V>EPA DELTA SHIPYARD SUPERFUND SITE United States MEETING Environmental Protection Agency Houma, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana February 2015 PLANNED ACTIVITIES/MEETING This Fact Sheet will tell you about... • History • NPL Listing • Planned Activities/Meeting • For More Information During the Remedial Investigation phase of the Superfund Process, the EPA will continue with Enforcement Investigation to determine a potentially responsible party. A meeting is scheduled for February 10, 2015 to explain the Superfund Process and current activities at the Site. HISTORY For a number of years prior to 1986, the Delta Shipyard Site operated as a boat and barge cleaning and repair facility owned by Delta Ironworks. Oily wastes from the cleaning operations were stored in several unlined earthen pits at the site. These pits were used as evaporation ponds and possibly used to dispose of oil field drilling material. During the 1970s and 80s, the property changed hands through several mergers and sales. In January 2012, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for assistance in evaluating the site. NPL LISTING The EPA finalized the placement of the Delta Shipyard Site (Site) on the National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL is EPA's list of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for long-term cleanup under the federal Superfund program. The Site was proposed to the NPL on May 12, 2014 and officially added September 18, 2014. The Site is located at 200 Dean Court in southeastern Houma, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. Large volumes of waste remain on Site, and hazardous substances were found in ground water, surface water and soil. Wetlands surrounding the Site are contaminated with metals and poly aromatic hydrocarbons. Open House Terrebonne Parish Library 151 Liberty Drive Houma, Louisiana 70360 6 pm - 8 pm Feb. 10, 2015 FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact... Brian Mueller Remedial Project Manager U.S. EPA, Region 6 Tel: 214-665-7167 Mueller.brian@epa.gov Bill Little Community Involvement Coordinator U.S. EPA, Region 6 (6SF-VO) Tel: 214-665-8131 or 1-800-533-3508 Fax: 214-665-6660 Little.bill@epa.gov Donn Walters Regional Public Liaison U.S. EPA (6SF-VO) (214) 665-6483 or 1-800-553-3508 Walters.donn@epa.gov Inquiries from the news media should be directed to the External Affairs Office at 214.665.2200 or by email at R6press@epa.gov. ------- The Superfund Process Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection (PA/SI) Site (Evaluation Record of Decision (ROD) and Responsivness Summary '°n (R A) Operation and Maintenance SEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 1445 Ross Ave. (6SF-V0) Dallas, TX 75202 ------- |