Office of Public Affairs (P-19J)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5
77 W Jackson Blvd.

Chicago, IL 60604



This fact sheet is printed on paper made of recycled fibers

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United States	Region 5	Illinois, Indiana,

Environmental Protection 77 West Jackson Boulevard Michigan, Minnesota,
Agency	Chicago, Illinois 60604	Ohio, Wisconsin


For More Information...

Please contact any team mem-
ber below:

Shari Kolak

Remedial Project Manager

(312) 886-6151 or

(800) 621-8431 Ext. 66151


Cheryl Allen
Community Involvement

(312) 353-6196 or

(800) 621-8431 Ext. 36196


Don de Blasio
Community Involvement

(312) 886-4360 or

(800) 621-8431 Ext. 64360


Dave Novak

Community Involvement

(312) 886-7478 or

(800) 621-8431 Ext. 67478


Visit the website at:


List continues on page 3.

EPA Update

Allied Paper/Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River
Superfund Site

Kalamazoo & Allegan County, Michigan August 2002

This update provides the overall plan and schedule for
future site cleanup activities now that the site manage-
ment has been transferred from the State of Michigan to U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. EPA's cleanup plan for the
Kalamazoo River is to first eliminate on-going sources of
PCBs - polychlorinated biphenyls - contamination, which include
exposed paper wastes along the river bank, and then address in-
stream sediments. EPA's cleanup will begin upstream and work
downstream on a reach-by-reach or dam-to-dam basis. EPA will
address the Phase I portion of the river (Morrow Pond Dam to Lake
Allegan) first and then the Phase II portion (Lake Allegan Dam to
Lake Michigan).

EPA's phased approach to controlling the on-going spread of
contamination and reducing risks is consistent with the National
Research Council's report titled "A Risk Management Strategy
for PCB-Contaminated Sediments" and EPA national guidance
titled "Principles for Managing Contaminated Sediment Risks
at Hazardous Waste Sites." The NRC report can be found at and EPA guidance at

Morrow Lake

Before evaluating cleanup options for in-stream sediments, EPA will
investigate upstream sources of PCBs to Morrow Lake. EPA will
also evaluate existing landfills and paper mill properties to ensure
they are not a source of PCBs to the river.

Plainwell and Otsego City Impoundments

EPA will issue a Proposed Plan for the Plainwell and Otsego City
Impoundments in the spring/summer of 2003. The timeline for the
PP includes an EPA review of the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility
Study Work Plan in the summer of 2002, the RI Report in the winter
of 2002, and the FS Report in the spring of 2003. EPA expects to
issue a Record of Decision in the summer/fall 2003, depending upon
the technical nature and/or volume of public comments received on
the PP.





'tain welt


12th Street Landfill

King Highway Landfl I	.


Willow Blvd./A-Site Landfill

Georgia Pacific Mill
Morrow Darry-'
Morrow Lal(e

6J Kalamazoo


Allied Paper/Portage
Creek/Kalamazoo River
Superfund Site

Allegan Dam
Lake Allegan

Allegan City Dam

/Trowbridge Dam
Otsego Dam

II Dam

ell Paper Mill

Fort James Paper Mill


Allied Paper Landfill

Allied Paper Mill


Otsego, Trowbridge and Allegan City
Impoundments and Lake Allegan

EPA will negotiate an agreement with the paper
companies (Millennium Holdings, Inc./Allied
Paper, Inc., Georgia-Pacific Corporation, Plainwell
Paper Inc., and Fort James Corporation) to cany
out a sampling plan for the Otsego, Trowbridge
and Allegan City Impoundments and Lake Allegan .
This plan will help refine sediment volumes so
that viable cleanup options can be evaluated and
implemented. EPA will negotiate an agreement
with the paper companies to conduct a RI/FS for
these downstream areas. EPA is prepared to use its
Superfund enforcement authorities if the RI/FS is
delayed or is technically inadequate.

Status of Operable Units

The status of the five operable units of the Allied
Paper/Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund
Site are summarized below.

Allied Paper Landfill (OU1): In 1998, EPA
conducted a removal action in the former Bryant
Mill Pond. Approximately 150,000 tons of
PC-B-contaminated waste was removed resulting
in an average post-cleanup sediment concentra-
tion of less than 1 parts per million.

Site Location Map

For the Allied Paper landfill, the Michigan
Department of Environmental Quality will retain
the enforcement lead until the Rf is completed,
which is expected to be in the spring of 2003.
EPA will take the lead on the FS and the ROD
and will oversee implementation of the Remedial
Design/Remedial Action. The ROD is expected to
be issued in the fall of 2004.

Willow Boulevard/A-Site Landfill (OU2):
MDEQ will retain the lead until the FS is com-
pleted, which is expected to be in the summer/fall
of 2002. EPA will take the lead on developing a PP,
which is expected to be completed in the fall/winter
of 2002 and issuing the ROD, which is expected
in the winter of 2002/2003. EPA will oversee the
implementation of the RD/RA.

King Highway Landfill (OU3): MDEQ will retain
the lead on completion of the remedial action and
will oversee the long-term monitoring. The ROD
was issued in 1997.

12th Street Landfill (OU4): EPA has the lead and
will oversee the RD/RA. The ROD was issued in
September 2001.


Kalamazoo River (OU5): EPA will complete the RI/FS for the
Plainwell and Ostego City Impoundments and issue a PP in the
spring/summer of 2003. A ROD is expected to be issued in the
summer/fall of 2003. Simultaneously, EPA will negotiate an agree-
ment with the paper companies to complete the RI/FS for the
remaining downstream impoundments and Lake Allegan. Before
evaluating remedies for in-stream sediments, EPA will investigate
upstream sources of PCBs to Morrow Lake. EPA will also evaluate
existing landfills and mill properties to ensure they are not a source
of PCBs to the river.


Polychlorinated Biphcnyls (PCBs) - a mixture of individual chemi-
cals which are no longer produced in the United States, but are still
found in the environment. PCBs are oily liquids or solids that are
colorless to light yellow with no known smell or taste. PCBs can exist
as a vapor. They were used as coolants and lubricants in electrical
equipment because they don't burn easily and are good insulators.
From the late 1950s to the 1970s, PCBs were used in the manufacture
of carbonless copy paper. The manufacture of PCBs was stopped in
the U.S. in 1977 because of evidence they build up in the environ-
ment and can cause harmful health effects.

Proposed Plan (PP) - a plan for a site cleanup that is available to the
public for comment.

Record of Decision (ROD) - a public document that explains which
cleanup alternatives will be used to clean up a Superfund site. The
ROD for sites listed on the National Priorities List is created from
information generated during the RI/FS.

Remedial Design/Remedial Action (RD/RA) - remedial design is
the phase in Superfund site cleanup where the technical specifications
for cleanup remedies and technologies are designed. Remedial action
follows the remedial design phase and involves the actual construc-
tion or implementation phase of Superfund site cleanup. The RD/RA
is based on the specifications described in the record of decision.

Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (Rf/FS) - after a site
is listed on the National Priorities List, a remedial investigation/
feasibility study is performed at the site. The RI serves as the mecha-
nism for collecting data, while the FS is the mechanism for the devel-
opment, screening, and detailed evaluation of alternative remedial
actions. The RI and FS are conducted concurrectly. Data collected in
the RI influence the development of remedial alternatives in the FS,
which in turn affect the data needs and scope of treatablity studies and
additional field investigations.

For More Information...

Site-related documents may
be reviewed at:

Kalamazoo Public Library

315 South Rose
Kalamazoo, Michigan

Charles Ransom Library

180 South Sherwood
Plainwell, Michigan

Allegan Public Library

331 Hubbard Street
Allegan, Michigan

Otsego District Library

219 South Farmer Street
Otsego, Michigan

Waldo Library

Western Michigan University
1903 West Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo, Michigan

Saugatuck-Douglas Library

10 Mixer Street
Douglas, Michigan

