air. 1980 18(1) NR 12891 to 94985 58348 (mean); NR (median) 58127 {Howie, 1981, 58127} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score US Washington, DC area Coin Operated Laundry with Dry Cleaning Machines Laundry facility (Site F), sampled at 6 to 7 ft above floor at three locations. Eight attendant- operated dry cleaning machines on-site. Limited air circulation because of floor plan; front door open at all times. 1980 18(1) NR 2239 to 21032 8820 (mean); NR (median) 58127 {Howie, 1981, 58127} High US Denver, CO Residential Homes, occupied (n=9) 1994 9 (0.89) 0.14 ND to 1.99 0.66 (mean); 0.33 (median) 2.63 78782 {Lindstrom, 1995, 78782} Medium us Minneapolis, MN School Indoors in five randomly selected classrooms in each school, during the spring. 2000 113 (0.86) NR NR NR (mean); 0.3 (median) 632310 {Adgate, 2004, 632310} Medium us Minneapolis, MN School Indoors in five randomly selected classrooms in each school, during the winter. 2000 113 (0.96) NR NR NR (mean); 0.3 (median) 632310 {Adgate, 2004, 632310} Medium us Minneapolis, MN Residential Indoors in the child's primary residence, during the spring. 2000 113 (0.95) NR NR NR (mean); 0.4 (median) 632310 {Adgate, 2004, 632310} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score US Minneapolis, MN Residential Indoors in the child's primary residence, during the winter. 2000 113 (0.98) NR NR NR (mean); 0.5 (median) 632310 {Adgate, 2004, 632310} Medium MX Mexico City Metropolitan Area Residential Homes 1998- 1999 30(1) NR NR to 43.6 5.5 (mean); 3 (median); 3.6 (GM) 56224 {Serrano- Trespalacios, 2004, 56224} High CA NR Residential Homes (n=12), main floor 1986 12(1) NR 1 to 171 28.1 (mean); NR (median) 27974 {Chan, 1990, 27974} Medium CA NR Residential Homes (n=6), main floor 1987 6(1) NR 2 to 18 6.2 (mean); NR (median) 27974 {Chan, 1990, 27974} Medium IT NR Residential Control Homes - 25 private homes with individuals not occupationally exposed, but within the same district near the dry- cleaners' homes. 1994 25(1) 1 ND to 16 3 (mean); 2 (median); 2 (GM) 21778 {Aggazzotti, 1994, 21778} Medium IT Modena Residential Households (n=29) with no association with dry cleaning establishments. 1992- 1993 58 (NR) 1 1 to 56 NR (mean); 6 (median); 0.006 (GM) 3 74875 {Aggazzotti, 1994, 74875} High NL Ede and Rotterdam Residential Suburban homes built post WWII, Inner-city homes built prior to WWII, and newer homes < 6 years old. Samples collected in living room. 1981- 1982 319(0.3) 2 ND to 205 NR (mean); 1 (median) 22186 {Lebret, 1986, 22186} Medium Fl NR Residential Normal houses (not "sick houses"). 1995 50 (NR) NR ND to 5.65 0.46 (mean); 0.3 (median) 11 76241 {Kostiainen, 1995, 76241} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score 50 "Normal houses" in this study. Fl NR Residential "Sick houses" - houses in which people complained about the odor or they had symptoms, which resembled WHO's Sick Building Syndrome (headache, nausea, irritation of the eyes, mucous membranes, and the respiratory system, drowsiness, fatigue, and general malaise. 38 "sick houses" in this study. 1995 7 (NR) NR 0.19 to 29.8 4.86 (mean); 0.73 (median) 0.66 76241 {Kostiainen, 1995, 76241} Medium SG nation-wide School Child-care centers (n=104), sampled from middle of the classroom near the breathing zone of children (approximately 0.5-0.7 m) 2007 84 (0.72) 0.6 ND to 8.5 NR (mean); 0.3 (median) 632758 {Zuraimi, 2008, 632758} High DE Hamburg area Vehicle (Near Source: dry- cleaning) Dry-cleaned down jacket placed into a car. 1990 3(1) NR 9300 to 24800 NR (mean); NR (median) 713690 {Gulyas, 1990, 713690} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score SA Kuwait Residential Houses (n=20), sampled from living room 1998 226 (0.93) 0.26 ND to NR NR (mean); NR (median) 1744157 {Bouhamra, 1999, 1744157} Medium FR nation-wide Residential Main dwellings(n=490), samples collected from bedroom. 2003- 2005 490 (0.84) 0.4 ND to 72.1 NR (mean); 1.3 (median) 733119 {Billionnet, 2011, 733119} Medium FR Paris area Residential Homes (n=196) of the PARIS birth cohort with sampling in the infant bedroom at 1, 6, 9, and 12 months old.. Annual levels averaged from hot and cold seasonal levels. 2003- 2007 177(1) 0.4 0.6 to 124.2 NR (mean); 2.3 (median); 2.8 (GM) 2128839 {Roda, 2013, 2128839} Medium FR Paris area Residential Homes (n=196) of the PARIS birth cohort with sampling in the infant bedroom at 1, 6, 9, and 12 months old. Hot season levels. 2003- 2008 177 (NR) 0.4 0.4 to 245 NR (mean); 2.1 (median); 2.4 (GM) 2128839 {Roda, 2013, 2128839} Medium FR Paris area Residential Homes (n=196) of the PARIS birth cohort with sampling in the infant bedroom at 1, 6, 9, and 12 months old.. Cold season levels. 2003- 2009 177(1) 0.4 0.6 to 59.2 NR (mean); 2.4 (median); 2.8 (GM) 15.8 2128839 {Roda, 2013, 2128839} Medium FR nation-wide Residential 2003- 98 (NR) NR NR 5.3 (mean); 10.6 2855333 {Brown, 2015, Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score Dwellings with clothes that have been dry cleaned in the previous 4 weeks. (n=94) 2005 NR (median); 2.5 (GM) 2855333} FR nation-wide Residential Dwellings without clothes that have been dry cleaned in the previous 4 weeks. (n=447) 2003- 2005 456 (NR) NR NR 3.7 (mean); NR (median); 1.1 (GM) 32.6 2855333 {Brown, 2015, 2855333} Medium RS Novi Sad Commercial/Public (Near Source: photocopy shop) Photocopy shop (n=l) with a desktop computer, laptop computer, 2 copiers, and a printer 2015 225 (0.64) 6.78 6.78 to 96342 4953 (mean); 6.78 (median) 3371701 {Kiurski, 2016, 3371701} Medium SG NR Commercial/Public Office building (n=l), 6 months old with normal occupancy and steady state ventilation system, sampled in the middle 2004 8 (NR) NR NR 2321 (mean); NR (median) 78.5 3393192 {K. W. Tham, 2004, 3393192} Low DE Essen and Borken Residential Residential homes, collected in room where inhabitants spent the most amount of time at a height of 1.5 to 2 meters. 1996 229(1) NR 0.03 to 7.33 2.21 (mean); NR (median) 3561656 {Begerow, 1996, 3561656} High DE Leipzig Residential Homes (n=85), sampled from 1997- 1999 85 (NR) NR NR NR (mean); 1.8 (median) 34460 {Lehmann, 2002, 34460} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score bedroom of infants for 4 weeks after birth. EU Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Belgium, UK, France, Austria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, and Albania School Kindergartens (n=25). 2014 25 (NR) NR ND to 6 1 (mean); 0.18 (median) 2 4440449 {Ec, 2014, 4440449} High EU Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Belgium, UK, France, Austria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, and Albania School Primary schools (n=300). 2014 300 (NR) NR ND to 81 1 (mean); 0.18 (median) 2 4440449 {Ec, 2014, 4440449} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score EU Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Belgium, UK, France, Austria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, and Albania School Primary schools where teachers participated (n=106). 2014 106 (NR) NR ND to 31 1 (mean); 0.18 (median) 4440449 {Ec, 2014, 4440449} High CN NR Commercial/Public Non-office premises (n=10) including one library, one social services center, two customer services centers, two shopping malls, two recreational building units, one reception area and one training center under renovation. 1.1 m above the floor level. 1998- 2000 10 (0.6) 0.3 ND to 10.9 3 (mean); 2.2 (median); 1.4 (GM) 9.2 824555 {Chao, 2001, 824555} Medium CN NR Commercial/Public Office buildings (n=10), 1.1 m above the floor 1998- 2000 10 (0.6) 0.3 ND to 30.5 5.2 (mean); 1.8 (median); 1.9 (GM) 824555 {Chao, 2001, 824555} Medium CN Shanghai Residential Eight residences that had been 2015 8 (NR) NR NR 2.38 (mean); 0.72 (median) 0.15 3453725 {Dai, 2017, 3453725} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score renovated within the previous year. Three sampling sites were used in each participating residence (the living room, bedroom, and study). JP Shimizu, Shizuoka Prefecture Residential Single-family houses (n=25) in industrial harbor area, sampled in the main living area 2001 25(1) NR NR NR (mean); NR (median); 0.16 (GM) 632484 {Ohura, 2006, 632484} High JP Shimizu, Shizuoka Prefecture Residential Single-family houses (n=21) in industrial harbor area, sampled in the main living area 2001 21(1) NR NR NR (mean); NR (median); 0.16 (GM) 0.33 632484 {Ohura, 2006, 632484} High JP Katsushika Ward, Tokyo Residential 30 houses' bathrooms, sampled for 4 consecutive 24 hour periods. n=119 1995 119(1) NR 0.363 to 22.5 2.56 (mean); NR (median); 1.83 (GM) 3545469 {Amagai, 1999, 3545469} Medium JP Katsushika Ward, Tokyo Residential 13 houses' living rooms, sampled for 4 consecutive 24 hour periods. n=52 1995 52(1) NR 0.294 to 8.13 1.42 (mean); NR (median); 0.986 (GM) 3545469 {Amagai, 1999, 3545469} Medium JP Katsushika Ward, Tokyo Residential 13 houses' kitchens, sampled for 4 consecutive 24 hour periods. n=52 1995 52(1) NR 0.295 to 8.25 1.17 (mean); NR (median); 0.829 (GM) 3545469 {Amagai, 1999, 3545469} Medium JP Katsushika Ward, Residential 1995 52(1) NR 0.215 to 10.6 1.64 (mean); - 3545469 {Amagai, 1999, Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score Tokyo 13 houses' bedrooms, sampled for 4 consecutive 24 hour periods. n=52 NR (median); 0.998 (GM) 3545469} JP Katsushika Ward, Tokyo Residential 13 houses' bathrooms, sampled for 4 consecutive 24 hour periods. n=52 1995 52(1) NR 0.172 to 5.36 1.06 (mean); NR (median); 0.774 (GM) 3545469 {Amagai, 1999, 3545469} Medium JP Katsushika Ward, Tokyo Residential 30 houses' living rooms, sampled for 4 consecutive 24 hour periods. n=238 1995 238(1) NR 0.292 to 57 3.69 (mean); NR (median); 2.36 (GM) 3545469 {Amagai, 1999, 3545469} Medium JP Katsushika Ward, Tokyo Residential 30 houses' kitchens, sampled for 4 consecutive 24 hour periods. n=119 1995 119(1) NR 0.339 to 30.8 3.03 (mean); NR (median); 2.02 (GM) 3545469 {Amagai, 1999, 3545469} Medium JP Katsushika Ward, Tokyo Residential 30 houses' bedrooms, sampled for 4 consecutive 24 hour periods. n=238 1995 238(1) NR 0.358 to 71 4.24 (mean); NR (median); 2.42 (GM) 3545469 {Amagai, 1999, 3545469} Medium Personal Breathing Zone (ng/m3) US IL, IN, OH, Ml, MN, Wl (Great Lakes Region) Residential Non- institutionalized persons residing in households in six states 1995- 1997 386 (0.61) NR ND to NR 31.9 (mean); 1.98 (median) 14003 {Clayton, 1999, 14003} High US Columbus, OH Residential Non-smoking women (n=24) with non-smoking 1991 24 (NR) NR ND to 5.13 1.24 (mean); 0.7 (median) 1.46 22045 {Heavner, 1995, 22045} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score husbands US Columbus, OH Residential Non-smoking (n=25) women with smoking husbands 1991 25 (NR) NR ND to 3.78 0.89 (mean); 0.68 (median) 0.96 22045 {Heavner, 1995, 22045} Medium US NR Commercial/Public (Near Source: printmaking) 12 students and 1 faculty member in university art (printmaking) studio. Mechanically ventilated second- floor. 2002 90 (NR) NR ND to NR 0.7 (mean); 0.5 (median) 2.3 49414 {Ryan, 2002, 49414} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score US NR General Personal VOC exposures of 851 adults, who were part of the NHANES study (no additional exclusion criteria), sampled via badge-type passive exposure monitors for 48-72 h. Additionally, participants were administered a short questionnaire regarding the length of time they wore their badge and 30 other questions on factors potentially related to VOC exposures, e.g., contact with dry cleaning, tobacco smoke and gasoline vapor over the past several days. 1999- 2000 665 (0.69) 0.42 ND to 659 5.2 (mean); 0.7 (median); 1 (GM) 31.2 484177 {Jia, 2008, 484177} High US Minneapolis, MN Residential In personal breathing zones, during the winter. 2000 113(1) NR NR 0.4 (median) 632310 {Adgate, 2004, 632310} Medium us Minneapolis, MN Residential In personal breathing zones, during the spring. 2000 113 (0.97) NR NR 0.4 (median) 632310 {Adgate, 2004, 632310} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score US Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN General Adults, non- smoking (n=70) living in three neighborhoods: (inner- city/economically disadvantaged, blue-collar/near manufacturing plants, and affluent) 1999 333(1) NR NR 27.8 (mean); 0.9 (median) 730121 {Sexton, 2007, 730121} High US Elizabeth, NJ; Houston, TX; and Los Angeles, CA General Adults (n=309) and children (n=118) from 310 non- smoking households. 1999- 2001 544 (NR) 0.21 NR 7.17 (mean); 0.89 (median) 112.35 2128575 {Su, 2013, 2128575} Medium us Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Drug Stores (n=8) 2003 7 (NR) 0.22 0.45 to 2.16 0.86 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High us Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Furniture Stores (n=ll) 2003 6 (NR) 0.22 0.49 to 6.35 1.34 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High us Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Grocery Stores (n=16) 2003 12 (NR) 0.22 0.42 to 4.83 0.95 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High us Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Hardware Stores (n=32) 2003- 2004 23 (NR) 0.22 0.22 to 21.1 1.79 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High us Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Housewares Stores (n=16) 2003 7 (NR) 0.22 1.27 to 7.41 1.48 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High us Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Multipurpose Stores (n= 24) 2003- 2005 43 (NR) 0.22 0.52 to 43.8 1.18 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High us Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Sporting Goods Stores (n=14) 2003 7 (NR) 0.22 1.24 to 11.6 2.96 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High us Greater Boston Commercial/Public 2004 20 (NR) 0.22 0.24 to 83.4 NR - 2442846 {Loh, 2006, High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score Metropolitan Area Dining Stores (n=20) 2442846} US Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Transportation Stores(n=5) 2003- 2004 21 (NR) 0.22 0.32 to 5.17 0.78 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High US Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Department Stores (n=10) 2004 5 (NR) 0.22 1.27 to 4.89 2.04 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High us Greater Boston Metropolitan Area Commercial/Public Electronics Stores (n=9) 2004 7 (NR) 0.22 ND to 8.49 0.47 (GM) 2442846 {Loh, 2006, 2442846} High us CA and NJ General Adults conducting normal daily activities 1981- 1984 772 (NR) 0 NR 5.6 to 45 (mean) 23081 {Wallace, 1986, 23081} High us NR Mixed Use NHANES study measured exposures on adults aged 20-59 years to TCE. Participants wore passive exposure monitors. Returned 2-3 days later at which time a short survey was administered regarding activities potentially related to exposures. 1999- 2000 633 (0.686) NR 0.1 to 659.1 0.7 (median); 1 (GM) 2331366 {D'Souza, 2009, 2331366} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score MX Mexico City Metropolitan Area General General - different activity patterns: Three individuals from each family were selected to represent different activity patterns: a long commuter, another engaged in some activities outside the home during the day but with no routine long commutes, and one staying at or near the home most of the day 1998- 1999 90(1) NR NR to 84.4 5.9 (mean); 3.7 (median); 4.1 (GM) 9.9 56224 {Serrano- Trespalacios, 2004, 56224} Low Indoor Air, Personal Breathing Zones, and Breath from Exposure Studies with Dry-Cleaned Textiles (|jg/m3) US Bayonne and Elizabeth, NJ Residential Indoor air of living rooms and bedrooms of nine homes with two to ten sets of dry- cleaned clothes were brought into the homes. NR 18 NR NR to 297 NR 28307 {Thomas, 1991, 28307} High US Bayonne and Elizabeth, NJ Residential Personal air two to ten sets of dry- cleaned clothes were brought into the homes. NR 7 1 NR to 303 NR 28307 {Thomas, 1991, 28307} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score US Bayonne and Elizabeth, NJ Residential Exhaled breath, two to ten sets of dry-cleaned clothes were brought into the homes. NR 7 1 NR to 303 NR 28307 {Thomas, 1991, 28307} High US NR Residential Single story residential house with dry-cleaning placed in closet. Samples collected from the closet. NR NR 1 NR 100-2,900 (daily avg) 27401 {Tichenor, 1990, 27401} High us NR Residential Single story residential house with dry-cleaning placed in closet. Samples collected from the bedroom. NR NR 1 NR 20-195 (daily avg) 27401 {Tichenor, 1990, 27401} High us NR Residential Single story residential house with dry-cleaning placed in closet. Samples collected from the den. NR NR 1 NR 10-80 (daily avg) 27401 {Tichenor, 1990, 27401} High us Washington, DC Residential In late summer; Private home in rural residential area. Samples collected over 7 days after placing dry-cleaned clothing in the house. 1980 7(1) NR 42.0 to 692 NR 58127 {Howie, 1981, 58127} High us NR Automobile Modeled air concentration in NR NR NR NR to 2,300 NR 85812 {Park, 1998, 85812} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score vehicle with dry- cleaned jacket. DE NR Automobile Car with a dry- cleaned down jacket placed in the car. 1990 3(1) NR 9,300 to 24,800 NR 713690 {Gulyas, 1990, 713690} Medium CN Hong Kong Residential Home (Site A) with dry cleaned clothes in closet of urban 5th floor apartment bedroom. 1996 28(1) NR 4.6 to 76 NR 3559311 {Chao, 1999, 3559311} Medium CN Hong Kong Residential Home (Site B) with dry cleaned clothes in closet of suburban 2nd floor apartment bedroom. 1996 28(1) NR 21 to 494 NR 3559311 {Chao, 1999, 3559311} Medium CN Hong Kong Residential Home (Site C) with dry cleaned clothes in closet of urban 10th floor apartment bedroom. 1996 28(1) NR 0.93 to 100 NR 3559311 {Chao, 1999, 3559311} Medium JP NR Residential Homes in Japan, dry cleaned clothes sampled in chest of drawers. NR 9(1) NR 2.9 to 326.6 NR 3563210 {Kawauchi, 1989, 3563210} Medium JP NR Residential Homes in Japan, dry cleaned clothes sampled in same room as chest of drawers. NR 6(1) NR 1.3 to 7.4 NR 3563210 {Kawauchi, 1989, 3563210} Medium Surface Water (|Jg/L) US Anchorage, AK Background 1998- 11(0) 0.2 All ND ND NR 3975042 {Usgs, 2006, Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score Chester Creek (6 urban sampling sites) 2001 3975042} US Nation-wide Background Surface water for drinking water sources (rivers and reservoirs) 1999- 2000 375 (0.008) 0.2 ND to 5.5 NR NR 3975046 {Usgs, 2003, 3975046} Medium US Nation-wide Surface water for drinking water sources (rivers and reservoirs) 1999- 2000 375 (0.0027) 0.2 ND to 2.6 NR NR 3975046 {Usgs, 2003, 3975046} Medium US to CL NR Background Eastern Pacific Ocean (California, US to Valparaiso, Chile) 1979- 1981 30 (0.90) 0.0001 ND to 0.0028 0.7 (mean); 0.0004 (median) 0.0007 29192 {Singh, 1983, 29192} Medium US to CL NR Eastern Pacific Ocean (California, US to Valparaiso, Chile) 1979- 1981 30 (0.93) 0.0004 ND to 0.008 0.0031 (mean) 0.0032 29192 {Singh, 1983, 29192} Medium BR NR Background Santo Antonio da Patrulha, Tres Coroas, and Parobe in the Sinos River Basin; River samples collected from seven points on the three main rivers of the Sinos River Basin 2012- 2013 60 (0.083) NR ND to 0.8 0.03 (mean) NR 3489827 {Bianchi, 2017, 3489827} Medium BR NR Santo Antonio da Patrulha, Tres Coroas, and Parobe in the Sinos River Basin; River samples collected from seven points on the three main rivers of the Sinos River Basin 2012- 2013 60 (0.72) NR ND to 0.0588 0.0019 (mean) NR 3489827 {Bianchi, 2017, 3489827} Medium CN NR Background Yellow Sea and East China Sea (53 2011 53(1.0) NR 0.00022 to 0.0051 0.0019 (mean) NR 2128010 {He, 2013, 2128010} High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score stations) CN NR Background Daliao River (n=20 sites), heavily industrialized 2011 20(0.1) NR NR to 0.11 0.016 (mean) NR 3488897 {Ma, 2014, 3488897} High CN NR Background East China Sea; Seawater (41 stations) 2010 41(1) NR 0.000065 to 0.0015 0.0004 (mean) NR 1940132 {He, 2013, 1940132} High ES North-Western area Background River Duero (11 stations) 2007 11 (NR) NR NR to 0.09 0.01 (mean) NR 3501965 {Blanco, 2010, 3501965} Medium GB NR Background Irish Sea; Liverpool Bay and River Mersey (18 stations) 2006 18 (NR) 0.000025 ND to 0.0455 NR NR 2277377 {Bravo-Linares, 2007, 2277377} Medium RU NR Background Kalmykian Steppe; Rivers, springs, lakes, salt lakes (n=23); polluted and remote areas 1999- 2003 23 (0.83) 0.005 ND to 310 24.6 (mean) 81.8 104106 {Weissflog, 2004, 104106} Medium PT Nation-wide Background sea, estuarine, river water and industrial effluents (46 water sample locations) 1999- 2000 644 (0.20) 0.4 ND to 13 NR NR 659075 {Martinez, 2002, 659075} Medium BE NR Background Southern North Sea; Southern Bight, Belgian Continental Shel, the mouth of the Scheldt estuary, and the Channel (10 stations total) 1998- 2000 47 (NR) NR NR to 0.28 0.023 (mean); 0.0015 (median) NR 660096 {Huybrechts, 2005, 660096} High EU NR Background Estuaries of the Scheldt (n=2), Thames, Loire, Rhine 1997- 1999 73 (NR) 0.000099 ND to 1.2 NR NR 3242836 {Christof, 2002, 3242836} High EU NR Estuaries of the 1997- 73(1) NR 0.0003 to 4.98 NR NR 3242836 {Christof, 2002, High ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score Scheldt (n=2), Thames, Loire, Rhine 1999 3242836} GR Northern Greece Background Rivers (n=4) and lakes (n=5). Rivers sampled at the estuary and near the frontier. Lakes - Vegoritida, Volvi, Vistonida, Large Prespa and Small Prespa. Rivers - Evros, Nestos, Strimonas, and Axios 1996- 1998 104 (NR) 0.02 ND to 0.19 NR NR 1024859 {Kostopoulou, 2000, 1024859} High JP Osaka Background Rivers in heavily industrialized area (n=10 stations). Wastewater treatments upstream from the sampling sites. 1995- 1997 106 (0.85) NR 0.47 to 86.2 4.83 (mean); 2.44 (median) 9.32 2310570 {Yamamoto, 2001, 2310570} Medium FR Paris Background River samples (raw) collected from the River Seine (n=14 stations), River Marne (n=l station) and River Oise (n=l station). Wastewater treatment plants are located on the river. 1994- 1995 43(1) NR 0.068 to 1.037 0.31 (mean); 0.196 (median) 0.248 3587944 {Duclos, 2000, 3587944} Medium FR Paris River samples (raw) collected from the River Seine (n=14 stations), River Marne (n=l station) and River Oise (n=l station). Wastewater 1994- 1995 43(1) NR 0.016 to 4.92 1.004 (mean); 0.473 (median) 1.218 3587944 {Duclos, 2000, 3587944} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score treatment plants are located on the river. JP Osaka Rivers and estuaries (30 sites) in industrialized city 1993- 1995 136 (NR) NR NR to 134 1.7 (median) NR 645789 {Yamamoto, 1997, 645789} High BE NR Background Southern North Sea and Scheldt Estuary; Seven sites in the southern North Sea and Scheldt Estuary. 1994- 1995 38 (NR) NR NR 0.00268 (median) NR 644857 {Dewulf, 1998, 644857} High EU NR Background Mersey Estuary; Freshwater input collected from the Howley Weir. 1987- 1989 5 (NR) NR NR 0.6 (mean); 0.6 (median) NR 2802879 {Rogers, 1992, 2802879} Medium GR Thermaikos and Kavala, Northern Greece Background Seawater collected from Thermaikos Gulf (6 stations; near large city and industrial area) and Kavala Gulf stations (4 stations; near small city and off- shore oil-wells). 1981- 1982 10(1) NR 0.00027 to 0.003 0.00131 (mean); 0.00116 (median) 0.00099 4149731 {Fytianos, 1985, 4149731} Low CH Background Background River Aare; River samples collected at River Aare. 1980- 1981 12 (NR) NR NR 0.24 (mean) 0.12 3797825 {Schwarzenbach, 1983, 3797825} Medium CH Background Background River Glatt; River samples collected at River Glatt. 1979- 1980 16 (NR) NR NR 0.6 (mean) 0.70 3797825 {Schwarzenbach, 1983, 3797825} Medium GB NR Background Estuaries, docks, channels, bays, and inshore (n=48) 1992 48 (0.44) NR 0.01 to 0.274 0.04491 (mean); 0.0125 (median) 0.0645 2803418 {Dawes, 1994, 2803418} Medium SE Stenungsund area Background Seawater (n=13 1988 52 (NR) NR NR 0.0025 (mean) NR 658636 {Abrahamsson, 1989, 658636} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score stations), sampled on two occasions (depths of 1-10 m) in area of petrochemical centre GB NR Background and Near Facility (Ship Tanker Cleaning Operations) North Sea; North Sea: 32 sampling stations in the Thames, Humber, Tees, Forth, and Felixstowe (0 to 20 miles from shore) and the Central North Sea (distance from shore not provided). Tank cleaning operations at North Sea ports. 1986 32 (0.47) 0.002 ND to 0.16 15 (mean); 0.002 (median) 0.037 4149734 {Hurford, 1989, 4149734} Medium IT Emilia-Romagna region Background Canal (n=l) which receives wastewater. 1984 6 (0.574) NR 18 to 168 136 (mean) NR 4149721 {Aggazzotti, 1986, 4149721} Low AQ NR Background Northern Victoria Land; Five lakes (Carezza Lake, Edmonson Point Lakes, Tarn Flat Lake, Inexpressible Island Lake and Gondwana Lake) 2011- 2012 6(1) NR 0.0056 to 0.0166 0.0097 (mean) 0.0038 2800175 {Insogna, 2014, 2800175} High AQ NR Background Ross Sea 1997- 1998 48 (NR) NR 0.0002 to 0.071 0.02 (mean); 0.0056 (median) 0.023 2189687 {Zoccolillo, 2004, 2189687} Medium AQ NR Background Lakes at Tarn Flat and Edmonson Point; Two freshwater lakes 1998 4 (NR) NR 0.0023 to 0.0041 0.0032 (mean); 0.0031 (median) 0.0007 2189687 {Zoccolillo, 2004, 2189687} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score AQ NR Background Lake water collected from 3 sites (Carezza Lake, Tarn Flat, Inexpressible Island at altitude m 100) and Ice water collected from 3 sites (Corner Glacier, Edmonson Point, Onyx River) 1988- 1989 6 (NR) NR 0.0011 to 0.0099 NR NR 3544414 {Zoccolillo, 1994, 3544414} Medium AQ NR Background Lake water collected from 5 sites (Carezza Lake, Edmonson Point at altitude m 190, Tarn Flat, Inexpressible Island at altitude m 100 & altitude m 50) and Ice water collected from 3 sites (Corner Glacier, Inexpressible Island, Wood Bay) 1989- 1990 8 (NR) NR 0.0014 to 0.0043 NR NR 3544414 {Zoccolillo, 1994, 3544414} Medium AQ NR Background Lake water collected from 5 sites (Carezza Lake, Edmonson Point at altitude m 190 & altitude m 20, Tarn Flat, Inexpressible Island at altitude m 100) and Sea water collected from 1 site (Icarus Field) 1990- 1991 6 (NR) NR 0.0002 to 0.0011 NR NR 3544414 {Zoccolillo, 1994, 3544414} Medium Wastewater (|Jg/L) KR Nation-wide Near Facility (industrial WWTPs) Influent/Effluent 2012 81 (NR) 1 1 to 23 1 (median) 3580141 {Lee, 2015, 3580141} Medium ------- PEER REVIEW DRAFT. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE. Country State/City/Region Site Year No. of Samples (Det. Freq.) Detection Level Concentration Reference (HERO ID) Range Central Tendency Standard Deviation HERO Citation Data Eval. Score KR Nation-wide Near Facility (industrial WWTPs) Effluent 2012 81 (0) 1 ND 3580141 {Lee, 2015, 3580141} Medium Biota (ng/kg) BE Nation-wide Background Eel, skin 2003 20(0.5) 0.1 0.1 to 89 13.4 (mean); 0.78 (median) NR 1066543 {Roose, 2003, 1066543} Medium Study Info: The information provided includes the HERO ID and citation; country and year samples collected; number of samples and detection frequency. Abbreviations: If a value was applicable, it is shown in this table as ND = not detected at the reported detection limit; GM = geometric mean; NR = not reported. The following abbreviations are for countries/continents: AQ = Antarctica, BE = Belgium, BR = Brazil, CA = Canada, CH = Switzerland, CL = Chile, CN = China, DE = Germany, ES = Spain, EU = Europe, Fl = Finland, FR = France, GB = Great Britain, GR = Greece, IT = Italy, JP = Japan, KR = Korea, MX = Mexico, NL = Netherlands, PT = Portugal, RS = Serbia, RU = Russia, SA = Saudi Arabia, SE = Sweden, SG = Singapore, US = United States. Parameters: All statistics are shown as reported in the study. All minimum values determined to be less than the detection limit are shown in this table as "ND". If a maximum value was not provided, the highest percentile available is shown (as indicated in parentheses); if a minimum value was not provided, the lowest percentile available is shown (as indicated in parentheses). ------- |