PEER REVIEW DRAFT DOCUMENT - DO NOT CITE or QUOTE xvEPA United States Office of Chemical Safety and Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Draft Risk Evaluation for Carbon Tetrachloride Systematic Review Supplemental File: Data Quality Evaluation of Physical-Chemical Properties Studies CASRN: 56-23-5 CI m January 2020 1 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table of (on tents Table 1. Physical Form Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride (1 of 2) 3 Table 2. Physical Form Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride (2 of 2) 4 Table 3. Melting Point Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 5 Table 4. Boiling Point Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 6 Table 5. Density Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 7 Table 6. Vapor Pressure Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 8 Table 7. Vapor Density Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 9 Table 8. Water Solubility Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 10 Table 9. Octanol-water Partition Coefficient Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 11 Table 10. Henry's Law Constant Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 12 Table 11. Flash Point Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 13 Table 12. Viscosity Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 14 Table 13. Refractive Index Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 15 Table 14. Dielectric Constant Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride 16 2 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 1. Physical Form Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride (1 of 2) Study Reference: CHRIS. (1984). CHRIS hazardous chemical data. US Coast Guard. Vol 2. Washington, DC. HERO ID: 17566 Note: CHRIS (1984) was not available for review. Data from CHRIS (June 1999) was evaluated in its place. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represent at neness 1 lie information or Jala rellects the (.Uila and Midi Hie data was measured for the substance of interest chemical substance t\pe Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. :ilii;ilion/Rc\ iew I he information or data reported has reliable re\ iew 1 ,o\\ The information or data is from a recognized data collection Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Medium Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated. Reliability/Analytic Method The information or data reported is from a 1 .OW Data source does not pro\ ide information reuardum the reliable method. analytical method Overall Quality Level Medium 3 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 2. Physical Form Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride (2 of 2) Study Reference: O'Neil, M.J., ed. (1996). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. 12th ed., Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., p. 1054. HERO ID: 670297 Note: O'Neil (1996) reported the physical form. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represent at neness The information or Jala rellects llie data and chemical substance l\|V Midi Hie data was measured for the substance of interest Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High Data cited as found in the literature. :ilii;ilion/Rc\ iew 1 lie information or data reported has reliable re\ iew Midi The information or data is from a recogni/.ed data collection Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated. Reliability/Analytic Method I he information or data reported is from a reliable method. 1 ,o\\ Data source does not |no\ ide information regarding the analytical method Overall Quality Level High 4 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 3. Melting Point Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Lide DR. (1999). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics: A ready- reference book of chemical and physical data. 80th ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. HERO ID: 3827230 Note: Lide (1999) reported the melting point. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represent at neness 1 lie informalion or dala rellecls ihe (.Uila and chemical substance l\|v Midi I he dala was measured for ihe substance of mleresl Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. aliialion/ke\ iew I he informalion or dala reported has reliable rex iew High I he informalion is from a recogni/.ed dala colleclion where dala are peer-re\ lewed b> e\|vrls in ihe lield and are broadK available in ihe public for review and use Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated. Reliability/Analytic Method I he informalion or dala recoiled is from a reliable nielhod 1 ,o\\ Dala source does nol prn\ ide informalion regarding ihe anal\lical nielhod. Overall Quality Level High 5 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 4. Boiling Point Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Lide DR. (1999). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics: A ready- reference book of chemical and physical data. 80th ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. HERO ID: 3827230 Note: Lide (1999) reported the boiling point. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represent at neness 1 lie inl'ormalion or dala rellecls llie dala and chemical substance l\|V Midi Hie dala was measured lor I lie subslance of mleresl Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. aliialion/ke\ iew The inl'ormalion or dala re|iorled has reliable rex iew High The informalum is li'oni a recogni/.ed dala colleclion where dala are |ver-re\ lewed b> experts in llie Held and are broadK available In llie public lor review and use Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated. keliabililv/Aiialytic Method The inlormalion or dala reported is from a reliable melliod 1 ,o\\ Dala source does nol pro\ ide information regarding llie anal\lical melliod. Overall Quality Level High 6 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 5. Density Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Lide DR. (1999). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics: A ready- reference book of chemical and physical data. 80th ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. HERO ID: 3827230 Note: Lide (1999) reported density. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represent at neness 1 lie inl'ormalion or dala rellecls llie dala and chemical substance l\|v Midi Hie dala was measured lor I lie subslance of mleresl Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. aliialion/ke\ iew The inl'ormalion or dala reported has reliable rex iew High The informalum is li'oni a recogni/.ed dala colleclion where dala are peer-re\ lewed b> experts in llie Held and are broad l\ available in llie public lor review and use Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated. keliabililv/Aiialytic Method The inlormalion or data reported is from a reliable method 1 ,o\\ Dala source does nol prn\ ide inToi'malion regarding llie anal\lical melliod. Overall Quality Level High 7 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 6. Vapor Pressure Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Boublik T et al. 1984. The vapor pressures of pure substances: selected values of the temperature dependence of the vapour pressures of some pure substances in the normal and low pressure region. Vol. 17. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Sci. Publ. HERO ID: 194873 Note: Boublik et al. (1984) reported the vapor pressure. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Rcprcscntalncncss The information or Jala reflects the Jala aiul chemical substance l\pe iiigh The dala was measured lor llie substance of interest Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. ;ilii:ilion/Rc\ icw 1 lie information or data reported has reliable re\ lew. Midi The information is from a recogni/.ed dala collection in which results ha\e been selected b\ experts based 011 their l|ual 11> and a\a 1 labi 111\ References to the original sources are included Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated. Reliability/Analytic Method I he information or data reported is from a reliable method 1 ,o\\ Dala source does not pro\ ide information regarding I he anal\ lical method Overall Quality Level High 8 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 7. Vapor Density Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Boublik T et al. 1984. The vapor pressures of pure substances: selected values of the temperature dependence of the vapour pressures of some pure substances in the normal and low-pressure region. Vol. 17. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Sci. Publ. HERO ID: 194873 Note: Vapor density was calculated from Boublik et al. (1984). Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represenlalixeness The information or Jala rellects llie data aiul iiigh The data xxas calculated for the substance of interest chemical substance txpe Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. The information is from a Kx alualion/kex iew The information or data reported lias reliable rex ie\x High recogni/.ed data collection xx here data are peer-rex lexxed b\ experts in the Held and are broad l\ axailable to the public for rex iexx and use Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated Reliability/Analytic Method I he information or data reported is from a reliable method. 1 .oxx Data source does not prox ide information regarding the analytical method Overall Quality Level High 9 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 8. Water Solubi ity Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Horvath AL. (1982) Halogenated hydrocarbons: solubility-miscibility with water. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc. HERO ID: 194749 Note: Horvath (1982) reported the water solubility. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represent at neness 1 lie information or Jala rellects llie data aiul chemical substance t\pe. Midi Hie data was measured for the substance of interest Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. alualion/Ke\ iew The informulion or data reported has reliable re\ iew. High The information is from a data collection where data are peer-re\ lewed b\ experts in the lield and are broadK available to the public for re\ iew and use. Original sources are also referenced Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. High Methodology for producing the information is designed to answer a specific question, and the methodology's objective is clear. Reliability/Analytic Method I he informulion or data reported is from a reliable method High Data are obtained b\ accepted standard anaKlic methods Overall Quality Level High 10 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 9. Octanol-wa ter Partition Coefficient Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Hansch, C., Leo, A., D. Hoekman. (1995). Exploring QSAR - Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. HERO ID: 51424 Note: Hansch et al. (1995) reported the log Kow. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment keprcscntalixcncss The information or dala ivlleels ihe dula and ehemical substance Ix pe Midi The dala xxas measured lor I he substance of inleresl Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. Kx aliialion/kcx ie\\ The information or dala reported lias re liable rex ie\x Midi The informalion is from a recognized dala collection lhal has been compiled bx experts and includes references lo I he original sources. The original source for this xalue is a peer-rex lexxed journal Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated. Reliability/Analytic Method The informalion or dala reported is from a reliable method. 1 .oxx Dala source does nol prox ide informalion regarding lhe analytical method Overall Quality Level High 11 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 10. Henry's Law Constant Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Leighton DT, Calo JM. (1981). Distribution coefficients of chlorinated hydrocarbons in dilute air-water systems for groundwater contamination applications. J Chem Eng Data. 26 (4): 382-85. HERO ID: 194928 Note: Leighton and Calo (1981) reported the Henry's Law constant as a dimensionless value and it has been converted to atm-m3/mol. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Rcprcscnt:iti\cncss The information or dala iv ll eels llie da la and chemical substance l\ |V. Midi The xalue xxas measured for I he subject chemical substance Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. :ilu;ition/Rc\ icw The information or dala reported has reliable rex iexx 1 IiljIi The source is a peer-rex lexxed journal Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. High The method for producing this value is not biased towards a particular outcome. keliabililv/Analvtic Method The informalion or dala reported is from a reliable method 1 IiljIi The analx lical method used to measure this xalue is an accepted standard method Overall Quality Level High 12 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 11. Flash Point Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: CHRIS. (1984). CHRIS hazardous chemical data. US Coast Guard. Vol 2. Washington, DC. HERO ID: 5348366 Note: CHRIS (1984) was not available; however, a more recent version CHRIS (1999) reporting flash point was reviewed. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represent at neness 1 lie information or Jala rellects the (.Uila and Midi Hie data was measured for the substance of interest chemical substance t\|V Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High The measured value is consistent with the nature of the substance. :ilii;ilion/Rc\ iew I he information or data reported has reliable re\ iew Midi The information or data is from a recognized data collection Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated. Reliability/Analytic Method The information or data reported is from a 1 ,o\\ Data source does not |no\ ide information retjarduitj the reliable method. analytical method Overall Quality Level High 13 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 12. Viscosity Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. (1989). Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis. HERO ID: 3827242 Note: Daubert and Danner (1989) reported the viscosity. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment keprcsciHalixencss The information or data ivlleels llie dula and chemical substance tx pe Midi Data are measured for lhe subject chemical substance Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High Measured data are consistent with the subject chemical substance structural features. Kx alualion/kex icw The information or data reporled has reliable rex ie\x. 1 IiljIi The information or data is from a recognized data collection collection repository xxhere data are peer-rex iexxed bx experts in the field, are broadly axailable to the public for rex iexx and use and include references to the original sources. Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. High Methodology for producing the information is designed to answer a specific question, and the methodology's objective is clear. keliabilitv/Analylic Method The information or data reporled is from a reliable melhod 1 .oxx Analytical method is not reporled Overall Quality Level High 14 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 13. Refractive Index Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: O'Neil, M.J., ed. (1996). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. 12th ed., Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., p. 1054. HERO ID: 670297 Note: O'Neil (1996) reported the refractive index. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represent at neness The information or Jala rellects the (Jala and chemical substance l\|v Midi Hie data was measured for the substance of interest Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High Data cited as found in the literature. :iliinlion/Rc\ iew 1 lie information or data reported has reliable re\ iew Midi The information or data is from a recogni/.ed data collection Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated. Reliability/Analytic Method I he information or data reported is from a reliable method. 1 ,o\\ Data source does not |no\ ide information regarding the analytical method Overall Quality Level High 15 ------- Peer Review Draft Document - Do Not Cite or Quote Table 14. Dielectric Constant Study Summary for Carbon Tetrachloride Study Reference: Norbert, AL; Dean, JA. (1967). Lange's Handbook of Chemistry. McGraw-Hill NY, NY. HERO ID: 3836460 Note: Norbert and Dean (1967) reported the dielectric constant. Domain/Metric Description/ Definition Qualitative Determination [i.e., High, Medium, Low, Unacceptable, or Not rated] Comment Represent at ixeness 1 lie information or data reflects llie dala and chemical substance Ixpe. Midi Dala are measured lor the subject chemical substance Appropriateness The information or data reflects anticipated results based on chemical structural features or behaviors. High Measured data are consistent with the subject chemical substance structural features. Kx alualion/kex iew I he informulion or dala reported has reliable rex iexx Midi The information or dala is from a recognized dala collection. Reliability/Unbiased (Method Objectivity) The method for producing the data/information is not biased towards a particular product or outcome. Not rated Data source does not provide information to determine the method objectivity (unbiased method). Thus, the domain/metric was not rated Reliability/Analytic Method The information or dala reported is from a reliable method 1 .oxx Dala source does nol prox ide information regarding lhe analx deal method. Overall Quality Level High 16 ------- |