United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA530-R-08-001 February 2008 National Priority Chemicals Trends Report (2001-2005) Section 4 Chemical Specific Trends Analyses for Priority Chemicals (2001-2005): 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB) Hazardous Waste Minimization and Management Division Office of Solid Waste U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Contact Information: Bill Kline, Senior Data Analyst Analysis & Information Branch (540) 341-3631 kline.bill@epa.gov Tammie Owen, Data Analyst Analysis & Information Branch (703) 308-4044 owen.tammie@epa.gov Ben Lesser, Chief Analysis & Information Branch (703) 308-0314 lesser.ben@epa.gov ------- 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB) Chemical Information: Alternate Names - 1,2,4-trichlorobenzol General Uses - 1,2,4-TCB is used as an intermediate or building block to make herbicides. It is also used as a solvent and dielectric fluid, degreaser, and lubricant. How Much 1,2,4-TCB Was Generated? Exhibit 4.1. National Generation of 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene (2001-2005) TRI Reporting Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Quantity of 1,2,4-TCB (pounds) 2,144,696 1,527,029 1,674,802 1,888,685 1,269,422 Number of TRI Facilities Reporting 1,2,4-TCB 18 17 18 17 11 For 2005, 11 facilities reported approximately 1.3 million pounds of 1,2,4-TCB, representing a decrease of approximately 875,000 pounds, or 41 percent, compared to the total quantity of 1,2,4-TCB reported for 2001. Although the number of reporting facilities reporting to TRI remained relatively constant from 2001-2004, the number of facilities reporting 1,2,4-TCB in 2005 also dropped by approximately 40 percent (Exhibit 4.1) Exhibit 4.2. Distribution of Quantities for Facilities Reporting 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (2005) 1,2,4 -TCB (1,269,422 pounds) Quantity Reported Number of Facilities Reporting This Quantity (2005) Percent of Total Quantity of 1,2,4- TCB in 2005 up to 10 pounds 2 < 0.1% between 11 -100 pounds 0 0.0% between 101 -1,000 pounds 6 0.2% between 1,001 - 10,000 pounds 1 0.3% between 10,001 - 100,000 pounds 1 5.0% between 100,001 - 1 million pounds 1 94.5% > 1 million pounds 0 0.0% Exhibit 4.2 shows the number of facilities that reported 1,2,4-TCB for 2005 within a range of reported quantities. As noted, one facility reported approximately 95 percent of the total national quantity of 1,2,4-TCB. 4-3 ------- MMAINQ EPA Region J, WASHINGTON NORTH DAKOTA MINNESOTA /NEW ( v £ YORK V \ Region 2 IDAHO IAMPSHI EPA Region 10 | Huron Region 5 tWJSCONSI! SOUTH DAKOTA WYOMING [HJJSET MICHIGAN A^Hobe IS :oNhecticut EPA Region 8 PENNSYLVANIA' EPA Region,3-£ NEVADA IOWA NlsW JERSEY NEBRASKA I Region 7 EPA Region 9 ILLINOIS ¦LA WARE RYLAND COLORADO VIRGINIA CALIFORNIA MISSOURI KANSAS VIRGINIA KENTUCKY NORTH CAROLINA ARIZONA - -Ern t SOUTH Region 4 \carouma ARKANSAS NEW MEXICO | EPA s Region 6 UNITED STATES AJaska Gulf of Mexico ;florid< Where Was 1,2,4-TCB Generated? Exhibit 4.3. Location of Facilities that Reported 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (2005) 11 Facilities Reporting 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene A 3 largest facilities reporting 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene Other facilities reporting 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean f Guam H Facilities Reporting 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (2005) Office of Solid Waste - Fall 2007 Analysis and Information Branch For 2005, 11 facilities in seven states reported 1,2,4-TCB (Exhibit 4.3). Exhibit 4.4. Quantity of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene, by EPA Region and State, for Facilities Reporting 99.9 Percent of the Total Quantity (2005) EPA Region State 2001 (pounds) 2002 (pounds) 2003 (pounds) 2004 (pounds) 2005 (pounds) 6 LA 1,501,961 994,066 1,300,394 1,546,407 1,199,457 4 KY 37,746 8,494 62,989 60,139 63,260 5 OH 0 3,177 12,046 4,905 4,504 6 TX 221,394 31,704 34,031 90,624 1,315 Since 2001, facilities in EPA Region 6 consistently reported most of the 1,2,4 -TCB, including approximately 95 percent of the total quantity reported for 2005 (Exhibit 4.4). Over the last two reporting years, facilities in most EPA regions have significantly reduced this PC. One facility, located in Louisiana, reported approximately 95 percent of the total national quantity of 1,2,4-TCB for 2005. This same facility has accounted for the majority of the total national quantity of 1,2,4-TCB reported since 2001. The nearly 200,000 pound increase reported by this facility for 2004, as well as the approximately 300,000 pound decrease reported for 2005, likely resulted from a combination of fluctuations in facility production and the quantity of wastes from offsite sources (containing 1,2,4-TCB) incinerated at this facility. 4-4 ------- Compared to the quantities of 1,2,4-TCB reported for 2001, facilities in 10 of 12 states significantly decreased or even eliminated this PC by 2005. Since 2001, facilities in four states reported approximately 94 percent of the decrease: Louisiana (303,000 pounds) West Virginia (231,000 pounds) Texas (221,000 pounds) Illinois (100,000 pounds) Other highlights concerning trends for the reported quantity of 1,2,4-TCB in states include: In Oregon, a federal facility accounted for the total quantity of 1,2,4-TCB reported since 2002. This facility burned 1,2,4-TCB as a surrogate in trial burns to ensure its incinerators were properly operating. In 2005, this facility did not use 1,2,4-TCB. In Texas, facilities reported an overall decrease of approximately 400,000 pounds since 2001. Fluctuations in quantity reported, including a significant increase in 2004 followed by a significant decrease in 2005, were likely due to year to year variations in the quantity of offsite wastes incinerated in one facility's industrial furnace. In California, the facility that reported most of the 1,2,4-TCB from both 2002 and 2003 did not report a quantity in 2004 or 2005. The Illinois facility that accounted for the total quantity of 1,2,4-TCB in Illinois since 2001 was shut down in July 2004. Exhibit 4.5. Quantity of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene, by State and County, for Facilities Reporting 99.5 Percent of the Total Quantity (2005) State County Quantity (pounds) of 1,2,4-TCB Percent of Total Quantity of 1,2,4- TCB (2005) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 LA Calcasieu 1,501,961 993,819 1,300,394 1,500,850 1,199,452 94.5% KY Greenup 37,730 8,474 62,982 60,138 63,259 5.0% One facility, located in Calcasieu County, Louisiana, reported approximately 95 percent of the total national quantity of 1,2,4-TCB in 2005 (Exhibit 4.5). A facility located in Greenup County, Kentucky reported a significant increase of 1,2,4-TCB for 2003 and has continued to report a relatively constant quantity since then. 4-5 ------- Which Industries Generated 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene? Exhibit 4.6. Industry Sectors Quantities of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (2001-2005) Primary SIC Code SIC Description Facilities Reporting 1,2,4-TCB in This SIC Code (2005) Quantity (pounds) of 1,2,4-TCB Percent of Total Quantity of 1,2,4- TCB (2005) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2812 Alkalies and chlorine 2 1,733,669 993,819 1,304,170 1,500,850 1,199,791 94.5% 2865 Cyclic crudes and intermediates 2 137,730 123,848 162,751 119,924 67,363 5.3% 2891 Adhesives and sealants 1 0 0 0 0 900 0.1% 2879 Pesticides and agricultural chemicals, nec 1 3,100 5,300 5,400 3,744 415 < 0.1% 2869 Industrial organic chemicals, nec 3 21 272 13 3,494 406 < 0.1% 3711 Motor vehicles and car bodies 1 0 2,357 9,855 0 400 < 0.1% 3731 Ship building and repairing 1 0 0 205 163 147 < 0.1% Total 11 2,144,696 1,527,029 1,674,802 1,888,685 1,269,422 100.00% For 2005, facilities in seven SIC codes reported 1,2,4-TCB (Exhibit 4.6). A facility in SIC 2812 (Alkalies and chlorine) reported the largest quantities of 1,2,4-TCB from 2001 to 2005. 4-6 ------- How Did Facilities Manage 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene? Exhibit 4.7. Trends in Management Methods for 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (2001-2005) Management Method for 1,2,4-TCB 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Disposal Quantity (pounds) 5,299 7,216 17,138 6,573 4,490 Energy Recovery Quantity (pounds) 448,305 118,074 136,029 131,669 2,171 Treatment Quantity (pounds) 1,691,092 1,401,739 1,521,634 1,750,443 1,262,761 Recycled (pounds)9 78,099 46,190 40,478 38,311 549,254 Compared to the quantities in 2001, the disposal, treatment, and energy recovery of 1,2,4-TCB decreased in 2005 (Exhibit 4.7). Some highlights concerning the management of 1,2,4-TCB include: Disposal: Since 2001, only relatively small quantities of 1,2,4-TCB were disposed of; the approximately 4,500 pounds disposed in 2005 were the fewest from 2001-2005. Energy Recovery: Compared to the quantity sent to energy recovery in 2001, there was a dramatic decrease such that energy recovery was the least used method to manage 1,2,4-TCB in 2005. Treatment Since 2001, facilities have primarily treated 1,2,4-TCB. In 2005, the quantity of 1,2,4-TCB treated decreased significantly, compared to quantities treated in 2001, as well as in 2004. Recycling: In 2005, recycling of 1,2,4-TCB increased significantly. This increase, most of which was reported by a facility in Louisiana, more than offset the corresponding decrease in treatment reported by this same facility. 9 For additional information on recycled quantities see footnote 8. 4-7 ------- Exhibit 4.8. Management Methods for 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene in Inc Primary SIC Code SIC Code Description Onsite Disposal (pounds) Offsite Disposal (pounds) Onsite Energy Recovery (pounds) Offsite Energy Recovery (pounds) Onsite T reatment (pounds) Offsite T reatment (pounds) Onsite Recycling (pounds) Offsite Recycling (pounds) 2812 Alkalies and chlorine 0 14 0 1 1,199,380 396 542,550 6,578 2865 Cyclic crudes and intermediates 0 3,656 1,803 0 0 61,904 0 0 2869 Industrial organic chemicals, nec 5 0 0 0 1 400 7 0 2879 Pesticides and agricultural chemicals, nec 415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2891 Adhesives and sealants 0 0 220 0 680 0 110 9 3711 Motor vehicles and car bodies 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 3731 Ship building and repairing 0 0 0 147 0 0 0 0 Total 420 4,070 2,023 148 1,200,061 62,700 542,667 6,587 ustry Sectors (2005) A facility in SIC 2812 (Alkalies and chlorine) used onsite treatment for most of the 1,2,4-TCB reported for 2005 (Exhibit 4.8). This same facility reported most of the recycling of this PC. Two facilities in SIC 2865 (Cyclic crudes and intermediates) primarily used offsite treatment. Only relatively smaller quantities of 1,2,4-TCB were managed by either land disposal or energy recovery. 4-8 ------- |