December 2024 v>EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ------- December 2024 Data Entry Guide for the Key Category Analysis (KCA)Tool KCA Tool Version 3.0 United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA-430-B-240-03 December 2024 Contact Us: Tool Support: EPA's Capacity Building for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories website: 2 ------- December 2024 Acknowledgements The Environmental Protection Agency would like to acknowledge the key individual and organizational contributors to this document and tool, without whose efforts this guide would not be complete. Within EPA's Office of Atmospheric Protection (OAP), development of the key category analysis tool was led by Amanda Chiu, Mausami Desai, Yasmine Farhat, Keyle Horton, Christopher Sherry, and John Steller. Martin Wolf as an AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow hosted by the EPA Office of Air and Radiation, supported review of the guidance and tool. We thank Abt Global for their technical support in developing the key category analysis tool, including Jason Goldsmith, Marissa Hoer, Matt Pasquali, and Olivia Salmon. We thank the countries that volunteered their experts' time to review the key category analysis tool as potential users: Maria Lourdes Manrique, Eluney Deliens, and Macarena Maia Moreira Muzio from Argentina; Rumbidzai Mhunduru from South Africa; and Treina Dinoo Ramlochan from Trinidad and Tobago. We thank Aether for providing support in reviewing and developing the key category analysis tool, including Rosie Brook and Justin Goodwin. We thank Ricardo for providing support in reviewing the key category analysis tool, including Sina Wartmann. 3 ------- December 2024 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 3 Table of Contents 4 Table of Figures 5 Background 6 Introduction to Version 3.0 of the KCATool 6 Tool Framework 8 Tool Overview 10 Step-by-Step Instructions for using the KCATool 13 Step 1: Getting Started - Entering Key Parameters 13 Step 2: Enter Emissions and Removals Data and Uncertainty Values 15 Step 3: Review Approach 1 and Approach 2 Emissions and Removals 18 Step 4: Review Approach 1 and Approach 2 Level and Trend Assessments 21 Step 5: Review Key Categories 26 Step 6: Review Notation Key Summary 29 Additional Information 30 Appendix 1: Reference Information 31 4 ------- December 2024 Table of Figures Figure 1. KCATool Colors Reference Guide 8 Figure 2. Flow Chart of the KCA Tool 9 Figure 3. KCA Tool Instructions Tab Link and Next/Back Button Example 10 Figure 4. KCA Tool "KCA Parameters" Tab 15 Figure 5. KCA Tool "1. KCA Input - Energy" Tab Showing "See Disaggregated" Dropdown Menu 16 Figure 6. KCA Tool "1. KCA Input - Energy" Tab Showing Where Data Entry is Required 17 Figure 7. KCA Tool "1. KCA Input - Energy" Tab Showing Uncertainty Values 18 Figure 8. KCA Tool "7. Approach 1 Level and Trend" Tab Showing Table 7-1, Which Includes LULUCF Categories 19 Figure 9. KCA Tool "7. Approach 1 Level and Trend" Tab Showing Table 7-2, Which Excludes LULUCF Categories 19 Figure 10. KCA Tool "8. Approach 2 Level and Trend" Tab, Showing Uncertainty Values in Table 8-1 20 Figure 11. 2019 Refinement - Equation 4.2 Trend Assessment (Approach 1) 21 Figure 12. 2006 IPCC Guidelines - Equation 4.2 Trend Assessment (Approach 1) 21 Figure 13. KCATool "7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF" Tab 23 Figure 14. KCATool "7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF" Tab 24 Figure 15. KCATool "8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF" Tab 25 Figure 16. KCATool "8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF" Tab 26 Figure 17. KCATool "9. Key Results" Tab Layout 27 Figure 18. Threshold Values Reference Box from KCATool "9. KCA Results" Tab 27 Figure 19. KCA Tool "9. KCA Results" Tab 28 Figure 20. KCA Tool "10. Notation Key Summary" Tab 29 Figure A-l. Definitions Table from the KCA Tool "General Information" Tab 31 Figure A-2. Acronym Table from KCATool "General Information" Tab 32 Figure A-3. Notation Key Table from KCATool "General Information" Tab 32 5 ------- December 2024 Background The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed tools to help developing countries build their institutional capacity to establish, maintain, and improve sustainable inventory management systems, which facilitate and support preparing complete, high-quality greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories using the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines (2006 IPCC Guidelines) and the 2019 Refinement of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (2019 Refinement) on a biennial basis. The Key Category Analysis (KCA) Tool was developed by EPA to help facilitate the identification and reporting of sources and sinks that make the greatest contribution to national GHG emissions and removals. This analysis can help guide national GHG inventory teams in prioritizing improvements and associated allocation of resources to improve their national GHG inventory. This tool applies the guidance in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Volume 1, Chapter 4 on Methodological Choice and Identification of Key Categories. As part of reporting requirements of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement, all countries will be required to report national GHG inventories consistent with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, including findings from a KCA. Review the Modalities. Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) for more information, but the requirements are noted in the introduction following this section. Countries may also use the 2019 Refinement, which includes some updates for implementing the KCA (i.e. the trend analysis). The concept of key categories was created by the IPCC as a way to help countries prioritize resources for improving national GHG inventories. Key categories are sources and sinks that are the most significant contributors to national emissions and removals. According to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, "a key category is one that is prioritized within the national inventory system because its [emission] estimate has a significant influence on a country's total inventory of greenhouse gases in terms of the absolute level, the trend, or the uncertainty in emissions and removals." In other words, a category may be identified as key if it is a large contributor to total emissions, has a high rate of change over time, or has high uncertainty. This KCA Tool is a standalone tool and requires inventory data for at least two years (i.e., the Initial/Base1 and Current Year2 of the reported time series) to complete a KCA. This tool complements the documentation template, which documents the sources and sinks that make the greatest contribution to national GHG emissions and removals and helps the National Inventory Coordinator (NIC) or the KCA lead in preparing their country's national GHG inventory data for use in the KCA tool, for an inventory management system. Introduction to Version 3.0 of the KCA Tool This is Version 3.0 of the KCA Tool. Version 3.0 includes functional improvements to the tool to make it more user-friendly, and methodological changes to align with the 2019 Refinement. This tool provides a 1 The Initial/Base Year is the starting year for the national GHG inventory time series. See the MPGs for information on reporting requirements for time series, including start year (See Chapter II of Annex to 18 CMA.l). 2 The Current Year is the most recent year included and compiled for the national GHG inventory. See the MPGs for information on time series reporting requirements, including requirements and flexibility in relation to latest reported year in time series (See Chapter II of Annex to 18 CMA.l). 6 ------- December 2024 way for countries to identify key categories under two approaches consistent with the IPCC guidelines: Approach 1 and Approach 2. Approach 1 key category assessment assesses the relevance of each category compared to total national emissions in the Current Year ("level assessment"), and its influence on the overall trend when comparing the Current Year and the Base Year ("trend assessment"). Approach 1 key category assessment is completed without incorporating information on uncertainty. Under MPG paragraphs 25, 41, and 42, countries are required to complete an Approach 1 analysis. Specifically, countries shall IPCC Inventory Software, ETF Reporting Tools, and KCA Tool If using the IPCC Inventory Software to compile the GHG Inventory, the KCA Tool within that software has the capability to compute the KCA based on the software-compiled GHG inventory. The ETF Reporting Tools also include functions to produce an Approach 1 KCA based on your reported inventory time series. The KCA Tool developed by EPA can be used as quality check of the KCA produced by the IPCC software or ETF Reporting Tools, noting these tools produce a default Approach 1 level and trend analysis. The main difference with this tool is it allows for more customized disaggregation beyond the default disaggregation as compared to the IPCC Inventory Software and ETF reporting tools. The updated tool also includes a table summarizing categories reported as "NE" or not estimated for improvement planning, to allow for qualitative consideration of whether categories currently not estimated should be considered "key." below. Approach 2 key category assessment also performs the level and trend assessments, but in doing so incorporates information on uncertainty in the analysis. Approach 2 is not required under the MPGs, but countries are encouraged to apply this approach if they have quantified uncertainties. A level assessment is the absolute level of emissions and removals for a particular year of interest, while a trend assessment is used to identify categories that may not be large enough to be identified by the level assessment, but whose trend is significantly different from the trend of the overall inventory and should therefore receive particular attention. Before beginning, review the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 4.2 and Table 4.1 for guidance on the suggested levels of disaggregation of source and sink categories for organizing inventory information for data entry to conduct a key category analysis. This guidance is particularly identify key categories for the starting year (e.g., 1990 or 2020) and latest reporting year (e.g., 2022), both including and excluding land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) categories, using Approach 1 for both the level and trend assessments, and also show the individual and cumulative percentage contributions from key categories, for both level and trend (see Step 4 below to compile this information). Countries shall also describe the key categories, including information on the approach used for their identification, and information on the level of disaggregation used (e.g. default disaggregation from 2006 IPCC Guidelines provided in Table 4.1 or default disaggregation in ETF Reporting Tool). The analysis is performed with and without the LULUCF sector to understand its influence on overall GHG levels and trends. Reporting includes flexibilities for developing countries discussed further 7 ------- December 2024 useful if preparing a KCA for the first time. The Special Considerations in Table 4.1 provide guidance for further disaggregation of key categories to refine the KCA and prioritize inventory improvements.3 Too! Framework The KCA Tool first requires users to enter background information and input data for each Common Reporting Table (CRT) sector. Based on the information and data provided by the user, the tool provides results in several output tables. The tool uses shaded cells and colored tabs to help the user enter data and navigate the tool; Figure 1 provides a quick color reference guide. Data entry input cells are shaded BELLOW .and uncertainty value input cells are shaded ORANC5E throughout the tool. The color of the KCA Tool tab indicates its purpose: • The tabs provide overview information and instructions on how to use the tool, • The DARK BLUE tabs are for user input. • The BLUE tabs summarize data entered into the DARK BLUE tabs and perform the key category analysis. • The tab provides a summary of all key categories. • The DARK GREY tab provides a summary of categories with notation key(s) for each sector. • The BLACK tabs provide a reference to the IPCC AR5 (Fifth Assessment) and IPCC AR6 (Sixth Assessment) global warming potential (GWP) values and a crosswalk of IPCC category codes with this tool Figure 1. KCA Tool Colors Reference Guide Excel Tool Tabs KCA "TUHn ¦MHHNHMM ^B£iiTjj]jj£jj^^| Results Excel Cells Data entry input Uncertainty value input Figure 2 provides a flow chart for navigating through the tool. The top row shows the introductory and background information tabs, the middle row shows the data entry sector tabs, the third row shows the level and trend assessment, Approach 1, and Approach 2 tables. The IPCC category codes and global warming potential (GWP) tabs are included as references for the user. Detailed information on each of these KCA Tool tabs is provided in this document. 3 The 2019 Refinement also includes minor updates to Table 4.1 that you may want to consider as well, including reflecting new categories introduced in the Refinement itself. 8 ------- December 2024 Figure 2. Flow Chart of the KCA Tool The KCA Tool begins with the tab. This tab provides information on the version and date that the tool was last updated as well as tool support, contact information, and the EPA inventory capacity building website. The tab presents an overview of the tool's contents, includes brief descriptions of each tab, and provides direct links to each tab. The tab provides an overview of a key category analysis, links to relevant background information, and defines terms, acronyms, and the notation keys for DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs numbered 1 - 6. The tab provides an overview of the steps needed to complete the key category analysis. Each data entry tab has a link at the top to easily navigate back to the Instructions tab (see Figure 3 for an example of where to find the tab link on each data entry tab). 9 ------- December 2024 Except for the and Reference tabs, clickable 'Back' and 'Next' buttons are located on the top right of each sheet to easily navigate between tabs (Figure 3), Figure 3. KCA Tool Instructions Tab Link and Next/Back Button Example 11. KCA Input - Energy Back Next | Instructions | Notation Key Click the 'Instructions' shortcut link for a detailed, step by step on how to enter GHG category-level emissions and/or removals data. Note: If additional categories or subcategories are included in a GHG inventory that are not already included in this tool, enter the CRT code, category title, and GHG in the blank rows at the end of the table. s Click the 'Notation Keys' shortcut link to visit the 'General Information1 tab for the complete list of notation keys and definitions. Note: If you have an aggregated value it is still helpful to enter a notation key for the disaggregated categories for the qualitative summary. Tool Overview The next sections of the Data Entry Guide walk users through detailed steps for selecting parameters and entering data to complete the key category analysis. Briefly, these steps are: • Organize inventory data following the guidance in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines section 4.2 of Chapter 4 to facilitate entry of data into the KCA Tool. Organizing inventory data by CRT sector, subsector, category, subcategory, gas, and year will facilitate your KCA, entry of data into this tool, and data entry into future ETF reporting tools. As stated in section 4.2 of Chapter 4, "disaggregation to very low levels should be avoided since it may split an important aggregated category into many small subcategories that are no longer key." Notes: • An optional standalone Data Entry Sheet is provided to help users organize their inventory data. The Data Entry Sheet mirrors the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs in the tool. The user may populate the Data Entry Sheet with their country's inventory data for every sector to facilitate populating or copying data to DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs in the tool. • Do check that categories are not being double counted, (i.e. if including disaggregation of a category, do not include the category total emissions as well). • Select the parameters of the KCA in the KCA Parameters tab. First, enter the Base Year1 and Current Year2. Select the version of the IPCC Assessment Report you will use for GWP conversions (IPCC AR5 or IPCC AR6). Note that GWPs for the IPCC Fifth Assessment (AR5) are the default values for this tool and the GWPs for the IPCC Sixth Assessment (AR6) are included here for comparative purposes only. Next, select the KCA Threshold you will use for the Approach 1 Assessment (from 85% to 95%). Starting in 2024, with the first biennial transparency report (BTR), the GWP values in use should be AR5. Select the 2006 IPCC Guidelines equation (2006 equation) or 2019 Refinement equation (2019 equation) you will use for the trend assessment. • If activity was not occurring in Base Year (i.e., emissions and removals are zero in that year), or the first year of available data for a category is later than the selected Base Year, you can instead use the emissions/removals value from the first year when the activity started as the Base Year. 10 ------- December 2024 • If activity for a category was not occurring in the Base Year and 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Equation 4.2 is selected for the trend analysis, the trend assessment is the same as the level assessment. • See the 2006 and 2019 equations in the KCA Parameters tab and the discussion in 'Step 3: Review Approach 1 and Approach 2 emissions and removals' later in this guide for more information. • Enter GHG category-level emissions and/or removals data for the Base and Current Years by sector in DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs numbered 1- 6. In these tabs, data entry is required in the ViyjQiW shaded cells. Emissions and/or removals data can be entered in the bolded category rows (i.e., Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries) or a subcategory row (i.e., Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels), dependent on the available data disaggregation. If you have disaggregated data available to use in a subcategory row, please select "See Disaggregated" from the dropdown menu for the higher category row in the 'Base Year Estimates (kt)' and/or 'Current Year Estimates (kt)' columns. Then enter the disaggregated data in the subcategory rows below. If you start entry with aggregated data and realize later that you have disaggregated data you would like to use in a subcategory row, please be sure to change the aggregated row to "See Disaggregated" from the dropdown menu so as to not double count data values. The CRT codes are included in each of the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs in the 'CRT Code' column (column B). See the crosswalk for IPCC and CRT codes in the IPCC Codes tab.4 If additional categories or subcategories are included in a GHG inventory that are not already included in this tool, enter the CRT code, category title, and GHG in the blank rows at the end of the table. Refer to the CRT tables to identify CRT codes, available here: Follow the instructions in the 'Data Source' box in each of the seven DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs to document the source of the data. • For required data entry rows where you do not have data or are including data in a more disaggregated CRT category, enter a notation key (descriptions found in the (formation tab) for each category indicating why data are not reported for the Base Year and/or Current Year. If you have an aggregated value, it is still helpful to enter a notation key (e.g., included elsewhere (IE)) for the disaggregated categories for reporting a qualitative summary of KCA findings. Emissions and removals data for each gas must be entered in kilotons (kt) in the 'Base Year Estimates (kt)' and 'Current Year Estimates (kt)' columns.5 The kt carbon dioxide equivalent (C02e) will be automatically calculated based on this input. If data are considered confidential, consider reporting emissions at a higher level of aggregation (e.g., category instead of subcategory) in order to assess significance through the KCA and enter "C" as the notation key for lower levels of disaggregation. See below for special instructions regarding the 'Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU)' and 'Agriculture' sectors: 4 Learn more about mapping of categories from CRT and 2006 IPCC guidelines here: 5 Kt is the unit used in CRT and has been applied to this tool for consistency. Kt and Gigagram (Gg) are the same unit of measurement. 11 ------- December 2024 For the 'IPPU' sector, there are two DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs, tabs 2a and 2b. o Enter data for the 'IPPU' sector into the 2a. KCA Input - IPPU tab. o Use the 2b. KCA Input - IPPU F-gas tab to enter all F-gas emissions reported in the 'IPPU' sector. ¦ For CRT codes '2.F.6 Other Applications' and '2.H Other', select the gas from the dropdown menu in the 'Greenhouse Gas' column before entering emissions values. ¦ Emissions data entered in the 2b. KCA Input - IPPU F-gas tab are summed together and used in the 2a. KCA Input - IPPU tab to summarize all emissions and/or removals in this sector. ¦ There is a row under each industry to input an F-gas that is not listed. These rows are identified as 'Entry Optional' to indicate that data entry here is not required. For these rows, enter the F-gas name in the 'Greenhouse Gas' column and enter the name of the F-gas and GWP of the gas into the tables on the GWP tab. If the F-gas and corresponding GWP are not entered in these tables, the emissions will not be calculated to C02e. For the 'Agriculture' sector, the 3. KCA Input - Agriculture tab, there are additional rows under both Enteric Fermentation (3.A.4) and Manure Management (3.B.4) to enter 'other livestock' not captured by the categories listed. These rows are identified as 'Entry Optional' to indicate that data entry here is not required. For these rows, only the name of the livestock has to be entered in the 'Category Title' column. Enter uncertainty values in the shaded cells on the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs. This optional information will provide the user with an Approach 2 assessment in addition to an Approach 1 KCA assessment. It is highly encouraged to complete an Approach 2 KCA assessment if uncertainty data are available. If uncertainty data are not available, leave all columns blank. Enter the uncertainty data (in % values - e.g., enter 5 for 5%, not 0.05) into the (QiIMJ®!! shaded cells in the 'Activity Data Uncertainty' and/or 'Emission Factor Uncertainty' columns. Use the 'Combined Uncertainty' column if the user has one uncertainty percentage that accounts for both activity data and emissions factor data. Note that if the activity data and emission factor uncertainty reported are not the same value, the larger uncertainty value should be used. Uncertainty values will always be a positive number. See the "Uncertainty Values" section under "Step 2: Enter Emissions and Removals Data and Uncertainty Values" for more information on uncertainty. While entering GHG category-level emissions and/or removals data in the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tab, view the 'Status Tracker' box at the top of tab to see how many remaining categories need data entry before proceeding to the next DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tab. These emissions data entered are used in the other worksheets to determine the key categories based on the level and trend assessment. Note that the KCA Input - Other tab does not have a Status Tracker as all entries on this input tab are optional. 12 ------- December 2024 • View summary reports in the 3LUE tabs. These summary reports correspond to the data entered in the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs, and also contain a summary of the Approach 1 Level and Trend assessments - and Approach 2 assessments, if applicable. • The 7. Approach 1 Level and Tren tab provides a summary of tabs 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF, the analysis of Approach 1 Level and Trend Analysis including LULUCF, and 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF, the analysis of Approach 1 Level and Trend Analysis excluding LULUCF. Key categories are shaded in GREEIN for the threshold selected by the user and for the 95% threshold. • The J. Approach 2 Level and Tren tab provides a summary of tabs 3a. Approach 1 KCA LULUC , the analysis of Approach 2 Level and Trend Analysis including LULUCF, and 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF, the analysis of Approach 2 Level and Trend Analysis excluding LULUCF. Key categories are shaded in up to the 90% threshold. • View the . KCA Result tab for a summary of key categories identified in tabs 7<, 7 , 8 , and 8b. • View the 10. Notation Key Summary tab for a summary of the categories that are not estimated for each sector. Tips • Definitions, acronyms, and additional resources are provided in the iformation tab. • Links to the nstructio tab as well as definitions of each notation key are shown in GREY boxes at the top of each DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tab and at the beginning of key data input sections. • Users have the option to break links from external data source files in the workbook application. To do so, users can click on 'Data' in the top ribbon>Queries & Connections> Workbook Links. The values are then hard pasted from the external source.6 Step-by-Step Instructions for using the KCA Tool The following Steps 1-6 provide detailed instructions to walk users through the process of selecting parameters and entering data into each tab on the KCA Tool to complete the Key Category Analysis. Step 1: Getting Started - Entering Key Parameters The user input tabs are in DARK BLUE. Users begin by inputting or selecting key information in the KCA Parameters tab. 6 Data path specified corresponds to Microsoft 365 Excel Version 2410 and may be different for other versions of Excel. 13 ------- December 2024 In the KCA Parameters tab (Figure 4): • Enter the Base Year and Current Year (see definitions in Appendix 1). The years entered in this tab are visible in the supplemental tabs as a reference. • Select the version of the IPCC Assessment Report to use for GWP conversions. • Select the KCA Threshold from the dropdown list to use for the Approach 1 Assessment. The KCA threshold is used to identify key categories that, when summed together in descending order of magnitude, add up to that percentage of the total level. In the Approach 1 methodology, key categories are identified using a pre-determined cumulative emissions threshold, where key categories are those that sum to 95 percent of the total level when summed together in descending order of magnitude. Developing countries have the flexibility to identify key categories using a threshold between 85-95 percent, instead of the 95 percent threshold defined in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, allowing a focus on improving fewer categories and prioritizing resources. Under the MPGs, countries that apply this flexibility are required to clarify capacity constraints to using the higher threshold in their KCA and provide a self-determined estimated timeframe for improvements in relation to those constraints. The final list of key categories may change based on the selected threshold. Users can select the equation to use for the trend assessment from either the 2006 IPCC Guidelines or the 2019 Refinement. One principal difference between the two equations is that the 2019 equation accommodates scenarios where emissions or removals were zero in the Base Year. If activity was not occurring in the Base Year (i.e., emissions and removals are zero in that year), users can also select the 2006 equation and apply the emissions/removals value from the first year when the activity started as the Base Year. If using the 2006 equation for the trend analysis and activity for a category was not occurring in the Base Year, the trend assessment is the same as the level assessment. If countries use the 2019 equation, they should clarify as part of documentation in their national inventory document why the 2019 equation is more appropriate for their national circumstances. See each equation below the key parameters table in the KCA Parameters tab and the discussion in Step 3 below for more information. Once the Base and Current Years are entered and the GWP and KCA Threshold are selected, the Status Tracker box on the KCA Parameters tab will turn green, allowing you to click Begin Data Entry in the Status Tracker to begin the data entry process (see Figure 4). Note on Reporting Years: The latest reporting year should be no more than two years prior to the submission of a country's national inventory report. Developing countries have a flexibility provision for the latest year reported to be no more than three years prior to the submission year (e.g. if submitting report in 2024, latest inventory year if using flexibility would be 2021). 14 ------- December 2024 Figure 4. KCA Tool "KCA Parameters" Tab Key Category Analysis Parameter Input This is the KCA Parameter Input worksheet. To start the Key Category Analysis, enter in all required input fields in the shaded cells in the tables below. 1. Enter the Base Year and Current Year in the 'Key Category Analysis Year' table below. Best Practice Tip: The Current Year should be no more than two years prior to the submission of a country's national inventory report. Developing countries have the flexibility to instead have their latest reporting year as three years prior to the submission of their national inventory report. 2. Select the version of the IPCC Assessment Report you will use for Global Warming Potentials by using the dropdown in the 'Global Warming Potentials (GWPs)' table below. Note that GWPs for the IPCC Fifth Assessment (AR5) are the default values for this tool and the GWPs for the IPCC Sixth Assessment (AR6) are included here for comparative purposes only. 3. Select the KCA Threshold you will use for the Approach 1 Assessment. Developing countries have the flexibility to identify key categories using a threshold of 85% to 95%. Countries without this flexibility must select 95%. 4. Select the 2006 or 2019 equation you will use for the trend assessment. If activity was not occurring in Base Year (i.e., emissions and removals are zero in that year), you can instead use the emissions/removals value from the first year when the activity started as the Base Year. If using the IPCC Equation 4.2 (2006) for the trend analysis and activity for a category was not occurring in the Base Year, the trend assessment is the same as the level assessment. See each equation below the key parameters table for more information. 5. Once the Base and Current Years are entered and the Global Warming Potentials and KCA Threshold are selected, the 'Status Tracker' for this tab will turn green, allowing you to click "Begin Data Entry" to proceed to the first data entry tab. Key Category Analysis Year Enter Base Year 2022 Enter Current Year 2024 Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) Select 'IPCC AR5 (Fifth Assessment)' or 'IPCC AR6 (Sixth Assessment Report)' from drop-down menu below: IPCC AR5 (Fifth Assessment) |l Cover | Contents General Information KCA Parameters KCA Threshold Select a threshold from the drop- down menu below: Trend Equation Select the 2019 or 2006 trend assessment equation from the drop-down menu below: Equation 4.2 (IPCC 2019) Status Tracker Begin Data Entry Step 2: Enter Emissions and Removals Data and Uncertainty Values Enter emissions and/or removals data for categories within each sector in each of the seven DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs (see the flowchart in Figure 2 for a list of all DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs). Optionally, users may enter any uncertainty values into the data input tabs. Note the IPPU Sector is separated into two tabs - one for mostly non-fluorinated gases from this sector (2a. KCA Input-IPPU) and one specifically for fluorinated gas source categories (F-gases) (2b. KCA Input-IPPU F-gas). Note on Tool Navigation Use the 'Status Tracker' above the input table to track the number of categories that still require data entry. A clickable 'Next' button will appear once data are entered in all required fields. Note that on the DARK BLUE KCA Input -Other tab does not have a Status Tracker as all entries on this input tab are optional. Status Tracker Number of Categories Requiring Data Entry 0 Proceed to 2a. KCA Input - IPPU Next Required data entry cells are shaded in The uncertainty value cells are shaded in ©MMO® found in the 'Uncertainty Values' section below. More information regarding uncertainty can be Emissions and Removals Data Entry For each category, enter the emissions and/or removals data in kilotons (kt) into the 'Base Year Estimates (kt)' and 'Current Year Estimates (kt)' columns in the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs. Dependent on the data disaggregation, emissions and/or removals data can be entered in the bolded category rows (i.e., Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries) or a subcategory row (i.e., Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels). 15 ------- December 2024 Notation Keys and Definitions NO (Not Occurring) - For categories or processes, including recovery, under a particular source or sink category that do not occur within a Party. NE (Not Estimated) - For activity data and/or emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs that have not been estimated but for which a corresponding activity may occur within a Party. NA (Not Applicable) - For activities under a given source/sink category that do occur within the Party but do not result in emissions or removals of a specific gas. IE (Included Elsewhere) - For emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs estimated but included elsewhere in the inventory instead of under the expected source/sink category. C (Confidential) - For emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs where the reporting would involve the disclosure of confidential information. If you have disaggregated data available to use in a subcategory row, please select "See Disaggregated" from the dropdown menu (shown in Figure 5) for the higher category row in the 'Base Year Estimates (kt)' and/or 'Current Year Estimates (kt)' columns. Then enter the disaggregated data in the 'Base Year Estimates (kt)' and/or 'Current Year Estimates (kt)' columns in the subcategory rows below. If you start an entry with aggregated data and realize later that you have disaggregated data you would like to use in a subcategory row, please be sure to change the aggregated row to "See Disaggregated" from the dropdown menu to not double count data values. Emissions entered in these columns will automatically convert to kt C02e in the 'Base Year Estimates (kt C02e)' and 'Current Year Estimates (kt C02e)' columns using 100-year GWPs from the IPCC Assessment Report version selected in the KCA Parameters tab.7 Note the MPGs require use of the 100-year GWPs from IPCC AR5 beginning in 2024 with the first BTR. Figure 5. KCA Tool "1. KCA Input - Energy" Tab Showing "See Disaggregated" Dropdown Menu Energy Sector 1 CRT Code |V| Category Title |V| Greenhouse Gj r Base Year Current Year Estimates (kt) ~ Entry Required 1-A.i Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries C02 r 3 Entry Required 1A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries ch4 See Disaggregated Entry Required 1A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries n2o E ¦9 Entry Required 1A1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels co2 Entry Required 1A1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels ch4 Entry Required 1A1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels n2o Entry Required 1A1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels co2 Entry Required 1-A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels ch4 _ > Cover Contents General Information Instructions | | 1. KCA Input - Energy j J ¦¦¦ + 4 7 These GWP values come either from Table 8.A.1 in the Fifth IPCC Assessment Report (AR5) or Table 7.SM.7 from the Sixth IPCC Assessment Report (AR6), as indicated on the GWP tab. 16 ------- December 2024 If emissions or removals are not reported for a category, enter one of the five notation keys into the 'Base Year Estimates (kt)' and/or 'Current Year Estimates (kt)' columns. Within the KCA tool, the definitions of the five notation keys are located in a table on the iformatioi tab. If a category does not have either emissions and/or removals reported or a notation key entered in the 'Base Year Estimates (kt)' and/or 'Current Year Estimates (kt)' columns, an 'Entry Required' alert will be shown in the first column. Once data and/or a notation key are entered, the 'Entry Required' alert will be removed. Note that some rows in the 2b. KCA Input - IPPU F-gas and 3. KCA Input - Agriculture tabs indicate 'Entry Optional' in the first column. Entry for these rows is not required to complete the KCA. For example, in Figure 6 the row for 1.A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels N20 is left blank and the 'Entry Required' alert is showing to the left. Once emissions are entered for the row 1.A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels N20, the 'Entry Required' alert will be removed from the first column. Figure 6. KCA Tool "1. KCA Input - Energy" Tab Showing Where Data Entry is Required Energy Sector Base Year Greenhouse Base Year Current Year Estimates CRT Code ' Category Title [V] Gas TJ Estimates (kt) [T| Estimates (kt) (kt C02e) p] l.A.l Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries co2 r See Disaggregated See Disaggregated See Disaggregated See Disaggregated See Disaggregated See Disaggregated l.A.l Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries ch4 See Disaggregated l.A.l Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries n2o See Disaggregated See Disaggregated l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels COj CH4 n2o IE 202.0 50.0 15.0 IE 5,656.0 Entry Required l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels l.A.l\Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels uonienis ueneral Intormaiion Instructions nput - Enerqy ^ | 2b. KCA Input - IPPU F-gas | 3. KCA if • © < Uncertainty Values If uncertainty values for a category are available, enter the uncertainty data (in % values - e.g., enter 5 for 5%, not 0.05) in the 'Activity Data Uncertainty' and 'Emission Factor Uncertainty' columns in the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs. Country-specific values or default values from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines can be used. Under the MPGs, all countries shall perform an uncertainty analysis. Those developing country Parties that need flexibility in the light of their capacities with respect to this provision have the flexibility to instead provide, at a minimum, a qualitative discussion of uncertainty for key categories. Applying additional guidance from the 2019 Refinement, if the uncertainty values are asymmetrical (e.g., -10% lower bound, +20% upper bound), the larger uncertainty value should be used (e.g., ±20%)8. If users instead have standalone combined uncertainty values representing both uncertainty in the activity data and the emissions factor - for example, those derived from expert judgement or based on direct emissions estimates - users should instead enter this value in the 'Combined Uncertainty' column. If users enter data into the 'Activity Data Uncertainty' and 'Emission Factor Uncertainty' columns, the 'Combined Uncertainty' column will turn grey with a Crosshatch pattern to prevent multiple uncertainty value entries for a single category. 8 17 ------- December 2024 If no uncertainty value is available for a category, please leave the uncertainty value cells blank. The Approach 1 key category assessment is completed without incorporating information on uncertainty. If no categories have an uncertainty value, the Approach 2 assessments will be left blank. If some categories have uncertainty values while other categories do not, only the categories that do include uncertainty values will contribute to the Approach 2 'Level Assessment with Uncertainty' and 'Relative Level Assessment with Uncertainty' columns on the I. Approach 2 Level and Tren<, 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF, and 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF tabs. While not required under the ETF, users are encouraged to perform and report on Approach 2 analyses where possible. Figure 7 provides an example with values entered in the 'Combined Uncertainty' column for certain categories. For these rows, the 'Activity Data Uncertainty' and 'Emission Factor Uncertainty' columns have a grey Crosshatch pattern. Similarly, where the 'Activity Data Uncertainty' and 'Emission Factor Uncertainty' columns have values entered for other categories, the 'Combined Uncertainty' column for those categories has the grey Crosshatch pattern. Additionally, there are several categories that do not have uncertainty values provided and are left blank. Figure 7. KCA Tool "1. KCA Input - Energy" Tab Showing Uncertainty Values 1 Energy Sector Base Year Current Year Greenhouse Base Year Current Year Estimates Estimates Activity Data Emission Factor Combined CRT Code Category Title Gas Estimates (kt) Estimates (kt) (kt C02e) (kt C02e) Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty l.A.l Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries C02 See Disaggregated See Disaggregated See Disaggregated See Disaggregated l.A.l Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries CH„ See Disaggregated See Disaggregated See Disaggregated See Disaggregated l.A.l Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels n2o co2 r See Disaggregated IE See Disaggregated 50.0 See Disaggregated IE See Disaggregated 50.0 l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels l.A.l 1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels ch4 n2o 202.0 75.0 15.0 NA NA C 54.0 5,656.0 19,875.0 45.0 C 3,180.0 420.0 pilllllllllllllM NA 10% 5% l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels ch4 C 12.0 l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Gaseous n2o co2 14,310.0 1 7% « ^¦ < > Cover Contents General Information Instructions 1- KCA Input - Energy | a. KCA Input - IPPU | Step 3: Review Approach 1 and Approach 2 Emissions and Removals Once data are entered in all seven DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs, summary tables are provided in the >LUI tabs. Review Approach 1 and 2 level emissions in the 7. Approach 1 Level and Trend and I. Approach 2 Level and Trent tabs. Emissions and/or removal data entered in the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs populate these summary tabs. Each tab has two tables: Table 7- 1, which summarizes the Approach Level and Trend Analysis including Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF), and Table 7-2, which summarizes the Approach Level and Trend Analysis excluding LULUCF. Make sure to scroll to the right in each tab to see the full tables. The 7. Approach 1 Level and Trend tab provides the level assessments for the Base Year and Current Year, as well as the trend assessment value. Table 7-1 in this tab summarizes Approach 1 Level and Trend Analysis including LULUCF. For example, in Figure 8, the LULUCF categories (beginning with CRT Code 4, shown outlined in the red box) are included in Table 7-1 in the tool. 18 ------- December 2024 Figure 8. KCA Tool "7. Approach 1 Level and Trend" Tab Showing Table 7-1, Which Includes LULUCF Categories Table 7-1. Approach 1 Level (Ll-LULUCF) and Trend Analy CRT Code Category Title Greenhouse Gas Total 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels CO 2 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy industries - Liquid Fuels CH4 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy industries - Liquid Fuels N20 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy industries - Solid Fuels 002 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy industries - Solid Fuels N20 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy industries - Peat CO 2 1.A.2 Fuel combustion • Manufacturing industries and Construction C02 LA. 2 Fuel combustion - Manufacturing industries and Construction CH4 LA. 2 Fuel combustion - Manufacturing Industries and Construction N20 2.A.1 Cement Production CO 2 2.A.2 urne Production CO 2 2.B.2 Nitric Acid Production N20 2.B.9 Ruorochemical Production Aggregate F-gases 2.C.1 iron and Steel Production C02 2.C. 1 iron and Steel Production CH4 2.C.2 Ferroalloys Production C02 2.F.1 Refrigeration and Air condrtionmg CO 2 Non-dairy Cattle CW4 |3.A3 Swine CH4 4. A. La Forest land remaining forest land - biomass (above and below) C02 4.A.Ld Forest land remaining forest land-soil (organic) C02 4. KCA Input - LULUCF I 5. KCA Input - Waste I 6. KCA Input - Other 7. Approach 1 Level and Trend Table 7-2 in the 7. Approach 1 Level and Trend tab summarizes Approach 1 Level arid Trend Analysis excluding LULUCF. In Figure 9 the LULUCF categories (beginning with CRT Code 4) are removed from Table 7-2 in the tool. The red boxes in Figures 8 and 9 show how the inclusion/exclusion of LULUCF categories can influence the key categories. Figure 9. KCA Tool "7. Approach 1 Level and Trend" Tab Showing Table 7-2, Which Excludes LULUCF Categories Table 7-2. App roach 1 Level (LI) and Trend Anal Y* CRT Code Category Title Greenhouse Gas Total 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy industries - Liquid Fuels C02 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels CH4 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels N20 1.A1 Fuel combustion - Energy industries - Solid Fuels C02 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels N20 1.A1 Fuel combustion - Energy industries - Peat C02 1.A.2 Fuel combustion - Manufacturing industries and Construction C02 1.A.2 Fuel combustion - Manufacturing industries and Construction CH4 1.A.2 Fuel combustion - Manufacturing Industries and Construction N20 2.A.1 Cement Production C02 2.A.2 Lime Production C02 2.B.2 Nitric Acid Production N20 2.B.9 Fluorochemical Production Aggregate F-gases 2.C.1 Iron and Steel Production C02 2.C.1 iron and Steel Production CH4 2.C.2 Ferroalloys Production C02 2.F.1 Refrigeration and Air conditioning C02 3.Al.a.ii Non-dairy Cattle CH4 3.A3 Swine CH4 1 5.A Solid Waste Disposal - Municipal Solid Waste Disposal CH4 5.A Solid Waste Disposal - Industrial Solid Waste Disposal CH4 4. KCA Input - LULUCF I 5. KCA Input - Waste I 6. KCA Input - Other 7. Approach 1 Level and Trent 19 ------- December 2024 If uncertainty values are provided in the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs, the 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend tab (Figure 10) will provide the percentage of uncertainty in the total inventory as well as the trend uncertainty value. In the tables on the 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend tab, the 'Activity Data Uncertainty', 'Emission Factor Uncertainty', and 'Combined Uncertainty' cells are automatically filled with information based on what was entered in the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs. The 'Total Uncertainty' column streamlines these three uncertainty columns, so all uncertainty data are in one column. The 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF and 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF tab only shows the 'Total Uncertainty' column. Figure 10. KCA Tool "8. Approach 2 Level and Trend" Tab, Showing Uncertainty Values in Table 8-1 2-LULUCF) and Trend Analysis (T2-LULUCF) Including LULUCF Level Assessment (2018) Level Assessment (2020) Activity Data Uncertainty % Emission Factor Uncertainty % Combined Uncertainty % Total Uncertainty % Level Assessment (2018) with Uncertainty Level Assessment (2020) with Uncertainty Trend Assessment Value Trend Assessment with Uncertainty Contribution to the Trend 1.000 1.001 1 0.042 0.038 3.154 0.096 1.000 0.106 0.06 10% 0% 0% 10% 0.011 0.006 0.289 0.02S 0.303 0.000 0.08 0% 0% 5% 5% 0.000 0.004 0.784 0.03? 0.410 0.000 0.07 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.000 0.000 0.645 0.0CX iia 0.153 0.14 0% 15% 0% 15% 0.023 0.022 0.093 0.01' 0.146 0.106 0.04 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.000 0.000 0.444 O.OOC 0.000 0.153 0.14 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.000 0.000 0.075 0.00( 0.000 0.015 0.01 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.000 0.000 0.046 o.ooc 0.000 0.036 0.03 0% 0% 4% 4% 0.001 0.001 0.042 0.00 2 0.017 0.000 0.02 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.000 0.000 0.235 o.ooc 0.000 0.067 0.001 0.04 0.00 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0.007 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.118 0.010 om O.OOC 0.124 0.000 0.057 0.05 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.000 0.000 0.065 O.OOC 0.000 0.179 0.14 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.000 0.000 0.112 O.OOC 0.000 0.035 0.02 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.000 0.000 0.037 O.OOC 0.000 0.092 0.09 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.000 0.000 0.157 O.OOC 0.000 griculture | 4. KCA Input • LULUCF | 5. KCA Input - Waste | 6. KCA Input ¦ Other | 7. Approach 1 Level and Trend Approach 2 Lei /el and Trend | Methodology & Equations for Approach 1 Level and Trend The Base Year Level Assessment and Current Year Level Assessment are calculated by dividing the absolute value of the emissions or removals for a category by the overall emissions or removals for a given assessment year. The Trend Assessment Value is calculated using the equation selected by users in the KCA Parameters tab. Users can select either the equation from the 2019 Refinement (Figure 11) or the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (Figure 12). If activity was not occurring in the Base Year, then emissions and removals are zero in that year. If countries use the Trend Assessment Equation from the 2019 Refinement, they should indicate use of the Trend Assessment Equation and why it is more appropriate for their national circumstances, which includes using the latest guidance to better capture the influence of categories on the overall inventory trend. 20 ------- December 2024 Refinement - Equation 4.2 Trend Assessment (Approach 1) Where: Tx - trend assessment of source or sink category x in year t as compared to the base year (year 0) Ex 0 and Ex t = value of emission or removal estimate of source or sink category x in year 0 and year t V £ f and V Ej(j ~ total inventory estimates in years t and 0, respectively for i = 1,n Users have the option of using equation 4.2 in Chapter 4 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, as shown in Figure 12. If activity was not occurring in the Base Year (i.e., emissions and removals are zero in that year), users can instead select the 2006 equation, which will use the emissions/removals value from the first year when the activity started as the Base Year. Figure 12. 2006 IPCC Guidelines - Equation 4.2 Trend Assessment (Approach 1) Where: Tx,t = trend assessment of source or sink category x in year t as compared to the base year (year 0) I Ex,ol = absolute value of emission or removal estimate of source or sink category x in year 0 Ex t and Ex 0 = real values of estimates of source or sink category x in years t and 0, respectively Yj Ey t and X Ey,o = total inventory estimates in years t and 0, respectively y y Methodology & Equations for Approach 2 Level and Trend The Trend Assessment with Uncertainty is calculated by multiplying the Trend Assessment Value by the Total Uncertainty.9 The tool calculates the contribution to the trend by dividing the Trend Assessment with Uncertainty for a category by the overall Trend Assessment with Uncertainty. Step 4: Review Approach 1 and Approach 2 Level and Trend Assessments In tabs 'a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF and 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCI, key categories are summarized for Approach 1 Level and Trend assessments. For an Approach 1 assessment, key categories are those that add up to 95 percent when summed together, as defined in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The ETF offers developing countries the flexibility to identify key categories using a threshold between 85-95 percent.10 Note that the final list of key categories may change based on the selected threshold. Key categories are shaded in GREEN based on the threshold selected in the KCA Parameters tab. When a lower threshold is used, additional categories up to the 95 percent threshold are shaded in . Key categories are shown sorted largest to smallest. Due to rounding, some categories listed with 95 percent may not be shaded light blue and therefore are not considered key. Note that the cumulative total shown in the shaded cells may exceed the threshold value selected if the previous, second largest category's cumulative total does not meet or exceed the threshold value. For example, if a user elects to use an 85 percent threshold, the sum of the categories that get the user to the 85 percent threshold are 9 See 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Volume 1, Chapter 4, Equation 4.5 10 Under the MPGs, countries that apply this flexibility are required to clarify capacity constraints to using the higher threshold in their KCA and provide a self-determined estimated timeframe for improvements in relation to those constraints. Figure 11. 2019 Eqlation 4.2 (Updated) Trend assessment (Approach 1) K, -£.o IX -2Xo i Equation 4.2 Trend Assessment (Approach 1) T Ko| £ \Ey.01 |£j r I£..o y 21 ------- December 2024 key and shaded in GREEN. If the cumulative total for one category were to only reach 80 percent, the next category will be shaded in 3REET even if the cumulative total value is above 85 percent. Approach 1 Level and Trend Assessments The 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF tab includes the LULUCF sector. Table 7a-l identifies key categories for the Base Year, Table 7a-2 identifies key categories for the Current Year, and Table 7a-3 summarizes key categories from the trend assessment. Figure 13 shows an example of Tables 7a-l through 7a-3 with an 85 percent threshold. The 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF tab excludes the LULUCF sector. This exclusion provides required information on the level and trend assessment, without the influence of emissions and removals from the LULUCF sector, and can be compared to findings including LULUCF provided in Tables 7a-l through 7a-3. Table 7b-l identifies key categories for the Base Year, Table 7b-2 identifies key categories for the Current Year, and Table 7b-3 summarizes key categories from the trend assessment. See the example in Figure 14. Consistent with the example above with 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCI tab (Figure 13), an 85 percent threshold is used, the key categories are shaded in SREEN for the 85 percent threshold, and additional categories are shaded up to the 95 percent threshold. Note that all LULUCF categories (beginning with CRT Code 4) are removed from these tables and the key categories differ from Tables 7b-l through 7b-3 in the 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCI tab. 22 ------- December 2024 Figure 13. KCA Tool "7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF" Tab Approach 1 - Level Assessment Table 7a-l. Base Year (2022) Rank of Base Year Base Year Level Cumulative Value CRT Code Category Title Greenhouse Gas Estimates Assessment Total Estimate kt C02e Total 291,343 1.000 2.C.3 Aluminium Production Aggregate F-gases 198,900.0 0.683 68.3% l 3.A Enteric Fermentation CH4 28,000.0 0.096 77.9% 2 3.B Manure Management CH4 14,000.0 0.048 82.7% 3 5.A Solid Waste Disposal CH4 14,000.0 0.048 87.5% 4 1.A.2 Fuel combustion - Manufacturing Industries and Construction CH4 11,200.0 0.038 91.3% 5 2.B.9 Fluorochemical Production Aggregate F-gases 7,800.0 0.027 94.0% 6 1.A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries N20 3,975.0 0.014 95.4% 7 2.B Chemical Industry CH4 3,360.0 0.012 8 1.A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries CH4 2,520.0 0.009 97.4% 9 1.A.3 Transport CH4 1,400.0 0.005 97.9% 10 Table 7a-2. Current Year (2024) Rank of Current Current Year Level Cumulative Year Value CRT Code Category Title Greenhouse Gas Estimates Assessment Total Estimate kt co2e Total 227,396 1.000 2.C.3 Aluminium Production Aggregate F-gases 145,860.0 0.641 64.1% l 3.A Enteric Fermentation CH4 22,400.0 0.099 74.0% 2 3.B Manure Management CH4 13,720.0 0.060 80.0% 3 5.A Solid Waste Disposal CH4 12,600.0 0.055 85.6% 4 2.B.9 Fluorochemical Production Aggregate F-gases 9,100.0 0.040 89.6% 5 1.A.2 Fuel combustion - Manufacturing Industries and Construction CH4 8,400.0 0.037 93.3% 6 1.A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries N20 3,710.0 0.016 94.9% 7 2.B Chemical Industry CH4 2,800.0 0.012 96.1% 8 1.A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries CH4 2,240.0 0.010 9 1.A.3 Transport CH4 1,120.0 0.005 97.6% 10 Approach 1 - Trend Assessment Table 7a-3. Trend Assessment Base Year Current Year Rank of Estimates Estimates Contribution Cumulative Trend CRT Code Category Title Greenhouse Gas (2022) (2024) to the Trend Total Estimate kt C02e kt C02e Total 291,343 227,396 1.000 2.C3 Aluminium Production Aggregate F-gases 198,900.0 145,860.0 80% 79.6% 1 3.A Enteric Fermentation CH4 28,000.0 22,400.0 8% 88.0% 2 1.A.2 Fuel combustion - Manufacturing Industries and Construction CH4 11,200.0 8,400.0 4% 92.2% 3 5.A Solid Waste Disposal CH4 14,000.0 12,600.0 2% 94.3% 4 2.B.9 Fluorochemical Production Aggregate F-gases 7,800.0 9,100.0 2% 96.2% 5 2.B Chemical Industry CH4 3,360.0 2,800.0 1% 6 1.A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries CH4 2,520.0 2,240.0 0% 97.5% 7 1.A.3 Transport CH4 1,400.0 1,120.0 0% 97.9% 8 23 ------- December 2024 Figure 14. KCA Tool "7b, Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF" Tab Approach 1 - Level Assessment Table 7b-l. Base Year (2022) Category Title Greenhouse Gas Base Year Estimates ktC02e Level Assessmen Cumulative Total Rank of Base Year Value Estimate 290,693 1.00 1.A.2 2.B.9 1.A.1 2.B l.A.l 1.A.3 Aluminium Production Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Solid Waste Disposal Fuel combustion - Manufacturing Industries and Construction Fluorochemical Production Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries Chemical Industry Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries Transport Rice Cultivation Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries Other Prescribed burning of savannas Metal Production 6. KCA Input - Other I 7. Approach 1 Level and Trend I 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF Aggregate F-gases CH4 CH4 CH4 CH4 Aggregate F-gases N20 CH4 CH4 CH4 CH4 C02 C02 CH4 C02 198,900.0 28,000.0 14,000.0 14,000.0 11,200.0 7,800.0 3,975.0 3,360.0 2,520.0 1,400.0 1,400.0 1,000.0 700.0 504.0 500.0 0.6S 0.0? 0.CV 0.0^ 0.0- o.o: o.o: 0.009 0.005 0.005 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 68.4% 78.1% 82.9% 87.7% 91.5% 94.2% 95.6% 97.6% 98.1% 98.6% 98.9% 99.2% 99.3% 99.5% 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend I 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF Table 7b-2. Current Year (2024) Category Title Greenhouse Gas Current Year Estimates ktC02e Level Assessmen Cumulative Total Rank of Current Year Value Estimate 226,847 2.B.9 1.A.2 1.A.l 2.B l.A.l 1.A.3 Aluminium Production Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Solid Waste Disposal Fluorochemical Production Fuel combustion - Manufacturing Industries and Construction Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries Chemical Industry Fuel Combustion - Energy industries Transport Rice Cultivation Fuel Combustion - Energy industries Other Prescribed burning of savannas Metal Production 7. Approach 1 Level and Trend I 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF Aggregate F-gases CH4 CH4 CH4 Aggregate F-gases CH4 N20 CH4 CH4 CH4 CH4 C02 C02 CH4 C02 145,860.0 22,400.0 13,720.0 12,600.0 9,100.0 8,400.0 3,710.0 2,800.0 2,240.0 1,120.0 1,120.0 800.0 600.0 560.0 500.0 0.6^ 0.0? 0.0 f 0.0- 0.01 0.01 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 64.3% 74.2% 80.2% 85.8% 89.8% 93.5% 95.1% 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend I 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF 97.3% 97.8% 98.3% 98.7% 99.0% 99.2% 99.4% ... + Approach 1 - Trend Assessment Table 7b-3. Trend Assessment Greenhouse Gas Base Year Estimates (2022) kt C02e Current Year Estimates Contributioi (2024) totheTrenc ktC02e Cumulative Total Rank of Trend Estimate 290,693 226,847 1M Aluminium Production Enteric Fermentation ! Fuel combustion - Manufacturing Industries and Construction Solid Waste Disposal i Fluorochemical Production Chemical Industry l.A.l Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries 1.A.3 Transport Manure Management Rice Cultivation l.A.l Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries 1.A.1 Fuel Combustion - Energy Industries Other Prescribed burning of savannas Incineration and Open Burning of Waste 7. Approach 1 Level and Trend I 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF 198,900.0 28,000.0 11,200.0 14,000.0 7,800.0 3,360.0 2,520.0 1,400.0 14,000.0 1,400.0 3,975.0 1,000.0 700.0 504.0 420.0 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend I 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF Aggregate F-gases CH4 CH4 CH4 Aggregate F-gases CH4 CH4 CH4 CH4 CH4 N20 C02 145860.000 22400.000 8400.000 12600.000 9100.000 2800.000 2240.000 1120.000 13720.000 1120.000 3710.000 800.000 600.000 560.000 364.000 79.7% 88.1% 92.3% 94.4% 96.4% 97.6% 98.0% 98.5% 98.9% 99.3% 99.6% 99.7% 99.8% 99.9% Approach 2 Level and Trend Assessments In the 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF and 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF tabs, key categories are summarized for Approach 2 Level and Trend assessments. Key categories are shaded in up to the 90 percent threshold. Per the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, for an Approach 2 level assessment, "the key categories are those that add up to 90 percent" when summed together. These key categories are sorted from largest to smallest. Due to rounding, some categories listed with 90 percent may not be 24 ------- December 2024 shaded and therefore are not considered key. The 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF tab includes the LULUCF sector. Table 8a-l identifies key categories for the Base Year, Table 8a-2 identifies key categories for the Current Year, and Table 8a-3 summarizes key categories from the trend assessment. See the example in Figure 15. Figure 15. KCA Tool "8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF" Tab Approach 2 - Level Ass< Table 8a-l. Base Year (2022) Base Year Estimates (kt C02e) Level Assessment Total Combined Uncertainty Level Assessment with Uncertainty Relative Level Assessment with Uncertainty Cumulative Total 647,084 1.000 0.003 1.000 26,500.0 0.041 0.040 0.002 0.545 54* 5,656.0 0.009 0.050 0.000 0.145 69* 3,180.0 0.005 0.081 0.000 0.132 82* 4,228.0 0.007 0.050 0.000 0.109 93* 2,800.0 0.004 0.030 0.000 0.043 2,222.0 0.003 0.020 0.000 0.023 100% 45.0 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.002 100% 100.0 0.000 0.020 0.000 0.001 100% IE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 19,875.0 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 55,594.0 0.086 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 42,515.0 0.066 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 1,515.0 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 66,780.0 0.103 0.000 0.000 100% 67,280.0 0.104 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% NA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 420.0 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 2.0 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 0.000 100% 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF | 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF | 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCI © Current Year Estimates (kt C02e) Level Assessment Total Combined Uncertainty Level Assessment with Uncertainty Relative Level Assessment with Uncertainty Cumulative Total 420,295 1.000 0.007 1.000 14,310.0 0.034 0.081 0.003 0.399 40% 55,456.0 0.132 0.020 0.003 0.384 78% 13,250.0 0.032 0.040 0.001 0.183 97% 1,400.0 0.003 0.030 0.000 0.015 700.0 0.002 0.050 0.000 0.012 99% 420.0 0.001 0.050 0.000 0.007 100% 50.0 0.000 0.020 0.000 0.000 100% 50.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% na 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% NA 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.000 100% 51,515.0 0.123 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 78,881.0 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% NA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 35,510.0 0.084 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 61,800.0 0.147 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 45.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 3,444.0 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 1.0 aooo 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF B 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF fl 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCI © Table 8a-3. Trend Assessment Base Year Estimates (2020) Current Year Estimates (2022) Combined Uncertainty Trend Assessment with Uncertainty Relative Level Assessment with Uncertainty Cumulative Total 647,084 420,295 1.000 1.00< 2,222.0 3,180.0 26,500.0 5,656.0 4,228.0 2,800.0 45.0 100.0 IE 19,875.0 55,594.0 42,515.0 1,515.0 66,780.0 67,280.0 NA 55,456.000 14,310.000 13,250.000 420.000 700.000 1.400.000 NA 50.000 50.000 51,515.000 78.881.000 NA 35,510.000 61,800.000 45.000 3,444.000 1.000 0.020 0.081 0.040 0.050 0.050 0.030 0.100 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7a. Approach 1 KCA LULUCF I 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF I 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend 0.358 0.301 0.178 0.088 0.059 0-014 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF 0.35 0.30 0.17 0.08 0.05 0.014 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 36% 66% 84% 92% 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUC ... © 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 25 ------- December 2024 The 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF tab excludes the LULUCF sector. Table 8b-l identifies key categories for the Base Year, Table 8b-2 identifies key categories for the Current Year, and Table 8b-3 summarizes key categories from the trend assessment. Like the 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF tab, key categories are shaded in and sum to 90 percent. See the example in Figure 16. Note that all LULUCF categories (beginning with CRT Code 4) are removed from these tables and the key categories differ from Tables 8a-l through 8a~3 (as shown in Figure 15). Figure 16. KCA Tool "8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF" Tab Approach 2 - Level Asse Table 8b-l. Base Year (2022) Base Year Estimates (kt CO .e) Level Assessment Total Combined Uncertainty Level Assessment with Uncertainty Relative Level Assessment with Uncertainty Cumulative Total 641,918 1.000 0.003 1.00< 26,500.0 0.041 0.040 0.002 0.54! 54% 5,656.0 0.009 0.050 0.000 0.14E 69% 3,180.0 0.005 0.081 0.000 0.13; 82% 4,228.0 0.007 0.050 0.000 0.10! 93% 2,800.0 0.004 0.030 0.000 0.04; 2,222.0 0.003 0.020 0.000 0.023 100% 45.0 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.002 100% 100.0 0.000 0.020 0.000 0.001 100% IE 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 19,875.0 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 5S,594.0 0.087 0.000 0.000 100% 42,515.0 0.066 0.000 O.OOO 100% 1,515.0 0.002 0.000 0.000 100% 66,780.0 0.104 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 67,280.0 0.105 0.000 0.000 100% 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF I 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend I 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF Table 8b-2. Current Year (2024) Current Year Estimates (kt CO^e) Level Assessment Total Combined Uncertainty Level Assessment with Uncertainty Relative Level Assessment with Uncertainty Cumulative Total 409,902 1.000 0.007 1.000 14,310.0 0.035 0.081 0.003 0.399 40* 55,456.0 0.135 0.020 0.003 0384 78% 13,250.0 0.032 0.040 0.001 0.183 9796 700.0 0.002 0.050 0.000 0.012 99% 420.0 0.001 0.050 0.000 0.007 100% 50.0 0.000 0.020 0.000 0.000 100% 50.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% na 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% NA 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.000 100% 51,515.0 0.126 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 78,881.0 0.192 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% NA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 35,510.0 0.087 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 61,800.0 0.151 0.000 0.000 0.000 100% 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF I 8. Approach 2 level and Trend I 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF UEjjgg]... © Table 8b-3. Trend Assessment Base Year Estimates (2020) Current Year Estimates (2022) Combined Uncertainty Trend Assessment with Uncertainty Relative Level Assessment with Uncertainty Cumulative Total 641,918 409,902 urn 2,222.0 3,180.0 26.500.0 5.656.0 4.228.0 2,800.0 45.0 100.0 IE 19,875.0 55,594.0 42,515.0 1,515.0 66,780.0 67,280.0 55,456.000 14.310.000 13,250.000 420.000 700.000 1,400.000 NA 50.000 50.000 na 51,515.000 78.881.000 NA 35,510.000 61,800.000 0.020 0.081 0.040 0.050 0,050 0.030 0.100 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.358 0.301 0.178 0.088 0.059 0.014 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.351 0,30: 0-17J 0.08i 0,05? 0.014 0.002 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 36% 66% 84% 92% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 7b. Approach 1 KCA No LULUCF I 8. Approach 2 Level and Trend I 8a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF - © Step 5: Review Key Categories The tab provides a summary of all key categories from tabs 7 and 8. A layout of the tab is provided in Figure 17. A category can be considered a key category for a total of 12 26 ------- December 2024 unique assessments under Approach 1 and Approach 2, as summarized in the following tables. Refer to Figure A-l for further information on Approaches and Levels. Figure 17. KCA Tool "9. Key Results" Tab Layout Approach 1 Base Year () Current Year () Trend Assessment Assessment Base Year Level 1 Assessment with LULUCF Base Year Level 1 Assessment without LULUCF Current Year Level 1 Assessment with LULUCF Current Year Level 1 Assessment without LULUCF Trend 1 Assessment with LULUCF Trend 1 Assessment without LULUCF Shorthand LI LULUCF LI No LULUCF LI LULUCF LI No LULUCF T1LULUCF T1 No LULUCF Approach 2 Base Year () Current Year () Trend Assessment Assessment Base Year Level 2 Assessment with LULUCF Base Year Level 2 Assessment without LULUCF Current Year Level 2 Assessment with LULUCF Current Year Level 2 Assessment without LULUCF Trend 2 Assessment with LULUCF Trend 2 Assessment without LULUCF Shorthand L2 LULUCF L2 No LULUCF L2 LULUCF L2 No LULUCF T2 LULUCF T2 No LULUCF Each key category assessment approach has its own column. If a category is considered key for one of the key category assessments, the rank of the category for that assessment populates. These ranks can be found in the tables from abs 7a, 7b, 8a, and 8b. The KCA Threshold is populated from the KCA Parameters tab. On the ). KCA Results tab, there is a link to allow users to return to the KCA Parameters tab and select another threshold value to see which categories are considered key under an alternate KCA threshold (see Figure 18). Figure 18. Threshold Values Reference Box from KCA Tool "9. KCA Results" Tab KCA Threshold Return to the 'KCA Parameters' worksheet to change the KCA Threshold and see which key categories are identified using an alternate threshold. Return to KCA Parameters Below: 95% KCA Parameters Figure 19 shows an example of Table 9-1 from the KCA Results tab. In Figure 19, 2.B.2 - Nitric Acid Production - N2O category is a key category under all 12 possible key category assessments. For the Base Year Level 1 Assessment without LULUCF, this category ranks first. Alternatively, 4.A.1 - Forest Land Remaining Forest Land - C02 category is only a key category for a single Approach 2 key category assessment with LULUCF. 27 ------- December 2024 Figure 19. KCA Tool "9. KCA Results" Tab Table 9-1. Key Categories Summary Table Key Categories 1.A.1 - Fuel Combustion - Energy industries - Gaseous Fuels - CQ2 Identification Criteria Base Year (2020) LI LULUCF LI No LULUCF Approach 1 Current Year (2022) LI LULUCF LI No LULUCF Trend Assessment Li LULUCF T1 No LULUCF L2 LULUCF Base Year (2020) L2 No LULUCF Approach 2 Current Year (2022) L2 LULUCF L2 No LULUCF Trend Assessment L2 T2 LULUCF No LULUCF 2.B.2 - Nitric Acid Production - N2Q 2.B.5 - Carbide Production - CH4 3.A.1-Cattle-CH4 3.A.3-Swine-CH4 4.A.1 • Ffiffst [ and Remaining Foren 1 and - CO? 4.A.2 - Land Converted to Forest Land - C02 5.D - Wastewater Treatment and Discharge - industrial - N20 28 ------- December 2024 Step 6: Review Notation Key Summary A list of all categories with notation keys for each sector is displayed in 10. Notation Key Summary. Scroll through each table to see which categories have notation keys. Use the filtered columns to filter by Sector, CRT Code, Category, Gas, Base Year, and Current Year. If a category is not currently estimated (NE), based on national circumstances, compilers should consider if it should be key from a qualitative perspective. The following examples are given by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and 2019 Refinement as considerations for qualitatively determining key categories: No quantitative assessment of uncertainty. Where Approach 2 KCA is not used, inventory compilers are still encouraged to identify categories that are assumed to contribute most to the overall uncertainty as key, because the largest reductions in overall inventory uncertainty can be achieved by improving estimates of categories having higher uncertainties. • Completeness. If there are known categories that are excluded from the inventory due to use of flexibilities in light of capacities (e.g. fluorinated gas emissions), inventory compilers can research data from countries with similar national circumstances or approximate activity data (see the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Volume 1, Chapter 2) to make a preliminary determination as to whether a category should be considered key. • Expected growth. Inventory compilers can use expert judgement to qualitatively assess which categories are likely to show a substantial increase of emissions or decrease of removals in the future, identifying such categories as key. See the example 10. Notation Key Summary tab in Figure 20. Figure 20. KCA Tool "10. Notation Key Summary" Tab 10. Notation Key Summary Instructions: This worksheet provides a summary of all categories with notation keys for each sector. Scroll through the table to see which categories have notation keys. Use the filtered columns to filter by Sector, CRT Code, Category, Gas, Base Year, and Current Year. If a category is not currently estimated (NE), consider it key from a qualitative perspective. Table 10-1. Categories with Notation Keys Sector CRT Code Category Gas Base Year (2020) - Current Year (2022) * Energy 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels C02 IE Energy 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels N20 na Energy l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels C02 NA Energy 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Solid Fuels CH4 C C Energy l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries ¦ Gaseous Fuels C02 NE NE Energy l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Gaseous Fuels CH4 NE NE Energy 1.A1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Gaseous Fuels N20 NE NE Energy 1.A1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Other Fossil Fuels C02 NE NE Energy 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Other Fossil Fuels CH4 NE NE Energy 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Other Fossil Fuels N20 NE NE Energy 1.A.1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Peat CH4 NA NA Energy 1.A1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Peat N20 NO NO Energy 1.A1 Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Biomass CH4 IE IE Energy l.A.l Fuel combustion - Energy Industries - Biomass N20 IE IE IPPU 2.A2 Lime Production C02 NA IPPU 2.A3 Glass Production C02 C C IPPU 2.C.1 Iron and Steel Production C02 NA IPPU 2.E Electronics Industry CF4 NE NE Agriculture 3.A.l.a.i Dairy Cattle CH4 NE NE Agriculture 3.B. Non-dairy Cattle CH4 C C LULUCF 4.A.1.C Forest land remaining forest land - soil (mineral) C02 IE IE Waste 5.A Solid Waste Disposal - Industrial Solid Waste Disposal CH4 NE :a. Approach 2 KCA LULUCF I 8b. Approach 2 KCA No LULUCF | 9. KCA Results 10. Notation Key Summary © 29 ------- December 2024 Additional Information There are two BLACK tabs at the end of the tool that provide additional information. The GWP tab provides the 100-year GWP values from Table 8.A.1 in Appendix 8.A of Chapter 8 in the IPCC Working Group I Fifth Assessment Report11 and Table 7.SM.7, located in Chapter 7 in the IPCC Working Group I Sixth Assessment Report.12 At the bottom of each of the GWP tables, there are five yellow rows to enter any additional gases and GWP values not captured in the tables. Use the links to IPCC reports table to identify the correct GWP to use for any additional gas. The IPCC Codes tab provides a crosswalk of key category codes found in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (consistent with Vol. 1, Chapter 4, Table 4.1 excluding special considerations)13 and the CRT codes used in version 3.0 of the KCAtool. 11 SOD Ch08 All Final.pdf 12 13 Volume 1, Chapter 4, Table 4.1 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines suggests a level of aggregation for KCA. https://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.ip/public/2006gl/ 30 ------- December 2024 Appendix 1: Reference Information Figure A-l provides a table of definitions of terms used throughout the tool that is also provided on the General Information tab in the KCA Tool. Figure A-l. Definitions Table from the KCA Tool "General Information" Tab Approach 1 Definition The key category analysis is completed without incorporating uncertainties in emissions factor or activity data. Approach 2 The key category analysis is completed with uncertainties in emissions factor or activity data. The starting year for the national GHG inventory time series. See the MPGs for Base Year information on reporting requirements for time series, including start year (See Chapter II of Annex to 18 CMA.l). Emissions for the most recent year that the national GHG inventory was compiled. See Current the MPGs for information on time series reporting requirements, including Year requirements and flexibility in relation to the latest reported year in time series (See Chapter II of Annex to 18 CMA.l). Estimates In the context of this tool, estimates refer to both emissions and removals. A key category is one that is prioritized within the national inventory system because its Key estimate has a significant influence on a country's total inventory of greenhouse gases Category in terms of the absolute level, the trend, or the uncertainty in emissions and removals. Whenever the term key category is used, it includes both source and sink categories. Level Assessment A level assessment is the absolute level of emissions/removals for a particular year of interest. Any country that has developed a greenhouse gas inventory can perform an Approach 1 Level Assessment to identify the categories whose level has a significant effect on total national emissions and removals. Any country that has developed a greenhouse gas inventory AND has information on uncertainty values can perform an Approach 2 Level Assessment to identify the categories whose level has a significant effect on total national emissions and removals. The purpose of the trend assessment is to identify categories that may not be large enough to be identified by the level assessment, but whose trend is significantly Trend different from the trend of the overall inventory, and should therefore receive Assessment particular attention. The trend assessment identifies categories with trends that are different from the trend of the total inventory, regardless of whether the category trend is increasing or decreasing, or is a sink or source. 31 ------- December 2024 Figure A-2 provides a list of acronyms used throughout the tool that is also provided on the Informatio tab in the KCATool. Figure A-2. Acronym Table from KCA Tool "General Information" Tab Acronym Definition BTR Biennial transparency report CRT Common Report Tables Gg Gigagram GHG Greenhouse gas GL Guidelines GWP Global warming potential IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change KCA Key Category Analysis Kt Kilotons LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry MPG Modalities, Procedures, and Guidelines Figure A-3 provides the notation key acronym and definition table that is also provided on the Informatio tab in the KCATool. Notation keys are used in the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs if emissions or removals are not reported for a category. More information on the DARK BLUE KCA Input - Sector data input tabs are discussed under Step 2: Enter Emissions and Removals Data and Uncertainty Values in this Data Entry Guide. Figure A-3. Notation Key Table from KCA Tool "General Information" Tab Notation Keys for KCA Input - Sector Definition Data Input Tabs 1-6 For categories or processes, including recovery, under a particular source or sink NO (Not Occurring) category that do not occur within a Party. For activity data and/or emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs that have not been estimated but for which a corresponding activity may occur NE (Not Estimated) within a Party. For activities under a given source/sink category that do occur within the Party NA (Not Applicable) but do not result in emissions or removals of a specific gas. IE (Included For emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs estimated but included Elsewhere) elsewhere in the inventory instead of under the expected source/sink category. For emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs where the reporting would involve the disclosure of confidential information. If emissions are considered confidential, consider reporting emissions at a higher level of aggregation (e.g., category instead of sub-category) in order to assess C (Confidential) significance through the Key Category Analysis. For more information on notation keys, see Chapter II of Annex to 18 CMA.l. 32 ------- |