United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA530-R-08-001 February 2008 National Priority Chemicals Trends Report (2001-2005) Section 4 Chemical Specific Trends Analyses for Priority Chemicals (2001-2005): Phenanthrene Hazardous Waste Minimization and Management Division Office of Solid Waste U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Contact Information: Bill Kline, Senior Data Analyst Analysis & Information Branch (540) 341-3631 kline.bill@epa.gov Tammie Owen, Data Analyst Analysis & Information Branch (703) 308-4044 owen.tammie@epa.gov Ben Lesser, Chief Analysis & Information Branch (703) 308-0314 lesser.ben@epa.gov ------- Phenanthrene Chemical Information: Alternate Names - PhenAnthracene General Uses - Phenanthrene is used to make dyes, plastics, pesticides, explosives and drugs. It has also been used to make bile acids, cholesterol and steroids. How Much Phenanthrene Was Generated? Exhibit 4.148. National Generation of Phenanthrene (2001-2005) TRI Reporting Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Quantity of Phenanthrene (pounds) 236,791 2,309,918 1,817,968 2,376,755 1,429,592 Number of TRI Facilities Reporting Phenanthrene 52 51 57 57 58 For 2005, 58 facilities reported approximately 1.4 million pounds of phenanthrene, representing an increase of approximately 1.2 million pounds, or 504 percent, compared to the total quantity of phenanthrene reported for 2001 (Exhibit 4.148). Although the number of facilities has increased only slightly since 2001, the quantity reported has fluctuated significantly each year with changes of approximately: an increase of 2.1 million pounds in 2002, a decrease of 492,000 pounds in 2003, an increase of 559,000 pounds in 2004, and a decrease of 947,000 pounds in 2005. Exhibit 4.149. Distribution of Quantities for Facilities Reporting Phenanthrene (2005) Phenanthrene (1,429,592 pounds) Quantity Reported Number of Facilities Reporting This Quantity (2005) Percent of Total Quantity of Phenanthrene (2005) up to 10 pounds 3 < 0.1% between 11 -100 pounds 10 < 0.1% between 101 -1,000 pounds 21 0.7% between 1,001 - 10,000 pounds 17 4.5% between 10,001 - 100,000 pounds 4 7.7% between 100,001 - 1 million pounds 4 87.0% > 1 million pounds 0 0.0% Four of the 58 facilities accounted for 87 percent of the total reported quantity of phenanthrene for 2005 (Exhibit 4.149). 4-106 ------- WASHINGTON (maineV EPA Region 1 north DAKOTA MONTANA MINNESOTA # EPA Region 8 IDAHO EPA \ Region \wisconsin /new I V & YORK \ yEPA i Region 2 [ Huron NEWHAMPSH SOUTH DAKOTA MASSAT-HWSET1 pWTODEIS VC-^MffecTICUT WYOMING ICHIGAN NEBRASKA IOWA NEVADA EW JERSEY OHIO J ^EPASJ f*EST Region 3^ ^VIRGINIA ^ VIRGINIA EPA Region 9 ILLINOIS ELAWARE [RYLAND COLORADO KANSAS MISSOURI KENTUCKY NORTH CAROLII ARIZONA HEW MEXICO SOUTH CAROLINA ARKANSAS UNITED STATES ALABAMA TEXAS Alaska XI CO FLORID/ Where Was Phenanthrene Generated? Exhibit 4.150. Location of Facilities that Reported Phenanthrene (2005) '^7 Facilities Reporting Phenanthrene (2005) Office of Solid Waste - Fall 2007 Analysis and Information Branch Pacific Ocean 58 Facilities Reporting Phenanthrene A 10 largest facilities reporting phenanthrene Other facilities reporting phenanthrene Atlantic Ocean For 2005, 59 facilities in 25 states reported phenanthrene (Exhibit 4.150). Exhibit 4.151. Quantity of Phenanthrene, by EPA Region and State, for Facilities Reporting EPA Region State 2001 (pounds) 2002 (pounds) 2003 (pounds) 2004 (pounds) 2005 (pounds) Percent of Total National Quantity of Phenanthrene (2005) 4 KY 0 1,500 740,470 804,786 759,162 53.1% 5 IN 5,423 90 200,452 170,452 180,134 12.6% 4 AL 1,235 1,917 3,901 118,803 156,592 11.0% 6 LA 19,355 10,679 5,234 325,024 155,912 10.9% 6 TX 99,828 1,884,994 757,623 873,999 68,038 4.8% 5 Ml 0 4,128 12,311 6,380 28,314 2.0% 3 WV 22,979 14,900 34,351 26,628 26,620 1.9% 5 IL 8,591 10,134 8,778 12,332 16,956 1.2% 3 PA 8,698 10,700 29,237 18,622 15,793 1.1% 9 CA 1,133 1,244 5,213 5,157 8,890 0.6% Total 167,242 1,940,287 1,797,570 2,362,183 1,416,411 99.1% 4-107 ------- From 2001 to 2004, facilities in EPA Region 6 reported the largest quantities of phenanthrene (Exhibit 4.151). For 2005, facilities in EPA Region 4 reported approximately 64 percent of the total national quantity of phenanthrene. Some highlights concerning trends for the reported quantity of phenanthrene in states include: In Kentucky, the large increase in 2003 resulted primarily from a facility that began reporting phenanthrene for 2003. This facility produces carbon rods for aluminum smelting. Quantities correlate with the production of carbon rods. In Indiana, a facility reporting phenanthrene for the first time for 2003, reported 200,000 pounds and has reported the largest quantity of this PC each year since 2003. In Alabama, a facility reported an increase of approximately 117,000 pounds for 2004. The increased quantity resulted from the shutdown of the facilities, including the clean-up and cleanout of tanks and processing of residuals. In Louisiana, a facility reported 320,000 pounds for 2004 as a result of using a fuel oil (containing phenanthrene) as an alternative source of energy for its boiler. In Texas, a facility reported an increase of approximately 1.8 million pounds for 2002 followed by a decrease of approximately 1.1 million pounds for 2003. Exhibit 4.152. Quantity of Phenanthrene, by State and County, for Facilities Reporting 95 Percent of the Total Quantity (2005) State County Quantity (pounds) of Phenanthrene Percent of Total National Quantity of Phenanthrene (2005) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 KY Hancock 0 0 739,970 804,286 758,174 53.0% IN Lake 8 0 200,000 170,000 180,000 12.6% AL Jefferson 1,235 937 2,921 118,165 155,954 10.9% LA East Baton Rouqe 8,453 7,062 4,327 323,480 154,198 10.8% TX Jefferson 0 7,450 7,411 34,888 30,834 2.2% Ml Wayne 0 4,128 12,311 6,380 28,314 2.0% TX Galveston 55,169 44,604 8,262 26,335 28,231 2.0% WV Brooke 22,979 14,900 34,351 26,628 26,620 1.9% One facility in Hancock County, Kentucky reported 53 percent of the total quantity of phenanthrene for 2005 (Exhibit 4.152). 4-108 ------- Which Industries Generated Phenanthrene? Exhibit 4.153. Industry Sector Quantities of Phenanthrene for Facilities Reporting in 2005 Primary SIC Code SIC Description Number of Facilities Reporting Phenanthrene in This SIC Code (2005) Quantity (pounds) of Phenanthrene Percent of Total Quantity of Phenanthrene (2005) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 3334 Primary aluminum 2 250 1,179 741,470 804,914 759,081 53.1% 2911 Petroleum refininq 25 9,252 17,106 221,409 223,827 233,096 16.3% 2865 Cyclic crudes and intermediates 6 97,255 387,495 51,255 161,904 223,710 15.6% 2869 Industrial orqanic chemicals, nec 8 83,624 66,893 33,886 364,031 188,993 13.2% 3312 Blastfurnaces and steel mills 5 3,165 2,023 29,682 19,418 11,412 0.8% 2491 Wood preservinq 3 399 228 551 386 5,317 0.4% 3272 Concrete products, nec 3 3,630 7,928 6,934 752 4,995 0.3% 3624 Carbon and qraphite products 3 1,854 1,780 1,070 1,490 2,153 0.2% 2952 Asphalt felts and coatinqs 1 250 980 980 638 638 0.0% 2821 Plastics materials and resins 1 828 1,658 1,122 998 168 0.0% 4925 Gas production and/or distribution 1 5,387 27 451 451 29 0.0% Total 58 205,894 487,298 1,088,810 1,578,809 1,429,592 100.0% For 2005, facilities in 11 SIC codes reported phenanthrene (Exhibit 4.153); facilities in four industry sectors reported approximately 98 percent of the total quantity. Some highlights concerning trends for the reported quantity of phenanthrene in industry sectors include: SIC 3334 (Primary aluminum) Since 2003, one facility, located in Kentucky, has reported approximately 99 percent of the total quantity in this industry sector. This facility uses coal tar pitch and coke to produce carbon rods (anodes) for aluminum smelting. Quantities of phenanthrene generated correlate with the production of carbon rods. SIC 2911 (Petroleum refining) Since 2003, one facility, located in Indiana, reported up to 90 percent of the total quantity. SIC 2865 (Cyclic crudes and intermediates) For 2002, approximately 92 percent of the phenanthrene reported by SIC 2865 facilities resulted from activities related to the shutdown of a facility in Ohio, including the clean-up and cleanout of tanks and processing of residuals. For 2004 and 2005, approximately 70 percent of the quantity was reported by another facility (same company), located in Alabama, that also was being shut down. SIC 2869 (Industrial organic chemicals, nec) A facility in Louisiana reported 320,000 pounds for 2004 and 150,000 pounds for 2005. These quantities resulted from the use of a fuel oil (containing phenanthrene) as an alternative source of energy for its boiler. SIC 2812 (Alkalies and chlorine) and SIC 2819 (Industrial inorganic chemicals, nec) One facility, located in Texas, reported 100 percent of the quantity for 2001 and 2002. For 2003, this same facility reported as a SIC 2819 (Industrial inorganic chemicals, nec) facility and accounted for 100 percent of the total quantity reported for this industry sector for 2003 and 2004. The facility did not report phenanthrene for 2005 and is therefore not included in Exhibit 4.153. 4-109 ------- How Did Facilities Manage Phenanthrene? Exhibit 4.154. Trends in Management Methods for Phenanthrene (2001-2005) Management Method for Phenanthrene 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Disposal Quantity (pounds) 74,673 42,529 73,264 86,541 115,881 Energy Recovery Quantity (pounds) 98,317 2,196,260 749,232 1,226,240 283,009 Treatment Quantity (pounds) 63,801 71,129 995,472 1,063,974 1,030,703 Recycled (pounds)2' 477,928 1,000,783 769,120 1,247,335 1,287,911 Exhibit 4.154 shows the national trends for how facilities managed phenanthrene in 2001-2005. Disposal: From 2002 to 2004, less than 4 percent of phenanthrene was disposed of. In 2005, the quantity of phenanthrene disposed of increased by approximately 30,000 pounds, primarily as a result of activities related to the shutdown of two facilities (same company) in Alabama and Michigan. Energy Recovery: Since 2001, the quantity used for energy recovery has fluctuated widely from year to year. For 2002, a facility in Texas reported an increase of approximately 1.8 million pounds followed by a decrease of approximately 1.1 million pounds in 2003, as well as a decrease of approximately 797,000 pounds in 2005. For 2002, another facility, located in Ohio, reported an increase of approximately 320,000 pounds. For 2004, a facility in Louisiana reported an increase of 320,000 pounds followed by a decrease of 170,000 pounds in 2005. Treatment: Since 2003, facilities treated approximately an average of 1 million pounds each year. A Kentucky facility first reported phenanthrene for 2003 and has treated approximately an average of 767,000 pounds each year. Recycling: Since 2001, facilities recycled significant quantities, including approximately an average of 1.1 million pounds per year since 2002. Since 2002, a facility in Texas has recycled approximately an average of 599,000 pounds each year. Another facility in Texas recycled approximately an average of 358,000 pounds in 2004-2005. 27 For additional information on recycled quantities see footnote 8. 4-110 ------- Exhibit 4.155. Management Methods for Phenanthrene in Industry Sectors (2005) Primary SIC Code SIC Code Description Onsite Disposal (pounds) Offsite Disposal (pounds) Onsite Energy Recovery (pounds) Offsite Energy Recovery (pounds) Onsite T reatment (pounds) Offsite T reatment (pounds) Onsite Recycling (pounds) Offsite Recycling (pounds) 3334 Primary aluminum 907 5,046 0 0 753,128 0 1,060 0 2911 Petroleum refining 611 5,291 67 1,417 224,220 1,491 312,910 142 2865 Cyclic crudes and intermediates 0 91,856 0 125,378 5,746 730 80,464 120,105 2869 Industrial organic chemicals, nec 0 2,088 150,000 690 3,105 33,110 0 616,620 3312 Blast furnaces and steel mills 0 2,977 419 0 91 7,925 25,460 30,000 2491 Wood preserving 0 337 0 4,969 0 11 1,085 0 3272 Concrete products, nec 0 3,972 0 0 0 1,023 0 0 3624 Carbon and graphite products 0 2,153 0 0 0 0 14,007 0 2952 Asphalt felts and coatings 0 638 0 0 0 0 0 0 2821 Plastics materials and resins 0 0 0 69 99 0 0 0 4925 Gas production and/or distribution 0 5 0 0 12 12 86,058 0 Total 1,518 114,363 150,486 132,523 986,401 44,302 521,044 766,867 Exhibit 4.155 shows how facilities, by SIC code, managed phenanthrene in 2005. Two facilities (same company) in SIC 2865 (Cyclic crudes and intermediates) undergoing shutdown reported approximately 54 percent of the quantity disposed of. One of these facilities also reported approximately 97 percent of the quantity sent for offsite energy recovery. A facility in SIC 2869 (Industrial organic chemicals, nec), located in Louisiana, reported virtually 100 percent of the quantity going for onsite energy recovery. Overall, for non-recycled quantities, facilities treated approximately 69 percent of phenanthrene onsite. Two facilities, one each in SIC 3334 (Primary aluminum) and SIC 2911 (Petroleum refineries) reported approximately 95 percent of the onsite treatment quantity. A facility in SIC 2869, located in Texas, reported approximately78 percent of the quantity recycled. 4-111 ------- Facilities Only Recycling Phenanthrene Exhibit 4.156. Facilities That On y Recycled Phenanthrene in 2005 Primary SIC Code SIC Code Description State County Onsite Recycling (pounds) Offsite Recycling (pounds) Total Recycling (pounds) 3312 Blast furnaces and steel mills PA Allegheny 48,341 0 48,341 AL Jefferson 10,000 0 10,000 NY Erie 8,786 0 8,786 PA Erie 767 0 767 2911 Petroleum refining VA York 111 0 111 2851 Paints and allied products OH Erie 58 0 58 5171 Petroleum bulk stations and terminals CA Los Angeles 0 1 1 Total 68,063 1 68,064 For 2005, seven facilities in four industry sectors reported they only used recycling to manage approximately 68,100 pounds of phenanthrene (Exhibit 4.156). Four facilities in SIC 3312 (Blast furnaces and steel mills) reported nearly 100 percent of the total quantity. 4-112 ------- |